Subic Surrender

By RimPig (RimPigFL, Bobby Michaels) (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on May 17, 2003


DISCLAIMER: I don't fucking care how old you are. If you like the idea of two hunky young Marine's getting it on with each other then read on!

By the way, no Marine's were injured or killed in the writing of this story but that's not true of what's going on in the Middle East or other foreign places. I would ask your prayers, good thoughts or whatever for all the Marines serving our country (that's us guys!) around the world.

This is dedicated to every one who has ever served in the USMC - Semper Fi!

SUBIC SURRENDER - Part 2 by RimPig (c) 2003

As Mike kissed me, he gradually moved on top of me. Being covered with the body of another guy was something I had never experienced before. The strength of him, the scent of him, the warmth of him was taking me to places in myself that I never even knew existed. There was this feeling going through me of complete protection and love. I felt like any defenses that I had were unnecessary. I could let myself go completely and Mike would be there. Mike would take care of me. It was almost like the feeling that I remembered whenever my Dad would hold me in his arms - safe, secure, masculine.

My Dad had been a Marine, which is why I had joined the Corps. I remember that he used to hold me and hug me a lot when I was a little boy. That had gradually stopped as I grew older. I don't know why. I guess because I knew that I wasn't supposed to 'want' that type of closeness with my Dad as I grew older and he respected that. But I did want it. I just didn't know how to tell him that. The last time that my Dad held me in his arms and hugged me was the day I left for induction. Dad held me in his arms a long time like he didn't want to let me go, like he didn't want his little boy to grow up and leave. I felt, in that moment like I didn't want to leave either. Something inside of me just wanted to stay there, safe and secure in my father's arms. When we finally let each other go, we stepped back and looked at each other with embarrassed looks on our faces from all the emotions that had gone through us and that each of us had evidently been aware of.

Now, with Mike on top of me, feeling his hard, masculine body down the length of mine, I had the same feeling. I didn't want this to ever end. I wanted to lie in this bed with Mike protecting me and loving me forever. I didn't understand this at all! I was so confused but I couldn't fight it, the feelings were much to strong. I began to get a glimmer in my brain that maybe I did love Mike, not just as a friend, but as much, much more. I just didn't know what. I didn't have the words for it. All I had was vague concepts of us being together, always. Glimpses of Mike and I being together like this over and over again, giving ourselves to each other. I knew it was fucking 'queer' but I couldn't help it and it didn't matter! If I was going to be turned on to guys, what better, more masculine guy could I have chosen?

I didn't feel 'queer' or effeminate in any way. Mike didn't want me like a woman. He wanted me as myself - his Marine buddy who had been through the hell of boot camp with him and had stood by him no matter what, just as he had stood by me. Like that first liberty after boot camp.

Mike and I had gone into the town near the base to get drunk and maybe get laid. We found this bar that catered to Marines and proceeded to get plowed with our buddies. Now, I was no stranger to drinking but that night I got drunker than I ever remember being. In fact, there are parts of that night I don't remember at all. Well...maybe glimpses of memory. I remember getting really sick and Mike literally carrying me outside and staying with me while I vomited my guts out, making sure that I didn't choke on my own vomit and die. Then he carried me onto the bus which would take us back to base.

I think I passed out the moment we got on the bus. I have this vague recollection of coming to, some time during the ride back to base, to find myself with my head resting on Mike's chest and his arm around me, holding me. I didn't think anything of it at the time. I just enjoyed the closeness and the feeling of safety that he gave me. My mind was filled with the haze of booze and my body was sick as a dog!

I remember Mike getting me off the bus and my feet no more hit the ground than I was puking again. Mike held my head while I emptied my guts and then picked me up and carried me back to our barracks. I puked three more times that night. Each time, Mike carried me to the head and stayed with me, holding my head and then wiping my face with a cool, wet cloth before carrying me back to my rack again. I realized now that it was probably one of the most loving things that anyone had ever done for me but, at the time, I just chalked it up to Mike being a good buddy and knowing that I would do the same for him if he was in that condition.

Now, lying here with Mike's body on mine, his open mouth pressed to my open mouth, kissing me deeply, I suddenly realized that it was more than just "being a buddy". It was love that Mike was showing me that night. Maybe if I hadn't been too drunk to respond, this would have happened sooner - or maybe not. I don't think I would have been ready then. I don't think I could have responded to Mike the way I was doing now. But, who knows?

