Subic Surrender

By RimPig (RimPigFL, Bobby Michaels) (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on May 26, 2003


DISCLAIMER: I don't fucking care how old you are. If you like the idea of two hunky young Marine's getting it on with each other then read on!

By the way, no Marine's were injured or killed in the writing of this story but that's not true of what's going on in the Middle East or other foreign places. I would ask your prayers, good thoughts or whatever for all the Marines serving our country (that's us guys!) around the world.

This is dedicated to every one who has ever served in the USMC - Semper Fi!

SUBIC SURRENDER - Part 6 by RimPig (c) 2003

"But what can we do?" Dad asked Dr. Calvo as the three of us - Dad, Mike and I, stood beside the nurse's station down the hall from Mom's room.

"I've had a consult with Dr. Banks, an oncologist." Dr. Calvo said.

"Leukemia. That's a killer!" Dad moaned.

"Not anymore. There is a very good survival rate in this form of leukemia. Anywhere from 70- 80%. Those are extremely good odds." Dr. Calvo said.

"Dad, we're going to get through this. Mom is going to recover!" I insisted putting my arm around Dad's shoulders. "You know how strong she is. This is not going to stop here and it's not going to stop us either."

"Rick is right, Hank. We've caught it early and with proper treatment Rose should recover completely." Dr. Calvo said.

"Have you told her?" Dad asked.

"Yes, Dr. Banks and I met with her earlier. She's taking it very well. I suggest you go and talk to her." Dr. Calvo said.

"Okay." Dad said. "Let's go boys."

"No, Dad. I think you need to talk to Mom alone. You go on and come get us when you're done. We'll be in the floor's family waiting room." I said.

Dad started to protest but changed his mind.

"Okay...I'll come get you when I'm done." Dad said.

"If we're not in the waiting room, we'll be downstairs at the McDonald's in the lobby." Mike told him.

"But we just had breakfast." Dad said, looking at Mike.

Mike hung his head sheepishly.

" remember what you said about 'filling our tanks'? Well, Mike's tanks take a lot of filling - a number of times a day." I laughed.

"I guess I have forgotten what it's like to have 20 year olds around! Well...I'll find you, no matter where you are." Dad said and then walked down the hall to Mom's room.

"Do you want to go eat now?" I asked Mike.

"Nah! I can wait a while. You doing okay?" he asked.

"I'm scared. I know what I said, but the idea of Mom being this sick still scares me." I said.

Mike put his arms around me and I melted into the warmth of his body. I didn't care that we were where anyone could see us, I needed his strength right then. I needed to feel his love for me. I needed him. The only good thing, a wonderful thing, was that he was there! He knew what I needed and was giving it to me, regardless of who could see or who would know. After a few moments, Mike walked me to the waiting room and sat us down on a couch, his arms still around me.

"I'm not going to say something stupid like 'Everything is going to be fine.' or 'I know what you're going through.' because I don't. I didn't have any parents to get sick. I'm just going to tell you that, no matter what, we're gonna get through this. It may be hard but you don't have to go through this alone. I'm here. You know that." Mike said.

I looked up into his deep green eyes and I could see the pain in them, pain he felt from watching me go through it.

"I know. And you've got to believe me, I thank God every day that you are there for me." I said. "I can't consider what life would be without you."

He leaned over and gently kissed me. My mouth clung hungrily to his and the kiss deepened.

"I think we should go get something to eat if you're that hungry." he smiled as he broke the kiss and pulled his tongue out of my mouth where I had been sucking on it.

"Okay. I guess we might as well." I said.

We went down to the main floor of the hospital which had a McDonald's in the lobby. Mike got two Big Macs and a the largest order of fries they had. I got a fish sandwich and a Coke. I wasn't really all that hungry - well, not for food, anyway. What I really wanted to do was go back home, crawl into bed with Mike and just let the world go away for a while - a long while. But I knew I couldn't do that. Dad was going to need me and so was Mom. I watched Mike wolfing down his food and thought to myself that no matter what happened, Mike's appetite was not affected. I had to smile at this.

