Subic Surrender

By RimPig (RimPigFL, Bobby Michaels) (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on May 31, 2003


DISCLAIMER: I don't fucking care how old you are. If you like the idea of two hunky young Marine's getting it on with each other then read on!

By the way, no Marine's were injured or killed in the writing of this story but that's not true of what's going on in the Middle East or other foreign places. I would ask your prayers, good thoughts or whatever for all the Marines serving our country (that's us guys!) around the world.

This is dedicated to every one who has ever served in the USMC - Semper Fi!

SUBIC SURRENDER - Part 9 by RimPig (c) 2003

We had decided that we didn't want anything 'formal' for the wedding. We didn't even want to wear suits. What we decided to wear were matching Hawaiian shirts of deep blue with white palm fronds on them, khaki cargo pants and sandals. Mostly because we knew it was going to be hot. And it was. The prediction was for 92 degrees and it felt all of that.

Several of the nurses from the hospital where Mike worked came, along with the supervisor of Nursing. Several guys came from our construction crew. One of them, Brian, even brought his girlfriend with him. Among the guys were the two who had provided the marijuana for Mom. I had talked to Dad beforehand about it and, though he still didn't know their names, he gave me envelopes to give them with a thousand dollars each for them. Dad was so grateful for all the pain and misery Mom had been spared through the use of the 'illegal' drug. I think Dad and Mom were solidly in the 'Legalization of Marijuana' camp now.

I pulled the guys aside before the ceremony and handed them the envelops. When they looked inside they were astonished.

"What's this for?" the first one asked.

"This is from Dad. It's to show his gratitude for helping Mom out when she was so sick." I said.

"He didn't need to do this!" the other one said.

"I know. But you know how Dad is. At any rate, it's just his way of saying thanks." I said and left them to see to our other guests.

The priest we'd arranged for arrived and I took him into the cottage because he said he'd wanted to meet with Mike and I before the ceremony. Mike was still in the bedroom getting ready and I went in and told him the priest was here. He said he'd be out in a minute and I went back to the living room.

"Can I get you a cup of coffee, Father?" I asked.

"If it's not too much trouble, that would be very nice." the Priest said.

"No trouble at all. I've got a pot already made. Or we have beer, if you'd like one." I asked.

"No. I don't drink. But thanks anyway." he said.

"Okay, what do you take in your coffee?" I asked.

"Just black is fine." the Priest said.

"A priest who doesn't drink! That's different!" I said.

"Well, you see, I did drink at one time. Quite a bit more than anybody should! I've been in recovery now for 21 years." he said.

"Congratulations! That's a very long time. In fact, that's almost as long as I've been alive!" I said. "So you work with people who have AIDS?" I asked.

"Yes, and with people who have substance abuse problems. Oftentimes, they are the same people." he said.

"So can't you get in trouble for performing a marriage for us?" I asked.

"No. You see, I'm a priest, and I'm catholic, but I'm not part of the Roman Catholic Church. My church broke away from Rome in the 1800's. We don't do what the Pope says. From what I hear, I couldn't be a priest in the Roman Church now anyway." he said.

"Why? Because you marry gay people?" I asked.

"No, because I'm gay." he said simply.

"You are? But what does that matter? You're celibate anyway." I asked.

"Well...again, we don't do what Rome says. I'm not celibate. I had a lover for 19 years before he died of AIDS." he explained.

"Wow! That's incredible! This sheds a whole new light on religion for me." I said.

"I know, you've stayed completely away from the church because you knew that you'd never be accepted and probably have been taught that God hates you for being Gay. Nothing could be further from the truth, you know. That's what my ministry is all about, is getting people over their crazy ideas about God hating them and helping them to rebuild a relationship with a God that loves them." he said.

At that point, Mike came out of the bedroom and I was just about to introduce him when he grinned, and walked over and hugged the Priest!

