Sucking off my best friend

By Copper McAwesomeface

Published on Dec 13, 2015



This is a fictional story about homosexual acts between consenting adults. If viewing such material is illegal in your country then stop viewing now.

If you want to skip the storyline and get to the good part, look for the double line and read from there.

Slow saturday. Just chillin' back watching mediocre TV shows, downing a coupla beers, waiting for my friend Darren to turn up.

I glanced at the clock. "3:25" it said. I let out an impatient sigh, muttering to myself how he's over an hour late. I got out my phone and tried to call him.

"The number you have dailed has not-". I hang up, not caring to hear the whole thing. Must have had his phone turn off.

Screw it, I said to myself. I'm gonna order a pizza. I dailed a local restaurant.

"Hello this is Timmy's Fast Food Parlour, I'm Timothy, how can I help you?". I always thought if they changed their name they might be more famous.

"One margherita please, extra peppers and balogne. Delivered to Flat 32 at Broksfeld house." It was a small town, so I didn't need to elaborate my exact location.

"30 minutes sir. That will be around 10 dollars".

"Aight, peace bro". I hung up. Then literally 2 seconds later I hear a knock on the door.

Either it's Darren or Timmy's just stepped up their game. I opened the door, showing a slightly drenched Darren.

A little bit about him. He's 22 and he's an acrobat instructor at the gym. He also does part time work as a sports teacher at the nearby middle school, even though he's clearly smart enough to go after an easier, more well paying occupation [Then again, a box of nails is smarter than most gym teachers]. He's a mix of confidence of shyness, not particularily good in crowds, but doesn't mind speaking in front of a group, and has the bravado to match.

We known each other since late Elementary. He arrived a few months before it ended and we befriended each other when I saw him sitting under a tree, looking at everyone else play. A few compliments here, a few funny jokes there and we bonded in minutes.

I always took notice of him when we hit puberty. He grew from a scrawny, pot bellied kid into a pretty handsome, slender bodied, yet slightly muscular adonis. His fashion sense was pretty fly as well, favouring short, spiked hair and always dressing in clothes that showed off his frame.

That and and I got a few sneak peeks in the showers too. The last time I saw him he was a good 4 inches flaccid, nicely proportioned, and cut. I always wondered if he was a shower, or a grower [Secretly hoping to be the latter]. He had always kept a smooth body, since he wanted to be a model, as a result he never had much pubic hair.

While puberty hit most of us like trucks, his pubescence gently floated down from the heavens, gently kissed him on the cheek and gracefully ascended back into the clouds. He always kept that boyish, babyfaced look, yet he had the masculine features that let all the ladies know his body was ready for them.

Basically, he's the kind of guy you'd rub one out over a few times.

Darren: "Sorry I'm late dude" said in an exasperated tone. "Freakin' got pulled over because I ran a red light"

Me: "S'kay bro, did it go well?" I said, only slightly interested in what he was saying.

Darren: "It was that old cougar, Sharon"

Me: "Ho-ho! She totally has a big-time crush on you"

Darren: "Good thing too, otherwise I'd get a big fucken' fine"

Me: "Aight, well since you turned up I guess I gotta share my pizza when it arrives"

We mindlessly bantered for a few minutes, then we sat down on the couch and watched TV. A few more minutes passed after that. Darren protested about the channels available.

Darren: "I gotta say this dude, your TV kinda blows"

Me: "Hey it's terrestrial, whaddya expect?"

Darren: "Fuck it, I'm grabbin the beer", he said in a surrendered tone, moving to the kitchen in my studio flat

Me: "Well don't freakin' ask or anything!" I said in a raised voice, only to be returned by a one-fingered salute as he walked towards my fridge.

Darren returned with an already opened crate. He dug out a couple of cans and threw one my way. We opened them up and started to drink.

Me: "Wanna watch a movie online? I got an unlimited data plan"

Darren: "Sure, gonna be a coupla' hours before the club opens anyhow"

I opened up my laptop and types in my favourite video site, Only to be greeted by a popup of a "live stream" of an attractive woman masturbating on camera.

Me: "Fucken... I gotta reformat this piece of shit sooner or later", as I aimed my cursor to close the window

Darren: "Wait, wait a second bro... damn' she is hot!"

Me: "Heh, what is it with you and blondes?"

Darren: "Just my thing bro"

We locked eyes for a brief moment, then a grin appeared on his face

=============================================================================== ===============================================================================

Darren: "Dude, favourite sexual act after 3"

Darren: "One, Two Three-Titty fucking!"

