Subic Surrender

By RimPig (RimPigFL, Bobby Michaels) (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on May 30, 2003


DISCLAIMER: I don't fucking care how old you are. If you like the idea of two hunky young Marine's getting it on with each other then read on!

By the way, no Marine's were injured or killed in the writing of this story but that's not true of what's going on in the Middle East or other foreign places. I would ask your prayers, good thoughts or whatever for all the Marines serving our country (that's us guys!) around the world.

This is dedicated to every one who has ever served in the USMC - Semper Fi!

SUBIC SURRENDER - Part 8 by RimPig (c) 2003

Mom's chemotherapy lasted another three months. By that time, she'd lost all of her hair but had replaced it with some very outrageous wigs! It was hysterically funny to see my Mom with long, platinum blond hair almost down to her ass or with bright red curly hair. She also had a black one that looked like Liz Taylor in "CLEOPATRA"! However, she also had hats and berets that she wore when she just wanted to get out of the house for a while. The wigs she saved for going to the hospital or to make us all laugh at home.

The marijuana certainly helped get her through the last of the chemotherapy, even though the drugs did take their toll on her. She was very weak and had to go on medication for anemia. But it was all worth it for the day that all four of us sat in the oncologist's office and he told us that the leukemia was in remission and, with any luck, would not appear. I think there were tears in all of our eyes that afternoon. We all went out to dinner to celebrate and when we got home, I dragged Mike back to our cottage quickly.

"What was that - the bum's rush?" Mike asked, perplexed.

"That's exactly what it was. When we were getting in the car, Dad told me that when we got home, he wanted time alone with Mom. You can draw your own conclusions as to what that means!" I laughed.

"Cool. I was wondering what your Dad was doing with your mom so sick and all." he said.

"I don't know...probably what we would do if one of us was sick. God put our hands conveniently near our cocks to take care of these things, don't you think?" I smirked at him.

"Yes, and made assholes and mouths round, just like my cock." he grinned back.

"Are you saying that God intended for you to shove that horse-cock down my throat and up my butt?" I asked in a scandalized voice.

"It's fit in them rather nicely for a long time now." he grinned.

"Let's see if it still does!" I said dropping to my knees in front of him.

I tore open his jeans and slid them down his legs. His cock was already getting hard by the time I did so and I easily slid the length of him into my mouth and down my throat. I'd learn to deep- throat Mike ages ago. Actually during one of our subsequent weekend passes after Subic. Mike was a very gentle and patient teacher and I was a very committed and talented student. least according to Mike. I loved taking his cock all the way inside me, no matter which end of me it was. With his cock all the way down my throat, my nose was buried in his pubic hair and I could smell the maleness of his crotch - a scent I loved. I was working my mouth up and down his cock when he pulled out and stepped back.

"Let's get naked. You know I hate sex with clothes on. Besides, I love to see you on your knees naked below me. I can see your cock and your butt that way." Mike grinned.

We both quickly stripped and I re-assumed the position on my knees before him, gobbling him back down my throat. His pre-cum was flowing thickly and I relished the taste of it. His hands were gently playing in my hair. Both of us had much longer hair now. I had no idea that Mike's hair had beautiful soft waves in it until it grew out. He was an even more beautiful male with hair! I looked up into his eyes while I sucked on his cock. He looked down into mine and I could see the fire of his desire glinting in his deep green eyes. That look always sent shivers down my spine!

I could feel his cock getting harder and harder. I didn't want him to cum yet, so I pulled off his cock and immediately dropped down and started sniffing and licking his balls. His furry sack smelled of musk, sweat and maleness and I was instantly drunk on it. I licked and sucked at his sack, even going so far as to nibble on it gently with my teeth, which got him moaning and throwing his head back with pleasure.

I went to take his cock in my mouth again but he grabbed it and wouldn't let me near it. I looked up at him and his eyes burned into mine as he said, "Get on the couch. On your back. Now."

I knew that tone of voice. Back in our days as Marine Lance Corporals, it was his 'command voice' - guaranteed to be obeyed or else! I answered the only way I knew how, "Sir, yes, sir!" I breathed.

I scrambled to get on the couch on my back as he had ordered. My cock was so hard it was throbbing with each of my heartbeats and pumping cock-honey out of my piss-slit at such a prodigious rate that my abs were already smeared with it. Mike stood over me, looking at me like a hungry wolf eyeing a downed elk! Then he leaned over me and devoured my cock to it's root as his cock slid back into my throat.