"Father Gray!" Mike said, hugging him. "I didn't know it was you! Damn! I'm glad it is! I can't think of anyone I'd rather have marry us! I would have asked you but Rick's mother arranged everything!"

"I take it you know Father Gray?" I asked, looking at Mike.

"Yeah! I see him at the hospital all the time! Usually, he's working n the AIDS ward but we get kids with AIDS down in pediatrics and Father Gray always comes by to see them and to talk to them." Mike said, smiling at the Priest.

"Yes, I'll go anywhere to spread my subversive message!" Father Gray laughed.

"What subversive message?" I asked.

"Why, that God loves you just exactly the way you are! You don't have to change anything for God to love you! You're His child and He loves you unconditionally! Very radical and subversive!" Father Gray laughed again.

"But the church is always going on about sin and shame and damnation!" I said.

"Well, unfortunately, a lot of churches are like that. And, trust me, there is sin. That's when we hurt each other. But loving each other is not a sin - no matter what anybody says! And even if we do sin, that doesn't mean that God stops loving us. His love is unconditional! You can't do anything to deserve it and you can't do anything to stop God from loving you. All you can do is accept or reject His love. I think it's better to just accept it. After all, what have you got to lose?" he smiled.

"Nothing. But I've always believed that God loved me. That's why I won't go to church. I'm not going to have anybody tell me different. God sent Mike to me. I know He did! Mike has made me so incredibly happy! I'm not going to go to a church that tells me that my loving Mike is a sin!" I said.

"Good for you! I wouldn't want you to! In fact, to be honest, I don't care if you ever set foot in a church as long as you believe in God's love for you and you develop some kind of relationship with him. That's radical, too, I know. But there are so few churches that understand God's unconditional love. Remember, churches are invented by people. People are fallible, they can't love unconditionally. Only God can do that. When you and Mike make love to each other, that's a holy and sacred act! That is worship of God because you are giving that love He gave you to each other." Father Gray said.

I sat there stunned. I never in my life thought I would hear these kind of ideas come out of the mouth of a priest! I'd thought these same things, but never thought I would hear a 'man of God' say them! Mike just stood there grinning at me. Evidently, he already had heard a lot of this.

" certainly are the right guy to be performing our wedding! I say that much!" I said, grinning at the little Priest.

I say little because he was only like 5' 5" tall. He had dark hair cut almost a short as most Marine boots. He was stocky, not fat, but sturdy. He grinned a lot and his eyes were like magnets when he got going. He spoke passionately about his beliefs and you could tell he was both caring and sincere. Ministering to the people that he did, I guess he would have to be.

"Thanks, Rick. Now, anything special you guys want in the ceremony?" he asked.

"Well...could you leave out that crap about 'obey'? I mean, when I got out of the Marines, I promised myself I wasn't going to 'obey' anybody again!" Mike laughed.

"Mike, the church took that out of the wedding vows years ago. Now, this is something I only ask Gay men usually. What about the part about being faithful to one another?" Fr. Gray asked.

Mike and I looked at each other and grinned.

"You can keep that one in, padre! We have been completely faithful to each other and plan not to change that." I said.

"Good for you. Believe it or not, it makes a relationship easier that way, though today, most people don't see it that way. Having sex with people outside the relationship isn't wrong, if that's the agreement that two people have but it really does, over time, weaken the relationship. If there's something happening that you can't turn on to each other, you need to be looking at what's wrong between you - not going out and finding somebody to trick with. But, as I said, that's not my decision to make. That's between two partners." Fr. Gray said.

"Well, that's not us, Father. Trust me. I love Rick too much to even look at another guy and he'll tell you he feels the same way." Mike said and I nodded my agreement.

"And after five years, huh? That's great! And not too common. Anything else you want in the service?" he asked.

"Well, we'd like to, somewhere in all of this, acknowledge the love and support that Rick's parents have given us." Mike said.

"OUR parents!" I reminded him.

