Subic Surrender

By RimPig (RimPigFL, Bobby Michaels) (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on Jun 5, 2003


DISCLAIMER: I don't fucking care how old you are. If you like the idea of two hunky young Marine's getting it on with each other then read on!

By the way, no Marine's were injured or killed in the writing of this story but that's not true of what's going on in the Middle East or other foreign places. I would ask your prayers, good thoughts or whatever for all the Marines serving our country (that's us guys!) around the world.

This is dedicated to every one who has ever served in the USMC - Semper Fi!

SUBIC SURRENDER - Part 16 MICHAEL'S STORY - Part 1 by RimPig (c) 2003

Growing up with two Dads is interesting, especially when they're both former Marines. First of all, you don't have to guess what an adult male looks like, though there are few of them that are as good-looking as my Dads. And, of course, with their rather casual attitude about nudity, I knew from a very young age what an adult male cock looked like, in all it's stages of arousal. I knew something else - I knew I was deeply and completely loved.

I guess I should mention that I never called these men 'Dad'. My real Dad died of AIDS when I was a real little kid. My mom was a junkie and died of an overdose two weeks after I was born. I know now that my Dad had been raised in a group home. It was there that he met one of the men who became my Dad. His name is Mike. Dad was 'bi', I guess, because he and Mike were lovers at one time. Oh, the other man who became my Dad is named Rick. Our family name is Copeland. My real Dad loved Mike so much that he named me after him. My name is Michael. Not Mike and definitely NOT Mikey! used to be Mikey when I was little and sometimes Rick forgets and still calls me that.

Our family 'structure' is a little confusing. Rick's parents are Rose and Hank Copeland. Hank owns Copeland and Son Construction. Rick is the 'and Son'. Mike is Rick's lover. They met in the Marine Corps. Mike changed his name to Copeland soon after they got me. My name was changed to Copeland during the adoption. From having no one, at age 5 I ended up with a whole family. Mike changed his name because Rose and Hank think of him and treat him as a son, just like Rick. They are Grandma and Grandpa to me.

Oh, there's one other member of the 'Family', but she's not a Copeland. Her name is Molly and she's our housekeeper. She was my Dad's housekeeper while he was dying. She worked with an AIDS agency then but Rick and Mike knew that I really loved her and she loved me so they hired her and brought her to Fort Lauderdale, where we all live.

That's really enough background on me to bring you up to speed. Basically, my life began to change when I was about ten. It was then that I started to become aware of the fact that my cock was for more than pissing. I discovered playing with it and had my first dry orgasm. That started me on my road to becoming a man. I loved jacking off. I must have done it three or four times a day. The more I did it, however, the more I became aware of what the focus of my fantasies were - guys. I figured that I was gay, just like Mike and Rick.

This didn't really bother me. After all, having lived in a family where my parents were two men who loved each other as intensely and Mike and Rick loved each other, I knew how strong the love between two males can be. I was concerned, however, about any one outside the family knowing. I knew that 'gay' and 'fag' were terms thrown around by kids all the time. I didn't want to be thought of that way. Those terms meant someone who was less masculine, more effeminate. That wasn't me. It wasn't Mike or Rick, either.

I have always been a jock. I loved playing sports. Rick says that because I'm a Sagittarius. I don't know about that. I just know I loved them. I started at five with Tee-Ball. As I grew, I moved on to flag and Optimist football. Later, in high school where I was still playing football but I discovered the sport I loved the most - wrestling. I loved pitting my body, one-on-one, against another guy's body. I have to admit that one of the things I loved best were the locker rooms. Places filled with the beautiful naked bodies of other guys and, best of all, the scent of them. I have this thing for the scent of another male. I've talked to Mike and Rick and they say they have it to, so I figure I'm pretty normal.

When I was twelve and in my first year of Middle School several things happened that were major milestones in my life. The first one was that I found pubic hairs growing around my cock. I also came out to Mike and Rick, telling them that I thought I was gay. This was precipitated though by the most important thing that I think ever happened in my whole life. I met Matt.

