Submitting to the Boy Next Door

By Tom Dickson (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on Oct 10, 2023


Guys, this is a work of fiction. I wish it were true though. I would love to totally submit to a twink. You can contact me at If you like this story let me know and I'll continue it. You can also check out my other stories here. If your under 18 please leave this site now.

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Submitting To The Boy Next Door

Chapter Five

Tom Dickson

The boy knocked at the door and was smiling. Jake and Ty were smiling when Jake said "Go let the man in bitch." I looked at him and thought he wasn't a man but a boy. It was bad enough that he heard Jake and Ty humiliate me at McDonalds and I knew he saw the ad on Craigslist that Jake put up showing my naked pics but now the kid was going to actually see me naked and I had to do whatever he said. I went to the door not looking forward to this. I was scared but excited at the same time. I don't know why but my dick got hard by the time I made it to the door. I smiled, opened the door and said "Hello Sir, please come in." The kid was grinning and slapped my face hard saying "You don't speak without permission fag." I rubbed my face then felt him slapping my cock and saying "What the fuck is this suppose to be a dick?" I hung my head as he pushed me aside and walked in.

Jake and Ty were watching and laughing at me. They introduced themselves and the kid said his name was Riley. Ty said "I see you already met the faggot." They all laughed. I was looking at the kid. He was young 13 or maybe 14 and about 5'4" and maybe 90-100#'s. He was wearing shorts and tee shirt. He was really cute but he was mean and had an attitude. Jake ordered me to stand with my hands behind my head and legs spread wide. I obeyed knowing the Riley was checking me out. It was embarrassing as hell standing there naked in front of him knowing I had to obey him too. I just hoped he wanted a quick blow job and leave. I figured he had a little dick since he was so small and that he probablly never had a blow job before. Boy was I wrong.

Ty asked Riley if he wanted a Coke or something. Riley smiled and said he like a beer. Jake and Ty smiled then Ty told me to get them all a beer. I knew it was illegal to serve alcohol to a minor but Jake and Ty already at beer at my place so I got them. They all sat down and I handed them their drinks. Jake snapped his fingers and pointed to the floor. I got to my knees and placed my hands behind my head again. Riley was smiling. He loved seeing a dad submit. Riley pulled a joint out of his pocket and asked Jake and Ty if they wanted to share. Of course they did. I felt so screwed. I had underaged boys drinking beer, smoking pot, me naked and knowing that I had to blow them I thought I go to jail for a long time if I got caught. Of course never of the boys cared about that.

Riley was asking questions about me and how they got me to be their slave and stuff. Jake gave him all the details. Riley told them that his dad was an asshole. That he beat him, called him names, humiliated him in front of his friends and that when he got bigger that he was going to get even and make him his bitch like Jake and Ty did to me. I could tell that Riley really hated his dad and that he was angry and frustrated and that he was going to take it out on me. He kept giving me evil grins while they were talking. I don't know what he had planned but it wasn't going to be fun for me.

Riley loved hearing Jake telling him that he made me cut the lawn naked, them pissing on me, spanking me, and even about my shitty diapers. Than he told him that he took my laptop, wallet, money and was driving my car. Ty told him that he was going to put a leash on my kitty collar tonight and walk me around the block. Riley said he like to do that to. He said that he liked that they put the pink collars on me. Makes me look like a real fag. He also said that I looked funny with no hair. Jake told him that only real men deserved to have hair and it helps remind him that he's inferior to them. They boys were getting high and excited. The boys went to look at my Wall Of Shame and Riley was laughing like hell at them. Jake asked him what he wanted to do. Riley said first I want to have the faggot blow me than I want to beat him. Jake and Ty loved it. Jake snapped his fingers and pointed to the floor in front of Riley. I crawled over to him and got to my knees looking up at him. I thought for sure he had a 4 or maybe 5" dick and that he would cum quick and than it would be over.

