Subic Surrender

By RimPig (RimPigFL, Bobby Michaels) (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on Jun 10, 2003


DISCLAIMER: I don't fucking care how old you are. If you like the idea of two hunky young Marine's getting it on with each other then read on!

By the way, no Marine's were injured or killed in the writing of this story but that's not true of what's going on in the Middle East or other foreign places. I would ask your prayers, good thoughts or whatever for all the Marines serving our country (that's us guys!) around the world.

This is dedicated to every one who has ever served in the USMC - Semper Fi!

SUBIC SURRENDER - Part 19 MICHAEL'S STORY - Part 4 by RimPig (c) 2003

"How's dinner coming?" I asked, bouncing into the house.

"Can't you smell it?" Grandma asked me.

"Yeah! It smells really good! It smells like prime ribs." I said, grinning.

"Of course it does. That's your favorite, isn't it? Nothing but the best for the 'Birthday Boy'!" Grandma said.

I looked over and saw Molly putting the last of the pale blue icing on a huge cake. I knew it was chocolate cake which Mike and I would mostly devour, both of us having the same 'addiction' to chocolate. Especially to Molly's chocolate cakes!

"God! That looks so beautiful, Molly!" I said.

"Yes, just keep your hands off of it until after dinner. And you tell Mike to leave it alone, too, or I'll brain the both of you!" Molly laughed.

"Okay. I'll be good. I can't vouch for Mike, however!" I laughed.

At that point, Grandpa came in the front door and walked on back to the kitchen.

"Hi, Grandpa!" I said.

"Well! Just who I was looking for!" he said, walking over and kissing Grandma and then giving a buss on the cheek to Molly who giggled like she usually did when Grandpa did this.

"What's up?" I asked.

"I have something I want to show you." Grandpa said.

"Hank, I thought you were going to wait until later?" Grandma said.

"I don't want to wait, and the boy shouldn't have to either!" Grandpa said.

"And which 'boy' are you talking about? As far as I can see there are two 'boys' in this kitchen!" Grandma said, giving him the 'evil eye'.

Luckily, the 'evil eye' didn't work on Grandpa. I don't know how he became immune, but I'd never seen it work on him. Maybe because he knew that Grandma was mostly 'all bark and no bite'.

"Come on, Michael." Grandpa said and I followed him outside and stopped dead in my tracks when I got outside the front door.

There, sitting in the driveway, was a brand new truck. A beautiful deep blue with an extend-cab. I looked down and saw a custom license plate on the front bumper. (In Florida, we only have license plates on the rear of the car) The license plate said: "Copeland and Grandson" on it.

I looked at Grandpa who was grinning from ear to ear.

"Well, do you like it?" he asked.

"Oh, Grandpa! I don't know what to say! It's beautiful! And I love the license plate!" I said, throwing my arms around him and hugging him.

I noticed when I did how much taller than Grandpa I was now. I had grown to 6' 2" and was weighing in at around 200 lbs. All muscle from football and wrestling and still another year to go in school. I had been working with the construction company since I was 14 and I fully intended to make it my life's work. Matt, too, was now working with his Dads and I fully intended that one day we would run Copeland and Son together. I think Grandpa realized my dream which is why the custom license plate.

Grandpa handed me a set of key and I went and looked at the truck. Every 'toy' possible had been put on it - even a GPS locator system! The seats were leather and so comfortable! I looked down at my feet and there was a custom floor mat - dark blue with the name 'Michael' in white letters on it. I looked on the passenger side and the mat said 'Matt'. I was so touched! Of course by this time, everyone - Grandpa and Grandma included - knew that Matt and I were lovers. Grandpa got in on the passenger side.

"Let's take her for a spin!" Grandpa said.

"Alright!" I all but yelled.

I started the engine and heard the roar of it. I looked over at Grandpa.

"V-8! I wanted you to have enough power to get onto I-95 with!" Grandpa laughed.

I pulled out of the driveway and headed down the street.

"God! Grandpa, it drives like a dream!" I said.

"How about tomorrow, we go down and trade that 'Learner's Permit' you've got for a full license?" Grandpa asked.

"Oh, that would be great!" I said.

