Subic Surrender

By RimPig (RimPigFL, Bobby Michaels) (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on Jun 5, 2003


DISCLAIMER: I don't fucking care how old you are. If you like the idea of two hunky young Marine's getting it on with each other then read on!

By the way, no Marine's were injured or killed in the writing of this story but that's not true of what's going on in the Middle East or other foreign places. I would ask your prayers, good thoughts or whatever for all the Marines serving our country (that's us guys!) around the world.

This is dedicated to every one who has ever served in the USMC - Semper Fi!

SUBIC SURRENDER - Part 15 by RimPig (c) 2003

The inspector okayed the work and I had Brian help me start moving the furniture out of my old room in Mom and Dad's house and into Mikey's new room. He was surprised at first that we were going to just give Mikey my old furniture.

"Shit, I thought you guys would buy all new stuff for him." Brian said.

"Believe me, we would have. No, this is what he wanted. He told us that he wanted all the stuff that had been mine. We're going to set this room up as closely to what mine looked like as we can." I said.

And that's exactly what we did. With both Brian and I working, it only took a couple of hours and Mikey's new room looked as much like my old one as we could get - right down to the Marine Corps recruiting posters on the walls and the fighter jet models handing from the ceiling by monofilament fishing line. Mom even came over and hung the same curtains in the room. I remember, she'd look all over for the material to make those curtains. They were olive drab in color and had a print of Marines in full combat gear on them. Yeah, I wanted to be a Jarhead practically all my life. I owed the Marine Corps a lot! If it hadn't been for the Corps, Mike and I would probably never have met.

I called Dad at the office and told him about the inspection and moving all of the things into Mikey's room. I told him I was going to wait for Mikey to come home from school so I could show him his new room. I also told him I'd given Brian the rest of the day off. Dad said that was fine, that he wanted to see the new room himself when he got home.

Mikey got home soon after that. He was excited that I was home. It wasn't often that he got to see either me or Mike during the day. I took him and showed him his new room. I had put the box with Bobo on what had been my bed and now was his. He looked all around the room very excitedly and then spied the box on the bed.

"What's that?" he asked.

I sat down on the bed and he crawled up next to me.

"This," I said, putting my hand on the box. "I something that really should go with this room. In here was my best friend when I was your age. Now, you don't have to take it, but I wanted to give you the option of having him as a friend, too. His name is Bobo." and as I said this, I opened the lid of the box.

I took Bobo out of the protective plastic bag and showed him to Mikey who's eyes and face lit up. He reached out his hands and I gave Bobo to him. He immediately hugged the old teddy bear to him and looking up at me said, "Thank you, Rick!"

"You're welcome, little guy! So, tonight you get to sleep in your own bed." I said.

"Do I have to?" he said, somewhat sadly. "I like sleeping with you and Mike."

Okay, where was Mike when I needed him! Looks like I'm going to have to explain some things to him on my own.

"Mikey, remember you telling me that guys used to come over and sleep with your Dad? That they played together but in a way adults play?" I asked.

"Yeah. Daddy said I'd learn about that when I got older." Mikey said.

"And you know when you asked if Mike and I loved each other?" I asked him.

"Yeah." he said, seemingly wondering what that had to do with anything.

"Well, when two people really love each other, they play like that a lot. But they don't do that in front of anybody else. Mike and I used to play like that a lot before we got you but we couldn't after that because you were always in bed with us." I said.

"Oh. Are you guys mad at me?" he asked, looking stricken.

"No, Mikey! We're not mad at you!" taking him into my arms and hugging him while he continued to clutch the teddy bear. "You know how you like being alone with just us, not Grandma or Grandpa or Molly around?" I asked and he nodded.

"Well, Mike and I like to be alone with just the two of us sometimes because we love each other." I said. "I know this is hard to understand but you will someday."

"Okay." he said but I could see he still was having a hard time with this.

"Mikey, we love you. We really do. It's because of how much we love you that we wanted you with us. It's just that Mike and I love each other and we need to be alone sometimes so that we can show each other how much we love each other." I said.

He looked up at me with very solemn eyes.

"Does this mean we don't get to take showers together anymore?" Mikey asked.

"No, it doesn't mean that at all! We'll keep doing that if you want." I said.

His face brightened somewhat.

"There's just one more thing that we need to talk about, though." he looked at me with the solemn face again. "From now on, if you want to come in our bedroom and the door is closed, you have to knock first. We'll do the same for you. If you have your door closed, we'll knock before we come in. Okay?" I asked.

"Yeah, that's okay. Daddy had the same rule. If he was in the bedroom with the door closed, I had to knock first. I saw something that made Daddy mad one day and he made the rule." Mikey said.

