Subic Surrender

By RimPig (RimPigFL, Bobby Michaels) (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on May 26, 2003


DISCLAIMER: I don't fucking care how old you are. If you like the idea of two hunky young Marine's getting it on with each other then read on!

By the way, no Marine's were injured or killed in the writing of this story but that's not true of what's going on in the Middle East or other foreign places. I would ask your prayers, good thoughts or whatever for all the Marines serving our country (that's us guys!) around the world.

This is dedicated to every one who has ever served in the USMC - Semper Fi!

SUBIC SURRENDER - Part 5 by RimPig (c) 2003

Dinner was great. Not just the food, but it gave Dad and Mike to get a chance to know each other. By the end of the evening it was clear that they were really starting to like each other a lot. This thrilled me that the two men I loved most in the world were growing close. But there was still the pall over the evening at Mom not being there. At times, it seemed like Dad would kind of 'drift away' and we would have to pull him back. I knew what he was thinking about. I knew I would have tremendous difficulty dealing with anything if Mike were ill and in the hospital. There is always a price to pay for loving someone. Sometimes that price came very high.

When we got home that night we were all beat, Mike and I from the cross-country flight, Dad from the emotional ordeal of worrying about Mom, so we all decided to turn in. Dad took me in his arms and gently kissed me good night. He hadn't done that since I was maybe nine or ten and, while it surprised me, if felt so good! Mike and I went to my room and started to get undressed. Mike looked down at the double bed and smiled at me.

"It's a good thing we are in love! I don't think we could share that little thing otherwise!" he grinned.

"Hey, it's a big as two racks on the ship!" I said.

Mike walked over and put his arms around me.

"I'm not complainin', babe. That bed's gonna make sure you don't get too far away from me at night." he smiled and then gently kissed me.

For just a second I freaked! Here I was in my own bedroom, the room I'd shot I don't know how many loads of cum in my early teens, kissing another guy! And my Dad just down the hall! But then the taste of Mike, the feel of his strong body against mine, the feel of his arms around me all combined to break down every barrier and smash through every ounce of fear, to leave me moaning into his mouth as I surrendered to him. My hands moved up and down his back as his cupped my butt, holding me tight to him.

" taste so good." he murmured to me.

"Let's get naked. I want to finally have you in my bed." I smiled at him.

He let go of me and we both rapidly stripped. Since all we had on were jeans and t-shirts, preferring to go commando, we were stripped in nothing flat. Mike got into bed first and held the covers open for me. I slid into the bed and up against him, his arm going around me.

"Boy, if this mattress could talk, I'll bet it could tell some stories!" he grinned.

"Only stories about how much I jacked-off." I said.

"You never had sex on this bed?" he asked, surprised at what I was telling him.

"No. I could never sneak a girl in the house and you know I never had sex with another guy before you." I said.

"Well, we have to rectify that right the fuck now!" he grinned. "We can't leave this bed a virgin!"

"Mike, my Dad is just down the hall!" I said.

"So? Is he gonna just come barging in here?" Mike asked.

"Well, no. He'd knock first. But he'd sure as hell come knocking from all the noise that you make when you're making love to me! Fuck! You groan like a bull elephant when you're cumming!" I told him.

"Oh? And you're just as quiet as a little mouse, huh?" he grinned.

"No, I didn't say that. But if we make love, Dad's gonna hear us!" I said.

"I can be quiet if you can." Mike said.

I looked at him. I knew that there was very little chance that Mike could keep quiet as he came but I wanted him so badly right then, I was willing to risk anything. I did remember that Dad was a pretty heavy sleeper and it would have been Mom we would more than likely disturb. Besides, there was the other bedroom between. I always wondered if my parents had put the 'guest room' between us so that I could have more privacy - or that they could. It also suddenly hit me that there had not even been any mention of the guest room as someplace Mike should stay. I never thought about it until then. I had wanted to sleep with him in my old bed so the thought of him being in the guest room had never even crossed my mind. However, it obviously hadn't crossed my parent's minds either because nothing was ever said about it. They just seemed to assume that Mike would sleep in my room as well.

"Okay. I'm willing to risk it only because I want you so badly. You know, you could almost be classified as an addiction!" I smiled.

"And what do you think you are to me?" he said, nuzzling his nose against mine.