I went a few blocks and then turned back. I loved the truck, but right now, I was starving and dinner was almost ready. When we got back, I noticed that Matt's Dad's truck was in the driveway. Grandma was waiting for us when we walked in the door.

"Well, how did you like it?" she asked.

I hugged her and kissed her on the cheek.

"I love it Grandma!" I said.

"I suppose you saw Matt and Brian's truck outside. They're all outside around the pool." she said and I headed out there.

When I got outside, I saw Matt's Dad and Brian but I didn't see Matt.

"Hi!" I said.

Matt's Dad came over and hugged me.

"Happy Birthday, Michael!" he said.


Then Brian hugged me as well.

"Yeah, guy! Happy Birthday!" Brian said.

"Thanks, but where's Matt?" I asked.

"He's in the cottage. Probably in your room, unless I miss my guess." Matt's Dad grinned at me.

"Okay, well...then...if you'll excuse me..." I said.

"Go on." Matt's Dad laughed.

I ran into the cottage and into my room. There was Matt, sitting on the bed waiting for me. As I walked into the room, he rose and moved quickly into my arms. We kissed deeply.

"Happy Birthday, lover." he said gently.

"Mmm. My favorite birthday present." I murmured as I licked and sucked at his neck.

"Mmm. Don't start that." he moaned. "We don't have time for me to give you your present now!"

"Your right," I said, pulling my face back. "Besides, I'm too hungry! I need nourishment or I'm not going to be able to take advantage of my birthday present."

"Michael...can we talk a minute." he asked.

"Sure, babe. What's wrong?" I asked.

"Can I admit that I'm a little scared? I know it's what I want to do and all, but, I don't know, there's just something about it that's bothering me." he said.

"What is it, babe. You can tell me. You know that." I said.

I was really worried now. I couldn't imagine what the problem he was having with this was? After all, it was his idea to begin with.

"It's just that...well...after it's're're not going to see me as a 'girl' or something, are you?" Matt asked, his face looking down so that he couldn't meet my eyes.

I took my fingers and lifted his chin. I then gently kissed him on the lips.

"Matt, you are my mate. You are the 'man' that I love. I could never see you that way. Besides, you know I don't like girls." I grinned.

"You know what I mean." he said.

"Yes, I do know what you mean. You mean will I respect you as a man after I've fucked you. I don't know. Will you respect me as a man after you fuck me?" I asked.

His eyes went wide.

"Me fuck you?! What are you talking about?" he asked in amazement.

"I was saving it as a surprise, but...well...I want you to fuck me tonight. I want us both to lose our virginity together. I don't want to be a 'Top' and you a 'bottom'. I want us to be equal partners. I want my ass to belong to you and your ass belong to me." I said.

"But all those things that Mike told you to do to me to help me get ready, we haven't done any of them for you!" he said. "You'll get hurt and I don't want that!"

"I'm not going to get hurt. Mike gave me a whole set of things to do when you weren't around to get ready. He knew I wasn't going to tell you until after you fucked me." I said.

He looked at me with amazement written all over his face.

"You're serious, aren't you!" he said.

"Yes. Serious as a heart attack. Did you really think that I was going to let you be the only one who gets to find out what it's like to get fucked?" I grinned.

"God! I love you!" Matt said and kissed me deeply.

I wrapped my arms tighter around his beautiful body. Matt had grown as well. He was now six feet tall. He still had the beautiful long blond hair and his body was very well developed but more a 'swimmer's build' because that's what he was. He was involved with swimming and diving which was great because it allowed him to come to all my football games and wrestling meets and I could go to his swimming and diving competitions. His body was still practically hairless and the skin still smooth as silk. And his eyes were still the most amazing blue and still the most beautiful eye's I'd ever seen.

"Hey! You haven't seen the truck yet!" I said, pulling my mouth back from his!

"What truck?" he asked.

"The brand new one that Grandpa bought me for my birthday!" I beamed.

"Fuck!" was all Matt had to say.

We went outside and Matt's Dad asked me where we were going. I told him that we were going out to look at my new truck and we'd be right back. We went through the gate and around to the front. Matt saw it sitting in the driveway and let out a gasp!

