Subic Surrender

By RimPig (RimPigFL, Bobby Michaels) (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on Jun 2, 2003


DISCLAIMER: I don't fucking care how old you are. If you like the idea of two hunky young Marine's getting it on with each other then read on!

By the way, no Marine's were injured or killed in the writing of this story but that's not true of what's going on in the Middle East or other foreign places. I would ask your prayers, good thoughts or whatever for all the Marines serving our country (that's us guys!) around the world.

This is dedicated to every one who has ever served in the USMC - Semper Fi!

SUBIC SURRENDER - Part 13 by RimPig (c) 2003

The ride back to the Plaza was a silent one. Mikey sat on Mike's lap the whole way and, while quiet, he looked like he was in absolute misery. Mike didn't look much better. When we got to the hotel, Mike and I both thanked Mr. Hirsch for all he had done.

"Please, don't thank me. I love doing this. I get to actually help people rather than helping one corporation screw another one." he said.

A bellhop came and took Mikey's little suitcase and cardboard box up to our room. Mikey spent twenty minutes just looking over the room, opening every drawer and checking out the bathroom and closets.

"You live here?" Mikey asked, his eyes full of wonder.

It was obvious that in his five years of life, Mikey had not seen anything as elegant as a room at the Plaza.

"No, Mikey, this is a hotel. We're just staying here. We live far away in Florida. We're all going to be flying there on an airplane in a couple of days." I told him.

"An airplane!!!" Mikey exclaimed. "I've never been on an airplane!"

"Well, then you'll have quite an experience!" I smiled.

"Daddy's not going with us, is he." Mikey said, his head dropping down and his voice so low I could barely hear him.

"No, Mikey, he's not." I said.

Mikey started to cry again and I picked him up in my arms and let him cry on my shoulder. I looked over and Mike and he walked over and put his arms around both of us.

"I know just how he feels." Mike murmured.

I knew I had to do something to take both their minds off this. I was suddenly hit with a brilliant idea!

"Okay, guys! I know it's early, but we need to get going!" I said.

Mike and Mikey looked at me.

"We've got to take a ride through Central Park and then we're going to have lunch at a special place!" I said.

"Where?" they both asked me at once.

"A place called Tavern on the Green." I said.

"I've never heard of that." Mikey said.

"Well, it's a very nice place. Trust me - you'll like it." I said.

"Babe, are you sure?" Mike asked.

"Mike, if we don't get out of this hotel room, the two of you are going to cause a rainstorm in it from all the glum. We need to get this boy out in some fresh air and help him start forgetting." I said.

Mike looked at me and I could see a sad smile on his face.

"Which 'boy' are you talking about?" he murmured.

"Both of you!" I said, smiling.

"Okay, babe! Lead the way!" Mike said.

I quickly used the phone and called the concierge and requested him to make reservations for us. He called back before we'd even gotten our coats on with confirmation. We went downstairs and I told Mikey that he was going to meet two friends of ours, Shawn and Buttercup. I told him that Shawn was a man but Buttercup was a horse! At that word, his eyes lit up! We walked across the street and luckily Shawn was there.

"Well, now, and who might this wee young man be?" Shawn said, squatting down to meet Mikey and greeting him with the full Irish brogue.

"I'm Mikey! I'm five!" he said, holding out one hand with all five fingers spread.

"Well, that many, are 'ya! I'll bet you'll be wantin' to meet Buttercup then!" Shawn said, standing up and taking Mikey by the hand.

Shawn walked him over to Buttercup and then lifted him up so that Mikey could pet Buttercup's nose. The old horse nuzzled Mikey and he giggled. Mike and I looked at each other. It was the first happy sound we'd ever heard him make.

"Okay, score one for you, Daddy." Mike murmured to me and kissed me on the cheek.

The three of us got into the carriage with Mikey between us and the fur rug thrown over us. I could see Shawn constantly looking back at us as he drove and I began to think that perhaps that house in the Hamptons was not ever going to happen but maybe a son in his and Dave's life would.

