Successful Trip to Scout Camp

By libra

Published on Feb 21, 1999


Greets, all. This story is based upon a true experience, but the conversations aren't verbatim. Even though these aren't the exact words, I have written these to express the idea of what was said. I have also changed the names of places and people. All of the usual disclaimers apply.

Anyways, if you like it or care to express any comment, you can reach me at Flames will be read, laughed at - and ignored.

------------------------------ Scout Camp - Part 1 ------------------------------

Once again, summer was starting. This meant, as it had for the previous five summers, that it would be spent going to Boy Scout Camp. Most of my closest friends were fellow scouts, so this was something I looked forward to. I was an experienced scout, one with the position of Senior Patrol Leader. This meant that my job was to lead the troop on a successful trip. Most of the guys I had grown up with were older then me - and as a result graduated from the troop. This year would be different - a flock of new younger troops. Greens. All of the usual pranks would happen, making life all that more interesting for the newbies. But there were a few guys left in the troop that were old hands at camping - one guy being Dave.

Before I continue, let me tell you a little bit about myself. At the time, I was 16 and in 10th grade. I had only been in this particular troop for 2 years, having left my "home" troop to help get this one started. Also, because Dave was in this other troop. You see, at the time I didn't admit it to myself - but I was gay... or bi. Bi seemed easier to swallow, no pun intended. Heh. Anyways, my family life wasn't great, nor was school - so I turned to Scouts to get the enjoyment out of life everyone deserves. I wasn't a hardcore Scout, just someone who enjoyed camping and traveling to different parts of this great country and enjoying nature. It was an escape. As I look back now - it was also torture. Seeing guys up close and personal always stressed me out more then I care to remember. But I digress...

Dave. He was this kid a year younger then I. Cute as shit. As weird as it sounds, he had cheeks you just wanted to grab - and I meant those on his face. I would grab the others, too! Scruffy would be a good term to describe him. Always adventurous. Punky. He stood slightly shorter then my 5'10" frame, and stout. Not fat, not skinny. Just..........right. And he had a laugh that was contagious. The whole bus would roar whenever we got to giggling. Besides me, he was just about the only other guy in the troop with as many years under the belt with Scouts. So, using that as an excuse to hide my hidden agenda, I made him my right hand man, Assistant Senior Patrol Leader. How convienent. And to make it even sweeter - it was protocol that we share a tent. Yep - this summer was gonna be good.

Now I don't mean to imply anything here. The whole time I was in Scouts, I never ever heard of any sexual activities happening. Being the late 80's, and in the Bible Belt, you would be better off finding Jimmy Hoffa buried under your tent then have any sex going on - especially between two guys. Homophobia was rampant. So whatever I may have been fantasizing about was just that - a fantasy. In reality I didn't expect to get any further then the occasional glance at dick, and maybe a cheap feel at night when I was dead sure Dave was out like a light.

So there was one week left in school, and the next Scout meeting was the last one before the trip. This was an important meeting - where we planned our activities for camp. My intention was to talk to Dave about what each of us would bring for gear to have the most "decked out" tent in the place. I had a few ideas in mind, and wanted to run them by him to gauge his reaction.

------------------------------ Scout Camp - Part 2 ------------------------------

"Dave, we're bunking together, right?" Even though it was protocol - had to formally ask. The games we play...

"Of course, dude! It's gonna be so fun! Are you bringing some cigs?" We were rebels outside of Scouts. Underage and smoking. I was such a great leader.

"Yeah, but we really shouldn't let anyone else know. These dudes would freak." Be Prepared. Hey - I'm a Boy Scout!

"Totally. I figured we'd mess around after everyone else crashed." Hmmm. Wonder what he meant by that?

"Definately. Let's get this meeting started...."

So the day of departure finally came. We all gathered outside the church to load the bus - all of us packed to the hilt. You could tell who was new to this and who wasn't. Especially the bailers. That's what we called the kids that would arrive to the gathering area, mill about a bit, start worrying about leaving for one week, and then fake sickness or flat out start crying that they didn't want to leave. That's when they would "bail" out - and be driven home. We had 6 out of a troop of 21! Sheesh. This wasn't the military, kids. Anyways, Dave ran up screaming like he was possessed. I was cracking up. This kid was busting with energy and had to get it out. His dad just looked at me with this look of "Get this kid out of my hair!" and I busted out laughing. Once the bus was loaded - we started off on our trek. The trip was a three hour trip, so most kids crashed with headphones. And since there were only 15, we all grabbed seats to ourselves - with the SPL and ASPL in the rear, of course. You know how that seniority thing plays out on a bus. Much to my surprise, Dave jumped in the same seat as me. Said he wanted to make plans on how to setup camp when we arrived. Cool with me.