"What did you see?" I asked him.

His face got red from embarrassment.

"It's okay, Mikey. You don't have to tell me if you don't want." I said.

"This guy was with Daddy in bed and he had Daddy's penis in his mouth." Mikey said quietly.

"Ohh!" I said. " see...your Daddy wasn't really mad at you. He was probably more embarrassed then anything. That was one of the ways that some grown-up guys play with each other."

"Do you do that to Mike?" he asked, curiosity written all over his face.

"What Mike and I do alone is none of your business, young man." I said with a smile on my face.

"Ohh. Okay." he said.

I was grateful when he dropped the subject, but I knew it wouldn't be forever. That night, when we tucked him into his own bed for the first time, still clutching Bobo which he hadn't let go of since I gave it to him, he smiled at me and asked if Mike and I were going to go play now? I tried to give him my Mom's 'evil eye' but he just giggled at me. I was going to have to get her to teach me how to do that! Later, when Mike and I were curled up together after he fucked me three times, I told him about the conversation with Mikey and his questions.

"Oh, shit! He actually saw somebody giving Marc a blowjob?!" Mike exclaimed.

"Yeah. He described it real well." I said.

"Fuck! Marc must have had a shit-fit!" Mike said.

"I imagine he did. I explained to Mikey that his Daddy was more embarrassed than mad. It did help explain to him our rule about knocking first." I said. "But it was then that the little fucker asked me point-blank if that's what I did to you when we played!"

"Oh fuck! What did you tell him?" Mike asked, astonished.

"I told him it was none of his business what we did!" I said. "What did you expect me to say?"

"I'm sorry, babe. I didn't think we'd have to explain so much to him so soon." Mike said. "But I want to tell you, I think you did a really good job of handling it."

"I hope so. I don't want to warp the kid into being ashamed of sex but, at the same time, I didn't want us having the same thing happen. I'm not exactly sure how Mikey would take it, seeing you shoving that horse-cock of yours up my butt!" I grinned.

From that point on, life was very good! Mike and I had our sex-life back. We were able to fuck at night before sleeping and again in the morning if we wanted to. Well...except for those occasional times when our son woke us up in the middle of the night with a nightmare and crawled in bed with us. And there were the nights when he would catch some childhood illness and we stayed up all night with him. Those were the times I really thanked God that Mike was a pediatric nurse. He always knew what to do but more importantly, he knew when not to worry. Me? I was all for worrying anytime that Mikey so much as had the sniffles but Mike would tell me, in his very professional manner, that my fears for Mikey's health were groundless and that whatever it was, he'd get over it. And he was always right.

Almost from the beginning, the fact that our son was a Sag started showing. We got him involved in a Tee-ball team and that was the beginning of Copeland and Son Construction being a major supporter of kids athletics. We sponsored Tee-ball and little league teams and later sponsored flag and optimist football teams, soccer teams and whatever sport Mikey was involved in. And he was involved in most of them! It seems we were constantly attending some kind of sporting event in which our son was participating.

He was a very bright child as well, though we had to ride herd on him about his homework. As I'd warned Mike about Sag's, Mikey didn't like routine preferring the activity of sports over drudgery. This included cleaning up his room. I set strict limits for Molly, telling her she was not to clean his room, ever! She did change the beds but that was all. I told he it was for Mikey's own good that he learn to do these things or he would end up a slob.

But always there was that bright sunny smile and those sparkling blue eyes that could melt the coldest heart - and Mike and I were a long way from having cold hearts, especially where our son was concerned. When Mikey was about eight or nine, I was home one day having lunch having stopped by to pick up something I'd forgotten and I was sitting talking to Mom about something to do with Mikey when she looked up at me.

"Rickie, you have become the wonderful father that I knew you would be!" she said.

I know I blushed at this compliment but I still loved hearing it.

"Well, thank's Mom, but what brought that on?" I asked.

"Nothing in particular. I just wanted to tell you that...and I know that parents, especially young parents need to hear that. I know you're worrying about whether or not you and Mike are raising him right. God knows, your father and I worried about it with you! So I wanted to let you know that you were doing a wonderful job." Mom said.

"Thanks, Mom." I said, leaning over and kissing her on the cheek. "But I couldn't have done it without Mike."

"Well, you tell him what I said and tell him that goes for him, too! I'm proud of both of my sons and my grandson!" Mom said.

