Subic Surrender

By RimPig (RimPigFL, Bobby Michaels) (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on May 30, 2003


DISCLAIMER: I don't fucking care how old you are. If you like the idea of two hunky young Marine's getting it on with each other then read on!

By the way, no Marine's were injured or killed in the writing of this story but that's not true of what's going on in the Middle East or other foreign places. I would ask your prayers, good thoughts or whatever for all the Marines serving our country (that's us guys!) around the world.

This is dedicated to every one who has ever served in the USMC - Semper Fi!

SUBIC SURRENDER - Part 7 by RimPig (c) 2003

Mike and I slept for a couple of hours after our little 'fuck-fest'. I woke up nestled in his arms and smelling his scent. What a wonderful way to wake up, in the arms of the man that you love more than anything in the world. I looked at Mike asleep and saw a lot of what I thought he must have looked like as a little boy. Thinking of that gave my heart a little pang. We would never have kids, never have a little boy of our own. I know my mother pooh-poohed the idea of it when I talked to her, but I think there was some disappointment for her, too. My greatest disappointment is that Mike would never be a Dad and he would make such a great one!

We couldn't even look at adoption! Florida has the most bigoted, homophobic legislature in the nation. Florida alone of all 50 states has a law that forbids gays to adopt children. And this in a state whose foster care system is totally overburdened with children no one will adopt and whose child welfare agency - DCF, the Division of Family Services (formerly known as HRS) - has had scandal after scandal of kids being killed by foster parents or by their own parents when DCF has put the children back in the very home that the children were abused in!

So there was no way that Mike and I would ever be able to have a son. I sighed to myself and got up off the bed, letting Mike sleep. I should have known better. Before I could get out the door to the little bedroom in the cottage, I heard Mike's voice.

"Where ya goin'?" he asked, still a little muddled from being asleep.

"I need to go check on Mom to see if she's alright or needs anything." I said. "Just go back to sleep."

"Nah. I don't like to sleep unless your laying there with me." he said, a little pouty - like a kid.

I grinned at him.

"I'll be right back. Or you could come with me." I said.

"I'll come with you." he said, sitting up on the side of the bed.

"Mike, are you okay?" I asked.

"Yeah. Why?" he looked at me quizzically.

"Well, not that I mind, but I've noticed that you've been sticking very close to me. Like you're afraid I'm gonna run off or something." I said.

He didn't say anything, just looked down at his feet. I walked over and sat down beside him.

"Okay, what's the problem?" I asked.

"I don't want you to think that there's somethin' wrong between us." he said softly. "It's just that this all takes some gettin' used to. This is your home, not mine - at least not yet. I really am blown away by how your parents have taken me in but..." he hesitated.

"But what?" I asked.

"I know this is stupid...but...back in the group home, there would be kids who got homes and everything was great for a couple of months but then the responsibility of havin' a kid hits them and suddenly the kid is back at the group home. I was always glad it didn't happen to me. As much as I wanted a family, to have one and then be sent back would have destroyed me." he said.

The impact of what he was saying hit me like a sack of wet cement. My throat choked up and I reached out and put my arms around him. He leaned over and rested his head against my shoulder. I reached up and gently stroked his head.

"You're the only constant in my life, Rick. I've been staying real close to you because I need to know that you're there." he almost whispered.

"Mike...I understand. Or at least I think I do. This is all stuff from the past. I promise that my parents mean what they say. You have a family now...and we're not going to send you back. I'm yours, no matter what. You know that. We're a part of each other. I love you. Nothing is going to change that." I said quietly.

"I know all that in my head. It's just down inside, it's still hard for me to believe. Please don't be mad at me over it." he was almost begging.

"Mike, I'm not mad at you! You stay as close to me as you want, for as long as you need. I don't mind. Now that I understand what's going on, I will do anything to help make things easier for you." I said, hugging him tight to me.

He looked up and our eyes met. I could see so much love coming from his I choked up again. We kissed deeply and I felt his arms going around me. We ended laying back on the bed and holding each other while we continued to kiss. I knew what was happening. This was when Mike was most secure, when we were in each other's arms.

"We better go see about your Mom." he said softly breaking the kiss.

"We'd better go see about 'our' Mom." I smiled at him.