Sixty-nine is such an intense experience! Eating Mike's cock while he ate mine was dizzying and at times confusing. It was hard to tell at times where the pleasure was coming from - my mouth, avidly working on his hot, thick cock or from my cock, buried in his sucking throat. At times, we would achieve a synchronized rhythm so that, if I closed my eyes, it felt almost like I was sucking my own cock. Now, like this, laying on my back, Mike's large, strong body over mine, his scent strong in my nose, I was lost in rut - wanting desperately to devour him.

I felt Mike's mouth leave my cock and move down until he was licking my balls. I copied his action, allowing his cock to slip from my mouth and begin to rub itself against the center of my chest. I knew what was coming when he did this. Something that Mike had taught me our second weekend together. Something so incredibly erotic and mind-blowing that we didn't do it too often because it usually caused both of us to cum too quickly.

Mike grabbed my legs, and pulling them under his arms, lifted me so that my butt was open and visible to him. He bent all the way over and his face was buried in my butt crack. At the same time, my arms wrapped around the back of his legs and I raised myself until my face was buried in his butt crack. There we were, both of us sniffing and licking each other's butts! A rimming sixty- nine! For the two of us, both of us avid ass eaters, this position was like the ultimate ass-eating fantasy! We both loved to eat each others asses - we both loved having the other eat our ass. This position combined both into one. It was of such erotic intensity, neither of us could stand it for long without blowing our load!

My hands gripped the small of Mike's back as I held my face to his butt and ate out his hole like a starving man. He was doing the same thing to my hole. Again, it was like we were able to bend double and eat our own ass due to the feeling of eating butt while having your butt eaten! But, as I said, it was not a position or an activity that either of us could long endure. We started moaning into each other's butts almost at the same exact moment. I thought Mike might pull out and return to sucking my cock but, no! He was having none of that tonight! He was going all the way, blowing his load across my chest and abs while his tongue was buried in my butt. I, too, at almost the same time, began to spray cum all over myself and Mike while my tongue was buried up his butt and my nose was deeply inhaling the intensely masculine scent of his ass. The moaning caused tremors of excitement to course through each other's bodies as we shot load after load of cum on each other.

When the intensity of orgasm had passed, Mike rose up and moved back slightly. Then he moved his head down and began to lick up all of the jizz from my chest and abs. Having cleaned me as much as he could, he presented his chest which I had shot on to be licked by me. I swallowed all of my cum which I could find and then Mike leaned over and kissed me. From his mouth flowed all of the cum which he had licked up so that I was eating a mixture of our cum from his mouth and loving every second of it. Mike moved around and lay down on top of me on the couch and then pulled us over so that we were laying face to face, our arms around each other. One of the things we loved about this big, old overstuffed couch was how wide the seat was so that we could do this, and how long it was, given Mike's length. We filled the couch with not an inch to spare.

We lay there quietly for a while and then we began to talk. Not about anything in particular at first, just the things that lovers talk about. Finally it got around to Mike asking me how things were going at the construction company with me working with Dad.

"Mike, it's amazing! I love working with him! He knows so much and he teaches me so much but he never makes me feel like I'm stupid or anything. I always feel like he knows I can learn this and because of his confidence in me, I know I can learn it, too. I've already begun to take over a lot of the work and he's talking about giving me some small projects to bid and do myself!" I enthused.

"That's really great. Your Dad must be in heaven. He's finally got what he's always wanted, you in the business with him." Mike smiled.

"Yeah, and now that Mom is going to be okay, you can come and join the company now and we can start teaching the business to you." I enthused.

I thought that would engender a positive response from him but instead what I got was silence. Very uncomfortable silence on his part. Something was wrong and I didn't know what.

"Mike, is something wrong? Did I say something wrong?" I asked.

"No. You didn't say anything wrong. I know that was our plan in the beginning but...well..." he hesitated.

"Mike, tell me. What's up?" I asked.

"These last six months, taking care of your Mom has started me thinking about my future. What I really want to do, what I really want to become. I know you wanted me to come into your Dad's business and eventually help you run it and I don't want to disappoint you." Mike said.

