Subic Surrender

By RimPig (RimPigFL, Bobby Michaels) (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on Jun 5, 2003


DISCLAIMER: I don't fucking care how old you are. If you like the idea of two hunky young Marine's getting it on with each other then read on!

By the way, no Marine's were injured or killed in the writing of this story but that's not true of what's going on in the Middle East or other foreign places. I would ask your prayers, good thoughts or whatever for all the Marines serving our country (that's us guys!) around the world.

This is dedicated to every one who has ever served in the USMC - Semper Fi!

SUBIC SURRENDER - Part 14 by RimPig (c) 2003

We made it to the cottage and we would have made it to the bedroom but Mike saw the couch which was much closer so we ended up there. Mike pulled me down on it with him and was soon almost tearing my clothes off - as well as his own - and kissing and licking any part of my skin that he could get to. The scent of him was strong telling me that he was very, very turned on. Unfortunately, a thought struck me and I started laughing. Mike stopped what he was doing and stared down at me.

"And just what is so funny?" he asked, frustration showing in his voice.

I had to get myself under control to answer.

"I'm sorry! I just thought that we're REALLY married now! My parents are babysitting and we're having to hurry up to have sex while they are! It's just what I hear some of the guys down at the construction site talking about!" I grinned.

Mike just looked at me for a moment and then got this wry grin on his face.

"I guess having a kid does kind of change things a lot for us. Are you sorry?" he asked.

"When we can't have sex in the morning or at night because he's in bed with us, yeah, I kind of am. But then I look down and see him sleeping peacefully in my arms or I see him playing on the floor or he looks up at me with those beautiful, trusting eyes and I don't care about the changes, they're worth it." I said honestly.

Mike leaned down and kissed me gently.

"That's exactly how I feel." Mike said.

"Well, you know what Bill Cosby says about kids." I said.

"No, what?" Mike asked.

"He says that God makes them cute so their parents won't kill them!" I laughed and Mike laughed with me.

Mike then began undressing me again, but slower this time, not so frantically. His mouth and tongue were all over me until I finally grabbed him and turned him over on the couch so I could do some 'tasting' of my own. By the time we were naked, we were really hot for each other. Mike had me kneel on the couch with my chest resting on the back of it and he ate my butt until I was begging him to fuck me. He stood up and put his cock to my eager hole and just slowly pushed all the way inside me. I loved this position for one reason - it gave Mike free access to the entire front of my body. He could pull on my nipples, stroke my abs, jack on my cock or squeeze my nuts. This time he did all of it while he continued to bang his cock in and out of my backdoor.

In almost no time at all, Mike was heading for a huge explosion - as was I. I started groaning almost the same time he did and I blasted my load all over the couch while I felt Mike hard pole slam into my guts one last time and twitch as it delivered volley after volley of Mike's warm, rich cum deep inside me. Mike collapsed on top of me and waited for his cock to go soft. When it did, he gently pulled out of me and then got down behind me quickly, planting his mouth on my butt- hole and began sucking his load from my ass.

I moaned at the feelings he was giving to my pucker-hole and my own cock started getting hard again. When Mike pulled his face out of my butt, I turned around and got down on my knees and began to suck on his cock which was hard again. Then I pushed him down until he was kneeling on the couch as I had been. My face was in his butt, inhaling the rich aroma of my lover and then I was eating his ass like I was starving! Mike started moaning and begging me to fuck him which I agreed was just about the best idea I'd heard all day. I got behind him and slowly shoved my cock all the way up his chute while he moaned and begged for more.

I banged his ass hard and long, loving the feeling of his tight, wet hole. I reached around and pulled on his nipples as he'd done mine and then reached down and grabbed his cock in one hand and his balls in the other. I jacked his cock in rhythm to my fucking him while I gently squeezed his nuts. I soon had him almost yelling and I could feel him ready to shoot his load again. I let the contractions of his hole as he came send me over the edge and I deposited all of my sperm up his hungry butt. I collapsed on his back as he'd done on mine. Then, when my cock was soft, I pulled it from his well-used hole and got down on my knees behind him and sucked my load out of his butt. He, in turn, cleaned the cum off my cock and then we both collapsed on the couch in each other's arms.

