Suits You Sir

By Nicky Deu

Published on Nov 18, 2023


This is my first story. I think authoritarian stories are really hot and wanted to give writing one a go. Please send any feedback to me via email at: and I will take all constructive feedback on board before writing the sequel. Happy reading.

Suits You Sir

I was working in a suit shop, selling high end suits to men from all over the country. My boss, Bill, was a cool guy. He taught me all about measuring up and how a suit should fit. Over the 3 years that I worked for him he gifted me many suits, shirts and ties. I felt so good when I wore them. Bill always insisted that we should always attempt to look smart and presentable in the shop. Afterall, we were selling a smart item. Bill was a married man in his 50s and was a good man. He had 3 kids all of whom were grown up and either in college or working good jobs. I knew college wasn't for me so I decided to get this job as a stopgap to figure out what I wanted to do with my life. At 19, I felt like I didn't have to make the decision right now.

The shop was constantly busy and had a few regular customers. There was one guy called Thomas, who I found slightly creepy but endearing at the same time. Thomas was a rich and powerful man. He must have brought a new suit every 2 or 3 weeks. He came into the shop with his bodyguard and personal shopper. All 3 of these guys were burly and large. At 19 I was slim but tall and I had just started going to the gym on Bill's suggestion. He said I needed to fill out the shirts more. Thomas and his 2 guys who were called Kenny and Mike had come into the shop early and almost 3 hours later they were still trying to find the "perfect fit". Thomas was throwing a party in a few weeks and all 3 men needed suits. Bill and I were tending to their every need and even closed the shop to other patrons so we could give them our full attention. Kenny was a big man, he was tall and muscly, his skin was dark and perfect. Mike was slightly smaller but still towered over me. Thomas was the biggest of the 3, muscles galore and tall too. He was always tanned.

Thomas wanted me specifically to measure him up as he said I did such a good job last time. We went to the fitting room and I knelt down before him. He asked me to measure round his thighs - a request he had never made before. He told me he wanted the pants to be well fitted. I complied with his request, his legs were so big and wide that it was a struggle for me to reach round and measure up. I could have sworn I accidentally touched his manhood but he didn't say anything to me. I looked up at him and he smiled down on me. I carried on measuring up and wrote everything down. I asked if there was anything else he wanted to add, he said no and I went to leave the fitting room.

Thomas pulled me back in and said there was something. I politely asked what it was and to my shock he grabbed hold of his crotch. He candidly asked me if I liked copping a feel and I started to explain that it was an accident but he cut me off. He said it was okay and he knew a faggot when he saw one. I was shocked and immediately started to tell him that I wasn't one. Again he cut me off. He told me to get back down on my knees as he pulled out his massive cock. When I say massive it must have been 10 inches long and 5 inches wide. My eyes widened as I just stared at it in disbelief. "Put it in your mouth faggot". "I'm not a faggot" I snapped back. "Ha you think I give a fuck boy? Put it in your mouth". "I gotta go" I said as I attempted to leave the room. "You don't take instruction very well do you boy? I said, get on your fucking knees and put my cock in your fucking faggot mouth." Thomas said angrily. He started to push me down to the ground and I complied.

"Is everything going okay in there?" A familiar voice echoed through the closed door of the fitting room. It was Bill and I thought he was going to save me and have me come out of the room. "Yeah, all good Bill. Ryan is just helping me with some measurements. We may be together for a while so you help my boys out." Shit. I was trapped with nowhere to go. I was now on my knees and Thomas' cock was swinging in front of my face. It was huge and there was no way I knew how to suck cock. "Put it in your mouth boy". I took a deep breath and took the head in my mouth, already my mouth was filled. "Deeper." I could barely breathe but I took more of the huge member in my mouth. "Watch your teeth faggot." I had never sucked a cock before so I had no clue what I was doing. Thomas jerked and thrust his dick further down my throat which made me gag and choke. He laughed but kept going. I couldn't breathe and was gagging heavily. He laughed again and took his cock out of my mouth. "Maybe you ain't a faggot afterall, but after today you will be" he said menacingly.

He pulled me by my hair and stood me up. "How did my dick taste boy". By this point I felt like the only way I was going to get out of this in one piece was to comply. "It tasted good sir". He laughed again and said "Hmm, sir I like it". He grabbed hold of my tie and pulled me close to him. He kissed me but immediately put his tongue in my mouth. We kissed for what felt like an eternity and I think I liked it. Then he pulled away. "You have impressed me, Ryan. In all the time I have been coming here I have always wanted to fuck you. I think today might be the day. What do you think?" Fuck me?! I was terrified at this point. I had not even thought about a man in that way. I was too busy fucking pussy to even think about that. I liked pussy. But again, I feel like I had to comply. "Whatever you say sir" I almost whispered. I felt like a sissy. "Good." Said Thomas with a menacing grin. "See, you are a faggot afterall." I half smiled.