"I figured I'd better differentiate that so Father Gray doesn't think that there's incest going on here!" Mike smiled.

"Ohh. Yeah. Maybe you're right. You see, Father, Mike doesn't have any family. He grew up in a group home. My parents have become his parents, if you get what I mean." I said.

"Rick, in the old testament days, and even today in some countries, when a man and woman marry, one of them, depending on the culture, literally becomes a part of the other family and loses membership in their own. I understand and I think it's wonderful that they've been so open to loving your partner. But I wouldn't expect anything less of Rose." he said.

"Do you know my Mom well?" I asked because Mom had never mentioned him.

"I've known her for a while now. She used to volunteer at an AIDS foodbank. That's where I met her. I also visited her while she was in the hospital and while going through the treatments there. I would sit with her sometimes while she was having the chemotherapy. We would talk and it would take her mind off things." Fr. Gray said.

"I wonder why she's never talked about you?" I asked.

"I don't know. Maybe she just didn't think the time was right." he said.

"Mike did you know Fr. Gray?" I asked.

"No, I didn't meet him until I started working in the hospital. I used to wait for your Mom down in the waiting room during treatments. I had no idea that Fr. Gray knew Mom." Mike said.

"Well, anyway, we know each other now. Maybe when we get back from the honeymoon and things settle back down, you could come over for dinner one night, Father. I'd like to talk with you more, if you don't mind." I said.

"I'd love it." he said and then looked at his watch. "I think its about time to get this show on the road. You two okay?"

"Yeah, we're fine." Mike answered, reaching out and putting his arm around me.

"Not nervous at all." I said, leaning my head on Mike's shoulder.

"Good. Nothing to be nervous about. All we'll be doing out there is talking about what you're already living." The priest said and then left.

"He's a really good man." I said to Mike.

"Yeah. He is. The kids love him. So! You ready?" Mike asked.

"Yeah. I've been ready for a long time now. I've really wanted this. I don't know why, but I do." I said.

"I've wanted it to, but I know why! I want the world to know that we belong to each other and that we're not afraid to say it." Mike said.

"Yeah! That's it! That's exactly it!" I grinned and then we kissed, deeply.

"Now you start that and we're gonna be REALLY late for our own wedding!" Mike grinned pulling back from the kiss.

"Okay, let's go get married so we can get on to the honeymoon!" I laughed.

The ceremony was everything we had wanted it to be. Mom cried. Dad had tears glistening in his eyes and so did Mike. I nearly lost it when I had to speak my vows to him. I looked into his eyes and I just wanted to crawl inside them and live there forever, they were filled with so much love for me. When it came time to exchange rings, Mike took my hand and looking into my eyes said, "Rick, This ring means that you belong to me but it also means that I belong to you. It's a circle - no beginning and no end, just like the love that I have for you."

Taking his hand, I slipped the ring on his finger and said, "Mike, this ring is a symbol of our lives together - a solid band with no breaks. I will love you for longer than this ring lasts, longer than my life lasts. I will love you through all eternity."

Father Gray was wonderful. He led us gently through the whole thing and he acknowledged Mom and Dad's love and support of us. That's when Mom started crying. Finally at the end he said, "Despite the objections that the State of Florida might have, in God's name I declare that you are joined as partners and your love blessed by God for all time! You may kiss to seal this bond."

Mike took me in his arms and kissed me deeply. I don't think that this was the kind of kiss that is traditional at that point of a wedding but Mike got a little carried away. Okay, we both got a little carried away but, after all, we were finally, really and for all time, married!

The reception afterwards was interesting. There was finger foods and lots of champagne. Dad, taking the role of Best Man offered a toast to Mike and me.

"I guess there would be fathers who wouldn't be very happy that their son had found a good 'man' to love. But that's not true for me. My son found one of the best men I've ever known to be his partner in life and Rose and I will tell you, we couldn't be happier. We now have two sons and we love them both. The only wish I have for you guys today is that you find the happiness that Rose and I have found in each other and that you live that love for more years than there are hairs on your heads!" Dad said.

