Subic Surrender

By RimPig (RimPigFL, Bobby Michaels) (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on Jun 17, 2003


DISCLAIMER: I don't fucking care how old you are. If you like the idea of two hunky young Marine's getting it on with each other then read on!

By the way, no Marine's were injured or killed in the writing of this story but that's not true of what's going on in the Middle East or other foreign places. I would ask your prayers, good thoughts or whatever for all the Marines serving our country (that's us guys!) around the world.

This is dedicated to every one who has ever served in the USMC - Semper Fi!

SUBIC SURRENDER - Part 23 MICHAEL'S STORY - Part 8 by RimPig 2003

It didn't take long for Josh to become kind of a permanent fixture in our lives. He spent time with us and, though it took away from the time that Matt and I had together, we never begrudged him it. He was always so grateful to us for any time we spent with him and we really enjoyed his company. There was one thing that did trouble us. We could see Josh's envy of our relationship. We knew that, more than anything, Josh wanted a lover. But there was nothing that we could do about that. Or at least that's what we thought.

"Hey, Mike!" the voice made me turn back from my locker where I was trying, unsuccessfully to balance three of my text books while grabbing a fourth. They all crashed to the floor and the voice bent over to help me pick them up.

The voice belonged to Vincent Collucci, sometimes known a 'Guido'. Vince and I had been on the wrestling team together. Vince was around 5'8" with cole black, curly hair and dark eyes. He had the dark olive complection of his Italian ancestors along with a devil-make-care attitude and a devastating smile. He was about 180 pounds of solid muscle and a fierce competitor. I was always glad I never had to wrestle him and I pitied some of the guys who did.

I was surprised to see him without his 'entourage' of eager females. Usually, they followed him everywhere. The surprising thing is, I never knew Vince to ever go out with any of them. Rumor had it that Vince was going to become a priest, like his older brother did.

I was also surprised to have him seek me out. We'd been team-mates and were friendly enough with each other but we were not friends. Vince had three or four of the other wrestling jocks that he hung with and, of course, Matt and I basically hung by ourselves...well...with Josh as well, now. So I wondered what the hell it was that Vince wanted.

"There ya go!" Vince said, shoving the last of the books back in my locker.

"Thanks." I said. "What's up?"

"I need to talk to you about something... something private, ya know?" Vince said.

Oh, God! What was this about? Maybe Matt's right. Maybe I am turning into Anne Landers! But it couldn't be about something 'Gay'. Vince was a lot of things but Gay? No way! Not with that 'entourage' of his!

"Well, I've got study hall now." I said.

"Yeah, I know. Coach Whedon. I've already talked to him and cleared it. Told him I needed your help with Calculus. Don't keep up my grades, can't stay on the team and the team needs me this year - especially with you dropping off! Say, what's with that shit, anyway?" he asked.

"I wanted more time to spend in my Grandpa's business. I'm not going to college, so I'm not looking for an athletic scholarship. I just figured I'd get this year over with and get out." I said.

The bell for last period had already rung and we were the only ones standing in the hall.

"Hey, let's head out to the parking lot." Vince said, "We can talk there."

We walked in silence until we got to my truck. I let down the gate on the back end and we sat down.

"So what's up Vince, what is it you want to talk to me about." I asked.

"Listen, first I want your word that nothing I say here goes any further, okay?" he asked.

"Sure, Vince. I won't tell anybody." I said.

"Not anybody? How about Matt?" he asked.

I hesitated. Usually I told Matt everything. He was my mate, after all.

"Well... yeah, I guess I could keep it from him." I said.

"Nah. I trust him. I don't think he'd blab anything. And besides, I can't really see you keepin' anything from him." Vince smiled.

"Well, yeah. We are best friends." I said.

"Best friends my ass!" Vince laughed. "Do you two think that you fool anybody with that?"

"What do you mean?" I asked, trying to sound indignant.

"You guys are lovers. And you've been lovers as long as anybody's known the both of you." Vince said. "Nobody could look at the way the two of you look at each other and not know that!"

"Usually the only people who pick up on it are other guys who are into guys." I said slowly, looking Vince right in the eyes.

He grinned.