I took him to school most mornings and picked him up most afternoons because I could get away easier than Mike could except on his days off. Those days, if they were school days, he always made sure to take Mikey to school and pick him up. We also tried to arrange that, on those days that Mikey was off from work that either Mike or I would be, too. It didn't always work out, but we made the effort. Mikey spent a lot more time with us than any of his friends spent with their parents - at least from what he told us. For us, it was always a priority! I guess not being able to have children and then being given a gift from Heaven, like Mikey, made him all the more precious to us.

By the time he was twelve, he was maturing rapidly. He was almost 5'6" tall and weighed almost 130 pounds. Mike and I started him with light weight training, letting him work out with us. Dad had built and enclosure on the patio where we kept the weights and other workout equipment so that we could work out any time. Mikey quickly lost all his baby fat, not that he had much, and was starting to show some muscular development.

One day when I was home for lunch, Molly came to me with a pair of Mikey's underwear. She handed them to me and said,

"I think you should take a look at these."

I did and what I saw surprised me to no end, though I realized - when I stopped to think about it - it shouldn't have. There, on the white briefs, were what were obviously cum stains.

"If you haven't done so already, it's about time you had a little talk with him. Don't you think?" Molly grinned.

I know I was blushing but why I was embarrassed was beyond me.

"Yes, Molly, I guess we better had." I said.

I told Mike about it that night and we discussed it for a long time. We decided that we would do it together. I'm glad we did. I don't think either one of us would have wanted to go through it alone! We sat Mikey down one night after dinner. He seemed to know what was coming before we could even open our mouths.

"Mike, Rick, I've already learned about sex in school." he said. "They taught us about how babies get born and how to use a condom so that we don't get diseases."

"Do you have any questions you want to ask us?" I asked him.

"Not that you're going to answer!" he gave us a cheeky grin.

"What do you mean?" Mike asked. Oh, that question was a mistake!

"Well, I'd like to know what you guys do. What it's like to have sex with another guy." Mikey said.

"You're right. We're not going to answer that." Mike said quickly.

"No, wait a minute, Mike. That's not fair. He asked." I said.

"Have you lost your mind? I'm not going to answer those questions!" Mike said to me.

"No, I haven't lost my mind, and that first question we certainly are not going to answer." I said and then looked over at Mikey. "I told you when you were five that what Mike and I do is none of your business - that still holds true! But, Mike," I said, turning back to my partner. "We can talk to him about what it's like for two guys to have sex. We certainly can talk to him about what it's like for two guys to be in love with each other. They're never going to tell him THAT in school."

Mike sat there for a few moments thinking about it.

"Okay. But I warn you, Mikey! No personal questions. Got it?" he said. He didn't need the evil eye, he still could do the 'Drill Instructor' stare which was even more effective!

"Okay." Mikey agreed.

"Now, where do you want to start?" Mike asked me.

"I think it's more where Mikey wants to start." I said, looking over at our son.

"Okay. Does butt-fucking hurt?" Mikey asked.

"Oh, shit!" Mike groaned.

"No, Mikey, if you know what you're doing and you use enough lube, it doesn't. However, the first time it can hurt - a lot. Have you tried it?" I asked.

"Hey! If I can't ask personal questions, you can't either!" Mikey said.

"Sorry! You're right. That was wrong of me. Okay, anything else?" I asked.

"What's it like to kiss another guy - really kiss him, tongue and all?" he asked.

I looked over at Mike. I figured he could handle this one.

"If you're into guys and you really love him, it can be the most incredible thing in the world. If you're not into guys, it's just a kiss -with scratchy whiskers." Mike said.

"How do you know if you're gay?" Mikey asked.

"You just know." Mike said. "It's really not that hard to figure out. Mostly, it's because guys turn you on more than girls. What it really boils down to, however, is who you fall in love with."

"Ahem!" I cleared my throat.

"What?" Mike asked, looking at me.

"That's not completely true and you know it." I said.

"Well, I didn't want to go into all that." Mike said.

"But it's not fair not to." I said.

"Okay. You want to go into it, you tell him." Mike said.

"What?" Mikey said.

"I didn't know that I was gay. Not until I met Mike and fell in love with him. I guess I repressed all of my attraction for other guys because I was so scared of being called queer." I said.

" had experience with women?" he asked.

I looked at Mike, he nodded at me. I guess there was no way to have this conversation without some personal questions.

"Yes. We both did. Mike knew long before I did that he was gay." I said.

"I guess that you guys wouldn't have any trouble with me being gay. What if I'm straight?" Mikey asked.

"That will not make any difference to us. I promise you, no matter what you turn out to be, we will love you. That will never change." Mike said and I nodded.

"Okay, one last question. What's a blowjob feel like?" Mikey asked.

