Submitting to Bryan

By Micahel S

Published on Apr 27, 2023


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Feel Free to send me comments ( Some of my past readers not only sent comments but also pics of themselves that was hot and very much a turn on for me. I hope you enjoy the continuation. There is more to come I can promise! I will release another addition to this series as soon as I receive approval notice. Thank you to my readers and your comments -especially the individuals who sent pics.

Submitting to Bryan Part 3

It was Friday and going to be a long day at school. There was no gym class to fuel my fantasies today. I saw Bryan from a distance in the hall in the morning; he shot me a knowing glance. Much to my surprise he caught me during lunch and made a comment, "My house right after school," and rushed off. He was being discreet making certain that no one noticed our interaction. I had a perpetual hard on the remainder of the day. There was also no sign of Troy either, but being a senior I did that was expected.

What I didn't know was that after I sucked Troy's cock. He made a phone call to Brent, Bryan's older brother:

"Yeah, little Joshing gave me a blowjob in the locker room this afternoon."

"Fuck yeah about time that kid learned he belongs on his knees." He said with a chuckle. "Glad it was you that taught him his place as a cocksucker. I always thought I would be the one to corrupt him though."

"Um well that's just it, I wasn't the first to have my dick down his throat," he retorted. "The kid maybe a newbie but he is experienced at sucking cock!"

"What the fuck?"

"I know, I know that is what I thought."

"Who? Did he say who," Brent asked.

"No –he knows the dick code, that is for sure." Troy threw in, "I asked he would not tell me. In fact, I called because I thought it might have been you that broke him in."

"I wish, he's a freshman right," Brent thought out loud. "I'll have to muscle this by my bother. I'll get the skinny on this, but it may take some time. Damn I wish it had been one of us to break him in."

With laughter Troy added, "Well there is one piece of his virginity still left. Apparently his ass has never been fucked."

"Oh hell, yes –I am on it!" Brent said, "We need to get together on a plan for this one. Let you go –I'm going chat with little brother. Later," and he hung up.

The straining in my jeans was making the walk up the hill to Bryan's house more difficult. Bryan opened the door almost immediately and ushered me into his room. I laughed to myself as the thought crossed my mind that I had never seen other parts of the house. Once inside his room I immediately removed my clothes and knelt beside the door. "Good boy," he said. "I see that you have not forgotten your instructions. So how many times have you jacked off thinking about my dick?"

"Once," I answered honestly and added, "but I have been hard constantly since."

"Don't lie to me," rebounded Bryan. "There is no way you have only jacked off once since Wednesday."

"I didn't say that. You asked how many times I have thought of you."

"Fuck you really are a fag already thinking about how many dicks you can score." He grabbed my cock. "Well, little man I have a new plan for you today. Follow me," he ordered. Not like I had a choice being lead by the grip he had on my dick.

We entered the bathroom. "I have a big plans for you." Bryan gestured by grabbing his crotch and began to undress, talking the entire time. "Today you're going to learn the pleasures of your ass."

With raised eyes I complained, "What? No!"

He shook his cock in my direction. "You like this? I know you do. If you want to swallow my cum again there will be no protests out of you! Understand."

He was as firm as I had ever seen him. "Yeah," I swallowed and said with reluctance.

"What are you to me?"

"I am your cocksucker."

"Well you are graduating," he ranted. "After today you will be my fag. Totally submitting to my needs, submitting anything I want from you." Taking my arm he ordered me, "Into the bath tub." From the cabinet he pulled out a devise that looked like a slender version of a dick with a bulb at one end. I watched him carefully as he filled the bulb with water. He told me to bend over. I put one hand on each side of the tub for support. I felt him put grease on my butt. I think it was Vaseline. "Ok just a little pressure as this slides into you. You'll are feel the water inside your butt. You need to relax and hold the water inside you. Then take and sit your ass on the toilet. Don't let go until I give you permission."

"Oh, oh," I let out a few squeals as I felt the water gushing into me. "It feels strange."

"You'll get used to it. It cleans you out," he explained. "Do you feel the pressure?"

"No just it's warmth and fullness," I answered as best I could describe.

