Subic Surrender

By RimPig (RimPigFL, Bobby Michaels) (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on Jun 10, 2003


DISCLAIMER: I don't fucking care how old you are. If you like the idea of two hunky young Marine's getting it on with each other then read on!

By the way, no Marine's were injured or killed in the writing of this story but that's not true of what's going on in the Middle East or other foreign places. I would ask your prayers, good thoughts or whatever for all the Marines serving our country (that's us guys!) around the world.

This is dedicated to every one who has ever served in the USMC - Semper Fi!

SUBIC SURRENDER - Part 17 MICHAEL'S STORY - Part 2 by RimPig (c) 2003

When I awoke, it was still very early. The sun was barely up. I awoke to the strong scent of Matt. I could smell our cum, now dried and sticking us together, I could smell his sweat and the slight scent of chlorine from when we went swimming, but most of all, I could smell the scent that was Matt's alone. It got into my nose and into my memory. I knew I would remember that scent for the rest of my life. I loved it! And it suddenly struck me that I loved him. Somewhere in the night, all of my doubts had disappeared. I was completely in love with him. I had not thought about what the really meant or where all this would lead. I just lay there holding him, surrounded by our combined scent.

I looked down at him, sleeping in my arms, his head gently cradled in my shoulder, so vulnerable and so trusting, and for the first time in my life, I knew what it meant to feel like a man - not just a kid anymore. Oh, I knew I wasn't a man yet, but I knew now what it was going to feel like. But looking down at him asleep, I could see what he must have looked like as a little kid. He was beautiful and I was so grateful that he was here with me. I only worried that he would have second thoughts about all of this when he woke up. I remembered the talk I had with Mike and Rick when Rick had warned me that sometimes going to bed with a friend wasn't such a good idea - that it could end the friendship. I started to get scared that this would happen. I didn't know what I would do if it did!

Gradually, Matt started to stir. He slowly opened his eyes and looked into mine. Then he gently smiled.

"Good morning." he said.

"Are you okay?" I blurted out.

"Sure? Why wouldn't I be?" he asked, confused by my question.

"You're not freaked about last night, are you?" I asked.

"No! Are you?" he asked.

I breathed a sigh of relief.

"No. I was just afraid that you'd be. Rick warned me that sometimes, having sex with a friend can destroy the friendship." I said.

Matt smiled and his hand came up and gently stroked my face.

"Nope. I still like you." he grinned. "More than before. Maybe more than just like."

"Oh, fuck!" I moaned.

"What's the matter?" Matt asked, concern in his voice.

"Please don't say that unless you mean it." I said.

"But I do mean it. Michael, how do you feel this morning? Are you freaked out about last night?" he asked, some concern showing in his voice.

"Fuck, yes, I'm freaked out! It was what I dreamed about! You sleeping in my arms. Us, together, touching each other. I wanted you so bad!" I said.

"And now?" he asked.

"Now I want you even more. Matt I'm so afraid to tell you what I'm feeling because I'm afraid you won't be able to handle it." I said.

"Try me and find out." he said quietly.

Oh, fuck! There was a challenge! And I was always up for a challenge! But this...this could change my whole life! Fuck, what was I thinking! It already had changed my whole life.

"I love you, Matt. I really do. I'm in love with you. Can you deal with that?" I asked, scared to death he was going to run away.

But he didn't. He just lay there smiling up at me.

"Yeah. I can deal with that. It's a pretty good thing, too! Since I wouldn't want to be in love with you and you not be in love with me." he said.

"You are?!" I almost shouted.

"Shh! We don't want to wake your Dads! Yes, I'm in love with you, dope! Can't you tell?" he asked.

" would I know? This has never happened to me before!" I said.

"Okay, look into my eyes. Tell me what you see." Matt said.

I looked and I saw it. Kind of like the looks that Mike and Rick gave me that let me know how much they loved me but different, more intense. Yeah! I could see it.

"You do." I said.

"Yes." he said softly.

I couldn't stop myself. My mouth came down on his and I kissed him passionately. All of my heart and soul went into that kiss, not to mention my tongue. Other parts of my anatomy were also very wide awake and wanting to become involved. Our tongues moved against each other and his pushed into my mouth. I started sucking on it and he was soon moaning into my mouth as I moaned into his.