There it was again. That little boy in him calling the little boy in me to come out to play. There was so much that I loved about Mike, but this was probably my favorite part of him. For us, making love to each other, at times, seemed like joyous play. The joining of our bodies was a part of us being kids together and expressing our joy in each other.

Mike began kissing down my body and it was all I could do not to moan. Then he started sucking on one of my tits and I knew I was gonna lose it! I grabbed his head and pulled it off me.

"I'm gonna start screaming if you do that much more!" I husked at him.

"And who's the noisy one?" he grinned.

"Okay, okay! But we gotta be more quiet!" I said.

"I think calls for a different offensive." he grinned. "Turn over."

I lay face down on my bed as Mike crawled onto my back. He began licking at my neck and shoulders and I started to moan but, this time, into the pillow which muffled the sound. Mike continued to move down my body until he was between my legs and his tongue began to lick my ass cheeks and his teeth began to nip at them. I loved when he did this! It felt so good! And he knew how much I loved it. Finally, I felt him pulling my ass-cheeks apart and his nose began moving up and down my trench as I spread my legs even farther apart for him. I could hear him taking deep whiffs of my ass scent and then I felt his tongue moving up and down my cleft. I was moaning softly into the pillow as his lips locked to my hole and his tongue began to work it's way up inside me.

Mike ate my ass, fucking me with his tongue as my hole relaxed an opened up to him. Over the last year, I had learned how to relax my ass enough that all it took was a lot of spit and some of Mike's ever-present cock-honey as lube for Mike to slide his cock up my butt and fuck me. Which is exactly what he proceeded to do. He rose up and I could feel him sliding the head of his cock around my hole, lubing it with his pre-cum and then I felt it gently pressing inside me. I relaxed my muscles and pushed back against his cock and felt it pop through my sphincter and begin its long, slow slide deep inside me. I moaned into the pillow as I felt Mike's cock fill me up.

When he bottomed out in my ass and there was no more cock to shove inside me, Mike laid down on me and wrapped his arms around me, letting his cock soak in my hole and allowing my ass to relax and get used to having that big fucker in me again. He began to lick and suck at my neck and shoulders and I, by reflex, pushed back against him, pushing his cock deeper inside me. I wanted all of him inside me! I wanted to feel him totally invading me and making me a part of him.

"Your ass is so hot! It's clutching my cock so tight! God! I love fucking you!" he moaned into my ear.

"Not nearly as much as I love being fucked by you!" I moaned quietly. "Come on, Mike. Fuck me! Make me feel it, babe!"

"No problem!" he murmured as he hips began to slowly pull his cock back, dragging it across my prostate and driving me crazy!

His hips snapped, driving his cock deep inside me again, but this time with more speed and power. I groaned into the pillow and then Mike rose up, putting his hands next to my shoulders and began to really pound my butt hard! I could hear him grunting and the springs of the bed groaning softly from the punishment they were taking. Mike's power was incredible! My body felt like it was glowing from the intensity of the feelings that were flowing through me. My cock was like a solid bar of steel beneath me rubbing against the soft sheets. I knew, from the tingling in my balls that I was very close to cumming. Mike, too, seemed right at the brink, if his groaning was any indication.

All it took was a few more thrust of Mike's hard, thick cock deep into my ass and I was groaning into the pillow and spewing my load beneath me. My orgasm, and the tightening of my butt, threw Mike over the edge as well. I felt one more really hard slam into my body and then I heard him groan and felt his cock pulsing in my hole, releasing all his hot cum as deep in my body as he could. He collapsed on top of me again, his sweaty body gluing itself to my sweaty body with his arms reaching around me to hold me. I could hear his panting and feel the warm rushes of breath on my neck as he gathered his strength again.

"Oh, fuck! Your fuckin' ass is gonna kill me someday! I'm just gonna die shooting a load into you!" Mike murmured.

I chuckled softly at this. Mike fucked me at least daily and often expressed this same joking complaint but he just couldn't keep his cock out of my ass. And, God knows, I didn't want him to! I loved being fucked by him. I never failed to get off on it. Now, don't get me wrong! I still liked fucking him once in a while- well..I guess about once every few days - but being like this, his cock buried inside me and his strong, muscular body covering mine, gave me feelings that I just didn't get any other way.

His cock began to soften in my butt and finally slipped out. Mike moved back down my body and, pulling my ass-cheeks apart, slowly licked up and down my crack and sucked at my hole to retrieve as much of his cum as he could. Then he lay down beside me in the bed and I turned over on my side facing him. His arms reached out and pulled me to him, holding me gently.

