Subic Surrender

By RimPig (RimPigFL, Bobby Michaels) (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on Jun 22, 2003


DISCLAIMER: I don't fucking care how old you are. If you like the idea of two hunky young Marine's getting it on with each other then read on!

By the way, no Marine's were injured or killed in the writing of this story but that's not true of what's going on in the Middle East or other foreign places. I would ask your prayers, good thoughts or whatever for all the Marines serving our country (that's us guys!) around the world.

This is dedicated to every one who has ever served in the USMC - Semper Fi!

SUBIC SURRENDER - Part 27 MICHAEL'S STORY - Part 12 by RimPig 2003

There was a lot of hugging and tears at the airport - except from Brian. He was smiling through the whole thing. He gave kisses to everybody. He seemed to have a special fondness for Grandpa- soon to be Great-Grandpa as well as for Mike. Not that he ignored anyone else! Everybody wanted to hold him and kiss him and he favored all of them with at least a hug, a kiss and a smile. I wasn't exactly sure, but he seemed to know instinctively that all these people wanted him to be part of a family and he seemed very happy to go along with it.

Mike and Rick brought the Jag and Matt and I, along with Brian, drove back to the house with them. Barry rode with our Grandparents and Brian and Matt's Dad had their truck.

"So what are the chances?" Mike asked, once we'd gotten settled in the car with Brian sitting between Matt and me in the back seat.

"The attorney says that if this 'home inspection' is good, it should only take about three weeks." Matt told him.

"He is really a beautiful child." Rick said, turned around in the seat, looking at us. "And you seem to be a family already."

"Well, we told you how it was the first time that we saw each other. He just came running right to us." I said.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you. Father Gray and Molly are waiting back at the house for us. I hope you haven't eaten. You know Molly - she's fixed dinner for everybody." Rick said.

"Airplane food! Are you kidding? We're starved!" Matt said.

"So how does it feel, son?" Mike asked me.

"You know how it feels. I can't put it into words. I don't know how to express the joy, the happiness, the completeness that I feel with him." I said.

"We've always had each other." Matt said looking at me, his eyes shining with love. "Now we have Brian, or rather, will have Brian. It really makes us a family."

"I've known since you were 17 that this is what you wanted. I remember that discussion we had about getting rid of the old bedroom furniture. That's when I first realized how important having a son was to you. Did it start before that?" Rick asked me.

"I guess it started when Matt and I were about 14. At least that's when we began talking about it." I said.

"Yeah, we both knew that we wanted to be Dads. We just didn't really understand what it was going to take for that to happen." Matt said, reaching over and taking my hand.

Brian saw this and reached out his small hand and put it on top of ours. Rick saw this, too, and he looked at the two of us.

"I'd say, that this is as close to heaven as we get here on earth." Rick said, looking at the three of us in the back seat, holding hands.

We got to the house and there were more tears and hugs as Matt and I introduced Molly and Father Gray to Brian. Molly had Toll House cookies already baked and gave Brian one. It disappeared almost a quickly as I used to make them disappear at his age. Father Gray said that he guessed that blessing for children at our wedding was a pretty powerful one after all. It seems Grandma had told him about what happened when we first met Brian. Father Gray asked Barry if Brian had been baptized.

"No, I don't think so. It's not in the records. However, I doubt, given his mother's circumstances that she would have done so." Barry said.

"Well, then we'll have to see to that as soon as he comes home here to stay." Father Gray said.

"Oh, dear! Something else for Grandma to plan!" I laughed and every one laughed with me - including Grandma.

We all sat down to a wonderful dinner. Grandma brought out the white and yellow pages of the phone book so that Brian could sit at the table with us. He sat between Matt and me and everybody got to watch him consume a prodigious amount of food for a boy his age. Brian was truly a healthy eater with no signs of 'pickiness' evident at all. He ate everything that was put in front of him and, just as he seemed to always do, had something off of my plate and Matt's, too.

"I would say that there's a good possibility that Brian has known some extreme hunger in his life." Mike said. "He's somewhat small for his age and his appetite shows that he it's not from being fussy about food."

"Yes, when he was brought into foster care he was malnourished." Barry said. "That's right, you'd recognize it, wouldn't you? You're a pediatric nurse, right?"

"Yes. And through the years I've seen more malnourished children than I'd ever wanted to see." Mike said. "Barry, what do you think his chances of regaining his speech are?"