Me: "Oral!", I immediately followed

Darren: "Aw man, I hate oral. It just never feels good for me.

Me: "What you mean bro? Oral is the best."

Darren: "I can never get off on it, not enough stimulation and most of them never enjoy it"

Me: "Maybe the girls you been with just don't know how to do it"

Darren: "You find a chick that can suck my dick as good as you say, gimme her number"

Me: "I don't know any" I said while drinking my beer.

At this point I realized I just implied that I was gay. An awkward silence followed with Darren staring wide eyed with his jaw almost touching the ground.

Darren "Dude, whaddya sayin? You're a faggot?"

Me: "Yeah dude... I thought you knew" I said, trying to play it off like it's not a big deal

Darren: "Damn... you think you know a guy"

More silence followed, as we sat there drinking our beers.

Darren: "So, what does a good blowjob feel like?"

I was shocked, I was thinking he would freak out or punch me in the face or something. My town isn't exactly tolerant of gay guys, and he was asking me what a blowjob from a guy felt like.

Me: "Well uh... definitely better than the ones I've gotten from girls. Imagine having your junk deep down inside someones throat, being jerked off while their tongue runs along your shaft, and licks around your head before they plunge down, swallowing your dick, forcing their mouth as far down as it can go, feeling the tight and lubricated feeling of their throat. Only to end with them moaning in pleasure when they swallow your load, idolizing your dick every second while they suck it."

Then there is Darren, staring at the laptop screen of the blonde chick, pitching a visable tent in his tracksuit pants. After a few seconds silence he noticed I stopped talking and that I was looking at him with amusement.

Darren: "Fuck, I'm jelly of you dude. I wish I had a blow like that" he said, blushing and adjusting himself to be less apparent.

Screw it. I'm so horny at the prospect of sucking off my best friend I'm gonna bite the bullet and throw it out there.

Me: "I could always show you what it feels like..."

Darren started at me for a few seconds, he put his beer down and looked away for a moment

Darren: "Fuck it, alright bro, but I ain't doing any of that other gay shit, you understand?"

My heart started pounding. I was finally going to blow someone I've been fantasizing about since my early teen years.

Darren, tampering with my laptop, deleted the link I put in for the video sharing website and went to a porn site. He went looking for a specific video and skipped forward. It had your typical Ugly-guy, Pretty-girl scenario.

Darren: "Give me a moment bro..."

I waited, glancing between the video, his cute face and the bulge in his pants, slowly being stroked by his left hand. After what seemed like an eternity he slowly pulled down his tracksuit bottoms, revealing tight, light grey boxer-briefs.

Now it was my turn for my jaw to drop to the ground. Darren was clearly holding out on me.

I sat there in awe, Darren's eyes fixed to the laptop screen, breathing heavily, then my eyes glanced back down to his crotch, his hand rubbing alongside his balls. It felt like I was staring at him for minutes, and I can stare for hours more if I had to, but my instincts were screaming inside of me; I have to have him right now.

Darren: "Alright dude..." he said in a quiet voice. I took this as my cue.

I lowered my self and positioned my torso between his legs, lying clumsily on his pants, pulled down just below his knees. I'm just staring at his bulge, it has to be around 7 inches long, and it has the thickness to back it up [Yeah I'm a size queen, so sue me].

I would love to savour this moment, but Darren might get cold feet if I mess around too much, so I grabbed the waist of his boxers and slowly pulled them down, the band dragging his dick down along with it, before eventually freeing itself, and bouncing up, standing a clear inch away from his body, the smell of his musk overwhelming me. I pulled away for a second, he didn't notice.

Don't get me wrong, I love the way a guy smells, but a strong odor takes a little time to get used to with a new guy. Like an acquired taste. Ain't surprising with him, since he's doing a lot of intense physical activity 5 days out of the week.

It was beautiful, almost featureless, save for a thick dorsel vein and a few others running along the sides. He had a deep, red head which pointed up slightly that was slightly thicker than the shaft, and the skin was taut all the way down to where it parts off to the ball sack.

I went back down and grasped my hand around the base of his cock. It felt like I was holding a bar of white hot steel encased in a silk sheath, the blood gently pulsing through it at a 100 beats a minute.