"Well...your bed is not longer virgin." Mike said softly.

"No. OUR bed is no longer virgin." I insisted.

He didn't say anything for the longest time and I wondered what was wrong.

"Hey! What's the matter." I asked.

"Nothing." he said softly.

"Come on. When you're this quiet and not asleep, unconscious or dead, I know something's wrong!" I said.

It still took him a while to answer.

"When I was growing up in the group homes, I never had anything that was really mine except for a few clothes and some books. I got used to sharing everything and never thinking of anything as really mine. But you didn't grow up that way. You had stuff. I'm looking around this room and you have no idea what I would have given to have a room like this! But you share everything with me so easily. I don't get it." he said.

"Mike, it's easy. Everything I have is yours because you're a part of me and I'm a part of you. I always wanted to someday fall in love and truly be a part of somebody and have them a part of me. I just never figured out that it would be another guy! Being with you is that dream come true. I can't imagine life now without you. I guess, that's what's bothering Dad. Having to imagine what life would be like without Mom." I said.

"Yeah. I guess that loving somebody the way I love you probably isn't the brightest thing in the world to do. You make yourself real vulnerable. If anything were to happen to you, I don't know what I'd do!" Mike said.

"Let's not talk about this right now. I don't even like thinking like this." I said.

"I know. Me either. I really like your Dad, by the way." Mike said, changing the subject.

"Yeah, he seems to like you, as well! You two were gettin' really chummy at dinner." I smiled.

" you think he has any idea?" he asked.

"Why do you ask?" I asked him.

"Well...I don't know but I just got this feeling that he was somehow sizing me up as to whether or not I was good enough for was a weird feeling but, somehow, I seemed to pass inspection." Mike said.

"Yeah, I noticed something interesting as well." I said.

"What?" he asked.

"Well...this room next door - between this one and my parent's room? That's the 'guest room'. But nothing was ever said about you using it. I had always assumed that you'd sleep here with me, but somehow they did, too. I wonder what's up with that?" I said.

"Damned if I know. You know your parents. What do you think?" he asked.

" would depend entirely on who made the decision and when. Dad probably hadn't even thought about it, what with Mom being sick and all. But if Mom had made the decision, then I would begin to wonder. Then, again, she could still be thinking of me as a kid, having friends spend the night." I said.

"Ahh! So the bed wasn't virgin after all!" he chuckled.

"Yes it was. I only had friends stay over a few times and nothing ever happened." I said.

"Did you want it to?" he asked.

"I think I did. I know I really liked sleeping with another guy in bed with me. I always thought it was because I'd always wished I'd had a brother but, maybe, it was more than that." I said.

"Oh, so that's what I am - a brother/father substitute!" he chuckled and I reached up and punched him, hard, in the arm.

"Oww! What was that for?" he asked.

"For being a dickhead! You are not a substitute for anything. Okay, I wanted a brother that I never got and I will admit that I wished I'd had more affection from Dad but you're not either one." I said.

"Yes, I am." he said softly.


"Part of what you love about me is that I do meet those needs inside you. There's nothing wrong with that. So you like havin' me around 'cause it's kind of like having a brother? So you like when I hold you because it's like what you remember from your Dad holding you? Nothin' wrong with either of those. I'm not saying you don't love me. I'm just pointing out that things are workin' out on a bunch of different levels for us." he said.

"Yeah? Like what levels for you?" I asked.

"I always wished I'd had a brother, too. Anybody, just so that I wouldn't be alone. I really hated being alone. I wanted somebody to love me. I wanted somebody I could love and trust. For me, before I figured things out, that meant a brother. I didn't have any idea about having a lover. That came later." he said.

"Did you always know it was a guy you wanted as a lover?" I asked.

"Yeah, I pretty much did. I wasn't into the whole 'get married, have kids' routine. And there is just somethin' about the love that two guys have for each other that's so much stronger and less complicated. I don't like complicated." he grinned.

"'s not complicated between us." I said softly.

"I know...that's another thing I love about you." he smiled and leaned over, gently kissing my forehead.

I tilted my head up and his lips next found mine. It was a gentle kiss and then he lay back and I put my head on his chest, my arm across him and, with his arm still around me, we both slept.