Tom showed up with his partner, Bill, and their two children; Brian, who was 12 and Cory, who was 11. The two boys were both very well mannered. They both came up to Mike and I and offered their congratulations and handed us a gift which was from all of them.

"Thanks, guys. But you really didn't have to do this." I said.

"Well, it's not everyday that we get to see two Marines get married." Tom grinned.

"Yeah, Tom was telling me that you guys met in boot camp? I guess you can find love anywhere!" he laughed.

"Well, don't tell the Marine Corps that! They definitely wouldn't like it! Marines are supposed to learn to kill, not fall in love!" Mike laughed.

"Dad, why don't you guys get married like this?" Brian asked his Dad.

Bill looked at Tom who smiled.

"Well, it just so happens, Brian, that your Dad and I just had a talk with Father Gray and we're going to do exactly that." Tom said.

"Well, you'll have to let us know when it is so we can come!" I said to Tom.

"We will. I hope you guys will come to dinner one night after you get back from your honeymoon." Bill said.

"We'd love to!" Mike said. "We don't really have any friends around our age. Finding committed Gay couples is not easy."

"I know what you mean!" Tom said. "Every couple we've known since we've been together have split up. Usually over issues of fidelity. Guys are such horndogs! They can't seem to keep it in their pants!"

"A guy can stay faithful if he finds the right guy." Mike said, putting his arm around me and hugging me close to him.

Later, Brian, the guy who worked for us, came over with his girlfriend. Her name was Kathy and she was a pretty and petite girl with long, chestnut hair. Brian, who was over six feet tall, towered over her. The were holding hands and I could tell that they were very much in love with each other.

"That was the most beautiful wedding I've ever seen!" Kathy exclaimed to us. "I want our wedding to be like that." she said this, looking up at Brian.

Brian started chuckling and both Kathy and I looked at him quizzically.

"Sorry! I just had this thought come into my head when you said that, Kath. I wondered when you were planning on having a sex change!" Brian laughed.

Kathy looked uncomfortable for a moment but then Mike and I started laughing, too, and she relaxed and smiled.

"I'm sorry, guys. Just my warped sense of humor. The wedding really was nice, though I have to admit it was kind of strange. I've seen guys in love before, but I've never seen two guys in love with each other. It's pretty fuckin' intense! I guess I'm gonna have to completely re-think my whole idea about gay guys. I mean, I never thought that you were a 'sissy' or anything, Rick. There's nothin' effeminate about you. So I had pictured Mike as being the effeminate one. I was sure wrong about that!" Brian said.

"A lot of straight guys think that, Brian. And it's only natural that you would. You see everything in terms of masculine and feminine. But I'm not attracted to anything feminine - no offense Kathy. I like women, but as friends. I don't want a male who doesn't know that he is a man. Otherwise, it would just be some kind of warped copy of heterosexuality. That's not what we're trying to do here today - copy heterosexuality. We're married, but there is no 'wife' - really no 'husband'. It's like what Father Gray called us - partners, equal partners." Mike said.

"Can I ask you guys a question?" Kathy said.

"Sure, you can ask anything you want. I can't guarantee we'll have an answer." I smiled.

"Did you always know that you were gay?" Kathy asked.

"Yes, and no." I said.

"I knew from the time I was very young, about eight or nine." Mike said.

"I didn't know until I fell in love with Mike. I'd been with girls before that, in fact, somewhere along the line, we both have. It was when Mike came along that I began to wake up to my true feelings. And see, Kathy, that's what it's all about - feelings. I'm gay, not because I didn't like women but because I loved Mike. I never fell in love with a woman. Never had those feelings for anyone but Mike." I said.

"Well that really screws up the whole argument about whether you're born that way or choose to be Gay." Kathy said.

"How's that?" Mike asked.