I broke the kiss because there was more of him I wanted to taste - and smell. I licked down his neck and sucked on his skin, tasting the slightly salty flavor. He moaned and grabbed my head as I moved down and started licking his chest. He was nicely developed and my tongue was amazed at how soft his skin was and how hard the muscle was beneath it. In my licking, my tongue grazed across his tiny nipple and all of a sudden he tensed in my arms and moaned. I looked up from what I was doing, thinking I had hurt him.

"What's the matter?" I asked.

"Oh, God! That felt so good!" Matt moaned.

"What?" I asked.

"When you licked my nipple!" he said.

"Really?" I asked.

"Yes! Really!" he said.

Well that confused the fuck outa me! I knew that girls were supposed to have sensitive nipples but nobody told me guys did! I could see that I was going to have to explore this further so I put my head back down and licked his nipple again. Same reaction - stiffening and moaning. Cool! I decided 'what the fuck' and started sucking on it. I wasn't prepared for the reaction I got! Suddenly Matt's back arched and his chest shoved into my face. Unfortunately, my nose was in the way at the time and I came off his nipple.

"Ouch!" I said.

Matt looked up at me, a dazed look on his face.

"What happened?" he asked, his voice filled with concern.

"Well, your chest kind of slugged me in the nose." I said, tenderly touching my sore nostrils.

"Here, let me see." Matt said, moving my hand away and rising up.

I didn't expect him to do what he did next. He kissed my nose, right on the tip and then ran his tongue over it. He then pulled back and looked at me.

"Better?" he asked smiling.

"Yeah. Better." I said, smiling back.

"Good!" he grinned and then raised his arms above his head and stretched.

The moment he did so, the musk of his pits hit my nose and, sore or not, I was instantly aware of the rich, earthy scent and wanted more of it. Without thinking, I moved my head down and let my nose graze though his almost hairless pit, taking in deep whiffs of his scent while groaning deep in my throat.

"What are you doing? Are you smelling my pit?" Matt asked, his voice full of amazement.

Oh, fuck! Busted! I wasn't intending on him knowing about this little 'kink' of mine. I looked into his eyes, which looked questioningly at me. I blushed and shifted my eyes away, I was so embarrassed to have gotten caught doing something so raunchy.

"You were! You were sniffing at my pit!" Matt said, his voice still showing amazement, but I began to notice that there wasn't any judgement in it.

"Yeah." I said quietly. "I really get off on your scent. I'm sorry. I won't do it anymore. I don't want to gross you out."

"I'm not grossed out." Matt said.

I looked at him and he was grinning at me.

"You're not?" I asked.

"No, I'm not" and his voice got this funny sound in it, like he was really turned on or something.

He reached over and pulled at one of my arms which was around him. I lifted it and the next thing I knew, Matt had leaned in and was taking deep whiffs of my pit! Oh, fuck! He pulled his face out of my pit and grinned at me.

"I get off on the smell of your body, too. That's why I love locker rooms. I love the scents of guys - sweat, musk, all of it." he said.

"Oh, fuck! I thought I was the only one who got off on it!" I said.

"Nope. I do, too. I loved sleeping with you last night because I went to sleep with your scent surrounding me. I was memorizing it." he said.

"I was doing that this morning before you woke up." I said softly.

Our mouths met in a kiss and I could faintly smell myself on him and wondered if he could smell himself on me.

"Do it some more." he said as he lay back and raised his arm above his head again.

I buried my face in his pit, taking long and loud breaths of him. I did this for a while and then, all of a sudden, sniffing wasn't enough anymore. I wanted to taste him! My tongue came out and I began to lick out his pit!

"Oh, God! Michael! Fuck! That feels so good!" he moaned.

I was in heaven! He tasted salty but delicious. More importantly it seemed like everything I did to him, he was getting off on! This made me feel so good that I could give him pleasure! I kept licking at his pit until there was no more taste and then I moved over to his other one. He knew what I wanted and now had both arms over his head, opening himself to whatever I wanted to do.

