Subic Surrender

By RimPig (RimPigFL, Bobby Michaels) (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on May 17, 2003


DISCLAIMER: I don't fucking care how old you are. If you like the idea of two hunky young Marine's getting it on with each other then read on!

By the way, no Marine's were injured or killed in the writing of this story but that's not true of what's going on in the Middle East or other foreign places. I would ask your prayers, good thoughts or whatever for all the Marines serving our country (that's us guys!) around the world.

This is dedicated to every one who has ever served in the USMC - Semper Fi!

SUBIC SURRENDER - Part 3 by RimPig (c) 2003

We lay there in each other's arms and fell asleep, exhausted from the effort that each of us made in me losing my cherry. This, I discovered, was another advantage of sex between males - the idea of sleep after sex. Most guys just want to sleep after expending the energy of getting off. Most girls wanted to cuddle and talk. Mike certainly didn't object to my rolling over and going to sleep - I think he was probably asleep before I was!

When I woke up, there was daylight steaming in the windows. Mike's arms were still around me and he was spooned up against my back. As usual, I woke up with a hardon and a need to piss. I tried to extricate myself from Mike's arms without waking him up but I no more tried to move and I could feel his arms tighten around me and his voice, heavy with sleep was in my ear.

"Where are you going?" he asked.

"I gotta take a piss." I said.

"Yeah, me too." he said as he yawned and then kissed me on the shoulder. "You okay this morning?"

I understood what this meant. Mike was concerned that I might be having second thoughts about what happened the night before when he'd fucked me for the first time after telling me he loved me. I reached up and gently stroked his arm and then turned my head so that I could kiss his shoulder, which was the only part of him my mouth could get to at the moment.

"I'm just fine." I said. "I'm better than I've been in my whole life. I love you and I love what we did last night."

His arms squeezed me and his mouth latched onto my shoulder again and began to lick and nibble at it. I groaned at the thrills that ran through me but also at the pain coming from my very full bladder.

"Mike, you gotta let me up or I'm gonna piss the bed!" I insisted.

"Okay." he said and his arms loosened and I got up off the bed.

I grabbed my underwear and opened the door to the room. I walked down the corridor to the bathroom. I stood at the toilet, waiting for my hardon to soften enough that I could start pissing when Mike walked in. He stood next to me at the commode and I could see he was in the same condition I was, hardon sticking out and waiting for it to soften. We looked at each other and grinned. It was a very different kind of shared intimacy between us. The last time I remembered ever pissing in the same toilet with another guy, it was my Dad and I was just a little boy.

Mike and my cocks began to soften and start to stream piss into the bowl at the same time. Mike casually draped his arm across my shoulders as we stood there, pissing together. It was kind of strange to feel his arm around me while I pissed but it gave me a very secure feeling at the same time. I reached my arm around his waist, holding onto him. There we stood, two guys, comrades in arms, sharing an intimate moment that could only be shared by two males.

Finishing up, Mike looked over and noticed the shower. Whoever had installed it, must have either have had some kind of luxury in mind or had some strange notions about size because it was huge! Fully big enough for two people, maybe even three.

"Rick, I'm starved! But I think we should wash some of the sex before we go eat. I'll go back to the room and grab some towels. You wait here." he said as he left the bathroom.

I guess he intended us to shower together. This was another first for me. Oh, I'd showered with other guys in high school and certainly in the Corps, but not like this. Not with another guy in a shower with only one showerhead and who I'd been intimate with the night before. I wondered if we would just shower or maybe do more than that. I really wanted to do more and, at the thought of that, my cock rose in full hardness once again - only this time, it wasn't cause I had to piss! To that end, I turned on the water and got the temperature set.

Mike was back quickly and locked the door to the bathroom. He threw the towels over a rack and then took my hand and pulled me into the steamy shower with him, pulling me into his arms and kissing me. We stood there under the water, letting it's warmth cascade down on us as we made out. Then Mike hands started to travel over my body, letting them slide on the wetness and feeling me everywhere. I loved the touch of his hands as they slid across my skin. They went down my back and grasped my butt, pulling me closer to him. Then his fingers slid into my butt-crack and gently stroked my somewhat sore, slightly puffy hole. I moaned at the touch, not in pain but in desire. Mike's gentle touch was soothing to the soreness there.

