Subic Surrender

By RimPig (RimPigFL, Bobby Michaels) (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on Jun 13, 2003


DISCLAIMER: I don't fucking care how old you are. If you like the idea of two hunky young Marine's getting it on with each other then read on!

By the way, no Marine's were injured or killed in the writing of this story but that's not true of what's going on in the Middle East or other foreign places. I would ask your prayers, good thoughts or whatever for all the Marines serving our country (that's us guys!) around the world.

This is dedicated to every one who has ever served in the USMC - Semper Fi!

SUBIC SURRENDER - Part 20 MICHAEL'S STORY - Part 5 by RimPig (c) 2003

I don't know how long I slept but it couldn't have been very long - no more than an hour because the candles were still burning and I could hear the soft sounds of the jazz playing on the stereo in the living room. I looked down and Matt was still asleep, his head still resting on my chest with my arm still around him, holding him to me.

Seeing him like that, something went through me. I realized that our relationship had changed - and changed forever. I had such strong feelings going through me. Feelings of overwhelming love, a strong desire to protect him - though I didn't exactly know from what, feelings of tenderness towards him that were far beyond anything I'd felt before! I thought that I was in love with Matt these last four years but now I realized I hadn't even scratched the surface of what I truly felt for him.

I gently stroked his hair while looking down at him. How young he looked asleep. So much like the little boy he must have been. His face was so beautiful that I felt an ache, deep in my gut, to make love to him again and again and again. He lay there, in the crook of my shoulder, a gentle smile on his face, telling me that what had passed between us was a pleasing to him as it had been to me. Now I began to understand what it meant when writers talked about 'two becoming one'. I felt truly and completely mated to him now. I felt whole, as if I had been only half and never realized it.

I reached my hand over to gently stroke his face and saw on it the ring. One of the pair I had bought for us. Rings to symbolize our love until the day when we could marry. Looking at it now, I realized that we were now as married as two people could be. Any ceremony that came later would not join us, it would only be an acknowledgment that we were already joined. Nothing could be more sacred that what had happened between us just a little while ago.

As I gently stroked his face, his eyes opened, his smile got brighter and he turned his head to kiss the palm of my hand. This simple gesture sent a stab of desire through me that all but took my breath away. I wanted him again. I needed to join with his body again. I needed to know that feeling of being one with him again. And I would feel it, but not in the same way. I had promised myself, my body, to him and I wanted now for him to take me.

"Are you okay?" I asked, afraid that there would be some residual discomfort.

"I'm better than I've ever been in my life! That was the most beautiful thing I've ever experienced! My God! I'm sorry we waited so long!" Matt exulted.

"It was pretty spectacular, wasn't it?" I grinned at him.

"Ahh! The man is so modest!" Matt giggled.

I smiled sheepishly at him.

"But you have nothing to be modest about! You were incredible! You got me off without me even touching myself! I never expected that!" he said, his voice filled with wonder.

I know I was blushing by this time but Matt's words were filling my heart with joy at the same time. I wanted so much for this to be good for him. I wanted him to know the pleasure and the joy that Mike and Rick had assured me could be achieved. On a purely selfish note, I'll admit I wanted him to love it because I wanted to do it more and more, again and again. But you can't blame me for that! Who wouldn't want to make love to someone so incredibly warm, loving, tender and beautiful?

"You were pretty incredible yourself." I murmured. "I've never felt anything like it in my life. I really felt like we were joined together."

He smiled at me and slowly, his tongue came out and he licked his lips. My cock was almost instantly hard and I rolled him over until I was on top of him again, pressing my mouth to his and kissing him passionately. I wanted him. I wanted him again. But not the same way. I needed him to fuck me. I needed to feel him inside of me. I wanted to know what he had felt. Most importantly, I wanted him to feel this feeling of being a man, a man who had bred his mate well. I pulled back from his mouth and looked down into his face, his eyes shining at me in the candlelight.

"It's time." I murmured. "I'm ready."