"Yeah. Our Mom." he smiled.

"Mike, I promise you that you'll see. My Mom and Dad never say anything they don't mean. They are the most honest people I know. You know they never even tried to tell me that Santa Claus brought me toys! They didn't want to lie to me like that, even when I was little." I said.

"Okay. I give! I'll believe it!" he laughed.

"No. I know it's hard to trust when something happens that you've wanted all your life and never thought would happen. Remember what you said on the plane? Your home is where I am. Well, I'm here. And I'm always going to be here. Just like you, my home will always be where you are." I said and then kissed him gently on the mouth.

"Thanks, Rick." he said simply.

"Okay, let's go check on Mom." I said.

We got up from the bed and walked back to the main house, hand in hand. We found Mom in the kitchen, drinking a cup of tea.

"Mom! You're not supposed to be out of bed!" I exclaimed.

"Rickie, sit down, darling. I'm fine. You have no idea how wonderful it is to just be home and be able to sit in my own kitchen! I hate hospitals!" she smiled. "Why don't you get yourself a cup of tea, honey. And get one for Mike. He looks like he could use one."

I went over the to counter and poured a cup of tea for Mike and me.

"What's wrong, Mike. I know you two haven't been fighting, so it must be something else." she said.

Mike looked shocked.

"My mother the mind reader! I have to warn you, Mike, her powers of observation are incredible! I could never get away with anything growing up!" I smiled as I set a cup of tea in front of him.

"Mike, I told you that I wanted to be your mother. For that to happen, you have to trust me. Tell me what's wrong. I promise you, whatever it is, we can work it out." Mom said.

Mike looked at me and I nodded at him.

"It's not that I'm not grateful, I want you to know that...but...I'm having some accepting all this so fast." he finally got out.

"Oh, Mike! Of course you are!" Mom smiled at him. "I would be shocked if you didn't!"

"You would?" Mike said, his face looking shocked again.

"Of course, sweetie. Now, tell me the truth. Didn't you expect Hank and I to have a shit fit because you'd turned our son Gay?" she asked.

"Well...yeah." he admitted.

"And you had ever reason to expect that! I'm sure that's the way a lot of parents would have reacted. You're having trouble to believe that we didn't. Maybe you're still expecting us to freak out like that." she said softly. "Mike, I know that this is all different for you and very hard to believe. I know you've never had a family and to suddenly have one has got to seem completely unbelievable to you. That's normal, Mike. It's okay. You'll get used to being loved and accepted."

Mike looked at her with such love and gratitude in his eyes, a look that I had seen before but always directed at me. It made my heart so glad to see this!

"Thank you. I was afraid you wouldn't understand." Mike said softly.

"I do understand, Mike. I really do. Let me tell you a secret - something you can't know because you're not a parent. When somebody loves your child, you know it and you can't help but love them because of it. I know how much you love Rickie. And, believe me, Hank and I care very much about you. Not just for your sake but because we love Rickie. You are the most important person in his life so we care about you because of how important you are to him. Do you understand that?" Mom asked him.

"Yeah. I understand it when you put it that way. And I do love him. More than I could ever say." Mike said looking first at Mom and then at me.

I reached out my hand and he took it in his and I smiled at him.

"You see, I told you!" I grinned.

"Mike, it's going to take some time to get used to all of this. Don't worry about it. It will all work out. I promise you." Mom said.

"Thank you...uhh...Mom." Mike said.

Mom smiled at him.

"One of these days, I hope you both become so comfortable that you'll kiss in front of me." Mom said quietly.

"Oh, that's not a problem!" Mike smiled and leaned towards me as I leaned toward him.

We kissed gently and my Mom looked on. I have to admit, I was more than a little bit freaked out about kissing my male lover in front of my Mom! I'd never kissed a girl in front of her. But once our lips met, I was lost in Mike so my fears didn't stop me. We pulled back and looked at each other and then we looked at Mom. She was sitting there with a huge grin on her face.

"That was truly one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen. I have to admit that I was curious about what it looked like for two men to kiss." she said.

"So, was it different?" I asked.

"Yes. It is. I've seen men kiss women but there is a strength when two men kiss that I didn't expect and a tenderness I didn't expect either. You two so obviously love each other that I have to tell you, it gives my heart such joy!" Mom said.