All I knew now was the reality that Mike was devouring me and I was trying to devour him. I wanted him so badly. I still wasn't exactly sure what we were going to do. I mean I had some vague idea of what two guys could do together. I knew we could suck each other's cocks. That would be nice. I loved blowjobs and hadn't had too many in my life. And from what happened with Miranda, I guess I wouldn't mind sucking Mike's cock. In fact, being honest with myself, I really wanted to suck Mike's cock. To taste it, to smell the dark, rich odors of his crotch, to taste again his warm, sweet cum. Yeah! Sucking cock seemed like a great idea!

I again thought about our earlier sexual experiment and the thoughts of what it would be like to be fucked by Mike started to come into my head again. I knew that it would be painful but I also knew that guys were able to do it - to open their ass and take a cock up it. At least, that's what I had heard. I'd never fucked a guy or even knew a guy who'd gotten fucked. least no guy ever told me he had. On the other hand, I love to fuck and I also thought about the idea of fucking Mike. Mike had one beautiful butt on him, let me tell you! It was 'high and tight' just like they call our haircuts. It was beautifully rounded and I suddenly had this really strong desire to slip my cock between the cheeks of that beautiful butt and slam my cock into Mike's body until I spoonged, leaving a part of myself inside him.

Mike finally pulled his face away from mine and looked down at me, his deep green eyes shining in a way I'd never seen before. A thought went through my head, 'Is that what love looks like?'.

"How you doing, Rick?" Mikes voice was hardly above a whisper but it was husky with desire.

"Better than I ever have in my whole life." I murmured honestly. "I had no idea it could be like this."

"It just gets better from here on out, buddy! I'm gonna take you places you never even knew existed!" he grinned.

"You've already done that." I said, smiling up at him. "Do you have any idea how beautiful you are?"

"When you look at me the way you are now, I feel that way." his grin was more sheepish now. "Do you know how beautiful you are?"

"Nah! I'm not beautiful, you must need glasses or something!" I said, grinning up at him.

"No, when you smile at me like that, it's like this warm glow starts in the pit of my stomach and I have to fight getting totally lost in you." he said, his eyes full of love and his voice husky.

"Get lost in me. Let me get lost in you. Let's get lost in each other and never, ever find our way back!" I groaned, pushing my hard cock up against his body, feeling his hardness pressing against mine.

"Mmm. Somebody's really horny." he grinned at my actions.

"Yeah! Fuckin' horny for you!" I groaned again.

" got me, buddy. For as long as you want." he said and, dipping his head down, he began to lick and suck at my neck.

It was kind of weird, as Mike began to make love to me. It was like my mind split in two. One part of me was experiencing and reacting to what Mike was doing to me. The other part was like observing from a distance; watching, measuring, seeing how Mike did things. The startling thing to me was that what he was doing was exactly what I had always done, but with women. Now I was on the receiving end and I began to understand why guys are gay. Nobody could make love to a man's body the way another man could. I realized that all the things I'd done to girls were things that I very desperately wanted someone to do to me. Mike was doing that for me. He was doing to me exactly what I needed done.

This comforted me in my confusion because I realized that I had been wrong. I did know what two guys did together. I knew exactly what to do to Mike. I just had to do what I wanted done and it would please him as well! He was telling me with his lips, his tongue, his hands, his body what he needed and wanted. It was far more natural than it had ever been with a woman. Because I had the same body, I knew exactly what to do to make Mike feel good. Just do what I wanted!

Mike moved down to my chest and began to lick me there. I knew he had to be tasting the salt of my sweat and whatever taste there was to my skin. He licked over until he licked against one of my tits. A tingle went through me and I jerked in Mike's arms. I heard a low chuckle in his throat right before his mouth attached to my tit and began to suck on it.

"Holy Fuck!" I moaned at the feelings that were flowing in me.

While I had sucked on girls tits, and enjoyed doing it, I had no idea what it felt like. No girl had ever sucked on mine. This was really amazing!

"Like that, huh?" Mike's face appeared before my eyes, grinning like the cat that swallowed the cream.

"Fuck, yeah!" I grinned back.