"Shawn, we've got a favor to ask you. Would you take us to the Tavern on the Green? We've got reservations for lunch." I asked him.

"Sure. That's fine." he smiled and took another path than the one we usually rode. He pulled up to the restaurant and helped us out of the cab.

"You'd better park the cab somewhere." I said. "The reservations are for four of us. Mike and I want you to have lunch with us."

"Oh, I couldn't do that!" Shawn started to protest.

"Oh, yes you can! Your time is your own and we won't take 'no' for an answer!" I said.

Shawn looked at Mike who smiled at him.

"No, buddy, we won't take 'no' for an answer." he repeated.

Shawn gave in and we all had a wonderful lunch together. Shawn regaled us with funny tales about passengers and he did some slight-of-hand magic with coins that had Mikey (and me, if truth be told) fascinated and delighted. After lunch, we all climbed back into the cab and headed back for the hotel. When we arrived back, I got the doorman to get us a regular cab.

"Where are we going now?" Mike asked.

"Macy's on 34th Street." I told the cab driver as I pushed Mike and Mikey into the cab.

"What for?" Mike asked.

"Because someone in this cab needs clothes! I checked that suitcase and there's hardly anything in it - and nothing appropriate for someone staying at the Plaza. I want to get him some new things before we take him home to meet Mom and Dad." I said.

"Oh. I never thought of that." Mike said.

"That's why everybody needs two parents." I grinned. "So one can think of what the other one didn't!"

We had a great time shopping. We found a navy blue cashmere blazer just like the one's that Mike and I have for Mikey along with polo shirts, jeans, a pair of cords, a couple of sweaters and packages of underwear and socks. We also bought him new dress shoes and tennis shoes. I usually don't care all that much for shopping and Mike normally hates it but you would have thought we'd been born shoppers the way we went through the boys department of that store! We did finally go the one place that we probably shouldn't have - the toy department. What ended up was three 'boys' - two of them way to big to be doing it - playing 'trucks' on the floor of Macy's toy department! Mikey fell in love with a big Tonka bulldozer so we had to get him that.

"Well, he's definitely a Copeland!" I smirked at Mike.

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"Well, he's already in love with construction equipment! Wait till he finds out that one of his Daddies and his grandpa have the real thing!" I laughed.

"Oh shit! I never thought of that! He's gonna go crazy!" Mike grinned.

We got back to the hotel and decided that we would all go down to the Oak Room for Dinner so Mikey could wear his new dress clothes. I called downstairs and made early reservations - no late dinners with a five year old. Tea at the Palm Court was out as well - too close to when we'd be eating dinner. Mike suggested that we take a shower while Mikey played with his bulldozer. I thought that sounded like a good idea because it would give Mike and I some privacy. At least for a little while.

We left Mikey playing and went into the bathroom and quickly stripped. We got into the shower and into each other's arms.

"Thank you." Mike said.

"What for?" I asked.

"You know what for! For turning this day around for both me and our son! You've been wonderful." Mike said and kissed me deeply. I don't know where things would have gone to from there but we suddenly felt a cold draft and heard the door to the bathroom close. We peeked out from the shower curtain and there was our son, stripping off his clothes. He walked over to the tub and pulled the curtain aside and climbed in with us and stood there looking up at us.

"Mikey...uhh...we're taking a shower." I said, stupidly. Like he couldn't tell that!

"I know. Daddy and I always take showers together." he said.

"Oh." was all I could say.

I looked at Mike who shrugged as if to say, 'Why fight it.' I looked down at Mikey who was standing there looking up at us.

"Okay. I guess there's room for one more in here. Come here, tiger." I said and scooped him up in my arms.

He threw his arms around me and then leaned over and gave Mike a kiss on the cheek.

"What am I supposed to call you?" Mikey asked.

"Well, I guess you can call us by our names. Do you remember what they are?" Mike asked him.

"Yeah! You're Mike. I'm named after you. Daddy told me." he said and turning to me, "and you're Rick."