"Mike, if there's something else that you want to do, that wouldn't disappoint me! Okay, it would a little. I thought that working together would be fun, but not if your hearts not in it! Not if you want something else for yourself. Please, tell me what it is you want." I said.

"Rick, I want to go back to school and become a nurse." Mike said quietly. "Helping your Mom made me realize that what I really want to do is help people - especially sick people. In fact, especially sick kids. I remember how scary it was in the group home when you got sick. They put you in the infirmary and you just laid there, all alone. If you went to the hospital it was even worse! You were put into a ward full of kids, you didn't know any of them, and most of them, though they were poor, had parents and families that came to visit them. You had nobody unless one of the social workers at the group home came to check on you. I want to be there for kids who are sick and scared. Does any of this make any sense to you?" he asked and I could see the fear of my disapproval written all over his face.

"Mike, I think that this is wonderful! Oh, God! I'm so proud of you! What a fucking wonderful nurse you'll make! How the kids will love you!" I exclaimed, pulling him tighter to me and kissing him all over his face.

"You really mean that?!" he asked, almost as if he couldn't believe what I was telling him!

"Yes! I mean it! And I promise you, I'm going to do everything in my power to help you get through school. Our bank accounts are looking really good. We still have everything we saved from the Corps and since our living expenses have been minimal and we really haven't been spending any money, the salary Dad's paying me has been just going into the account so we should have enough to put you through school." I said.

"Really? Are you sure?" he asked.

"Well, yeah. I'm sure. After all, don't forget you have educational money from the Corps that you can use as well." I said.

"Yeah, I thought about that. But this means I'm not going to be earning a salary for about three years." Mike said.

"So? I'm earning one and you're going to school. No big deal. We're here to help each other, remember? Now don't give me any of that macho shit about being a 'bread-winner'. I'm learning Dad's business, you're learning your profession. We both are doing something to better our family. That's all there is to it." I said.

"You know I love you, don't you?" he said softly.

"I can't wait to strip you out of that white nurse's uniform! Do you have to wear one of those funny hats?" I needled him.

"Nurse haven't worn those funny hats since your Mom was a teenager!" he growled and turned me over so that he was on top of me.

He leaned down and kissed me deeply and my arms went around his neck. We stayed that way for quite a while. Long enough, that by the time the kiss ended, both our cocks were hard again and grinding against each other and groaning into each other's mouths.

"You want to stay here and get fucked or do you want to go to the bedroom?" Mike murmured to me.

"Why go to all that trouble? Here will be just fine!" I smiled up at him.

We made long, slow passionate love to each other, finally laying on the couch, dripping with sweat and each other's juices. Mike turned us over so that we were laying on our sides, him spooned behind me and my head resting on his arm. We both said that we'd get up in a minute and go to bed, but we never made it. The morning sunrise found us still spooned together on the couch only Mike's hard cock had worked itself back up my hole again and he was slowly fucking me as I came awake.

"Ahh, fuck! That feels soooo good!" I groaned.

Mike began kissing and licking at my neck and shoulders as his cock continued to fuck slowly in and out of my hole. I groaned more as we slowly began to shift position so that I was face down on the couch, my head turned and almost leaning off the edge and Mike was between my legs and beginning to fuck me harder and faster. I knew that all I had to do was lay there and his cock rubbing against my prostate would get me off, but I couldn't wait. I started pushing back, meeting each of his thrust into me, making the fuck harder and faster. We were soon groaning like two rutting animals and with almost identical cries, began shooting our loads at the same time - Mike into my well-fucked hole and me, all over the couch! It was not the first load of cum that had been soaked up by the couch, nor would it be the last - and they weren't all mine, either.

We got up and went into the shower. One of the things that Mike and I continued to do after Subic whenever we got the chance was to shower together. I loved running my hands over his body and he seemed to love doing me. While it took us longer to shower that way, especially with all the playing and touching and kissing that went on, it always seemed worth it to us. I'd even talked Dad into letting me install a larger hot water heater for the cottage. He didn't ask why, and I didn't tell him, though I think he suspected.

After showering, I went into the kitchen where I started making coffee and Mike started making breakfast. Even though it was a small kitchen, we like working in there together. It was erotic to slide our bodies against each other occasionally while preparing food. After we ate, we got dressed and went over to the main house. Mom and Dad were having breakfast and we grabbed coffee and sat with them.