"Okay, so you know now. Yeah. I'm into guys." Vince said. "That's why I want to talk to you."

"Wait a minute! What's with all the little groupies then? And the rumor going around that you're going off to become a priest?!" I said.

"Great cover isn't it? Keeps the 'rents off my back about not dating and the groupies make everybody think I'm a killer stud! Really works! God knows! I worked long enough on creating the image." Vince smiled ruefully.

"You son-of-a-bitch!" I laughed. "You even had me fooled!"

"Yeah...well...sometimes, I even fool myself!" he laughed.

"So what the fuck do you need from me?" I asked.

"I don't know how to put this exactly, Mike. I've never been in this situation before. I'm goin' fuckin' nuts! I mean, I've got a group of guys that I like to get together with and fuck around. We been suckin' each other's dicks and fuckin' each others asses ever since freshman year. So I ain't hurtin' for sex. But lately, something happened. I bumped into this guy and it was like my brain just froze up! I wanted him so bad but, for once, the aching wasn't in my nuts, ya know?" Vince said.

"You're in love." I smiled.

"Yeah, fuck it! I am! I can't sleep, I can't eat, I can't think about anything but this guy! Anytime I get near him, I start fuckin' trembling and shit! I can't get my mouth to even say 'hello' to him! I've even caught myself fuckin' stalking him! Followed him home one day, just to find out where he lived. I've got it bad, dude! I need your fuckin' help! Please!" Vince begged.

Vince did have it bad! I'd never thought I'd live to see the day that Vince would beg for anything! Much less be begging me!

"Look, Vince, I sure hope to fuck this guy ain't me or Matt because we've been faithful to each other for all the time we've been together." I said.

"No, fuckwad! It ain't you. Now, Matt, there's a really cute guy that I wish wasn't taken, but he is. And I know your fuckin's story. I know you two are totally faithful to each other. No, it ain't either one of you!" Vince said.

There was only one more name.

"Oh, fuck! You're in love with Josh?!" I asked.

"Hey! What's so funny about that! That boy is about the most beautiful guy I've ever laid eyes on! I want to sleep with him so bad!" Vince said.

"Well, that's going to be a lot easier said than done." I said.

"Why? Has he said anything about me? Has he told you I turn him off?!" Vince's voice was frantic.

"Calm down. Josh has never mentioned your name. I'm not sure he even knows who you are." I said.

"The fuck he doesn't! Every time he sees me, he gives me this little smile like he wants me to drop whatever I'm doin' and chase after him!" Vince said.

"Well, that may be true but I've got to tell you - Josh won't have sex with anybody he's not in love with. Because of that, he's never had sex. You aren't the first guy to come on to him, but it's always the same. If he doesn't love you - if he doesn't know that you love him, no dice." I said.

"But I do fuckin' love him!" Vince moaned.

"I'm not just talking here about just being 'in love' him. He and I have talked about this enough. He wants what Matt and I have. He wants a lover, somebody who truly loves him. More importantly, he want somebody who will be completely faithful - nobody but him! No 'groupies', no little circle of fuck-buddies. Him alone or nothing. I don't know if you could fill that bill." I said.

"Just fuckin' watch me! Since the first time I saw him, I ain't touched nobody! The only time I can get off is when I'm thinkin' about him! You got no idea how much I've fallen for him!" Vince said.

"Vince, you don't even fuckin' know him! How could you be that much in love with him." I asked.

"Hey, fuckwad! What happened the first time you ever saw Matt? Huh, fucker?" Vince asked belligerently.

I thought back to that moment in junior high. Matt standing there - his long, blond hair glinting golden in the morning sunshine streaming through the classroom windows. And his eyes! So blue! So beautiful! Locking with mine. Yeah!

"Okay. You've made you point!" I said, pulling myself out of my reverie.

"See! That's what I'm feelin'! Ya gotta help me, Mike! Please!" Vince begged again.

"What do you want me to do, Vince? I can't make him fall in love with you!" I said.

"I'm not askin' that. I just want you to introduce me! I'll take it from there! I just get so tongue- tied and stupid every time I get near him, I'm not sure if I could remember my own name long enough to tell him who I am." Vince said.