"That's right." I said.

"But Daddy said you were going to be my new Daddies." Mikey said.

"Well, that's true." Mike said. "We are your new Daddies. But we figured we'd all get confused if you called us both Daddy."

"Oh, maybe you're right. I've only ever called Daddy 'Daddy' before." Mikey said.

"Yes, we know, sweetheart. We think you should keep it that way. What do you think?" I asked him.

His face got a look like he was solemnly considering this and then he gravely nodded his head.

"Yeah. That's good." he declared.

Mike and I both smiled at him and at each other.

"Now are you big enough to wash yourself or do you need help with that?" Mike asked.

"Daddy and I always helped each other." Mikey said.

"Okay. What do you need help with?" I asked.

"Daddy always washes my hair and he makes sure that my pee-pee and butt are clean." Mikey said.

I looked at Mike and could see he was having a very hard time keeping from laughing out loud at this. I smiled at Mikey.

"And what do you help Daddy with?" Mike finally asked him.

"I wash Daddy's back." Mikey said.

"Oh...well...Mike and I usually wash each other's backs." I said.

"Don't you want me to?" he asked, sounding downhearted at the refusal of his services.

"Well, I guess that now that we have you to do it, we won't have to." I said and Mikey beamed up at me.

"Okay then, tiger. Let's start with your hair." and saying this, I moved him over where the shower spray could get him wet.

This might have been a mistake. Trying to corral a wiggly, wet and slick five year old, even in a confined space like the bathtub that we were in is not the easiest thing in the world. Mike noticed the problem I was having and his hands came down on Mikey's shoulders and there was no more movement. Mike held him firmly while I managed to get his hair shampooed and then get him back under the shower to rinse. I then took the bottle of shower gel and poured some into his hand. He looked up at me with confusion written all over his face.

"What's this?" he asked.

"Soap." I said.

"No it's not." he replied. "Soap is hard."

"Not all soap. This is shower gel. You use it just like soap. Just rub it all over you and it will make lather." I explained.

He looked at me suspiciously but began to rub it on his little chest. The gel quickly turned to lather and Mikey started laughing at this great 'magic trick'. I guess to a five year old, everything new is somewhat magical. I started washing myself, something I hadn't done in a long time but Mike grabbed my wrist and stopped me.He squatted down in the shower and looked Mikey in the eye.

"Mikey, there's something we need to get straight right now." Mike said softly. "Rick and I love each other very much and when we shower together, we wash each other. That's something that we do because we love each other. So, if you're going to shower with us, you need to understand that."

Mikey looked at him with his very solemn look back on his face.

"I understand. Daddy had guys that he showered with and who slept over with him. He told me about it. He said that grown-up guys did stuff together that was kind of like playing and that when I got older, I would, too. Is it kind of like that?" Mikey asked.

"Yes, Mikey. It's kind of like that. Now do you know what an erection is?" Mike asked him.

"No." Mikey shook his head.

"I bet you do but maybe you call it something else. Does your 'pee-pee' get hard sometimes?" Mike asked him.

"Oh, yeah!" Mikey brightened considerably. "It gets hard in the mornings all the time. Daddy said that was a 'piss-hard' 'cause it makes it hard to piss!"

Now, I was the one having trouble keeping a straight face. I had to hand it to Mike, he was tackling the difficult stuff right away.

"Okay, Mikey. Sometimes when Rick and I wash each other, we get hard, too. That's normal for all guys. So you're going to see that." Mike said to him.

"Do you play with yours, too?" Mikey asked.

Oh, that did it! I lost it completely! I had to hold my sides I was laughing so hard. Mike for his part gave me a dirty look but I couldn't stop!

"Look, Mikey. All guys play with their penis. That's what it's called. Not a pee-pee. That's a baby word. You don't want people to think you're a baby do you?" Mike asked him.

"No!" Mikey said.

Of course, no boy of any age wanted to be thought of as a baby!

