Subic Surrender

By RimPig (RimPigFL, Bobby Michaels) (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on Jun 17, 2003


DISCLAIMER: I don't fucking care how old you are. If you like the idea of two hunky young Marine's getting it on with each other then read on!

By the way, no Marine's were injured or killed in the writing of this story but that's not true of what's going on in the Middle East or other foreign places. I would ask your prayers, good thoughts or whatever for all the Marines serving our country (that's us guys!) around the world.

This is dedicated to every one who has ever served in the USMC - Semper Fi!

SUBIC SURRENDER - Part 22 MICHAEL'S STORY - Part 7 by RimPig 2003

The next afternoon, Steve and Bart were waiting at my truck when Matt and I got there. We were spending the night at his house and, since it was Friday and it was the weekend we spent with his Dads, we would be there for three days. I had clothes packed a duffle bag in the truck, mostly for school on Monday. We didn't wear any clothes at Matt's house so, unless we went out somewhere, I didn't need any.

"Hey! Michael!" Steve greeted me with a big hug that I was afraid was going to crack one of my ribs.

"Hey, Steven. Bart. What's up guys?" Matt said.

"We just wanted to say thank you, again." Bart said.

"Yeah! We've did a lot of talking last night - and a lot of loving." Steve grinned as Bart blushed.

"That's great! So what have you guys decided to do?" I asked.

"We've decided that we're not going to the prom. We can't. We can't decide who leads when we dance!" Steve laughed.

"Steve!" Bart tried to act mad as he socked his lover in the arm, but he was grinning.

"Oww! That hurt!" Steve said, rubbing his arm.

"You deserved it." Bart grinned at him.

"No, all kidding aside, what have you guys decided?" I asked.

"We have come up with a very simple plan. We both got scholarship offers from UCLA. We're going to go there together. We figure a continent between us and our parents should get rid of all the questions." Bart said.

"Well, that's one solution." Matt said.

"We figure that by the time we get through college and get our careers started, it will be too late for the family to do anything about it. Basically, we plan to cut most of the ties to them." Bart said.

"Isn't that a bit extreme?" I asked.

"No. Not if they're just going to try and split us up!" Steve said with some vehemence.

There was silence for a few minutes until Steve finally spoke quietly, "I'm sorry. I'm still torn up about all this. I hurt the only person I love because of them. That's not going to happen again. We don't have parents who understand like you do. I wish we did."

"Yeah. I know. We're very lucky." I said and Matt nodded agreement.

"Well...after the middle of August, it will all be behind us." Bart smiled and touched Steve's arm with a touch which showed a lot of affection. "And we have you guys and your Dads, Michael, to thank for it."

"I'm just so glad I could help...and that it all turned out so good." I said.

"Yeah. Hey, we want to get together with you guys this weekend. How about it?" Steve asked.

"What do you have in mind?" Matt asked.

"How 'bout we see a movie, grab a pizza. How's that sound?" Steve asked.

"Sounds fine. Why don't you give us a call tomorrow. We're at my Dad's house for the weekend." Matt said and gave them the number.

"Great!" Bart said. "We'll see you tomorrow."

And with that, they took off and we climbed into my truck.

"This is going to be really strange!" Matt said.

"What?" I asked.

"Going out with another couple like us." he said.

"Yeah. I guess it is, but strange in a nice way." I said.

"Yeah." he said and leaned his head so that it was resting on my shoulder.

"I guess it's going to be like that for a long time." he said.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"How many guys our age are in a relationship? Not many. Most guys our age are still in the closet or they're out on the hunt for any dick they can suck. It will be a long time before they're ready to settle down and find a real lover." Matt said.

"Are you jealous." I chuckled.

"No! You know I'm not! I wouldn't want that kind of life. I love being with you. I love belonging to you. I love knowing how much you love me." he grinned.

"If you can just wait until we get to the house, I'll show you how much I love you!" I said and reached over and groped his crotch. "Fuck! You're already hard!"

"I'm sitting here, my head on your shoulder, smelling your scent, feeling your body against me, what the fuck do you expect?" he grinned.