"Well, you knew since you were a child. It could be well argued that you were born that way, but Rick didn't find out until he was much older so, for him, it could be a choice." she said.

Mike and I both started laughing! Kathy looked perplexed.

"Oh, God! I wish I'd had a choice! Do you really think that I would have chosen to be someone who has to hide who and what he is most of the time? Who has to hide his love for the most important person in his life? You two are standing there holding hands. I'm sure that's very natural for you. I'll bet you do it lots of places in public. I can count on one hand the times that it has been safe enough for Mike and I to do that. No, I didn't have a choice. You don't choose who you love. I fought or covered over my own feelings for other guys for years! I just couldn't fight them about Mike, the feelings were just too overwhelming. And still, it took me a year to realize what I was really feeling for him." I said.

"I guess a lot of what I was taught about gay people is wrong then." Kathy said.

"Unless you were taught it by Gay people, yeah - it's wrong." Mike said.

"But I gotta ask one question guys. I've known a couple of gay guys in my life and they were the horniest fuckers I'd ever met. They were constantly having sex with so many guys they could hardly keep count! I have to admit, I somewhat envied them. I mean, havin' sex all the fuckin' time! They always told me that being gay meant they had the freedom to do that. They didn't get tied down to one person. But that's just what you guys just did!?" Brian said, confusion in his voice.

"Brian, it's the difference between 'can' and 'must'. Yeah, most gay guys are pretty free about sex. They can go out and have lots of sex partners and that's fine for them. Mike is the only guy I have ever had sex with and the only one I want to ever have sex with. I don't want just sex, I want love. Mike gives me that. What more could I need? Fidelity is a choice. I didn't say to Mike, 'you have to be faithful to me!'. I don't think he might have stayed with me. I said the only thing I could legitimately say to him which was that I loved him so much that I did not want anyone else." I said.

"And luckily, I felt exactly the same way about him." Mike cut in.

"You don't have to have a lot of anonymous, impersonal sex if you're gay. You can choose to live any way you like. In that way, we do have more freedom than straight people. Before the ceremony, Father Gray asked us if we wanted the part about being faithful to each other in the vows or not. A lot of Gay guys don't want that vow in there because they have open relationships. We wanted it in because we do intend to be faithful to each other. I guarantee, however, that when you get married, the priest or minister or whoever performs the ceremony is not going to give you that choice. Heterosexual, legal marriage entails fidelity, whether you want it or not." I said.

"I never thought of it that way." Kathy said. "I guess you guys do have a lot more choice. But isn't being faithful the way it's supposed to be?"

"No, it's just the way you've been taught. There are a lot of places in the world where having more than one wife was the norm. I guess they look at people being faithful to each other as strange." I said.

"To tell you the truth, that doesn't sound all that good, even to me - and I'm a guy! I like the fact that when Kathy and I get married we're going to be just for each other." Brian said.

"Then that's the way it should be for you." Mike said. "People need to get over the idea that 'one size fits all'. It doesn't. People need to make their own decisions about what makes them happy. Maybe then they would have relationships that last."

"You've given us a lot to think about." Kathy said. "I feel, though, like I don't have to wish for you two to have a happy and long relationship. It seem like you already do."

Mike put his arms around me.

"Yeah. We already do!" he said.

We did the traditional 'cake cutting' and Mike and I even indulged in the custom of feeding the first pieces of cake to each other. Mike had actually managed not to touch the cake before we cut it, but I figured that it was only because of the promise he made to Mom. Mike always kept his promises - especially to her. The guests stayed for a couple of hours but finally it was just Mike and I with Mom and Dad sitting at one of the tables set up by the pool, each of us with a glass of champagne and Mike with another huge piece of the wedding cake! I swear, with his sweet tooth, I don't know how he kept his weight down but he was the same weight as when we left the Corps. Part of it was that he worked out almost daily in the Wellness Center at the hospital as well as running three miles every morning. That we did together. I worked out at the Wellness Center, too, but rarely could Mike and I work our schedules out to do it together.