"Do you hurt bad?" he asked, concern in his voice.

"Nah! Your fingers are doing a lot to relieve the soreness." I said.

"Let me do something better." he said and spun me around.

"Bend over and spread your legs wide." he said.

I did as he requested and watched as he got down on his knees. I didn't know what he was going to do until I felt the rasp of his whiskers against the tender cheeks of my butt as his face pressed into my crack. I felt his tongue begin to lave gently up and down my furrow and then his tongue was gently licking at my hole. I moaned at the wonderful feeling and when his mouth began sucking on my opening and his tongue began to slide up inside me, it was all I could do to keep from screaming out in pleasure! God! Did his tongue feel good inside me!

Mike licked and sucked at my hole and I could feel him tasting and licking at something. For a moment I was afraid of what it was until I realized that Mike was licking his load from last night out of me! I didn't think of that! I had eaten my own load off my hands thousands of times growing up. It was a lot easier than finding somewhere that my mother couldn't figure out to wipe the cum from jacking off. I had also eaten my load from a few girl's pussies. But I didn't figure on Mike doing this to me! I had to admit though, as good as it felt, he could do it anytime he wanted!

After a few more minutes he stopped and I stood up, turned around and faced him. He took me back in his arms and pressed his mouth to mine in what I thought was going to be a deep kiss. Instead, he had a surprise for me. He had held some of his cum from my ass in his mouth and he now shared it with me. It tasted sweet from his mouth and I moaned at the thought that I was tasting his load again, just as I'd done from the condom that he used to fuck Miranda the night before. Only this time, it was from fucking me!

"Your butt feeling better now?" he smiled.

"Oh, fuck, yeah! I love when you do that! You can do that anytime!" I said.

"Well, since you like that, you're gonna love this!" he said and, letting go of me, he got back down on his knees and slid his mouth all the way down my hard cock!

"Fuck!" I exclaimed at the feel of his hot, wet mouth.

I'd had very few blow jobs in my life. Most girls don't like to do it, saying that they thought my cock was 'dirty'. Fuck that! I wasn't dirty - at least no more than they were and they loved having their pussies eaten! Course, my cock was dirty now. I hadn't had a shower and after all the fucking that Mike and I had done, I knew my crotch odor was strong. But Mike seemed to like that and, to be honest, I loved the smell of him! His scent was hot and manly and it curled up in my nose like smoke and drove me fuckin' nuts!

But what was happening now was way beyond belief! Miranda had sucked on my cock last night and it was the best blow-job I'd ever gotten from a woman, but it was terrible by comparison with what Mike was doing to me! First of all, my cock was buried all the way down his fuckin' throat! Nobody had ever taken my ten inches down their throat! In fact, nobody had ever tried. And the way that Mike was moving up and down my cock, fucking it in and out of his throat, I knew I was gonna lose my load quick! I had never felt anything like this in my life. I knew that, no matter what, a guy was the best blow-job you could ever want!

I figured out later that this only made sense. After all, a guy has a cock himself so he knows what feels good. Working on another guy's cock was easy. You just did what felt good to you! Of course, I didn't know at the time about the difficulty of learning to deep throat, but I was about to.

Mike continued to work on my cock and I was barely able to stand, the pleasure was so intense! I started moaning out my gratitude for what he was doing to me.

"Fuck! Yeah! Suck my cock! Fuck! Mike! Eat me, buddy! Take it all! I'm gonna cum!" I cried out.

I figured Mike want to pull off before I spoonged but, instead, he just worked faster up and down my dick. Involuntarily, my hips started pumping and I was fucking his face as he swallowed me down to my pubes. It was so fuckin' sexy seeing his nose buried in my fragrant pubes and looking up at me, watching me as I fucked his mouth and came to my climax.

"Fuck! I'm gonna spoonge!" I shouted and then began unloading down his sucking throat.