"I take it nobody's ever chowed down on your tits, huh? Boy! You don't know what you been missin'!" Mike laughed and went back down on my tit.

As he sucked, I continued to moan and my back arched at the intensity of the feelings that were being caused in my body. This shoved my chest and tit harder against Mike's mouth. Each time Mike's teeth raked my nipple, the feelings shot straight to my cock making me belch out pre-cum until my stomach was sopping wet with the clear lubricant.

Mike finally let my tit go and I relaxed back on the bed. I couldn't even imagine what he was going to do next but I quickly found out. My arms were still around his neck as he began to move up my chest to what I figured was going to be my shoulder. Instead, he bumped his head into my arm and then moved his face toward my armpit. I wondered for a moment why he was doing this but then I heard the deep breaths he was taking of the scent of my pits.

"Mmm! So hot, so sweaty!" Mike groaned as he continued to take deep breaths of me.

"I can't use deodorant. I'm allergic to it." I said.

"Yeah! I know! I don't use the shit either. Thank God you can't!" he said as he pressed his face right into my underarm and began to not only breathe in my scent but to lick at the sweat dampened hair and skin.

"Ahh, fuck!" I moaned as his tongue drove the sensitive nerve-endings in my pit crazy.

If his body wasn't on top of mine, I think I would have risen vertically off the bed at the touch of his tongue. He continued until my pit was completely wet with his saliva and then rose up over me again and put his mouth down over mine. I tasted the saltiness of my sweat and I could smell my own scent on his mouth. For some reason, beyond my comprehension at the time, my scent coming from him was far more stimulating than just my scent alone. I shuddered at the rush of feelings that were going through me as Mike kissed me and I could taste myself in his mouth.

"Taste good?" Mike asked, pulling his mouth from mine.

"Yeah! Fuck, yeah!" I said eagerly.

"Tastes good to me too." he grinned and leaned down again.

This time he didn't kiss me. Instead, he touched the tip of his nose to mine and then began to rub his nose against mine in an 'Eskimo kiss'. It was such a gentle, intimate act that at first I was taken aback by it. I didn't expect this big, muscular Marine capable of such a child-like action but then I realized that this was the little boy inside of Mike coming out. And he was calling the little boy inside of me to come out and play. I eagerly answered his call and stuck out my tongue, licking the tip of his nose. He laughed and I laughed with him. Then I grabbed hold of him and rolled us over so that I was now on top of him. I grinned down at him.

"Ready to take some of your own medicine?" I asked.

"Fuck! I thought you were the one who didn't know what to do?" he grinned.

"I know what to do! Do what I feel like, do what feels good to me!" I exclaimed.

"That's it, Rick! You've got it, buddy! Do what you feel like. I'll love it - whatever you do!" he said with a grin of triumph on his face.

"And I love you. I know that now. I don't know what we're going to do about that, but I don't care. I love you and I want you to know it." I said softly.

His eyes looked deep into mine and I couldn't be sure, but I think I saw the slight glistening of tears in his eyes. He reached up and pulled my face down to his and kissed me gently on the lips.

"We'll just take it as it comes, buddy." Mike said softly.

I smiled and then moved down to where I could lick and nibble at one of his nipples. He let out a moan and I looked up at him and grinned before going back to worrying the nip with my teeth and tongue. The harder I nibbled, the louder he groaned as he pressed his chest harder up against my mouth. This was fun! It was like I was controlling him with just by nipping at his tit. What an interesting way to have power over another male - through pleasure!

But his scent was having very strong power over me. I moved my head towards his armpit and he knew what I wanted. He raised his arm above his head so that I could have full access to his underarm. My nose brushed the dark hair and was drawing in the intensely musky scent of him. It was strong, so much stronger this close to him but the intensity of his scent seemed to increase the intensity of my arousal for him. I moaned deeply as the aroma sent tingles up my nose and drove me into a sexual frenzy.

I began licking and sucking at the hair and skin in his pit, tasting the salty essence of him. Now it was Mike's turn to moan as I ravaged his underarm until no spot had not been licked and tasted over and over again. I don't know what got into me. I was like a dog in heat going after a bitch. I just loved the taste of him, the warmth of his skin against my tongue. Finally, I calmed down a bit and noticed that there was no more scent or taste left for me. I looked up and saw him watching me and knew he had seen, as well as felt, the frenzy I had been in.