"But you don't play with your penis where other people can see you." Mike said.

"Is it bad?" Mikey asked. "Daddy never said anything about it."

"No, it's not bad. It's just something that guys do when they're alone. Okay?" Mike asked him.

"Okay." Mikey said.

"Now, Rick and I are both going to wash you and then we're going to wash each other." Mike said.

"Can I still wash your backs?" Mikey asked.

"Yeah, sure you can!" Mike said.

He looked over at me and pointed to the bottle of shower gel. I took some in my hands and gave the bottle to Mike who did the same. Then we both got down in the tub and washed Mikey. Well...actually it all got kind of mixed up after a while. Mikey was rubbing his soapy body against both of us so we all got kind or soaped up together and then Mikey 'washed' our backs which basically consisted of him running his soapy hands all over them while Mike and I sat there and grinned at each other. Then we all rinsed off and got out of the shower. Mike dried Mikey and then he ran off naked into the bedroom. Mike and I dried each other and then Mike took me in his arms and kissed me deeply.

"That didn't go too badly." I said.

"No? It was almost as disaster!" Mike grinned.

"Well...I think you handled it very well!" I said.

"It would have been a lot easier if you hadn't started laughing." Mike said.

"I couldn't help it!" I said.

"I know. I don't know how I kept from laughing with you."

"Hey! Is anybody gonna tuck me in!" we heard Mikey's voice coming from the bedroom.

"Oh dear! What if he want's a story?" Mike asked.

"I'll handle that. I still remember the ones my Mom used to tell me." I said.

Mikey was sitting on the bed waiting for us.

"Who's gonna tuck me in?" he asked.

"We both will. Come on, get in bed." Mike said.

"Mikey, do you sleep without any clothes on?" I asked.

"Yeah. Daddy always said that pajamas are for babies! Real guys slept naked." Mikey said.

"Well, I can't disagree with that." Mike said to me.

Mikey scampered up and got under the covers in the middle of the bed. Mike looked at me.

"I think it's probably safer that way." I said.

"I don't care. I want to sleep the way we always sleep." he growled.

"Okay. Let me handle this. You just get into bed." I said.

Mike went over and got into bed on one side of Mikey while I climbed in on the other.

"Mikey, did you sleep with your Dad?" I asked.

"No. Most of the time, he was too sick." Mikey said.

"When you did sleep with him, did he hold you with your back to him?" I asked.

Mikey thought a moment and then brightened up.

"Yeah!" he said.

"Okay, well we're gonna do kind of the same thing. You see, Mike holds me with my back to him when we sleep and I'm gonna hold you like your Dad did. Okay?" I asked.

"Okay. Is Mike your Daddy?" he asked.

"No, Mikey, Rick is my lover. That's kind of like my best friend but in a grown up way." Mike said.

"Oh." Mikey said. It was probably going to take a while for that one to sink in.

I picked Mikey up and moved him over and got into bed with my back to Mike. He arm came around me and pulled me back to him, just like he always did. I pulled Mikey close to me but Mike's arm was in the way. He moved it and put his arm round Mikey, too, so that he was holding both of us. I leaned down and kissed Mikey good-night and Mike rose up and bent over me to do the same. Then he kissed me good-night, but on the mouth, rather than on the cheek like he'd done Mikey. Mikey cuddled up to me and with both my arm and Mike's arm around him, he was rapidly asleep. I would have thought that he might have trouble sleeping but evidently, he felt secure enough with Mike and I there that he just drifted right off. Mike rolled over for a second and turned off the light and then he was curled up to me again and holding both me and Mikey. I guess I was a lot more tired than I expected to be because I soon drifted off to sleep myself.

I woke up the next morning to strange noises in the room. I opened my eyes, and suddenly realized that Mikey was not in the bed with us! I raised my head and suddenly saw not only where Mikey was but where the strange noises were coming from. He was on the floor of the room, playing with his big bulldozer and making engine noises as he pushed one of Mike's size twelve shoes across the floor with the bulldozer. I lay there watching him playing, seemingly without a care in the world and marveled at the resiliency of children. I also thanked God that he was not burdened with a lot of sorrow over his Dad. Of course, he had no real idea what was happening with his Dad. Someday, Mike and I would have to tackle that. But not today.