I could feel him pull back so that he could take my load in his mouth while he swallowed rapidly. I must have shot seven or eight times, giving him a real heavy morning load of my sperm. I could see him smiling around my cock and knew he was loving it.

My legs were trembling when he finally drew his mouth from my cock. I looked down at him kneeling there in the shower, a grin on his face as he looked up at me.

"That was incredible!" I said, smiling back at him.

"I thought you'd like it!" he laughed. "Like it as much as being fucked?"

"Well...yeah, I guess. I really love you fucking me. It feels different." I said quietly.

He stood up and put his arms over my shoulders and his face was just inches from mine.

"Different how?" he asked.

"Well...I don't know how to say this...but...when you fucked me, it was like I became a part of you. Like we were one person in some way. This didn't feel that way. It felt great - don't get me wrong and I would love you to do it again but I still love you being inside of me best." I said.

"I understand. When I fuck you, you know I'm making love to your body. When I blow you, I'm only making love to your cock. Does that sound about right?" he asked.

"Yeah! That's it! That's exactly it!" I said, smiling.

"There both good though, right?" he asked grinning at me.

"Oh, fuck yeah! They are both great! Now, do I get to do you?" I asked.

"Do you want to?" he asked.

"Fuck, yeah! I ain't gonna let you blow me and not blow you! Besides, I really want to taste your cock."

This last was said quietly. I was still a little embarrassed at telling another guy I wanted to taste his cock! Mike just grinned at me and then kissed me deeply.

"It's okay to want my cock, Rick. I want yours. There isn't a part of your body I don't want to taste and lick. I love you. All of you." he said.

I didn't say anything, I just smiled at him and slipped to my knees. Now I was face to face with his cock again. This time, however, there was no condom to get in the way. Mike and I knew that we were healthy (thanks to all the fucking medical tests that get run on us all the time!). God! Up close his cock was monstrous! I had serious doubts about even getting much of it in my mouth - much less get it down my throat the way Mike had done to mine.

"Don't try to take it all - it's too much to take the first time. Trust me, whatever you're able to do will be just fine to me." he said looking down at me.

I smiled and pulled his cock down so that it approached my lips. I saw the small bubble of what I figured to be pre-cum at the tip and my tongue snaked out to lick it off. There wasn't a lot of taste but what there was, was sweet! I heard Mike moan as my tongue came into contact with the head of his dick so I licked it again. More moans and more cock-honey to taste. This was fun!

I gradually licked up and down his whole cock and then buried my nose into his pubic hair. I could smell sweat, musk and fucking. The scent was magical! I loved it and I knew Mike could tell what I was doing but I didn't care. It turned me on all to hell! I moved down and snorted his balls and found them to be even more sweaty and fragrant. My tongue slipped out and began licking his balls, tasting all the raunch there. They tasted salty and delicious! Now Mike was really moaning. Just like I'd figured out last night, all I had to do was what I wanted to do and he'd love it!

I moved back up his cock and opened my mouth. I was about to take a cock in my mouth for the first time in my life. I was glad that it was Mike's. There was no other guy on the face of the earth that I could think of that I would do this for. In the case of Mike, I wanted to do it! I wanted to give him the same pleasure he'd given me but, more than that, because of the feelings that had awoken in me for him, I wanted to do this because I loved him. That was the weirdest thing of all. I'd never fallen in love before. I'd never had sex with someone because I loved them, not just because I was hot for them. Sex before last night had always been about alleviating horniness. Now it was about giving Mike pleasure because I loved him and wanted to give the gift of my body.

I opened my mouth wide and began to take his thick cock in. I made the same stupid mistake that I later found out most first-time cocksuckers make the first time. I tried to take more of his cock into my mouth than I had room for and it hit the back of my throat and I gagged. I came off his cock coughing and drooling spit and Mike quickly got on his knees and put his arm around me.

"Are you okay, babe?" he asked, deep concern showing in his voice and on his face.

I coughed a couple more times and then looked at him sheepishly.

"I'm sorry. I guess I tried to take a little too much." I said quietly.

"That's okay. We can do this later, if you want." he said graciously.

"Fuck, no! I want to do this for you and I want to do it now. Please?" I looked into his eyes, pleading for another chance.