"Well, there's really no way to tell. One of our doctor's examined him and thought that there was a possibility that he would eventually recover it in about a year but that was two years ago." Barry said. "There is always the possibility that he never will."

That brought a hush to the table.

"He's going to talk again. He's going to be just fine. He will have so much love around him that it will cure whatever fears he still has. He will talk." Matt said firmly.

"I have to believe, that if this little boy has any chance of ever recovering his ability to speak, his best chance is here with this family." Barry said. "And I'm putting that into the report."

Spontaneous applause and shouts of joy erupted around the table. Brian must have thought it was for him because he stood up on the chair and took a bow! We all applauded again for Brian. Where he learned to do that, we never knew. Perhaps he saw it on television or something.

We showed Barry through both houses, ending up in our cottage with everyone crowded in. Matt went into the kitchen to make a pot of tea for everyone and Brian followed him. Matt said later he watched carefully as Matt measured the loose tea into the pot and then watched as Matt poured the boiling water over the tea leaves. Matt said he was fascinated with the whole procedure. When Matt served the tea, he poured a cup for Brian adding cream and sugar to it. We weren't sure if he'd ever had it before and it seemed that he hadn't because he held the cup in his hands and then sniffed at the contents. Then he very carefully took a small taste. Then he grinned and took a much larger swallow and grinned at all of us.

"Well, it looks like I've got another convert on my hands!" Grandma said with glee.

Brian walked over to her and, handing her his cup of tea, proceeded to climb up into her lap. Grandma beamed with joy at holding her great-grandson.

"You know, the funny thing of all of this is that when Rick brought Mike home with him from the Marine Corps, they told me there would be no grandchildren! I wasn't all that upset about it. I was such a fool! And I admit it! I loved having Mikey as a grandchild and now, to be holding Brian - soon to be my great-grandchild is almost more than my poor heart can bear! My two sons, Mike and Rick, did a great job raising their son and Matt and Brian did a wonderful job raising my other grandson, Matt. I know that my grandsons will do a great job raising their son as well." Grandma said.

"You seem to have no problems whatever with the fact that your son and your grandson are both Gay. Can you explain that to me?" Barry asked.

Grandma seemed confused with Barry's question at first but then she answered.

"Love is love. It all comes from God. When God sends us someone to love, we don't question that. Whatever God chooses is good. Why God chose Mike for Rickie to love, I have no idea. It's really none of my business. That's between them and God. But I know that's what happened, just as sure as I am that God sent Hank for me to love. I knew the same thing about Mikey and Matt. The love they have for each other shown in their faces from the very beginning. I'm proud of the love that exists between them and their fathers. I'm grateful to God for surrounding me with such loving people. That's all I need to know." Grandma said.

"How about you, Hank. How did you deal with the fact that your son was Gay?" Barry asked.

Grandpa sat there for a moment before he answered.

"I love my son. I have since the day he was born and I held him in my arms for the first time. He has always been to me a precious gift from God. It was God who designed each one of us to be what we are. It is not our prerogative to judge God's design. The only thing I ever wanted was for Rick to be happy. When I saw him with Mike for the first time, I saw that he was happier than he had ever been in his life. That' all I needed to know." Grandpa reiterated Grandma's words.

"How about you, Matt?" Barry asked, turning to Matt's Dad. "How did you feel about Matt being Gay?"

Matt's Dad laughed at the question.

"All I felt was relieved!" he laughed. "I'd just told him that I was! I was waiting for him to reject me as I knew he'd been raised to do. His mother's family are all very anti-Gay. I knew the atmosphere he'd been raised in. I knew I couldn't give up Brian so I didn't know what the hell I was going to do if Matt couldn't deal with the situation. Instead, it brought us much closer together - something I had always wanted."

During all this, Barry was taking notes in a notebook that he carried around with him. I knew that this would all be in his report.

"Mike, what about you? How did you deal with Michael coming out to you?" Barry asked.

"I hope we dealt with it in a positive way. Michael has always known that Rick and I were lovers, almost since the day we met him for the first time. After all, his Dad was bi-sexual. He had been my lover when we were teenagers growing up in a group home. Rick and I did have one concern, however. Matt." Mike said.

Matt and I looked at him in shock! What had Mike been worried about?

"We were worried," Rick said, "Because we didn't want Michael to be hurt if Matt didn't return his feelings. Remember, we hadn't met Matt yet. When we did, we both knew that our fears were groundless. The way that Matt and Michael looked at each other told us all we needed to know."