After a while we went back upstairs and met Dad as we were walking down the hall to go back to the waiting room.

"I'll stay here with Mike, Rick. Your Mom wants to talk to you." Dad said.

I couldn't read anything on his face when he said this so I wondered what was up.

"Is everything all right?" I asked.

"Yes, son. She just wants to have a talk with you is all." Dad said.

I looked at Mike who smiled his encouragement and then I went down the hall and into Mom's room. She looked up as I walked into the room and smiled at me. She motioned me to come and sit on the bed.

"Rick, I know you've talked with your Dad and with Dr. Calvo. I don't want you worrying because I'm going to get better. I just know it. I can beat this thing but I don't want to have to worry about you. It's going to be hard enough dealing with your Dad over this." Mom said.

"I'll help with that. Mike and I both will." I promised her.

"I know you will." she smiled. "That's really what I want to talk to about - you and Mike."

Oh, fuck! Here it comes! I thought to myself.

"What about us?" I said somewhat defensively.

"Rickie, it's all right. Your Dad told me everything. Not the he really needed to. I had sort of figured it out already." Mom smiled.

"How? How did you know?" I asked.

"I don't know. Subtle things, I guess. The way you wrote about him in your letters, the way your voice sounded when you talked about him on the phone. At first, it seemed like some kind of 'hero-worship' on your part and then, almost like you had a crush on him. It was after you came back from that long deployment that things really changed, however. I could hear something in your voice when you talked about him that just somehow told me that you were very deeply in love with him. Something changed during that deployment, didn't it." Mom said more as a statement.

"Yes. It was while we were docked in the Philippines, in Subic, that we spent a week together. It was then that I found out that I was in love with him." I said.

"You must have been very upset at first. I don't think you'd ever had those feelings before." Mom said.

"Yeah. I kind of was. I mean, I had no idea that I could fall in love with another guy! And I was really scared of what you and Dad would think of me." I admitted.

"Rickie! We love you! We've always loved you - no matter what. Did you think that would change?" Mom asked.

"Well...I didn't know how you'd feel about me...uhh...being...uhh..." I hesitated.

I couldn't get the word out! This was my Mom, for God's sake!

"Gay, Rickie? How we would feel about you being Gay?" Mom asked.

I just nodded my head and looked down, not being able to meet her eyes.

"Rickie, darling. Look at me." Mom said softly.

I looked up slowly into her smiling face.

"Rickie, we are what we are. We don't choose it no matter what some idiots say. I didn't choose to fall in love with your Dad. It was like I didn't have any choice in the matter. Did it feel something like that for you?" she asked quietly.

"It was exactly like that, Mom. I knew that I cared about him. He's the best friend I've ever had. I thought that was all it was until...." my voice died away.

"Until?" Mom urged me on.

I couldn't look at her and say it so I looked away.

"Until the first time he held me in his arms. I felt something that I'd never felt before. At first I didn't know what it was, but it didn't take me long to figure out that I was in love with him. And I am, Mom," I said, finally looking up. "I'm totally and completely in love with him. It's got to be the most wonderful feeling in the world."

Mom smiled at me and reached out and stroked her fingers down my cheek.

"I can see that, Rickie. I saw the way you two looked at each other last night. That's when I knew for sure. I could see how much you love him in the way you look at him and I could see that same look in Mike's eyes when he looks at you." she smiled.

"Mom, I'm sorry. I guess there won't be any grandchildren for you now." I said.

"Oh, that's not such a bad thing, Rickie. Besides, as they say, I'm not losing a son, I'm gaining one." she laughed.

I smiled at her.

"So Dad told you about that, too?" I asked.

"Well, of course he did. I'm just so proud of him doing the right thing without me even having to tell him!" she laughed again and I laughed with her.

"Now, Rickie. I want you to go and bring Mike back here. I want to talk to my new son." she said.