"Fuck! It's beautiful!" Matt said.

"Wait until you see inside it! There's a little surprise there." I said.

"What?" Matt asked.

"You'll see!" I said.

We got into the truck, me on the driver's side, Matt on the passenger side. He looked around at all the gadgets and the comfort of the cab.

"God, this is beautiful! But what's the surprise?" Matt asked.

"Look down at the floor mats." I said gently.

He looked down and saw the one with my name on it. Then he looked down below his feet and saw the one with his name on it. He just sat there staring and then I saw his chin quivering and tears start to fall from his eyes. I reached across the console and grabbed him in my arms. I held his head to my chest as he held on to me tightly - like he was afraid to let go.

"Babe, what the fuck's wrong?" I asked softly.

"I...I...just get so scared sometimes. Like I'm gonna wake up and this is all a dream." Matt said.

"It is a dream, babe! It's my every dream come true!" I said.

"Michael, I'm so afraid sometimes of losing you. I'm afraid you're going to find another guy and leave me and I know I'll never find someone like you again." Matt said.

"Never happen, babe! Never! Have you wanted to have sex with anyone else since that first night with me?" I asked.

"Not really. Okay, I've looked at guys. I can see that their hunks and all that. But they're not you! They're not the guy that I love." Matt said.

"I feel exactly the same way!" I said.

"But can we go on feeling that way?" Matt asked.

"Why don't you ask Rick?" I told him.

"Why Rick?" he asked.

"Because Mike is the only guy that Rick has ever been to bed with in his whole life." I said.

"You're kidding! You never told me that!" Matt said.

"Well, it is kind of Rick and Mike's business. It came out in one of our 'talks'. I knew that Mike had guys before because my real Dad was one of his lovers but Rick had only been with women. Since he met Mike and since they made love to each other the first time, he's never been with anyone else. And has never wanted to be." I added.

Matt smiled up at me.

"I knew that's what I wanted. To never be with anybody but you. I just started to look around at how everyone else is screwing around with everybody else and thought that there was something wrong with me or, worse, that it would come out later." he said.

"Listen, I don't know how this happened. I know it's not supposed to work this way. You aren't supposed to find the love of your life at twelve but, when I saw you the first time, I just knew! It was like a bolt of lightning hit me and I knew that you were it for me." I said.

"And it was like that for me! There was something about your eyes that told me that you were the one person I could love and trust for the rest of my life. Oh, fuck, I love you!" Matt said, reaching up and pulling my head down to kiss him.

"You okay now?" I asked gently as our lips parted.

"Yeah." he smiled sheepishly at me.

"What brought that on, anyway?" I asked.

"It was the floor-mats. That you'd do that." he said softly.

"Uh-oh..." I said.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"Uhh...I didn't do it." I said. "Grandpa did."

"You're kidding! You're Grandpa did that for us?!" he asked, astonishment showing in his voice and eyes.

"Yep! He loves you just like another grandson, didn't you know that?" I asked.

"No. I figured he liked me but..." Matt started.

"Matt, he loves you. My whole family does. And not just because I love you. That doesn't hurt, of course!" I laughed. "But they really do. They're happy that we're together and they're happy that we're so much in love."

"Really?" he asked.

"Almost as happy as I am." I said softy.

He smiled.

"Listen, I was going to wait until later to do this, but I think it's better now."

I reached into my pocket and pulled out a small black velvet box.

"Rick and Mike took me to get these yesterday. I know it's my birthday but it's a present for both of us." I said.

I opened the box and there lay two rings, 14k gold Claddagh rings.

"Michael, they're beautiful! What are they?" he asked.

"Claddagh rings. They're Celtic. They're worn by friends, lovers or by married couples. I know we can't get married - even by Father Gray! He told me he won't perform a wedding for us until we're at least 18, but these rings work for either. If you look at the symbol of the two hands holding the heart and the crown above it means "may love and friendship reign forever". You wear it on your right hand with the symbol pointing toward your wrist which says you're spoken for. The other way would mean you're not attached to anyone." I told him.

"What about on the left hand?" he asked.

"Left hand, symbol towards the wrist means that you're married." I said.

"Put it on me. Please?" Matt said.