"Mike and Matt, what happens if Brian grows up to be heterosexual?" Barry asked.

"That's not even a concern for us. Like Grandpa said, we just want him to be happy. His sexual orientation is not a concern for us at all." I said.

"We've talked about this and we both feel that whatever Brian turns out to be is fine with us. We trust, that growing up in an atmosphere of love and seeing two men love each other and the rightness of that, he will not grow up to be intolerant of Gays, even if he is heterosexual." Matt said.

Barry looked at all of us.

"Are you sure you people aren't from California?" he asked.

We all laughed.

The one place we hadn't 'toured' was the room that was to be Brian's. Matt and I walked Brian down the hall and he walked slowly into the room, looking all around him. He saw the Marine Corps posters on the wall and pointed to them, looking at me.

"No, Tiger. I wasn't a Marine. My Dads, Matt and Rick were. Those posters are Rick's. So is all this furniture. They were his when he was a little boy and they were mine when I was a little boy. Now, they'll be yours." I said.

He smiled and nodded. He seemed to understand what I was saying. He was, of course, fascinated by the jet fighter planes hanging from the ceiling on monofilament fishing line, just as they had hung in Rick's room in the front house. Brian crawled up on the bed, looking around the vastness of it. For a four year old who usually slept in a small bed in a group home, the double bed must have seemed vast to him because he looked at me and then spread his arms out, indicating how big it was.

"Yeah, Tiger. It's big to you. Matt and I used to sleep there, though. It wasn't so big with both of us in it." I smiled.

Then Brian reached out his hands to me, begging me to come closer to him. I walked over to the bed and he grabbed my hand and started pulling me down on the bed. I couldn't figure out what he wanted so I sat on the bed. He then pushed on my shoulder, obviously wanting me to lay down. I did, looking over at Matt with confusion on my face. I couldn't exactly figure out what it was that Brian wanted. I'd no sooner lay down than I figured out what it was that Brian wanted because he immediately curled up with his head on my chest and his little arm thrown over me and his body pressed tight against me. I put my arm around him and ran my fingers through his golden hair. He turned his head and grinned up at me.

Matt walked over to the bed to look down at us. Brian immediately reached out his hand again to Matt. Matt took his hand and Brian started pulling on Matt just as he had me. It was obvious that he wanted Matt in the bed as well. Matt laughed and let go of Brian's hand. He walked around to the end of the bed and crawled in until he was laying beside Brian and me. I turned so that I was facing him with Brian laying on his back between us. His little arms reached out and he grabbed hold of both our t-shirts as if holding us both to him. We began stroking him and then Matt leaned over and we kissed above him. Brian evidently watched carefully as we kissed. This was the first time we'd shown this kind of affection in front of him. We knew he was watching because, as we kissed, we felt his little hands reach up and begin to stroke our cheeks.

Barry was standing in the doorway watching all of this.

"Well, it seems he's acclimated already." Barry said, smiling.

"Did you have any doubt?" I asked.

"No, not really. I don't usually think this way, but I have to admit, I'm beginning to believe that Brian was meant to be with you guys. Certainly, this is the most loving and accepting family I've ever seen. As a social worker, I don't get to see many families that operate this way. If you had told me about your family without me seeing it, I would never have believed it! I would have figured you were in denial about how dysfunctional your family really was! I'm would have trouble even now believing what I'm seeing, thinking that you were all staging this for my benefit, but I can feel the reality of it. I can feel the love you all have for each other. Hell! I'm almost ready to ask you if you're sure that it's only one kid you want to adopt! I've got half a dozen of them that I'd love to see in a home like this!" Barry laughed.

Matt and I looked at each other. Another child? A brother maybe for Brian? Would that be pushing things too far? It was definitely something we would have to talk about but first we get Brian.

We lay there for a couple of minutes more with Brian and then decided that it was time to really get him to bed. I carried him out to the living room to have him say goodnight to the family. He went around the room and, one by one, kissed and hugged everyone. At the same time, our Dads and Grandparents were saying goodnight to us saying that it was better if we were alone with Brian to get him to sleep. Barry was the last to leave.

"I'll see you all in the morning. One thing I should warn you about that you wouldn't know. Because he's in a strange environment, it may trigger his nightmares so you might be prepared for that." Barry said.

"Thanks." Matt said. "I'd kind of figured that. We'll be here for him."