"Okay, Mom. Be right back."

And with that, I was out the door and half running down the hall. I got to the waiting room and Mike looked up. I could see a look of concern on his face but when he saw the grin on mine, I could see him visibly relax and he smiled back.

"Mike! Come on. Mom wants to talk to both of us." I said.

Mike looked at my Dad.

"You go on, Son. We can talk more about this later. In case you didn't know it, I run the business but Rose runs the family so, if she wants to see you, consider it an order from your commanding officer!" Dad laughed.

Mike grinned and got up off the couch. As we walked down the hall towards Mom's room, Mike asked me what had gone on with me and Mom. I assured him that everything was fine and that Mom had accepted our relationship with no problems.

"Fuck! I'm sure glad of that!" he said.

I stopped and turned to him.

"I told you that you had nothing to worry about no matter how they dealt with it. I love you and I'm not going to leave you - no matter what! If they hadn't been able to deal with it, I would have left with you and gone somewhere else where we could be accepted. Nothing is going to stand in the way of us being together." I told him, my voice firm.

"Sir, yes, Sir!" he replied, grinning, and then he took me in his arms and hugged me very tightly. "I don't know what the fuck I did to deserve you."

"I'd say that, considering how you had to live your life up until we met, that you were about due for someone to love you. Don't you think?" I asked, looking into his deep green eyes.

"Yeah. I guess you're right about that." he smiled and kissed me gently on the tip of my nose.

"Don't start that! We can't play in a hospital, for God's sake! Besides, Mom's waiting and we don't want to keep her waiting!" I said, grinning back at him.

We went down the hall and into Mom's room. She was sitting up on the side of the bed waiting for us.

"Mom, should you be up like that?" I asked, immediately worried.

"I'm perfectly all right, Rickie. Now! Both of you. Come over here and sit beside me. That's it, one on each side." she said as we did as we were told.

"Now, Mike. I think it's about time you give me a hug." she smiled at my lover.

Mike grinned and reached his arms around her and she put her arms around his neck. I could see that he was barely holding her, afraid, I think, that he would hurt her.

"Come on! You can hug better than that! At least so Rickie tells me! I won't break!" she grinned up at him.

Mike shot me a look which basically asked what in the hell I had told her and then squeezed tighter.

"There, that's better!" Mom said.

Mike let her go and sat there, a look on his face that said he was completely lost at what he was to do next.

"As to what Rickie told me," Mom said, as if she'd heard Mike's unasked question. "He told me that he realized he was in love with you the first time you put your arms around him so I knew you had to have a better hug in you than that! He told me how much he's in love with you but he didn't need to. I could see that from the way he looks at you. As to how much you love him, that's very evident in how you look at him."

Mike grinned sheepishly at Mom.

"I do love him. More than anything. He's the best thing that has ever happened in my life." Mike said, looking as much at me as at Mom.

"And I believe you, Mike. Parents always worry about what kind of person their children are going to fall in love with eventually. From all that Rickie's told me about you over the last three years, I know that you're the type of man that anyone would be proud to have in their family. I'm just so sorry that you had to grow up without one. I know you're 20 now, almost 21 and it's a little late to try and change that but I want you to know, that from here on out, you are a part of this family. You're my son as much as Rickie is, as much as if I gave birth to you myself." Mom said.

This time there was no stopping it this time. Mike's face was soon wet with tears rolling out of his eyes. My Mom reached up and hugged him to her again and Mike put one of his arms around her. The other he reached out to me and I took his hand, squeezing it in mine. I knew he was trying to thank me for all of this but I wanted to tell him that I had nothing to do with this. This was my Mom and Dad's idea. It's was way more than I had hoped for!

"I have no way to thank you." Mike said, as he pulled himself together after Mom let him go. "Except that I promise you that I will always try to be worthy of being a member of your family and I will love Rick and never hurt him."