"Really, Mom?" I asked.

"Yes, sweetie. You see, all parents ever really want is for their children to be happy. The greatest happiness I know is falling in love with someone who loves you. I have that in my own life with your Dad. In thirty-two years, I've never doubted his love for me. I think you will be able to look back when you're my age and say the same thing." Mom said.

"As you always say, Mom, 'from your mouth to Gods' ear!'" I smiled.

At that point, we heard Dad coming in the front door. He walked into the kitchen and saw the three of us sitting there. He looked at Mom.

"Shouldn't you be in bed?" he asked, his tone showing he was not happy with what he was seeing.

"Hank, grab a cup of tea and sit down. I'm fine! I'm just sitting here in my own kitchen enjoying some quality time with my two sons." she said, obviously not brooking any interference from Dad.

Dad just shrugged to acknowledge he was beaten and went and got a cup of tea and sat down with us.

"Are you sure you're okay, Rose?" he asked quietly.

"Yes, Hank, I'm fine. Really. I took a nap and I'm really enjoying just being able to sit in my own kitchen." she said, reaching over and patting his hand.

Dad covered her hand with his own.

"I just don't want you pushing yourself." he said quietly, still with worry written all over his face.

"I won't. I promise. But I can't just lay in bed like an invalid. I might as well be back in the hospital. I promise not to do anything strenuous, but I can at least make myself a pot of tea." she smiled at him.

"Okay. It's just that you know how I worry about you!" Dad said.

"I know, Hank. Just like I worry about you." she said.

"So!" Dad said, turning to Mike and me. "How are you guys doing?"

"Dad, Mike and I want to know how you and Mom would feel about us moving into the cottage? It would give us some more room and all of us some privacy." I asked.

"Well, it would save having to soundproof your room!" Dad laughed and Mom looked confused.

"What soundproofing?" Mom asked.

"It's a 'guy thing', honey. Don't worry about it." Dad smiled and patted her hand.

"Don't give me that shit, Hank! A 'guy thing'! Really!" Mom said, in mock anger.

"Look, honey, the boys are young and young males tend to make a lot of noise, that's all." Dad said.

"Hank, I know what young males are like! If you're talking about sex, say so! I'm not going to be shocked." Mom said.

"I'm not worried about you, honey! I just didn't want to embarrass the boys, but I see that didn't work!" he said looking at Mike and me who were both blushing bright shades of red.

"Oh, come on, guys! I'm not naive. I have a very good idea of what happens between two people who are young and in love! But I think you are right. The cottage would give you more room and you wouldn't feel like we were looking over your shoulders all the time." Mom said.

"Yeah, I think it's a good idea. It would give you both a place of your own. We'll have to do a little cleaning and painting but it shouldn't be a problem." Dad said.

"Dad, we can do all that. Don't worry about it. We'll take care of everything." I told him.

And for the next couple of days, that's what Mike and I did. We cleaned and painted the cottage, getting rid of most of the stuff stored there or putting it up in the attic of the main house. The cottage, which must have been built at the same time as the main house, or shortly thereafter, had hardwood floors. We rented a buffer/waxer and soon the floors were gleaming. Because both Mike and my favorite color is blue, we painted the entire cottage a light blue. The baseboards we did in a glossy enamel of royal blue. We also painted the wall above the fireplace a dark blue. The kitchen cabinets were white wood so we repainted the doors a royal blue and the fronts of the cabinets themselves in the same light blue color of the walls. While we were finishing up the kitchen, two delivery men appeared at the door of the cottage. They said they had a delivery and Mike and I wondered what it was.

From the truck they unloaded a brand new side-by-side refrigerator, a brand new gas range, a small microwave oven and a dishwasher which they installed under the kitchen counter. When that was completed, they went back out to the truck and brought in a 36 inch color television set, a CD/DVD player with a home theater speaker system along with a wall unit to house it all. Needless to say, Mike and I were completely overwhelmed by this! Mom told me that Dad, himself, had gone out to Sears and bought all the stuff for us. She told me that he wouldn't say so, but she knew that this was his 'wedding present' to us.