I grabbed his hand and pulled it to my crotch. He groped me.

"Well! Seems I'm not the only one who's boned!" he laughed.

"Hey, I'm sitting here next to you. Your head's on my shoulder. I'm smelling your scent." I grinned.

We pulled into the driveway at Matt's house and we ran into the house. Matt's Dad and Brian were still at work so we could make noise without anyone caring. We went straight to the bedroom and hurriedly stripped off our clothes. We grabbed each other and fell on the bed, kissing and licking every part of each other's body that we could reach. Finally, I rolled him over so that he was on his back and I was on top of him.

"You like being on top, don't you." Matt smiled.

"Yeah. I guess I do. Does that bother you?" I asked.

"Fuck, no! I actually love having you over me. I feel protected with you on top of me. I don't know what it is. It just feels right." he said.

"Yeah. It feels right to me, too." I said and leaned down and kissed him deeply.

His arms slipped around my neck and held me to his mouth as he sucked on my tongue and licked his way into my mouth. I moaned into his as he seemed to be counting my teeth with his tongue. My hand slid down the side of his body and I slipped it under him so that I could grasp his butt. I loved feeling his butt. So soft and smooth under my hand. I slid my hand deeper under him until my fingers could slide into his trench. I gently pressed and stroked against his puckered opening. Matt moaned into my mouth as I gently slipped one of my fingers through his opening and deep inside of him.

"Fuck me, Michael! Please!" Matt moaned, pulling back from my mouth.

"No problem." I murmured. "But I want to eat your ass first."

"Oh, fuck yeah!" he moaned.

I pulled out his arms and rose up to my knees on the bed.

"Turn over, babe." I said gently.

Matt smiled at me and then rolled over and looked at me over his shoulder.

"Yeah. Eat me! Make me wet and then fuck me." he growled.

"Oh, you've got it, babe!" I grinned looking down at his beautiful back and ass.

This was my favorite way to eat his butt. Laying down, my face buried between his buns as he pushed his ass back into my face so that I could get my tongue as deep as possible in his ass. I could even get off this way.

I started out by licking all over the smooth cheeks of his ass. I could taste his skin and the slight hint of salt from his sweat. When his buns were wet with my saliva, I pulled his cheeks apart and began to run my nose up and down his trench, breathing deeply of his scent. Fuck! It was dark and musky! I loved it! I could never get enough of the scent of Matt. It was like I was born with a desire for just this scent.

I reached out my tongue and began to lick his ass. The taste was tangy with his musk and salty from his sweat. I licked deep and pressed my tongue against his hole and felt it sliding into his hole. I began to lick in and out of his opening, feeling my tongue sliding against the smooth walls of his butt. He moaned as my tongue went deeper, loving every moment that my tongue was inside of him. I knew that soon, my cock will penetrate him as my tongue did now and a shiver of desire went through me.

"Fuck me! God! Fuck my ass!" Matt moaned.

He didn't sound needy enough to me at that point. I decided he needed to be climbing the walls begging for my cock. Besides, I was enjoying myself eating his butt and felt like teasing him some more. I buried my tongue in his butt again while my mouth locked to his hole and sucked on it, which drove my tongue even further inside of him. His moans grew louder and I sucked harder. His ass really opened up and I couldn't eat deep enough. I wanted almost to climb inside of him!

"Please, Michael! Please fuck me!" his tone was held much more begging. Yeah. He was ready now.

I crawled up his back and my cock slid between his buns as I licked and sucked at his shoulders and neck while I rubbed my cock up and down his trench. His ass pushed back against my cock and he moaned in need.

"You want my cock, hmm?" I murmured in his ear. "There it is."

I pushed harder into his trench and he spread his legs further and really started rubbing his hole against my cock. I was moving up his trench when the head of my cock caught the edge of his hole and started to move inside him. We both stopped. The only lube he had was all of my spit that was in him from me eating his ass. We'd never fucked without lube before. I felt Matt beginning to press back on my cock and I could feel myself slowly sliding into his hole. He moaned but I could tell it wasn't in pain. Slowly, my cock inched its way into his hole until I was buried to the hilt in his butt, my pubes pressing against the lips of his butt.