I awoke very early. It was barely dawn. Mike still was asleep but I could smell coffee brewing. I figured that Dad was up, probably not able to sleep out of worry for Mom. I slid out of Mike's arms without waking him and pulling on my jeans, slipped into the hall and went to take a morning piss. When I finished, I went into the kitchen. I saw Dad sitting at the table, a cup of coffee in front of him and a very far away look in his eyes.

"Good morning." I said quietly and at first, he didn't hear me. Then he looked up as if startled to see me there.

"Oh! Good morning, Rick. Couldn't sleep, son?" he asked.

"No, I slept fine. I had to piss. Mike's still asleep." I said, walking over and pouring myself a cup of coffee and sitting down beside him at the table.

"Mike's a good man, Rick. I really like him." Dad said.

I smiled and it was like my whole insides warmed at Dad's words. Whether he knew it or not, he'd just approved my choice of life-mate.

"Yeah, he is, Dad. He reminds me a lot of you." I said quietly.

Dad looked at me strangely for a moment and then smiled.

"That's nice of you to say, son. I have to admit, I've had some doubts over the years as to whether or not I was a good father to you." Dad said.

"You were a great father! I couldn't have asked for better!" I insisted.

"Thank you, but there were times when I wanted to be closer to you and I just didn't know how." he said, looking at me with what seemed longing in his eyes.

"I felt the same way. Maybe it's just something that fathers and sons go through. I always felt it was my fault. I could have reached out more. I just thought know...that guys weren't supposed to need that." I said, stumbling over my words.

"Yeah, we're taught some pretty dumb things, aren't we? How we're supposed to be so strong and keep everything inside even when our whole world is falling apart." Dad said and I could hear the bitterness in his words.

"You're really worried about Mom, aren't you. It's more than just simple tests, right?" I asked.

He looked at me again, this time seeming to be judging how much I could handle of what he knew. Then I saw him shake his head as if trying to 're-arrange' things.

"I keep forgetting, you're not a kid anymore. You're a former Marine, for God's sake! Yeah, I am worried and, no, their not just simple tests." Dad said.

"What's going on, Dad? What do they think it is?" I asked.

"They're not really sure. They think it could be something like leukemia but they just don't know. That's the rough part, the 'not knowing'! How can you deal with something when you don't know what you're dealing with?" Dad said, anguish coming out in his voice.

Not knowing what to say at that point, I did the only thing I knew how to do. I reached out an put my arm around my Dad's shoulder, drawing him closer to me. He looked into my eyes and I could see tears in his. I pressed my head against his, letting our faces touch and then I felt his arms go around me and his head dropped to my chest. It was then I felt the shudders as his fear and anguish were released in almost silent sobs. I held him and let him cry against me as I gently stroked his neck and back with my hand. For the first time in my life, my Dad was letting me be 'the strong one'. It was at that moment that I knew, for sure, that I had become a man.

We stayed that way for quite a while. It took Dad that time to finally calm down and pull himself together. I guess because guys cry so rarely, it's almost like total devastation to us when we finally do break down. I continued to hold Dad while he gradually came back to himself and then I leaned down and kissed him gently on his stubbly cheek.

"Thank you, Dad." I whispered.

He looked at me with a questioning look.

"What for?" he asked, his voice still husky with all the emotions he was experiencing.

"For telling me that I'm finally a man, and for telling me how much you love and trust me." I said quietly.

He looked at me strangely for a moment and then, with great effort, a small smile appeared.

"You really have learned a lot since you left home." he said.

"I've learned at lot of it from Mike." I said, the pride in my mate showing in my voice.

"You really care a lot about him, don't you, son." Dad said, more as a statement than a question.

"Yes, Dad. I do. I care more about him than anybody I've ever known except you and Mom." I said quietly.

I was determined that I was going to be honest with my Dad as I had always been. If he couldn't deal with the fact that Mike and I were lovers, then it was probably better to get it over with now. I wasn't sure how Dad was going to take it, but I knew that I if I had to choose between my family and Mike, then there was no choice. Mike won hands down. Dad looked at me and then looked away. I thought at first he'd figured it out and couldn't look at me but, instead, he started talking.

"When I was in the Corps, there was two guys who I got to be very close friends with named Mack and Jake." Dad began, his voice soft and low. "I didn't tell you, but I've been in Subic, too. Jake and Mack, we went to Subic together. The first night there, we struck out. None of us had enough money to get laid by any girl that looked halfway decent so we ended up sharing this little hotel room and getting shit-faced together."