I watched as Riley pulled his shirt up over his head. He had a smooth chest and was really skinny. I could see his ribs. As he raised his arms up I saw that he had a small patch of dark hair in each armpit. When his shirt was off he grabbed my head pushing it into his crotch. He was rubbing my face all over it. I could feel that his cock was hard and it felt larger than 5". He was trash talking me calling me pathetic, sick, a pervert, a queer, homo, faggot anything he could think of. I thought it was funny hearing a skinny little kid trying to talk like he was a tough guy. He noticed that I was smiling and gave me a quick hard slap across my face. He said "You think I'm not man enough for you faggot?" I rubbed my face and told him that I didn't mean anything by it. He pushed me away and dropped his shorts. He was wearing tighty whities and his cock was sticking out the top of it and it was huge. He quickly took off his underwear and kicked them away. This boy was not shy at all. We all stared at Rileys cock. It had to be as big as Jakes, 8" at least and as thick as Jakes. It looked like a monster compared to his small frame. I was amazed at the size. He had a small patch of dark hair above his cock which was leaking alot of precum. Jake and Ty were both impressed with Rileys size and told him so. Riley was beaming with pride. His cock was so heavy that it pointed straight out unable to point north.

Riley took his cock and began to cock slap me. He was hitting me hard knocking my face back and forth covering it with his precum. I opened my mouth trying to get his cock in my mouth but he wanted to play and tease me first. Ty told Riley that he should be a porn star. He said that when he gets older he may be. Jake asked if he could use his cam corder. Riley loved the idea and told him to tape him gagging me. Jake run to get it. Jake made me stand up so that he could get a good shot comparing our sizes, me a head taller and heavier than Riley but with our cocks next to each other his was about 3" longer and thicker plus he had two big low hanging balls compared to my one ball. I felt totally inferior to this kid. He was differantly more of a man than I was.

Riley took hold of my head and rammed his cock into my mouth. He wasn't gentle or easy. He was raping my mouth. I coughed, choked and gagged but he kept pushing his cock in. I did my best to suck on it but he was hitting the back of my throat. I finally was able to relax a bit and he got it into my throat. He held it there and was amazed at the feeling. I heard him said that he was in my throat. Jake and Ty encouraged him to fuck my throat. He did over and over. I had tears, snot and spit all over my face. I was praying that he just cum and get it over with. He did cum and in buckets. He shot as much at Jake and Ty did. He pulled out with his cock covered in cum and spit. I was rubbing my throat it was sore as hell. The boys were laughing. Riley wiped his cock off on my face then I licked it clean for him. Riley said that he never fucked a throat before but loved it and wanted to do it again. Jake told him that he was amazing. I looked up at Riley and told him that he was awesome and thanked him. He just laughed at me saying "Wait till my balls are recharged and I fuck your faggot ass." He was horny as hell and wanted to do and try everything he could. They all sat back down and Ty told me to get them some more beers. No one cared I how felt. I was exhausted and needed a break too.

Riley didn't bother to get dressed. He sat on the couch with hs cock hanging over the edge. Jake said that I could have a beer too so I went and got one. I needed it but didn't want to ask. Riley pulled out another joint. I guess he had no limits and did whatever he felt like. Jake asked him if he ever had a blow job before or fucked anyone. He said his buddy tied to blow him but could only get the head in. I can understand that. He also never fucked anyone yet but he was going to today. He said he loved being in control and couldn't wait to do it to his dad. I felt sorry for him and I know that he will make his dad pay one day. Glad it wasn't me.

While they were smoking and drinking Riley saw me looking at him. He grinned at me. He said "OK fag, I know you want more of me. Come over and suck my nuts." I immediately went between his legs and lapped up his sweaty balls and took in one nut at a time to suck on. He asked me if I liked his balls. I told him that they were beauiful and wish I had a pair like his. The boys all laughed and I continued to enjoy the taste of his nuts. Jake told him that I was a cockslut. He was right. Ever since I had a taste of his cock I wanted more.

Ty asked Riley where he got the pot from. He said that he stole it from his dad. Then Riley asked about the ropes hanging from the ceiling. Ty told him that it was to tie me up and spread me out. Riley liked that idea and wanted to do it. Jake told me to get up.

I didn't like what was going to happen but I got up and stood under the ropes. Jake and Ty both removed their shorts and they were hard as was Riley. I loved seeing three hard cocks and wanted to suck them but the boys wanted to have some fun first. Jake and Ty got me all tied up like before. Riley played with my cock and got it hard. I knew he wasn't going to get me off but I loved having him stroke it. After a minute he slapped it hard laughing at me. Jake told him that he could do whatever he wanted. First he smacked my face around calling me a useless faggot and spit in my face. I could feel my face burn from the slapping and the humiliation. He moved to my nipples and pinched and twisted them hard until I had tears in my eyes. He moved down to my ball which was pulled tight by the rope to the floor. He squeezed it so hard that I would have dropped to my knees if I wasn't tied to the ceiling. I was screaming and crying and begging him to stop. He laughed at me before he slapped it. I saw stars the pain was intense but the boys were all laughing and Jake had the cam corder focused on me.