"Oh, fuck! That feels so good!" he moaned.

"Oh, God, babe! You're so hot inside!" I moaned with him.

I stayed that way, resting on his back, my cock completely buried in him until I felt his ass muscles relaxing and loosening around my cock. At that point, I pulled back slowly, just a few inches. I was ready at any point to pull out and get the lube. I wasn't about to hurt him! But he just moaned as I slid slowly back in.

"Oh, yeah! Fuck yeah! Fuck me!" he moaned.

"You got it, babe." I murmured as I pulled my cock farther back and began to really pound his butt.

His moaning increased as I jackhammered his hole. I licked and nibbled at his shoulders and neck, tasting his skin and loving the taste of him. This was my favorite position to fuck him. I loved the feeling of him under me, our bodies touching all the length of them. I could lick, suck and bite all over his neck and shoulders and even lean over and drive him fucking nuts by licking and biting on his delicate ears.

I knew this was not going to be a long fuck. We were both way too turned on for that. I was just beginning to feel the tingle in my balls that meant I was about to blow my load in his butt when I felt his chute clutching my cock and he was screaming out as he unloaded on the bed beneath him.

"Oh, fuck! Oh, fuck! Yeah! Fuck me!" he screamed as he shot his load.

"Oh, FUCK!" was all I could yell as I pumped shot after shot of my cum as deep in his butt as I could plant my cock.

I don't know how many times I shot before I collapsed on his back and lay there as we both continued to feel the 'after-quakes' of our orgasm. My cock finally softened and slipped from his butt and I knew I wasn't finished with his body. There was one thing left I wanted to do. I slid back down his body and, parting his buns, looked down to see my cum seeping from his pouty, puffy hole. I locked my mouth to his ass and began to suck my cum from his butt. Matt moaned as he loosened his ass and allowed my load to flow back into my mouth. I loved the taste of my cum when it was fresh from his ass but I remembered that he did, too. I kept some of it in my mouth as I moved back up the bed beside him. He turned and I took him in my arms, pressing my mouth to his. Our mouths opened to each other and I let my cum slide into his mouth and he moaned as he tasted it. He swallowed and sucked my tongue for more.

Finally, we lay there in each other's arms, dreamily in a half-sleep when we heard a deep voice.

"You guys really ought to keep your door closed if you want privacy." Matt's Dad said, leaning on the doorway looking at us.

"Sorry, Dad. We didn't realize we'd left it open." Matt said sheepishly.

Matt's Dad grinned.

"I have to admit, seeing you two like that is one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen. You two really love each other and it's beautiful to see." he said quietly and then walked away, closing the door as he went.

"That was close!" Matt said.

"Yeah, ten minutes earlier and he would have gotten to see me eating his son's butt." I grinned.

"And doing a fabulous job of it, I might add!" he smiled. "I just wish there was some way for us to really have privacy - to live together without our Dad's around." Matt said.

"I know, but you know they're not going to go for that now. We're only 16. They're not going to let us live together." I said. "At least we get to sleep together all the time now. Remember what Steve and Bart are going through. We could have it a lot worse." I said.

"I know. But I want to change one thing. When our Dads go on vacation this year, I don't want to go. I want us to stay here. Let them have their time together without us and let us have time together without them." Matt said.

"That, I think will work. Especially if I can bring in allies." I said, smiling.

"Who?" Matt asked confused.

"Grandma and Grandpa. If we want to stay, we can stay in the cottage. There house is right across the pool so they're there if we need them but you know they won't bother us." I said.

"Yeah! That's a great idea!" Matt said. "Do you think they'll go for it?"

"Yeah. I think they will. Monday, when were at the cottage, I'll talk to them." I said.

We spent the rest of the afternoon and evening lazing out around the pool, swimming or just laying in the dying sunlight. Nobody felt like cooking so Brian called out for pizzas. Matt and I turned in early. Of course, we didn't go right to sleep. I'd fucked him earlier and felt like he should return the favor, and he did. As always now, we went to sleep in each other's arms.