Barry left then and we were finally completely alone with Brian for the first time.

"It's about time for you to get ready for bed, Tiger. Let's go get you a shower." I said.

"Do you think he can do it on his own?" Matt asked.

"I don't know. I doubt that they have the staff or the time to bathe him at the group home. I'll go with him to make sure." I said.

I walked him down the hall to the bathroom. As soon as we entered, Brian - very unselfconsciously began to undress himself. When he was naked, he stood there, looking up at me as if to say, 'Okay, what now?'. I turned on the shower and adjusted the temperature so that it wasn't too hot for him. He walked into the shower stall and then turned back and grabbed my hand, attempting to pull me in as well.

"What's up, Tiger?" I asked him. "You want me to take a shower with you?"

He grinned and nodded. I thought about it a second. Certainly, I wasn't concerned about being naked in front of Brian. If he became our son, that would happen a lot considering that Matt and I never wore clothes unless we had to. I just pulled off my t-shirt, slipped down my jeans and kicked off my sandals and was ready to climb into the shower with him. I did notice his eyes getting big when he saw the size of my adult cock. But that was natural for little boys - especially when seeing an adult male naked for what was probably the first time. I remembered how shocked I was at the size of Mike and Rick the first time I saw them. I remember Mike explaining things to me then and decided I'd better do the same for Brian.

"Yeah, it's really big compared to yours. But as you grow up, everything gets bigger. I was just as small as you are once. I'll show you pictures of me then tomorrow." I said.

I could see him looking and checking me out. Then I saw him looking at himself. He actually had a rather large penis for his little body. It hung about three inches long. I wasn't sure, but it seems that it was about the length that mine was when I was his age. I'd have to ask Rick and Mike tomorrow about that.

"Don't worry. You're plenty big down there, Tiger! It will grow. Trust me." I laughed.

He looked up at me and grinned.

I reached over for the shower gel and poured some into my hand and then squatted down and began to rub my hands all over his small body. He must have liked it because he leaned forward, put his arms around my neck and kissed me on the cheek. I held his small body to me and ran my soapy hands down his back, across his little butt and down the back of his legs. I ran my hand through the crack of his butt, cleaning him. He seemed really seemed to like all of the physical attention because he was grinning and wiggling around in my arms. I took some more shower gel and poured it into my hand to wash the front of him when he held out his cupped hands to me, his eyes and actions asking me to pour some in his hands.

I poured a little in his hands, expecting him to wash himself. Instead, his little hands reached out and began to wash me, running his hands all over my chest. I started to do the same thing to him and he grinned up at me. He seemed to take great delight in my muscles, feeling my chest and arms. I crooked my arm for him, making my bicep bulge and he eagerly ran his hands all over my arm, feeling how hard the muscle was. I pumped my pecs for him as well and when I pumped them alternately, making them bounce I saw him silently laugh for the first time. I was kind of eerie at first. It looked like laughter but there was no sound. All I could hear was Brian's staccato breathing as his body heaved in laughter.

I pulled him into my arms, hugging his body to mine. I didn't want him to see the tears that were running down my face. I didn't want him to see the anguish that I felt over him not being able to make this one child-like sound to show his joy and happiness. I vowed that no matter what it took, no matter the cost, we would find a way to get his speech back.

Pulling myself together, I finally went back to washing him. When I got down to his little cock and balls, I was surprised when, as I washed him, he got an erection. Not only that, but he reached down, very naturally, and started jacking off! I didn't know what to do or what to say! After all, it was my fault. I'm the one who got him erect accidentally, and I didn't want to show any disapproval of what he was doing. I decided mis-direction was the key to handling the situation for now, at least until I could talk to Mike!

"Hey, Tiger." I said and he looked up at me, a very satisfied grin on his face as he continued to pull on his little hardon. "You haven't finished washing me yet. Aren't you gonna do my back?"

He grinned and immediately stopped masturbating, instead holding out his cupped hands for more shower gel. I poured some in his hand and, still squatting down, managed to turn around so that he could get to my back. Before he began washing me, I felt him move close, take a whiff of my scent and then very gently kiss my back. It was so touching the way he did it, I felt the tears welling up in my eyes again. This little boy had such a capacity for love! What a horrible tragedy to have him locked up in a group home where he would never receive any of it - except maybe from other kids, the way Mike had described his life in the group home to me.