Mike was busy feeding me another piece of wedding cake with his fingers when I heard Mom suggest to Dad that they should leave us alone now.

"Are you guys going to head for the Keys now, or wait until the morning?" Mom asked.

I looked at my watch. It was just 1:30 so I turned to Mike.

"We can easily be in Key West by 6:00. Let's go now." I said.

"Okay, babe. We're packed and everything. I know why you want to go, though." he grinned at me.

"Yeah, I want to drive Dad's wedding present!" I laughed. But he was right. There was another, better reason.

"Well, we'll see you when you get back." Mom said, coming over to kiss both of us.

Dad, too, came over and hugged both of us and kissed us on the cheek. We thanked him again for the wonderful wedding gift but he just waved our gratitude away.

"Hell, Rick, if you'd been a girl, I would have had to probably spend twice that on a wedding for you!" he laughed.

Mike and I got our bags from the cottage and then headed to the car. I hopped in the passenger seat and Mike looked at me funny.

"I thought you wanted to drive?" he said.

"No, I drove it before. You're turn now." I smiled.

He leaned over the door and kissed me and then went around and got in the driver's seat. Just then, Dad came out of the house and walked over to the car. He handed Mike a set of keys.

"I forgot to give you the other set. I think you'll need them." Dad smiled. "Now drive carefully. We don't want anything happening to you two."

"Don't worry, Dad. We'll be fine. Mike is about the most careful driver there is." I said.

"I wasn't worried about Mike's driving." he said.

"I'm not a bad driver!" I exclaimed.

"No, just still a young one. Anyway, you guys have fun!" Dad said, walking back to the house.

The drive to Key West was incredible. We got to the Pier house around 5:30. We'd switch places on Ohio Key and I drove us into Key West. What I didn't realize, until we got there, was that Dad had not rented us a room. He rented us a suite! And not just any suite - the Hemingway Suite which has a balcony overlooking the Gulf of Mexico. On a table in the living room was a huge bouquet of white roses. I looked at the card and then handed it to Mike who read it out loud.

"Make each other as happy as you can for as long as you can. Love, Mom and Dad." he read.

"I think that's really good advice!" I said to Mike as I moved closer to him.

He put the card down and pulled me into his arms.

"Yeah! I been waiting all day for this!" he grinned at me.

I could feel his hard cock pressing against my own. I guess we'd both been waiting all day. This morning was the first - and only - time that I ever said 'no' to Mike wanting sex. I just wanted to wait until we were married. I don't know why. I thought it would be somehow different - and in some intangible way it was.

As I slowly undressed him and parts of his beautiful body began to appear, I kept thinking to myself that this was mine - mine to love and pleasure - for the rest of my life! This seemed to slow things down. I had time to really savor his body in a way I guess I hadn't done for a while because it felt all new to me. I scent of him was strong and I reveled in it, taking deep breaths of him. It didn't take long and he was naked before me, his hard cock standing at attention and a twinkling drop of pre-cum resting over his piss-slit. I leaned down and swiped it off with my tongue and he moaned at the touch.

"My turn." he said softly, stepping away slightly so that his cock was out of range of my mouth.

I stood up and allowed him to undress me. He was taking his time, just as I had done, allowing himself to savor every moment. He, too, was taking deep breaths of my scent and moaning as he did so. He soon had me completely naked and my cock was as rigid and upstanding as his was. He stepped back and just looked at me for a moment.

"I can't believe that you're all mine forever." he said quietly.

"For 50 years and an option for 50 more." I said smiling at him.

"It will take at least that long to find all the ways that I love you." he said, his deep green eyes piercing into mine.

"Okay, now that we're married, I have one question." I said.

He looked at me quizzically. "What?"

"That night in Subic, you really did set me up, didn't you - all that stuff about how we needed to fuck the same girl because it would be safer and cheaper - you just wanted to get me in a sexual situation and see if I went for you, didn't you?" I asked.