"For somebody new to this, you do catch on quick." he smiled.

I blushed. I know I did because I could feel the heat in my face. I hadn't blushed in a very long time but there was something about being like this with Mike that stripped away all of my defenses and made me vulnerable - even when I was on top of him and supposedly in control.

"You gonna share?" he asked quietly.

For a moment, I didn't know what he was talking about and then I remembered. I moved my face until it was directly over his. His head rose up and he began to lick around my mouth, chin and upper lip - tasting himself on me. Then I pressed my open mouth to his and let him continue his exploration. We moaned into each other's mouths and it was then that I felt the arm which had been above his head come down around me and again rolled me over so that I was under him.

"I have more I want to show you." he said with a grin, pulling his mouth from mine.

I lay back smiling at him and he moved down my body. I had a pretty good idea where he was going and at first I was right. He slid off my body until he was kneeling between my spread legs. First he buried his face in my public hair and I could hear him inhaling deeply of my scent there. I'm sure it was mixed with the scent of Miranda as well. I expected he would take my cock in his mouth next, but I was wrong.

Instead, he moved down and began snorting the scent of my balls, his nose brushing gently against my nut sack which had drawn up tight to the base of my cock because of my intense arousal. Then his tongue snaked out and he began to bathe my balls with it. I had done this to him while he was fucking Miranda but no one had ever done it to me. I had no idea how amazing it felt! I was soon moaning and moving my hips, trying to get the most contact with his tongue that I could get. Mike finally grabbed my hips with his hands to hold me still. He knew what he was doing and the message was 'Just lay back and relax and let me work!'.

As his tongue washed over my balls, it kept dipping lower and lower until he was licking the back side of my nut sack and the very sensitive piece of skin between my balls and my ass. I was in heaven as he did this, feeling things I had never felt in my entire nineteen years of life. Quite naturally, I expected him to move back up and to engulf my cock. After all, there was no place left to go. At least no place I could think of!

That's because my inexperience at sex with another male had left me completely unprepared for the idea that no part of the body is "off limits". No woman I had ever been with had made me feel this way. No woman had ever done the things for me that Mike was doing. But in my wildest imagination I would never had been able to even consider what he did next.

Mike reached under my knees with his hands and suddenly they were being lifted and pressed back so that my body was exposed to another person in a way it hadn't been since I was a baby! My ass was up in the air and completely open to Mike's view. I tensed up as I thought that, given the vulnerability of my position, he might fuck me. I had no idea that he was about to 'fuck' me, but not the way I thought.

Mike dipped his head down and began running his nose up and down my trench, drinking in the scent of my ass. I was suddenly afraid that I might not be entirely 'clean' and would offend him. However, when I heard the satisfied moans that he began emitting as his nose sank deeper and deep into my trench and closer and closer to my hole, I realized that this most intimate place on my body was very pleasing to him. I lay my head back, thinking that, while this was evidently very pleasurable for him, it was having no effect on me other than the slight tickling from his nose brushing against the hairs in my butt-trench. I decided to let him pleasure himself for a while, knowing that there would be more coming for me.

That is why, when it happened, I almost leaped from the bed! My head came up screaming!

"What the fuck did you just do?!" I screamed out as I looked down between my legs to see Mike, his tongue hanging out, licking up and down my fuckin' butt!

He looked up at me grinning.

"Like it?" he asked.

"Fuck! Did you just lick my ass?!" I asked, my brain not yet able to register the concept of that!

"Fuck, yeah! You like it?" he asked again grinning.

"I...I...I don't know." I said tentatively. "Mike...uh...are you sure you want to do that?"

"Fuck yeah, buddy! I love doin' it! Beats eatin' pussy any day! Grab hold o f your legs and then you just lay back and enjoy."

And with this his head dipped down once again and he began to lave his tongue up and down my sweaty crack. I grabbed hold of my legs, holding them back for him and then closed my eyes and concentrated on feeling what he was doing. I have to admit, it was the most fantastic thing I'd ever felt in my life! The raspy feeling of his tongue sliding over the sensitive skin in my trench and then the feeling as his tongue washed over my very sensitive ass pucker was making me moan in delight. But this was nothing compared to what happened next!