"Oh, fuck! We've got to get Mom and Dad to take him at least an hour a day!" Mike groaned. "I can't live without this!"

"We'll have to see what we can work out but they seem amenable enough. What's really going to make the difference is how Mikey feels about it." I said.

"He'll learn to adjust! If he was only older, we could explain this to him." Mike said.

"Oh, I would LOVE to hear THAT conversation!" I said, starting to laugh.

"Hey, I think I handled 'hardons' pretty good." Mike said.

"Well...kind of." I replied.

"What do you mean - 'kind of'?" he asked.

"Well, you explained that we get them. You didn't explain why. You know eventually he's going to ask that as well. We're also going to have to explain about having two Daddies and not a Mommy. And eventually we're going to have to talk to him about sex. Oh, and what do we do if he turns out 'straight' as he's most likely to?" I said.

"We'll cross those bridges when we come to them. As for him being 'straight','s not like we don't know anything about women. He's not going to grow up hating 'faggots', at least. Rick, we aren't going to do everything right. We can't. Nobody can. But he's gonna know that he's loved and that's more than I ever had." Mike said.

I reached up and stroked his face gently.

"You know you are now, don't you?" I asked softly.

"God! I'm surrounded by love now. You, Mom and Dad and now Mikey. There are times I look at you and I just almost break down in tears I'm so happy. Then the night before last, when I held both you and Mikey in my arms, it was like the world was finally complete! I didn't know anything was missing before, but that little boy has filled an emptiness in me that I never even knew existed." he said quietly.

"Yeah, I know. I felt the same thing last night. God, I suddenly really understand so much of what my Dad and Mom must have felt when I was growing up." I said.

We lay there quietly in each other's arms for a while and then a thought hit me.

"Mike?" I said.

"Hmm?" he answered and I could tell he was almost asleep.

"Mike, do we know when Mikey's birthday is?" I asked.

Mike opened his eyes and look at me with panic written all over his face.

"Fuck! No!" he said.

"Maybe he knows. He knows he's five." I said.

"Wait a minute!" Mike said, climbing off the couch over the back of it.

Leaving me there, he started rummaging through the carry-on luggage which was still on the floor by the front door. He came up with a manilla envelop and pulled some papers from it and started flipping through them.

"It must be in the adoption papers somewhere! Yes! Here it is! December first." Mike called out.

"Oh, born under the sign of Sagittarius." I said.

"What the fuck does that mean?" he asked.

"Well, it means he's very compatible with us since we're both Leo's. Leo is a 'fire' sign and so is Sagittarius." I said.

"You're not telling me you believe in all that mumbo jumbo, do you?" Mike looked at me with shock on his face.

"Not all of it. But it is interesting for character analysis." I said.

"Like what?" Mike said, skeptically.

"Well, how about the fact that some of the major traits of Leo's are that they tend to be very romantic, very sexual with their mates and extremely faithful." I said.

"You're just making that up." Mike said.

"Mike, have I ever lied to you?" I asked.

"No." he said, sheepishly.

"That, by the way, is another Leo trait. They prize two qualities about all others - honesty and loyalty." I said.

"Okay, tell me about Sagittarius." he said.

"Well, some of the news isn't good. Sag's are very high energy people. They tend to like adventure and they don't do well with everyday routine. What we going to have to learn to do with him is to channel the energy creatively and to instill in him lots of discipline so that he can deal with routine. But they love to learn, so he'll probably be a very good student and he'll tend to love sports so we'll probably end up going to lots of high school football games, wrestling meets, basketball games - who knows? And we'll be going because he'll be playing in them. Sag's love the outdoors and sunshine. That's perfect for living in Florida." I told Mike.

"Where the fuck did you learn all this?" Mike asked.

"I was a loner in high school. Spent a lot of time reading and trying to figure myself out. I realize now that what it was that made me feel different from the rest of the world was my desire for another guy which I was denying. If you hadn't come along, who knows if I ever would have figured it out. I know when I finally figured out that I was in love with you, everything just kind of fell into place." I told Mike.

By this point, he was back on the couch and his arms were again around me.