He was a new transfer into our Middle School. He moved here when his Dad was given custody of him because his Mom, who he'd lived the first twelve years of his life, got remarried and her new husband didn't want Matt around. What an asshole! But I have to thank him, I guess, because without him, Matt and I would probably have never met.

I remember the first time I saw him. He was brought to homeroom by one of the deans and introduced to the class. I just sat there stunned! He was the most incredibly beautiful guy I'd ever seen. He was about my height, but his build was more sleek, more like a swimmer than somebody who played football like I did. He had long blond hair and the most incredible blue eyes. It was the eyes that got me! He swept them around the room and seemed to zero in right on me. Our eyes met and it was like two lasers locking on each other. The eye-lock lasted for only a few seconds but in that short time, my cock started to rise and almost instantly was at full, raging erection.

Now, getting erections was a very common occurrence for me. Mike and Rick joked that my cock got hard in a stiff breeze but assured me it was normal for my age. They said they went through exactly the same thing. But this was different. I'd gotten hardons over good looking guys before. Shit! I had to wear a really tight jock to keep myself from getting them in the locker room - and it didn't always work. This time, however, not only was there a hard lump in my jeans but there was this gnawing ache in the pit of my stomach, like the worst hunger I could ever imagine!

For the next few days, we continued playing eye games with each other in homeroom and in the two classes we had together. We had lunch the same period but I sat at the 'jock' table with all my buddies. Matt wasn't a 'jock' - at least not yet - and he knew the unspoken rules, you don't sit at the 'jock' table unless you are a 'jock'. The worst part, at least for me, was that we were in the same PE class. I got to watch as he removed his clothes and revealed an incredible body. Tight, lithe and very defined! It seems Matt went for definition over bulk. I went for both. Where we both achieved the most bulk, however, was between our legs.

I knew I had a bigger cock than any other guy in the sixth grade but Matt rivaled me! His was apparently the same length soft and, unlike me, was uncut. I'd seen a few uncut cocks before, but not many. They were mostly on Hispanic kids, especially ones born outside the US. Mike explained about foreskin and how it is removed soon after birth. He said that if he'd had a choice, he'd have kept his and said that more and more guys were refusing to have their sons circumcised. I had never touched or played with an uncut cock before and I was fascinated with Matt's.

What am I saying?! I'd never touched another cock, cut or uncut, in my whole life! Not that I didn't want to. I was just so afraid of gaining a reputation as a 'fag' that I couldn't bring myself to approach another guy - even though I knew some of my team mates were getting together and doing stuff. I was just too fuckin' paranoid that they would see how much I liked it. I know, it was stupid, but, that's how it was for me.

Anyway, one day in History class, one of the classes that Matt and I had in common, the teacher started pairing students up work on putting together a paper on one of the subjects from a list that was passed out. We got to make two choices from the list and then the teacher paired up the students who had the closest matches in their choices. The teacher ended up matching up Matt and me because, we later found out, that we were the only two students who had picked the topic, "History of the United States Marine Corps". I knew why I picked it - Mike and Rick had both been in the Marine Corps. In fact, that's where they met and fell in love - though I didn't think I'd put that in the paper! I wondered why Matt had.

"Hi, I'm Matt." he said coming over to my desk where I was getting my things together as the teacher was sending us all to the library to start research on the paper.

"Yeah, I know. I'm Michael." I said and we shook hands.

The touch of him made an almost instant lump in my jeans and our eyes did that 'eye-lock' thing again, only much, much longer this time. We also didn't let go of each other's hand. It was like the entire world just fuckin' disappeared as I stood there staring into his amazing blue eyes. Finally we both came to our senses and we quickly disengaged from each other. I noticed however that his face had colored. He was blushing and...Fuck!...he was even cuter when he did! I knew I was blushing as well and was grateful that all the other kids had left the classroom and it was only us standing there.

"We...we...better get to the library." I managed to stutter out.

Matt didn't say anything, just gave a slight nod of his head and followed me out of the classroom. We grabbed some books, encyclopedias and stuff, off the shelves and I showed him a table I knew about, way back in the corner of the second floor of the library, where we wouldn't be around anybody else.