I felt his lips locking to my hole and then I felt him gently sucking at it while his tongue pressed against the soft skin. Slowly but surely, Mike's tongue began to actually work it's way up inside my body! I couldn't believe it! My best friend, the man I now knew that I loved, this beautiful, studly male was actually licking out my hole and tasting the inside of me! My mind was on overload! I had no way to grasp completely what was happening. All I could do was what he said to do - lay back and enjoy.

As Mike continued to shove his tongue in and out of my hole, I continued to relax and allow him to have his way with me. Soon it felt like he had his entire tongue up inside me and was rapidly moving his tongue in and out of my hole in 'fucking' motions. I was moaning and groaning up a storm, really loving the very sensual and intimate feelings that were going through me when, suddenly, a thought came into my head. Mike was 'fucking' me! Not with his cock but with his tongue. But it was the same motion and I began to understand how having his cock replace his tongue could well be even more pleasurable. Certainly, my asshole was open in a way it had never been before. Raising my head and once again looking down between my legs, I wondered 'Could it open enough for that?'

As if he were reading my mind, I saw Mike back his face out of my butt a short ways and then stuck his index finger in his mouth, getting it wet with his saliva. I had a feeling I knew where that finger was going - and I was right. He gently began to insert it into my hole. It burned a bit at first, but then my asshole loosened some more and it began to feel really good as Mike started running it in and out of my hole as he continued to use his tongue to lick the lips of my ass. I was loving this action so much and moaning out my approval of what was happening that my mouth kind of ran way past my brain!

"Oh, yeah! Fuck, yeah! Shove it up my ass! Gimme more! I want your cock up my butt!" I moaned.

Suddenly, everything stopped. Mike stopped licking my ass and his finger was left half-way in, half-way out of my hole and he looked up at me, surprise clearly written on his face.

"Are you sure?" Mike asked tentatively.

"Oh, fuck! I don't know! What you're doin' feels so fuckin' good, I want to know if your cock can make it even better!" I moaned.

Mike slowly pulled his finger out of my hole and sat up on his haunches and looked down at me.

"Rick, it can really hurt the first time. I don't want to hurt you. I figured if we did do that, I'd work you up gradually to it." he said quietly.

"Don't you want to fuck me?" I asked, suddenly feeling like I was somehow being rejected.

He must have heard that in my voice because he suddenly was off the bed and coming around, climbing back in beside me to take me in his arms. I let go of my legs and he pulled me close to him.

"Babe, there is nothing more in the world I would rather do than fuck you! I just want to make sure that when we do, it's good for you. I don't want you hurt by it. I love you too much to hurt you." he said, holding my head to his chest as his other arm enfolded me against him.

My mind was reeling. There was a part of me that was dead set against the idea of Mike fucking me. It was the part that was trying, stupidly, to tell me that getting fucked by Mike would make me less of a man. At the same time, there was this other part of me that wanted it so bad! Even though less than a day before, if you had asked me if I wanted to take a cock - especially one the size of Mike's - up my ass I would probably have reacted violently to even the idea of such a thing! Now here I was practically begging Mike to use his huge cock to fuck me in the ass!

"Mike, I don't know what the fuck is going to happen. I might even change my mind if the pain gets too bad but, right now, I want you to fuck me. I want to know what it's like. I want to feel you inside me." I said, my conviction growing with each moment.

"Okay, Rick. But if we're gonna do this, we're gonna do it my way, understand? I'll take you through this with as little pain as possible, buddy, but you've got to do exactly what I tell you. Okay?" he said.

"Fuck, yes! I need you to tell me what to do! You think I know? Fuck! You have to take the lead on this operation, buddy." I grinned.

"Okay, then. I want you to get on your hands and knees on the bed. That will make it easier for you while I work on getting your ass to open up. If you're opened up and relaxed, you won't have any trouble taking me." he said.

While I wanted to believe that, I looked down at his cock as I got to my hands and knees and the size of it definitely made me somewhat skeptical of the idea that I could take that up my ass at all, much less without 'any trouble'. There were two things that kept me going, though. First, I loved what Mike had been doing to my butt! It really felt good! Second, I really trusted Mike. I knew he wouldn't do anything to really hurt me. If there was some pain, so what! I was a Marine! I was trained to take pain and fight through it. I was determined that I was going to get fucked like a man!