"I hope one day you find out." Mike said and that ended the discussion.

We were getting ready for bed that night. We'd gotten naked as usual and Mike put his arms around me and started licking at my neck and my cock was just starting to get hard when there was a knock at the door. We looked at each other. It had been a long time since Mikey had knocked at our door this late. Figuring there must be something wrong Mike called out for him to come in.

We were still standing there with our arms around each other. We never hid our affection for each other from Mikey.

"Can I talk to you guys." Mikey asked.

"Of course you can." I said.

Mike and I broke apart and we climbed onto the bed. Mikey sat at the foot of the bed with his legs crossed 'Indian style'.

"So what's up?" Mike asked.

"A couple of things. I want to ask you both a favor." he said.

"What?" I asked.

"Well...could you please not call me 'Mikey' any more? It's such a baby name." he said.

"I understand completely. You know grandma still calls me 'Rickie'. I hated it when I was your age but I could never get her to stop. Now I'm used to it. But I do understand." I said.

"Yeah, we understand. So what do you want to call you? How about 'Alice'?" Mike laughed.

Mikey gave him one of those 'long-suffering' looks that all teenagers give their parents.

"It's not funny." he said.

"I'm sorry. Okay what do you want us to call you." Mike asked.

"Well, I figure Mike would be too confusing so I'd like you to call me Michael." Mikey said.

"Okay. We can do that." I said. "However, you've got to realize that it's not going to happen completely overnight. You're going to have to forgive us if we forget and call you 'Mikey' sometimes."

"Yeah, I understand." he said.

"Okay, so what else, Michael." Mike said and Michel grinned at him.

"I...I..had a reason why I asked you about how you know if you're gay. I think I am." he said, his voice hesitant and trailing off at the end.

"Why do you think that?" I asked him.

"Well, there's this guy in my class named Matt who I keep having these thoughts about." he said quietly.

"What kind of thoughts?" Mike asked him.

"Well...I keep thinking about his face and his body and I get...I get kind of 'excited', if you know what I mean." he said, his face coloring with embarrassment.

"Yeah. We know what you mean." Mike grinned.

"I keep having these ideas of things I'd like to do with him." Michael said. "Sexual things." he said quietly.

"Okay." Mike said. "Have you acted on any of this?"

"No! I'm too scared to. I mean, I don't even know him really. Just to say 'hi' in the halls or something." Michael said.

"Michael, what you're going through is normal at your age. It's normal for boys to discover each other sexually. It's a normal kind of experimentation. It doesn't make you gay." Mike said.

"But it isn't just sex. I want to hold him, to kiss him. I want him to feel about me the way I feel about him." Michael explained.

"Look, I understand. It's hard when you're young. Things can be very confusing. I want to warn you though. Chances are that Matt is not going to feel the same way about you...and that having sex with him could very easily end any possible friendship you could have with him." Mike said.

"Why?" Michael asked, seemingly confused by this.

"Michael," I said. "Friendship is a very important relationship for anyone. But when you try to move that relationship to another level of intimacy, you can make the other person very uncomfortable about it. After all, if he's not gay, he may well end up panicking about his sexual identity. Remember, at his age, he's just as confused about things as you are."

"So what you're saying is to forget it." Michael looked very despondent at this.

"No, that's not what I'm saying." I said. "What I'm saying is to think bef ore you act on your feelings. Realize that there can be consequences that you don't want to happen."

"Rick's right, Michael. We don't want to see you get hurt." Mike said.

"But feeling like this hurts!" Michael said.

"I know, son. Come here." Mike said moving over and making room between us.

Michael moved to where he was between us and we both had our arms around him.

"Listen, Michael, I want to get one thing straight here. We don't care if you're gay or not. We're still going to love you if you're not. We don't want you to feel like you have to be to please us." Mike said.

"Yes, Michael. We love you. All we want is for you to be happy. That's all." I said.

He leaned over and kissed first Mike and then me.

"I really love you. You know that." he said to both of us.

"Yeah, we know. But it's really nice to hear it every once and a while, ya know?" Mike said to him.

"So you're not going to tell me what to do?" Michael asked.

"Nope. Not our place to. We can't tell you who to love or what to do about it. We're always here to listen and we'll try to answer questions when we can. But in this area of your life, the decisions are basically yours." I said.

"In other words you trust me?" Michael asked.

"In exactly those words - we trust you." Mike said.

Michael grinned so wide that you'd thought we'd just given him the Congressional Medal of Honor! But, maybe in his mind, we just did. Michael hugged both of us and the hopped off the bed and walked to the bedroom door. He stopped at the door and turned back.