"In an alley just off the main street in Oolongapo, four stories and a mama-san who ran the place?" I asked.

"Yeah, that's the one! How did you know? Did you see it?" he asked.

"See it? Mike and I spent a week in it!" I laughed. "So what about you and your buddies?"

"Well, we were all about 20 or 21 and horny as fuckin' hell. Now, this is just between you and me, understand? Your Mom doesn't know anything about this. We were engaged at the time but we weren't married yet." Dad said.

"Don't worry, Dad. I'm not going to breathe a word to Mom. So, what happened?" I asked.

"Well, I was pretty naive, being only 20. I thought I knew everything, though. That night, I learned different. I don't know how it got started. I guess because it was hot and we were all drunk but we decided that it was too fuckin' hot to wear clothes. So we all got naked. Now bein' naked around other guys was no big deal! Fuck! You know what it's like in a barracks. We had seen each other hundreds of times naked. But, somehow, that night it was different." he said.

"Yeah..." I urged him to continue.

He looked at me and took a deep breath before he could continue.

"I don't know what you're gonna think after you hear the rest of this...." he hesitated.

"I'm gonna think that you're my Dad and that I love you. I also am going to think that you're a guy and, like all guys, a hard cock has no conscience!" I smiled at him.

", anyway, here we are all naked, drunk and horny. Next thing I knew Mack's cock was as hard as a rock. It was a whopper, too! Had to be at least 10 fuckin' inches and thick! I never knew that a hardon was 'catching' but before I knew it, I was boned up and so was Jake. We looked at each other and we just grabbed hold of our hardons and started jackin' them. It was so hot watchin' those guys pound their puds! I'd never seen another guy do it. Jake's wasn't as big as Mack's but it was almost! And it was way thicker! Like a fuckin' beer can stickin' up outa his pubes! I'd never had a thought that I could remember about wantin' to have sex with another guy, but I was sure wantin' it that night." he admitted.

"So? Did you?" I asked.

"Well...what actually happened is that Mack kinda leaned over and just swallowed Jake's cock down to the root! Holy shit! I'd never seen anybody deep-throat a cock like that. I got the feelin' that this wasn't the first time that Jake and Mack had done this because no more than Mack started givin' Jake this incredible blow-job, but Jake leaned over and gobbled my cock all the way down his throat!" Dad said.

"I bet you loved that!" I grinned.

"Fuck, yeah, I did! It was the best fuckin' blow-job I'd ever had in my life! I thought that Jake was gonna fuckin' suck my nuts out through my cock! This went on for a while and, I don't know what got into me, but I felt like I was left out. Yeah, I was gettin' my cock sucked but I didn't think it was fair that Mack had nobody suckin' him. We straightened that out quickly though. We moved around on the bed and I ended up suckin' Mack's dick while he did Jake and Jake did me." he said.

"It's called a 'Daisy Chain', Dad." I smiled

"Yeah. I found that out later." he said sheepishly.

"So that's all you guys did?" I asked.

"Well...not exactly..." Dad hesitated again.

"Let me see if I can guess....Jake fucked Mack and then you fucked Mack. Right?" I asked grinning.

"Well...not exactly. Jake did fuck Mack and while he was fuckin' him, I fucked Jake. Then I fucked Mack and Jake fucked me while I did it. Then Mack ended up fuckin' both of us. We spent four days in that room havin' sex almost non-stop! My balls were achin' something fierce for days after we got back to the ship." he said with an embarrassed look on his face.

"So, was that he only time you guys got together?" I asked.

"No...we got together every fuckin' chance we could. For the rest of our time together, we fucked like rabbits. But Jake and Mack had something else going on. They actually fell in love with each other. Kinda got like married. They left the Corps to be together. And they're still together after all these years. They live out in Seattle and have a computer business together. I hear from them every once in a while." he said.

"Dad, why did you tell me this story?" I asked.

"Because I wanted to be honest with you so that you would be honest with me. I've watched the way you and Mike look at each other. It's just like Mack and Jake used to do. Are you two...uhh..." he stuttered.

"Lovers is the word I think you're looking for, Dad. Yes, Mike and I are lovers. We're mates for life if we have anything to say about it. Dad, I love him totally and completely. I've never been with another man and don't want to be. Mike's had more experience than I have, growin' up in foster care the way he did, but he feels the same way that I do. Does this bother you, Dad?" I asked, still afraid that he might not be able to deal with it.