I could feel his little hands running all over my back. Again, he seemed absolutely fascinated by my muscles. It crossed my mind that this could be more than just childhood curiosity. I knew from his age that I was fascinated by the male body. Those discussions that Matt and I had about what we would do if he turned out heterosexual could well end up wasted breath. I hated to admit it, but I would be much happier if Brian did turn out Gay. I only hoped that he could find someone like Matt if he did. He was working his way down my back now, going lower and lower. I was lost in thought and the feeling of his hands rubbing me when all of a sudden, I felt his little hand slip into the crack of my butt! I flinched a little at the touch but didn't say anything. I figured he was just copying what I had down to him and, sure enough, he ran his hand through my trench a couple of times and then pulled back.

I turned around and grabbed the bottle of shampoo as I pushed his head under the spray to get his hair wet. I began washing it, noticing again how soft it was, just like Matt's. I swore that when he was ours, we would let it grow out long like Matt's. Not only would it make him look more like our son, but I would love to run my fingers through it, just as I loved to run my fingers through Matts. Brian leaned against me while I gently ran my fingers through his thick hair, shampooing him. He seemed to really like it. I was careful to make sure that none of it got in his eyes. Then I thoroughly rinsed the suds out of his hair until it was 'squeaky' clean. Then Brian held his hand out again. He was, of course, going to shampoo me.

I put a little of the shampoo in his hands but he had trouble reaching my head so I sat down on the shower stall floor and let him stand between my legs. My hair was still cut almost regulation for a Marine, just as I'd always kept it. It was the same style that Mike and Rick wore and I never saw a reason to change it. It took no care, was easily washed and dried almost instantly. Plus, Matt had often remarked that he loved the feel of the short hairs under his palms when he stroked my head. That was enough to make me keep it that way forever! I'm sure that one of the reasons that Matt still wore his hair long after all these years is that he knows how much I love it that way, how I love to bury my face in all the goldenness of it and to feel it running through my fingers. Now Brian seemed to take great delight in it as he vigorously shampooed me. When he finished, I pulled his wet body against mine in a hug and kissed him on his cheek. He grinned at me and gently stroked my face with his hands.

"Well, what do you say we rinse off and get outa here, Tiger?" I asked him and he nodded.

I stood up and let the soap and shampoo rinse off my body and then I help Brian out of the shower stall, wrapping him in one of the towels that were monogrammed "Michael and Matt" that Grandma had given us when we first moved into the cottage as a couple. I thought that perhaps we should have new ones made that said "Michael, Matt and Brian". I made a mental note to talk to Grandma tomorrow about where she had them made.

I dried Brian and then got out the hair dryer to dry Brian's hair but it all got tangled and I could tell I was hurting him. I got very upset at this and screamed for Matt. He came running in the bathroom.

"What's the matter?" he asked, his voice full of concern.

"I can't get Brian's hair dry. I keep hurting him." I said.

"Well, of course! It's all tangled. Didn't you use conditioner on it?" he asked.

"No. What for?" I asked. With hair as short as mine, I'd never used conditioner in my life.

"It keeps the hair soft and keeps it from tangling - that's what for!" Matt said to me, exasperation in his voice.

"Well...I didn't know." I said.

"No, of course not. With that Marine cut of yours, I'll bet you've never used conditioner in your life." Matt grinned.

"No. Never have." I said.

"Well, let me show you how to do it so this won't happen next time. Come here, Brian, we need to get your hair all wet again." Matt said, putting Brian back in the shower.

Brian immediately grabbed Matt's hand and started to pull him in the shower.

"No, sweetie, I don't need to take shower right now." Matt said trying to get the water started.

I started laughing and Matt looked at me with, I swear, his own version of Grandma's 'evil eye'.

"You might as well give in, babe. He's quite insistent." I grinned.

"Oh, all right. Is that what you two were doing in here so long?" Matt asked.

"Yep. Brian and I were washing each other, weren't we, buddy?" I asked him.

Brian nodded his head and grinned.

"Well that must have been interesting!" Matt said.

"It was. Especially when our son started J-A-C-K-I-N-G O-F-F." I spelled it for him so that Brian didn't know what we were talking about.

"Oh, really! And how did that happen?" Matt asked.

"Well, I was washing him and he got hard. I didn't think anything of it, that happens to kids because it feels good. But when I looked down, he had his hand wrapped around it and was going to town." I said.

"What did you do?" Matt asked.