"Yeah. When I met you, everything fell into place for me, too." he smiled and then rubbed noses with me.

He hadn't done that in a while and I knew that this meant that he was totally happy and content at that moment.

"You know, supposedly that's where we get this thing about only wanting each other from. Leo's are very loyal when they are in love." I said.

"Well, even though I can see everything you've said, I still don't buy it all. But it is interesting. So basically what you're telling me is that the Zodiac says that we have a really strong marriage and we've got our hands full with this kid." Mike said.

"Well, yes. But we're in a very good position to handle him. Because we all are fire signs, we have an innate understanding of each other. Of course, that means that Mikey has that of us, as well." I told him.

"Hmm. That could prove to be helpful - or a problem." Mike said.

"That's what I'm talking about. Everything is a two-edge sword. Everything has it's positive and negative aspects. You have to learn how to deal with things from both perspectives." I said.

"Well, here's the negative one - as much as I want to lay here more with you, I think we better go back over to the main house and get our son before he wakes up and we're not around. I don't think he's ready for that yet." Mike said.

"I couldn't agree more." I said.

We both got into gym shorts and went back over to Mom and Dad's. Mikey was still asleep and Mike explained to them that we were going to take him home so that he didn't wake up without us there. Mom understood completely and Mike picked up our sleeping boy and carried him back to the cottage. Mom told me to come back over for dinner, so that we didn't have to cook. I thanked her and followed Mike and our sleeping son back to the cottage.

Mike laid him down on the bed in our room and then we both climbed on the bed and curled up in each other's arms. Having had sex, we were ready to take a nap ourselves. However, even through we did drop off to sleep, it wasn't for long. Some inner sense was starting to become active in me and when Mikey started stirring, I just automatically came awake. I noticed Mike did, too. Mikey woke up and looked around. He saw us laying there together and then he looked around the room.

"Where are we?" he asked.

"This is where we live. This is our bedroom. We're going to build another one on for you so, until it's finished, this is where you'll sleep, too." Mike told him.

Mikey looked around and then looked back at us. He seemed to study us for a long time.

"Are you guys in love?" he asked with no apparent prejudice, just curiosity.

"Yes, Mikey, we are." I said.

"Daddy told me that he really loved you." Mikey said, looking at Mike. "Did you love my Daddy?"

"Yes, I did. A very long time ago. Long before you were born." Mike said quietly to him.

"Why did you stop?" Mikey asked.

"I didn't." Mike said. "Your Daddy went away from me and I never saw him again until he asked me to be your new Daddy."

Mikey seemed to think about this for a while. I couldn't begin to imagine what was going on in his little head. There was so much here that must be horribly confusing for him and he was trying to put the puzzle together without having all the pieces. Finally, he looked at us.

"Daddy's going to die just like Mommy, isn't he." he said this as a statement of fact, not a question.

I looked at Mike and Mike looked at me. I don't know why, but I felt it was important that Mike talk to him about this. I knew he would be honest with him.

"Yes, Mikey. That's true. How did you know that?" Mike said.

"He's been sick such a long time and I heard the nurses talking one day. They said something about Daddy not having a lot of time left. I wondered for what. I asked him and that's when he said he might have to go away for a long time." Mikey said. "He's not ever coming back, is he?"

His voice was very small and his chin began to quiver. I reached over and pulled him to me. Mike wrapped his arms around both of us.

"No, Mikey. He's not." I said, holding him against me.

Mikey started to cry but it was not heavy sobbing. I just held him to me and he could feel both Mike and my arms around him. There wasn't anything that we could say to him. It's hard enough to comfort an adult when they've lost someone close to them. With a child, it's next to impossible. Only time would heal the hurt and help him forget, but not completely. Nothing would ever do that. However, this kid was going to be surrounded by love and that is healing as well.

Mikey stopped crying and looked up at us. "You're not going away, are you?" he asked, tentatively.

"No, Mikey. We're not going anywhere. We're going to stay right here with you." Mike said.

"Those people in the other house...they're your Mommy and Daddy?" he asked. I guess he was trying to get all the relationships straight.

"Yes, Mikey. They are." Mike said.

"But Daddy said you had no Mommy and Daddy, just like him." Mikey said, completely confused.