We started reading but after a few minutes, I felt Matt's eyes on me. I knew he was looking at me but, at first, I couldn't bring myself to look up at him. I was so scared he see in my face how much he was turning me on. Finally I couldn't take it and I looked up at him. He quickly looked down at the book in front of him. This gave me a chance to stare at him. His long, blond hair, long enough to rest on his shoulders and below, gave him a look like a California surfer. His lips were full and looked so kissable.

I knew I had to stop this! I was starting to scare myself I was so obsessed with him! However, just then, he looked up again and caught me staring at him. I didn't turn away, I just looked into his eyes and he gently smiled.

"You have two Dads, don't you? I heard some guys talking about it." he said softly.

I tensed! I figured what was coming. One of the reasons that I play football and work out is for just such occasions. It seemed almost every year I had to lay somebody out on the ground for getting in my face about the fact that my Dad's live together. Usually it only takes punching out one asshole's lights and that's the end of it. Nobody gets in my face again. Occasionally, it takes two but usually one is enough. I hated this and never told Rick and Mike about it. I think they knew but would never say anything about it as long as I didn't bring it up. Now, I figured, just when I'd finally gotten the chance to meet this walking masturbation fantasy that had me all tied up in knots inside, he was going to turn out to be this year's asshole!

"Yeah, what of it?" I said, belligerently

"I do, too." he said calmly.

Well, that fuckin' cooled my jets - fast! What was he telling me? Was he saying that his Dads were like mine? That they were lovers? Or was it just two straight guys who were room mates?

"Really?" I asked, no belligerency in my voice this time.

"Yeah. One of my Dad's used to be in the Marine Corps. That's why I picked that topic." Matt said.

"Both of mine were! That's where they met!" I said.

"My Dads met when they were kids. My real Dad got married twice and divorced. I was living with my Mom. She was his first wife. She got remarried. They guy she was marrying didn't want me around so she shipped me off to live with my Dad. He and I were both glad. I wanted to live with him, and he wanted me. I'm his only child." Matt explained.

"Yeah, I'm the only kid, too. But my real Dad is dead. He died when I was five." I said.

"What about your Mom?" Matt asked.

"She died two weeks after I was born." I said and, I don't know why, suddenly I felt really sad about that - never getting the chance to know her.

Matt must have seen that in my face because suddenly, his hand reached out and very gently touched my arm.

"I'm sorry. That must really hurt." he said softly.

"No, usually it doesn't. I don't know why I'm feelin' all sad today over it. She was junkie, she OD'd. My real Dad died of AIDS. He grew up in foster care after he got taken away from his Dad for abusing him. That's where he met Mike, one of my Dads now. He named me after him. When he knew he was going to die, he sent for Mike and then Mike and Rick adopted me to keep me from ending up in the foster care system like Mike and my Dad did." I said.

Matt's hand was still on my arm. I could feel his warmth and it was drivin' me fuckin' crazy! I had this almost undeniable urge to lean over and kiss him. I wanted to take him in my arms and just hold him forever! I had never felt this way about anybody in my whole life!

"Are...are your Dad's mine are?" he asked hesitantly.

I looked at him, trying to judge just exactly why he was asking this. But since he had already taken the risk of telling me that his were, I knew it was safe to tell him. It would be the first time I'd ever told anybody that.

"Yeah. They are. And Mike and my Dad were when they were in foster care together." I said.

"They were?! How old were they then?" Matt asked, surprised somehow at this information.

"I don't know. I do know that my Dad ran away from the group home when he and Mike were 15. They never saw each other until Mike came to adopt me." I said.

"Oh." was all Matt said.

I didn't think anything more of that conversation until later. Much later. What I kept remembering was the feeling of Matt's hand on my arm. God! I wanted him to put his hands all over me! I wanted him to touch me. I wanted to touch him. I wanted to hold him in my arms and feel his body pressed against mine. But I was so scared. What if that wasn't what he wanted?

It was about a week after this happened that Mike and Rick decided to have "the Talk" with me about sex. I told them that I had already learned about all that stuff in school - which was true. I'd learned all about stuff that didn't interest me at all! How girls got pregnant and all that shit. I wasn't the least bit interested in girls but I feigned interest just so nobody would know I wasn't.