"Well, I didn't want to tell him not to! I figured that mis-direction would work so I had him wash my back. He lost all interest in it immediately." I said.

"Well, that was quick thinking, lover!" Matt beamed at me.

"Yeah. I'll ask Mike tomorrow how to talk to him about it." I said. "But Matt, I have a suspicion of something."

"What?" he asked.

"Look, I knew I was attracted to guys when I was his age. He's absolutely fascinated with my body - especially my muscles. You should have seen the look on his face when I pumped my biceps for him and let him feel them. I had no idea he'd have the strong a reaction to it. I mean, just look at him now." I said, pointing down.

Matt had long since gotten naked and gotten into the shower with Brian, leaving the door open while we talked. Matt was squatted down like I had been and as we talked, Brian was running his hands all over Matt's chest and arms, feeling up his muscles development. Matt looked down where I was pointing and saw Brian squeezing his upper arm. Matt clenched his muscle, making his bicep grow big and hard. Brian grinned hugely and started feeling all over Matt's arm.

"I see what you mean! Yeah, we definitely better have a talk with Mike tomorrow! As it is, Tiger," Mat said, turning to Brian. "Let's get this conditioner in your hair before Michael ends up pulling all your hair out with that brush!"

"Never! I love his hair as much as I love yours! When he's ours, let's let his hair grow long like yours is?" I asked Matt.

He just laughed.

"You know, you have a serious hair fetish, lover!" he laughed.

"Only for yours...and Brian's." I said, leaning down and kissing both of them.

Matt got Brian's hair conditioned, showing me how much to use and how to work it through the hair and how long to leave it on and how to rinse it out. This time, when I went to use the blow- dryer on Brian's hair, the brush just flowed through the hair without one tangle. I had him standing on the seat of the toilet so that I could work on him and this time, Brian looked into the mirror and grinned at me the whole time I was drying his hair. Matt stood there supervising this first time to make sure I got it right.

"Hey, you're pretty good at this!" Matt said. "Maybe I should let you do mine?"

I looked at him and he could see the fire in my eyes of sudden lust at the thought of doing this for him! How was it that I never thought of that before?!

"Whoa! Looks like that's something you'd really like to do, hey, lover?" Matt grinned.

"I would give anything to do it!" I said.

"Well, then from now on, I leave my hair care completely in your hands." he said bending over and gently kissing my shoulder.

It was all I could do not to get a hardon just at the thought and if Brian hadn't been there, more than hair care would have happened but, this was our first lesson in the limitations that children place on a spontaneous sex life. I suddenly remembered the conversation that Rick and I had so many years before about why I had to sleep in my own bed and not his and Mike's. Now I understood how desperate they were to get me out of their bed and why! How wonderful they'd been about it though. I was determined to do the same for our son.

We finally got all that golden hair dried and then I carried Brian to bed, with Matt right behind me. We tucked him in and then Brian brought out one of the Winnie-the-Pooh books and we took turns reading to him. We had decided to leave the light on beside his bed so he wouldn't wake up scared in the middle of the night. Before we even had the second story finished, his little eyes were drooping and he was obviously well on the way to dreamland. Matt and I both bent over and kissed him and then Matt took my hand and we headed toward our room.

Matt lay face down on the bed and looked back over his shoulder at me while he wiggled his butt. I didn't need a second invitation! I immediately crawled between his legs and buried my face in his ass-trench, sniffing and licking until Matt was moaning for me to fuck him. I got his hole really wet with my mouth and then spit into my hand to slick up my cock. I put the head of my cock at his hole and felt him press back and his hole begin to gobble my cock. I pushed forward and slid into the hot depths of him. We were both so horny that I was soon ramming him with everything that I had. I couldn't last long and evidently neither could he because, just as I was about to cum, his hole suddenly tightened around my cock and he blew his load onto the bed. I was right behind him, shooting my spoonge deep into his butt. I slid out of him, still hard and buried my face back in his butt, sucking out all of my load before crawling up the bed and kissing him - sharing my load from his ass with him. I then collapsed face down, exhausted from the sex and the long day. Matt curled up against me, laying his arm around me.

I was almost asleep when I saw our bedroom door open slightly and Brian walking toward the bed. He reached out and touched my arm. I looked at him.

"What's up, Tiger?" I asked.

He just stood there looking down at me. He couldn't tell me what it was he wanted. Then I figured it out. I nudged Matt.

"Hmm?" he said, almost asleep.