I breathed deeply of his scent in his other pit and then began to lick it out as well. All through this, Matt continued to moan and writhe in my arms, letting me know how wonderful this was all making him feel. When there was no more of the salty taste, I went to move back to his chest but his arms came down and his hands grasped my face and he pulled my mouth to his. He licked my lips and all around my mouth before pressing his mouth to mine and began sucking on my tongue. He was tasting himself on me and the thought of this almost made me cum!

"Fuck!" I said, as he pulled back.

"You taste really good!" he grinned.

I grinned back. I was not believing this at all! He loved the very thing I loved! This was way too overwhelming for me to think about, not as turned on as I was. I just moved down and began licking down his body, giving great attention to his abs and his little 'innie' belly-button. His hands moved with me, stroking my head until I got to his pubic hair. Oh, fuck! The scent here was strong! There was very little hair there, just a few blond wisps, but I could smell the incredible scent of teen-male crotch! I just about fucking went out of my mind!

I startled licking and tasting all across his pubic mound and down the creases between his thighs and his balls. This brought my nose to his nut-sack where I discovered an even stronger scent. His sack was still hairless but it was obvious that he wouldn't be for long! The aroma here was rich and masculine. I loved it! I tasted his balls and he really started moaning and grabbing at my head. I decided that I had better move on before he came and what I was really after would be over.

I licked up from his nuts the length of his cock. He was leaking pre-cum and when I pulled up on his hard dick, on the tip was this glistening tear-drop of his juice. My tongue came out and I licked it off the head of his cock. I thought he was going to nut right there and then, but he got himself under control.

Like I said, Matt's cock has foreskin still on it. It was half covering the head and I used my hand to slip it down. That was a really cool feeling! To feel his skin sliding up and down his hard cock! I pulled it all the way down and suddenly, this smell hit my nose. It was strong and pungent, like nothing I'd ever smelled before in my life. I could tell the odor was coming from his cock but, at first, I couldn't tell where. Then I noticed that right under the head of his cock was these white specks. I moved closer and my nose immediately knew that this was the source of the pungent aroma.

"It's called 'cock-cheese' or 'head-cheese'." Matt said softly. "It happens when I don't have a shower for a while. When you're uncut, you have to wash this out all the time. I don't always because I like the smell of it."

I looked up at him.

"Yeah! Me, too!" I said, salivating like a hungry fuckin' dog!

Then Matt did something that I wasn't expecting at all. His hand reached out and he got some of the white specks on his finger. He brought it to his nose and breathed deeply of the scent. Then he popped the finger in his mouth and licked it off! I was completely blown the fuck away by this!

"They call it cheese because it taste something like those stinky cheeses. You know, bleu cheese or that cheese they put in Greek salads." Matt said, smiling at me.

Well! This I had to taste! I love cheese. Any kind of cheese! And I had a funny feeling I was about to taste my new favorite cheese in the whole wide world! I touched my tongue to the underside of the head of his cock and tasted the tang of 'man-cheese' for the first time in my life! The favor was tangy and the scent was really strong once it was in my mouth. I was right! I loved it. So much that my tongue immediately came out and began licking all under the head of his cock, cleaning up all of it. When it was all gone, I looked up at Matt to see him smiling at me.

"Anytime you need to clean that out, you let me know!" I said grinning at him.

"I sometimes leave it a day or so just so it will build up." he said, grinning.

"More?" I asked.

"More, and stronger scent." he said.

"Oh, fuck!" I groaned as he lay there grinning at me.

I looked down again and there was more pre-cum leaking from his cock. I swooped down and licked it all up, making him moan as my tongue came in contact with the sensitive head of his cock. I knew what I wanted to do now. I just was afraid because I'd never done it before and really didn't know how.

I gently started sucking more and more of his cock into my mouth as he grabbed a pillow to cover his face because he was groaning so loud! I wrapped my tongue around his cock and began to lick it as I sucked it. I knew enough to keep my teeth out of the way. I figured that would really hurt. I kept slowly taking more and more of his cock into my mouth as my tongue continued to swirl around it. It hit the back of my throat and my gag reflex started to trigger. I pulled back quickly so that I didn't start gagging, figuring this would NOT be sexy.

I slowly started to go back down on his cock and his moans became louder - even with the pillow over his face. I started moving up and down on his cock with my mouth while my tongue continued to lick at it.