Mike asked me, though, if I had any questions. I had tons of them! But I was afraid to ask most of them. It was no secret that Mike and Rick were lovers! God! The grunts and groans that I heard coming through the wall from their bedroom would have told me that! One thing I knew - they loved each other - A LOT! Actually, I never said anything about it because it turned me on all to hell! I loved hearing the groaning and moaning because it fed my fantasies about what it was like to have sex with another guy!

Mike and Rick wouldn't answer any of what they called 'personal questions' - meaning about what they did. But they did answer some of my questions. I asked them how you knew if you were gay. I figured they'd follow up and ask why I asked that, but they didn't. I asked because I wanted them to ask me if I was. It would make it much easier for me to come out to them. To be honest, I didn't know why I was having such a hard time with that! I mean, it's not like they were going to be disappointed in me. I ended up going to them again before I went to bed and finally telling them that I thought I was and telling them about Matt. They were great about it! They both assured me that they would love me no matter what choices I made and they didn't pry about Matt - which I was kind of afraid they might. That's the great thing about guys. They don't do that to you. They understand that when you're ready to talk about something and give details, you will.

Mike and Rick also told me that they trusted me. That whatever decision I made about Matt they would trust me to handle on my own. Matt and I had gotten an 'A' on the paper that we did on the History of the USMC and now the teacher had asked us to do another paper on the Marine's role in Viet Nam. That was great because I knew that Grandpa had been a Marine and he had served in Viet Nam. He would be a resource for the paper. Matt and I decided....well, I suggested and Matt agreed...that we would interview Grandpa together about his experiences in the war and build the paper on that - kind of a "The Viet Nam War - Through The Eyes of a Grunt". In fact, that's what we planned to title it.

What it meant, however, and why I suggested doing this, was that Matt would have to come over to my house. Now, this was different for me. I have to admit that I'm basically a loner. I knew a lot of guys from the sports that I played and sometimes I'd go to their houses for parties and such, but I never had anybody over to mine. At first, it was because I knew that it would freak some of the guys out if they realized what was going on between Mike and Rick - not that they would act 'gay' in front of my friends or anything, but it was just too obvious that they loved each other. Later, I just didn't see any reason to. It was like my home with Mike and Rick was someplace that was very special and private to me. I didn't want to share that space or that time with anyone else. That is before Matt came along.

I found myself wanting to share everything with him. I wanted him to know me, to be a part of my life - my real life. The life I lived away from school and sports. I knew he would understand because he lived in the same type of situation that I did.

Then the day finally arrived that Matt did come over. I walked home with Matt, it wasn't all that far now that I had finally talked Mike and Rick into letting me go to public school because of the sports that they offered. I showed him the front house where my Grandparents lived as we walked around the side of the house to the gate that led to the patio and our cottage. I explained to Matt about us living here and how Rick and my Grandpa added on the room for me when I was adopted.

When she heard the gate, Molly stuck her head out the back door of the front house.

"I've got some fresh baked cookies if you boys are hungry." she smiled.

"What kind?" I asked.

"Now what kind do you think? Toll House cookies, of course! They are your favorite, if I'm not mistaken." she grinned at me.

I introduced her to Matt. I had told Molly about Matt coming over that day. She knew that there was something special because she knew that I never brought anyone home with me. I was grateful to her for making the cookies for us. I wouldn't have asked her to do it, but I was so glad she did. For some reason, I wanted everyone to make a good impression on Matt. Matt was certainly impressed with the cookies! He thanked Molly and told her how good they were. She gave us a big plate of them to take over to the cottage with us.

We were studying in my room, working on some of the questions to ask Grandpa, when Rick got home from work. I introduced him to Rick and then Rick told us that he already knew who Matt was because he knew Matt's Dad! That's when Matt told me that both of his Dads worked for my Dad and Grandpa. Matt explained that he hadn't told me because he didn't want me thinking that he just wanted to make friends with me because his Dad's work for my Dad. I never would have thought that, but it was okay.

Rick got me to go into the kitchen with him to get cokes for Matt and me. He told me that Matt was really cute. I guess good taste runs in the family! He also told me that Brian, Matt's other Dad, was one of the guys that built my room - the very room we were studying in. I couldn't wait to tell Brian!

