Subjection of Sugden

By Aaron Swanson

Published on Apr 17, 2009


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Due to popular demand, this is a fictional account of sex between fictional men. Emmerdale is owned by ITV and this story does not reflect the views of ITV, or the sexual preferences of the actors who play these fictional characters.

Sugden Subdued - Part 1

Nathan Wylde was fuming. From the moment he had arrived in Emmerdale he had known that Andy, the local thug farmer was going to be trouble. And almost as soon as he figured that out, he realised that there was nothing he could do about it.

Andy was slightly shorter than Nathan, but that was the only adantage he had over the farmer. Nathans build was slim but not toned, a decent body that he'd simply had the genes for, with no effort on his part to make it better. He relied on his big innocent eyes and sleepy smile to win over the girls. Andy was totally different. His was a rippling muscular frame, with a washboard stomach and bulging pecs.

When Andy became aggressive at the Wylde familie's home, Nathan had threatened to throw him out. But it had been a total embarrassment. Everyone there knew, including his parents, that he couldn't throw Andy anywhere, and that Andy could probably tear him apart if it came down to a fight. The frustration caused him to storm out of the room, but already the obsession was beginning to form. Nathan was a rich kid, unused to not getting what he wanted, and thoroughly convinced that he could manipulate his way out of any problem.

He was convinced that Andy was sleeping with his sister solely to wind him up, so Nathan tried to do the same, falling into bed with Andy's ex, Katie. The plan worked, and Andy began to get more wound up, arguing with Maisie who was oblivious to the whole situation.

Nathan knew that he had a duty to protect his sister, and he wanted to humiliate the thuggish farmer, to crush him like a bug...

It was late afternoon when Nathan pulled up near to the Sugden farm. He turned to the woman in the passenger seat. "Are you perfectly clear what you need to do?" She chewed her gum, and nodded at him sarcastically. He got his phone out, dialled a number and signalled for quiet:

"Maisie, hi! Nothing, I was just wondering if you'd like to go for a drink, catch up. Oh right, when are you going to be back? 10 minutes? Excellent, I'll meet you in the Woolpack in say... 30 minutes? Alright, perfect. Get back to Andys, freshen up and come straight down to the village. See you there!"

He hung up the phone and smiled wickedly. "Alright," he said to his passenger, "go."

Andy almost leapt out his chair when someone knocked at the door. He'd been looking forward to his girlfriend coming home. He'd given Sarah to Debbie to look after, and planned on a long, dirty night with Maisie. Although it was a little strange for her to knock. He opened the door and the visitor walked straight inside. Andy stared at her. In heels, tights, a miniskirt and a low-slung top, the middle-aged woman was caked in make-up. She looked for all the world like a hooker! She eyed him up and down like a lump of meat, and raised her eyebrows. "Young but built. I'll do you for free sugar!" Andy raised his hands and started to tell her she'd made a big mistake but she just reached forward and grabbed at him through his jeans. He gasped as she started rubbing him roughly and he got hard in response. Before he knew it she'd lowered his pants, lifted his shirt, and was dragging her nails over his torso as she gave him one of the best blowjobs he'd ever received. The hooker was skilled, keeping him on the edge for what seemed like forever. At first he was worried about getting caught, but as he got more desperate he forgot.

Maisie pulled up and walked inside. She stared in horror at the sight of an almost-naked Andy up against the wall with some random woman giving him head. He started to explain but it was ridiculous when his cock was still in the womans mouth. Maisie didn't even slap him, she just slammed the door and drove off. From his hiding spot, Nathan grinned. He gave the hooker enough time to make her excuses ("Wrong house love, sorry!") and get a taxi. He sent a text to Maisie telling her something had come up and he couldn't make it. Then, he put on a pair of black leather gloves and drove quietly up to the farm...

Part 2 to follow. This story will progress alongside the actual storyline on TV, but I can add or take away anything that my readers want. Please get in touch by emailing with feedback, suggestions or just support!

Next: Chapter 2

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