I smiled at Vince.

"I can do that. In fact, I'd be glad to, Vince. I really believe you that you're in love with him. I just hope he falls in love with you. It's really what he wants more than anything in the world. To have a guy who really loves him." I said. "But I've got to warn you of one thing. Vince, if you hurt him - if you use him and dump him or hurt him in any way - I swear that Matt and I will hunt you down and cut off your fuckin' nuts, dude! Do I make myself clear?" I asked.

"Clear as a fuckin' window. I ain't gonna hurt him! I swear to God! I'd rather cut my dick off than hurt him!" Vince swore.

And for a guy of 17, that was one fuckin' powerful oath!

"Okay, when do you want to meet him?" I grinned because I could see something that he couldn't.

Coming down the aisle of the parking lot behind him was Josh. He was meeting me here to go over to the cottage and spend time with Matt and me.

"As soon as possible!" Vince said, his eyes gleaming.

"How about right now?" I grinned and waved my hand in the air. "Hey! Josh! Come here!"

"Oh, FUCK!" Vince swore as he turned to look where I was waving and saw Josh.

"Hey, Michael. What's up?" Josh said walking towards us.

"I've got somebody I want you to meet. Josh, meet Vince Colluci. He was a team-mate of mine on the wrestling team." I said. "Vince, this is Josh Dearborn."

Vince and Josh stood there looking at each other. Now I knew what that 'eye-lock' thing that Matt and I do looks like! I could see the hunger in both of them. I almost felt embarrassed just being there watching this!

"H-h-hello, Josh." Vince said finally, taking Josh's hand and not letting go.

"H-h-hi, Vince." Josh said, not looking like he wanted his hand back anytime in the next century.

Then there was silence again as they just stood there staring at each other. Suddenly they just started giggling! I couldn't believe it! Vince Colluci giggling! Now I'd seen everything! They both started blushing at the same time as the giggling came to an end.

"Uhh...Josh...would you...I mean could you...well...maybe..." Vince sputtered and before he could finish, Josh practically screamed:


"But I...uhh...I didn't ask you yet." Vince said, disconcerted.

He wasn't used to things going this way, being out of his control. I thought it was good for him!

"What ever it is you want me to do, the answer is 'yes'." Josh repeated, moving closer to Vince until their bodies were almost touching.

"I thought that we could...a well...we could go to my house. My parents aren't home and won't be until later. We could talk...or something." Vince said staring into Josh's eyes.

"I think that's the best idea I've ever heard. Yes, let's go and talk." Josh smiled. "You won't mind if I go with Vince, will you Michael?

He said this without looking at me.

"Nah! You go on with Vince. Have fun. Vince, you just remember what I said!" I warned him.

"Yeah. I remember. No problem!" Vince said and put his hand on Josh's arm and led him to his car.

I guess Vince wasn't about to take a chance on Josh getting away from him. Josh looked back at me and winked. I laughed and got into my truck and headed home. Matt was there waiting for me, wearing my favorite outfit of his - nothing!

"Where's Josh?" he asked when he noticed that I was alone.

"You're not going to fucking believe this!" I laughed.

"What?" Matt asked me.

"You know Vince Colluci, right?" I asked.

"Guido? Sure. What a fucking animal! I love to see him wrestle. I wouldn't want to be the guy under him, though!" Matt said.

"Well...I think right about now the guy 'under' him is Josh!" I grinned.

"Josh?! You've got to be kidding!" Matt exclaimed.

"Nope! I'm not kidding at all!" I said and told him about Vince coming to me begging to meet Josh. "You should have seen him! I've never seen anybody so fucking tied up in knots over a guy in my life!"

"Oh?" Matt looked at me funny.

"Well...except how I was over you." I said, taking him in my arms and nuzzling his neck.

"And what about Steve and Bart?" he moaned as I began licking his neck.

"Well, yeah." I said, pulling back from my favorite after-school snack - the taste of my lover.

"I'm just going to start calling you Ann!" Matt laughed. "Now you're playing matchmaker!"

"Hey! I can't help it if guys just seem to trust me." I said.

"I know. And I know why, too." Matt said, pulling me closer and licking at my throat.