We opened the box of the wall unit and had it together in about two hours. Then we set up the speaker system and hooked up the TV and CD/DVD player. We had a small table with two chairs in the kitchen under a window that looked out on the pool and the main house. In the living room there was a comfortable old sofa next to the fireplace, but facing the wall unit, along with a coffee table that had storage compartments underneath of it. There were end tables and lamps on each end of the sofa. In the bedroom, we had the queen-sized bed along with a dresser and chest of drawers with night stands and small lamps on each side of the bed. It wasn't a lot, but it was perfect for us. Neither one of us liked a lot of clutter around and that couch looked just right for cuddling up on while watching movies or a roaring fire.

Getting everything together took us all day, but by dinner time, it was finished and we were going to sleep in the first real 'home of our own' that night. Mom and Dad came out to see it after dinner. Dad was still refusing to let Mom do very much and had cooked dinner himself. With Dad this usually meant one of two things - either spaghetti and meatballs or steak done on the gas grill on the patio. Since Dad's spaghetti sauce takes hours to make as he lovingly chops and stirs and nurses it along, it would have been midnight before dinner would have been ready so we did steaks, which were just fine with Mike and I. We tend to be major carnivores! We both love red meat and ate it whenever we got the chance.

Mom and Dad glowed when they saw what we'd done with the cottage. Mom remarked how masculine it looked. What she meant was there weren't any frills or bric-a-brac to clutter the place up the way a woman would usually decorate. While the cottage had it's own cental air conditioning, Dad said that he get us a couple of ceiling fans for the bedroom and the living room because there were plenty of times during the year when you could leave the windows open and just let the fans more air though the house. We later found this to be very true. We used the fans more than the air conditioning system, except during the hottest part of the summers.

As we all sat there, Mom and Dad on the couch and Mike and I on the floor, Mom told us that she had gotten a call from the oncologist that she was to start chemotherapy in two days. This meant she would have to go to the hospital for the treatments which would take several hours. The side-effects were going to be difficult for her but the doctors felt that they would be able to knock out the leukemia in a short time. We talked about how this all was going to happen. The treatments would be every two days (one day of treatment followed by one day of rest). Dad couldn't take off all that time from the business so that left either me or Mike or both of us to deal with getting Mom to and from the hospital. Finally it was Mom who looked at all of us and announced what would happen.

"Since I am the center of all this attention, gentlemen, I believe that I should have the final say." she began. "Hank, you go run your business and Rickie, you go with him and learn it. Mike, if he will, can stay here with me and get me to the hospital and get me home." Mom announced.

"But, honey! What know...if you get sick or something?" Dad asked.

"I'm sure Mike can handle it. He certainly did the night I learned what Jack Daniels and Budweiser can do to you if you drink to much of them! Not only that but, while he's big and strong..." I stopped and smiled at my lover, "he is just about the gentlest guy you'll ever find."

"Good! Then it's settled! Mike takes care of me until we beat this thing! What do you say, Mike?" Mom asked him.

Mike leaped to his feet to a strict 'at attention', saluted Mom and boomed out, "SIR, YES, SIR!". We all broke out laughing.

When we all calmed down, Dad looked over at Mike. "I told you she was the commanding officer around here!"

"And you'd best not forget it, either!" Mom laughed.

It was good to see her laugh and enjoy herself. I knew there were some dark days coming, I just didn't realize how many. Over the next six months, Mom went for chemotherapy. She lost her hair and got progressively weaker. The nausea was the worst part, however. Nothing that the doctors gave her worked. One night Mike and I were laying in bed talking this over.

"Mike, I don't know what the fuck to do! I hate seeing her like this. I know the doctors are trying to get things under control but they can't seem to stop the throwing up all the time." I said.

"Rick, can I ask you a question without you gettin' mad?" Mike asked.

"Of course you can! Don't be nuts." I answered, wondering what could be so 'touchy' that he was afraid of upsetting me.

"Mike, did you ever smoke dope? I know you were an athlete and all that and I know you don't do it now, but did you ever?" Mike asked.

"Well...yeah. A couple of times I did. Mostly at parties. I didn't much care for it. Mostly I just coughed my head off and got dizzy. Why? Did you ever?" I asked.