"Hey, Matt! Guess what Brian did!" I yelled running back to my room.

Matt looked up at me from the desk and that 'eye-lock' thing happened again and my mind was almost like 'wiped clean'! I almost forgot what I was going to tell him!

"What?" Matt finally asked, which brought me out of it.

"He helped build this room for me. Isn't that cool?" I asked.

Matt looked around like he was assessing the workmanship.

"Yeah, cool!" he said and then smiled at me.

Have I told you about Matt's smile? Sometimes I think I should wear shades when I'm around him! That smile is almost like looking into the sun, it's so bright! When he smiles at me, my guts just seem to melt deep down inside me and I just want to sit there, staring into his face forever.

"So what do you want to do until Grandpa gets home? You want to go swimming in the pool?" I asked.

"I didn't bring a suit." Matt said.

"That's okay. I've got plenty of them. You can wear one of mine." I said.

"Okay! I'd like that." he said.

I liked it, too, because it mean that I got to see Matt take his clothes off. I've got no concerns about taking my clothes off in front of other guys so I just started stripping off. Matt saw this and hesitated. I thought he might be embarrassed or something.

"You can change in the bathroom is you want to." I said.

"No, it's okay." he smiled.

I reached in my drawer and pulled out a couple of my Speedo's and let him take his choice of color. He picked a red one which not only looked fantastic on him, but was one of my smallest suits. Matt certainly filled it out! There was this nice bulge in front and his butt! God! His butt! It was so beautiful, hugged by the red spandex! I couldn't take my eyes off him!

I realized that I was starting to grow wood and didn't want to so I quickly gathered my wits about me and went into the hall closet and got us a couple of beach towels. We went to go outside to the pool when Rick stopped us.

"Are you going to stay for dinner, Matt?" he asked.

"I didn't think about that. Can I call my Dad and ask?" Matt said.

"Sure, the phone is right over there." Rick said pointing.

"Hey, Matt...ahh...would you...I you want to...spend the night?" I asked, my heart thudding in my chest I was so scared he's say 'no' and scared, somehow, that he'd say 'yes'!

"Sure, is it all right?" Matt asked.

"Well, it's Friday, there's no school tomorrow. I'll ask Rick." I said.

I ran into the kitchen where Rick was sitting having a cup of coffee and going through the mail.

"Rick, can Matt spend the night?" I asked.

He looked up at me and raised one eyebrow, then he smiled.

"Sure, if it's okay with his Dads." Rick said.

"Thanks!" I grinned.

"You're welcome, Tiger!" he grinned.

He hadn't called me that since I was a little kid?! I wondered why he was calling me that now, but I was too excited about Matt staying over to think about it.

"Hey, Matt. It's okay as long as it's okay with your Dad!" I said.

"Oh, I think it will be. I think they'd love to get rid of me for a night." he grinned.

"Why do you say that?" I asked, puzzled. I thought his Dads really loved him.

"Because it's true! Oh, they love me and all that, but I think they'd like a night to themselves - if you get what I mean?" Matt said, wiggling his eyebrows at me.

"Ohh! Okay, I get it." I laughed, finally cluing into what he was saying.

Matt called his Dad's and just as he predicted, they were very amenable to him spending the night. We then went out into the pool and messed around for a while. It was cool because we could chase each other, dunk each other and wrestle with each other so I finally did get to get him in my arms. Not exactly the way I wanted, but it was a start. It was especially interesting because I threw wood and I could tell that Matt did to! Maybe there was hope that something could happen between us!

Mike came home and I introduced him to Matt. Mike shook hands with Matt and then turned to me so that Matt couldn't see his face and winked. I was taken aback for a second and then I just grinned at him. I guess Matt now had the 'Seal of Approval' from both my Dads. Now, if I can just get the same from Matt. I knew we'd be sleeping together that night in the double bed in my room. That was not going to leave a lot of room on that bed with both of us on it. I knew what I wanted - and the strange thing was, it wasn't sex. Oh, don't get me wrong, if sex happened, I'd be over joyed. But what I really wanted more than anything was to sleep with Matt in my arms. I wanted to hold him and touch him. I wanted to feel the warmth of his body against mine. I figured I was hoping for too much.