"Michael, I'm gonna cum!" I heard Matt's voice.

Yeah! That's what I wanted! I wanted him to cum! I wanted to taste his cum!

"Michael, stop! I can't hold back, man! I'm gonna cum!" he pleaded.

My ears were deaf but my mouth started moving faster.

"Oh, fuck!" he moaned.

My mouth was suddenly filled with his warm, slimy jizz and I was swallowing as fast as I could. It tasted sweet! A little salty but wonderful! I loved it! Matt shot at least six or seven loads of his delicious cum in my mouth and I swallowed it all! For some reason, I was inordinately proud of myself for doing so.

His cock began to soften in my mouth and his hand clutched at my head to pull me off. I remembered how sensitive my cock-head was after getting off so I figured that was what was happening so I quickly let him go and moved up the bed until he was in my arms again. He grabbed my neck, pulling me down and kissing me deeply. His tongue explored my mouth and I knew he was tasting his own cum in my mouth.

"Oh, fuck! Michael! That was the most incredible thing I've ever felt in my whole life!" he said breathlessly.

I grinned at him but I couldn't say anything. My emotions were too out of control. The fact that I loved him and he loved me and now I'd given him this gift of pleasure had me completely speechless.

"Oh, Michael, I love you so much!" Matt said, rising up and pushing me onto my back.

He got on top of me and planted his mouth back on mine and his hands started to stroke my shoulders and arms.

"Fuck, you have a great body!" he said.

"It's all yours." I grinned.

"Yeah?" he grinned.

"Yeah." I grinned back at him.

"Then I want to taste it!" he growled.

"Have at it!" I said.

And he did! He smelled and licked my pits. He licked and sucked at my nipples. WOW! That was an incredible feeling. Actually, everything he did was an incredible feeling. He really got into licking my balls. He licked them, he nibbled at my nut-sack, he even sucked them into his mouth. My dick was so hard, I thought it would fucking explode the first time he touched it, but I didn't. He really got into licking my pre-cum.

"God! This stuff is so sweet!" he said as he looked up from between my legs grinning.

His face was flushed with desire and there were glistening beads of sweat on his forehead. His long blond hair was damp. I reached down and started running my fingers through it. Oh, fuck! It was so soft! I love the feeling of it slipping through my fingers. He noticed my fascination.

"You like my hair?" he asked.

"Oh, fuck yeah!" I murmured.

"I love you playin' in it. I don't know why." he said.

"Doesn't matter. I love it. You love it. Who cares why?" I said.

"Yeah! Who cares!" he grinned and went back to licking off my drooling dick.

The ultimate was when he finally slid my cock into his warm, wet mouth. I thought that I had died and gone to heaven! His tongue drove me crazy. I could feel him licking the underside of my cock as his head slid up and down, taking me deeper and deeper into his mouth. Mike had said that he hoped on day I would know what a blowjob felt like. I'll bet he didn't expect me to know so soon!

I lay there watching as Matt sucked my cock for the first time, praying that it was just the first of many times. I loved watching his face while he did me. His eyes were closed and there was this look on his face like he was totally into what he was doing and loving every moment of it. I had a pretty good idea that this was a lot of what I looked like when I was doing him. The look on his face as well as what his mouth was doing to my cock was quickly sending me over the edge. I had no control then. I did over a short amount of time gain more control. So did Matt because we both learned that the longer things went on, the more intense the orgasm was - and the more cum there was to eat.

I had loved his cum. I didn't even know, however, what mine tasted like. I only knew his. I didn't know if he wanted me to cum in his mouth, we hadn't talked about it. Somewhere down inside me, I really wanted him to drink me. I really wanted him to take my seed inside him. There was just the part of me that felt like if we took this part of each other into ourselves, it somehow made us part of each other and I wanted that. I wanted to feel a part of him. I wanted him to have part of me.

I guess I shouldn't have worried. After all, he'd already tasted himself when he kissed me. My balls were tight and I knew I was gonna cum any second. I told him I was going to nut and this just made him suck harder and faster. It only took about two more strokes and my hips rose off the bed and I was shooting what felt like gallons of cum into him eager, sucking mouth. It felt like I came forever and yet, when I collapsed back on the bed, it hardly seemed like any time at all. Matt continued to suck on me until I, too, had to pull him off my cock because it was so sensitive.