He looked at me quizzically for a moment, not able to grasp the meaning of my words. I had felt his hardness pressing against my leg as he had laid in my arms and now felt it as it pushed against my body but when he realized what I was saying, it surged and throbbed against me with desire. Yes! He wanted me, too! He wanted to take the lead and breed me as I had bred him. He rolled us over again until he was on top of me and I sighed at the feeling of release that flowed through me. I let go and allowed all the power and control to flow to him. I was his to do with as he pleased. I surrendered to him to allow him to take me to that place of exquisite joining with him.

The first thing I felt, was him lifting my arms, that had been around him, so that they were laid out above my head. He then moved his face into my pit and began breathing deeply of my scent. I could hear his moans as the scent of me began to work it's magic on him. His body movements became stronger, I could feel the passion rising in him and it triggered more desire in me.

He rapidly moved down my body, licking, kissing, even nipping here and there until he lay between my spread legs, licking and nibbling at my nut sack. I moaned at the touch of his tongue and teeth until finally, he slid his hands under my thighs and started to raise my legs. As he had done, I quickly grabbed under my knees, pulling back as far as I could and spreading my legs to their limit to give him total and complete access to me.

This position let me really feel how much control I had given over to him. I was extremely vulnerable and helpless in this position but there was no fear, no anxiety. In fact, there was a strange type of relief at giving myself over to him. The trust I had in him, the love I felt for him were no more clearly demonstrated than this willing release of all the power and control that men feel is so necessary to them. My surrender of my body for his pleasure (and mine) was only an outward symbol of the surrender of my heart and soul to him as well.

Matt moved his face into my spread trench and began to breath in my scent and to run his tongue the length and depth of me. I moaned at the first touch of his tongue to the opening of my body. As much as I loved when he rimmed me, knowing that it would not end there as it always had in the past, knowing that he would soon 'mount' me and ride my butt to what I hoped would be a crashing orgasm for both of us, knowing that the act would reach a completeness that up until now was missing. He seemed to know this, too, for he ate my ass and tongue-fucked my hole with an aggression and eagerness I'd never felt from him before.

Finally, my ass was a loose as he could get it with his tongue. He looked up at me from between my legs. It was like he was asking my permission to go on. I reached over to the night table and handed him the bottle of lube. He smiled and began generously lubing my hole while sliding one finger deep inside me. I moaned at the feeling as he penetrated me easily. I had been more painstaking at my sexual 'homework' than any other I'd ever done for school!

Matt was soon working two and then three fingers in and out of me with ease. I think it somewhat surprised him how easily I had opened to him. At first he was somewhat hesitant but as he added more fingers and saw how easily I accommodated them, he became bolder and more aggressive until he was really reaming my butt with his three fingers.

"Mmm! Matt! Please, babe! Fuck me! Fuck me now!" I moaned, knowing that it was time to move on.

Matt pulled his fingers from my butt and began to add lube to my hole and then to his cock. He knelt between my legs and skinned back the foreskin from the head of his cock, allowing the bare head to rest against the opening to my chute. He took my legs onto his shoulders and then bent forward, just about bending me in half as he placed his hands beside my shoulders and braced himself on them.

"You ready?" he asked, and I could still hear a small amount of trepidation in his voice as he looked down into my eyes.

"Yeah, babe! Ready and willing!" I smiled.

I reached out and grabbed hold of his hips, guiding him forward. This first time, I wanted to be in control of his entry because I needed to show him the pace to take for entering my ass. I pushed out on the muscles of my ass and his cock began to slowly slide inside me. As the head of his cock popped through my sphincter, I felt the rush of knowing he was finally inside me. I didn't need to relax the muscles more because I was used to penetration from my use of the dildos. Instead, I held onto his hips and slowly but surely pulled his hard cock deep into my ass.

When there was no more of his cock which could get into me, I held onto his hips, holding him deep inside of me. I could hear his moans and I knew what he was feeling. I was feeling such an incredible feeling of fullness and completion! I knew, however, that these feelings were so intense in both of us that it could cause either one or both of us to cum before we'd even started fucking. Matt looked down at me and at first, his mouth opened but no sound came out. Finally, there were moans and words.