Mike sat up on the bed, cross-legged, and pulled Mikey to him , sitting him on his leg.

"Okay, pal. Here's the deal. I didn't have parents. They left me when I was a lot younger than you are. Your Daddy and I grew up in places where they put kids who have no parents. When I was 17, I went into the Marine Corps." Mike said. At this, Mikey's eyes lit up.

"You're a Marine!?" he exclaimed.

"Used to be, Mikey. Rick was, too." he said and Mikey turned to look at me, his eyes shining.

"I love Marines!" Mike exclaimed.

Mike and I looked at each other.

"Why do you love Marines, Mikey?" I asked him.

"Cause they're so nice!" Mikey said.

"Do you know a lot of Marines, Mikey?" Mike asked him.

We couldn't understand where this was coming from.

"Well...only one. Sergeant Gunther. He's really nice!" Mikey said.

"Where did you meet him?" I asked.

"He has this place near my kindergarten. He makes Marines there." he said.

I was confused at first and then it hit me.

"Is this like an office that Sergeant Gunther works in, Mikey?" I asked.

"Yeah! He makes Marines there." Mike insisted.

Mike looked at me with puzzlement all over his face.

"A recruiting depot, Mike!" I said.

"Oh, shit! Of course!" Mike said.

"So how did you meet him, Mikey?" I asked.

"Well...he was standing outside one day and I walked by...his clothes were funny so I asked about them." Mikey said.

"What made his clothes funny?" Mike asked.

"They were all these colors." Mikey said.

"Oh, camouflages!" I said.

"Yeah! He told me how they would make you disappear in a jungle!" Mikey said, evidently still impressed with this idea. "Did you guys ever wear those?"

"Wear them! We've still got them!" Mike smiled.

"Really!" Mikey enthused.

"Really. I'll pull them out sometime and let you see." Mike said.

"So you like Marines, huh?" I asked.

"Oh yes! I'm going to be one when I grow up! Sergeant Gunther said I could!" Mike bounced up and down on Mike's leg in excitement.

"Well, I told you so! Let's get working on the appointment to Anapolis!" I laughed. "We don't want our son being a grunt, do we?"

"Hey! What's wrong with being a grunt! We were!" Mike said.

"Yes, babe, but we didn't know any better!" I laughed and Mike laughed with me.

I heard Mikey join in and I my heart was filled with joy at the happy sounds coming from him. All thoughts of death and loss were gone from his head now. Thank God that children have such short attention spans!

We let Mikey help us unpack and then we unpacked all his toys. He happily had them spread all over the livingroom floor. Later, we all three took a shower with Mikey happily performing his 'back scrubber' duties before we went over to the front house for dinner. During dinner, Mom asked me what we were going to do about putting Mikey in school.

"We hadn't really thought about it but I think I'd feel more comfortable with him in a private school." I said. "I don't like the public schools here. I don't think he'd get the right kind of education."

"Yeah." Mike said. "All the drugs and stuff. I think we should look into private schools as well."

"I have to agree with you." Mom said. "I wouldn't want to have put you into a public school today. It was different when you were going to school."

"No it wasn't Mom. All that stuff was there. It just wasn't so intense. But things have just gotten worse over time." I said. "But while we're on the subject, there's something that I want to talk to you and Dad about."

"What, son?" Dad asked.

"When we were in New York, we met this marvelous woman. She was taking care of Mikey and his Dad. She was a cook and housekeeper and she worked for an AIDS agency that provided that kind of help to people with AIDS who needed it. Mikey really adored her and she loved him. Anyway, I was talking to her and she told me that she's always dreamed of coming to Florida. Says she can't take the winters in New York anymore. I was thinking that we could bring her down to work for us. She could take care of Mikey while Mike and I are working and could help out around both houses. That would free up more time for you, Mom. We'd pay for it because we need the help - and we don't want our son to be a burden to you. You're his grandparents, not his baby-sitters." I said.

"Well, it sounds like a good idea, son." my Dad said. "And the funny thing is, I've been thinking about getting your Mom some help around here anyway."

"Hank, I am not so old that I can't take care of things!" Mom said.