About that time, Molly came out from the front house - my Grandparent's house - and said that dinner was almost ready and that we should dry off and tell Rick and Mike. We had dinner with Grandma and Grandpa almost every night. Even on Molly's days off. Then Grandma would cook. Sometimes Mike and Rick would go out to eat together, but most nights it was all of us together. That included Molly. Grandma insisted that Molly eat with us and not by herself in the kitchen like a servant. While I realized that Molly worked for us, it just never seemed like that. She was as much a part of the family as anyone and all of us treated her that way.

Matt and I got out of the pool, dried off and went into the cottage. Mike and Rick were in the kitchen, drinking coffee and I told them what Molly had said.

"Well you two better go get your clothes on then." Mike said and Mat and I went to my room and changed back into our clothes. It was wonderful because again I got to see his body naked, if only for a short time.

Matt, Rick, Mike and I all went over to the front house and I introduced Matt to Grandma and Grandpa. Rick told Grandpa that Matt was Brian and Matt's boy. Grandpa grinned and said that he was glad to finally meet me since his Dads talked about him all the time. Matt blushed again and again I was struck by how cute he looked when he did it. I looked up and saw Mike looking at me. I knew he had caught me staring at Matt. I blushed myself but Mike just winked at me.

I also saw Grandma looking at the two of us. I knew nothing EVER got past Grandma! She gave me a smile after sizing up Matt.

"So this project you guys are working on, what's it about?" Grandma asked.

"It's about the Viet Nam war. Grandpa's going to tell us what it was like to be a Marine in Viet Nam." I said.

"Oh, dear! Hank, I hope you're not going to tell these boys everything! It will warp their minds." Grandma said, and I couldn't quite figure out if she was kidding or not.

"No, I'm not going to warp their minds, Rose. There paper is on what it was like to be a USMC grunt over there. They're not doing my biography." Grandpa smiled at her.

"Besides, Mom," Rick said. "They're both twelve years old. Their minds are warped already!"

Everybody laughed at this.

"Viet Nam was an awful time for this country, boys. There was as much if not more dissension as there was during the Civil War. In fact, there were times that it almost seemed like we were having another Civil War over it." Grandma said.

"What did you do during Viet Nam, Grandma?" I asked.

"I was part of the Anti-War movement. I help get boys out of this country and into Canada." Grandma said.

"I didn't know that, Mom!" Rick said.

"So you hadn't met Grandpa then." I said.

"You're Grandpa and I were engaged to be married then." Grandma said.

"But Grandpa was a Marine! He was in Viet Nam!" I said, not being able to put this together.

"Yes, I know. Your Grandpa and I love each other very much but we don't always see eye-to-eye politically. That isn't necessary for a good relationship." Grandma said. "You might want to remember that."

I got the feeling that this was her way of telling me that she had a very good idea of how I was feeling about Matt. I blushed.

"Well...we do see eye-to-eye on all the important things, Rose. I've even come to agree with you about the war. I hate to say it, but there's a part of me that feels really 'used' by the government. They used my patriotism to get me to go there to fight a war we couldn't win - and all the time they knew that." Grandpa said.

"So after Grandpa came back from Viet Nam you two got married?" I asked.

"Yes, but we still were separated one more time. Grandpa went back and served one more tour in Viet Nam before he left the Corps. It was the most horrible year of my life. I was so afraid he'd never come back to me." Grandma said and I could see that the memory of this was really making her very upset.

Grandpa must have realized it, too, because he reached out his hand and put it over hers. She gave him a look of such deep and abiding love that, even at that age, I could recognize it.

"It's okay, Rose. I came home - and in one piece." Grandpa said.

Molly got up at this point and brought from the kitchen a beautiful, large chocolate cake. I noticed Mike's eyes light up. I knew how much he loved chocolate cake - and so did I. I seemed that Matt did, too, because we each had two pieces.