"Oh Fuck! Michael! Your ass is incredible! Oh, my God! Nothing could ever feel this good!" Matt moaned.

"Yeah, babe! Fuck my ass! Fuck me good! Fuck me hard!" I moaned back and released his hips.

Matt tentatively began to slide his cock out of my butt. He only got a couple of inches before he began to moan from the feeling and held perfectly still before slowly sliding it back in to the hilt in my ass.

"Fuck!" he said, looking at me, his face filled with the ecstasy he was feeling.

"That's it! Fuck! Fuck me!" I moaned wanting to feel more and more of his cock moving inside of me.

He began really fucking me then, his hips moving faster and faster, in and out of my hole. There was also greater power behind his movements until he was really pounding my ass, nailing me to the mattress!

"Fuck, yeah!" I moaned. "Fuck my ass! Fuck me harder!" I begged.

"Fuckin' you ass! Fuckin' your hot ass!" Matt moaned as his hips picked up even greater speed.

I could hear his hips slapping against the cheeks of my ass as his cock reamed the inside of me. My cock, which had been hard the whole time was leaking pre-cum all over my hard, tight abs. I knew I would be able to cum just from Matt fucking me, if he could last that long. I could feel his thick cock stroking against my prostate with every plunge and I knew it was not going to take all that long for me to shoot.

Just then, Matt picked up even more speed and was now pounding my butt like a jackhammer. The speed and power were taking me over the edge. I felt that tingle in my scrotum that told me that I was there. One more crashing plunge from Matt's thick cock and I started shooting my load of cum. The first shot took him completely by surprise and landed on my face. The next ones landed on my neck chest and abs. I don't know how many times I shot but, evidently, that was all Matt needed as well because as soon as I shot my first load, I could feel his body spasm and I could feel his cock vibrate inside of me as he shot load after load of his seed deep inside of me.

It seemed like we came forever, but I knew it was no more than moments. Finally, Matt collapsed over me and I wrapped my arms around him as I slid my legs from his shoulders to around his hips. He began kissing me, his long blond hair falling around our faces like a curtain to shield this private moment and to keep it just between the two of us. His face pulled back from the kiss and looked down into mine.

"You're mine now. All of you." he said and I smiled at him.

"All yours. Body and soul." I said reaching up and pulling his head back down for another long kiss.

I could feel his cock slowly softening and my ass pushing it out. We both moaned as this happened because, I think, neither one of us wanted to end the feeling of being joined together physically. Matt rolled off of me and he curled up in my arms as we turned to face each other. I could feel his soft, warm breath on the sweat-dampened skin of my chest as I gently ran my fingers through his hair. There was no way to express what I was feeling inside. I knew that part of Matt was deep inside me and would stay there forever, just as part of my body was deep inside of him. We were tied together forever in a mystical bond that needed no explanation and which none could be devised for.

"Michael?" Matt said softly.

"What, lover?" I asked.

"Mmm. I love when you call me that." he murmured. "Say it again. Please?"

"Lover." I said slowly.

"That's what we are, isn't it. Lovers." he said.

"Yeah. What did you think we were?" I asked.

"I didn't really know. I guess I just didn't have a word for it. I actually thought about it one time and tried to think of you as like my 'husband' but I didn't like that because it kind of made me the 'wife' then. I didn't like that." he said.

"No, I don't like that either. I think of you as my mate. You know how I love wolves. Wolves have only one mate for their entire life. I guess I'm like a wolf. I don't want another mate but you." I said.

"Did you ever think of me as a boyfriend?" Matt asked.

"Never. That sounds way too shallow for how I felt about you. That sounds like we're 'dating'. >From the moment I saw you, I was in love with you. I didn't want to 'date' you. I wanted you." I said.

"Did you know that I felt the same way?" Matt asked.

"Fuck, no! I mean, I could tell by the way you looked at me that something was going on between us, I didn't know how deep it went with you. Not until that first night." I said.