I lay there for a while, just watching our son play. I can't even begin to explain the joy in my heart at just the site of him. Laying there, I felt Mike begin to stir behind me and his mouth began to kiss my shoulder like he did each morning. I used my elbow to nudge him gently and he rose up and looked around. Then he, too, saw Mikey playing on the floor and he kissed my shoulder and murmured in my ear.

"Good morning, Dad. Seems our son is quite content this morning."

"Yeah, I just hope he stays that way." I whispered.

"Want to go back to sleep?" Mike murmured again.

"No, I guess we might as well get up." I whispered.

"Hey, Mikey! Whatcha doin'?" Mike said to him.

He looked up and saw we were both awake and ran over and hopped back into the bed with us.

"I was just playing with the bulldozer. Is that okay?" he asked, kneeling on the bed looking at both of us.

"Sure! That's fine." Mike said and sat up and reached over me, grabbing Mikey and putting him between us as I moved over.

I turned over so that Mike and I were facing each other and Mikey was between us. He wiggled under the covers and his hands reached out and he put one on Mike's chest and one on mine.

"You've got lots of muscles!" Mikey said, looking back and forth at us.

"You'll have lots of muscles one day when you grow up more. We'll teach you how to get them." Mike said.

"I really like you guys!" Mikey said grinning up at us, apropos of nothing.

"We really like you, too." I said.

"Yeah. We like you a lot!" Mike said.

"Do I have to go to kindergarten today?" Mikey asked.

"No, you don't." Mike told him. "You don't have to go to kindergarten until we get back to Florida where we're all going to live."

"Good! I hate kindergarten." Mikey announced.

"Why do you hate it?" I asked.

Mikey got this pained look on his face and avoided any eye contact with us.

"The kids make fun of me. They make fun of my clothes. They call me names." Mikey said.

"That's not nice at all." I said. "That won't happen in your new school. You'll have nice clothes to wear and nobody will make fun of you."

"Promise?" he asked me.

"I promise." I said.

"I hope you're right." Mike said to me. "You know how cruel kids can be."

"Yes, I do and so do you. So I think it's up to us to help teach Mikey how to handle things. But we can wait for that." I said.

"Yeah, I guess you're right." Mike said.

"Hey! You hungry?" I asked Mikey.

His face lit up in a grin and he nodded vigorously.

"Yeah! Me, too!" Mike said.

"Like father like son, huh?" I laughed. "Well let me call room service and get something up here right away." I said, reaching for the phone.

Mike and I got into robes again for when the room service waiter came. We didn't know what to put Mikey in until Mike had a brilliant suggestion. He pulled out one of his white t-shirts and dropped it over Mikey's head. The thing went almost to the floor and Mikey seemed to love it. Problem solved!

I thought at first I might have over-ordered for Mikey. After all, I'd never fed a five year old before. At lunch the day before, he hadn't eaten much but I think that was because of all the changes and excitement that was going on. But this kid could eat! He not only ate all the 'kids breakfast' I ordered him, he finished off a piece of my toast and a strip of bacon off Mike's plate as well. We also discovered that he was not a 'picky eater'. Anything you put in front of him, he ate. That would make things a lot easier when we got home.

When he was done eating he went back to playing with the bulldozer. Mike and I sat at the table having coffee and talking.

"Mike, I have an idea. I don't know if it will work, and we'd have to get Mom and Dad to agree with it but, I was thinking. Molly wants to retire to Florida eventually. What if we hired her now as a housekeeper for all of us. She could take care of Mikey while we're at work and help out Mom with cooking and cleaning for her and Dad. That would give Mom more free time. And, it's somebody familiar that Mikey knows and likes." I said.