"Ok, I am going to add more water then," and he repeated the process.

"Oh god, I feel like I am going to explode."

"Hold it. If you can't hold it you are gonna have a mess to clean up and will be punished. Understand."

"Yes," I said meekly. Thinking that even talking would break my concentration.

"Now get your ass on this toilet." I followed his command and moved as quick and gentle as possible.

While I sat on the toilet he stood in front of me, his hardening cock dangling in front of my face. "Concentrate on getting this hard. Use just your tongue, no sucking until later"

My tongue snaked around his balls and up and down the length of his cock. I was moaning, as the pressure inside my ass was getting more intense with each passing moment. After what seemed like an eternity he gave me permission to let go. "We need to repeat this until the water comes out clear," he instructed. After the third time satisfied he whipped my ass with a washcloth and we returned to his bedroom. "I forgot the lube," he said and returned to the bathroom. I thought I heard a knock on the door but dismissed the idea to my nerves and this new experience.

He put me on my knees with my ass in the air at the edge of his bed. I stood behind me. The first thing I felt was a cold rush of the liquid being poured on my ass crack. Then his fingers moved to spread the moisture around my hole. I moaned when his with slow and deliberate motion I felt his finger entering my whole. "This is a nice tight little cherry," he commented. "So tight," he added. "Someone will have fun with this!" He coughed and said, "It'll be a turn on, my dick stretching this out this hole." His finger continued to turn, pull, and twist inside me. As I was beginning to enjoy this sensation he added a second finger. I groaned from the pain. Then he added his thumb this stretching felt relaxing and comfortable. My cock was hard, so that I could not deny that this was turning me on. He began to fuck me with three fingers in my ass.

My mind wandered and I felt comfort and peace. Only to be interrupted by his comment, "Think you are ready for my cock. I want you to suck it first."

He lay back on his bed and I resumed my position kneeling on the floor. His legs hung over the bed with his cock pointed straight up I began to suck him. Suddenly I felt a hand at the back of my head. I was jerked into the air with a sudden painful thrust. I was spun around to face the intruder when he yelled, "What the fuck do you think you are doing with my brother, faggot?"

"Brent, I um I, um nothing! It is not what you think." I pleaded, "Brent please."

"Oh what I think it is exactly what you were doing." He added, "How can you deny you were sucking my brothers cock? You are going to pay for this you little queer." And with that he marched me through the bathroom and into his bedroom on the other side. He closed the sliding door behind him. As I over came my shock everything came into focus. In addition to Brent there were four guys in the room, all in their underwear. I recognized all of them as seniors from Brent's class. They were all jocks. My eyes first locked on to Troy Thayer. The sight of him gave me some comfort. I scanned Brad Brandt who was also a baseball player and a good friend of Troy's. He was another god that I had fantasized about while attending games during the summer season. In fact the site of him nearly melted me. He had the classic tall dark and handsome look; a clean cut all American jock. I admired how lean he was and the definition of his muscles. He had a square jaw line and chiseled features. He had perfect abs and I followed the treasure trail to the bulge in his shorts. Impressive was all I thought. I roamed my attention to Peter who was tall and had solid muscles. His features were close to Troy's chiseled look, but softer and a smoothness to the rounded edges. His hair curled around his face. He had an eye catching Adam's Apple. Cute I thought and I remembered that he was a wrestler. Then my eyes connected with Tom. He was more average in height and had the boy next-door look. He was always joking around and a cocky attitude, but was willing to laugh at himself. He was a football player. I had seen what he could tackle.

"Come on guys, let's quite gawking and get down to business." Brent chanted, "Tom get him tied up. Pete lend him a hand." I was nudge further into the room.

I noticed Brent's workout bench appeared to have been modified for this occasion. One end had been raised as if to do crunches. The end nearest to me had an additional bench bolted to it forming a T shape. Two hands reached out to grab me. I pulled away and tried to struggle. Brent's voice chimed in, "If you fight this it will only be harder on you."

I reluctantly bowed me head in accepting my fate. "Kneel here," Brent demanded. "Give me your hands," Tom said calmly.