"I was so afraid you could tell how much I loved you. That first morning when I saw you, it was like our eyes locked on each other. I wanted you then." Matt said.

"That's when it happened for me! Yeah! It was like our eyes locked." I said.

"Close your eyes." he said softly.

I closed them. I felt his warm breath on my face and then I felt his lips gently kiss each eyelid. Then I felt him pull back and I opened my eyes. I looked at him questioningly.

"That was for your beautiful eyes and what they do to me." he smiled.

I grabbed hold of him and rolled him over so that I was now on top of him.

"How's your ass?" I asked.

"At little sore but in a good way." he smiled. "Have a remedy in mind?"

"Oh, yeah." I said and slid down his body.

He spread his legs and I got between them. Matt knew what I wanted and raised his legs with his hands under his knees. His entire ass trench was soon visible to me. The lips of his hole were red and puffy and I could still see some of my cum leaking from his hole and I locked my mouth to it and began to lick and suck at his opening, gathering all of my seed that I could find. My tongue eased up inside him and he was moaning at the feeling of my tongue moving in and out of his ravaged ass. His hole opened easily to me, the muscles still slack from the fucking I gave his ass earlier.

"Oh, God! Michael! Fuck me!" Matt moaned. "Please! Fuck me again!"

How could I say 'No' to him? Better still, how could I ever resist his hot, wet ass? I looked up from between his legs to find him holding the bottle of lube out to me! The boy was more than eager! I grinned at him and took the bottle and began to re-lube his hole. Two of my fingers slipped easily inside of him and I stroked gently against his already swollen prostate. He moaned as I did so and I could see his hard cock pump out more pre-cum. I quickly added a third finger which slid in with little or no resistance.

"Turn over." I said. "I want to fuck you on your stomach."

He looked at me funny but did as I requested.

I lubed my cock well and even added more lube to his hole. I spread his legs and got between them. I raised myself up over him on one arm while my other hand guided my cock to his hole. I pushed gently inside and continued the long slide inside of him until I had completely buried my bone in his butt. As if to get even more of me inside, Matt pushed back against my cock and moaned as I bottomed out in him. I then lay down on his back and wrapped my arms around him. My cock was buried in the wet furnace of his butt and my mouth was gnawing and licking at his ear as he wiggled beneath me at the overload of feelings. I chuckled deep in my throat.

"Oh, yeah! You've got one hot ass, lover!" I murmured into his ear.

"And you've got one big cock! I love the way you fill me up!" he moaned.

I began licking and sucking at his neck, both sides and back, then I licked and nibbled my way down both of his shoulders while he writhed beneath me. My cock, however, was still planted deep in his butt and was not moving. I was making sure that when I did, his tunnel would be fully relaxed and accommodating.

"Oh, God! Michael! Please! Fuck me! Ram that cock of yours in my ass hard!" Matt moaned and begged.

I figured he's had enough 'foreplay' so I raised up on my hands and looked down at his body spread out below me. My cock leaped at the sight of him. So beautiful laid out this way! So incredibly masculine and strong, the ridges of muscle in his back so pronounced from swimming and weight training and yet so vulnerable, so clearly under my control, so clearly mine! Mine to breed, mine to enjoy, mine to pleasure as I took what he so freely gave me.

I began to slowly withdraw from his hole until half my cock was exposed with the rest buried between the mounds of his butt. Then I slid back inside, harder and faster than I had withdrawn. He moaned and wiggled his hips as he pushed back against me, again trying to get all of my cock that he could. I pulled out again, this time until the ridge of my cock-head rested just within his hole and then plunged deep into him, hard and fast! Another moan as his hips rose to meet my thrust. Then again, and again until I was long-dicking his butt like a pile-driver.