"Thank you, Mike. That's very nice of you to say but it's not very realistic. People end up hurting each other at times, never meaning to. It's just part and parcel of loving someone. The trick is to learn how to forgive each other and never let the sun set on anger between you." Mom said looking from one of us to the other as she spoke. "Learn to talk things out if you haven't already."

"Oh, we've learned about that!" I assured her. "We've had a lot we've had to talk out. Mostly about me. Mike accepted himself a long time ago. I've had some difficulty doing that at first, but Mike has helped me get over that."

"It sounds to me like you two have the perfect basis for a...well, what should I call it? Maybe it's not accurate the way some people see it, but as far as I'm concerned, what you two have is a marriage. And a very good one because it's based on you being friends first. Your marriage will last if you remember that. You are best friends; first, last and always. Hank is my best friend and I'll bet he'll say the same thing about me."

"Say what about you?" Dad's voice came from the doorway as he walked into the room.

"Hank, who's your best friend?" Mom asked.

"You know the answer to that, Rose! You are!" Dad laughed.

"That's what I was just telling the boys. The fact that their relationship is based in friendship makes it the strongest, most lasting type of relationship." Mom said.

"I'll agree with that." Dad said.

"Mike told me that the first night we were together. Remember what you told me, Mike? That love didn't end friendship - it just made it deeper." I said.

Mom reached up and tousled what little hair Mike had. We both still had 'high and tights' from the Corps.

"So he's smart, too! You pick good, Rickie!" Mom laughed.

I looked at Mike and he was blushing a scarlet red but I could also tell he was loving the approbation he was getting from Mom.

"I just talked to Dr. Calvo again. Now that we know what we're dealing with, he's agreed to release you from the hospital, but you've got to rest! No if, ands or buts! He said you're to stay in bed and, if you don't, he'll put you back in the hospital again." Dad said.

"Oh, Hank! That's wonderful! I would much rather be in my own bed with all of you there!" Mom smiled.

"He's already signed the order. The nurse is going to get help you dress and get you ready to wheel down to the truck." Dad said. "Come on, boys. Let's go and get the truck so your Mom can get dressed."

Mike and I got up and I leaned down and kissed her on the cheek. She then looked at Mike and leaned her cheek up so that he got the message. He leaned down and kissed her as well. She put her arms around his neck and kissed him back.

"I don't know if it's something you would want or if you'd even be comfortable with it, but you can call me 'Mom', too." she said to him quietly.

"I've never had anyone to call that before. I'd love to...uhh...Mom." Mike grinned.

We left the room and went down to the lobby. Something caught my eye and I turned to Dad.

"Dad, why don't you get the truck and Mike and I will stay here and wait for Mom to come down." I said.

"Okay. That's sound good." And with that he headed for the parking garage.

Mike looked at me quizzically.

"Come on. Follow me." I said and walked over to a door marked "Chapel".

We went inside. It was a small room with three rows of pews on each side and an altar with a bible open on it. There was a stained glass window down one side of the room with the symbols of all the major world religions. I walked up to the altar rail and knelt down. Mike knelt beside me and we both bowed our heads. I decided to pray out loud.

"God, I don't do this enough to be any good at it but I want to thank you for all the amazing things you've done! Thank you for bringing Mike and me together. Thank you for giving me parents who love me so much and have opened their hearts to the man that I love. Please God, help my Mom get well. We need her with us. Mike just finally got a mother, it's wouldn't be right to take her away now! I know that you'll keep on doing what's best for us as long as we continue to love you and each other. Amen." I said.

"Amen." Mike answered softly.

I looked at him and I felt his arm come around my shoulders and hold me. I leaned my head against him and we just stayed that way, quietly, for a short time. Then we got up and went back out to the lobby to wait for Mom. The nurse was just wheeling her toward the Main doors when she saw us come out of the Chapel.

"Paying your respects?" she smiled.

"Just saying thanks for all the wonderful things in my life." I smiled back.

"We've all got a lot to be thankful for." Mom said.

