Such A Good Girl

By Arrietty

Published on Jun 9, 2015



Such A Good Girl (F/F. D/s, Spanking, Toys, Consensual) by Arrietty 2012 ================================================================================ It was about three months into my new job that my boss put the proposition to me. I was sat at the reception desk outside her office when she very calmly came and sat opposite me and explained, in detail, what would be required of me. Detail enough to make me wet, detail enough to make me say yes.She said she had been watching me, how I sit, how I dress... The way I smile when I bring tea to her in the morning and she liked it, she liked it a lot. In short, she wanted to be the boss of me in more ways than one. I would be at her beck and call within working hours, a situation that was only possible as it was just a two woman show here: receptionist and boss. I was to report to her every Monday morning, to tell her how my weekend had been. Had I been out, met anybody? Slept with anybody? Or had I stayed at home, indulged in my own fantasies and played alone? She wanted to know the details, intimately.I was excited... I had never done anything like this before. Of course I'd had a couple of boyfriends and I was quite adventurous in the bedroom, I enjoyed a good spanking, liked being told what a dirty bitch I was, one of my boyfriends had a thing for putting his had around my throat tightly whilst fucking me hard and rough... but that was private, that was in a normal relationship between two people who met naturally, who came to those acts gradually and never spoke of it outside of the bedroom. This... well, this was something quite different.She eased me in... I was so nervous the first time. I couldn' t wait, but at the same time I was terrified, this was brand new and I wanted to impress her. She called me into her office and, well I guess the best way to describe it was that she explored' me. She had me strip naked whilst she (fully dressed) explored every inch of my body. Her hands were gentle as they ran up the insides of my legs; stopping before they got to my pussy... she did it with my arms to, slowly, as if she was enjoying feeling every fine hair which stood up on end to her attention. She then ordered me to lie on my back whilst she examined' my pussy... She was gentle, a little too gentle. She didn't really do anything to it, just looked at it, ran her fingers over my lips, first on the outside and then separated them so that she could do the same on the inside. Whilst doing this, she asked gently how many boyfriends I'd had? (2) Had I ever had anal sex? (No) Had I ever had sex outside? (Yes) Had I ever slept with a woman? (No) Did I enjoy giving my previous boyfriend's blow-jobs? (Yes). My heart was pounding, but she seemed to approve. After that she told me to get dressed and sent me back out to my desk, to carry on working as nothing had ever happened, of course this is what I did, it wasn't up to me to demand more.This was weeks ago though, things have developed since then. I have enjoyed being called into her office on a number of occasions. Sometimes she likes to watch me masturbate... she sits behind her desk and instructs me to play on the couch opposite her, her therapist's couch, where she sees clients every day. Other times she demands I remove my underwear before I even have the chance to sit behind my own desk in the morning and then she spends the day coming up with errands I must run. There are times when from the room across the corridor she emails me... She emails me descriptions of what she'd like us to do, clips of porn she likes to watch and then at the end of the day she casually says her good byes and leaves... leaving me to lock up, dripping wet and disappointed that on this occasion I wasn't called into her office and longing to get home so that I can satisfy myself with thoughts of what's yet to come.I've been to her house a couple of times... She doesn't ever really relax at work, I had never seen her nake d until a few weeks into this when she took me `home'. As soon as we got through the door she seemed different... she kissed me, something she hadn't done up until this point. I was excited, eager. Over the weeks I had longed to see her naked, longed to explore every inch of her body as she had done to mine, and here she was, slipping off her shoes, unbuttoning her blouse... Those magnificent breasts, larger than mine but not too large. I reached around and undid the zip at the back of her skirt and she stopped kissing, she took a step back and stood looking at me for a moment before she spoke:"Did I ask you to unzip my skirt?"I blushed and suddenly felt very foolish, what was I thinking?! "No...""No... what?""No Miss""That's better. Are you sorry?"I nodded, urgently "I really am, it won't happen again, I'm sorry"Her face relaxes, my apology accepted. "Just remember who is in charge here young lady. You do as I request, you do not take liberties and you do not act upon your own desires unless I give you permission to do so. Understood?"" Understood""Good..." She turned around. "Now, zip my skirt back up please."It pained me to do so... I have never had my hands so close to her bottom before, never been so close to feeling the curves of it, to see how the small of her back forms so perfectly into the top of her buttocks. I noticed she was wearing sheer black panties and I wondered how wet they are, if at all."What is taking so long?" Her voice was firm."I'm sorry Miss."I zipped the skirt back up hurriedly and she turned to face me, her face softened from a moment ago." Good"My panties were dripping wet; I know that without even touching them. They were wet before we even got here, but this last exchange had almost pushed me to