Scout uniforms are awesome. Especially the shorts. They weren't long, but short. Positioned just right, and you could snag a view of a package. White briefs drive me wild. Boxers were the Holy Grail. I wore boxers of course. But in the past - checking Dave out, he always wore tighty-whities. That was OK, it just left more to my imagination when I was stroking myself on a hot Alabama night with the windows open and crickets chirping. Heh, it's weird how you can conjure up memories so vividly.

Anyways, when Dave jumped in the seat next to me and threw his legs up on the seat in front of us, I noticed boxers sticking out of the leg of his shorts! (In retrospect, this was one of those horrible clothing styles - but it was "cool" to have your boxers stick out of your shorts. What the hell were we thinking?!) I saw his boxers, and his cute, muscular legs, and just about lost it. What was Dave doing? He's never worn those before! Did he know something about me and was trying to torture me? I looked up at Dave, and he just smiled back at me.

"What?" I said.

"You seemed interested in my boxers just now."

Ok, this is when I should have clued in. Hindsight is 20/20, and we both laughed about this later on. But I immediately played it off.

"Oh, well, umm, ya know, I like the design." Luckily for me, it was a unique pattern. WHATEVER.

He let me off easily. "Yeah, I saw them in the store and decided I had better get in style."

This kid was way more advanced then I had thought. I was out of my element after that. He led me the whole time.

"Cool, you'll like boxers alot. Gives you freedom. I hear briefs are bad for you anyways."

"That and you can whip your dick out alot easier!" That's when he flipped it out and screamed. Took me totally by surprise. The whole bus cracked up. This was just Dave being Dave - crazy and wild. We were off to camp!

Dave had wanted to talk about camping, so I asked him what he had planned. We got to talking about the tents. You see, we stayed in A-Frame tents, with wood floors. Quite nice. Each tent had two bunks in it and space wide enough between to prop up to camp stools. Anyways, Dave had wanted to try something different - move the two bunks side by side on one side of the tent, and use the rest of the space as a hang out area. Now, by the very laws of nature, you can't gain more space my just moving furniture, but I wasn't gonna argue with this. Anyways, it did seem like it would make a larger space. But my mind was on the fact that Dave and I would be sharing what amounted to a large bed. This trip was looking better and better...

We arrived at camp - and chaos erupted. Whistles blaring, scouts running everywhere, the camp dog barking, chainsaws noisily cutting up firewood, the whole place was wild. We unpacked and began our 5 mile walk into camp. The Camp Director told the new scouts the tradition was to hike into camp a good distance to make everyone feel like it was secluded. You didn't need the damn hike for that. We were out in the boonies anyways. The hike was to get everyone so friggin tired that they would crash as soon as camp was made. For the most part it worked, at least on the younger campers. But Dave, well that little ball of energy was running everywhere! Hell, he made me tired watching him. Once we arrived and made camp, he was ready to hike the mountain! Of course I exerted authority, and reminded him about the tent setup. We spent the rest of the day rearranging the bunks and making a fire in front of our area. Dusk was setting in and we kicked back with some hot chocolate and listened to the crickets. Life was good. I was away from the parts of my life that caused me trouble, sitting there with someone I adored, and felt content. You can't get any better then that. Well, you could, and it was my intentions of doing just that...

------------------------------ Scout Camp - Part 3 ------------------------------

The first two nights at camp went by uneventful. Everyone was exhausted from the trip and hike, so we all crashed hard. Dave and I each slept in our sleeping bags on the large bed, but as soon as I laid down, I fell asleep. Dave was chattering away at a mile a minute, and I remember him still talking when I drifted off.

The days were typical days at Scout Camp. If you have ever been, you know what I'm talking about. Waking up to Revele, snagging breakfast, going through Merit Badge classes, breaking for lunch midday. After lunch, each troop would have the rest of the day free to do any number of things. There was a week long competition between the troops for who had the cleanest camp, who made the best structure (i.e. - towers, etc.) and other fun contests. The awards were given out at the end of the week, each troop receiving something. No one was ever left out. Isn't a structured kids life grand? Anyways, being the leaders, Dave and I were attached at the hip. And we never really had to do any of the chores. Just direct. Hey - I worked hard to get there!

Dave and I spent every moment together. Almost. We went to the restroom seperately, but beyond that - all the time. This proved interesting at some points. After the first day was over - I decided to grab a shower that night. Dave, upon hearing my announcement, decided to joined me. As much as this excited me, I was nervous. Being 16 - the amount I could control my dick was ZILCH. Any remote thought would pop into my head and my dick would pop up. This was not good, or so I thought. But what was I to do? Heading to the showers, my mind went into overdrive. The showers were one big room and several shower heads hanging frm the ceiling. I figured I would just turn with my back to Dave and shower. Yeah, that's what I would do...