I took his right hand and slid the ring on his finger, the symbol facing towards his wrist.

"This ring is my vow to love you forever and my promise to marry you as soon as we're able." I said softly and then I kissed the ring on his hand.

I looked up and his eyes were shining with tears. He took the other ring and my right hand. He slipped the ring on my finger and said,

"I love you now and I love you forever. Whenever we can, I only want to marry you."

And then we kissed deeply.

It started getting hot in the truck and all of a sudden, my stomach growled. Matt started laughing which broke the kiss.

"I think we need to get you something to eat, babe!" Matt said.

I grinned sheepishly.

"Yeah. I think we'd better." I said.

We went inside and everything was about ready for dinner. The only problem is that Mike and Rick weren't home yet. I wondered where they were. It wasn't like them to be late for things. Well...Mike sometimes because of emergencies at the hospital but he always called or had the unit secretary call. I asked Grandma if they had called.

"No. And it's not like them. I'm starting to worry." she said.

It was just about that time that we heard a car pull into the driveway. I looked out and it was Rick and Mike's Jaguar. They came in with Mike carrying a huge box all covered with brown paper.

"We're sorry that we're late but we had several errands and they took forever!" Rick said, kissing me.

"We were starting to get worried, boys." Grandma said.

No matter how old Rick and Mike got, they were always 'boys' to Grandma. I asked Rick about it one time, whether it bothered him and Mike. He said it did at first, but then they realized that it was kind of nice, at their age, to still be called boys. They also knew there was no way to break Grandma of the habit.

"Sorry, Mom. We just got hung up in traffic and what with Christmas shopping, the store was very crowded." Mike said.

We all sat down and had a wonderful dinner. I really ate because I knew that, not only was I starved but that I was going to need the 'fuel' for later. Matt and I were sitting together but Matt's Dad was to the right of me. He was the first one to notice the new piece of jewelry on my hand.

"That's a really beautiful ring, Michael." he said. "Can I see it?"

I showed him the ring and explained it's meaning. He glanced over and saw the mate to it on his son's hand. He nodded to Brian to look at the rings.

"Hey! Those are really nice." Brian said.

"I figured you say that." Matt's Dad laughed.

Matt asked his Dad what was up.

"Well Brian and I have been talking about getting rings. I wasn't for it at first. I've got too many bad memories of marriages." he laughed. "Where'd you get them, anyway?"

"I guess you can find them all over, but Mike and Rick took me to the same jewelry store where they bought their rings." I said.

"Yeah, Matt. They do good work and their prices are fair. Plus, they're 'family', if you get my drift." Mike said.

Matt's Dad looked over at Brian.

"Okay, you want to go take a look there tomorrow?" he asked.

Brian grinned a huge smile.

"Sure. We can do that." he said.

When dinner was done, there were my presents. Of course, Grandpa had already given me the truck. Matt's Dad and Brian gave me a stack of CD's I'd been wanting and then Mike brought in the huge box. I tore off the paper and there was a brand new, stereo system for my room! Molly gave me a beautiful blue, crew-neck sweater than she had knit. I didn't expect a gift from Matt, considering the 'gift' he would give me later, but he surprised me with a small velvet box. I opened it and inside was a gold charm on a gold neck chain. The charm had the symbol for Sagittarius on the front and on the back was engraved with 'Michael & Matt Forever'. I leaned over and kissed him gently and then he put it around my neck.

"You didn't have to get me anything." I said softly.

"I know. But I wanted to." he smiled.

Mike looked over at me and nodded towards the kitchen. I didn't know why, but he wanted to talk to me alone. I got up and we went into the kitchen.

"There's another birthday present that Rick and I have for you. We're leaving shortly. We're spending a few of days at a gay guest house down by the beach. We're leaving the cottage for you and Matt to be alone. Matt's Dad and Brian know as well so don't worry about anything. We've already arranged for you both to be off from school for the next two days so you've basically have a four day weekend. Grandpa has volunteered to take you to get your driver's license tomorrow so you and Matt will be able to get around on your own. We've left some cash for you to go out to dinner, see a couple of movies, whatever you two want to do." Mike said.