the point of distraction. I wanted her to touch me, to lick me to do whatever she desired with my weak and willing body, she was in complete control of me, I was losing composure."Take your dress off."I did as she said, my hands beginning to tremble. It was summer and my dress was made of a thin material. I stood before her in my white bra and panties... she had instructed me to wear white that day."Bra." She held out her hand and I released my breasts from their cotton constraints and placed my bra gently into her out held hand. I was aware then that I was trembling, goose pimples were on my skin like pinpricks, despite the warmth of the summers evening. My nipples were erect, dark against the milky whiteness of my skin. She smiled."There is wine in the kitchen. Go and get it and bring it to the lounge, I'll be waiting."I did as she said. The kitchen was huge and very contemporary. It only served to remind me of the power she had over me. If she was to see my kitchen, small and old fashioned in comparison to this, then she would no doubt laugh. A bottle of red was on the worktop next to the cooker, a glass already drunk and a stopper filling the space left by the removed cork. I imagined her drinking that first glass... returning from work and relaxing on the settee, kicking her shoes off. Did she simply switch the television on or did she lie there and think of me? Picture me masturbating for her or imagine me with my boyfriends as her hand slipped between her legs... No, that's foolish and vain, I scolded myself as I took two glasses from the draining board and I tried to re-assure myself that they had just been left there for me to easily find.I walked through to the living room, startlingly aware of my exposed breasts. The lighting was soft and the décor was warm, inviting. She had put some music on... a woman singing softly. I stared in wonder at her, sat on the settee, stark naked. Her skin seemed to glow in the soft light and she smiled at me as I put the bottle and the two glasses on the coffee table." Pour me a glass." She instructed, and I did so. I was gasping for a drink, but I replaced the stopper and set it back onto the table. She took the glass from me and took a sip. I watched her close her eyes and relax as she swallowed, a smile forming on her face."You surprised me out there" She said quietly, her eyes still closed."I did?" I felt that she must surely hear the trembling in my voice, the nervousness of anticipation."I always thought you were an obedient little girl."Little girl. Little. Girl. She must be... Five years older than me, but she thought of me as a little girl, smaller than her, beneath her in every way. The thought fascinated me, pleased me in a strange way."I am. I'm sorry, it won't happen again.""Too right it won't." She opened her eyes, dark and bold and stared at me. "I feel I should make you aware of the consequences of actions that you take."I swallowed hard, desperate for a drink... even just a glass to hold, to stop my hands from trembling. I glanced at the bottle."You would like a drink?"I nodded, and then remembered the position I was in "Yes please.""Then pour yourself a small glass" I took the stopper out and poured a little wine into my glass... not even to the halfway point and I couldn't help myself, I gulped it down in one. The warm red nectar a welcome relief to the dryness of my throat, I heard her laugh gently."Good girl." She leaned forward and put her glass next to my empty one on the coffee table. "Now, I want you to take those panties off and kneel in front of me."I did as she said, the carpet soft on my knees, the wine and the gentle voice of the singer filling my mind."Look at me." I looked up and she cupped my face in her hands. "You are such a pretty little slave girl."A warmth rose inside of me, to receive a compliment from someone so completely in control of my actions felt wonderful. She opened her legs and for the first time I caught a glimpse of her pussy in all of its splendid glory, how I had imagined and waited for this moment! She moved her hands to the back of my head and guided me towards it... she wanted me to lick her, panic rose up inside of me, I had never done this before, what if I was a big disappointment? "Just relax..." she said softly. I could feel warmth radiating off of her, a familiar faint smell and then I was there, between her legs, the softness of her lips and the slightly tangy taste of her juices on my tongue. "Good girl..." She muttered quietly, she was leaning back now, I pictured her face in my mind, her eyes closed as they were a moment ago, enjoying the sensation of an unfamiliar tongue licking her. Surely she must have longed for this moment too? I ran my tongue up the length of her slit, lingering around her clitoris and I heard her moan gently. Her hand was still on the back of my head and she pushed me gently, I increased the pressure of my tongue on her clit, circling it in slow but firm motions. She moaned again, a beautiful sound. My own pussy was so wet by this point and I longed to be able to move my right hand to between my legs... it felt like it would only take seconds of rubbing my own clit to bring me to the most amazing climax... but I didn't dare. She was moaning more now, and my tongue was moving faster. I wanted to taste more of her, I couldn't get enough, I wanted to lick and suck and push my tongue inside of her, I wanted her to come, to have those glorious juices all over my face... what a privilege it was to be allowed to be this imitate with her. I felt her shift and she tapped the back of my head, I didn' t want to stop but I raised my head... "What a good girl you are." She smiled and left forward and kissed me... tasting her own juices from my lips. "Now...