"So, how are my two boys this morning?" Mom asked.

"We're great, Mom!" I answered. "We've got something that we want to talk to about."

"What?" Dad asked, looking concerned.

"Oh, it's nothing bad! It tell them, Mike. It's really yours to tell anyway." I said.

Now both Mom and Dad looked concerned.

"It's just that ever since I started helping out while you were sick, I've been doing a lot of thinking about my life and my future. I know you offered me a place in the construction business and I'm really grateful for that...but...what I really want to do is go back to school and become a nurse. I want to work in pediatrics. I want to help kids who are sick." Mike said.

My Mom and Dad looked at each other and then Mom hopped up and grabbed Mike around the neck and kissed him while Dad sat there grinning like a Cheshire Cat!

"Okay, Rose, I owe you ten dollars!" Dad said, laughing.

"What?! Okay, you two, what going on here?!" I said.

"Your Mom and I had a bet going. She bet that Mike was going to want to either become a nurse or a doctor and I bet he'd come into the construction business to be near you. I guess I lost!" Dad laughed.

Mike and I looked at each other.

"You're not mad then?" Mike asked Dad.

"I sure as hell am! I lost ten bucks!" Dad laughed.

"No, Michael, we aren't mad, darling! We want you to do what makes you happy. If you want to be a nurse, then, by God, you're going to be a nurse!" Mom announced.

"And we're going to pay for it." Dad announced.

"No! I can't ask you to do that! I've saved money from the Corps and I can get a job." Mike said.

"Like hell you will! No son of mine is going to work his way through college! There's no reason for it. I want you to spend all of your time either studying, going to school or making love to my other son!" Dad smiled.

I think Mike and I were trying to see who could blush the deepest shade of red at Dad's comment.

"Oh, what are you getting embarrassed about, guys! It's the truth. You guys rut like a pair of oversexed rabbits most of the time!" Dad laughed.

Mom slapped him in the arm.

"Hank, cut it out! Just exactly were we doing when we first got married?" Mom said.

"My point exactly!" Dad said.

"You're just jealous because you can't 'rut' like you used to!" Mom said.

"Are you saying I'm not virile?" Dad asked.

"No, I'm saying you aren't 20! You're still very virile, darling, but neither one of us is young anymore. Mike and Rick won't be young forever. Let them enjoy it while they can." Mom said.

"Exactly what I was trying to say! Mike is going to be busy with school and Rick's going to be busy at the office. If Mike has to go to work to pay for school, they'll hardly see each other! I don't want them to have to go through that." Dad said.

"But Dad, we don't want to put that burden on you." I said.

"You let me worry about what's a burden and what's not. For your information the president of Broward Community College is a friend of mine. I built his home for him. I'm sure we can get a slot for you in their freshman class. And they happen to offer a three year RN program or you can even get a BSN. And you can do your internship right at Broward General." Dad announced.

"Wait a minute! How do you know all that, Hank?" Mom asked, askance at Dad's sudden knowledge of nursing programs.

"Because I called him yesterday. I always lose bets to you, Rose. I figured I wouldn't win this one either so, I figured I'd check things out for Mike." Dad grinned. "Look, son. We can easily afford to put you through school. After all, Rick isn't going to school and we always figured he would. So we've got the money put aside already. Mike, I told you that you were part of this family and this family helps out any member who wants to go to school. You got it?"

"Sir, yes, SIR!" Mike barked out and we all broke up laughing.

When we'd calmed down, Mike looked at Dad. "I will make sure you're proud of me." Mike said.

"Well, Mike, that's not very hard, considering we already are very proud of you. I don't know any better way to thank you for everything you did for Rose. She tells me you are 100 times better than any nurse she had in the hospital. So I'm betting that you're going to be a great nurse! And I don't expect to lose that bet, Rose!" he grinned.

"I'm not taking that bet, Hank! But you better pay up! You owe me ten bucks!" Mom said and Dad laughingly took out his wallet and paid her.

The next three year flew by. Oh, they were very busy years. Mike graduated at the top of his class and earned his Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) and was immediately hired by Broward General for their pediatric wards. In the mean time, I became more and more truly a part of the construction business, taking on more and more projects. This allowed Dad to take time off and he and Mom went for several long trips. They went to Paris and London and then to Hawaii. They were like newly-weds. It was so wonderful to see how much they loved each other even after being married for more than 30 years. Mike and I decided that we wanted to be that much in love when we'd been together that long. I think there's a very good chance of it and I'm not the only one who feels that way. Mike, Mom and Dad all agree.