"I didn't say you were. But it's about time you had more free time to enjoy yourself. The company is making plenty of money and we can very easily afford it. It would also let us travel more without you worrying the whole time about how our sons were doing - like you did the last two times!" Dad said.

"Mom, you didn't!" I said.

"Hank, did I ever tell you that you have a big mouth!" Mom said, giving Dad the 'evil eye'.

"Yes, my darling wife, you have." Dad laughed.

"Well! You still do!" she huffed.

"Look, Mom. Molly has no family, and she really did get attached to Mikey. I'm sure she would love to come down here. And it would really help Mike and I out. It would give us some time to ourselves. Not to mention that we would have somebody to take care of Mikey who he already knows and trusts." I said.

"Darling, I think it's a wonderful idea. I'm not saying that I need help, because I don't. But it would be nice to have. I want to start getting active again with some of the things I used to do. Now, I have one question. Where would she live?" Mom asked.

"We didn't know what to do about that." I said.

"Well, I think I do. I have some friends who live in that condo over on Seventh Avenue. It's only a few blocks away. They're moving back to Michigan to be near their son and daughter-in-law and their grandchildren but they want to keep their condo and rent it out. That would be just the perfect location." Mom said. "Rickie, why don't you call her tonight and see if she's at all interested. Tell her that we will fly her down and she can spend a few days and see how she likes it here."

"Great! I'll go call her now." I said.

I got Molly on the phone and she was surprised but pleased to hear from me. She wanted to know how Mikey was doing and I even let him talk to her on the phone for a few minutes. When I told her why I was calling, she was very excited. She told me that it was an answer to her prayers to get out of the cold weather, not to mention the fact that she found herself really missing Mikey. I told her we would have a plane ticket for her and I would call back giving her the dates. I would call the company travel agent in the morning and make the arrangements.

Molly flew down the following Monday. Mike, Mikey and I met her at the airport. Mikey was so excited to see her. She was the only person from his old life still alive, however he didn't know that. Only a day after we talked to Molly, Mike got a call from Mr. Hirsch informing him that Marc had died peacefully in his sleep. He told us to expect the ashes in about a week. We told Mom and Dad but didn't tell Mikey. We just didn't feel it was necessary. Mom volunteered to see about putting Marc's ashes someplace and found an Episcopal Church that had a 'Garden of Remembrance' where there were cubicles for placing ashes. We bought one of the niches for Marc's ashes and, when they arrived, Mom drove them up and had them placed there.

Molly spent a week with us and then went home to New York to pack and move down. We all helped her move into the condo and she became part of our lives - a very important part. Mikey loved her and it was like he suddenly had two grandmothers. Mom and Molly rapidly became good friends. Mike and I had some private time with each other as Mikey spent time with Molly and our Mom and Dad.

It was about this time that we all had to appear in court. On that day, Michael Francis Riley ceased to exist and Michael Francis Copeland was born. Now, Mike not only had a family. He had our name, too. We all went out and celebrated. It took some explaining to help Mikey understand what happened and what we were celebrating but he finally figured out that now he and Mike and I all had the same name and he was somehow very happy with that. I think it gave both 'Mikes' a sense of belonging.

Dad's estimate was correct. The new bedroom for Mikey was ready in about four weeks. We thought we were going to go 'whole hog' in decorating it for him with new children's furniture and everything when Mikey threw a very surprising 'monkey-wrench' in the works. One night, while we were talking about his new room being almost done and what we would buy for it, he suddenly looked at me.

"Why couldn't I have your room?" Mikey asked.

"What do you mean, my room?" I asked him.

"Your room. Over in Grandma's house." Mikey had taken to calling them Grandma and Grandpa though he still called us by our names and he called Molly by hers.

"You want to live over in Grandma's house? But we built you your own room so you could be close to us." I said.

"No. I don't want to live over there. I just want your room." he said.

I didn't quite get this but Mike looked at Mikey.

"Mikey, is it the room you want or the stuff in it." Mike asked.

"I want the stuff in it." Mikey said.

"You want my old furniture?" I asked, surprised. My bedroom stuff was not new and not all that wonderful.

"Yeah, and the planes and the posters of the Marines - everything!" Mikey said.