"I think it's a great idea but where would she live?" he asked.

"I figured that either we could find her an apartment or she could live in Mom and Dad's guest room. I haven't worked that part out yet. I want to talk to them first." I said.

"Well, count me in! I think it could work. And we could pay for it. After all, it's our idea and we're the ones who need help with Mikey." he said.

"Good. But I want to wait until we get home to talk to them." I said.

We eventually all got dressed and Mike and I got directions from the concierge on how to get to the famous Brooklyn Zoo. Mikey loved the place and all the animals. We all acted like kids and had a great time. We ended up back at the hotel exhausted and ordered dinner from room service. Mikey crashed and was asleep on the bed while we were still talking over coffee. We decided that perhaps Mike and I could go play in the shower without being interrupted this time. God knows, we were both horny having not had sex with each other in over 24 hours. I know that's quite normal for most people but not for us! We were used to twice (and sometimes more times) a day.

We went into the shower and Mike locked the bathroom door this time. The moment we got the water adjusted and got in, we were in a 'terminal lip-lock', practically devouring each other's mouths, while our hands busily explored each other's bodies. My cock was so hard it hurt! It was pouring cock-honey out of the slit and Mike's was doing the same. If the bathtub hadn't been so short, we would have probably sixty-nined right in it! Instead we settled for eating each other's butts and then Mike fucking me from behind while my hands rested on the tiled wall and his hand stroked my body and pinched my nipples. I came twice while he fucked me and then I took him in my mouth and got him off again. I took his cream in both my hungry holes that night.

When we came out of the bathroom, Mikey was still asleep laying across the bed with his clothes still on. We went over to the bed and we gently undressed him. He didn't wake up but did murmur in his sleep a bit. Mike said he wanted to switch place tonight and I said that was okay with me. He lay there with Mikey spooned to him while I spooned to his back and put my arm over Mike and our son. I experience the same sense of completeness that Mike must have felt the night before, holding my lover and our son. With this, and the dreamy exhaustion that comes after really good, fulfilling sex - I fell off to sleep.

The following morning we were again awoken early by Mikey playing on the floor of the room. I began to realize that he was a pretty 'self-contained' kid who was good at playing on his own. That bothered me, however, because it meant he'd never really played with other kids. Maybe there were none to play with and, after his bad experience at kindergarten, I felt that he needed to be with other kids more. I decided to talk to Mom when we got home and see what ideas she had about how I could go about finding kids for Mikey to play with.

Mike and I ordered breakfast again from room service. After breakfast, we need to start packing because we would be flying out around noon. I remembered that Mike and I had showered the night before (if you want to call all the fucking we did under the water showering) but Mikey didn't. I mentioned this to Mike and asked him if he wanted to bathe Mikey or pack. Mike chose to bathe Mikey. He called him over and marched him into the bathroom. Like they say, 'Once a Marine, always a Marine'! I was starting to pack when Mike called out to me from the bathroom. I went in to see what he wanted. He told me to strip and get in the shower. I tried to explain to him that I needed to get us packed.

"The packing will have to wait. Our son is concerned that you're mad at me because we're not taking a shower together." Mike explained.

"Oh. Oh, well, all right." I said, quickly stripping out of my clothes and climbing in the shower with them.

When I did, Mikey looked up at me and gave me such a warm, welcoming smile that I got that lump in my throat that usually only Mike can cause. Since we didn't need to shower, we concentrated on getting Mikey clean. However, he still demanded his rights as 'Official Back Scrubber'. We all got dressed then and Mike and I both packed. Mikey stood there for a while watching what was going on.

"What are you doing?" Mikey asked.

"We're packing everything to go home. Remember? You're going to get to fly on an airplane today!" I said.

"Really? A real one!" Mikey said, his eyes lighting up.

"Yes, a real one." Mike said.

We settled the bill at the hotel and then took a taxi to the airport. It took a while to get through security but we were finally through and to the gate in plenty of time. Mikey was glued to the big windows where he could watch the planes taking off. Mike leaned over to me and quietly whispered to me.