Mike and I walked beside the wheelchair until we got outside. Dad was waiting at the curb with the truck. He hopped out of the driver's seat to help get Mom in the front seat, but before he even rounded the front end of the truck, Mike had already lifter her out of the wheel chair into his arms and was gently placing her in the cab of the truck.

"Thank you, Mike." she said, smiling. Then she turned to me, laughing. "Strong, too! I like that in a man!"

"I do, too, Mom. I do, too!" I smiled back.

When we got back to the house, Dad made sure that Mom went right to bed. Actually, she didn't have much choice in the matter. Mike carried her from the truck straight to their bedroom and put her gently on the bed. Dad said he had some work he had to do down at the construction company office. Mike and I offered to help if he needed it but he said that the best help we could be was to stay here and make sure that Mom had anything she needed.

With Mom in bed, and Dad gone, we went out to the back yard to sit by the pool. There was a eight foot high wooden fence/wall around the yard so there was complete privacy. Mike and I wandered over to a porch swing that hung from the overhang of the house that Dad had installed years before. We sat down and Mike put his arm around me and I rested my head on his shoulder, leaning over every once in a while to kiss and lick at his neck. This, of course, led to Mike taking me in his arms and kissing me deeply.

"I want to make love to you so bad, but I'm afraid we'll wake your Mom." he groaned.

"Not if we do it out here." I said.

"Out here?! Won't somebody see us?!" Mike exclaimed.

"No. That fence is eight feet high. Nobody can see in here. I skinny dip in the pool all the time." I said.

"But what if your Dad comes back, or your Mom gets up?" Mike asked.

"Knowing Dad, he won't be back for hours. Mom looked pretty tired out. I think she'll sleep for quite a while. Nobody is going to disturb us." I said.

"But where?" he asked.

I simply pointed beyond the pool and Mike, looking where I was pointing, grinned. Like many of the older house in Victoria Park, there was a cottage on the back of the property. Originally meant as "Mother-in-law" houses, most were now rented out. Mom and Dad had never liked the idea of having renters so the cottage was used more for storage than anything else. But there was a couch and a bed in it, in case there were ever overflow guests who couldn't be accommodated in the guest room.

Mike and I walked back to the cottage and opened the door. It has a mustiness from not being open for a while but that didn't bother us. It had a small kitchen, a living area with a fireplace, a single bedroom and a bath. I led Mike to the small bedroom where there was a queen-sized bed.

"This is bigger than the one in our room." Mike said, looking around.

"And I'll bet you're thinking what I'm thinking." I smiled.

"Think they'd go for it?" Mike asked.

"Can't hurt to ask. Leastways that would give us all some privacy." I said.

"Yeah, we wouldn't have to worry about anyone hearing us rut like animals!" Mike grinned.

"Well, if that's the case," I said, moving close to him and slipping my arms round his neck, "let's start rutting!"

His arms went around me and pulled me tightly against him. I could feel my cock hard and pressing against his which was equally hard. We practically tore each other's clothes off getting naked and onto the bed. Mike grabbed hold of me and we rolled over on the bed until he was on top of me looking down into my face.

"Okay. Who gets fucked first?" he grinned.

"First?" I asked.

"Yeah, first! I'm way to horny for just once!" he growled playfully at me.

"Well then maybe you better make the decision then." I laughed.

"Okay, I gave you a chance!" he grinned back. "I choose...ME! I get fucked first!"

And with this, he rolled us over so that I was on top looking down at him.

"How do you want me, as if I didn't know." he smiled.

"Yep! Usual position, face down." I said.

"What is this thing you have for my back? Or am I too ugly for you to look at while your fucking me?" he asked, jokingly.

"Hey! You're beautiful! You know that!" I said. "The truth of the matter is, you do have a gorgeous back - especially your beautiful butt! The real reason, though, is that it is much more comfortable for me to fuck you that way. Mike, I hate to break this news to you, but you're a big guy! You're taller than me and you weigh more than I do. It's more work keeping your legs over my shoulders than when I can just lay down on your back and shove my cock in your butt."