Life for us was going really wonderfully. Mike was happy in his work with the kids at the hospital and I was becoming very satisfied with what I was accomplishing with the company. We were both making good salaries and since we still lived in the cottage behind Mom and Dad's house, we really didn't have a lot of expenses so we were able to put a lot of money away and still live very well. We each were able to have new cars each year and we loved to eat at nice restaurants. But something started to bother both of us. Mom and Dad had talked about our 'marriage', but we had not been married. Oh, we knew that we couldn't be married legally. The closest we could come to that was to register as 'Domestic Partners' at the county records office. This made sure that if one of us was sick, the other couldn't ever be blocked from visiting or being their medical surrogate with the ability to make medical decision if one or the other of us was incapacitated.

We didn't know how the registration would be handled, but when we got to the records office, we met this really wonderful woman named Anne, who handled all the paperwork for us and made us almost feel like we were getting married. She told us that she was always glad to do 'Domestic Partnership' registrations. She told us her best friend was a gay man and he had testified before the county commission in order to get passage of the ordinance.

But we began to feel that we really would like to get married. To have a ceremony which clearly committed us to each other in the eyes of God and our friends and family. I decided to talk to Mom. I came home from the office for lunch one day and surprised her.

"Rickie? What are you doing home?" Mom said. "Are you feeling okay?"

"Yeah, Mom. I'm okay. I want to talk to you about something." I said.

"Well come on in and sit down. How about some soup and a grilled cheese sandwich?" Mom asked.

"That would be great, Mom." I said.

"Okay, so what's wrong?" she asked as she put the soup on the stove to warm and got out a frying pan for the sandwich.

"Nothing's really wrong. Well...maybe it is wrong. I don't know." I stumbled around.

"Sweetie, you're not making a whole lot of sense. Why don't you just calm down and tell me what's bothering you." Mom said, sitting down and taking my hand in hers.

"It's not just bothering me, it's bothering Mike as well." I said.

"So what is it?" Mom asked.

"Mike and I want to get married." I said.

"But, sweetie, you already are married." Mom said.

"No, not really." I said.

"Well, darling, I'm sorry but two males cannot legally marry in this country. I don't think it's right but that's the way things are." Mom said.

"I know that, Mom. But it's not the legal part we care about. What we want is the ceremony. We want to exchange vows and to have the people that care about us there. Can you understand that?" I asked.

"Yes, sweetie, I can. I remember the day that your Dad and I got married. It was one of the happiest days in my life. I can only think of one happier." she said.

"When they told you the leukemia was gone?" I asked.

"No, sweetie, not even close. The happiest day of my entire life was the day I had you." she smiled.

I know I was blushing because I could feel the heat in my face.

"Thanks, Mom." I said softly.

"But you're right! If you and Mike want a wedding, then you should have a wedding!" she said.

"But how can we? Who would perform the ceremony? Where would we have it?" I asked.

"Let me work on this! Uhh...I don't know how to ask this one of you the wife?" Mom asked, and I could see the embarrassment on her face when she did.

"No, Mom!" I laughed. "It doesn't work that way. Why do you ask?"

"Well...frankly because your father is probably going to ask the same question. Remember the tradition, if you're the wife than he's going to feel like he has to throw the wedding!" Mom laughed.

"No, Mom! You are NOT going to throw this wedding for us! We have plenty of money to pay for it. Now, if you want to help with the arrangements, that's fine! But this is something that Mike and I want to do for ourselves." I said.

"I understand, Rickie, and I agree completely! Now, I think I can help with the arrangements. I think I know who to ask about this one. Just leave it my hands and don't worry. If it can be done, I'll find a way to do it. I promise." Mom said.

"Thanks, Mom! You're the best!" I said.

"Of course, it's going to be a little strange." Mom smiled.

"What? A wedding for two guys?" I asked.

"No, planning to marry my two sons to each other! It's almost incestuous!" Mom laughed and I joined her.

That night, I told Mike about the talk that Mom and I had.

"Was she okay with it?" Mike asked.

"Yeah, she was. Well...except for the part about marrying her two sons to each other. She said it sounded like incest." I said, smiling.