The next night we went out with Steve and Bart. We had a lot of fun with them and it was an interesting evening. I guess the difference in how long Matt and I had been lovers and how easily we had both accepted being Gay compared to Steve and Bart really showed. For two people who were in love and who were intimate with each other, they tried awfully hard most of the time to hide that. Even when they were alone with just us, they seemed to have a hard time letting their guard down. The seemed to be incredibly shy with each other - hardly touching. They seemed to be still working out things between them - not just about the difficulty they'd gone through over Steve's disastrous attempt to go 'straight', but even about who took the lead in things within their relationship.

I know a lot of guys have trouble working this out. Guys are raised to be dominant and to take the lead in things. Of course, between males, there are always guys who lead and guys who follow but neither Steve or Bart were what you could call 'followers'. But together they seemed to be trying very hard not to try to take the lead from each other and that meant that neither one of them were leading and they seemed to be just stumbling around trying to find their way. I noticed that they both paid a lot of attention to Matt and me, watching the way we talked to each other, the way we touched each other. At one point, I had my arm around Matt while I was driving. There was nothing unusual about that. I often did when we were alone. Glancing in the rear view mirror I noticed that Bart and Steve were sitting there watching us and saw Bart nod at how my arm was around Matt. Steve looked at Bart like he was asking permission and finally slid his arm around his lover. I noticed that Bart tensed for a minute like he shouldn't be doing this, but he quickly relaxed to the point that he even let his head rest on Steve's shoulder. I saw Steve get a huge grin on his face when Bart did this. He really liked it! I decided that there was a lot that these two big guys could learn from Matt and me.

Before they left for school in August, we spent a lot of time with Bart and Steve. It was really nice to have someone our own age who understood what we were all about. But true to their plan, Bart and Steve left for UCLA and Matt and I knew, even if their family didn't, that was about the last that Bart and Steve were going to see of Florida for a very long time. Steve said to me that, as far as he was concerned, he was going to miss Matt and me more than anything else. Steve felt that all he was leaving behind was a family that neither cared about him nor deserved to have him care about them. Bart's assessment was just as harsh. Since their parents were not supporting them financially, Bart felt that he had no responsibility to them at all. His first - and last - responsibility was to Steve, the man he loved.

When school finally started, Matt and I were now both seniors. Matt and I surprised everybody, our Dads included, by not going out for any sports. We explained, very simply to them, that we wanted the time to spend working and being together. We were both working part-time for Copeland and Son. Both of us fully intended to make the construction company our life's work. To that end, Matt and I decided that we would not go to college but begin working full-time after high school. Since neither my Grandpa or any of our Dad's, with the exception of Mike, had college degrees, we really didn't see any reason to go to college. Grandpa decided that we had done our time out on the job sites as laborers and, as we entered our senior year, he gave us both jobs in the front office. Matt was working in the accounting section, learning all about the financial end of the company. I was working with the engineer and draftsmen learning that end of the business. Grandpa told us that he would rotate us in six months so that we both learned all there was to learn about the business.

Matt and I figured that we would just quietly get through our last year of high school, basically blending into the woodwork. We were not interested in the Senior Prom or any of that nonsense and now that we weren't involved in sports anymore, school just seemed like something we had to get through. With Steve and Wade gone, we were back to basically having no close friends but each other, which was mostly fine with us. And I guess it would have stayed that way except for what happened a couple of weeks after school started and I met this whirlwind named Josh.

I came out of school one day alone. Matt had left early for a dental appointment and I would see him at the cottage later. Matt's Dads had finally bought him a car. Not a new one, a two year old black Miata. Matt loved the car and I had to admit, I thought it was cool, too. So this day, I went to the parking lot to get into my truck and standing beside it was this kid. He looked to be about 13 years old. Dark red hair, green eyes and freckles. He was only about 5'6" tall and had a very lean body. There was no other word for him than 'cute'.

He watched me approaching like I was a lion and he was a hapless christian in the Coliseum. I didn't know who the hell he was, but he evidently knew who I was.