When he moved back up the bed, his mouth sought mine. But he had gone me one better. When his mouth came down on mine and I opened my mouth to him, suddenly I felt and tasted a glob of cum as it passed from his mouth to mine! He'd held some of my cum to share with me! Mine was sweet like his and I gratefully gulped it down as my tongue went exploring in his mouth for more. We lay there, kissing for a very long time. Long enough for our cocks to get hard again.

This time, I rolled Matt over on his back and crawled on top him his body without breaking the kiss. My cock was rubbing against his abs and sliding against his cock as well. As we kissed, I kept meaning to stop and to go back to sucking his cock but his arms around me felt so good, his mouth tasted so wonderful, his tongue was driving me crazy as it dueled with mine and being on top of him felt so good and right that before I knew it, we were humping each other like crazy and cumming onto our bellies. I rolled us over onto our sides. Matt nestled his head against me and I could smell his sweat and the scent of his hair. I could also smell cum, strongly. It was a very satisfying mix of aromas! Laying there, clinging to each other, we fell back to sleep.

We were startled awake again, to the smell of bacon frying and Mike knocking at my door and yelling for us to get up - that breakfast was almost ready. We grinned at each other and our mouths were soon locked together again. Our cocks immediately started to harden but I pulled back from Matt's mouth.

"We gotta get up. When Mike says 'Up', he means 'UP!'." I said.

"I am up." Matt said, giving me a horny smile and pressing his hardon against me.

"I can feel that, but that's not exactly what he means." I said.

"I know." he said, disappointment showing in his voice. "Can we do it some more later?"

"Oh, fuck yeah! We can do it as much as you want!" I said, grinning so big I thought my face would split.

We hoped out of bed and I slipped into a small pair of gym shorts while he just pulled on his jeans.

"We better take a quick shower." I said.

"Why? I like the way you smell." he smiled.

"I love the way you smell, but Mike and Rick might just notice the dried cum on us." I said pointing to his stomach where I could see the tell-tale signs of our last orgasm.

"Oh, shit!" Matt said and then pointed to my abs. "Looks like we both need one."

We went into the bathroom and quickly stripped, got in the shower and washed of the cum and got back into our clothes before heading to the kitchen. Rick had breakfast laid out on the table for us and we sat down.

"I didn't get a chance to ask you, Matt, how you like your eggs. Scrambled okay?" Rick asked.

"Yes, thank you. That's fine." Matt replied.

"So did you boys sleep okay last night?" Mike asked, looking me right in the eyes, like he was trying to figure out whether or not Matt and I had sex.

"Yeah, fine! Slept like a log!" I said, grinning.

"Like a 'log', huh?" Mike asked, grinning, but luckily dropped the subject.

"So what are you guys going to do today?" Rick asked, joining us at the table.

"I guess we will work some more on our project." I said. I didn't say which one!

"Well, I've got to be at the hospital at 9:00 but I'll be home by 3:00 so I guess I could drive Matt home later. What time does your Dads expect you, Matt?" Mike asked.

"I don't really know. We didn't set a time." Matt said.

"Well, I have to go into the office. I'll go by the job site and ask them when they're want you home." Rick said. "I'll call you when I get to the office and let you know, Michael."

"Okay." I prayed that Matt's Dads didn't want him home soon.

In fact, I wished that they'd never wanted him to come home at all! I wanted him to stay with me, sleep in my arms every night and never leave. But, that was asking far to much and I knew it.

"You two boys will be all right here alone?" Mike asked.

"Sure, Mike! We'll be fine." I assured him.

"Well, just don't burn the cottage down. If you get hungry, there's food in the refrigerator. It's Molly's day off so you guys are on your own for lunch because I'm going to meet Mike at the hospital for lunch today." Rick said.

"Rick, we'll be fine! I can cook. You know that! You taught me!" I said.

"Yes, I know. Hey, I'm still allowed to worry about you even if you think that you're all grown up and don't need me!" Rick grinned.

"I know." I said.

We finished breakfast and then Rick took off for the job site and the office. Mike left a little while later. As he left he looked back at the two of us, still sitting at the table.