"God! I hope he doesn't join the Air Force!"

"Nope, he'll be a Marine pilot out of Anapolis." I said firmly.

"Yeah!" Mike grinned at me and I grinned back.

When we went to board, with Mikey seated between us, Mike told the flight attendant - an obviously gay male - that it was Mikey's first flight.

"How old is your son?" the flight attendant asked Mike.

"OUR son is five years old." Mike said to let him know that we were both Mikey's Dad.

The flight attendant's eyebrows went up at this but he also gave us a knowing smile. He disappeared for a while and when he came back, he had wings for Mikey to pin on his shirt and a scale model of the plane we were flying in. He also asked if it would be all right with us that after we reached altitude and the seat belt signs were turned off, he would escort Mikey to the Captain's cabin to meet the crew and be shown how they fly the airplane. We readily agreed to this. Mikey came back from the experience absolutely in love with flying. I looked over at Mike.

"We better start working on his appointment to Anapolis soon." I grinned.

"Yeah, you may be right!" Mike laughed.

The flight was a calm one and when we landed at Fort Lauderdale, there to meet us was Mom and Dad. We could see them as we walked up the ramp from the 'restricted to passengers' area. Mike was carrying Mikey in his arms while I had our carry on luggage. They were not looking at us, only at Mikey. I could see the joy on their faces when they saw our son and I got all chocked up again. We walked up to them and Mike spoke first.

"I want to introduce your grandson - Michael Marc Thomas Copeland." Mike said.

I expected to see tears from Mom but there were none. What I didn't expect to see were tears running down my Dad's face.

"Mikey, these are your new grandparents. They are our Mom and Dad." I said.

Mikey grinned at them and Mike offered him for Dad to hold. My Dad reached out for his first and only grandson and cuddled him just the way I remember he cuddled me. He must have remembered, too, because he looked up at me and told me how much he loved me. Now there were tears running down my face.

We finally got to the baggage claim area and got our bags. Dad had brought our Jag so Mike drove, I rode in front with him and Mom and Dad had Mikey in the back seat between them. Mike put the top down and Mikey was thrilled. This was another in a long line of 'firsts' for him. He told us he had never ridden in a car like this.

When we got home, Mom had lunch fixed for us. She even remarked on what a good eater Mikey was. Mikey looked tired, however from all the excitement. Mom suggested that we let him take a nap and also suggested that we could bed him down in my old room. I walked him down the hall and showed him the room. I told him this was my room when I was growing up. I also told him that we would start building a room just for him soon. I got him to lay down on the bed and I sat there until he fell asleep, which was less than five minutes. I then went back to the kitchen where Mom, Dad and Mike were talking.

"How is he, sweetie?" Mom asked me.

"Out like a light! His head barely touched the pillow and he was asleep." I said.

"Good. He'll probably sleep a couple of hours. By the way, where's he going to sleep tonight?" she asked.

"Well, he's been sleeping with us. We only had the one king-sized bed in the hotel room and we figured he shouldn't sleep alone for a while anyway." I said.

"That must have been very hard on you two." Dad said with a sly grin on his face.

"Oh, we managed." Mike said, giving Dad a wink. "But we need to get his room built as soon as possible."

"We pulled the permits Friday and we're starting the foundation tomorrow. I figure no more than three or four weeks and we'll have it finished." Dad said.

"Is there anything we can do to help?" I asked Dad.

"Nope. I've put our best crew on this. Pulled them off that house in Boca." Dad replied. "It isn't scheduled to be done until next May. We can make up the time along the way."

"Why don't you guys go out to the cottage while Mikey's taking a nap. I'm sure you want some alone time and we can watch him for you." Mom said.

I looked at Mike and he grabbed my hand and pulled me up from the chair.

"Thanks! We'll do just that!" Mike said as he dragged me through the door and we could hear Mom and Dad's laughter as we headed for our home.


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Next: Chapter 14

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