After dinner, Grandpa, Matt and me sat out on the patio and we started asking Grandpa our questions. He told us stories about himself and other grunts that he knew. Some of them were really funny. Some of them were really sad. There were a couple of times that I found myself with tears in my eyes and I think that Matt did, too. I asked Grandpa about his medal. I knew he had gotten one, but I never knew how. Rick had told me not to ask him when I was little but, this was for school so I thought it would be all right.

Grandpa hesitated and then he told us the story of his entire platoon being killed except for his best friend who he carried out of the jungle and to an aid station only to have his best friend die in his arms. When Grandpa finished, tears were falling from my eyes. I noticed the same was true for Grandpa and when I looked at Matt, I could see the tear stains on his face as well.

I figured that we had asked enough of Grandpa so I thanked him and he went off into his house. Matt and I sat there for a few more minutes not saying anything to each other.

"I would hate to lose my best friend like that." Matt finally broke the silence, speaking barely above a whisper.

"Yeah, me, too." I said and then I asked, not knowing where the courage came from, "Who is your best friend, Matt?"

He looked away from me and my heart fell for a moment. I wanted to kick my own ass for asking. But then I heard his answer, his voice low but very understandable.

"You are, Michael." he said.

Oh, holy fucking God! I wanted to jump up and scream! But I knew I couldn't. Instead I said quietly, "I'm glad...because you're my best friend."

Matt looked back around at me and grinned. I grinned back and there we sat, just grinning at each other. Finally, I said to him that we really ought to get to bed. He agreed and we went into the cottage. Mike and Rick were sitting on the couch, listening to some jazz on the stereo. Rick was laying in Mike's arms with his head on Mike's chest. They didn't seem the least bit embarrassed about us seeing them that way. It didn't bother me and it obviously didn't bother Matt either. I guess he saw his own Dads this way all the time.

"You boys about ready for bed?" Mike asked.

"Yeah." I said.

"Did Dad give you what you needed for your paper?" Rick asked.

"Yeah. He told us lots of stories. Some of them were really sad, though." I said.

"Yeah. Especially the one about his best friend dying." Matt said.

Rick looked at us surprised.

"He told you that story?" he asked.

"Yeah." I answered, wondering why Rick was so surprised.

"He never tells anyone that story!" Rick said. "He must really have wanted to help you boys."

"Yeah." I said, "I guess he did. Well, good night." I said and then leaned over and kissed both Mike and Rick.

Matt said good-night to them and they told us to sleep well. I wasn't so sure how much sleep we were going to get. I guess I hoped not a lot. We went into my room and started to get undressed. Then it hit me!

" do you usually sleep." I asked quietly.

"Usually raw, but I can keep my underwear on if that bothers you." he said.

"No, it doesn't bother me. That's how I always sleep, too." I said.

We stripped and then got into my bed. At first, we lay apart from each other. Not very far apart because the bed wasn't that big, but farther apart than I wanted us to be. At first, we laid on our backs and just kind of stared at the ceiling but then I rolled over onto my side so I could look at him. When I did, he did the same so we were laying there looking at each other. My heart was pounding so loud, I was afraid he could hear it. I was nervous and scared and horny all at once. My fuckin' cock was so hard I knew I could pound nails with it!

"Your Grandpa is a really nice guy." Matt said. "I know my Dads really like him."

"Yeah. He is." I said, barely able to get the words out, my tongue was so thick in my mouth.

"I like Mike and Rick, too. Your Dads are really cool! They didn't seem at all bothered by the fact that I was here. I was afraid they might." he said.

"Yeah, the only difference with you here is they have shorts on. Usually their naked. We don't wear clothes around the house." I told him.

"Really? That's so cool! I hate clothes. I'd much rather be naked." Matt said.

"Yeah." I said, not knowing what else to say.

"They looked so, I don't know, romantic laying there in each others arms. My Dads are still a little afraid to do that around me. I guess they think they'll make me gay or something if I see them." Matt laughed.

"Rick and Mike told me that they don't care what I turn out to be, they'll love me no matter what." I said.

"My Dads kind of told me the same thing, they just didn't come right out and say it." Matt said. "Can I ask you something?"

"Sure." I said, actually scared to death about what he was going to ask.