"I'd say have fun, but I think that statement would be unnecessary." he said and winked at me.

Matt looked at me in confusion and I groaned.

"Oh, fuck. He knows." I said.

"How could he?" Matt asked.

"I don't know...but he does." I said.

"He didn't seem mad or anything." Matt said reaching out and putting his hand on my arm.

Oh, fuck! Just that touch had me hard as a rock in nothing flat!

"No, I don't expect him or Rick to be angry. They've always been very open about sex and made sure that I understood that it was a normal and wonderful part of life. Of course, I never knew what they meant by that until last night." I said, looking into Matt's beautiful blue eyes.

"Me either. And I want to know it again. Now." Matt said.

I reached out my hand and I ran it through his long blond hair. The silky gold fell through my fingers and I reached behind his neck and gently pulled him towards me. Our lips met and I kissed him gently. Then I let him go. He pulled back and looked at me. He didn't say a word. He stood up and then reached down and took my hand, pulling me to my feet. Then, with my hand still in his, he led me back to my bedroom - a room one of his Dad's had helped build for me. I wondered for a moment what Brian would think about me making love to his son in that room. Somehow I felt that he would approve.

When we got to the room, Matt let go of my hand for a moment, only to grab my gym shorts with both hands and pull them down my thighs. They dropped to my ankles and I stepped out of them. Then I reached for the waistband of Matt's jeans, using it to pull him closer to me. I awkwardly undid the button at the top and then slid down the zipper. I pushed them down his thighs and he stepped out of them. Then he took my hand again and began pulling me toward the bed. We climbed in and I took him into my arms. He seemed perfectly content to lie there, his head nestled to my shoulder and his beautiful blue eyes looking up into mine.

"Michael, I don't want to go home." he said softly.

"I don't want you to go home." I said.

"No, I mean ever." he said.

"That's what I mean." I said.

"But I'll have to, sometime today." he said.

"I know." I said, my voice sad at the prospect.

It seemed so unfair! We'd only just discovered each other, we'd only just discovered our feelings for each other and now he would have to go, and I would lie in this bed alone.

"Come home with me. Spend the night with me in my bed." Matt begged.

"I would love that." I said.

"Do you think Mike and Rick will let you?" he asked.

"Yes. I think they will." I said. "But I think they'll really know something has happened between us then."

"I don't care. Do you?" he asked.

"No. Not if it means spending another night with you." I assured him.

He smiled up at me, knowing now this wasn't going to end - at least not for another night. Eventually we both knew we would have to go back to being, for all appearances, just 'best friends'. But we knew what we were. We knew even then. People say that this isn't possible, no one our age could find love - could find their soul-mate. But we knew.

My mouth sought his as his sought mine. We kissed deeply, tasting each other, making love to each other's mouths. In those early days of our relationship, kissing was as meaningful to us as actually having sex. Maybe more so because we had not learned, nor would not, for a long time, what it meant to truly 'make love' to each other. To actually become part of each other. To become one. That would come later. For now, there was this. The taste of him, the feel of his lips, his tongue. The sound of him, his little moans and whimpers which vibrated inside my mouth and made the same sounds come from me.

I wanted to taste his body again. I wanted to taste his cock and feel it shooting his seed into my mouth, tasting the very essence of him. I pulled my mouth from his and slid down his body until his crotch was in my face. The scent of him was still strong here. The musk, the sweat of his groin was intoxicating to me. I began to lick all around his groin, wetting him with my saliva. He spread his legs and let me lick his balls as his cock throbbed above. He was moaning at the feeling of my tongue licking around his crotch.

"Oh, Fuck! Michael! Oh, God! Please! Suck me off! I need your mouth!" he begged.

Who was I to refuse him? His very wish was my command.

I licked up from his balls and straight up the shaft of his cock until I reached the top where his foreskin was gathered like a wrinkled rose around the head of his cock. I could see the glistening of pre-cum in the folds and knew that there was probably a wonderful meal of it inside. I put my tongue into the foreskin and tasted the sweetness of him. I moved my tongue inside of his skin and licked all around his covered, sensitive cock-head. He moaned and tried to thrust his cock into my mouth but I pulled back. I wasn't ready to get him off yet. I slide the skin down with my hand and that pungent odor was there again. Not strong like last night, but still there. My tongue sought what little 'cheese' there was. Just enough to tingle on my tongue and to treat my nose to the wonderful scent of him.