He smiled at me and kissed me gently on the lips.

"I've never turned down a blow-job and I ain't about to start now." he grinned.

Mike stood up again and presented his cock to me. In the interim, I guess because of his fear of choking me, his cock had lost a lot of it's stiffness. Now that it was smaller and softer, I could easily take more of it in my mouth. It quickly began to harden and that gave me a good idea of just how much of it I could take which, admittedly, this first time, wasn't very much. I could only comfortably get about half of it in my mouth. That was way more than I thought I could but it was a lot less than I was eventually able to handle.

As his cock hardened again, I began to suck on it, moving my mouth up and down it and working my tongue against it. Mike began to moan again.

"Oh, fuck, yeah! Suck my cock, babe! Suck it good! Make me cum! I wanna shoot my load down your throat!" he groaned as I continued to work on his cock.

That's what I wanted, too! I wanted him to cum in my mouth. I wanted to taste all of his sweet cream. I wanted to give him the same pleasure he had given me. I know how guy's love blow- jobs. I only hoped that I was doing an adequate job of giving him one. I guessed that I was, considering all the moaning he was doing and all of the pre-cum that I was drinking down from his cock.

I could feel Mike's hands gently caressing my head and shoulders as I worked on his cock. As his groans became louder and his cock got even harder in my mouth, his hands gripped my shoulders and he let out almost an animal growl as his cock began spurting what seemed like gallons of cum in my mouth! I wasn't expecting so much and, even though I swallowed as quickly as I could, I couldn't handle all of the hot manseed that was ricocheting off the back of my throat from his huge spurts! His cum started to leak out of my mouth and down my chin. He must have shot at least ten loads into my mouth before he finally relaxed. I continued to nurse on his cock after he'd cum, trying to get the last bit of his seed from the source. Finally Mike pulled his cock out of my mouth, reached down under my arms and lifted me to my feet. He took me in his arms and saw the cum still on my face. He leaned in and began to lick up all of his cum that he could find and then pressed his mouth to mine. We shared what was left of his load as we kissed deeply.

"Was it okay?" I asked, nervous about being able to please him.

"It was great! If I didn't know better, I'd swear it wasn't your first time." he grinned.

"You know it was, after me gagging and all." I said sheepishly.

"No big deal! It usually happens the first time. You get used to it as time goes on." he said.

I thought about that. I realized that I was not the first guy that Mike had sex with. I wondered what was the first time and how he got started but didn't want to ask him right then.

We showered off our bodies, just using water, not soap, so that our natural male scent remained. Mike had suggested this and I readily agreed. I hoped that there would be more sex later on and I wanted his scent to be part of it. What I needed right then though was food! I was starved. At 19 you don't go long without food - especially when you're fuckin' your brains out!

Mike and I found this diner where they served real American breakfast. We both splurged on steak and eggs with hash browns and toast and added a stack of pancakes as well. Not that the Navy cooks were bad but any institutional food was not the best. When you're feeding over 500 sailors and Marines, something gets lost in the taste of the food so we really enjoyed this breakfast. As we ate, it gave us a chance to talk.

"Mike, I don't want to pry but have you been with a lot of guys?" I asked quietly.

He looked at my earnest face and then started laughing.

"Well, I don't know what you mean by a lot! I'm not exactly the whore of the Pacific, if that's what you mean." he said, still chuckling.

My face burned with embarrassment.

"No. That's not what I meant. I just wondered how you got started. What your first time was like." I said sheepishly.

"Hey! It's okay. You've got a right to know. I guess I was about twelve at the time. It was in the group home. Another kid and I shared a room and we used to jack-off together and just one thing led to another. Within a couple of weeks we were suckin' each other's cocks and fuckin' each other's asses. I haven't been with a lot of guys, maybe ten at the most in my whole life. I haven't been with anybody since I entered the Corps - except you." he said, this last part with a particular warmth in his voice.

"How did you know I would..." my voice trailing off. I couldn't quite get the words out.

"I didn't. I was hoping but I didn't know for sure. I mean, most guys are open to a little playing around if the situation is right. But the rest of it, that I didn't expect at all." he said.