"Good night. Uhh...I don't think anybody has cooler parents than I have." he said and then slipped out the door.

Mike and I just sat there for a moment looking at each other.

"We're cool!" Mike said grinning.

"I don't ever remember not being cool!" I grinned back.

Mike's arms went around me and he murmured in my ear.

"Not bad for being together for eighteen years. You still turn me on so bad! That's 'cool', too, babe."

"So, since I turn you on, wanna do something about it?" I smiled at him and licked the tip of his nose.

"Yeah. I wanna do something. I wanna make you scream when you cum while I'm fucking you hard!" Mike murmured in my ear.

He pushed me over onto my stomach and began to bite and nibble at the back of my neck and the edges of my shoulder blades. I groaned at the sensations as chills ran up and down my spine. My mind went back to Subic. Eighteen years! Had it really been that long? How many times had we done this? And even though it was so comfortable, it never ceased to be exciting to me - and evidently, from the hard piece of Mike's flesh which was poking into my ass-trench, to him as well.

He moved down my body, licking and sucking at my skin, tasting me, as I so loved to taste him, until he came to my butt. Then all motion, all sensation stopped. After a few moments, I looked back over my shoulder to see what was wrong. Mike was just laying there staring at my butt.

"Babe, is something wrong?" I asked.

"You have the most beautiful ass in the world. Did you know that?" he breathed softly.

"I should by now, you've told me often enough." I grinned.

"I can't believe it. All these years and I still can't get enough of your body!" he said.

"Thank God! Because I know I will never get enough of yours." I said.

"What are we going to do when we get old?" Mike asked, almost to himself.

"Move to San Diego and seduce young Marines?" I suggested.

"No way! I'll still be too busy fucking you." Mike said as he lowered his head while spreading my cheeks with his hands.

I watched as he moved his face deeper into my trench and began to breathe in my scent. I could hear the deep breaths he was taking and even felt his warm breath gently brushing the fine hairs in my crack. He groaned as he filled his nose with the aroma of my butt and it was not long before I felt his tongue begin to caress the sweaty, tender skin of that most intimate place on my body. His tongue was raspy and wet as he laved up and down, covering my entire trench with his saliva until he finally centered his attentions on my wrinkled opening.

I could feel him licking, sucking and even nibbling at the lips of my hole. I pushed my ass up, spreading my buns even further, to give him better access to me. His tongue began to press at my hole and I pushed out gently with my ass muscles. I felt his tongue slide easily inside me until his tongue was completely buried in my ass. This was something that I truly loved, the feel of Mike's tongue flicking around inside of me. I know he was tasting me, as I would taste him when my face was likewise buried in his butt. Eating Mike's ass was definitely my most favorite oral activity. There had been times when we were both very horned that we had gotten off that way, just by me eating his ass. But that wasn't going to happen tonight.

No! Tonight I was going to feel the raw power of Mike's body as he drove his cock relentlessly in and out of my hole. Though I no experience of any other man, I was willing to bet that Mike was at least one of the top 5 butt-fuckers who ever lived! He could play me like Heifetz could play a violin! He could keep me right at the edge until I was screaming to cum or he could use his cock to just pump load after steaming load of hot jizz out of my piss-slit. And he always seemed to know just exactly what kind of fucking I needed - slow and sensuous, gentle and romantic, rough and animal, fast and furious.

Tonight was a combination of the last two. It was rough, it was animal, it was fast and it was furious. Mike was definitely charged to the max. I guess all the talk about sex and then tension surrounding talking to Mikey...uhh...make the Michael...had gotten to him. In some ways, it's too bad that it would be too traumatic for all of us if Michael got to watch while Mike and I made love. It would have been all the education about gay sex he would ever need!

As Mike pounded my hole, jack-hammering me into a totally mindless, totally sensory state, I could no longer think of anything but his hot prick slamming in and out of my chute. I pushed back with each stab, trying to get him deeper and deeper inside of me. This was the kind of sex that straightened out all the 'kinks' in me - took away all the tensions of the day and left me a quivering glob of humanity on the bed. There would be nothing left to give by the end. Only the incredible after-glow which would last until morning when we would probably do it all over again.

His cock was moving in and out of me now at a blinding rate of speed. The tingle in my balls told me that my orgasm was fast approaching and the deep grunting that was coming from Mike's clenched teeth told me that he was as close, if not closer, than I was. I purposely clamped down with the muscles of my ass as hard as I could and I heard the satisfying groan from Mike and felt the throbbing of his cock buried deep in my bowels which told me I had triggered his orgasm. The quick, hard stabs of his cock into my hole as he deposited his load of cum triggered my orgasm as well and I road the wave of feeling until I was collapsed with Mike collapsed on top of me.

