Submission, Alex and Pete .

Published on Apr 28, 2011



Alex and Pete ... Copyright Alex Carr 2011

It was good to feel the touch of Alex again. The way he loves me is always stunning, vigorous and completely satisfying.

He takes me to the hilt and I have grown accustomed to that, having first when I saw that great cock aroused, that he could never get a full penetration.

It just shows what can be done if one is keen enough. I was keen to have Alex of course I was, he was sweet and alluring in the most delightful and sexy way I could just not ignore his overtures, when first he touched me at the bowling alley, pretending it was an accident and all.

That's how first I took it to be too. Until the same thing happened. Me thinking was that just a mere coincidence that it should happen twice like that? I don't think so. Me getting to the point that I was hoping it wasn't an accident, that yes, it could be fun having another guy instead of a girl, me knowing all the while I was bisexual to every degree but of late, I was feeling a certain wanting that only another man could satisfy, and I wasn' t for the idea of my girl friends suggestion that she would do it with a strap on vibrator.

I said at first I would give it a go if that's what she wanted, but I could

see it wasn't particularly, that she was probably just suggesting it to keep me, perhaps she knew I had other leanings and I was going off the gentle sex - wanting something a little more fluent and masculine, - and that is where Alex came in. I'd seen him at the alley often and eventually got the opportunity to team up with him to play bowls, all the time thinking I would rather at some stage play balls. I mean don't think me crude but he had the most appetising breakfast bar - nice and firm and snug he looked below those tight fittings joggers.

Who would have thought I would be there trying to lure him in my tightest of jeans, bending as deep as I could when throwing the bowl, with a little wiggle I hoped would take his fancy of me

Come to think of it, well I like to think of it - that the certain bend and

wiggle did lure him to touch me like that, when he collected a loose ball and brushed me on his return up the alley, enough to give me the message that yes, he did fancy me and perhaps we could go further? That is what was going through my mind anyway and the second time he touched it wasn't just a brush on my hip but more pronounced feel of my crotch as he sort of bounced against me

He was trying to tell me something surely, then I felt a lot more confident

when, bending over for longer than required to throw that bowl - I turned and noticed his look, the look that guys know. The look that says fuck,fuck, fuck! I approached him afterwards in the dressing room. It was quiet and

there were just us in there, He was sat on the bench and me, well I didn't say a word, his look said everything again and when I closed to him, it was the touch again, underneath and between my thighs, he sniffed me there and closed his eyes like he was enjoying it, then his hands closed over my hips each side and he prompted me to turn, so that my hind was facing him - and that is when I was in for the first of Alex's treats, the feel of his busy hand scrummaging me, the sound of his breath and murmurs of lust, I was right there with him, swaying my hind gently for him to feel me in different directions,. Wow! now I really wanted him, looking sideways and down as he enjoyed the feel of my ass I saw he was well primed and felt compelled just to extend my hand enough to touch him there.

Well no way did he seem to want to stop the touchy feely so I aimed to do the same, with a cock like that hidden was such a shame, it was so very compelling, seeing the actual shape of it beneath his joggers. I went for it, first touch and all that! It was so wonderful, so warm and pliable too, if that's how it felt outside how would it be underneath.

I wanted as much to get into his joggers as he said he wanted to be in my jeans.

"Do you think we ought to find somewhere more private and comfortable before we indulge? "I suggested, his eyes gleaming at that idea

"The way you speak so posh and the words you use, Pete are a real turn on, my pad is free, it is only moments away, shall we `indulge' there he mimicked with a very mischievous grin. So we made ways, it was like he couldn't keep his hands off me because every so often, walking to his pad, and if he got the opportunity and no one was looking, he squeezed my ass and gave it a quick slap which was very thrilling with the promise of a really good time once we got to his place. "Love your ass, Pete" he said.

I must have blushed because he noticed... "I like a shy boy, Pete. You don't mind me being older than you do you?" "How old I asked?" Turned out he was in his early forties and me> well I was half his age. "It's not age that matters Alex, not for me anyway, it is performance," I grinned boldly. I think I can please you, have you ever been had by a guy before?" "Nope! But I have a feeling I am going to be." "Too right, with a very cheeky ass like that, just waiting for it I would say Huh?"

I was obviously blushing again, Truth is I was getting heated at the thought of Alex's fuck, how would it be, would he want oral, II guessed he would, I hoped he would, I long to suck cock and taste the delights of it.

"There you go again, Pete - the way you are going, being a real turn on I will have one ready for you as soon as we arrive, will that be okay" he asked squeezing himself there.

"I could go for that, " I said eagerly.

My heart was throbbing one to the dozen -it wouldn't be long now before I felt my first cock inside me.

"That's great, Pete then we can play later, I really want to explore all with you, want to taste and suck you raw, want to fuck the ass off of you, want to shoot my spunk all over your sweet innocent blushing face until you are dripping with my cream."

What he was saying would not long ago have repulsed me, but now, as he spoke, I felt I was really on a par with this guy and in fact everything he said he wanted to do with me was a turn on.

Then we were there, he had a neat pad and very comfortable, a big wide bed with rails too, the mind boggled as to what we could do on there. But no sooner had awe got in and he was stripping the jeans off me like a wild thing, this for y first gay experience was a real; goer. There he was on his knees helping me off with my jeans and brushing his hands beneath the leg of my boxer shorts.

In a moment he was sucking me to his heart's content and it was a wonderfully arousing feeling, so much so I felt my c0ck grow in his mouth as he lick sucked my p-hole and gave it a really what for. Then he was really hot, swerved me around and pushed me over the edge of the bed. "Just a moment, stay there," he said, I want a good heaped cushion beneath you to really prop up that ass for a severe fucking."

I felt like what a chi9cken must feel like waiting to be slaughtered, he pushing down my back so that my ass was propped up high, then I felt the heat of his mouth start to work feverishly between my ass cheeks and then that so lo0veopy feeling of having one's ass and hole sucked and licked.

He told me I had a wonderful passageway and he loved the smell and taste of

me, do you mind if I gag yo0u with my used briefs?" he asked rapidly removing joggers and pants.

It was just another of his idiosyncrasies I grew to love so much, and the feel of his very stiff and ready cock start to open me was a delight in itself but the way he tied his briefs around my face, the crotch piece pushed into my mouth was so arousing, tasting him as he started to fuck, it was so wonderful feeling it slide up into me like it belonged, and all the thoughts about that it may hurt did not materialise, instead he gave me a real ding dong of a deep penetrating fucking which, for my first, I was never to forget.

Yes, to be with Alex was going to be my new obsession. I dumped my girl and went for Alex and everything seemed good and right.

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