Ty moved around me and was smacking my already sore butt. He went over to where he took off his shorts and pull out his belt. I couldn't believe that he was actually going to whip me. I watched the evil grin on his face. He doubled up the belt and tore into my ass. He was yelling at me and swearing. I think that in his mind that I was his dad and it was his chance to get some payback. I felt the welts rise on my butt and a trickle of blood going down my legs. He moved up to my back and stood to my side and he unfolded the belt and whipped my back about twenty times as hard as he could. I know he was high and the two beers were taking affect on him. Welts were raising on my back when I guess his arm was getting tired. He thankfully stopped. The boys admired his work. Jake took some close up shots and was feeling my ass and back. I was sweating like hell.

Ty wasn't done. After resting for a minute he smiled and laid the belt across my chest hitting both of my nipples. I screamed which only encoraged the kid to whip me again. He struck my chest about ten times. I was so weak I couldn't even pick my head up. I was crying like a baby. Riley asked me "So, how do you like being on the receiving end you asshole?" He thought he was talking to his dad. I could only imagine that this is what his dad did to him. I felt sorry for him but I didn't deserve this. My dick was limp and he began to stroke it. Some how my dick managed to get hard again. After a minute or two of him jerking me I felt really good. Riley gave me that evil grin again and he laid the belt across my cock hard. I screamed again and my dick went limp immediately. The boys laughed then Riley lowered the belt and brought it up quickly striking my nut with it. I was out. The pain was to much. I don't know how long I was out but I woke up with Jake lightly slapping my face to wake me up. He asked if I was OK. Was he kidding. He gave me a soft smile. He looked like he really care. I told him that I was OK. He and Ty untied me and laid me down on the floor. He took off the kitty collar around my dick and ball. My nut was swollen to twice it's size. I was sore and weak and I felt the welts on my back and ass.

Jake told the guys to help get me to the tub. He placed me in a warm tub and was rubbing my chest and back washing the sweat off of me. He really cared. He was talking nice to me telling me how good I was and how proud he was that I took the beating well. For some reason I felt proud that I was able to please him. After getting me cleaned up he applied some lotion to my back, ass, chest and nut. The boys helped me to get to the couch to take a nap. I was asleep in no time.

I don't know how long I slept but I felt someone rubbing my shoulders and woke up. Jake was sitting next to me and asked how I felt. I told him that I felt better. He helped me sit up and he had me two pills. He said that he got the pain pills from his mother. I took the pills and thanked him. He gently took my nut and was rubbing it. He said it looked huge. I looked and he was right. I smiled and said I wish I had two that size. He laughed too and my dick began to get hard. He was lightly stroking it getting it hard. He said that at least I was still able to get it up. I smiled. He told me that because I was so good that he was going to let me cum later tonight. I said "Really, that would be great. I'm so fucking horny from seeing you guys naked and from sucking you all off." He just smiled and told me that the others made lunch. He helped me get to the picnic table in the back yard. The boys had sandwiches, chips and beer on the table. Jake had me sit next to him and he handed me a beer.

Riley said that he was sorry that he got carried away. He said that he must have had alot of pent up anger but that it felt so good getting it out. He looked so small and so cute how could I be mad at him. I told him that I was glad that he got it all out. Riley smiled. He was happy that I wasn't mad at him and said that he still wanted to fuck me though. I told him that I would love it but hoped that he would go easy on me. He promised that he would. Lunch was good and I felt a whole lot better.