"Really?" he asked, surprised.

"Yeah, really. Well...and there is this one other thing..." I trailed off.

"Yeah? What?" he asked, looking at me hard.

"'s kind of a fantasy of mine. Promise you won't get mad at me about this." I said.

"Babe I won't get mad as long as you're fantasizing about me." he said, smiling.

"Oh, it's about you, all right! It's the kind of 'animal' thing. It's like you're my mate and I'm breeding you to have young or something. Kind of conquestial in a way but I so get off on it when I get you off while I'm 'breeding' you. Do you understand?" I asked.

"Fuck, yeah! I understand that completely! I have almost the same fantasy when I fuck you! I love to watch you cumming just from me fucking you! Gets me off every time!" he grinned.

"Okay, so now you know my deepest, darkest secret fantasy! I want to fuck you like these two tigers I saw mating once in a zoo! I know bestiality is a bit kinky but I was only like 14 at the time and it was the first 'sex' I ever saw. I got me so incredibly boned at the time that I had to go into a stall in one of them men's rooms and jack off to get my cock to go down." I admitted.

"I wish I'd been in that bathroom!" he grinned.

"I wish you had, too!" I grinned back.

"So 'breed' me, Tiger!" he laughed rolling out from under me and laying on his stomach.

I surprised him by sitting on his butt and began by working my hands over his back, giving him a massage. He was soon moaning loud and long from the things my hands were doing to him.

"Oh, fuck! Rick! Where the fuck did you learn to do this!" he groaned.

"I didn't. I'm just doing what I feel like doing." I said.

"Well, fuckin' keep doing it! This feels almost as good as being fucked!" he moaned.

I smiled to myself as my hands moved lower and lower on his back until I had to move back and kneel between his legs and began to massage his butt. Now the moans got really loud from him! I loved giving Mike pleasure and it seems I had found a new way!

Gradually, though, my hands became tired and my mouth was really hungry for a taste of his butt. I leaned down and started licking all over his mounds as I continued to manipulate them with my hands. Then I spread them apart and started licking deep into his crack. He raised his butt, trying to push my face in farther. I quickly got my lips around his pucker and began sucking and licking at the opening to his body. My tongue pushed forward and gained entrance to his passage and I began to ream out his chute. I loved tongue-fucking Mike because I loved the taste of him and because it gave him such pleasure - the same pleasure it gave me when he did it to me.

His hole was quickly wide open and my tongue was reaming in and out as far as it could go. It always thrilled me when my tongue was up inside him, tasting the inside of his body but my cock was insisting that it wanted to be where my tongue was and my cock has a primacy in the way of body parts! I rose up, slicked up my cock with some of my spit and cock-honey and placed the head of my dick right as his puckered hole. I pushed and felt myself, once again, sliding into that wet furnace of an ass that Mike had! So hot, so moist, so incredibly tight! No matter how many times I fucked him, it was always tight. I loved fucking is butt almost as much as I loved him fucking mine.

"Yeah, babe! Give it to me! Slam it in me hard and get me off! I need you bad! I need you to pound my fuckin' ass!" Mike moaned.

Well, if that's what he wanted, then that's what he got! I started slamming my cock in and out of his hole at a rapid pace. His grunts and groans kept up with me as I power fucked his butt. It felt so damned good as my cock slid across his hard prostate! I knew I wasn't going to last long like this but, then again, neither was Mike! I could tell by the hardness of his butt-nut and the tightening of his chute that he was gettin' ready to spoonge - and soon! I kicked my speed up another notch and felt his hips pushing back, meeting every slam. He wanted it and he wanted it bad! And he was gettin' it! Several more really hard, fast crashes into his butt and I heard him start to moan as his tunnel clamped down on my cock.

"Ahh! Fuck! I'm cummin'!!!" he all but shouted.