I hugged him tightly and kissed his cheek.

"Thank you! It's almost like you guys are giving us a honeymoon!" I said.

"Well, I guess in some ways it is. I'll be honest, at first, Rick and I didn't believe this thing between you and Matt would last. We figured you'd burn out this crush eventually. But the longer it's gone on, the more in love you two seem to be. Rick and I really hope that this lasts for you guys. Matt's Dad and Brian do, too. We're all happy that you two have found each other." Mike said.

"I think it will, Mike. I know I love him more and more each day. It's been four years and I've never stopped wanting him." I said.

"Well, for the next four days, you've got each other all to yourselves." Mike smiled and hugged me.

Mike and I went back to the dining room and Mike announced that he and Rick needed to go pack for their weekend. We sat around talking for a little while when Rick and Mike came back, carrying duffle bags. They said good-bye to everyone and I walked them to the door.

"Take Matt and go to the cottage now. We've left a little surprise for you." Mike said.

"You shouldn't have. You two have done enough already." I said.

"Hey! We're your parents, we get to spoil you every so often!" Rick grinned.

I went inside and Matt's Dad and Brian were saying good-bye to everyone as well. They hugged Matt and kissed him and then they both hugged me and kissed me as well.

"Have fun and be gentle with each other." Matt's Dad said to me.

"Always." I said, smiling.

I then said good-night to Molly and my grandparents and, taking Matt by the hand, went to the cottage. When we walked in, the cottage was lit by candles all over the place. Incense was burning and there was soft jazz on the stereo. There were candles lit all over my room and even in the bathroom. Matt kept 'ooh-ing' and 'aww-ing' over it, it was so romantic.

"They did all of this for us?" Matt said, his eyes shining in the candlelight that was lighting my room.

"Yeah, babe. All for us. They know how much we love each other. This place is ours until Sunday night. You Dads and mine have already arranged for us to be off from school and once Grandpa and I go to the Driver's License place tomorrow and get my full driver's license, we'll be able to go anywhere we want in my new truck. Mike and Rick told me they also left money for us to eat out on and catch movies if we want." I told him.

"God! It's like a honeymoon!" he smiled.

"Yeah. That's what I said." I grinned.

"Oh, Michael, this is so wonderful." he smiled.

"Come here." I said, my voice low.

He walked into my arms and I kissed him deeply and passionately.

"I want my birthday present." I said, my voice husky with the desire I felt for him.

"You've got too many clothes on." he said, smiling at me.

"Well, what are you going to do about that?" I asked, grinning.

Without saying a word, he took hold of my t-shirt and began to pull it from my jeans. I lifted my arms as he pulled it over my head but, as the t-shirt covered my face with my arms in the air, I felt his face buried in one of my pits and could hear him taking deep breaths of my sweaty scent. I tossed the t-shirt onto the floor and, taking my other hand began to gently press his face into my pit. Hearing him moan got my cock, already hard, dripping with pre-cum. I gently combed my fingers through his long, blond hair and slid my hand down his back until it was resting on his round, bubble butt. I squeezed gently and he moaned again.

I could feel his hand reach out and unbutton the top button of my jeans. I wasn't wearing a belt so he just pulled on both ends of the opening and the other buttons opened. Then he pushed them down to my thighs. Knowing that they were going to need removing, he pulled his face out of my pit and slid to his knees below me. I was only wearing flip-flops so I easily kicked them off my feet as he knelt there and slid my jeans all the way down and off of me. Still kneeling, he took off his t-shirt and tossed it on the floor and then leaned forward and pushed his face into my groin. I could hear him breathing deeply of my scent there while he worked his jeans open and down around his butt. He stood up and stepped out of them so that we were both naked.

I then had a little surprise for him. I reached under his knees with one arm while circling his shoulder with my other arm and lifted him up into my arms. His arms went around my neck in fear at first. He looked at me in amazement.

"Fuck! I had no idea you could do that!" he murmured, his mouth next to my ear.

I gently laid him on the bed and then joined him. I took him in my arms and kissed him gently on the lips and then began gently licking out his ear.

"Oh, God! Michael!" he moaned.

I chuckled deep in my throat. I knew his ears were about the most sensitive place on his body.