I got into position and Mike told me to put my arms down on the bed and rest my head on them. That pushed my ass up even more and spread my butt-cheeks wider. I noticed that Mike went over to a little canvas case that he'd brought with us on leave and pulled out a tube of something. What I didn't know but I would soon find out. He got back up on the bed behind me and started eating my ass once again. I was soon cooing and moaning as he again worked his tongue and then his tongue and index finger back in my hole.

Once he had his index finger moving in and out of me easily again, he pulled it out and raised up, taking his mouth from my trench. I heard him doing something and then I felt this cool gel being rubbed onto and into my butt. This greased up my asshole and made Mike's finger glide in and out easily. I next felt him withdraw his finger, add more gel to my opening and begin to press two of his fingers inside me. At first, there was some pain and my sphincter seemed to clamp shut against it. Mike had some advice for me.

"Just push down with your muscles like you're taking a shit. That will relax the muscle and make this easier." he said, talking calmly and quietly to me.

As he pressed his fingers against my hole again, I did as he suggested and felt both fingers slide slowly and smoothly inside me. There was some discomfort but it wasn't exactly pain. It just felt like I was "full". Mike began moving his fingers around in my butt, not pushing them out and in. His movements helped relax me even more and the feeling of being too "full" left. I began to enjoy the feeling of his fingers up inside me when he suddenly brushed up against something which caused feelings to race through me like I was going to cum any second! I groaned at the sensation.

"Fuck! What the fuck was that!" I asked, looking back over my shoulder at him.

He grinned at me.

"That's your prostate, your 'joy button', buddy! That's what my cock's gonna rub against and make you cum like you've never cum before in your life!" he said.

"Fuck! You almost made me cum then!" I said.

"Well, I kinda did. Look down below your cock on the bed." he grinned.

I raised up slightly so that I could look where he told me. There on the bed, under my cock-head was a huge wet spot! It was my pre-cum flowing from my cock because I could still see a gleaming string of the clear substance flowing from my piss-slit onto the bed.

"Fuck!" I exclaimed.

Usually I didn't leak like that but what Mike was doing to my butt was turning me on all to hell! I lay my head back down on my arms and Mike went back to working on my ass. I felt his fingers working in me and could also feel my muscles starting to relax. Mike began to work his fingers in and out of my butt. Now it was feeling really good! I was grunting and moaning as his fingers more closely simulated fucking me. My mind was very quickly getting used to the idea of his cock inside me and fucking the hell out of me.

Again, Mike's fingers left my butt and more lubrication was applied. I knew what this meant. He was going to try and fit three of his fingers up my hole. I concentrated on relaxing and pushing out with my anal muscles. This time there was no pain, only the feeling of fullness which Mike quickly massaged away with the three fingers he now had buried up my hole. I had no idea how many fingers he was going to work into my ass. I only trusted that he would know how relax I needed to be to take his cock. I didn't trust my memory of what his hardon looked like. In my mind it belonged on a fucking donkey or horse but I knew that this was just my head exaggerating things.

Mike finally worked on my butt until four of his fingers were moving smoothly in and out. I got afraid at one point that he was going to try for all five or maybe even his fist! But that was stupid! Nobody could take a fist up their butt! Could they?

Once Mike had his four fingers sliding in and out of my ass, I was moaning and thrusting back, enjoying the feeling. Mike chuckled low in his throat at my obviously 'sluttish' behavior! You'd think I was one of the cheap whores out in Oolangapo, shaking my 'money-maker'! It was at this point that Mike withdrew his hand and told me to move over to the side of the bed. He then lay down on his back and looked over at me.

"You're as ready as you're gonna be, Rick. Now, I want you to squat over me and sit down on my cock." he said.

This was not what I pictured at all. I figured I'd just lay there and he'd slide his dick up my shit- chute. I looked at him in puzzlement.

"Sit on you?" I asked.

"Yeah. That's the easiest way to do it the first time. That way you have complete control over how much of my cock goes in your butt and how fast. Trust me, for now, it's the best way. Once I'm in you and you're used to it, we'll change positions." he explained.

"Sir, yes, sir!" I said quietly, grinning at him.

"You asshole!" he laughed.