As I had already gotten off twice, I now had some control so that this would be a much longer fuck than the first one. Matt, too, having also cum twice, was able to withstand a longer fuck as I slowly built up to ramming speed and jackhammered his hole with my rock hard cock. I could feel the sweat on my body and could see the sweat on Matt's back and butt. I could smell the scent of our bodies and the sweet scent of male fucking. I could see my sweat dropping onto Matt's back as I continued to breed him like a stallion breeds a mare. I decided to slow things down some so I lowered myself to my elbows. I could then lick the beads of sweat off Matt's shoulders and back, tasting the saltiness of his sweat and the musk of his skin. I slowly continued to fuck in and out of his hole while I licked as much of his back and neck as I could reach.

"Oh, God! That feels so good!" Matt moaned, pushing is ass back as I slid slowly into him. "Jeez! Where did you learn to fuck! You're so good at it!"

I chuckled deep in my throat.

"Your ass is my inspiration." I murmured in his ear. "I just can't get enough of it!"

"God! You can have it all day, every day! Fuck me 24/7!" Matt moaned.

"I only wish I could, lover." I said.

I don't know what came over me, but I decided that I would continue fucking him slowly - deliciously, exquisitely slowly - driving us into a near sexual frenzy! I must have fucked him for at least half an hour that way until my hips ached and my nuts were ready to explode. Finally Matt couldn't take any more.

"Fuck me! Fuck me fast and hard! I need you to fuck me!!!" he all but screamed.

"All you had to do was ask." I chuckled.

I then proceeded to ram his ass as hard and fast as I could. It took less than a minute for Matt's tunnel to clench around my pistoning cock as he poured out his load on the bed. This triggered my orgasm and I slammed my cock as hard up his spasming chute as I could before blasting out another load of my jizz in his ass. I collapsed on his back, licking and sucking at his skin as he lay below me, quaking with the after-shocks of his orgasm.

We lay there not saying a word for a long time. Long enough for my cock to go completely soft and his ass to push it out. I then slid down his back until my face was buried in his crack and my mouth and tongue were sucking and licking up all of my cum from his well-fucked ass. When I was finished, Matt rolled over and I moved up the bed and gathered him back into my arms. His mouth met mine in a passionate kiss only for him to discover that I had saved a mouthful of my cum from his butt and shared it with him. He drank it eagerly and sucked my tongue and licked inside of my mouth trying to get more.

"Mmm! You taste so good!" Matt moaned.

"There's more if you want it later." I smiled.

"Oh, I want LOTS more of it!" he grinned. "From the same source."

"I think we may want to be careful. I don't want you getting so sore that you can't do it anymore." I said.

"You let me worry about that. I'll let you know when it's too much." he smiled.

I still to this day don't know how much is 'too much'. Throughout the rest of the weekend, we continued to make love to each other many, many times. I did notice that I was fucking Matt a lot more than he was fucking me. That seemed to be coming from him, however. It was what he kept insisting that he wanted. I couldn't argue with that since I loved fucking him.

We got up early the next morning and Matt went with Grandpa and I to take my driver's test. I passed it and drove home with a full license, no longer needing a licensed driver to accompany me when I drove. We dropped Grandpa back at the house and then drove down to Haulover, a county park in Dade county that has a clothing optional beach. Both Matt and I are nudists at heart and love swimming naked in the ocean. Because it was a weekday, most of the men on the beach in the unofficial 'Gay' section were as old as Grandpa - or older. There was nobody our age there but it didn't matter. We were together and so very much in love with each other that we hardly noticed anyone else.

From there we drove back to Fort Lauderdale and we stopped by Matt's house so he could pick up some dressier clothes. I told him I was taking him to dinner at a very nice restaurant, so he needed to dress up. Now, I have to admit, Matt and I are not the 'dress-up' type. Usually for us a pair of jeans and a t-shirt is the upper limit of our wardrobe. But for this night, I wanted us to be very well-dressed. I had gotten from Mike the name of a very nice Gay restaurant where Matt and I could go. We were certainly not old enough to go to a Gay bar - and really didn't want to. But it would be nice to go somewhere where we could really be a 'couple' without turning heads or causing a disturbance. This shows how naive I was at the time. Any two guys of our age, with the looks and bodies that Matt and I had, especially as a couple, were going to 'turn heads' and 'cause a disturbance' in any Gay establishment! Even sometimes in so-called 'straight' ones.