"No, Rick. It doesn't bother me at all. Love is love, no matter where you find it. I understand how Mack and Jake feel about each other. In fact, I called them last night after you boys went to bed to ask them what they thought was the best way to deal with this. They're the ones who told me to tell you the story about Subic. Besides, if I didn't know what was going on before last night, all that groaning and moaning coming out of your room would have told me." he laughed.

It was my turn to be embarrassed now. I know I must have blushed a deep scarlet!

"Hey! I was young once! I understand!" Dad laughed.

"We tried to keep it down." I explained. "We're usually a lot noisier than that."

"Oh, fuck! In that case, we maybe better think about adding some soundproofing to your room before your Mom comes home!" he laughed.

"Dad, what are you going to tell her?" I asked.

"I'm going to tell her the truth. She'll understand. You know she will. Besides, I have a suspicion that she's already figured a lot of it out." he said.

"How do you figure that?" I asked.

"Because when I suggested putting Mike in the guest room, she told me to just let the two of you sleep in your old room. Her exact words were 'they'll probably want it that way anyway.' So I don't think I'd be too worried about it." Dad smiled.

All of a sudden it was my eyes the welled up with tears. Dad saw me and pulled me into his arms. I cried on his chest, just like I'd done as a little kid.

"It's okay, Rickie." Dad said, using my little boy name which he'd stopped using when I asked him to and Mom never had. "We still love you, no matter what. And I think Mike is a fine young man who we're going to love as well. That boy's never had a family...well...he's got one now."

I felt Dad's hand stroking my head, just like he used to do when I was little. I love this man so much! I'd always wanted to be like him and now I truly understood why. He was everything that I wanted to be and everything I wanted in the man that I loved. And I had found that in Mike. I knew then that, no matter what happened, everything was going to be all right.

"Thanks, Dad." I said, pulling my head from his chest and looking him in the eyes. "I really do love you."

"And I really do love you, son." Dad said. "Now, why don't you wake up your lover and tell him that breakfast is going to be in...oh, I don't know...let's say an hour? That give you enough time to wake him up? I know how hard wakin' up can be for guys - especially when their young. Yep! Real hard!" Dad grinned.

I started blushing again.

"Yes, Dad. That's enough time!" I laughed and leaned over and kissed his stubbly cheek one more time.

I went back to my old room and Mike was still asleep. Well, at least most of him was. However, one of my favorite parts of Mike was wide awake and rarin' to go, as it always was first thing in the morning. I dropped my jeans and slid back under the covers with him. I slid down until I was completely under the covers and his hard cock was right in my face. The scent of his maleness trapped under the blanket all night was totally intoxicating! I drank deep of the muskiness of him. I knew I would love his scent for the rest of my life - and I was right.

I gently began to slide his cock into my mouth and to work up and down on it slowly and gently. I wanted him to wake to the feelings of having his cock sucked. I had done this during that first week in Subic for the first time and he told me later how much he loved it - what a fantasy fulfillment it was for him. When ever I got the chance, this is how I woke him up from then on. Of course, I had a favorite way for him to wake me up. I loved waking up feeling his cock slowly fucking in and out of my ass. He did this quite often for me.

I really got into giving Mike head. I loved the taste of his cock, especially after it had been up my ass the night before. My scent mixed with his and it was a very heady mixture! Before I knew it, Mike was moaning and trying to cover his face with the pillow as he shot load after load of his sweet, salty lovejuice down my throat. Mike cums so much that I almost didn't need breakfast!

He pulled me up into his arms and kissed me, tasting his cum in my mouth with his tongue. I moaned into his mouth as his hands flowed over my body and one finally grasped my hard cock. He slid down the bed and my cock slid deep into him! I was so hot that it only took two or three passes of his mouth up and down my cock until I was unloading my own lovejuice into him! I guess we both could survive without breakfast for a little while because we had some talking to do.

I told Mike all about the conversation that Dad and I had. I told him about Dad in Subic and his friends Mack and Jake. Mike's eyes got as big as saucers as I told him the story and I also noticed that his cock boned up again very nicely as well!

"You're fuckin' jokin', right?" Mike said in wonder.

"Nope! No joke. My Dad has had his little fling with guys. Just his didn't work out like mine did. He was really in love with Mom. Which, if you think about it, is a good thing! Otherwise, I would never have been born otherwise and then I would never have met you and fell in love." I said.

