Submissive Brotherhood

By Jeff Tom Mullin

Published on Mar 1, 2023


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Submissive Brotherhood Chapter 3

As Jake accepted his role as Kyle's servant and slave, his desire for his brother's dominance only grew stronger. He craved Kyle's control and longed for him to become even meaner, willing to endure any torment Kyle's perverse mind could conceive. Meanwhile, Kyle was well aware of the power he held over Jake, reveling in the knowledge that his twin would obey his every command without question. Kyle constantly brainstormed new acts to subject Jake to, determined to solidify his hold over him and ensure he would never be able to break free from his grip.

Tonight, Kyle had something different in mind. As soon as he arrived home, he wasted no time in asserting his dominance over Jake. With a cruel smirk, he ordered Jake to grovel before him, addressing him with the demeaning nickname "Butt kisser." Without hesitation, Jake dropped to his knees and began to remove Kyle's shoes, his heart pounding with anticipation of what was to come. Kyle raised his foot, pressing his socked toes against Jake's face, and Jake obediently removed his brother's socks with his teeth, ready to worship Kyle's bare feet as he had been commanded. After a while, Kyle stood up and turned around, and Jake knew exactly what was expected of him. Without a word, he immediately leaned forward to kiss Kyle's backside, a gesture of submission that sent a shiver of pleasure down Kyle's spine. With a wicked grin, Kyle grabbed Jake's collar and cruelly ordered him to "ride me into the bathroom." And so, with Kyle firmly in control, Jake obeyed without question, knowing that his brother's dominance over him was absolute, and his desire to serve.

As Kyle rode on Jake's back into the bathroom, the twisted and perverse nature of their relationship reached new heights. With a cruel smirk, Kyle reminded Jake of his earlier warning, asserting his dominance over him with every word. "You were warned," Kyle sneered, "that one day, you would be my toilet. All you're good for is being my servant, my slave."

Jake's heart pounded with a mixture of fear and excitement as Kyle ordered him to undress him. With trembling hands, Jake complied, his eyes never leaving Kyle's imposing figure. Kyle leaned in close, their faces inches apart, and commanded Jake to open his mouth. Without hesitation, Jake obeyed, feeling a surge of subservience as Kyle spat into his mouth.

Kyle then turned away and pissed into the toilet, making Jake watch every humiliating moment. "Kiss my butt," Kyle commanded, "you're my butt kisser."

Without hesitation, Jake moved forward and pressed his lips to Kyle's ass, his mind awash with the intoxicating rush of submission.

When Kyle was finished, he ordered Jake to flush the toilet and clean up any mess that might have dripped on the floor. Jake complied silently, his mind spinning with a heady mix of shame and arousal.

"Meet me in the living room," Kyle ordered, "my feet have some drips on them. You may need to lick them up." And with that, Jake knew that his servitude to Kyle was far from over, his desire to please his brother driving him to obey without question, no matter what Kyle Asked of him.

Jake crawled on his hands and knees from the bathroom, knowing it was his duty to clean his brother's feet after Kyle had just finished pissing. He approached Kyle, who was sitting with his legs spread wide on the couch, and lowered his gaze respectfully. "I'm here, Kyle," he said softly, acknowledging his submissive role. Without hesitation, he began to lick the drops off his brother's feet, ensuring not a single one was missed, his obedience unwavering.Is was humiliating but also very arousing cleaning the drops of piss from Kyle's feet. Jake reveled in cleaning his brother's feet, feeling a sense of fulfillment in his submissive role. Kyle, with a wicked grin, raised his foot, forcing Jake's mouth to follow obediently. "Clean the bottom of my feet," he commanded, pressing it firmly against Jake's face. Jake compiled without hesitation, his lips and tongue diligently servicing every part of Kyle's feet. He worked methodically, ensuring every inch was spotless, even as Kyle applied pressure, asserting his dominance. Jake's dedication to his brother's satisfaction was unwavering as he continued to fulfill his role as the submissive partner.

Kyle pushed himself forward to the edge of the couch so that his ass was now just above Jake's face. Kyle, reaching down with a dominant grip on Jake's hair, pulled his brother's face solidly into his buttocks, ensuring their eyes remained locked, allowing Kyle to peer into Jake's eyes. With deliberate movements, Kyle shifted forward on the edge of the couch, his tight briefs accentuating every contour. He raised his legs, placing them on Jake's shoulders, and pressed his butt harder against Jake's face, the fabric of his underwear creating an intimate barrier between them.

"I want to feel your mouth moving against my hole," Kyle commanded, his voice laced with dominance. Jake, feeling the weight of his brother's demand, complied willingly, his lips and tongue obediently exploring every crevice, his movements synchronized with Kyle's rhythm. The intensity of their connection grew as Kyle maintained eye contact, asserting his control over Jake's every action. In this moment, their bond as dominant and submissive twin brothers was reaffirmed, each fulfilling their role with unwavering devotion. Kyle couldn't get enough of Jake's mouth against his ass.

Kyle relished in the sense of dominance he had over Jake, observing with satisfaction as his brother eagerly worked to please him. It was almost surreal for Kyle to witness Jake pushing his face even harder into his butt, feeling the warmth of his tongue against his hole. The sensation of saliva soaking the material covering his buttocks only heightened Kyle's arousal, a testament to Jake's obedience and submission.

With a commanding gesture, Kyle pushed Jake to the floor, positioning himself above him. With deliberate slowness, he ripped off his briefs, exposing himself fully to Jake's eager gaze. With a predatory gleam in his eyes, Kyle descended onto Jake's face, his arousal evident as he pressed himself against his brother's mouth, claiming his submission in a display of primal dominance. As Kyle indulged in his desires, the connection between the twin brothers deepened, bound by the intricate dynamics of their relationship.

Kyle settled onto Jake's face, his dominance palpable as he commanded, "You know what to do." Lost in his submission to Kyle, Jake instinctively began to devour Kyle's asshole, his tongue eagerly exploring every inch. Kyle pressed himself down, sealing the contact between his hole and Jake's mouth, reveling in the sensation of control.

As Kyle rode his brother's face, he grabbed his cock, slowly smacking it against Jake's forehead, asserting his dominance with each deliberate movement. The room was filled with the sounds of their mutual pleasure, a symphony of submission and dominance as they surrendered to their desires. In this moment, Kyle and Jake were entwined in a complex power and pleasure, No longer just brothers but Master and slave..As both brothers reached the edge of ecstasy, Kyle pushed back sitting on Jake's chest aiming his cock at his brother's open mouth, releasing a flood of cum. Simultaneously, Jake, unable to contain himself any longer, released his load all over his lower stomach, succumbing to the intensity of the moment.

Breathless and satisfied, Kyle said swallow my cum pig. Jakes mouth full of kyles cum swallowed it down. Kyle raised up and sat back on the couch, his command clear as he ordered Jake to clean up every drop of his cum that had dripped between his legs. Jake, still in a haze of submission and arousal, obediently leaned forward, his tongue lapping up every trace of their shared passion, fulfilling his role as Kyle's devoted submissive. In this intimate aftermath, the bond between Kyle and Jake deepened. Kyle leaned back relishing in the feel of his slave licking every drop of cum from his body. When Kyle felt jake had done a good enough job he pushed Jake away with his foot. Go start my shower, wait there I will need you to wash all the sweat from my body, I know you rather tongue bathe me you can do that after I get back from the gym tomorrow...

Tell me how you like the story so far. Kyle and jake have more depraved acts coming. Any ideas please share, maybe I can use them in the story.

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