Finally finishing the preliminaries, I slowly slid his cock into my mouth, using my lips to roll back his skin and allowing his cock to slide against my tongue as I took him as far as I could without gagging. I knew there was a way to take him down my throat but I didn't know how to do it. Maybe I could ask Mike or Rick. I'm not sure how I would broach the subject, but I figure they'd probably already figured out that Matt and I were having sex. Maybe they'd give me some pointers on what to do.

His pre-cum was pouring out of his cockhead and I tasted its sweetness as it went down my throat. I was licking his cock and he was moaning. His cock was getting harder and thicker in my mouth so I figured he was very close to cumming. I started moving faster and sucking harder on his cock. His moaning reached a fever pitch and then all of a sudden, his hips pushed up and he was unloading in my mouth. He was pumping out his cum, not much, but plenty enough for me to taste the sweet/saltiness of him.

He slowly rested back on the bed and I let his cock slip from my mouth before it became too tender. I moved back up the bed and took him back in my arms. He looked up into my face, his eyes dreamy and a small, satisfied smile on his face.

"That was...that was..." he tried to say.

"Yeah. It was." I smiled down at him.

His hand reached up and gently stroked my face and I suddenly could see tears spilling from the sides of his eyes and rolling down his face.

"What's wrong?" I asked, thinking that I had hurt him in some way.

"Nothing wrong." he smiled through the tears. "I've just never been so happy."

I leaned down and licked the salty tears from both sides of his face and then kissed him deeply. He moaned into my mouth and his body twisted and began to mold to mine. I could feel his cock getting hard again. He thrust against me and my cock dueled with his, rubbing up against his. I moaned into his mouth as he rolled me over and climbed on top of me. He rose up on his hands and looked down at me.

"I owe you." he grinned.

I reached up and ran my hands through his long, blond hair.

"Yeah. You do." I grinned back.

He slid down my body and pulled my cock into his mouth. The warm, wetness made me groan. I knew I couldn't last. I was already so turned on from doing him. He looked up at me with my cock in his mouth, smiling around it. My hands clutched his head and he began working up and down my cock. He knew I couldn't hold on and seemed to be telling me to go ahead and cum. His eyes and mine were in the 'eye-lock' thing and I was going over the edge.

"Ahh, fuck! I'm cummin'!" I managed to moan as I shot my cum into his mouth.

I watched as he swallowed and then pulled off my cock. He moved up my body and hovered over me as his mouth came down on mine. I could taste my cum in his mouth as I explored with my tongue.

I don't know where we would have gone from there because at that moment the phone began to ring. It was my personal line, which Mike and Rick had given me for my birthday.

"Michael, you sound out of breath." Rick said as I answered.

"Uhh...Matt and I were wrestling." I said.

"Oh, is that what you call it!" and he laughed. "I talked to Matt's Dads. They're going to swing by and pick of Matt in about an hour."

"Uhh...Rick...uhh...would it be alright with you if I spent the night tonight at Matt's - if his Dads agree? We still have a lot of work to do on the project." I said.

"Oh, yes - the project. Okay, it's alright with me if it's alright with Brian and Matt. We'll see you tomorrow then." Rick said.

"Okay. And thanks, Rick." I said, really meaning it.

"Have fun." he laughed and hung up.

"So it's okay?" Matt asked.

"Yeah. As long as it's okay with your Dads." I said.

"I don't think there will be any problem." Matt said.

"Let's take a shower and get ready for them, then. Rick said they'll be here in about an hour." I said.

"Michael..." Matt said hesitantly.

"What?" I asked.

"You're really okay with all of this?" Matt asked.

"Yes! Aren't you?" I asked.

"Oh, I'm very okay with it. I just wonder how we'll hide it at school?" he asked.

"We're already friends. People are used to seeing us together. I don't think anyone will notice anything." I said.

"Okay. I really hope you're right." he said.

"Trust me. It will be fine." I said.

And we went to take a shower while we waited for Matt's Dads to show up.


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Next: Chapter 18

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