"Michael! You really don't know?" he asked.

I shook my head.

"Michael, love of my life, you are one of the kindest, gentlest men I have ever known. You are strong, honest and just one hell of an all around nice guy. Nobody pushes you around because you stand up for what you believe in. And everybody knows they can trust you because you always keep your word. Who else would some guy in trouble go to? I'm surprised that some of the straight boys aren't coming to you to help straighten out their troubles with their girlfriends!" Matt grinned.

I was blushing so hard my face was burning by the time he finished.

"I guess they realize that I don't know the first fucking thing about girls." I mumbled.

"Like any of them do?" he laughed.

"Well...they at least know they want to fuck them." I said.

"Yeah, and that's about all! They don't have the faintest fucking idea of what they are all about. I know because I have girls who talk to me about it." Matt said.

"And who's Ann Landers now?!" I asked, surprised because I didn't know this side of Matt.

"Nah! You're Ann Landers, I'll be Dear Abby!" he laughed.

"So, you know a lot of girls?" I asked, curiously.

"No, not a lot. Three or four maybe. They of course know I'm Gay. It's easy for them to tell." he said.

"Because of me?" I asked.

"No. Not because of you. A couple of the girls told me that they automatically know a guy is Gay because when they look at her, she doesn't feel like she's being mentally undressed and graded on how fuckable she is." Matt told me.

"Straight guys are such horndogs!" I said.

"Oh, and gay guys aren't! I know exactly how they feel! I'll bet Vince being Gay blew you the fuck away. I'll bet you had no idea whatever that he was." Matt said.

"No, I didn't. Did you?" I asked.

"Yep. I knew it a couple of years ago. It was the way he used to look at me. I knew he wanted in my pants but I figured he knew the score where we were concerned because he never once made a move." Matt said.

"Yeah. He told me that today. How he thought you were really cute and how he was sorry you were taken." I said.

"Yeah, I have to give Vince points for integrity on that one. So how did Josh react to him?" Matt asked.

"Fuck! I thought they were gonna lay down and do 'the nasty' right there in the fucking parking lot! Josh and Vince were holding onto each other's hand and fucking giggling! Can you picture that?! Vince Colluci, giggling?! It was all I could do to keep from bustin' a gut right there! But when they looked at each other, they did that 'eye-lock' thing that we was so intimate, I actually felt embarrassed just standing there watching." I said.

"God! I hope this works out for Josh. I know how much he wants somebody to love him." Matt said.

"Well...Vince seems completely 'gone' on him. I told Vince that if he hurt Josh, however, that you and I would hunt him down like a dog and cut his balls off." I told Matt.

"Good! Because that's exactly what I would do!" Matt stated and I believed it!

"Well, time will tell." Matt said.

The next afternoon, Matt and I were walking to my truck, Matt having ridden in with me that day, leaving his car at my house because we were spending the night and the weekend there, when all of a sudden, we heard running feet behind us and, when we turned around, there was Josh. He was all out of breath and flushed.

"I wanted to catch you guys before you left." he said panting.

"So what's up, dude? Where's Vince?" I asked.

"Wrestling practice. He blew it off yesterday to be with me. We figure Coach is probably going to kill him today, but he says it was worth it." Josh said.

"Was it?" Matt asked, smiling.

"Oh, God! Was it ever!" Josh said, grinning from ear to ear.

I leaned over and started sniffing Josh so that he and Matt could hear me doing it. I then straightened up and turned to Matt.

"Well...the scent's gone. This boy no longer smells like a virgin." I grinned.

Matt laughed and Josh went as red as a beet!

"Well...I...I mean we...uhh...No. I'm not." Josh said quietly, almost unable to get the words out. "I finally know what it's like for you guys."

Matt and I both grinned.

"So you made love to him." Matt said quietly.

"Yeah. We made love to each other...for hours! I couldn't believe how wonderful it was! To have somebody finally love me." Josh said and I could see the starry look in his eyes.

"And to find someone you love?" I asked.

"Oh, God! Yes! I love Vince more than I ever thought possible! I'd seen him around, always surrounded by those fucking girls. I was so fucking wanting him but I figured that there was no chance in the world that he would notice me, much less want me. Boy! Vince sure proved me wrong on that one!" he grinned.