But being a horny 16 year old, I had to look. I had to turn just so and sneak a peek at Dave. I had to see what he looked like, and that's it. Yeah, right. Who was I kidding??? We stripped, turned on the water, and started showering. For the first 5 minutes I concentrated on washing - wanting to get the important stuff out of the way. After rinsing my hair, I thought this was it. I started turning slowly, using my peripheral vision harder then it had ever been used before. Slowly, his body came into view. Oh God. This boy, this 15 year old boy, was standing under the shower head, his head leaning back under the water with his eyes closed, and water running all over his body. I started moving my eyes down from his head to his chest, tan from the sun, water glistening all over. As my eyes moved lower, I saw it. Oh God did I see it. His dick. Never in my life have I practiced so much self-control then at that moment. If I knew then what I know now, I would have jumped on it right then faster than greased lightening. But at that time, my life could have been potentially ruined if I did that - or so I thought. But his dick. It was beautiful. He was smooth all over, but had a good sized bush of pubic hair. And the way it pointed up, Oh My God!, he was HARD!

That's when I notice he was starting to lift his head up from the water and open his eyes. I immediately turned around in a flash - a move that I later found out he saw, which confirmed what he thought. Anyways, at this point I was so friggin hard it hurt. Ever have a boner like that? You know what I mean, you get so hard it hurt like hell. And how do you fix those? You wank hard. I was stuck. This dick was NOT going down, at least not without any help. Fuck. I heard Dave turn his shower off, which meant that I should be wrapping mine up too. I started to panic. I didn't know what to do. That's when I heard another person entering the shower...

That other person was a Scoutmaster from some other troop. He was in for a night shower also. I turned and saw him enter and just about puked. This guy was Jabba the Hut. I mean fat. And he looked at both of us and said hi. I glanced down and noticed these huge scars on his thigh and ass cheek.

Dave asked, "Hey - what happened to you?" I just about died.

He was cool about it and started telling us how he was in Viet Nam and was wounded. Well - I was cured. I lost my boner. That's when Dave spoke - and I will never forget this to this day:

"Well, Sir, we thank you for your selflessness sacrifice for this country."

I had to run fast to keep from laughing in front of the Scoutmaster! Last thing I heard was him yelling at us from the shower a "Thank You". After running back to our tent with our towels wrapped around us, we fell down on our bunk and busted out laughing so hard! Dave started doing his giggle laugh - which had me going in stitches. After about 10 minutes of laughter, we turned and faced each other teary-eyed. Talk about awkward - I was instantly back to the pre-Scoutmaster state of hardness. I coughed and got up to throw some boxers on for the night, as did Dave.

------------------------------ Scout Camp - Part 4 ------------------------------

The second night we showered again. Right before showering, I wanked off in the latrine. Although it didn't help much at that age, it provided some help when avoiding unpleasant hardness in from of someone you loved. It worked, I quickly showered and retired to the tent. Dave and I decided to break out the cigs and enjoy a smoke. Laying in bed, smoking, and enjoying the music coming from the boombox, it quickly became one of those perfect moments. As we lay there quietly in the dim light, I struggled with my feelings. I knew being gay was a bad thing. Then why did I feel this way? Yes, I wanted to have Dave. But it was more then that. The way I felt when I looked at him was more then sexual. I cared for him. That's when the silence broke.

"Hey, what are you thinking about?"

"Nothing." I lied.

"Oh." Silence. "Hey, wanna do something crazy?"

"Dave, if it is your idea - it's already crazy."

"Oh, heh, well, don't get me wrong about this, but don't you think it would be neat to zip up our sleeping bags into one big one?"

What?! Did I just hear that?! And just what did he mean by not getting the wrong idea? I didn't press that question...

"Hey, that would be cool. Then it would really seem like a large bed!" Duh. Send me to Harvard, I'm brilliant.

So we proceeded to unzip and rezip our sleeping bags together. Now, it seems to me that the sleeping bag manufacturers made that a capability easy to do. Makes me wonder just how many others were doing this.

Once finished, we climbed inside our new bed. True to form - my fifth appendage was protruding, so I lay on my side, facing Dave. He did the same. We were both careful not to touch one another - didn't want to break that hidden line of Fagdom. God forbid. Once again, hindsight, what did we think we were going to do if we couldn't touch, but yet zip our sleeping bags together?! And I am still amazed at my naivete of the time. I was still operating under the assumption that I would be ruined for life if Dave got the idea that I was gay. Now I was not a stupid kid - but I had my moments.

So there we were, staring at each other, when Dave said goodnight and turned over. After looking at the back of his head for a minute, I said goodnight and turned over and drifted off to sleep. Hell, with the new sleeping arrangements, I couldn't wank off either!

But that problem was solved the next night - the third night....

Well, that's enough for now. It's been great going through these memories so far. But I think I'm gonna leave it there for right now and see what sort of response I get. I'll finish the retelling of this soon... Thanks for reading and write me at!!

Next: Chapter 2

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