"But why, Mikey? We could get you new stuff." I said.

"Nah. I like that stuff! I love your bed and I love all the things you have." Mikey said.

"Well, kiddo, if you want them, they're yours!" I said, shrugging my shoulders and looking at Mike.

"I think somebody here feels a lot closer to you when he's in that room. Maybe he can feel you growing up there. If it's what he wants, I think it's great." Mike said.

The next day, I came home for lunch and had a talk with Mom.

"You're kidding!" Mom said when she heard.

"No, I'm not. He wants my old room - all of it, furniture, posters, the works! Mike says, he thinks it makes him feel closer to me. Do you mind if we move it all over to his new room?" I asked.

"Mind? Darling I'd be delighted! I was getting up the nerve to ask you to let me get rid of all the stuff you didn't want. I was thinking about turning it into a home office for myself." Mom said.

"Well, that solves that problem. Are you going to take all your old toys as well?" Mom asked.

"Yep. He wants it all." I said.

"Well, then you wait right here." she said and got up from the table and went back toward the bedrooms.

"Thanks for lunch, Molly." I said to her.

"Oh, no problem, Rick. Mikey will be home from school soon. Are you going to wait for him?" she asked.

"I wish I could, but I've got to be getting back to the office shortly." I said.

"Here it is!" Mom said, coming back into the kitchen holding a rather large gift-type box which she handed me.

"What's this?" I asked.

"Open it and see." she said.

I lifted off the lid and inside, wrapped in a plastic bag to keep dust off it, was a very well- used/well-loved teddy bear named 'Bobo'. Bobo had been my constant companion during my childhood. He slept with me every night and played with me all day. Whenever I was feeling scared or hurt or sick, it was Bobo I turned to first.

"Oh, Mom! I haven't seen this in years! You kept it all this time!" I said, surprised.

"I figured you'd need it one day when you had a little boy or girl." Mom said.

"Thank you, Mom! I can't wait to give it to him." I said. "But I think I'll wait until the room is done."

"Well, the city inspectors are supposed to be out here sometime today to do the final inspection and give us the certificate of occupancy. Why don't you go check with the guys and see if they've been here yet." Mom suggested.

I went down to the cottage, stopping to put the box with Bobo in it up in our closet where prying little eyes couldn't see it and then went to check with the dry-wall crew. The room looked finished to me. Brian was there, touching up the paint job. We'd painted the room the same blue as the rest of the house.

"Have the inspectors been here yet?" I asked him.

"Nah. I'm expecting them any minute." he said, looking down at me from the ladder. "Well, Mikey's going to have a nice room here."

"Nothing but the best for our boy!" I said.

"Yeah. He's really a cute kid!" Brian said. "You guys really surprised me, havin' a kid and all."

"Why is that surprising?" I asked.

"Well...I don't know. It's just like, well, you could have just gotten married if you wanted kids." Brian said.

"Brian, we did get married. You were at the wedding. If you're talking about marrying a woman, neither Mike or I were interested and just because we're gay, that doesn't mean that our desire to have children is not there. It's just harder for us." I said. "By the way, when are you and Kathy going to get married?"

There was silence for a few moments and then Brian said quietly, "We're not."

"You broke up? God! I'm sorry, Brian." I said.

"Yeah! You ought to be. You're the reason we broke up." he said.

"Me?! What did I do?" I exclaimed.

"Well, it wasn't just you. It was you and Mike." Brian said, coming down off the ladder to face me.

"Wait a minute! What the fuck did we have to do with you and Kathy breaking up?" I asked.

Brian got quiet again, staring down at the floor. Then he asked me quietly. "Rick, can I talk to you? Confidentially? I don't want this to go nowhere."

"Sure, Brian. Why don't you come into the kitchen and I'll make some coffee." I said.

I could tell that Brian had something very serious on his mind. I fixed us a pot of coffee and told Brian to have a seat at the kitchen table.

"What do you take in it?" I asked.

"Nothing. Just black." Brian said.

I came over and sat a mug of hot coffee in front of him and then sat down across from him with a mug of my own.

"Okay, Brian, what's the matter and what do Mike and I have to do with it?" I asked.