"Michael? I'm Josh. Josh Dearborn." he said, looking up at me - at almost 6'4" now, I towered over him.

"Hey, Josh." I said.

"I'm new here. I'm a junior, I just transferred in." he said.

"That's cool. So what's up?" I couldn't figure out what it was he wanted. Juniors, as a rule - especially newly transferred ones - didn't approach Seniors. Not unless the need was dire!

"Uhh...I...uhh...wanted to talk to you." he said.

"Yeah? What about?" I asked.

"I heard from some of the guys have two...umm...Dads." He said quietly, stumbling and hesitating before he could get it all out.

"Yeah, I do. So?" I said.

While I'd had this trouble with guys in the past, I didn't think that this little kid was there to hassle me. I still thought he was about 13 even if he claimed to be a junior.

" see...I used to have two Dads. Until we moved here. I moved here with my real Dad. His...ahh...friend didn't come with us." he said.

"So how long were your Dad and his 'friend' together?" I asked - so that was it!

"Since I was about three." he said.

"Ten years, that's a long time." I replied.

"No! Thirteen years! I'm 16." he stated emphatically.

"Sorry. I didn't think you were that old." I said apologetically.

"Well...I am." he said.

"So why do you want to talk to me?" I asked.

"I just figured that maybe you would be safe to talk to, that you wouldn't put me down because my Dad know..." he dwindled off.

"Gay?" I said.

"Yeah." he answered, his eyes on the ground.

"Nothing wrong with that. My Dad's are." I said.

"Then it is true." he said.

"Yeah, it's true. But you don't need to be spreading that around." I looked at him with Grandma's evil eye.

I'd evidently finally learned how to do it because it seemed to put the 'Fear of God' into Josh.

"No! I'd never say anything! Promise!" he swore.

"Okay. So why don't we go back to my house and talk. My friend Matt won't be back for a while, he's at the dentist." I said.

"Oh, I wondered where he was. I never see one of you without the other." Josh said.

Hmm. I guess we were more obvious than we figured. Maybe more people had gotten the idea that Matt and I were a couple after all.

"Yeah. So where's your wheels?" I asked.

"I don't have any. My Dad won't buy me a car." he said.

"So how do you get home?" I asked.

"I ride the bus." he said.

"But the buses left a long time ago! How were you going to get home." I asked.

"Walk. It's only about four or five miles." he said.

"It was worth walking four or five miles to talk to me?" I asked, astounded at this.

"Yeah." he said quietly, staring up at me.

I could see something in his eyes almost like hero worship. I guess I was mostly a grown-up to him, even though we were the same age. I also saw a desperation that I knew all too well. He was desperate for me to like him. Desperate for someone to talk to and to be his friend. I hoped that it was nothing more than that.

"Well, come on and climb in the truck. Matt and I will drive you home later." I said.

As we road along, I found out that Josh had one outstanding characteristic - he was seemingly afraid of nothing or nobody. If he wanted to know something, he'd ask you - no matter how embarrassing the question or the answer might be to you.

"Are you and Matt lovers like my Dads were?" he asked out of the blue!

I nearly wrecked the truck! I hit the brakes and we were both thrown forward against the shoulder harnesses. Luckily we were on a side street and there was nobody behind me. I looked over at him.

"And what the fuck brought that up?" I asked him.

"Well...nothing really. I just wanted to know." he said quietly. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to offend you."

"Are you always this outspoken?" I asked.

"Yeah...I guess I am." he admitted.

"You could get yourself in a helluva lot of trouble askin' stuff like that!" I told him.

"Yeah...I know." And it was the voice of experience which answered.

We rode in silence for a while and I calmed down.

"You didn't offend me. Just surprised me....and yes. Matt and I are lovers like your Dads were." I said quietly.

"How long have you been together?" he asked.

"Since we were about 12." I said.

"Cool!" he grinned.

I couldn't figure out why he was so happy. Then it hit me.

"You're gay, too, aren't you?" I asked.

"Yeah. I am. But my Dad doesn't know." he said.