"Move over, lover. We've got company." I said groggily.

He didn't even reply just slid over. I moved over as well until I was again touching him. Then Brian crawled in and curled up in my arms. I moved him around so that I was spooned to him and his little head was laying on my arm. He was asleep almost instantly and I soon followed.

In the morning, I awoke with Matt kissing and licking the back of my neck and his hardon poking meaningfully into my butt-crack. I reluctantly figured that I'd better put a stop to this because Brian was still curled up asleep against my body where I figured Matt hadn't noticed him yet.

"Matt." I said softly. "We've still got company."

I felt all movement stop and then Matt's head rose up above my shoulder and he looked down, seeing Brian curled up against me for the first time.

"Oh! When did that happen?" he asked.

"Right after you went to sleep. He's slept here all night." I said.

"When did you undress him?" Matt asked.

I looked down and for the first time noticed that he was naked. We'd put him to bed with a t-shirt and briefs on.

"I didn't. I guess he did before he got into bed with us." I said.

"Well, at least he didn't have any nightmares." Matt said.

"I figured he wouldn't as long as he was near us." I said.

"Well, we can't have him sleeping with us every night. It's not good for him." Matt said.

"I know that. But it can't hurt for a couple of nights. He's someplace he's never been before surrounded by people he doesn't really know. Frankly, I'm glad he feels safe enough with us to want to sleep with us." I said.

"Well, there is that. However, he's also comfortable enough to masturbate in front of us! That we need to talk to Mike about first thing!" Matt said.

"I've been thinking about that." I said.

"Yeah, and what have you come up with?" Matt asked.

"I have a funny feeling that I'll have to get Mike to confirm, but I think he's learned this from other kids in the group home. Dollars to donuts, I'll bet they have 'gang' showers in that building and the kids shower together. You know how kids are! I'll just bet some of the older ones have been doing it in the shower, Brian saw them and he's emulating what he saw." I said.

"I'll bet you're right but then why do it in front of you?" Matt asked.

"Oh, don't just make it me. I'm sure he'd be more than happy to do it in front of you as well!" I said. "I think it's just that it feels good and he wants to share the good feelings with us. He doesn't know that you don't do that with an adult, especially your father. He's never had a male in his life."

Matt thought about this a moment.

"You know, I think you're right. Well...since nothing is going to come from lying in bed, I suppose we should get up and I'll make breakfast. I have a funny feeling that our son is going to be very hungry this morning." Matt said smiling.

I leaned down and kissed Brian and his eyes opened. When he saw both of us smiling down at him, he grinned and then rolled over on his back and stretched. What came into view was his morning hardon, just like any typical male.

"Well, he's hung like the rest of the family!" Matt laughed.

"Yep. He's definitely one of the boys!" I said grinning.

"Now all we have to do is teach him to keep it in his pants." Matt giggled.

"What pants? It seems we have another member of our nudist fraternity here." I smiled.

"Well, for now, I think we'd better keep him in clothes. At least while Barry is around, don't you think?" Matt said.

"Yeah, I guess you're right." I said and then, addressing Brian, "Hey, Tiger! Where's your clothes, Sport?"

Brian leaped out of the bed and ran back to his room. He came back with the t-shirt and briefs in his hands. He walked up to the bed and handed them to me. I sat up on the bed and picked him up so that he was standing on it next to me. I helped him get into them while Matt got into gym shorts and handed me a pair. I stood up and slipped them on while Matt headed to the kitchen. Brian was still standing on the bed and he put his arms out for me to pick him up. Instead I turned around and squatted in front of him and he instantly got the message. His little arms went around my neck as he leaped onto my back for a 'piggy-back' ride. I grabbed his little feet in my hands to help hold him up and carried him into the kitchen, depositing him on one of the chairs.

He was all grins when I turned around and sat down. He instantly climbed down from the chair, however and crawled into my lap. It seemed he couldn't get enough physical contact with us. I understood. He'd been denied this most needed desire in children for most of his life. Now he had it in abundance and he was going to take advantage of it. When Matt had the tea finished, he brought over three cups. One each for us and another for Brian, since he'd seemed to like it so much the night before. At that point, Matt sat down and Brian immediately climbed down out of my lap and up into Matt's.

I sat there looking at my lover and our soon to be son and I was overwhelmed with my emotions. I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes and Matt noticed them, too.

"Is something wrong?" he asked softly, his eyes betraying his concern.