"I want to take this very slow." I murmured to him. "Above all, I don't want to hurt you."

He smiled at this and looked down at my erection. I was never small, even when we started having sex but over the last four years, I'd grown a lot - in every way. I now sported a little over nine very thick inches and there was a strong probability, Mike said, that I would grow more before I was fully grown. Matt was not as big as I was, just slightly over eight inches but his was every bit as thick as mine. I knew that later, when he fucked me, I would have to really relax to take all of him.

But that's what the 'exercises' had been about. I had been working Matt up to taking me, working on his butt-hole. Using my tongue and my fingers to gradually stretch him open so that he should be able to take me. I could already work three of my fingers deep into his hole on a regular basis. At first, I had done it while sucking his cock. Now, I could penetrate him with just my fingers and he would lay there moaning while his ass and hips worked on getting more and more of my fingers in his butt. There were several times over the last week that I wanted to fuck him so bad and I knew he could take it, but Matt wanted to wait until now - until my actual birthday - to give his body to me. I had patiently waited.

What Matt didn't know was that I had been working on myself. Mike had gone further with me, knowing that it would be difficult to really finger-fuck myself as deep as was needed. Instead, he had bought me three dildos of graduated size, the largest being about the size of Matt. I had learned to jack-off while fucking myself with them until I could easily take the largest one of them.

I looked over on my bedside table where I knew the lube was. That's when I saw the other 'present' from my Dad's. Not one but two large bottles of ASTROGLIDE. I guess they figured that once Matt and I discovered the joys of fucking each other, we wouldn't want to stop!

I rolled over on top of Matt until I was resting on him and looking into his face. His long blond hair was spread across the pillow, his eyes were shining and I could see on his face how completely lost in desire he was. I began planting quick, light kisses all over his face, even on his nose, chin and eyebrows. He giggled at this.

"I love you. You know that, don't you?" I said.

"Yes. That is the one thing in my life that I do know." he said. "And I love you. More than I ever thought it was possible to love anybody."

"I want you so bad! I'm going to fuck you and get you off. I'm going to finally make you completely mine." I said.

"Yes! That's what I want! I want you to make me yours. I want to be one with you." Matt said.

I didn't say anymore. Instead I started moving down his body, kissing and licking until he was a quivering mass beneath me. The scent of his body was driving me crazy! The sweat, the musk! It was strong. He knew what I loved and he was giving me my present wrapped in a body scent I couldn't resist!

I moved down to his balls, shoving my nose close to them and inhaling deeply. I moaned uncontrollably at the heavy scent. I reached out my tongue and began to lick them. Now Matt was moaning as I tasted the salty, tangy flavor of his nuts. I covered his nuts with my tongue even dipping into the creases between his balls and his thighs. Once all the flavors were gone, I began lifting his thighs.

Matt knew exactly what was coming and was eager for it. He grabbed his legs under his knees and pulled them back as far as he could while he spread his legs to their limit. The beautiful trench of his ass opened to my senses. The scent was heady and was like an aphrodisiac to me. I ran my nose up and down his trench while he moaned. I hadn't even touched him yet and he was already reacting. This boy was eager!

My tongue came out and I began licking him. The taste was tangy and musky. I quickly focused on his trembling hole. His rosebud was pulsing in and out as my tongue began to lick his wrinkled opening. I pushed against it with my tongue and it gave easily. His hole blossomed open and my tongue slid into his ass, working it way as far up his hole as I could reach. His moans were loud and for a second, I was worried that someone would hear him, then I remembered that Mike and Rick were gone. No one would hear, no matter how much noise we made. I began fucking him with my tongue, running it in and out of his butt in rapid strokes. His moaning increased and I knew he was ready for the next step.

I pulled out of his butt and grabbed the lube from the night table and began to lube up his hole. I pushed one finger slowly in and began to work it around inside. His hole loosened up and I soon added a second finger. Now I began to curl my fingers and stroking the hard, walnut sized lump which Mike had taught me was the prostate. I already knew the reaction that Matt had when I stroked it. He moaned louder and pre-cum belched out of his cock and onto his abs.