"Yeah! He fooled me, too! I couldn't fucking believe it when he came to me yesterday about you." I said.

"He what?" Josh said.

"Oh, fuck! He didn't tell you. Me and my big mouth." I said, groaning.

"No! Tell me! What did he say?" Josh asked eagerly.

"Well...I guess it's okay to tell you now, seeing what happened. Vince was so fucking 'gone' on you that he told me he couldn't even approach you - he was so scared you'd turn him down or something. He came to me, begging me to introduce him to you." I told him.

He just stood there, his mouth open and then tears started to fall from his eyes.

"Hey! What's wrong?" Matt said, reaching out and pulling Josh into his arms.

"Oh, God! How sweet! How wonderful! He went through all that for me!" Josh said.

"Yeah. I never thought I'd ever see Vince Colluci beg for anything!" I said.

Josh smiled at this.

"Just please don't tell him I told you!" I said.

"Don't worry. I won't. But thank you for telling me. I know I'm right now. Vince really does love me. He swore that to me over and over again as we made love. I'm really sore today, we did it so many times that I can hardly sit down." Josh blushed.

"Go to the drugstore and get one of the 'hemorrhoid' creams that has 'Benzocaine' in it. That will numb you so it won't be so sore. Just don't let any of it get on your cock or Vince's! It will numb that, too!" Matt said.

"Hey, how do you know that?" I asked.

"You're not exactly hung like a hamster, lover." Matt grinned knowingly.

"Oh." was all I could say as I blushed.

Josh laughed at this.

"I think I'll give some to Vince, too." he said with a wicked grin on his face. "I'm not hung like a hamster, either, so he's probably feeling as sore as I am!"

Matt and I just stood there, not able to say anything. I mean, what do you say to a statement like that?

"Oops! Sorry guys!" Josh said, noticing our embarrassed silence. "TMI, huh?"

"Maybe a little too much information, but we understand. You're so happy, you want to share it with somebody. For us, there was nobody to talk to about it...well...except for our Dads and that's not the same thing at all." Matt said.

"Oh, fuck. My Dad. I guess I am going to have to tell him now." Josh said.

"It might be a good idea. After all, you actually have something to tell him now." I said.

"Yeah, but I don't know how happy he'll be. He'll probably tell me some more about what dogs guys are. I'm afraid of hurting him. Having him see how much in love Vince and I are could bring back all his memories of Scott! I still hear him cry sometimes at night." Josh said.

"Josh, he's your Dad. He loves you. If you're in love and happy, your Dad is going to be happy for you. Trust me on this." I said.

"I just don't want to hurt him." Josh said.

"Josh, you can't hide this. It's written all over your face. He's going to know something's up!" Matt said. "Tell him. It will make things a lot easier in the long run."

"Okay." he said and then suddenly looked down at his watch. "Oh, fuck! I'm late. I gotta meet Vince. I promised to be there before practice is over but I just had to come and tell you the good news!"

"You go on. Tell Vince hello for us." Matt said, leaning over and giving Josh a peck on the cheek.

"Yeah, congratulations." I said, doing the same.

"Thank you both. You have no idea what you guys have done for me and I'm not going to forget it!" Josh said and then ran off towards the gym.

"Well, 'Ann', another stunning success!" Matt laughed.

"I just hope to hell it stays that way, for both their sakes." I said.

"You know, I have this feeling that it will." Matt said.

I trusted Matt's feelings, he was usually right. And this time, thank God, he was as well. Vince and Josh became a real couple. Josh got rid of his 'entourage' of groupies and everybody began to notice that you never, ever sawVince anymore unless Josh was around. We all went out a lot together before our Senior year was over. The night of the Senior Prom, we all went out and had dinner and then went to a movie. Since Josh still had one more year of high school, I asked him what he and Vince were going to do about that.

"Well, Vince has a lot of scholarship offers but he's decided to go to the University of Miami so that he can live at home and be with me. Once I graduate, we plan to get an apartment together if I can get a scholarship there, too." Josh said. "What are you guys going to do?"