"Yeah. Back in the group home I did. It was okay but I didn't like the idea of takin' that stuff into my lungs. I guess booze ain't any better but it's a lot easier to deal with and it's not illegal." Mike said.

"So why did you want to know that?" I asked.

"Because we need to get some marijuana for your mother. It will stop the nausea and even give her back an appetite." Mike said.

"How do you know that?" I asked him.

"Back in the group home, there was this kid. He got AIDS from turning tricks on the street when he left home to get away from his father who used to beat him all the time. He had a lot of trouble from the medications they gave him. Just like the problems your Mom is having. They gave him grass to smoke and it stopped his throwing up and he actually put on weight for a while." Mike said.

"So what happened to him?" I asked.

"He got this kind of pneumonia that only AIDS patients get and he died. He was only 16! Life isn't very fair." Mike said, and I could hear the intense sadness in his voice.

"No, it's not." I agreed. "Are you saying that you want me to go get pot for my Mom?"

"I just thought that maybe you knew someone who you went to school with who might have a connection or be a connection. That's all." Mike said.

"Well...most of the guys I knew were jocks. Not that a few of them didn't occasionally smoke at parties like I did but there were no 'heads' among us." I said, thinking hard over my list of friends.

"Well, it was a thought, anyway." Mike said and snuggled closer to me.

"Wait a minute!" I said, suddenly remembering. "There was Timmy!"

"Who's Timmy?" he asked.

"Timothy Potter. What a prophetic name!" I laughed. "For Timmy, pot just about became a religion! You'd think he was Rastafarian or something! He even called it 'the Sacred Herb'! Anyway, he was the biggest pot head I ever saw. I don't know how he got away with it but he was stoned at school all the time. He was brilliant though so he was able to make good grades - even stoned. Maybe I could find him." I said.

"Yeah, that would be good. I talked with your Mom today about it. She's all for it if it will help. She's asked me not to talk about it with your Dad, though. She thinks he might have a shit-fit about it being illegal and all." Mike said.

"Don't believe it! Dad's so worried about her, he's liable to do anything to help. Hey! Wait a minute! I've got an even better idea!" I exclaimed.


"Well, I know lots of guys on the construction crews. They all know Dad and a lot of them know Mom and the one's who do love her! She's always doing stuff for them, baking cupcakes and brownies for Dad to take to the jobsite and she always buys presents for their kids on their birthdays and Christmas. I know that a bunch of them smoke dope because I hear them talk about it. I'll bet I can get one of them to get it for us - especially if they know it's for Mom!" I said.

"What about your Dad?" he asked.

"Dad doesn't have to know about it." I said.

"Yeah, I think he really does, Rick. I think it's better that way. Promise me you'll talk to him first?" Mike said.

"Okay. I promise. If you think that's what I ought to do, I'll do it." I said.

I rarely if ever said 'no' to Mike about anything. Mostly because he didn't ever ask me for much, except sex and I would never say 'no' to that! So on the few times when he asked me to do something, I would. And it usually turned out that he was right.

"By the way, you and Mom seem to have been talking an awful lot lately." I said. "Should I be getting jealous here?" I laughed.

"No, you don't need to be jealous. Mom still loves you best." he grinned. "But, yeah. We have done a lot of talking. She says it helps to keep her mind off the pain and the nausea. So far she knows just about everything about my life up until the time we went to Subic. She knows I won't talk to her about that. She understands that what happened there is between us. I told her if you wanted to tell her about it that it was all right with me, but that I wasn't going to be the one to tell her." he said.

"Oh, yeah, right! Like I'm gonna sit down with my Mom and tell her who wonderful it felt when your huge cock slid up inside my butt for the first time! No, those memories are mine alone. I'm not sharing them with anybody!" I said adamantly.

"Hey, babe. It's okay! I don't think she's gonna ask you! I think she'd be as embarrassed as you'd be." he chuckled.

"Well...she already knows that Subic is where I first realized that I was in love with you. That's all she really needs to know." I said.

"Sir, yes, sir!" he whispered in my ear and I finally started chuckling, too. "So you liked my 'huge cock' sliding up your butt, huh?" he asked.

"Yeah, I do. Think that makes me queer for you, Marine?" I grinned.

"Yeah, like a three dollar bill! I think I'll make you my sea-pussy as the swabbies say." Mike laughed.