Because it rarely gets anything like cold in Fort Lauderdale until usually mid-January, I wore the deep blue crew-neck sweater that Molly had knitted for me over a pair of khaki slacks and loafers. The sweater fit me perfectly, hugging my body and showing off the contours of my muscles. I also had the gold charm which Matt had given me hanging out over it. Matt wore a black long-sleeve pull-over with black jeans and loafers. The pullover also was very form fitting and the jeans were almost skin tight. I loved him in this outfit because it showed off his long blond hair, laying past his shoulders, and also highlighted the delights of his trim, muscular body - especially the way the jeans hugged his incredible ass - that ass that was quickly becoming one of my favorite parts of him.

God knows, I'd always loved eating it but now that I'd learned the joys of fucking it, I was getting hardons morning, noon and night just from the thought of it! I had really seriously considered fucking him standing up int the ocean that afternoon! Well...until I came to my senses and realized that people would be able to tell what we were doing and that salt water may not be the best thing for the tender tissues of his hole.

I figured that we looked pretty good. Not fabulous or anything but nice. When we got into the restaurant after I parked the truck, however, I found out differently! Every gay male eye in the room was on us and followed us until we were seated in a booth by the waiter. We decided to sit next to each other rather than across from each other. That way, we would be in closer physical proximity to each other. Maybe not the best idea considering our rampant teenage libidos, but it was more emotionally satisfying as well for us to be able to touch each other.

The waiter looked to be about 20-something came and asked us what we wanted to drink. We both ordered ice-tea. Since Matt and I were both 'jocks', neither of us drank alcohol even though it wasn't specifically banned by our Dads - except when driving. We both just figured that it wasn't good for our bodies and we didn't need it. It was never a 'macho' thing with us. We didn't need 'beer' or 'booze' to prove we were growing up. We proved that very nicely to each other in bed! I think the waiter was surprised, then, when we didn't try to order any alcohol.

He brought our ice teas and told us about the specials. We looked at the menu and - carnivores that we both were - we decided that two steaks were what we really wanted. I ordered shrimp cocktails for both of us. As we sat talking waiting for the appetizers to appear, we held hands discreetly and I did lean over and kiss the side of his neck once or twice. Mostly it was quiet conversation and deeply loving looks between us. I didn't realize that any one was looking at us until an two older gentlemen about my Grandpa's age walked over to our table and asked if they could sit with us for a couple of minutes and talk. I looked at Matt who nodded is assent. I asked the two gentlemen to sit down, wondering what it was they wanted to talk about.

"First of all, let me introduce us. I'm Carl and this is my partner Dick." one of them said.

"I'm Michael and this is my partner Matt." I replied.

"How long have you two been together." Carl asked.

"About four years now." Matt answered.

"How can that be? You both couldn't be over 18!" Dick said.

"No, we're not. Matt's 15 and I just turned 16 yesterday." I said.

"So you've been partners since you were 12!" Carl asked in amazement.

"Yes, sir." I said.

Carl and Dick looked at each other and laughed.

"And we thought we got together young! We were both 16 when we found each other. That was 50 years ago tonight." Dick said.

"50 years!" Matt exclaimed, his eyes wide in surprise.

"Yes, 50 years." Carl confirmed. "I know, nobody expects to guys to make it together that long. And, I'll admit, at times it was very difficult to stay together, but we weathered all the storms."

"I really hope that we can say that someday." I said and Matt nodded his head in agreement.

"Do your parents know?" Dick asked.

Matt and I started laughing and Dick and Carl looked at us funny.

"I'm sorry!" I said. "You see, my 'parents' and Matt's 'parents' are both male couples. They are our Dads. My Dad's are lovers and so are Matt's."

Now it was Dick and Carl's turns to be surprised.

"Well, I'll be damned!" Carl exclaimed. "So in some ways, you both are like a 2nd generation couple!"

