Subic Surrender

By RimPig (RimPigFL, Bobby Michaels) (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on Jun 2, 2003


DISCLAIMER: I don't fucking care how old you are. If you like the idea of two hunky young Marine's getting it on with each other then read on!

By the way, no Marine's were injured or killed in the writing of this story but that's not true of what's going on in the Middle East or other foreign places. I would ask your prayers, good thoughts or whatever for all the Marines serving our country (that's us guys!) around the world.

This is dedicated to every one who has ever served in the USMC - Semper Fi!

SUBIC SURRENDER - Part 12 by RimPig (c) 2003

The pounding of little feet came further down the hall and then, suddenly, into the room burst a whirlwind with blond hair and blue eyes. Seeing more than just his Dad in the room, he stopped dead. He looked at his Dad and then he looked at Mike and then he looked at me. Then he went into motion again and ran to the bed where his Dad lay and Mike sat. Marc struggled to pull himself up to a sitting position on the bed. The boy crawled up onto the bed and into his Dad's arms. The picture of them together, holding each other, made me turn my head so that no one would see the tears that were pouring from my eyes.

"Daddy! You're still here!" the boy exclaimed.

"Yes, they didn't take me away yet." Marc said to him. "I want you to meet some people."

Marc turned the boy around to Mike.

"Mikey, this is Mike. The man who you were named for. I told you about him. Remember?" Marc asked the boy.

"Yes, Daddy. I remember." the boy said and then spoke directly to Mike. "Are you going to be my new Daddy?"

Mike was stunned and I could see that he didn't know what to say at that point.

"Mikey, there's been a change in plans. You're going to have TWO new Daddies. Mike is one and Rick over there is the other." At this last part, Marc pointed at me.

Mikey looked at me and then back at Mike. He rose up and threw his arms around Mike's neck so suddenly that I don't think Mike was expecting it. When he realized what was happening, he reached up and wrapped the little boy in his arms and kissed him gently on the cheek. Then Mikey wiggled to get down and Mike opened his arms. The boy leaped off the bed and ran, hurling himself into my arms. I could see what was coming so I caught him and felt his arms around my neck as I wrapped him in mine. I looked up to see Mike and Marc smiling at me. I leaned down and kissed his forehead, inhaling the scent of young boy as I did. Mikey pulled away and then went back to the bed and climbed up until he was sitting next to Marc.

"We've already talked a great deal about the fact that Daddy has to go away and that he was going to have another Daddy." Marc said, hugging the boy to him. "He understands somewhat. I didn't tell him that I was going to D-I-E," Marc said spelling the word so that Mikey wouldn't understand. "He knows about people D-Y-I-N-G because I've had to explain to him about his M- O-M. He only knows that I have to go away and maybe for a long time. Isn't that right, Mikey."

Mikey nodded his head and I could see the immense sadness in his eyes. It about tore my heart in two.

"I have all the necessary papers here." Mr. Hirsch said pulling a file from his briefcase. "They just need to be signed and then my secretary can fill in all the names and particulars."

Mike looked at me.

"You're sure that you want to do this?" he asked.

"As sure as I was the day I married you." I said.

"It's going to mean a big life-style adjustment for us." he said.

"Yes. But I think it will be for the better. Don't you?" I said.

"It's the only thing I can do! I can't let him be put into foster care!" Mike said.

"Mike is that the only reason?" I asked.

There was dead silence in the room. Mike sat there, not saying anything, staring at the floor. Then he looked at Marc.

"I don't know how to say this without it sounding really awful and cold! I don't want you" Mike said, luckily remembering that little Mikey knew the word 'die'. "I really don't! But you've given me a gift that I can't ever repay you for! Something that I wanted so badly, a son, but had no way of getting, except this way. Yes, I want him" Mike said, looking at me and then at Marc. "And I don't know how to show you how grateful I am to you."

There were tears streaming down Mike's face by the end of this speech. Marc reached out and touched Mike's arm.

"I don't want to go, either. Mikey knows that. You've already repaid me, Mike, by taking him so that he will have a good home with you and Rick. He'll have people around him to love him. If I can't do that for him myself, then this is the next best thing." Marc said. "Mr. Hirsch, where are the papers. We need to get them signed."

"We need Molly as a witness. I'll go and get her." Mr. Hirsch said rising and leaving the room.

"Can you come back for him in the morning, Mike? I know that I'm headed for hospice but I want to have him near me one more night." Marc asked quietly.

"Yes, Marc. Anything you want. And when you're in the hospice, we'll bring him every day." Mike said.

"No! You won't." Marc said adamantly. "Once he leaves here, I don't want him to see me again. I want him to remember me coherent. Once I'm there, they'll put me on drugs that will keep me pain free and they say I'll just kind of float away. But I won't be aware of my surroundings. I don't want him in a place like that, Mike. Take him back to Florida with you. Help him forget all of this."

"Okay, Marc. Whatever you say. I don't think he's going to forget, though." Mike said.

"He will, in time. With the two of you and your parents, Rick, he'll forget. Or at least he won't hurt so much. There is one thing more though that I'm going to ask of you." Marc said.

"What's that, Marc?" Mike asked.