"The rest of it?" I asked.

"Falling in love with you. I've never fallen for a guy before. Never fell for anybody for that matter. I was always too scared to care too much about somebody." he said.

"Why's that?" I asked.

"Because they leave you." he said, his voice showing a combination of anger and sadness.

"What makes you say that?" I asked.

"Because they do! My mother got rid of me. Everybody I ever knew in the group homes left eventually. Some got adopted, some ran away - didn't matter - they all left. I told myself I'd never care about anybody but then you came along." he muttered quietly, almost like he was blaming me for something.

"Mike...I..." I started to say but he cut me off.

"No. It's not your fault. There was just something there, something that happened when I met you. It was like a fuckin' brick house fell on me! My first reaction was to get the fuck away from you, run as far as I could but, you can't run very far when you're in the same platoon, now can you? And the more I knew you, the worse it got. Then there was that fight with Rodriguez." he said.

"What about it?" I asked.

"You stood there and watched me make a fuckin' fool out of myself and you never even cracked a smile. All you seemed to care about was me not getting hurt - even if I did deserve it for shooting my mouth off. Nobody had ever been that loyal to me as a friend before. That's when I knew that I was completely lost! I was in love with you and there was nothing I could do about it." he said.

"But that was so long ago! You knew then?" I asked, amazed.

"Yeah. I didn't know what to do about it, but I knew then." he admitted.

"I knew that I cared about you like I've never cared about anybody in my whole life. I thought it was just because we were buddies. I should have realized a lot sooner. I've had friends. I never felt like this about them. But I'd never been in love and I never pictured falling in love with another guy so I just couldn't recognize it, until last night." I said quietly.

"You know, I fuckin' actually prayed for this to happen! I hadn't prayed since I was a real little kid and I actually found myself praying that you'd fall in love with me. I've wanted somebody to love me all my life - somebody who wouldn't leave, who'd always be there for me. I always kind of figured it would have to be another guy. I mean, I like women and all that. Sex with them is fine but none of them ever made me feel the way another guy could." he said.

"Mike, I swear to you, I won't leave. You know I'll be there for you." I promised him.

"Yeah, I do know that. It's real nice to hear you say it though." he smiled. "You know the same about me, don't you?"

"Yeah. I do. Like I told you, I don't know where the fuck this is headed but, wherever it goes, I want to go with you." I swore to him.

"You know we may have to leave the Corps. They don't take too kindly to Marines falling in love with each other." he said.

"Yeah, I know that and, if that's what it means, well... we'll just deal with that when the time comes." I said.

"You about done?" he asked, drinking down the last of his coffee.

"Yeah. Let's head back. I want to be alone with you for a while. Is that okay?" I asked.

"Fuck, yeah! That's okay anytime. Just so happens, I want to be alone with you!" he grinned.

We paid the bill and walked back to the room. We began stripping the moment the door was closed and locked and were almost immediately naked. I went to get onto the bed when Mike grabbed my hand and stopped me. I looked at him questioningly as he pulled me into his arms.

"Rick, I want you to know, this isn't just about sex. I mean, making love to you is the most mind- blowing experience I've ever had in my life, but that isn't why I love you." he murmured. "I don't want you thinking that."

"Trust me, after almost choking this morning, I don't!" I smiled at him. "I loved you before I ever even thought about sex between us. In fact, until last night, I never thought about sex between us! Well...maybe that's not so true..." I said, my voice dying out at the end.

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"As long as I've known you, I've been havin' these dreams. They weren't sex dreams exactly. They were like these strange dreams about battles and heros. Sometimes we'd be Roman Legionnaires or sometimes we'd be knights, sometimes we'd just be Marines, but it was always after a battle - a battle we'd won. I don't know how I knew that, I just did. You and I would be together, standing on some hill, looking out over the battlefield. We'd have our arms around each other and it felt so fuckin' good in the dream! At the end, you'd kiss me - just lightly, but on the lips. I'd wake up then and sometimes, I'd have cum." I admitted.

"Fuck! I'm glad you never told me about those dreams!" Mike said.