"Well, we're going to be working full-time for my Grandpa's construction company. We figure we'll get an apartment together once we have the money for one." I said.

And that was the plan. However, our Dad's and my Grandparents intervened with an entirely new plan.

It was Matt and my graduation day. We sweltered through the ceremony at the War Memorial Auditorium in Holiday Park only because our Dads and my Grandparents were bound and determined to see Matt and I walk down the aisle in a cap and gown. We told them there was another aisle we would much rather walk down but they reminded us we still had almost a year to go before that could happen. So we did graduation with everybody there, including Molly who I think cried every bit as hard as Grandma did.

After the graduation ceremony, we all went back to the house and had a celebration dinner. When the dinner was over, Grandpa and Grandma presented each of us with a white hard hat with the company logo and our names emblazoned on them. Inside each hard hat was an envelop with five hundred dollars in it. Inside mine, was an addition. Fully paid reservations for a weekend in Key West at the Pier House where Mike and Rick had spent their honeymoon!

Then our Dad's each presented us with a small velvet jewelry box. Inside where sterling silver key rings with our names engraved on the fob and a single key.

"What does it go to?" I asked Mike and Rick.

"Yeah, what's the key for?" Matt asked his Dad and Brian.

Matt's Dad and Brian nodded to Rick and Mike to tell us.

"The key fits the lock on the cottage." Rick said.

"Okay." I replied. "But Matt and I both have keys to the cottage."

"Yes, we know." Mike said. "The keys are symbolic. You know the Snyders next door?"

"Yeah, the older couple." I said.

"Well, they have decided to move to North Carolina where there daughter and son-in-law live with their grandchildren so that they can be close to them. Rick and I have bought their house and will be moving there in about a month. Rick and I and Matt and Brian got together and decided it was time for you two to finally have what you keep saying you want - a place of your own. When we move next door - the cottage will become your and Matt's home." Mike said.

Matt and I looked at each other. We couldn't believe it! First I hugged Matt and kissed him. Then I hugged Rick and Mike while Matt hugged his Dad and Brian. Then we hugged each other again and thanked all of them for what they were doing for us!

"We knew that you two would probably want to get a place as soon as you started working. We decided that the cottage would give you the home that you both wanted and still allow us to keep an eye on you!" Matt's Dad laughed.

"Not that we don't trust you!" Brian said, giving Matt's Dad an elbow in his side. "But we also know that you want to stay close to your family and this is the best way we could work it out."

"Not only that, but starting tomorrow, we're going furniture shopping. Matt and Brian and Mike and I are buying you guys new furniture for your new home. We also are paying to have the place painted and you are free to decorate it any way you want." Rick said.

Matt and I were overwhelmed! We had wanted a place of our own but would not have been able to afford rent in Victoria Park without a struggle. This way, we didn't have to worry about things and we could stay close to our Dads and my Grandparents.

"You'll notice, by the way, those reservations are for next weekend. When you come back on Tuesday, you will start your full-time jobs with Copeland and Sons so you have a week to go and look at furniture, pick out colors and all that stuff." Grandpa said.

"Thanks, Grandpa." I said.

The week went by in a whirl of furniture stores and paint stores not to mention about five trips to Home Depot and Sears picking out new appliances and new kitchen cabinets. What Grandpa, Grandma and our Dads were giving us was not just our own place but basically a new house.

By the time Friday morning rolled around we had gotten it all done. I'm not exactly sure how...well, with a lot of help from everybody is basically how. The furnishings that Matt and I picked out were basically a lot of dark wood and leather. Rick was all for throwing out the old furniture from my bedroom which had been his when he was a boy and I had asked for when he and Mike became my Dads. I put my foot down over that. Not one stick of that furniture was leaving! That was the bed that Matt and I made love on for the first time. That furniture was now part of my childhood as well. More importantly, I pointed out to Rick, who knew? Matt and I might have a son one day and we would need it. Rick looked at me funny when I told him this but he gave in. As he said, it was my furniture to do with as I pleased. But I think, underneath it all, he was secretly pleased that I still loved it.