My legs were tied at one end so that I was kneeling with my ass sticking out. My hands were tied to where the weights would normally rest. My head hung at waist level and my ass was in the air. A check was made on the knots so that I was secured. They all lined up in front of me. "Let the games begin," Brent said ceremoniously. They all stepped out of their underwear. I had never seen so many hard cocks in one place. Brett stepped forward so that his cock was at my face. "Wanna give it a lick before it goes in your ass?"

"No," I murmured! "Not in my ass." I protested.

Brent grabbed his cock and smeared it around my face. "Not like you have a choice in the mater, boy," he stated with a twist of logic and grabbed my nipple to emphasize his point. "Now come on give my cock a kiss before I deflower your rosebud with it."

I gave into him and kissed the knob. It was nearly a replica of his brother, but larger in both length and girth. "Now lick the length of it." My tongue reached out and licked the surface. He had a similar taste to Bryan but stronger and with a musky tangy flavor. "There is the attitude I was looking for –good boy." He rubbed my hair and moved away. I felt him step behind me. Tom stepped in front of my face. "I bet you can guess how Tom earned the nickname Knob," joked Brent.

Tom had a cock that was modest in length at around seven to eight inches, but intense in its girth. At the end of his dick was a head that was shaped like a plum. It was the biggest thing noticeable about his cock. He had body hair that looked like it had just been combed. Tom noticed the fear in my eyes, "I hope you are prepared to swallow this." I shook my head no. "I know this is not your first cock, but I still expect that you will choke and gag on my monster." My head still hung low and rocked back and forth. "No chick has ever deep throated this, but you will. I will see that you down it on the first stroke."

There was a distraction at my ass as I felt Brent's fingers prodding at my hole. They circled around I felt his thumb stretch me in a downward motion. "It appears my brother has you well prepared." I then felt his cock sliding back and forth against my crevasse as he added lube to his cock. I then felt him nudging the entire area with the head of his cock. "Mmm you should see this Tom. I think his whole just winked at me. I think he is ready and wants my dick."

Tom laughed and said, "I don't think he is ever going to be ready for my knob down his throat." They both laughed in unison. Then Brent slapped my ass. As I yelled out from the burst of pain and just as sudden Tom's cock entered my mouth. I felt his hand at the back of my head. I felt Brent's dick entering my ass. I tried to scream, but at the same time Tom's cock thrust forward. I was gagging and chocking but felt his knob break through and stretching my throat. My sensations were on overload. Brent's cock was still pushing inside me. They both were penetrating me with one solid motion, forcing me open at each end without mercy.

"Fuck he is tight," Brent called out as I felt his pubs brush against my ass cheeks.

"Yeah, he is struggling at this end too," remarked Tom. He leaned down and whispered in my ear, "Your doing well, breath through your nose. I'm not giving you a break until your nose is in my pubs." My ass was burning. Brent's cock felt like a baseball bat. My nose was running. There were tears in my eyes. As I looked up to Tom's eyes pleading I felt his balls on my chin. "Not yet little man," Tom remarked. I heard Brent and Tom give each other a high five. I looked over at the other three and they were grinning from ear to ear. They all had their cocks in there hands and were stroking.

Then I felt both cocks within me start to stir. Slight and small nudges back and forth. The pace kept growing along with the lengths of the motion. Tom gave me an opportunity to breath. The only way I could think to thank him was to lavish attention with my tongue rolling around the cock head.

Brent began what he called long dicking my ass. Pulling his cock nearly out of my ass and then all back in again. He was fucking me with a slow deliberate hard stroke. His pace was measured, but every time he would change his technique he would ramp up the speed and the pressure. The pain my ass was experiencing had faded and I was beginning to notice pleasure. My cock was leaking precum like a damn had burst.