We lay there for a while, neither of us saying a word because neither of us could! As we'd gotten older, it took more and more out of us to engage in the sex which encompassed our greatest joy in each other. We had not reached the point where, as an old saying I'd read somewhere related, 'It now takes all night to do what we used to do all night.' but I figured it wouldn't be long until that was true.

Finally, Mike got up enough energy to slowly pull his softening cock from my well-used hole and to move down until his face was once again buried in my ass and he was eating his load from my butt.

"No wonder we never had any more kids. I never had a chance to get pregnant with you doing that!" I laughed.

Mike looked up from my ass grinning.

"Can't help it! My cum and your butt are too tasty a combination." he grinned.

His face went back down to my butt and I could feel him sucking more of his load out of me. Then he came back up the bed, pulled me into his arms and kissed me deeply - sharing his load with me. Breaking the kiss, I nestled in the crook of his shoulder, his strong arms still around me and mine around him.

"He's growing up. It's just way too fast for me! Do you think he's really gay?" I asked.

"Could be. I don't think it's anything that we did, though." Mike said.

"Just showed him that two males can love each other." I said.

"That's not going to change someone's sexual orientation. Trust me." Mike said.

"What are we going to do about it?" I asked.

"Just what you said. We're going to be there if he wants to talk. That's all we can do." Mike said.

"What about this 'Matt' kid? What do we do about him?" I asked.

"We welcome him as Michael's friend and we let nature take its course." Mike said.

"I still love you...even after all these years." I said quietly.

"Funny...I was just thinking the same thing. I thought I'd be tired of you by now or you tired of me. I guess we're stuck with each other." Mike murmured.

"Yeah, it's this damned ring. I can't get it off my finger anymore." I said.

"I've never tried." Mike said.

And curled up together we went to sleep.

'Matt' became a real person to us eventually. Michael brought him home to meet us about a month after the 'Talk'. What shocked us about him was the fact that I knew him. Well...I knew about him. From his Dad. It all went back to that day that Michael's bedroom was finished.

Brian had talked to me that day about his friend, Matt, who was getting out of the Marine Corps and needed a job. Brian was just starting to come to terms with the fact that he was gay and, worse, was in love with Matt. Matt was coming off his second divorce at that time. About a month after Brian and I had that conversation in our kitchen, he left a message at the office, asking if he could come by and talk to me again. I told him to meet me at the house around lunch. I called Molly and asked her to fix something for us and leave it in our refrigerator. I told her just something simple. For Molly, simple turned out to be cold fried chicken, homemade potato salad, sliced watermelon and lemon meringue pie! God bless her! She may never have married but she knew how to feed a male.

"So what's up?" I asked as we ate.

"Well, you know Matt's moved in with me." he said.

"Yeah. I figured that. I saw his name on the payroll sheets. So, how's it goin'?" I asked.

"Not so good." he said. "It's like we're walkin' on eggshells around each other. I know something's up. I know there's somethin' he's not tellin' me, but he won't open up." Brian said.

"Tried getting him drunk? Most guys open up then." I suggested.

"Yeah. I tried that. All that happened is I ended up with a crying drunk on my hands. Wouldn't tell me what was wrong, though. Kept sayin' that I didn't want to know." Brian said, his voice indicating his disappointment.

"What are you going to do?" I asked.

"Short of rapin' him, I'm outa ideas. I don't know what the fuck to do!" he said.

"I always think that 'honesty is the best policy', like Abraham Lincoln said. Why don't you just tell him how you feel about him?" I asked.

"Because I'm fuckin' scared! What if he doesn't want that! I'd lose him!" Brian groaned.

"No you wouldn't. You can't lose something you don't have." I said.

That brought him up short. I don't think he considered that.

"I mean, if you want to continue to live in all this pain, that's up to you. Me, I'd rather know where I stood and either get on with my life with him or get on with my life without him. But that's me." I said.

Brian was quiet for a while.

"You really think that could work?" he asked quietly.

"Brian, you tell him how you feel and one of three things is going to happen. One - he blows the fuck up and walks out on you. Two - he tells you he likes you as a friend and that's all. Three - he tells you he feels the same way about you. Whichever way it's going to go, you bringing it out in the open by being honest with your feelings is going to make things happen." I said.

"But it's really hard to talk about how I feel." he said.

"Yeah, I know. It is with most guys. You're just going to have to get over that hurdle or you two are never going to have a chance to find out how you feel about each other. Tell me something, has he been dating since he's been here?" I asked.