"Yeah, that's about how I feel, right now. One big empty asshole waiting to get filled!" I said, straddling his hips. "Lance Corporal Asshole reporting for duty, SIR!" I all but shouted the last word.

"You keep this up and I'm gonna be laughing so hard I'll loose my hardon!" he said chuckling. "And then you will be fuckin' empty! Here, do something useful! Lube me up!"

Mike handed me the tube. It said "KY" on it.

"What the fuck is this?" I asked.

"Water-based lubricant. Makes things slick and it washes off, not like Vaseline. It's what they use to lube you up for a prostate exam - you know, the old 'bend and spread' test?" Mike informed me.

"Oh, yeah! They don't feel anywhere near as good as you did!" I said.

"They aren't trying to not make it hurt. They don't give a shit." Mike said. "Now spread a lot of that on my cock and on your hole, too."

"Ain't you gonna wear a rubber?" I asked.

"Why? You got clap? Or are you gonna get pregnant?" he grinned.

"Oh...I never thought of that!" I said.

"Another reason why fuckin' each other is gonna be a LOT more fun!" he grinned at me.

I slicked up his cock good with the gel and added more to my hole. I got up in a squat, my hands resting on Mike's muscular shoulders for balance while he held his thick, hard cock upright. I lowered my butt until the head of his cock was just kissing the opening to my body. His cock looked enormous between my legs! I concentrated on relaxing my hole and looked into his eyes.

" goes!" I said, with a lot of bravado in my voice covering my nervousness.

I kept telling myself that I had asked for this, that I really wanted this and that Mike's fingers in my hole had felt really good. I then began pressing down on the head of his cock and...absolutely nothing happened! His cock pressed against my hole but it didn't go in. I couldn't understand what happened!

"Push out with your ass muscles." Mike moaned.

Oh, yeah! I'd forgotten that. I pushed out hard with my ass muscles and pushed down again. This time his cock slid right through my sphincter and popped inside my ass. My ass muscles immediately forgot to relax and locked down around Mike's cock making us both moan - him because of the tightness in my ass and me because of the rush of pain that went though me! Fuck! Nothing had ever hurt that bad! I had some real second thoughts about doing this but I was damned if I'd admit that I couldn't take it so I stayed put and slowly my ass started to relax again and the pain lessened dramatically. When it stopped, I pushed down again and took another maybe two inches of Mike's fuckin' telephone pole of a cock. My ass started to lock down but this time I consciously willed it to relax and it did. I took a few deep breaths and my hole relaxed even more. So breathing deeply, I began to slide down the rest of his length. I didn't stop until I could feel my butt squash against his pubic hairs and I knew that his whole cock was buried in my hole.

"Now just rest there. Let you ass get used to it. I know it's big. I can't help that." Mike smiled at me.

"Big? Man you ought to maybe be in a barn somewhere with this thing!" I grinned.

I was so proud of myself for taking it all. That thought just about blew my mind! Imagine, being proud because I had some dude's huge cock all the way up my butt! But I was! More importantly, I was feeling so connected to Mike at this moment, like we were someone bonded even closer. I looked down into his eyes. I expected to see real lust, what with feeling his cock up my chute. But instead there was something soft and caring in them. He really loved me and this closeness we were experiencing were making this come out in him.

My ass had relaxed completely and I started to raise myself up but Mike's hands went to my thighs and pressed down, stopping me.

"Don't raise up yet. Move your hips around so that my cock kind of stirs around inside you. That will help you really loosen up and relax." he said.

I did as he suggested and felt his cock begin to reach places inside me that it hadn't touched before. He was right. My ass really loosened up quickly and Mike could feel it because he let go of me thighs. When he did, I began to raise up. I lifted off maybe three or four inches of his cock and then slid back down. I moaned in ecstasy! It felt so fuckin' good! I couldn't believe how incredible it felt! I didn't realize it then, but it was the thickness of Mike's cock sliding against my prostate, but I felt like I could cum at any moment.

I raised back up, further this time and dropped harder. This time I all but screamed out in ecstacy! I loved this! I needed more! Mike must have realized what I was feeling because he held my thighs again, stopping me from moving further.

"Get up off me. You seem to be used to it now, let's change positions and I'll show you what it's really all about!" Mike said, grinning a horny grin at me.