"Mmm. That sound nice!" I moaned as I felt Mike's fingers go down and start playing with my hole.

Mike bred me well and we went to sleep, his cum dripping from my butt and mine gluing the two of us together. There was not a night that I didn't go to sleep thanking God for having Mike to sleep with or a morning I didn't thank God for Mike to wake up with. Of course, some mornings I was screaming "Oh, God!" but I'm sure he got the message.

The next morning, fulfilling my promise to Mike, I had a talk with Dad. He was at first somewhat skeptical of the idea of an 'illegal' drug, but I told him about what Mike had seen in the group home growing up and he admitted that he was fed up with what the doctors were able to do for Mom, which was basically nothing. He agreed to me trying to find some pot for her, but he didn't like the idea of me going to guys who worked for the company. I told him I didn't see where we had much in the way of choice, considering that none of us had any other way of getting it. I told him that I would never tell him who it was we got it from and he agreed to that.

I went out to one of the job sites and I had a talk with a couple of the guys who I thought might be able to get hold of some pot. At first they were very reluctant to even talk about it with me, being the owner's son and all, but I promised them that Dad was aware of what I was doing and that he also knew that I would never tell him who had helped get it for us. I told them all about what was happening to Mom. They knew she had been sick, but had no idea the seriousness of her condition or how she was suffering with the chemotherapy. That changed everything! The two guys promised that they would have some pot for me if I just came back in two hours.

I left the job site and stopped by the house. Mike wasn't in the cottage, but I found him in the kitchen making a pot of homemade vegetable soup. It smelled delicious! He gave me a bowl and we sat at the kitchen table, talking while I ate.

"How's Mom?" I asked.

"She sleeping, thank God. I don't know, it seems like the treatments are taking more and more out of her. It was really bad earlier. I didn't think she was ever going to stop throwing up. Did you talk to your Dad?" he asked.

"Yes, and Dad's come around. I told you he would. He may not like the idea of pot, but he'll do anything to help Mom. I went out to one of the job sites and talked to a couple of the guys. I'm meeting them there in about an hour and they promised to have some for me. If they do, I'm bringing it right home so you can give it to her." I said.

"Uhh...wait a minute. How do I give it to her?" he asked.

"Well, she smokes it, of course!" I said.

"Yeah? In what?" he asked.

"What are you talking about. In a joint!" I said.

"Did you ever roll one?" he asked.

"No....did you?" I asked

"No. So what the fuck do we do?" Mike exclaimed.

"You get some rolling papers at the 7-11 and I'll roll the damn joints!" Mom's voice startled us.

"You shouldn't be out of bed." Mike said.

"Oh don't you start! You sound like Hank! I had to get up, that soup smelled so good! Did you know he was such a good cook when you married him?" she asked, looking at me with a grin.

"No, Mom. He was really good at other things but I didn't know about the cooking!" I laughed as Mike blushed red.

"Oh, how you've gone and embarrassed him.'s okay. He's cute when he blushes." Mom smiled.

"You've noticed that, too, huh?" I grinned.

"Okay, that's enough out of you two. Now, what do you mean, you'll roll the joints?" Mike asked.

"My dear Number 2 son, I was rolling joints when you weren't even a gleam in anybody's eye! I am a child of the 60's - a flower child! I smoked dope, drank cheap fruit wine and listened to psychedelic music while wearing tie-dyed clothes and hip hugger jeans. I even had a pair of 'granny glasses'. Still have them, somewhere. Along with a peace sign, of course!" she laughed at the memory.

"Mom, you were wearing a peace sign while Dad was in Viet Nam in the Marines?!" I exclaimed.

"Rickie, I love your father. I have almost since the moment I met him. That does not mean that I agree with him on everything. I never supported the war in Viet Nam and after the pain I saw your Dad go through over it, I was even more convinced that it was a dirty, evil little war. A lot of brave, beautiful boys - a lot of whom really believed that they were fighting for our freedom and liberty - died unnecessarily in that damned jungle! Nothing will change my mind about that. And I think your Dad doesn't see it as a 'patriotic war' anymore, either. Especially now that all the revelations have come out from people like McNamara and from Johnson's diaries showing that they knew there was no way they could win that war and yet they continued to pour money, resources and American lives down that shit hole of a country! I hope Johnson burns in hell! To my mind he was nothing but a mass murderer! He knew that the war was lost and rather than pull our troops out, he sent more in to be slaughtered." Mom said obviously very angry still about what had happened so many years ago.