"No. We've gone out a couple of times and hit some bars. He's made comments about this or that girl - you know, typical guy shit. 'Oh, look at the knockers on that one.' 'Hey, nice ass on that one.' That kind of shit. But he never follow through on it." he said.

"Sounds to me like he's kind of 'feeling you out.' Seeing if you're going to rise to the bait." I said.

"Well, I didn't. I just kept on drinking." Brian said.

"Look Brian, I can't make this decision for you. I don't even know if you want him to know the truth but sooner or later, it's bound to come out. You're just going to have to make up your own mind on this one. Besides, I don't want you comin' back to me and saying that I fucked everything up for you." I said.

"I wouldn't do that, Rick. Swear to God, man! I'd never do that! You're the only one I've got to talk to!" he insisted.

That night, Mike and I were laying in bed when he suddenly said to me, "I hear you've been having lunch with some hunky construction worker."

"Molly told you about it, didn't she." I said.

"Yeah, she did. I told her it was just your other boyfriend." he laughed.

"She didn't believe you, did she?!" I exclaimed.

"Nah! Of course not! So who was it anyway?" he asked.

"Brian." I said.

"Oh, Brian as in Brian - I'm in love with my best friend and I can't tell him Brian?" Mike asked.

"Yep, the very same!" I said.

"So what did he want?" Mike asked.

"Well, his friend Matt's been here for a month and nothings happened. From the sound of things they're both scared shitless to admit what they feel about each other." I said.

"So what did you tell him?" I asked.

"I told him that I couldn't solve this for him but, if it were me, I'd just go ahead and tell Matt the truth and let the chips fall where they will." I said.

"Sounds good to me." Mike said and started nuzzling my neck.

We were just getting to the good part when all of a sudden, the phone rang. We both groaned.

"Shit! Who the fuck could that be at this hour?" Mike said.

"Should I see who it is?" I asked.

"It's gotta be for you. If the hospital wanted me they would have paged me." Mike said.

I picked up the phone and said 'hello'.

"I know it's fuckin' late and I'm really sorry about that!" Brian's voice came over the phone all excited. "But Matt made me call. He wanted me to say 'Thank you'! You know what for."

"I can guess." I smiled. "So I take it everything's worked out?"

"Well, not exactly everything, but we're workin' on it. But without you, it probably wouldn't have happened at all." he said.

"Hey, I didn't do anything. I just listened. You did all the hard parts. I'm real happy for you." I said.

"Thanks, Rick. I'll let you go. Sorry, again, about it bein' so late." Brian said.

"No, it's okay. I'll talk to you later." and I hung up the phone.

"Let me guess. Brian?" Mike said.

"Bingo! Our intrepid Brian, like a true Canadian Mounty got his man!" I laughed.

"Well, I hope it works out for them." Mike said.

"So why don't we get back to making it work out for us?" I said leaning over and nibbling on one of Mike's very sensitive ear-lobes.

A couple of weeks later, we had dinner with Brian and Matt. They had worked things out between them and it was obvious, at least to us that they were very much in love. I'd see Brian or Matt on job sites and knew that their relationship was a good one. It was about a year ago, however, that Brian had asked to talk to me again. I wondered what the problem was but agreed to meet him for lunch again. I thought it might have to do with problems within their relationship and, if that was the case, I was willing to listen to whatever Brian felt he needed to talk to me about.

The problem turned out to be something I didn't even think of. Matt's two marriages had ended in divorce but there was a child - a son - from the first marriage. Now it seemed that Matt's first wife was about to get married again and she and her new husband didn't want a kid around because they were planning to have kids of their own. Matt was thrilled with this arrangement because he'd always wanted custody of his son, but Brian was having some real misgivings about it. He was afraid of how the boy, who was twelve at the time, would deal with their situation.

"It's different for you, I know." Brian said. "Mikey was so much younger and, from what you've said, his Dad was gay and he knew it. Matt's boy doesn't know anything about his Dad. Matt's barely seen him since he was a baby."

"All of that is true, but twelve is still young. He may not already be so warped by society that he can accept what happened between his Dad and you. How does the boy feel about the transfer of custody?" I asked.

"He's all for it. From what he's told Matt, the guy his mother is marrying is a real asshole. Treats the kid like shit and his mother doesn't do anything about it. He's happier than hell to get out of there." Brian said.

"Well, I'm going to give you the same advice I gave you last time. You and Matt need to be honest with him from the get-go. Don't beat around the bush and don't let him figure it out on his own. Don't apologize about it, either. You two have the right to live your lives the way you want. The kid will just have to come to terms with that because your relationship with Matt has nothing to do with him." I said.