"Do you like your boss boy? Bill is his name right?" Thomas asked. "Yeah he's a cool boss sir" I replied. "Well boy, you are in for a shock. You see Bill asked me and the boys to come here today. We don't actually need suits. Bill wants to fuck you. But he wanted company. So here we are". "What?" I asked in disbelief. "You are going to have 4 cocks in you today boy and you are going to take them all" and with that he wolf whistled signaling the other guys to come into the room. Bill, Kenny and Mike all waded into the fitting room which was well equipped for the activities about to take place. There was a table in the middle of the room which is where I assumed my ass was going to be torn apart.

"Look Ryan, I know this may be a bit of a shock but trust me, you are going to have a good time" said Bill trying to justify what was about to take place. "Yo boss, is this puny little faggot gonna take all our dicks?" Kenny piped up. "This kid hasn't ever taken a dick before, you can tell." said Mike. "That is why we are going to show him how to take one, or 4" laughed Thomas. I was worried, these guys were huge. Thomas' dick was huge let alone the others. "There is no need to look worried boy, we are going to take good care of you. I came prepared" with that, Thomas pulled out a large tube of lube. "Okay, let's get this party started gentlemen," said Bill. He pulled me close to him and started to kiss me, putting his tongue in my mouth. Our tongues wrestled a little before he started kissing down my neck. He pulled on my tie and then let his hands wander down to my pants. He touched my dick which was semi hard, maybe I was a faggot afterall.

"The boy is getting hard, he is into men after all" exclaimed Bill. He started to undo my tie and unbutton my shirt. "The gym is working for you Ryan, you're getting buff by the day" he said. He then undid my pants which revealed my bulging underwear. The other guys were starting to get undressed too. Looking at their toned abs, I guess I was starting to get excited about the prospect of these guys fucking me. I was now butt naked and they were touching me all over, including my now hard cock. Bill held out a pair of jocks. "Put these on boy" and I complied. Mike was next to stick his tongue in my mouth, he was sensual and sexy with it. Then came Kenny, he was rougher but still gave passion with it. "On your knees boy," said Thomas. He came and stood in front of me and I knew what to do. I took his stiffening cock into my mouth and sucked on it. He thrust deep down my throat, I did gag a fair few times before I got into a rhythm and managed to take about half of it down my throat. "Yeah faggot, you're a good little cock sucker aren't you." I nodded whilst he rammed more of his hard cock down my throat. He was kissing Bill at the same time whilst Kenny was getting his huge black cock sucked by Mike. I could hear his moans and they were turning me on. Having Thomas' big cock in my mouth was also a turn on.

"I wanna see what we're working with here boss" said Kenny. He lifted me up and placed me on the table on my hands and knees. At this point Bill and Mike swapped positions. I was now sucking on Bill's big cock and Mike was sucking off Thomas. This left Kenny to explore and open up my ass. I felt his big finger start to finger the outside of my hole. Meanwhile I was gagging on the size of Bill's cock. It must have been bigger than Thomas'. "For someone who has never sucked a cock in his life, you are a natural boy" moaned Bill in complete pleasure. Meanwhile, Kenny was ready to take my anal virginity with a finger, he wasn't shy about it either. Up until that point I had remained relatively silent, but the finger in my butt made me squeal in pain. "Hell, this fucker is tight as fuck. He needs to be opened up" said Kenny. And with that went the second finger. This time I let out more of a pain noise and that seemed to spur him on more. His fingers which weren't small fucked my hole. He started to get faster and faster. He was satisfied that I was ready but wanted to get a taste of my hole first. He slipped in his tongue and fucked me with that for a while. "He is ready, boys," Kenny announced. With that I clenched my hole. But Kenny was sure to open it back up by sliding his fingers inside me. "Bill, take him," said Thomas.

I still couldn't quite get my head around what was happening. I was butt naked, with 4 other butt naked men who wanted to use me as their plaything. Whilst all this was going on in my mind I felt something at the entrance to my hole. It was the head of Bill's cock. I was on my knees with my ass out in the air, for anyone to take. Bill wanted it. "Ahhh" I screamed in pain as the head entered my hole. I was in agony and Bill knew it. "Ride through the pain boy, take it like a man," he said. It was so painful, I needed a distraction and to think about something else. And just like that the distraction came. I was sucking off Kenny's big cock. He was moaning in pleasure. "The boy has become an expert cock sucker in just half an hour," he laughed. Bill was all the way inside me with his cock now and he was thrusting hard. "I have wanted to fuck this hole since the day you walked through the door boy," he moaned as he fucked me harder and harder. "I can see why now," said Thomas who was still getting sucked off by Mike. Kenny was ramming his cock harder and harder down my throat. This was a distraction from the pounding my ass was getting from Bill who was very much enjoying burying his huge cock deep in my ass. "Okay, I think the boy can take it from me now," Thomas said. I looked around the room and all I could see were hard cocks and big men. They all wanted a piece of my ass and I was going to give them all what they wanted.

Next: Chapter 2

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