"No, babe. I just never thought you could get more beautiful than you already are...until I saw you with our son on your lap. It makes you more beautiful than I could ever have imagined." I said.

Matt smiled at me.

"Yeah, I know. I felt the same way when I saw him curled up to you asleep this morning." Matt said.

Brian knew we were talking about him and he just grinned at us.

About that time, we heard a knock on the door. I yelled to whoever it was to come in and it was Mike and Rick. They came in the kitchen and sat down. Brian immediately climbed down out of Matt's lap and headed straight for Mike's. Matt got up and fixed them both a cup of tea as Brian was hugging Mike.

"Why's he breathing so heavy?" Mike asked. "Has he been checked for asthma?"

" doesn't have asthma, Mike." I said, not knowing exactly how to explain this one.

"If I didn't know better, I'd swear he was sniffing my scent." Mike said.

"That's exactly what he is doing." Matt said. "He's done it to us from the very first time we met him."

Rick started laughing hysterically!

"Well, he's definitely a member of this family!" Rick howled.

Mike got very red in the face. I could count on one hand the number of times I'd seen Mike blush and it was always when something came up that had to do with his and Rick's 'private' life. Could it be that...?

"Mike, are you and Rick into...I mean...uhh...?" I trailed off. I didn't know exactly how to ask so personal a question.

"Yes! If you must know." Mike said.

"So are we." Matt said quietly, smiling.

Mike looked completely nonplused at this and Rick started laughing again.

"Well, I guess the acorn doesn't fall far from the tree after all." Rick grinned.

"I always figured that about you, Michael." Mike said. "I caught you doing it a few times when you were young. I just dismissed it as my own over active imagination but I guess I was right after all."

"Yes, Mike, you were. I always loved the scent of you and Rick. It meant love and security to me. I love Matt's scent, but for entirely different reasons." I smiled at him.

"I understand completely." Mike smiled back and reached out and grabbed Rick's hand.

"But we've got another problem that we need your advice on." I said.

"What's that?" Mike asked.

"I was giving him a shower last night and he got an erection." I said.

"Perfectly normal reaction in a male his age." Mike said.

"Well, yeah. I know that. But it's what he did with it." I said.

"And what was that?" Mike asked, his eyebrow arched.

"He started masturbating and I didn't know what to do. I figured I didn't want to discourage him doing it or make him think that it was wrong so I kind of drew his attention elsewhere." I said.

"That's the perfect thing to do, given the situation. Later on, once he's living with you permanently, you can discuss with him the appropriateness of the behavior - where and when it's acceptable and where and when it's not." Mike said.

"Okay. Good! That's a good plan." I said.

"Anything else?" Mike asked.

"Well...there is one thing...he seems incredibly fascinated with my body. I don't mean just certain parts of my body, though those got scrutinized well but I figure that just normal curiosity. No, he really loved touching and feeling all over - especially my muscles. You know, I never discussed this with you but I knew I was attracted to guys when I was his age. I didn't know what it meant or what to do about it, but you know I used to equally fascinated with you and Rick." I said.

"Yeah, we knew that as well. And at first, we just brushed it off as childhood curiosity but then when that whole discussion came up and you came out to us, it really wasn't any surprise. It just seemed to fit." Rick said.

"Yeah. I'm thinking the same thing is happening here. I really think our discussions about what happens if he's straight may be just useless speculation." I said.

"Well, you'll know in a few years. Until then, the only important thing is to teach him to be proud of his body and not have any shame, the same way we raised you." Mike said.

"That's exactly what we want to do." Matt said.

"Did he have any nightmares last night?" Mike asked.

"No, but he slept with us." I said.

"Was that your idea?" Rick asked.

"No, it was Brian's. I was almost asleep when he came in and wanted to crawl in bed with us. I figured he's in a strange place, around all kinds of people he's never met and he's looking for something secure to feel safe." I said.

"Well, you did the right thing." Mike said. "Remember, you slept with us for the first few nights."

"Yeah, but the weird thing was, we put him to bed in my old room with briefs and a t-shirt on. When he showed up in our room, he was naked." I grinned.

"Oh, dear!" Rick said. "Into scent, horny, now a nudist - are you sure this isn't your natural child?"

We all started laughing! Then the phone rang. Matt got up to answer it. He came back and his face was grave.

"It's Mark, the attorney. He wants to talk to you." he said to me and I quickly moved to the phone.


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Next: Chapter 28

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