Mike grinned.

"Yep!" he said. "I ain't ashamed of it either! I figured if I could get you naked and be naked with you, something would happen. After all, I'd been watching you look at me for close to a year like a hungry dog eyeing a bone!"

"Was I really that obvious?" I asked.

"To me you were. I'd seen that look too many times from guys in the group home not to recognize it. Now, most guys in the platoon - they'd never have thought twice about it but I knew that if you had the opportunity and there was no chance of anybody finding out about it, you just might have a fling at 'the other side of the fence'." he said.

"But you said that you were already in love with me. What if I'd had a 'fling' and that's all it was?" I asked.

"Well...the way you were looking at me all that time, the way I'd catch you sniffing me, the way your eyes looked when I saw you staring at me and you didn't know I was watching you - they all gave me a pretty good idea that you were feeling a lot more than just friendship for me. But, I'll admit, it was a gamble. But I figured it was worth the risk because I just couldn't go on anymore the way we were. I loved you and I couldn't go on pretending that I was just your friend. I wanted you to love me. I wanted it so bad that any risk was worth finding out if you could." he said.

"It was a pretty brave thing you did, risking everything like that. For me." I said softly.

"Yeah, but it was worth it. I won." he grinned and then he kissed me deeply and there was no more questions or talking, for that matter for quite a while.

Mike picked me up in his arms (his strength always did amaze me!) and carried me to the king- sized bed. He laid me gently down and then got on top of me. His mouth came down on mine and I was lost to his kiss as my hands began to gently stroke the sides of his naked body and to run up and down his back. The feel of his smooth, soft skin under my hands was making my cock harder by the second. I was actually afraid I was going to cum before we even got started.

"Calm down. This is going to be very long and very slow, babe. I want to take my time and enjoy every moment of this - the first time I make love to my husband, my partner for life." Mike smiled down at me.

The realization of that hit me as he said it and tears began to well up in my eyes and slide down my cheeks. Mike leaned over and licked them off me.

"I know, you're crying because you're so happy." he smiled.

I couldn't speak, my throat had such a lump in it. I just smiled back and nodded my head.

"Well you just keep on being happy, babe." he grinned.

He then went at my neck with his tongue and teeth. I was soon squirming under him and far too stimulated physically to cry anymore. I was running my hands through his soft hair as he seemed intent on devouring me. He moved farther down and attacked my nips. His tongue and teeth soon had them hard and sensitive to his every movement against them. He kept switching back and forth between them until I didn't know which one he was going after next. Finally he moved on by pulling my arms from around his neck. As soon as he did this, I knew immediately what he was after and I raised my arms above my head, giving him full access to my pits.

He moved his face over them, snorting deeply of my sweaty scent. Then he began to lick them, leaving them a soggy mess by the time he'd licked and sucked away all of the scent that was there. He then moved down my body, licking a trail of his saliva down the center of my chest and abdomen until he came to my pubic mound and began snorting all of my scent there. My cock, which was leaking copious amounts of cock-honey onto my abs, most of which he'd already licked up, was resting against his cheek as he began to lick my pubic hair. I had trimmed down my bush for comfort from the heat of the Florida summer and so his tongue was making a lot of contact with me skin, causing me to moan and undulate all over the bed. Mike finally moved down to where he was between my legs and began to lick and suck at my nut sack. I knew what he wanted to I pulled my legs back and opened myself fully to him. Now he could move down my balls until his tongue was laving up and down my ass-crack and finally his mouth was locking around my eager hole.

I felt his tongue pushing inside me and I groaned at the feeling! I loved when he ate me out. I loved the feeling of his hot, wet, rough tongue fucking my hole.

"Yeah! Fuck, yeah! Eat my butt! Get that tongue in there and fuck my butt! Eat me out, lover! Don't stop! Please, don't stop!" I begged.