"Why not?" I asked.

"Because I probably would have raped your ass, right there in the barracks - that's why!" he grinned.

"I'd have probably let you - and loved every minute of it." I said quietly.

"I want you to do something else that I think you're gonna love." Mike said softly.

"What's that?" I asked.

He leaned over and murmured into my ear, "I want you to fuck me!" Then his tongue snaked out and began licking inside it.

I groaned, both at the feel of his tongue but also at the thought of what he'd said. My cock was almost instantly rock hard and I knew that Mike could feel it pressing against him because he murmured again.

"Yeah! I can tell, you're really gonna love this!"

He pulled away from my ear and out of my arms as well. He walked over to the bed and lay face down on it. He spread his legs wide, giving me a great view of his beautiful butt! He looked back over his shoulder at me and smiled.

"Come and get it, buddy!"

The sight of his beautiful, hard, masculine body laying there all spread out and waiting for me to fuck him just about rocked my world! This was nothin' like sex with a girl! The vision of his rippling muscles and his hard, round butt just waiting for me made my cock, which was already hard, fuckin' throb with desire and get so fuckin' hard it almost hurt! Fuck him? I'd fuck him! I shove my cock all the way up his hole and I didn't plan on pulling out for days! It wasn't just horniness at the sight of him that was drivin' me, though. I had this undeniable urge to shoot my load deep up inside him, leave a part of me in his body so that he was marked as well and truly mine! Where that was comin' from I had no fuckin' idea but it didn't matter. I needed to do it and I needed to do it NOW!

I walked over to the bed, my hardon pointing at the ceiling I was so turned on and looked down at him. The broad, muscular shoulders, the deep trough running down the middle of his back, the deep crevice between his butt-cheeks and the massively thick thighs and calves. He was the ideal example of masculine perfection, the kind of man I'd always dreamed of being. Now, I realized that I just didn't want to be like him - I wanted to have him! I wanted him for my own - forever. He watched me as I just stood there, looking down at his incredible form.

"What's the matter, Rick?" he asked, wondering what I was doing.

"You are so fucking beautiful!" I breathed in a whisper, hardly knowing what I was saying - more like I was thinking out loud.

"Yeah? Know what else, buddy?" he smiled.

"What?" I asked, being pulled out of my reverie.

"I'm all yours!" he grinned.

"For how long?" I asked, cockily.

"For as long as you want me." he said, his voice suddenly very serious.

"How about 50 years with an option for another 50?" I asked, my voice matching the seriousness of his.

His one eyebrow shot up and he turned slightly towards me.

"You saying what I think you're saying, Rick?" he asked.

"Yeah. From this point on, you're mine and I'm yours. No matter what. Can you deal with that?" I asked.

"Deal with it?! Man, I figured I'd be the one askin' you that! Fuck, yeah, that's what I want!" he grinned.

"Well, just so long as we've got that straight." I said decisively.

"Yeah, buddy! It's straight. Now how 'bout you seal the deal! Fuck my ass for me! Shoot your fuckin' load deep inside me and make me yours!" he said, his own desire making his voice breathy.

"My idea exactly, buddy!" I said climbing on the bed between his legs.

To be honest, I wasn't exactly sure what I was supposed to do at that point. Oh, I knew the end result was shovin' my cock up his hole but, I wasn't quite sure what came before. I'd never fucked anybody in the butt before. Actually never fucked a girl face down, so I wasn't exactly sure where to start. I knew I couldn't just shove my dick in him without some kind of preparation but my mind was in such a fuckin' whirl I couldn't think straight. Then, luckily, I remembered what I'd learned about having sex with another guy - do what would feel good to me!

I lay down on Mike's back, letting my weight rest on him and my cock lodge between the cheeks of his butt while my arms wrapped around his that were laying one on top of the other with his chin resting on them. I could tell that he liked this because he pushed his butt back to get my cock lodged deeper in his crack and moaned at the contact of his warm hole with the underside of my dick. I liked this feeling, too! It was warm in his crack and the feel of his strong body beneath me was makin' my cock drip pre-cum which was flowing into his crack as well.