"Yeah. I guess you could put it that way." I said.

"Do you two live in Lauderdale?" Dick asked.

"Yes, sir. I've lived her since I was 5, Matt since just before we got together." I said.

"So is this some type of celebration for you two?" Carl asked.

"Yes, my 16th Birthday was yesterday and I just got my driver's license today." I said.

"Why aren't you're Dad's with you celebrating?" Dick asked.

"We had the family celebration together yesterday. Then our Dad's left us together so that we could spend the weekend together alone." I said.

"Very understanding of them." Dick said.

"They're very happy that Michael and I are lovers. They weren't sure at first that it would last between us, but after four years, they're beginning to believe that it might last!" Matt giggled and I laughed as well.

"We didn't want to bother you two, we could tell how very much in love you seem to be. It's just two remind us so much of ourselves all those years ago that it's kind of like meeting ourselves at the beginning of our relationship. Such a nice thing on our anniversary." Carl said.

"We really want to congratulate you!" Matt said.

"Yes! You are in inspiration to us! Meeting you tells us it can be done. We can stay together." I said.

"Yes, you can. Don't let anybody ever tell you different!" Dick said.

"As long as you love each other and always focus on wanting to be together, you have every chance of making it to 50 years like we have." Carl said.

"Thank you." I said.

"Yes, Thank you so much!" Matt said.

"Well Carl, I think we should go and let these two have their time alone together." Dick said.

"I agree!" Carl said.

And with that, they stood up. Matt and I did too and we all shook hands and said how nice it was to meet each other. Then they disappeared to another part of the restaurant.

"Fuck! Can you imagine! 50 years!" Matt said as we sat down again.

"Yeah! I want at least that many years with you." I said quietly and then we kissed.

Just a gentle kiss on the lips but at that moment the waiter appeared with our appetizers. We pulled apart and we both blushed. The waiter just smiled. I guess he was used to it.

The dinner was wonderful. We both had dessert but when I asked the waiter for the bill, we got quite a shock.

"I'm sorry, gentlemen, there is no bill. You dinners were already paid for." the waiter said.

"By who?" I asked.

"The gentlemen asked me to give you this instead of the check." the waiter said and walked away.

I opened the folder note. Inside it said:

"Enjoy dinner on us - Happy 16th Birthday and may you both stay together for 50 years or more!" and it was signed: Dick and Carl.

I showed the note to Matt who looked at me in wonder.

"Why?" Matt asked.

"Maybe it was just what they said. They saw themselves in us." I said.

"Well, it was still a very nice thing to do!" Matt said.

"Yes, it was." I agreed.

We drove down to the beach and sat on the sand looking out at the ocean in the moonlight. I put my arm around Matt's shoulder and he leaned his head onto mine. We sat there quietly for a long time before we began to speak.

"Matt, that's what I want. I want to be with you for at least 50 years." I said. "I don't want anyone else, I don't need anyone else but you. But I need to know that is what you want, too."

"How can you have any doubt? Of course it's what I want. It's what I've wanted from the moment I first met you! There is nobody else for me." Matt said.

"Even when we're as old as Dick and Carl?" I asked.

"Even when we're that old. I'll still love you - even if I have to push you around in a wheelchair!" Matt giggled.

"In two years, when we're both 18, Fr. Gray told me that if our Dad's agree with it, he'll marry us. Will you marry me?" I asked.

"I thought I already told you I would when I let you put this ring on my finger." he said, looking into my eyes.

"I just wanted to hear it formally." I said quietly, kissing the tip of his nose.

"Okay. Formally. Yes, Michael Copeland, I will marry you." Matt said and then smiled.

"That's what I wanted to hear!" I said and then kissed him deeply.

"Now, you know what I want to hear?" Matt said, pulling back from the kiss.

"What?" I asked.

"That you want to take me home and fuck me until I can't walk." he grinned.

"Matthew Stevenson, I want to take you home and fuck you until you can't walk!" I grinned.

We rose and ran for the truck!