"When I saw you guys the day or your wedding, how happy and in love you both were with each other, it about tore my guts out. You had everything I wanted and never thought I could have." Brian said quietly.

"You're gay?" I asked, surprised at this because I had no idea! Brian always seemed straight. God knows, he bragged enough about the girls he'd had.

"I've been messing around with guys since I was in middle school. Got started with my best friend, must have been about 12. We messed around all through high school up to our senior year. Then I think we both got scared. I think we both started feeling things for each other and that freaked us out. I was in love with him and couldn't face it. He and I stopped doin' stuff and we both went out and fucked all the pussy we could get." Brian said.

"What happened to him?" I asked.

"After high school, he joined the Marines, just like you did. We still keep in touch. He's just had his second divorce and he's getting out of the Corps. He says he wants to come back down here. He asked me in his last phone call if he could be my room mate for a while." Brian said.

"So what did you tell him?" I asked.

"What could I tell him? 'No, I don't want you to come here because I'm queer for you!'? I told him 'Hell, yes! Come on down!' Fuck! Now I don't know what to do." Brian said.

"Is that why you broke up with Kathy?" I asked.

"Yeah. I told her I wasn't ready to get married and I didn't know if I ever would be ready." Brian said.

"Brian, do you still love him?" I asked quietly.

Brian looked down at the table and was quiet. Then I heard him moan, almost like the moan of a wounded animal or something.

"Yeah! I do! I'm still fucking in love with him. What will I do if he find out!?" he said, looking imploringly into my eyes.

"What makes you think that he isn't in love with you?" I asked.

Brian looked at me with a startled look on his face.

"He couldn't be! He's straight!" Brian said.

"Are you sure?" I asked him. "He doesn't seem to be having much luck with women in his life. That's sometimes indicative of a guy who's trying desperately to be straight and not succeeding."

"You think so?" Brian asked, and from the tone of his voice, I could tell that this thought was starting to take hold. "But he doesn't act gay."

"And you do? I had no idea until you told me ten minutes ago. Would you know that Mike or I are if you didn't know us?" I asked him.

"No. I guess not. But what am I going to do. I want him so bad but I'm so scared." Brian said.

"Listen, I'm going to tell you something that I probably shouldn't. Nobody else knows this but me and Mike so I'm going to ask you to keep this confidential." I said.

"No problem! I don't want what I've told you gettin' out either." Brian said.

"Mike and I finally got together and we made love to each other for the first time when we went on a week's liberty in Subic Bay in the Philippines. What got us together was we picked up a hooker and screwed her together. It was during that little three-way that I discovered that I was way more turned on to Mike than I was to the woman. I'd never had sex with another guy until that night and I've never had sex with anyone but Mike since." I said.

"Fuck! That's so cool!" Brian said. "Maybe that would work with Matt."

"When is he coming down?" I asked.

"He'll be here in about a week. I already asked your Dad if he could get a job. You know how your Dad is." Brian said.

"Yeah, I know. Any former Marine that wants a job has one with Copeland and Son!" I laughed. "Did you ever stop to think that the reason that Matt is getting out of the Corps is the same reason that Mike and I did? We knew that we could never be happy hiding what we were. Maybe Matt's feeling some of that, too."

"I never thought of that! I don't know, it sounds like too much to wish for." Brian said.

"So don't wish. Try praying. That's what Mike did. He prayed for me to fall in love with him. And I prayed that we could have a son. Sometimes, prayer really works." I said gently.

"You sound like Father Gray, the guy who married you and Mike." Brian laughed.

"Oh, really? Have you been talking to him?" I asked.

"Yeah. When I first started to realize that marrying a woman wasn't what I wanted, I started talking to him about it. He was the one to help me realize that I was never going to be happy until I got honest with myself. 'To thine own self be true!' he always says." Brian said.

"And if follows as day the night that thou can be false to no man." I finished the quote.

"What?" Brian looked at me funny.

"That's the rest of the quote. It's Shakespeare." I said.

"No shit!" Brian exclaimed.

It was at that point we heard a knock on the cottage door. It was the city inspector there to give the final inspection on my son's new room.


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Next: Chapter 15

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