I grinned back and stood up slowly, allowing his cock to slip from my ass and sat down on the bed. My butt was feeling empty. I wanted his cock back inside me.

"Lay down on your back. I want to watch your face while I take you to heaven, buddy." Mike said.

I lay down and pulled my legs back as I had done when he was licking my butt.

"No need for that." Mike smiled and moved between my legs.

He took my legs and put them over his muscular shoulders. He then re-lubed me and his cock before putting it at the opening to my body. He pushed forward and I pushed down with my muscles and his cock slid all the way inside my body again. I groaned at the feeling! I loved being filled with him again. He smiled down at me and then leaned forward so that his mouth could press against mine. His tongue entered my mouth and I sucked on it. As I did, Mike began to slowly fuck his cock in and out of my hole. I moaned into his mouth as the feelings of his cock moving inside me hit. He was right. I was on my way to heaven!

He moved back up, planting his hands on either side of my shoulders while his hips began to move faster and harder. I could hear his hips slapping against my ass each time he shoved his cock inside me. The harder and faster he did so, the better I liked it. Soon I was moaning out loud.

"Fuck me! Fuck me hard! Come on, Mike! Slam my ass!" I begged.

And he did. He started to power fuck my ass and I suddenly realized that my cock was totally hard and the tingle in my balls told me that I was gonna cum - and cum soon! But neither me or Mike had touched my cock! I couldn't believe it! I just didn't think it was possible to cum without touching your cock or having something or somebody touching your cock. But all the feelings were telling me different. I was gonna cum and there was nothing touching my cock!

"Mike, I'm gonna cum! I'm gonna shoot!" I moaned.

He grinned down at me.

"Yeah, Rick! Come on! Cum for me, babe! Shoot that load for me!" he panted out as he continued to turn up the heat - fucking me harder and faster!

"Oh! Fuck! Here it comes! I'm gonna shoot!" I screamed. "FUCK!!!"

And with that I did. My cum shot from my cock and painted my face, my neck, my chest and my stomach with the biggest load I'd ever shot in my entire life! I must have pumped at least ten shots of spoonge out of my cock, making me a complete mess!

At the same time that I was cumming, I could feel Mike slam into my ass and tremors shoot through his cock as he dumped his cum load deep inside my butt.

"FUCK! I'M CUMMING!!!" Mike yelled as he pumped his spoonge up my shit-chute.

I don't know how many times Mike shot his cum up my ass, but by the time he was done, I could feel it squishing out of my hole around his cock and running down onto the bed, there was so much of it.

Mike, in the mean time, collapsed on top of me, his cock still hard and still buried in my butt. My legs slipped down around his hips and he was glued to me by my cum between our bodies as he licked my cum from my face.

"Yep!" he said, smiling down at me as he tasted my cum. "As sweet as I thought it would be."

He leaned down and kissed me deeply while I tasted my own cum in his mouth. He was right. It was sweet and a little salty. But I was lost in my own feelings. My feelings about Mike were so intense at that moment that I was almost overwhelmed by them. With his cock and his load inside me, I felt so totally connected to him - like we were one person! My emotions were all out of control. I alternately wanted to laugh and cry with joy over what I was feeling.

Mike's cock slowly deflated and finally slipped from my ass. I immediately felt empty and wanted him back inside me. Mike moved off my body and lay down beside me, pulling me into his arms bringing us close together once more. He kissed me gently.

"How are you, babe?" he said softly.

"I don't know. I want to laugh and cry at the same time! Oh, God! Mike! I love you!" I said, pressing my mouth against his again.

"I take it you liked it?" he grinned, pulling back from my mouth.

I grinned sheepishly.

"It was more than I could ever have believed!" I assured him. "I had no idea I could ever feel that way. I had no idea you could make me feel that way!"

"I'm just so glad you got off on it." Mike said softly. "I wanted to get you off."

"Mike, I really do love you. I felt so much a part of you when you were inside me. Like we were one person." I said quietly.

"That's what love's supposed to feel like." Mike smiled.

"Can we do it again?" I asked quietly.

"Yeah. But this time, I want you to fuck me." Mike murmured.

"Oh, no problem! I want to. I want you to feel what I felt." I assured him.

"I will, babe! I know I will!" Mike said and then kissed me again.


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Next: Chapter 3

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