I lowered my head and placed my tongue at the base of his ballsack. moving upwards, and enveloping the head with my mouth. I started to swish around, dancing my tongue around the glans, jerking him off with my left hand, while my right hand moved to fondle his balls. He let out a soft moan as my tongue play grew more intense.

I moved my hand back to the base of his dick, and in one motion I lowered my head, forcing his cock deep into my throat.

He immediately let out a loud moan, and started to stroke the back of my head. I moved my head around while completely swallowing his dick, feeling it twist and move around my throat. He instinctively thrusted upwards, pushing what little exposed cock was left into my mouth, his hand holding my head down. I pulled up and played with his head a little more, then bobbed back down, my hand still firming grasping his shaft.

He started to squirm, his body tensing up every time I deepthroated him. His breathing becoming heavier and he was grasping my hair so hard it started to hurt. He was starting to force my head down onto him.

I moved my heads away from his crotch and placed them on his thighs. It was starting to get a little uncomfortable and I might need to push away soon.

Fuck me, he's stronger than I thought, which only made me more aroused. I was hypnotized by his magnificant dick, his wonderful musk, his ecstatic moans and his dominating strength. It was so powerful that I ignored the pain, even though it felt like my nose was going to break any moment.

Darren: "Dude, DUDE!..." He said with an urgent tone. As he pulled my head off his groin.

"Shit" I thought to myself, I think I did something wrong, but the thought was interrupted early.

Darren: "Lie down on your back along the sofa, I wanna try somethin'".

Without questioning him, I laid down along the chair, my legs dangling over the arm rest. My back laid down on the soft linen fabric.

He climbed on top. He lowered his twitching cock in my face, his tool staring me right in the eyes. He pointed it to my mouth. Like a suckling baby I opened up, and he guided it in. He then started thrust, fucking my throat.

I'm in heaven - I love it when a guy gets forceful, and at least now he isn't pulling my hair anymore.

He started off at moderate speed, thrusting all the way down and pull back up, allowing me to breath in rhythm, and then he starts going faster, and not going as shallow.

He was now holding his cock completely down my throat, taking me by surprise. I pushed him up for a moment, trying to resist his strong, bucking hips long enough to get a deep breath, then let him back down again. I was now holding my breath, letting him do what he wanted

My eyes were completely blocked by the bottom of his hooded sweatshirt, his balls rubbing along my chin as he keeps thrusting deep into my throat. Good thing I can hold my breath for a long time.

Seconds passed, and his moans became louder, the lack of oxygen making my hearing more vivid, and I could only hear my sucking, the springs of my coach creaking, his heavy breathing followed by his groans, and the sound of the actors in the porno he was watching.

Fuck it, if there's going to be a time for me to jerk off, it's now. I reached my hand into my trousers and started to furiously beat off.

I knew I wasn't gonna last long. I had too much pent up energy at that point, and I knew he was gonna blow his load as well.

He withdrew his arms and placed his chin on the opposite end of the sofa to hold himself up, placing his hands on my head to balance himself as he fucked my face. His moans getting louder.

Darren: "Fuck! I'm gonna come! I'm gonna come..."

He held himself down my throat for a few seconds, continuing to thrust, followed by a loud, quick groan, his cock twitching as he shoots his load into my throat, his abs flexing on my forehead every time his cock pulsates

Fuck... I can't hold it in anymore. As I reached climax, my crotch instinctively thrusted into the air, as if it was humping some imaginary hole, and with one final thrust, I shot my load inside my pants with a cock-shattering orgasm.

It momentarily stunned me, I felt like I was going to pass out, but as the orgasm faded I felt my hypnocampic relfex kicked in, and I started to push and beat on Darren's thighs. He lifted himself off of me, climbed off the sofa and sat down on the floor with his back resting against the chair. I gasped for air, coughing.

Darren: "Dude... that was fucken' amazing...."

Me: "heh, I told you guys are better at it then girls"

He turned around and looked at me, my head still resting on the pillows turned and looked back, both of us panting heavily

Darren: "Hey..."

I looked, my eyes locked into his...

Darren: "No homo"

We stared at each other for a few seconds, then burst out laughing, despite our mutual exhaustion. We then laid where we were for several minutes.

Fuck, my abs feel like they were kicked by a bull. They ached like hell.

Ding dong, the doorbell rang.

I perked up and sat upright.

Me: "Sweet, Pizza's here!"

Darren: "Oh good, I hope it's got pepperoni"

I hope you enjoyed the story. If you want more, contact me at

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