Matt and I decided to take his Miata and leave my truck at home because the streets in Key West are so narrow. We headed out about ten Friday morning and were soon in the Keys, driving down the most beautiful part of US 1 which goes from Key West to Maine - the Gulf of Mexico on one side of the road and the Atlantic ocean on the other.

We got to Key West around two in the afternoon and checked into the hotel. When they took us to our room, I couldn't believe it! It was the Hemingway Suite! The very same suite where Mike and Rick had stayed on their honeymoon. Matt and I looked around at all the luxury and at the huge bed - something that we would have when the furniture arrived for the cottage. As much as I loved the bedroom furniture that I had grown up with, Matt and I wanted more room than my double bed provided. The new bed was a queen-sized mattress. I told Rick and Mike I didn't want to hear one word about the name of it but it left them laughing anyway.

We both decided that before we tried out the bed, we were both starved and needed fuel for what we knew was going to be a very long period of making love. We were both horny from the drive down in the car. Now, car-rides didn't usually make us horny but we found ourselves playing with each other the whole way down! Even with the top down, Matt and I were groping each other, as well as holding hands and kissing occasionally.

We found a Greek deli on a side street off Duval Street and we went in and had two Gyros apiece as well as Greek salads and finished it off with pieces of baklava. We walked back to the hotel with our arms around each other - an experience that we had never had. We saw other guys walking this way or even hand-in-hand. Key West is the type of town where almost anyone is accepted and it was a very strange feeling to be able to so openly show our love for each other.

When we got back to the room, we undressed each other, almost ripping the clothes from each other's body in our eagerness while kissing and licking everywhere we could reach. We worked our way onto the bed and really began devouring each other. We licked each other's sweaty pits and worked our way down each other's bodies until we were locked in an intense 69, sucking each other's cocks deep into our throats while moaning around each other's cocks. I was kneeling over Matt and he was laying under me.

I pulled off of Matt cock, leaned further over and began licking his sweaty balls and Matt did the same to me. Well! If we were going to play follow the leader, I wanted to see how far I could take it. I hooked my arms around his legs and pulled them back until Matt's ass rose off the bed and I could lean forward and run my nose up and down his ass trench, breathing deep of the sweaty, musky scent. At the same time, I moved back so that Matt was doing the same thing to my butt. From taking in each other scent to licking each other's trench and sucking on each other's holes was a simple progression. I feasted at Matt's hole, driving my tongue as deeply inside him as I could as I felt his tongue sliding into my pucker while his mouth sucked on my ass- lips. I was dripping pre-cum all over his chest and he was leaking copious amounts of pre-cum onto his own abs. We were ready! But for what?

"Who's getting fucked? Somebody in this bed is getting fucked now!" I practically screamed, pulling my face out of his ass.

Matt pulled his face out of my ass because he was laughing so hard!

"Well, I think since I'm already on my back, I should be the one to get fucked!" he exclaimed through his laughter.

"Fine with me!" I said, turning around and looking into his grinning face.

I kissed him deeply. I was tasting my ass on his mouth as he tasted his own on mine. I slid between his legs and spit on my hand to lube my cock. His ass was already dripping with my saliva and needed no further lube. I put his legs over my shoulders and put my cockhead to his opening. Pressing forward slowly, I gently pushed my cock all the way into his hole until I bottomed out.

"Oh, fuck! Yeah! Fuck me, lover! Take me there!" Matt moaned.

"You got it!" I said as I began pumping slowly in and out of his butt.

I knew I couldn't last long and I didn't think Matt could either. I was stroking for all I was worth and he was moaning and tossing his head, his long blond hair flying as he grabbed hold of my arms as his cock began to spurt cum all over his chest and abs.

The tightening of his butt-chute sent me over the edge and I shot my load as deep in his butt as I could bury my bone in him. I screamed out in ecstacy as my body shook, I was so drained by my orgasm. I collapsed on top of him finally allowing my softening cock to slip from his hole. I rolled over onto my side and he turned and slid into my arms. I enfolded him in my arms, smelling the scent of him, rubbing my face in his soft golden hair.

"I love you so much that sometimes it hurts." I murmured.

"I'll always be here to soothe the hurt away." he murmured in return.

And with that, we slipped into sleep.


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Next: Chapter 24

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