Mike started laughing and we both were soon in each other's arms, laughing. That kind of ended the discussion, though because...well...I guess Dad's right about us. Anytime we get in close physical proximity to each other, the heat begins to rise and the next thing you know, we're making love to each other. So, there we were, not ten minutes later, on the couch, naked and Mike's cock working in and out of my hole. That ended the discussion for the night as we continued making love to each other. We ended up in our bed, me fucking Mike and then we both went to sleep in each other's arms.

Luckily, however, Mom didn't forget for, in a few days, she came over to the cottage to talk to us together. She told us she had found a man, a priest, who had a ministry to people with AIDS who did perform marriage ceremonies for gays and lesbians. Since the wedding would be a small one, Mom suggested that we have it here at the house. We could have the actual ceremony in the patio area and the reception could be here as well. That would save us some money on things and would guarantee privacy.

"Actually, we'd like to have it here. This is where a lot of our good memories are anyway. We might as well add our wedding to them." I said and Mike agreed with me.

"Now, I know that neither of you are the 'bride', but I'm the mother of both grooms, so I want to ask a favor of you. I want you to let me plan this wedding for you. I never had a daughter so this will be my only chance." Mom said.

Mike and I looked at each other and the Mike took Mom's hand.

"Mom, we'd love to have you plan things for us. We don't know anything about doing something like this. We're going to need your help a lot!" Mike said.

We spent the next couple of hours going over what we wanted and didn't want. We pretty well agreed to keep it as simple as possible. The only thing that struck us is when Mom mentioned rings. We hadn't thought about that at all. Mom said that rings aren't mandatory but they are traditional.

"What do you think, Mike?" I asked.

"I want them. I want you to wear my ring on your finger and I want to wear yours on mine. I want that part of you with me, always." Mike said.

"And that, my two beautiful sons, is what they are supposed to mean." Mom said and I could see tears glistening in her eyes.

"What's wrong, Mom?" I asked.

"Wrong, sweetie? Not a thing. I just am so amazed at how much you two love each other. It's not something you see much of today - between anybody. There are no two people I know who deserve to be married than the two of you." Mom said.

"Thanks, Mom." Mike said softly.

"Well, let me get back to your Dad. I've got a lot of work to do but there's one last thing that you all have to decide. When do you want this all to take place." Mom asked.

"Well...that's something that we need to talk to you about, Mom. When we really would like to be married is on June second." I said softly.

"But that's...that's...oh, Rickie. That's so sweet! On our wedding anniversary!" Mom said and then she really did start to cry.

"We just figured it seemed to be a very good day for weddings for relationships that last." I said.

Mom threw her heart and soul into making the wedding something that we would all remember for the rest of our lives. We decided that, even though we didn't need a 'best man' or 'matron of honor' because witnesses weren't not required since our marriage was not a legal one, that we would have them anyway. Dad would be best man and Mom would be the Matron of Honor. They would be the witnesses for our marriage.

Mike and I went out looking for rings. We went to a jewelry store which advertized in a gay newspaper. The young guy who helped us told us his name was Tom and let us know that he was gay and that he and his lover had been together for eight years.

"How long for the two of you?" Tom asked.

"Five years now." Mike said.

"Good time for a ceremony. You know that you're going to stay together by then." Tom said.

"We've known that from the beginning." I said.

"Where'd you guys meet?" he asked.

"Camp Lejuene." Mike answered.

"What's that, some kind of resort?" he asked.

Mike and I both cracked up laughing.

"Yeah!" I said. "It's about as much a resort as Devil's Island!"

"It's the Marine Corps boot camp." Mike told him.

"You guys are Marines! Holy shit!" the salesman said.

"No, we were in the Corps. We left a while ago. We knew that we couldn't stay in once we fell in love." Mike said.

"So, you guys live in Fort Lauderdale?" he asked.

"Yeah, in Victoria Park. My Dad owns Copeland and Son Construction." I said.

"I take it that you're the 'and Son'?" Tom asked.

"Yep. Mike's a pediatric nurse at Broward General." I said.

Tom looked Mike up and down.

"A big guy like you and you're a nurse for kids?!" Tom exclaimed.

"I like kids. What can I tell ya?" Mike shrugged.