"Would you still be my friend if I did turn out gay?" he asked quietly and he didn't look at me as he said it.

"Sure I would. Would you be my friend if I was?" I asked.

"Yes. Of course I would." he said.

Then there was silence for a long time between us. Okay, maybe it wasn't a long time, but it sure felt that way. I wanted to tell him! I wanted to tell him so bad! I wanted to say I'm gay and I think I'm in love with you.

"I'm gay and I think I'm in love with you."

I heard it softly. I freaked. I thought that I heard my own thoughts coming out of my head but I realized I hadn't said anything! I looked at Matt. He was looking at me, fear in his eyes. Oh! My God!

"Matt! For real?!" I asked.

"Yes." he said quietly and lowered his eyes.

"Matt, I'm gay, too. And I feel exactly the same way about you! I have almost since the moment I first saw you! I've been goin' fuckin' nuts wanting to tell you and totally afraid to." I said.

Matt looked up, smiling that incredible smile of his and his beautiful blue eyes shining.

"You're not just saying that, are you?" Matt said.

"Fuck no! Want me to prove it to you?" I said.

"Yeah." he smiled.

"Okay." I said and slid across the bed until my body was pressing against his.

My hardon was rubbing against him and I suddenly felt his rubbing against me. I put my arms around him and I gently brought my lips to his and gave him a very gentle kiss and then pulled back to look in his eyes. He reached up and put his hand around the back of my neck and then pulled my head towards him again. This time, he pressed our mouths together very hard and the next thing I knew, his mouth opened slightly and his tongue was licking at my upper lip. I figured out quickly that he wanted to put his tongue inside my mouth so I opened to him.

The kiss was long and passionate. I was getting exactly what I dreamed of! Matt was in my arms and I was holding him. I could feel his hard cock pressing against mine and it was awfully wet down there. I figured out that we were both leaking pretty heavy and I could feel our pre-cum going all over us. It was an incredible feeling! My cock was sliding so easily against his hard abs as his was sliding against mine. I knew if this kept up I was gonna cum any second and I figured that Matt wasn't too far behind me.

"Oh, God! Mike was so right!" I said, as I finally pulled my mouth from his.

"About what?" Matt asked.

"I asked him what it was like to really kiss another guy. He told me that if I really loved him, it was the most incredible thing in the world! And it was!" I said.

"Yeah. I think so, too." Matt said quietly.

We just lay there, holding each other, rubbing our cocks together and smiling for a while. I wanted to do more, but I didn't know what to do! I never asked Mike and Rick that! I thought about sucking his cock, but I didn't know if he was ready for that. Fuck! I didn't know if I was ready for that! I just knew that there was more to this and I wanted it!

"Michael..." he said quietly.

"Yeah, Matt?"

"I don't know what we're supposed to do now." he said, embarrassment showing in his voice.

"I don't either." I said, breathing a sigh of relief!

"You mean you''ve never either?" he asked.

"Nope, never. I was always scared to before, really. I'm not scared with you." I said.

"Me, either! I'm not scared with you."

And saying that he reached down and took my cock in his hand. I groaned at the feeling that shot through me! Nobody but me had ever touched my hard cock before. I had no idea how wonderful it felt to have someone else touch you! I slowly reached down and slipped my hand around his cock. It felt incredible! Hot, hard and yet so soft! The skin like velvet! He groaned just as I had at his touch. His cock was almost as big as mine, maybe even a little fatter from what I could tell. It felt so right, so natural in my hand.

"You're big." Matt said softly.

"Your almost as long and I think you're thicker than I am." I said.

"I love the feel of it." Matt said.

"I love the feel of yours." I swore.

He started to slowly stroke me and I followed suit, gently stroking him. Our mouths found each other again and we kissed deeply. All too soon, we were moaning into each other's mouths as I felt his cock spray hot cum all over me. At almost the same time, his hand brought me to a thunderous orgasm that had me shooting my load all over him.

When the trembling of our bodies had stopped, his head fell against my shoulder. We didn't even bother to clean up. We just put our arms around each other and with him cuddled on my shoulder, we went to sleep. I got my dream, Matt was sleeping in my arms!


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Next: Chapter 17

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