I could feel his hole spasming as he shot his load onto the bed. I was only seconds behind, shooting my load deep into his butt!

"Fuck!!!" I screamed as I shot volley after volley of cum deep into his guts. I bred him good!

I collapsed on his back and lay there almost like I was dead! Fucking Mike was always a 'total body involved' activity. Afterwards, I was totally drained and needed recovery time. Luckily Mike did, too. I felt my cock finally soften and fall out of his butt. I slid back down his body until I was laying between his legs and my face was buried back in his butt trench feasting at my load of cum up his hole. Mike and I were both moaning gently as I sucked and licked my juice from his ass. We both loved this activity - both having it done and doing it.

I crawled up next to him and he turned onto his side, reaching out his arms and pulling me to him. The scent of our fucking and our sweaty bodies surrounded us and was starting to revive our horniness. Mike kissed me and then pulled back to look at me.

"You bred me well, Tiger!" he grinned.

"I love breeding your hole." I growled at him playfully.

"As much as you love getting your's bred?" he asked, grinning.

"You know the answer to that!" I said.

"Okay, so how do you want it?" he asked.

"How about the same way I did you?" I said.

"Great! I haven't fucked you like that in a while." he said.

He got up and I lay down on my stomach, placing my head on my crossed arms in front of me. I spread my legs wide, waiting for Mike's mouth to start working on my butt. Instead, I suddenly felt him sit down on my butt and his hands start massaging my shoulders!

"Oh, fuck!" I moaned.

"Feel good?" he asked.

"Fuck, yes!" I moaned. "It feels wonderful!"

I heard a low chuckle from behind me as I lay there, feeling his hands moving down my back, relaxing all of my muscles. By the time he reached my butt, I was practically a puddle of relaxation! His hands kneaded my buns and slipped into my trench and even massaged my hole. Then I felt him slip behind me and bury his face in my butt and begin eating me out. I pushed back against his face, trying to get more and more of his tongue up my ass. I loved the feeling of his tongue inside me - almost as much as his cock.

I reached back and pulled my cheeks apart to give him even more access to me. His tongue probed deeper and deeper. I moaned with desire.

"Fuck me, Mike. Please! Fuck me! I need to feel you're cock in me!" I begged.

He rose up and put his cock at the opening of my hole. I didn't even give him a chance to push inside. As soon as I felt the blunt end of his cock touching my hole, I pushed back and impaled my self on him. I kept pushing back until my ass had swallowed his whole cock and he was resting over me on his elbows. He leaned down and licked and nibbled at my neck and shoulders as my ass became used to being filled with him again.

"Mmm. Your hole is so hot!" he murmured in my ear.

"It just loves your cock!" I answered.

Mike began to slowly move in and out of me. Now that we had both cum once, this time would be for pure enjoyment. He continued to move slowly in and out of me while he continued to use his mouth to lick and suck at my neck and shoulders. I writhed beneath him as he continued to make love to my body.

"Oh, God! Mike! Yes!" I moaned.

He growled deep in his throat and continued to drive me closer and closer to orgasm. I could feel that tingle in my balls that told me I was close.

"Mike! I'm gonna cum!" I moaned.

"Yeah, babe! Cum for me! Get off on my cock!" he moaned into my ear.

That's all it took. My cock started to fire my cum onto the bed below me as I writhed on his cock. I could feel my tunnel clutching tightly to his cock and then I felt his cock begin to tremble as he began shooting his load deep inside me. A feeling went through me of such warmth, knowing that I had given him pleasure and that a part of him was once again deep inside of me.

Mike relaxed onto me and I felt the wait and heat of his body on mine. I loved this feeling. I felt so loved, so protected by him. I wanted us to never move from this, but I knew that it would only be a short time and we would have to go back to the real world. Finally, his cock slipped from my butt and he rolled off me onto his back. I moved over, kissing his chest before I lay my head on it and wrapped my arm over him.

And with that, we both gently drifted off to sleep.


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Next: Chapter 7

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