I leaned my face down and began to lick and suck at his muscular shoulders. I was amazed at how soft and smooth the skin covering his hard, thick muscles was as I licked and sucked at it. Mike began moaning and pushing his hips up and down in a fucking rhythm making my cock leak so much cock-honey into his crack that it was getting sloppy wet. I slowly began to slide down his body, licking and sucking as I went, tasting the salty sweat on his skin and the taste of Mike himself. I basically licked my way down the groove in the center of his back where his spine was, allowing my tongue to branch off to the sides of the groove until his whole back was wet with my saliva. I finally ended up licking the small of his back and then down to the little groove where his ass cheeks parted.

Once I got to his butt, I was deep into a sexual frenzy. I began licking, sucking and even biting at the smooth cheeks of his hard, bubble butt. I licked all over them, even getting past the crease where his butt joined his thighs. My licking mouth continued to get closer and closer to his butt- crack with each pass. Finally, I began to get faint whiff's of the scent of his butt. If I thought I loved the scent of the rest of his body, this scent - darker, richer and more 'male' - just about drove me out of my mind!

I started running my nose up and down the crack of his ass, breathing deeply of the scent there. The more I smelled, the more I wanted and the closer I wanted to be! I grabbed his ass-cheeks and pulled them apart and put my nose right down in his trench. I started moving up and down it, drawing in as much of his scent as I could! Mike could evidently hear the deep breaths I was taking.

"Yeah, buddy! Smell my butt! Breathe in all that butt-scent! You love it, don't you?!" he moaned.

"Oh, fuck, yeah! I love the smell of your butt!" I moaned.

"Yeah, buddy! Take a good whiff of it. Breathe deep! That's my love hole, babe! That hole is gonna love your cock reamin' it out! Come on, buddy! Taste my hole! Lick my asshole! Go on, Rick! Eat me!" he cried.

I couldn't help myself! My tongue came out and I began licking up and down his butt-trench, tasting all of the sweat and musk that was there! No way I would have believed, even a day ago, that I'd be lickin' some dude's ass and lovin' it, but that's just what I was doin'!

"Aw! Fuck! Your ass tastes so fuckin' good!" I moaned.

"Yeah, buddy! Eat that butt! Lick that ass out for me! Suck out my hole! Shove your fuckin' tongue up in me!" Mike moaned, letting me know what he wanted. It was what I wanted, too!

I began licking his hole, pressing my tongue against the wrinkled opening. The skin was so soft and smooth and the taste was dark and tart. As I pressed my tongue to his hole, it slowly began to soften and I could feel my tongue begin to slip into his ass. I began to push my tongue in and out of his opening like it was a small cock and I was fucking him. As I did so, his hole opened more and more until I was able to get my tongue as far up his ass as it would go. The taste was darker, tangier as I slid my tongue deep into his butt and tasted the inside of him. It suddenly struck me that I had my tongue inside his body! I was tasting the inside of my buddy's body!

"Ahh, fuck! Yeah! Eat my hole! Come on, buddy! Really shove that tongue to me!" Mike moaned as he pushed his butt back to my face, trying to get even more of my tongue up inside him.

I ate his butt until my tongue and my jaw were sore. I just couldn't get enough of it! It was like eating pussy but better! I loved it! Of course, that's probably because I loved the guy attached to that ass. Just when I didn't think I could eat his ass any longer, I hear Mike moaning again.

"Fuck me, Rick! Please! Shove you cock up my ass and fuck me! Fuck me hard!" he begged.

Now that sounded like a really good idea to me! I pulled my face out of his butt and rose up on my knees. I looked down at Mike and he looked back over his shoulder at me, grinning.

"The lube is on the floor here." he said, pointing down beside him.

I got off the bed and grabbed the tube and got back on the bed. I squeezed some out and started to apply it to his hole, just as he had done to me. I slowly worked my fingers into his hole until there were three of them up him.

"I should be open enough for you now." Mike said. "Grease your cock up good and then just shove it slowly in my ass."