"Mom, why didn't you ever talk to me about this?" I asked.

"Because, it would just upset your Dad. You know he won't talk about what happened to him over there. He won't even talk to me. However, at a reunion of his unit, I learned from one of his friends - a guy named Mack - what really happened. Your Dad's platoon was caught in a VC ambush. The only one's able to escape were your Dad and his best friend. The best friend was wounded and couldn't walk. Your Dad carried him twelve miles out of the jungle and back to their staging area. Unfortunately, your Dad's friend died a few hours later in your Dad's arms. He's never gotten over it." Mom said.

Mack, I knew from my talk with Dad, was one of the two lovers who were still Dad's friends. I wondered how close a friend the guy that Dad carried out of the jungle was. Was it possible that Dad had a love relationship with a guy that to this day he's kept hidden? That was a mind-blowing thought, but it would answer why Dad seemed to accept me and Mike so easily.

"I'd better get back to the job site and get the stuff. I'll be back as soon as I can." I said, rising up and leaning over to gently kiss Mike. Ever since that first time that Mom asked us to kiss in front of her, we had lost our inhibitions about it when it was only her there. We still didn't do it in front of Dad.

When I got to the job site, the guys were there and they handed me a small plastic zip-loc bag filled with what turned out to be twenty joints, already rolled. I was very grateful when I saw them because it would save Mom the trouble of rolling them. I thanked the guys profusely, both for getting the stuff for us and for rolling it.

"We figured that you probably wouldn't know how to roll a joint so we brought them already rolled." one of them said.

"What do I owe you guys for this?" I asked reaching for my wallet. The other one put his hand on my arm, stopping me from doing so.

"For Ms. Rose, nothin'. She's done so much for our kids and she's always been so good to us, this is our contribution to her getting well." he said.

"Yeah." said the first one. "You just let us know when she's about to run out and we'll get more if she needs it."

"I really don't know how to thank you!" I said.

"Ain't no reason to. If my momma was sick, I'd damned sure do whatever I had to, to help her." the second one said. "Now you get on home and make sure she has some now. It will take away all that sick feelin' and make her want to eat."

"Thank you both so much." I said and got back in the truck and drove home.

I thought on the way that I'd better drive carefully. Here I was in a company truck with enough pot to be considered a 'dealer'! I was never so happy to get into the driveway as I was that afternoon.

I gave the joints to Mike, who took them into Mom and Dad's room where Mom was laying down again. She'd tried to eat some soup earlier and the nausea came back with a vengeance! While Mike was giving it to her, I called Dad.

"Mission accomplished, Dad." I said when I got him on the phone.

"Is it helping?" Dad asked.

"Mike just took it in to her. I guess we'll know in a little while. I'm headed back to the office." I said.

"No, just stay there. I'll be home in a little while. Uhh...thanks, son...for what you did. And thank Mike, too for me." Dad said.

"You can thank him when you get home, Dad." I said.

"Yeah, I will do that." he said and then he hung up the phone.

About half an hour later, Mike came out of Mom's room grinning like he'd just won a war. I immediately knew that the 'marijuana experiment' had been successful.

"She's lost all the nausea and she's hungry!" Mike said.

"Thank God! I'm glad all that was worth it!" I said grinning back at him.

He fixed her a bowl of soup on a tray and took it back to her. Then he came out and we sat in the kitchen talking. Dad came home in a little while and we told him what had happened. He smiled and headed back to their bedroom to see her. I took Mike's hand and we headed back to the cottage. The blinds were all drawn so that we could walk around naked, like we liked to so we both took our clothes off. Mike sat down on the couch and I went and put a CD in the system. A great jazz CD and one of our favorites, "BILL EVANS ALONE". The lyrical strains of the jazz piano set a beautiful romantic mood as I curled up on the couch in Mike's arms. We started kissing and before long, we were walking hand in hand to the bedroom to finish what we'd started.


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Next: Chapter 8

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