"Yeah, but how do I handle the kid?" Brian asked.

"Have you and Matt talked about how you want to handle this? The best way is if you approach parenting as a couple. Since Matt has not been in a parental role with the kid prior to this, starting off with the two of you assuming parental responsibility will make things easier in the long run. Most of all, you can't let the kid be a wedge between you. He may try to play one of you against the other. You have to put a stop to that immediately or it will destroy your relationship." I said.

"Oh, fuck! What the fuck am I getting myself into?" Brian said.

"Look, none of this may come to pass. The kid could just accept it. After all, you're a great guy. I'm sure any kid would like to have you as a Dad. Matt's a good guy, too. I think between you, you can make great parents." I said.

"God, I hope so! To be honest with you, I'm scared because I really love Matt and I don't want to lose him. But I'm also scared because I would love to help raise Matt's son, I'd love it if I was a 'Dad', too. I remember what you said about being gay doesn't stop you wantin''s true. At least it is for me. And this is the only way I can see that I'm ever gonna have the chance so, I don't want to blow it." Brian said.

"I understand. Don't forget, Mike knows a lot about kids from working with them for so long. You got any questions, I'm sure he'd be glad to help as well." I said.

I told Mike about things that night after he got home. Mike readily agreed to help if Brian or Matt wanted it. After about two weeks, however, I hadn't heard anything from either one of them and began to wonder what happened. I was out at one of the job sites where they both were so I pulled them aside and took time to ask how things were going.

"They're going just fuckin' great!" Brian beamed at me and Matt was all smiles as well.

"Really?" I asked.

"Yeah!" Matt said. "The kid just took it like it was the most natural thing in the world! I gotta tell you, I was shocked. I guess the world has changed."

"So you all are doing okay then?" I asked.

"Yep!" Brian grinned. "We're a family - and it feels really good!"

"Yeah. Now we know what you and Mike have been feelin' all these years. I just wish I'd come out sooner and got my boy sooner but, what the hell! Things happen when they happen." Matt said.

"Well, I've got to tell you, this is really good news and I'm very happy for both of you." I said. "By the way, Matt, what's your boy's name?"

"It's Matt. Matt Jr." he said and showed me several pictures of the very cute boy.

The night we had 'the Talk' with Michael he'd told us about this boy he had a crush on who's name was Matt but, so help me God!, I never connected the two things! Mike had told us he was finally going to bring the boy home because they had to work on some project or another together for school. Michael was so excited about it. So imagine my surprise the day I got home from work and found Michael in his room studying with another, very adorable twelve year old, who looked more than vaguely familiar!

"Rick, I want you to meet my friend, Matt." Michael said shyly.

I recognized him immediately from the pictures that his Dad had showed me. So this was the kid that Michael had such a 'crush' on! Well, if he was gay, our son had very good taste in males!

"Glad to finally meet you, Matt. We should have met a while ago. I know your, Dad." I said.

"Yes, sir. I know. He works for you." Matt said and I thought Michael's jaw was going to hit the floor.

Evidently Matt hadn't told Michael about the connection.

"Please, Matt. Don't call me 'sir'. Makes me feel very old. Around here, we are very informal. Just call me Rick like Michael does. Okay?"

"Sure...ahh...Rick." Matt said.

"You never told me your Dad worked for Rick." Michael said.

"I know. I didn't know how you'd take it. I didn't want you to think that I just wanted to be your friend because you were my Dad's boss's son." Michael said.

"Ohh." Michael said.

"You boys want something to drink?" I asked. "There are cokes out in the fridge."

"Yes. Thank you." Matt said.

"Michael, why don't you come out and get them. You'll excuse us, Matt?" I said.

"Sure." he said and sat back down at Michael's desk.

"He's very cute." I said when I got Michael alone.

"Yeah. He is!" Michael grinned.

"Have you told him how you feel about him?" I asked.

"No. We're only just beginning to really become friends." Michael said.

"That's best." I said. "Remember, Mike and I were friends for two years before anything happened between us."

"I have wait THAT long!?" Michael exclaimed.

"No. We were 'slow learners'." I laughed.

"So you really do know his Dad?" Michael asked.

"Both of them. You know his Dad has a lover?" I asked.

"Yeah, he told me about him. His name's Brian." Michael said.

"Yes, and he's one of the men who built your bedroom when we first brought you home." I said.

"Really?! Cool!" he said and grabbed the cokes and ran back to his room.

"Hey, Matt! Guess what Brian did!" I heard him yelling as he ran down the hall back to his room and his friend.


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Next: Chapter 16

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