I did as he said, greasing up my cock well. Then I leaned over him, supporting myself on one arm while I brought my cock head to his hole. Mike reached back and spread his ass cheeks open so that I could see it. I pushed with my hips and, at first there was some resistance but I could feel Mike's butt muscles pushing out and the next thing I knew, my cock-head had popped into his hole. My cock slid easily into him from there on.

Now, I'd fucked a number of pussies in my life but nothing, absolutely nothing, prepared me for what my cock was feeling up Mike's hole! It was the hottest, tightest, wettest hole that my cock had ever been in! I groaned at the feelings as my cock finally slid in as far as it would go with my crotch hair resting against his hole.

"Just hold it there and let me get used to that fucker!" Mike groaned. I stopped and rested on my two harms, holding above him while my cock soaked in his hole.

I could feel the muscles of his ass clenching around my tool. The muscular sheath of his chute was sort of fluttering up and down my cock. Finally, the sheath wasn't so tight around me.

"Okay. Start out slow but when I tell you, really slam that fuckin' cock up my hole, fast and hard!" Mike moaned again.

I pulled my cock out of his but a short ways, maybe two or thee inches, and then slowly sank back in. I moaned at the intense feelings that were going through me. I didn't know how long I could hold out from cumming, the feeling in his ass was so intense! I pulled out again and then, again, slowly sank back in. I did this several times, drawing more and more of my cock out of his butt until I was pulling out until only the head was inside his hole and I was long-dicking his butt.

"Yeah! Fuck! That feels so fuckin' good! It's been so long! Fuck my ass! Slam that fuckin' big cock in me! Fuckin' make me feel it!" Mike moaned out.

I took him at his word and started really working my cock in his ass. I started pulling out almost all the way and slamming back in as hard as I could. At first, I was afraid of hurting him. I'd never been able to fuck pussy this way! Most girls said that my cock, because of it's size, hurt them if I slammed in too hard. But with Mike, I seemed to be able to let go completely, fuck as hard and as fast as I wanted and all he did was beg for more!

"Fuck, yeah, Rick! Fuck my butt! Slam my fuckin' ass hard! Give it to me, buddy! Fuckin' pound the shit out of my ass!" he begged and I gave it to him as hard and as fast as I could.

I noticed that there was something getting hard up his ass and rubbing against the underside of my cock. I figured this was his prostate and I knew how good this felt when a cock massaged it. I shifted my angle of penetration so that I was hitting it hard each time I slammed into his guts. Pretty soon, Mike was moaning even louder!

"FUCK! YEAH! FUCK MY ASS! I'M GONNA CUM! GONNA ...GO....FUCK!!!" he screamed and I could feel his ass chute lock down on my cock and begin to spasm.

Mike was cumming! He was actually shooting his load! Just from me fucking him! I didn't have long to think about it though because the minute his butt clenched around my cock and started spasaming, I started shooting my hot load deep inside his butt! I shot what felt like gallons of cum up him. I just couldn't seem to stop cumming! I was afraid that one of my balls was going to be sucked out through my cock, I came so hard!

Finally, I stopped cumming and just collapsed on Mike's back. I began to lick at this sweaty shoulders as I laid there trying to get my breath back. I was feeling so many things, new feelings, things I'd never felt before. The feel of him under me, knowing that I had gotten him off just by fucking him, gave me a feeling of deep satisfaction as a man. I had bred my mate and bred him well! I felt very protective of him as I lay there. His body now contained part of my body. He was a part of me and I a part of him. We were bound to one another in a way I couldn't begin to understand, I just felt it.

I could also feel my cock, still wrapped in the heat and wetness of Mike's body. His sheath clutching my cock as we both experienced the 'after-quakes' of orgasm. I was slowly beginning to soften when the muscles inside him began to push my cock out of his hole. I could feel myself fall out of him and I rose off his back and moved over to lay beside him on the bed. Mike moved over to where I lay on my back and put his head on my chest. My arm wrapped around him and I held him to me. As I held him, I started to really realize how incredibly precious he was to me. No one in my life had ever meant as much to me as Mike did now. My thought about breeding my 'mate' really stunned me! That's what Mike and I had become - mates.

And as far as I was concerned, mates for life.


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Next: Chapter 4

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