"Oh, don't get me wrong! I think that's really great. But you look more like you'd be part of the construction company than a nurse. But I understand it. I love kids, too. And it's a good thing, since my lover and I have two of them." he laughed.

"You and your lover have kids?!" I exclaimed.

"Yeah, the two most adorable little boys you've ever seen! They're eleven and twelve." Tom said.

"" I tried to ask.

"My lover was married. You know, young, scared of being gay, thought marriage would 'straighten him out'. Didn't work of course. I met him after the divorce. She'd left him and the kids. Bill was so afraid that I wouldn't want him with his kids that he kept the fact that he had kids from me for almost a month. He was wrong, however! I love kids and I love having them." Tom said.

"Yeah, I know what you mean. I love kids, too. I wish we could adopt know how it is here." I said.

"You would?!" Mike turned to me with a shocked look on his face.

"You know I love kids." I told him.

"But you never said anything about us having them." Mike said.

"Considering the stupid law in Florida about adoptions, what was the use of talking?" I said.

"What law?" Mike asked.

I told him about the law in Florida that prohibits gay people from adopting children.

"Well that sucks!" Mike said.

"Yeah. It does." and that was the end of the discussion.

We finally decided on wide gold bands with five diamonds set in them, for our 5 years together at the time of the ceremony. I don't know why we did it, but we invited Tom and his lover Bill and their kids to our wedding. Tom wrote down all the particulars and promised they'd be there.

The morning of June second dawned with beautiful blue skies and not a cloud in them. Mom had gotten us a tent, just in case, which in Fort Lauderdale is a very good idea. As we say here, "If you don't like the weather, just wait 15 minutes - it will change!" The wedding wasn't scheduled until 2 o'clock so Mike and I had plenty of time to get ready.

We woke in each others arms, hard as usual but when Mike went to stroke my cock I took his hand away and brought it to my mouth and kissed his fingers. He looked at me quizzically.

"Please, Mike. Let's save it until later. I want the next time we make love to be when we're married." I said.

"Hmm. Getting old fashioned on me! Next thing you know, you'll want to wear white down the aisle!" he grinned.

"I'm not that big a liar!" I laughed.

He pulled me closer and kissed me deeply. My resolve started to crumble but Mike just kissed me and gently stroked my body as I did the same. God knows, waiting until later to have sex wouldn't kill us, though there were times we thought it would.

"You know, if you're not gonna fuck me, you could at least make me breakfast." Mike complained.

"Just like a male, a two tracked mind - sex and food." I laughed.

"Yeah, and just what the fuck's on your mind?" he asked.

"Sex and food." I said, hopping out of bed and heading towards the kitchen.

I could feel Mike's eyes on my naked butt as I headed out the bedroom door. I also knew that by making him wait for sex, it meant that my butt was really going to get pounded when he finally shoved his cock in it but that made it all the better!

We breakfasted on eggs, bacon, toast and hash-browns along with a pot of coffee. Then we pulled on gym shorts and headed over to the main house to say good morning to Mom and Dad. Mom was sitting at the kitchen table as usual.

"Good morning, darlings! Want some breakfast?" my Mom greatest us each with a kiss on the cheek.

"Just had breakfast, Mom." I said.

"You shouldn't have to cook on your wedding day, dear!" Mom said.

"It's okay, I kind of owed it to Mike." I grinned at him.

"Ok, I can tell by the look on your faces not to ask what that's all about!" Mom laughed.

"I told ya! Never misses a trick!" I said to Mike.

"So where's Dad?" I asked.

"He went out early this morning. Very mysterious! Wouldn't tell me where he was going. I suppose it's something to do with the wedding. I'm hoping he'll be back soon. There's a lot of setting up to do before the ceremony." Mom said.

"When does the cake get here?" Mike asked.

"It will be here before the wedding but you can't have any until after the ceremony!" Mom said, giving Mike the 'evil eye'. She knew his fondness for chocolate cake so when we ordered a chocolate raspberry cake, Mike had eaten four pieces already of the sample! That's how we knew which on to order.

Mike looked dejected until Mom opened the refrigerator and pulled out a small, plastic container.

"Here, I knew you couldn't wait for it." she said.

Mike opened the container and there was another piece of the sample wedding cake. He grinned and started eating.

"I saved that for you for today. Now, promise me you'll leave the cake alone until after the ceremony!" Mom said to him.