He groaned his answer into my ass. I knew he would stop, when he was ready to replace his tongue with his cock. When he was ready to slide that hot, hard monster up my hole and take us both to heaven! I swear his tongue went deeper in my hole than it had ever done before! I was soon begging him to fuck me, to pound my butt until I couldn't see straight. But he kept on eating my ass. He wasn't about to fuck me until he was ready and I would just have to get used to that fact!

Finally he pulled his face out of my butt and rose up in his knees. He milked his cock so that his love-honey fell on my hole and then he took the head of his cock and rubbed the slimy lube into my hungry hole. When my hole was sufficiently lubed for him, he put the head against the opening and slowly began to slide it deep into my body. I pushed down with my ass muscles and he slipped inside me with ease. His cock kept going until his pubic hair was resting against my ass- lips and his cock was completely buried in my chute.

He leaned forward and rested on his elbows. I let go of my legs and wrapped them around his waist. His mouth came down on mine and he began slowly - so very slowly - fucking me. He would pull almost all the way out and then slowly push all the way back in. Each circuit took what seemed to be hours as my tunnel spasmed in ecstasy! I was groaning into his mouth as he continued to kiss me deeply. I was sucking on his tongue and tasting him. Strangely enough, one of the things I tasted was the chocolate flavor from our wedding cake! It made his mouth sweet.

I don't know how long he fucked me like this. It could have been hours, even days! I was lost in the feelings of being made love to so slowly by the man who I loved more than my own soul! The incredible feelings that he was generating inside of me were quickly driving me out of my mind! I writhed, I moaned but the relentlessly slow fuck continued until I knew that I was going to cum no matter what. But I found I couldn't! The pleasure was there but just not quite enough force behind it to allow me to shoot my load. I was right on the brink, but couldn't go over. Mike seemed to know this, too! He knew what incredibly sweet torture he was giving me.

Finally, he pulled his mouth from mine and looked down at me.

"Are you ready to cum?" he asked, grinning a mischievous grin.

"Fuck! YES! Please! Fuck me HARD! Make me CUM! PLEASE!" I was almost in tears I wanted to cum so bad and I was begging with every bit of breath in my body!

"Well...why didn't you say so?" he grinned again.

He raised up until his hands were resting on the bed and his body was leaned over mine. His hips began to slam hard and fast into my butt. His cock was reaming my hole like a piston in a racing engine and I was screaming with my approaching orgasm!


I never even got the word 'cum' out before my cock was gushing my white hot essence all over my face and chest. I could feel Mike continuing to slam his cock deep into my butt but I was peripherally aware that he wasn't cumming. He was still fucking me and, as I finally stopped shooting, he was still slamming his cock in and out of my ass.

I lay there, enjoying the feeling of him using my body for his own pleasure. He looked down at me grinning while his hips continued to crash into mine with a slapping sound that was loud now that I had stopped screaming. I figured he would cum soon, but I was wrong! He kept fucking me and soon, though I would never have believe it, my cock - which had never gone soft - was pawing the air and my balls were tingling and I was going to cum again! I couldn't believe it! I'd only gotten off five or ten minutes before! This couldn't be happening! But it was.

Mike looked down and he could see my cock jerking while he felt the tightening of my tunnel around his cock. He waited for me to begin screaming again and watched my load gush from my cock a second time before finally letting himself go. Burying his bone as hard and deep in my butt as he could, I felt his shudder and could feel his cock as it shot load after load of his spoonge deep inside me. He came for what had to be two minutes before finally collapsing on top of me, gluing our bodies together with the two loads of cum I shot on my abs and chest. The cum on my face, he licked up and then fed to me from his own mouth as he kissed me deeply.

"Now you are well and truly mine." Mike said and I pulled his head down and my mouth sought his again.

Still holding on to each other, still glued together by my cum, we drifted off to sleep, Mike's cock still buried in my butt.


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Next: Chapter 10

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