"She pulled back and looked at me for a moment. "On all fours."Of course I turned around and did as she said, how could I not? I sensed her reach to the coffee table and pick up her glass, shifting that perfect bottom of hers close to the edge of the luxurious settee. She took a couple of sips, took her time. I could feel her eyes on the crack of my own bottom, the slit of my pussy. Surely she must have clearly been able to see the wetness that seemed to have engulfed all of me, the desperation that must be so clear. She placed her wine glass gently on the table and my heartbeat quickened; I could hear it in my own ears. My knees felt like they would give way at any moment, I had to concentrate, I couldn't let her down. I had no idea of what she was about to do... The first slap across my buttocks made me gasp. It stung, my senses gloriously heightened by how turned on I was. With the same hand she slapped my other cheek, harder and again, repeatedly. "I don't like little slaves who get above their station." She said quietly in between slaps. " What do you say?"I tried to catch my breath "I'm... I'm Sorry?"She slapped again, a slap so hard that it made me cry out."You've said that. Three times." She leant forward, her body reaching across my reddened skin, her breasts gently hovering above my back. "What do you say to a lady that teaches you a valuable lesson?"My brain couldn't think quickly... I didn't know, all I could focus on was the wetness between my legs, the stinging sensation across my buttocks and my need for more. She sounded impatient now "You thank me." Of course, of course I should thank her."I'm sorry, thank you.""Good girl. " She moved her body back and slapped me again "Say it.""Thank you."She slapped again."Thank you.""Goooood. See, you can be an obedient little girl when you want to be.""Thank you Miss"Again a slap "Thank you."I expect another slap but instead her hand rests on my right cheek. "Your arse is so red... ." She says"Thank you" I whispered, it stung, anticipating more. But she didn't slap me again, she gently stroked me, she ran a single finger down my slit and when she spoke she seemed genuinely surprised."Oh my... You are so wet." I tried to sense from the tone of her voce whether this pleased her... I soon got my answer. "I have just the thing for a dripping wet pussy. Stay there" Her last command was firm, needlessly firm. I don't think I could have moved my body even if I wanted to, I seemed fixed to the spot, my knees sore and my arms feeling the strain. I watched her perfect arse leave the room and I heard her climb the stairs, she was gone for what seemed like forever and the desire to touch my own pussy was overwhelming. Just as I was thinking that I couldn't bear it a minute longer she walked back in, casually, taking her time. I stared at the strap-on that she had dressed herself in and although it didn't seem at all possible, my pussy seemed to flood again. She didn't come behind me though; she stood in front of me, the long rubber dick in front of my face."Suck it." She ordered. I opened my mouth and did as she said. I could taste her and I slowly realise why she took so long. I wonder if she brought herself to orgasm upstairs or if she was tempted by the phallic object that she held in her hands and decided just to fuck herself gently. I pictured her led upon a bed I had never seen, this large fake dick between her legs, building a rhythm, pushing deeper, knowing I was downstairs desperately waiting."Good girl." She said again, her hands gently forcing the back of my head forwards, the dildo made me gag and she pulled it free from my mouth. She bent down in front of me so that we're face to face "We' ll have to put those skills to use sometime, don't you think?"I nodded. The thought of sucking a real dick right at that moment, to taste its cum and have it across my face, across my breasts whilst she watches was unbearable."I was hoping you would agree." She smiled as if I had just agreed to draw up a spread sheet for her. "Now. Crawl!"Her demand surprised me, but obediently, as she stepped out of the way, I crawled forwards, the reasoning becoming clear as she moved behind me."Stop." Her voice was firm. I stopped abruptly. The new patches of carpet underneath my elbows and knees feeling alien and strange.I felt the dildo push against my dripping wet pussy and I wanted to force myself onto it, I wanted it to fill me and I wanted her to fuck me so hard that I had no choice but to scream out. But this isn't down to me, she is in control, I am to do as she desires, my needs are unimportant. The tip of the dildo nudged its way inside of me, just the tip. It took every ounce of strength not to act upon my desires, the only thing stopping me was the thought of the punishment that would surely ensue... she could order me to get dressed and send me home, I couldn't face that, I needed her to fuck me." Sit up." She demanded. I tried to do as she said, my back welcoming the move after being bent over for so long. In my movement it would have been impossible for the dildo to not push its way in slightly further and I moaned as it did so. She didn't seem to mind and she guided me upwards, until I was almost sat on her lap, half the length of the dildo inside my aching, dripping hole. Her hands cupped my breasts, teasing the nipples, pinching them and making me want to cry out. "Goooood." She said softly into my hair. "When I interviewed you, all I could imagine was you pert little breasts underneath that blouse, did you know that?" I shook my head. "No." She says "No... you wouldn't have, would you?" I shook my head again, no... I'd had no idea then of the delights that were awaiting me. "Ride me." She whispered and that was it, I was granted permission to sit properly on that glorious dick, to feel it push all the way inside of me, I fucked it, I fucked it hard, not caring that it made me moan. I felt her hand guide my own towards my clitoris " Come for me!" She whispered, her voice slightly hoarse... Touching my clit felt amazing, never had my own fingers felt so welcome. I eased myself fully onto the dildo, feeling it fill me and I rubbed my clit hard, her hands were on my breasts again and she took full advantage of them, pinching my nipples hard. I had never felt such sensations as those that were filling my body right then. She had watched me come before of course, but she was with me now, she too was naked, I had tasted her, I had heard her moan. It was because of her that this magnificent dildo was filling my pussy, making me scream with pleasure, my juices were dripping onto her pussy... this was my final thought, the thought that pushed me over the edge, her pussy wet with both of our juices. My orgasm was astounding; I had never felt so completely consumed with the waves of pleasure that surged through me... and then it was over, my body was weak, ravaged by her teasing... all that anticipation, the spanking across my bottom which still felt hot and I was sure would sting tomorrow and that dildo... the dildo that was still inside me as I leant back onto her chest. "Good girl." She whispered "Such a good girl." ============================================================================

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