"Why not? I mean, if your Dad was straight I could see that you'd have a problem but you're Dad's Gay, dude? Why are you still in the closet?" I asked, astonished at this.

"I didn't figure it out until right when he and Scott were breaking up. Since then, he hasn't been exactly 'pro-Gay', if you get what I mean. He's kind of down on guys." Josh said.

"That's because he's hurt. I'm sure he wouldn't give you grief over it, Josh." I said.

"I just don't want to take the chance. Besides, there's no reason to tell him." he said rather wistfully.

"Why not?" I asked.

"Well...I've never really done anything." he said.

"You're a virgin, huh?" I grinned.

"Yeah. Please don't make fun of me over it. It's not like I want to be or anything! I've had opportunities but I passed them up." he said miserably.

"Why?" I asked.

"Did you ever have sex with anybody before Matt?" he asked.

"No. Neither one of us did. But we were only 12 then." I said.

"I don't want to have sex until I find somebody that I love." he said.

"That's cool. Matt and I think that's the way it should be though most guys are such horndogs, they have sex with lots of other people before they find somebody that they really care about. I guess that can work, too." I said, thinking about my Dads.

"Look, I know that you and Matt are lovers and I know that I'm just a Junior and you guys are Seniors, but is there maybe someway that we could be friends." Josh asked quietly.

"Well, dude, as far as I'm concerned, that would be cool. But I can't answer for Matt. I mean, I don't see that there would be any problem but I don't pick his friends for him - and he doesn't pick mine for me. Okay?" I asked.

"Yeah. That's cool!" Josh said, grinning at me.

He really was an incredibly cute guy. I mean, if Matt wasn't around, maybe I would go for him. But I was sure that there would be plenty of guys chasing him - he just didn't seem to realize that yet. By this time, we were at the cottage. I invited him in where we found Rick sitting at the kitchen table going over some paperwork.

"Hey, Rick! What are you doing home so early?" I asked.

"Decided to get out of the office for a while and away from the damned phones! I can't seem to get any work done some days because they're always ringing." Rick said. "I was about to ask you what you were doing home. I'd forgotten this is your and Matt's night with us."

"And this weekend, too. Rick, I'd like you to meet Josh Dearborn. Josh, this is one of my Dads - Rick Copeland." I said.

"Pleased to meet you, Mister Copeland." Josh said politely.

"Please, Josh, call me Rick. We don't stand on formality around here." Rick said.

"Josh is new. He's just transferred in. He's a Junior this year." I said.

"Well, welcome, Josh. Where'd you transfer in from?" Rick asked.

"San Jose, California." Josh said.

"So, you live with your Dad and Mom?" Rick asked.

"No, sir. I live with just my Dad. My Mom left us when I was two. I don't really remember her. I used to have another Dad but he and my Dad broke up before we moved here." he said.

"Oh! I understand!" Rick said, looking at me and then back at Josh. "I very sorry. That must be tough on you. Were your Dads together long?"

"Since I was about three - thirteen years." Josh said.

"You're 16!" Rick asked in surprise.

"Yes, sir! I know I don't look it but I am." Josh said.

"I'm sorry, Josh. I do understand. Believe me, someday you're going to be flattered when people think that you're younger than you are." Rick smiled.

"I know. My Dad tells me that all the time. He says he had the same problem when he was in school." Josh said.

"Michael, where's Matt?" Rick asked.

"He had a dental appointment. He'll be home soon." I said, wondering why Rick was asking. He knew Matt had a dental appointment.

"Oh, okay. So are you boys going to have a swim or what?" Rick asked.

"I didn't bring my suit." Josh said and Rick and I started laughing. Josh got embarrassed. "I don't get the joke." he said quietly.

"Oh, sorry. There's no reason that you should. It's just that we almost never wear a bathing suits around here. Mostly we go naked." Rick said.

"Yeah, we're kind of relaxed about clothes." I said.

"Oh...we had a pool in California where I could swim naked. My Dads like going around naked, too. We live in an apartment now. We can't do that here." Josh said.