Tom began a face fucking assault on my throat. My tonsils felt bruised. I could taste his precum it was strangely sweet. My head was spinning with his cock pistoning in and out. Strangely enough it helped me relax if I focused on the feelings in my ass. I could now feel Brent in a gentle motion pulling the head of his cock from my whole and reinserting it without a deep thrust. He kept repeating this and I was starting to moan. "God I can feel his moans of pleasure on my dick with what you are doing back there," commented Tom. When he realized how much this was turning me on he intensified it. "I want him to feel every inch of my cock and touch every space inside him," panted Brent. My ass began to push back to meet his cock. Then he began to fuck me like a mad man. When it began to hurt almost with instinct he would pause and cock massage the spot he were he was in place. I felt Brent press fully against me. He leaned in and whispered in my ear, "You like being fucked by my hung cock donncha?" I nodded.

Tom was the one who was moaning the loudest now. He was pushing his cock into the side of my cheek and then slapping me. His cock would then jerk violently. He was being so aggressive with his cock I felt bad I could not give him more attention with my tongue. Then I felt his balls constrict and his intense moan, "Fuck I am cuming." I could feel his cock throbbing in my throat, then a rush of warmth. He buried his cock as deep down my throat as it would go and held it there. I had not choice but to swallow. "Yeah swallow my load, bitch. Eat my cum, hungry cocksucker."

I hear Troy in the background, "Let him at least taste it. He worked hard for that reward." He reasoned. A warm thought ran through my head directed at Troy. God I could love that guy I thought. Brent added his opinion to that sentiment too while continuing to pound my backside.

"You want to taste my baby makers," joked Tom. I nodded yes with his cock still in my mouth. "There you go," he pulled out so that only the head of his cock remained in my mouth. His cum flowed from him like a volcano. It was sweet like his precum, but with a bitter after taste. He stepped out of my line of site.

Brad stepped into his place. I could stare at this man's cock all day. His cock looked like it was carved out of stone. Everything about it was angular. The shaft of his dick was thick and with extra depth to the underside, it was almost triangular. The head was an elongated helmet with similar angular shape. The first thought that came to mind was a diamond back rattlesnake. His piss slit had a pearl of precum ready to drip from him. I reached out to catch it with my tongue. I felt it tingle and it permeated my senses. With his hand he guided the remainder of his cock into my mouth and throat. By comparison he was gentler than Tom. He was actually going to let me enjoy sucking his cock.

Oh god I could feel Brent pounding harder and faster. His strokes were suddenly deeper then a pause when he was deep inside me. I felt his back arch and his cock raise and throb. "Fuck man I am cuming in your ass. The first anointing of your cherry and my man seed is inside you. God oh fuck, argh awe fuck, fuck there it is...I am losing my load, oh god Oh oh ah ah," he mumbled almost incoherently. I could feel the power of his cum and the warmth flooding my interior, the walls of my anus relaxing with each coating of his cum. I felt the warmth spreading through my body. He held his cock firmly in place for a while. Then I could feel Brent withdrawal from my cavity. There was a pop as his cock fell free. I could feel his cum dripping from me too. I felt Troy's hand at my side. He leaned forward and whispered, "Hey buddy I am in there next!" Troy was stepping into place behind me.

Then a light slap on the side of my face, "Hey bud don't forget about me," said Brad. I shifted my attention to Brad's cock. My tongue wanted to explore every nook and cranny of his cock. I wanted to taste his shape. His cock had smoothness unlike any cock I had experienced, even it the way it tasted. My mouth was melting around the cock of one of my super heroes.

The moment did not last long as I felt Troy's cock penetrate me. A shiver ran down my spine. "Mmm I can tell I hit your prostrate. I just felt your ass and entire body quiver," Troy remarked. I was mystified by how these two guys could feel so different. Brent made me feel full and expanded. The closest words I can find to describe Troy was that I felt touched inside. His thrusts were robust and well rounded. His cock had found a home and he was comfortable there. "God even after being fucked by Brent's monster cock your still tight," he exclaimed.

Brad began to use every method in the playbook to choke and gag me. I guess he wanted to remind me that he was still there. With Brad and Troy there was more competition to make sure that I had their attention. Suddenly Brad withdrew his cock from my mouth. In a desperate tone he said, "Lick my balls. Too soon, I don't want to cum just yet. Too much pleasure fucking your mouth." While I licked and sucked his balls my nose was deep in his pubs. His scent was turning me on. I had a vision of being deep in the woods.

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