Sucking my roommate

By moc.liamtoh@puctna

Published on Apr 23, 2003



I went to a small Midwest college in the late 80's-- I was a much better than average looking guy and quite the ladies man or so I thought. I had never even thought about ever being with another guy until my senior year when a new roommate of mine lured me in if you will because of a dick that no one could overlook and end up not wanting. John was simply a lady-killer and his cock was well known in the sorority circles. He was probably a 7 on the scale but because of his "reputation" he was clearly a 10 in most of the ladies eyes!

JR and I moved into a big house off campus and literally the first day as he was getting out of the shower I could not help stare at his cock as he came out of the shower - but of course I felt funny so I kept this to myself at that time from taking it any further in my head. But as the weeks rolled by and the fact we didn't have a shower curtain on the shower, I caught myself taking more and more looks. Finally something happened that put me overboard. One day I came home to find john straddling a chick in the middle of the TV room with his monster between the tits of some chick I had never saw. For one we were all freaked out about me walking in, but when I saw that thing hard, I think that put me over -- it was easily the largest dick I had ever seen in person. That night I came home alone from some party and yep my mind took me to that scene and I ended up jacking off to thinking about it -- I remembered how close I got and the fact I could actually see his veins and how big his cock head was. It was a great fantasy and orgasm and I felt real guilty afterwards, but soon I was doing it all the time.

Then I wanted to take it a little further -- I wondered what it would be like to hold it, suck it and or taste it - I new I could somehow find the infamous cum towel every guy has by his bed somewhere and savor smelling and maybe tasting his cum. I simply could not believe I was thinking this but I kept going farther and farther in my mind night after night wondering. And finally that day came one morning as john left for class and sure enough a huge glob of cum on a towel next to his bed. My heart was racing and my 7.5-inch cock was never harder. I stroked and stroked and finally took some of his juice for lubrication and quickly blew a teenage load, which hit me in the face and was all over his bed. Now I was freaking but hooked on my roommates cock -- what was happening.

Then something made things even more interesting and ultimately made the whole thing eventually turn into a 10-year story. One day my girlfriend mentioned that my room mates girls friend who was close to my girl friend told him that she thought something was funny about John and his former college --she basically told my girlfriend that she had found some letter between john and another former room-mate when he was at another college. Basically she alluded to the words and tone was from a relationship of more than just room-mates. As amazed, as I was to hear this and shocked hearing about John the lady-killer. My cock got stiff thinking about the possibility of him being bi. My heart raced and my mind then went to the next level.

As the weeks passed I kept coping looks, jacking off and my fantasies got deeper and deeper. Basically all I wanted to do was have that cock in my mouth and taste him. As much as I thought about my girlfriend telling me that story, I never really though it could be true until of course a night that changed it all.

John and I were drunk and his chick was back home. We were sitting on the couch and of course the subject of us being so Horney came up. It was late and he was crouched down on the couch and the bulge of just his flaccid dick filled his shorts -- it was unreal what his cock was like not hard compared to any other cocks I had seen. All of a sudden he started talking about Blowjobs and the fact half the chicks just jack him off more or less because of his size. This was the first time we ever started talking about his dick and size. JR told me he urned for someone to really suck him off all the way and for god sake swallow his come and not stop in the middle of him coming. As the conversation continued, he said that he could care less who it was, all he wanted is his cock sucked. So now we are half drunk talking about cocks and sucking and I am dying. I laughed and said oh so your saying anyone could suck it boy, girl and you could care less. JR said yep -- a good blowjob is just that. I laughed and then it just came out -- ok whip it out and I blow you. He laughed and said you would do that for me roomy and I said absolutely anything for you buddy. The whole time I'm thinking this is no way a move by me but just a joke, and then JR stands up and pulls his cock out of his shorts and stood up in front of me as I was sitting on the couch. It was the closest I had ever been to a cock let alone his -- he moved over and said "ok buddy it's all yours suck me off". I was starting to get inkling that maybe this wasn't a joke. With that I moved closer and said ok here I go and quickly grabbed his half hard cock and gave it a tug. Again we laughed but he did not jump away or move. He then grabbed his cock and pumped it a few times and again I laughed and just said he had the hugest dick I had ever seen. He kept stroking it in front of me as it wa probably now half hard and said c'mon please suck me or make me cum -- I am so Horney. Finally I though I would make a move that I could regret forever -- I was going to jokingly lick his cock since he did not seem to care when I touched it -- so I said ok buddy come closer and I'll suck away. He took a step and literally his head was at my mouth and then I did it -- I licked him quickly and all he did was grab his cock so he could steer it into my virgin mouth. Next thing I know I have his head in my mouth and am actually sucking up and down and he is just standing there and then comes the moan. That's when I understood my fantasy was in my mouth and really going to happen. I then anted to savor it all and make sure if it never happened again, that at least I would remember everything about his cock. The look, his taste his actions of moaning and humping. His cock was unreal, beautifully hung and proportioned with monstrous balls that of course where shaven. As I continued to work his cock in my mouth more and more he was moaning how turned on he was and how good I was -- with that I pulled my cock out of my shorts and started jacking. I could taste what I knew was some of his cum and god it was awesome. I hade him in my mouth and totally in control -- now he would be mine as he wasn't going anywhere until he came.

Then he kind of freaked about being in the TV room with all the windows and all so he said he wanted to go up to the room -- god this was just unreal I thought. We ran upstairs and got naked and jumped on the mattress. I grabbed his cock and keeps sucking away, he asked me if I could take his load and I just moaned with his monster probably reality only a quarter in my mouth. It was so big and frankly my mouth was killing me but I wanted to taste him. He started humping faster and faster and then grabbed my head -- yelled are your sure you want it and again I moaned -- he was bucking really hard and we were both sweating I remember as we had no ac -- then I felt it -- a rifle shot of his young cum and then what felt like a thousand more and what I though was a bucket full -- I was so turned on and sucking as much as I could, but the forth or fifth shot made me gag and I pulled him out of me. There was cum everywhere and I remember the strong smell and taste of him -- it was better than I thought it would ever be. As I laid there we started laughing but he was also stroking my cum soaked hair -- it was great because I know as a guy when you cum and show any effect ion -- the other partner must have been pretty darn good -- JR stood up with his 9 inch cock still hard and said that he hoped we could do this every day -- I laughed and said we'll see - thought maybe I could tease him a little. I went down to get a beer and when I returned there he was naked on the bed with his huge cock sleeping -- I laid on the bed a jacked off so hard with the taste of him still in my mouth -- I blew in 1 minute.

That was the first of many blowjobs I gave JR. Even after we graduated I would visit him often and usually I would be sucking his cock in the car from the airport.

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