The rest of the weekend was like a dream for us. It was as if we were married, as if we really were a couple living together. We'd never been alone this long without our Dads. Of course, what I loved most was waking up with Matt in my arms. Well...that and really making love to him - sliding my cock deep into his butt and fucking him until we both blew our loads. But we knew it had to come to an end.

Sunday night, Mike and Rick came home and I drove Matt home. Before he got out of the truck, we kissed deeply and I held him as long as I could. But eventually, he had to go inside.

"I don't want to go." Matt said. "But I have to."

"I know." I said quietly. "I don't want you to go."

"It's not fair. I just wish we could live together." Matt said miserably.

"It's what I want more than anything. But our Dads would never go for it. You know that." I said.

"Yeah. They think we're too young." he said.

"Matt, we know what we want. It's just going to take some time to get it. We'll be together all the time eventually. Please, just hang on." I said.

"What else am I going to do? I just get so tired of lying in bed, yearning for the feel of you, the touch of your body, the scent of you." Matt said sadly.

"And you think I don't? I go nuts every night wanting you. Now that we've finally made love, it's going to be even worse!" I said. "You know, when you go home, I don't change the sheets until the next time you're coming over. I lay each night smelling your scent on them."

"I do the same thing when you sleep over." he said softly.

"Matt, please, we love each other. We know that. It's just a matter of time. We've already been together for almost four years. It's only going to be two until we can get married. Our Dads are not going to stand in the way then." I told him.

"Yeah, I know. But two years still seems like an eternity." he said.

We kissed again and then Matt went in the house and I drove home. When I got there, Mike and Rick were sitting in the living room.

"So how was the weekend?" Mike asked.

"Too short." I said.

"Did everything go alright?" Rick asked, concern in his voice.

"Yes, everything went fine. Better than I thought it could ever be. I'm tired. I'm going to bed. Good night." I said and went to my room without even waiting for an answer.

I got undressed and got into bed. The scent of Matt, or our lovemaking were still strong in the bed and I lay there remembering while tears poured out of my eyes. I wanted him here with me, in my arms, where he belonged. I didn't want to wait two years either! But what the fuck could I do!

There was a soft knock at the door and then Rick walked into the room. He sat down on the edge of the bed and his hand reached out and gently stroked my hair.

"What's wrong, Michael. Did you and Matt have a fight?" he asked.

"No. We never fight. You know that." I said miserably.

"Then what wrong?" he asked.

"Can't you see?" I asked.

"What do you mean." Rick asked. "What am I supposed to see?"

"Look at the bed." I said.

"What's wrong with the bed?" Rick asked, confusion showing in his voice.

"Matt's not in it." I said quietly.

Rick didn't say anything for a while, he just kept stroking my hair with his hand. Normally this would have comforted me but tonight I wanted Matt's hand - not his.

"I understand what you're going through. Mike and I went through it until we got discharged." Rick said.

"That was a year. We've gone through it for four years and we're expected to go through it for two more." I said.

Rick was silent again.

"I'm sorry. Maybe something can be worked out. Will you trust me for a while? Let me see what we can do?" Rick asked.

I rolled over and laid my head in his lap and his arms went around me. I just let loose. I hadn't cried in Rick's arms since I was a little kid. Now I made up for it. I sobbed hard, I was hurting so much inside. Rick just held me until I finally calmed down. I finally rolled back over and laid there looking up at him.

"Michael, you know how much we love you. We don't want to see you in pain. I promise you, we'll try and work something out. I guess it was stupid of us to think that you two wouldn't want to be together all the time. I guess we never thought about it. We just never knew that you were so unhappy with things." Rick said.

"It isn't all the time. But it's been getting worse every time I have to say good-bye to him." I said.

"God! I understand that. I really do. Trust me, please?" Rick said.

"What else can I do? You know I love you." I said.

"Thank you. I love you, too." he said and then leaned over and kissed me on the forehead.

Rick got up and closed the door behind him. I eventually went to sleep.


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Next: Chapter 21

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