"Well, you'll have to bring your Dad over sometime, Josh, and we can all go swimming." Rick said.

"Sure." he said, but didn't sound very positive about it.

"So you want to go in the pool with me." I asked.

"Ahh...won't...uhh...Matt be jealous or anything? Us being naked together?" Josh asked me quietly.

"Nah! Matt's not like that. He knows he doesn't have to be. There's nobody else for me but him and he knows it." I smiled.

"Okay, then!" Josh's face said, brightening up.

"We can get undressed in my room." I said, leading the way.

We quickly stripped our clothes off. I noticed that for such a little guy, he sure wasn't little where it counted! There must have been six soft, thick inches hanging between his legs! No telling how big it got when it was hard! We walked out to the pool and dove in. We were roughhousing and playing around when Matt finally got home from the dentist. He didn't even bother to go inside, he just stripped right there next to the pool, putting his clothes on one of the chairs under the umbrella table and dove in, coming up right in front of me and giving me a quick kiss.

"So who's this?" he asked, nodding towards Josh.

"This is Josh. He's a Junior." I said.

"Really?" Matt asked, looking at Josh.

"Yeah, he's 16. Same as us." I said.

"Really?" Matt repeated.

"Yeah, Matt. Really." I said.

"Oh, okay. Well...nice to meet you Josh. Why am I meeting you anyway?" Matt asked.

"Josh has just transferred in from California. He's living with his Dad. He used to have two Dads but they broke up." I said, explaining for Matt.

"Ohh! I get it. God! I'm sorry, Josh. That must be tough on you. Your Dads breaking up and then having to move away." Matt said.

"I had heard around school that both of you guys had two Dads and that you guys were lovers. I'm gay, too, so I like wanted to meet you and become friends. I don't know anybody here who's gay." Josh said.

"Well, you aren't likely to know too many either. Oh, not that there aren't plenty of guys who are having sex with each other. But they're all so deeply buried in the closet, I doubt if any of them will come out until they're in college - or maybe never." Matt said.

"Yeah, I know." Josh said. "I guess I'm in the closet, too."

"How's that?" Matt asked.

"Well...I'm a virgin." Josh said quietly.

"Nothing wrong with that!" Matt smiled.

Josh looked at him in astonishment and then grinned.

"Really? I thought there was something wrong with me!" he laughed.

"Not from what I've seen." Matt grinned at him. "Actually you're really cute and you've got a great body. I must say, I am somewhat surprised that no guy has hit on you."

"Oh, some have tried. I'm just not interested. I don't want to have sex with somebody until I fall in love with him." Josh said emphatically.

"Hmm...lofty ideals! Good idea! I don't know what I would have done if this hunk hadn't come along and left me almost breathless!" Matt said, putting his arms around my neck and kissing me passionately.

I was shocked at this. Usually Matt is way more reserved than this! He never kisses me like this with anybody else around! I wondered what was going on for a moment. Was it possible that Matt was a little jealous and was 'staking out his territory'? If he was, he was being silly. I had no designs on Josh and I didn't think he had any on me. Maybe Matt was just letting him know how things stood.

"You would have waited for me." I said softly as I pulled my mouth from his. "Just like I would have waited for you."

At that point, Rick stuck his head out of the door to the cottage. I saw Josh's eyes widen as he took in Rick's naked body.

"Josh, are you staying for dinner?" Rick asked.

"Yes, do stay." Matt said.

"Okay, but I have to call my Dad and let him know where I am." Josh said.

He got out of the pool and dried off and followed Rick into the house.

"Another Gay stray? You know you're going to turn into Anne Landers one of these days!" Matt laughed.

"Ahh...the kid's lonely. He's lost his Dad's lover and all his friend moving across country. He came looking for friendship. I didn't think I could say 'no' to him." I said.

"I know. That's how you are and I love you for it. You just hate to see guys in pain." Matt said.

"Yeah. I do." I said.

He moved closer to me and put his mouth to my ear, his body pressed against mine.

"Neither can I." Matt said as he reached down and grasped my hardon. "Neither can I."


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Next: Chapter 23

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