After lunch was over Riley asked me if he could fuck me now. He looked so cute and was eager to fuck me. I told him that it was his right to fuck me if he wanted to but that he would have to get permission from my Master. Riley looked at Jake and said "Please Jake, can I fuck him now. I never fucked anyone before, please." He was begging and had pleading eyes, I couldn't help but smile. Riley stood up to show his rock hard cock to prove that he was horny. Ty was sitting next to him and grabbed Riley's cock and squeezed it hard. It leaked out alot of precum. Ty said "Jake I think he is ready." Jaked smiled and told Riley he could fuck me but I had to clean up the table first. He started to pick up the plates. He was so eager to start. After we got the table cleared he just wanted to fuck. I asked him if I could suck on his cock to get it wet first. He shook his head yes. I got on my knees and licked the precum off of the head. I could feel his cock throbbing. He was already close. Jake told me to lay over the table. I did and he and Ty stretched my arms out to hold me. I spread my legs wide apart. Jake told Riley to just push the head in and to hold it in place until I got use to it. He got between my legs and spread my cheeks open and put his head to my hole. He took my hips and pushed in. He was huge and it hurt but after a minute I felt better and told Riley to go in slow. He wanted to go in fast but he listened and went slow until he had all 8" in me. Jake smiled and said "OK buddy, go for it. Fuck the bitch hard." Riley had no experience but he caught on fast. He was pounding away fucking like a jack rabbit. Ty told him to pull almost all the way out then ram it all the way in. Riley tried it and liked it. He kept it up and he soon unleashed rope after rope of hot teen cum in my ass. He collasped on my back holding his cock in my ass. When he recovered he pulled out and cum was dripping down my legs. Riley saw his cock and said there was shit on it. Jake laughed and said that happens when you fuck bareback. He told me to clean Riley up. I got to my knees and took his cock in my mouth and suck it all clean. Riley said "He's licking shit off of my dick." Jake said that he's training me to eat shit and that I'm going to be his toilet paper after he shits. Riley said he wanted me to lick his asshole too. All the boys laughed and so did I. He was so eager to do everything.

Jake and Ty released my arms and I wiped up Riley's cum from my ass and licked it. Riley laughed. I told him that his cum tasted to good to waste. Riley was excited as hell. He asked if I would lick his asshole. Then he realized that he had to ask Jake. He looked at Jake and said "Can he lick my ass, please. I never had anyone do that before." Jake told him to calm down. He and Ty were laughing at how horny and excited Riley was at getting his first taste at sex. Jake told me to lay down on the grass. I was smiling too. Riley so was fucking cute and horny. Jake told him to sit down on my face. He straddled by face and was lowering himself. I spread his cheeks wide apart and as his butt got closer to me I stuck my tongue out and started to lick. I had to lift my head to reach his hole and licked it. Riley said it felt funny but he liked it. I pushed my tongue in a little and he went wild. I started to tongue fuck him. He was in heaven. He wanted me to keep it up forever. After a few minutes my tongue, jaw and neck were sore and I had to stop. Riley got up and said that was awesome. His cock was hard again, I guess he did love it.

Ty suggested that we relax on the porch and wait for the two guys to show up. They all put their shorts on but no shirts. I of course had to remain naked. Riley wanted another beer. Jake told him that he was going to get drunk and his folks wouldn't like it. Riley said that his dad usually gets drunk every weekend and then beats him so he usually stays at a friends or sleeps in the backyard. He said they wouldn't even know I'm not home. Jake let him have another.

While they were sitting there smoking and drinking I was naked on my knees. Ty pulled his cock out and said "Fag get over here and suck on this." I moved between his legs and started right in sucking his cock and playing with his two big balls. I know longer cared that I was naked outside. I was running my hand through his thick hairy bush. I really wish I had one. When I had hairy pits and pubes I looked and felt more like a real man. The boys knew that I looked foolish being shaved smooth and made me feel even more inferior to them. Ty asked me if I liked his bush. I said yes. He wanted some fun and asked me why I didn't have a bush like a man. I looked up at him and told him "Because I'm not a man like you. I'm just a cocksucking faggot." The boys laughed at me. Ty pushed me off of his cock and told me to lick his balls. I was happy to do it. He like the other two boys had a big set of balls. Ty asked me if I liked his balls. I told him that I loved his balls and all the cum they produce. He was slapping his boner on my face while I sucked on his nuts. I didn't care, I just wanted to taste and feel his balls in my mouth. He was diffinally more of a man then I could ever be.

I worked on his balls for a few minutes when I heard a car pulling into the driveway. I couldn't see who it was since my face was buried in Ty's crotch. Jake said "Hi, you must be Chad. Come on up." I didn't know how old he was, what he looked like or what he was going to do to me. I know Jake chatted with him on line but he told me nothing. I hoped that he wasn't as sadistic as Riley was. I'll find out soon I guess.

I hope you guys liked this story so far. If you want a real slave dad let me and I'll send you my pics. Thanks again for reading my story.

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