Subjection of Sugden

By Aaron Swanson

Published on Apr 22, 2009


The disclaimer stays the same, this is a fictional account of sex between fictional men. Emmerdale is owned by ITV and this story does not reflect the views of ITV, or the sexual preferences of the actors who play these fictional characters.

Subjection of Sugden - Part 2

Andy slumped onto the couch and ran his hands through his mop of hair. How had it all gone so wrong so quickly?? Maisie had stormed out on him, and after he'd made sure nobody would interrupt them all night.. it was going to be a long lonely night, and his balls were full after the teasing that weird hooker had given him. He felt horny enough to masturbate but felt too bad about Maisie. And besides, if she did come back, he wanted to be fresh and ready to please. He grabbed a can from the fridge and turned the TV on, cranking up the volume.

The front door edged open an inch and Nathan peered through the gap. Andy had his back to the kitchen and the door, watching TV in the other room. Nathan crept inside and slunk into the lobby, waiting and watching, making perfectly sure of his plan. Eventually Andy finished his beer and went to the fridge for another. Nathan, dressed all in black, pressed himself against the wall and hoped Andy would head back to the sofa. As it happened, Andy made the plan even easier. He cracked open the can of beer, then left it on the kitchen table, and headed upstairs for a piss. Nathan took the opportunity. He got out a small packet which he'd brought with him, and poured some crushed pills into the can. He'd used the pills a couple of times on girls he met, but for this stud he'd packed a treble dose. After swirling the can so the powder mixed in, he retreated back to his hiding place.

Andy came back downstairs, grabbed his can and went back to the couch, slurping down the chemicals he'd been given. Nathan smiled a large, satisfied smile in the dark. He hadn't decided exactly what he was going to do to the muscular farmer once he was unconscious. He might have fucked him, if only to humiliate him, but Nathan wasn't particularly gay, and he was fairly sure he'd only be able to fuck a softer sort of guy. He was definitely going to humiliate him. He'd brought a thong and bra of Maisies with him, and the camera on his phone would give him plenty of blackmail pictures. The only other thing he'd brought was a small bottle of something they used to calm the horses. Sprinkled on a cloth, it would act like chloroform, just to make sure Andy would stay out cold for the duration of the night.

Andy finished the can, and Nathan heard it clang to the floor. He waited a few minutes, before looking into the room. All he could see was the back of Andy's head. He crept around the back of the sofa, and turned the TV to mute. Andy's eyes were shut, his mouth hung open slightly, and his hands rested at his sides. His feet were bare, and his legs were stretched out in front of him, in jeans. His muscles bulged underneath his tight white shirt. Nathan smirked triumphantly, and moved closer to begin his work. He kicked the can and it rolled across the floor loudly.

Andy's eyes snapped open, staring into Nathan's shocked and frightened face. With an animal growl he lunged for him, but the pills had taken some effect at least, and his arms and legs felt like lead. He said something but it was slurred and he reached out a hand groggily. It clamped onto Nathan's wrist like an iron shackle and even in his half-drugged state, Andy had the strength to yank Nathan off his feet. Nathan cried out, and fumbled for the cloth and the tranquiliser. He tugged his arm free and fell onto his stomach, pouring way too much of the liquid onto the little cloth. Andy heaved himself off the couch and his full weight landed on Nathan from behind. He was still slurring something and his hands fumbled for a grip on his attacker. Nathan twisted lithely underneath his opponent and jammed the soaking rag into Andy's face. Andy coughed and choked, reeling backwards instinctively. Nathan shouted and slammed into Andy, who rolled over stunned, with Nathan now on top of him. For a few moments they lay on the floor, their bodies pressed against each other. Their faces were inches apart, Nathans grimacing with the strain while Andys eyes rolled helplessly. Nathan could feel his cock had gone rock hard, rubbing against what must have been Andy's cock. Then he realised he might be suffocating him and moved the rag. Andy was gasping but only faintly. His eyes were rolling and his hands were still flailing slowly.

Nathan shimmied so that he was straddling Andys chest, his knees pinning the studs shoulders to the floor. With a cruel giggle, he unfastened his own trousers and drew out his cock. It was about 7 inches, almost fully hard and hot. With a mischeivous grin he slapped it against Andys cheek. Andy didn't respond so Nathan slapped him on the other cheek, then beat his cock down on Andys lips and chin. Eventually Andy realised what it was and moaned. His hands found Nathans thighs, and started clawing their way up to his waist. Nathans concentration returned and with a firm hand he put the rag over Andy's nose. Andy moaned and struggled feebly but Nathan held steady until the burly farmer was finally knocked out.

Nathan sat on Andys couch, his feet on his victims chest, and swore. Andy wasn't supposed to know who his attacker was! Now his options were very limited. He couldn't exactly kill him, so he would have to make the blackmail truly unthinkable. Whatever he showed Andy doing, it would have to be so bad that Andy would never be able to retaliate. As his mind was turning over all the different options he had, the phone rang.

Nathan jumped as it shattered the silence of the house. He waited desperately for it to stop, but it went through to the answering machine. The message made Nathan's blood run cold...

"Hiya, it's just Daz. Sorry to bother you, I know you were having a night to yourselves, but I left some stuff up at the farm and I really need it. I'll be there and gone in about 10 minutes, you won't know I'm there, promise. Cheers."

Part 3 coming up, see if you can guess where this is going!! All messages greatly appreciated, thanks for the support of everyone who has already mailed.

Next: Chapter 3

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