"Fuck! This is almost too good to be true!" he grinned.

"Actually, there's one thing I haven't told you about. Dad really likes you. He told me so. And he basically wants you to be a part of the family.

Mike was speechless. He sat there staring at me, his mouth open but nothing coming out. All of a sudden, tears started to roll down his cheeks. I gathered him into my arms and held him just like Dad had held me not but a little while ago. I stroked his head the same way that Dad had stroked mine, until Mike was calm enough to talk.

"I always wanted...always dreamed...but I never thought..." he stuttered, trying to put his feelings into words.

"I can't know exactly how you feel, but I've got a good idea. It's maybe something like what I was feeling that first night when I suddenly began to realize that I was in love with you." I said softly.

"Yeah. It's like that. Rick, I don't know what to say! I don't know what to do!" he said.

"Then that's the time to say and do nothing. You don't have to work at it. My Dad already thinks the world of you. He's happy that I've found you. That's all that's important now." I smiled at him.

"I promise! I will never let him down, I'll never betray the trust he has in me. Or the trust you have in me." Mike swore.

"I never had any doubt of that." I said softly and then kissed him deeply.

His cock was still hard and I slipped my hand down and grasped it.

"Actually, there is something you could do..." I said softly.

"Gee! I wonder what that could be?" he grinned at me.

"Well...Dad did give me an hour to wake you up and we've hardly used half of it..." I said.

"An hour?! Why so long?" Mike asked, completely clueless.

"Dad said that with some young guys, it was hard to wake them up - really HARD!" I giggled.

"Well, I'm hard...I guess I just need to get up...your ass!" Mike laughed and pushed me back on the bed.

He fucked me hard and well and we both got off a second time. This time neither one of us tried to keep quiet so I guess Dad knew that his two 'boys' had finally 'gotten up'! When we finished we lay in each other's arms for a while just talking softly the way lovers do. Telling each other all those things that we already know but love to hear from each other anyway. Finally Dad knocked on the door to the room and called out that breakfast was ready. Mike and I both scrambled into our jeans and headed for the kitchen.

Dad was a good cook, as good as Mom and he had a breakfast that I couldn't believe laid out for us! Scrambled eggs, sausage, bacon, toast, home-fries and a huge stack of my favorite - blueberry pancakes! Mike and I ate like we hadn't seen food in months! Fucking does give you an appetite. The talk around the table was minimal while everything in sight was consumed. Finally, we three sat there with coffee.

"Well! I can see the grocery bills are going to go up exponentially around here!" Dad laughed.

Mike and I looked at each other and smiled sheepishly.

"Hey! You're young men! Takes a lot of fuel to keep your tanks filled!" Dad laughed.

We both laughed with him. Then Dad looked at Mike.

"I guess Rick told you about our little conversation this morning." Dad said.

"Yes, Hank, he did." Mike said quietly.

"Well, I want you to hear it from me. I meant every word I said. I know from what Rick's told us over the last few years that you've never had a family. I want you to know, that you're very welcome in this one and I know I speak for Rose, too, when I say that." Dad said.

Mike was quiet for a time and I was afraid he was going to lose it again, but he seemed to be able to keep himself under control .

"Hank, you can't know what this means to me. I can hardly believe it. I was afraid you'd hate me for falling in love with your son or because he fell in love with me. But this! To actually be a part of a family. I've wanted that my whole life!" Mike said. "I know I've only known you a short time, but Rick has told me so much about you. I know if I could have ever had a Dad, I'd want him to be you."

"Well, son, I guess you got your wish then. Come here and give your Dad a hug!" Dad said grinning.

Mike stood up and so did Dad. I did as well and watched as Mike and Dad hugged. Now there were tears running down my face, but I knew why. I'd never seen anything so beautiful in my life as my Dad and my lover hugging. They then turned to me and they reached out their arms to me. I was hugged by both of them and never felt more loved in my life. I knew if I died in that moment, I would die a completely happy man. But I wanted to live and know this love for the rest of my life.

We finally let each other go and I thought there might be some embarrassment between us but, instead, we all stood there grinning at each other like fools! Finally, Dad said.

"Well, let's get showered and dressed and get over to the hospital. Your Mom needs to meet her new son!" Dad laughed.


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Next: Chapter 6

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