"I promise!" was what he tried to say, but with a mouth full of cake it came our more like "Ummf Fwamsh".

Just then we heard several vehicles pull up in the driveway.

"It's a bit early for guests to be arriving!" Mom said and went to the front window. "Oh, my God! Mike! Rickie! Get out here!"

We came running from the kitchen.

"What is it, Mom?" I said.

"I think you boys better go outside." she said, pushing us toward the front door.

We went outside and there, in the driveway with Mom's car and Dad truck was a white Jaguar convertible. A man was shaking hands with Dad and climbing into a truck driven by another man with the Jaguar dealer's logo on the side of the truck.

"Dad! You bought a new car!" I said.

"Yep, ain't it a beauty!" he said, smiling.

"God! It sure is! A Jag! I've always loved them! You know that! But you told me you'd never drive one? What changed your mind?" I said.

"Nothing did. I still won't drive one." Dad smiled.

"Then why did you buy one?" I asked confused.

"Because, this isn't my car. This car belongs to you and Mike." Dad said grinning.

"What?!" I exclaimed.

Dad handed me the title and I looked down at it. My name and Mike's appeared as the car's owners.

"Dad! You shouldn't have done this!" I said.

"Hey! I didn't pay for the wedding. I have a perfect right to give you a wedding present." Dad grinned

"Oh, God! It's beautiful Dad!" I said, running my hands over the smooth fender.

"Well, get in it, see how it feels!" Dad say.

I walked over and opened the door. The interior was tan leather and the smell of the new leather and the new car were almost like an aphrodisiac in my nose!

"Be careful when you get in. There's something else on the seat you might want to look at." Dad said.

It was a folder and inside was a print out of reservations at the Pier House in Key West for a week in Mike and my names!

"It is the 'Father of the Groom's' responsibility to pay for the honeymoon and I'm the father of both 'Grooms'! I figured Key West is as close to Subic as there is in this country and the car will get you there." Dad said.

I turned around and threw my arms around my Dad.

"Oh, Dad, I love you so much. But you really shouldn't have done all this!" I said.

Mike, who was standing right behind me, hugged Dad as well.

"Yeah, this is really too much!" Mike smiled.

"No, it's not! It's not every day that my boys get married and I don't figure there will ever be another wedding for either of you." Dad said.

"No, there won't be." Mike said. "This is it. For the rest of our lives."

"No." I said.

"NO?!" Mike and Dad exclaimed at once.

"No. 50 years, remember?" I said looking at Mike.

"That's right - and an option for 50 more." Mike smiled.

"Huh?" Dad grunted.

"That's what we promised each other in Subic. That we'd be together for 50 years and an option for 50 more." I smiled at Dad.

"Ohh!" Dad said, getting it.

Then Mike took me in his arms and we finally kissed in front of Dad. For a second, I was a little freaked but then I remembered, he'd see us doing it during the wedding anyway. This was no gentle little kiss however. For a few moments, Mike and I were really devouring each other. When we broke apart, I looked over at Dad to see his reaction. There was a very wistful look on his face that I wondered about. I would have to talk to him later.

"Okay, you two, go on, take it for a spin around the block!" Dad said.

I looked at Mike.

"You want to drive?" I said.

"No, babe, I know how much you want to. We can trade off on the drive to Key West." Mike said, climbing in the passenger side.

I backed the car out of the drive way and drove it around several blocks.

"Oh, God, Mike! It drives like a dream." I said.

"Yeah, it sure rides nice. I can't believe your Dad did this!" he said.

"Oh, I can believe it! It's so much like Dad. What I can't believe is that you finally kissed me in front of him!" I laughed.

"Well...I guess I just lost my head! I'm so used to doing it in front of your Mom. I hope he wasn't bothered by it." Mike said.

"Well, he would have seen us kiss during the ceremony anyway. But I think it did bother him, but not the way you mean. I looked at him afterwards and he had this real wistful look in his eyes. I'm wondering what that's all about." I said.

"Knowing you, you've got an idea." Mike grinned.

"Yeah, I do. That buddy of his in Viet Nam who he tried to save...I'm still wondering just how close of 'buddies' they were." I said.

"You think...?" Mike asked.

"I don't know. I just don't know." I said thoughtfully.

With that we were back at the house and, after parking the Jag, we went to the cottage to get dressed for the ceremony.


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Next: Chapter 9

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