I soon had three of my fingers working in and out of his ass as he moaned out to me.

"Michael! Please! Fuck me! Please! Take me now!" he begged.

Yes! I was ready. I added more lube to his hole and coated my cock well. I rose up over him, put his legs over my shoulders and placed my cock at his hole. Mike and I had discussed different positions and I just didn't want to be laying on my back this first time. I knew I had to go slowly and gently. But I wanted him under me, looking up at me when I finally made him mine.

"Push out, babe. Push out with your ass so it opens up." I told him.

I could feel the lips of his ass, kissing my cock and opening. I gently but firmly pushed forward and felt his ass-lips giving way. I pressed a bit harder and suddenly my cockhead popped inside his hole. I stopped immediately and he grunted.

"Okay?" I asked.

"Yeah." he said.

I felt his ass sheath loosened and pressed gently to slide further inside of him. It took every bit of will-power I had not to shove all the way inside of him. I had never felt anything so hot, tight and wet as the inside of his body! I thought to myself, 'So this is why everybody loves this!'. It took a few minutes but I was about halfway into his ass. I guess he decided that he couldn't wait for the next thing I felt was his hands grabbing my hips and pulling hard, pulling me completely into his ass!

We both moaned loudly at the feelings we were experiencing. I knew I was all the way inside because I could feel his hole pressing against my pubic hair. I looked down and on his face was the most intensely satisfied grin I'd ever seen. I could feel his chute trembling up and down the length of my cock and I almost came just from the feeling. I was able to hold on though by not moving at all.

"Are you okay?" I asked, my voice husky with lust.

"God! Yes! Oh, God! You feel do good inside me! I feel like I'm filled with you! I'm part of you. I can't even feel where you end and I start!" he said, looking up at me, his eyes shining in the candlelight.

I remained in place until I felt his tunnel loosen and then I slowly backed my cock out a few inches. Matt moaned at the withdrawal. I slowly slid back in to the hilt and he moaned again. But I could tell, these were not moans of pain. He was loving this! I pulled back again, pulling half my cock out before sending it back up his chute. I looked down and his cock was throbbing, pre-cum flowing from it like a faucet. I knew that this was not going to be a long fuck for either one of us. I was determined to do only one thing - to get him off without either one of us touching his cock, just by fucking him and to do it before I came.

I pulled back all the way and this time shoved forward with more force and speed. His moans increased. I began fucking him. Faster and faster, harder and harder. But no matter how fast or hard I went, it didn't seem to be enough for him.

"Yeah! Fuck, yeah! Fuck me! Fuck my ass! Fuck me hard! HARDER!" he screamed out and I tried to do what he asked.

I was getting so close. I didn't want to cum before he did! I could feel the hard nut of his prostate stroking against the bottom of my cock as I rammed his butt. I shifted so the that angle of my penetration changed and I was now hitting his prostate on each thrust. That's all it took!

"FUCK! I'M CUMMING! OH! FUCK!" Matt screamed as his cock began shooting his load.

I saw the first shot go past his head but that's all I really saw because as he shot, his tunnel locked down around my cock and threw me over the precipice. I began unloading my nut into his ass, pumping short and hard, trying to plant my seed as deep inside him I could get. I don't know how many times I shot. I just know that it was the longest orgasm I'd ever felt! When it finally stopped, I collapsed on top of him. I could feel his cum all down his body as it glued us together. It was even all over his face. I began to lick it off. Then I found his mouth and kissed him deeply, sharing his load with him.

I buried my face in the pillow next to his and tried to gather my breath.

"Oh, Michael! Oh, my God! That was the most incredible thing I've ever felt! God! I love your cock inside me!" he moaned.

His chute continued to twitch around my cock as he experienced after-quakes and each time, it caused me to belch out just a little more cum. It took a while, but I finally went mostly soft and his ass pushed my cock out. I rolled off him and onto my back. He rolled over and lay beside me with his head on my chest. I could smell his scent and the strong scent of his cum. My arm came around him and held him to me. He was mine now. I was his mate. I had planted my seed inside him. I had bred him well and had gotten him off.

"I love you." was all I could say.

Exhausted, we both slipped into sleep.


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Next: Chapter 20

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