"When I'm gone, I want to have my ashes sent to you. I want you to put them somewhere where Mikey can visit if he ever wants to." Marc said, quietly. "Maybe when he's a lot older."

"Okay, Marc. We can do that for you. No problem." Mike said.

At that point, Mr. Hirsch came back into the room with Molly. The signing of all the papers was accomplished quickly. The last papers we signed were the ones committing Marc's ashes to our care. We gave Mr. Hirsch the address for him to send the urn.

"Marc, you look really tired," Mike said when it was over. "And that's a professional opinion."

"I am, Mike. I'm going to take a nap. There's a nurse who comes in at night, Cheryl. She'll be here later. I think I will go to sleep for a while. I'll see you both tomorrow?" Marc asked.

Mike leaned over and kissed Marc gently on the cheek. "We'll be here. What time do you want us?"

"Around ten should be fine." Marc said. We'll have Mikey ready then." Marc said, pulling the boy close to him again.

Mike leaned over and kissed Mikey on the cheek as well and then stood up from the bed and went to walk out. I walked over to the bed and took Marc's hand.

"Marc, Mike said it, there is no way we have to repay you for this. I promise he'll have all the love that any boy could ask for." I said.

"Knowing he's with Mike and now having met you, I know that. Thank you, Rick." Marc said and then I, too, leaned down and kissed his cheek. It was still wet with tears. I also kissed Mikey on the cheek and then followed Mike out.

Mr. Hirsch had some last minute discussion with Marc and then came out of the room as well. He pulled out his cell phone and called his driver. By the time we reached the street, the limousine was waiting for us.

"Can you really get things done that quickly?" Mike asked.

"Mr. Riley, by this time tomorrow, Mikey will be your son." Mr. Hirsch said. "You must understand, we've already done background checks on both of you. I already knew that Mr. Copeland was your lover, that you had been married in a religious ceremony a few months ago and that you had been together for five years. We had to do this before we could even contemplate processing the adoption for Mr. Thomas."

"Oh." was all that Mike said.

"Please understand, Mr. Riley. We didn't have a lot of choice or a lot of time in this matter. Mr. Thomas became terminal much more quickly than it was anticipated. We don't normally do these kind of checks on people without their permission but we were between the proverbial rock and hard place." Mr. Hirsch explained.

"Oh, I'm not bothered by that." Mike said. "The responsibility of all this is just beginning to hit me."

"Babe, it's a shared responsibility, remember?" I said to Mike and then looking at Mr. Hirsch I asked. "We will both be his legal guardians?"

"Yes. Both of you, equally. Unless you would rather have it another way?" Mr. Hirsch said.

"No! That's just the way we want it." Mike spoke up. "We are partners in life. Everything is shared equally."

"Then that is the way it will be. I will meet you at Mr. Thomas's apartment tomorrow with the documents and then you can take custody of Mikey." Mr. Hirsch said.

"We don't know how to thank you, Mr. Hirsch. This is such a wonderful thing that your firm does." I said.

"We have a number of gay partners in the firm and the senior partner's son died of AIDS. The firm is very committed to this cause." Mr. Hirsch said.

He dropped us at the hotel and we went up to our room. We sat down on the bed and looked at each other.

"I guess we might as well get naked." I said. "I think it's going to be the last time we do!"

"Why?" Mike asked, looking at me askance.

"Well...we're going to have a 5 year old running around the house." I said.

"So? I don't want him growing up ashamed of his body! I think it's healthy for him to see us naked. That way he'll have no reason to be curious about what the male body looks like or how it grows. It will also tell him that he has a right to be open and to ask questions if he wants to." Mike said.

I sat there for a moment thinking about that. In a heterosexual family, this would almost be unthinkable. But we would be three males. Nothing different between us but growth and development. Since Mike had studied so much child psychology for his degree, I decided to let him take the lead on what to do with Mikey. After all, Mikey would have been his son except for us getting together. Until now, Marc had no idea who I was.

"Okay. I'll go along with whatever you think is right - but one thing..." I said.


"You get to be the one to explain hardons to him!" I laughed.

"Okay. No problem. But you get to be the one's to tell your parents!" Mike smirked at me.

"Oh, fuck! Mom and Dad! They're gonna shit when they hear this!" I said.

"No, I think they're going to be very, very happy!" Mike said.

"I'd better call them now. There's no use in waiting." I said.


I went to the phone and placed the call to Mom and Dad. They were both home so I told them to get on the extensions before I talked to them.

"Okay, I'm on." said Dad.

"We're both here, sweetie. What's happening." Mom asked.

"Well...I don't know exactly how to tell you this, but remember what I said about not having grandchildren? It turns out I lied." I said.

There was dead silence on the other end of the line and then they both were asking at once what I was talking about.

"Please, Mom and Dad, I can't talk when you're both talking." I said.

They both quieted down and I told them the story about Marc and Mike and Mikey.

"Oh, my God! Son! Are you both sure you know what you're doing?" Dad asked.

"Oh, Hank! Pipe down! They're grown men! They're former Marines, for God's sake! Of course they know what they're doing!" Mom said.

"Dad, when you have Mikey crawl up on your lap and look at you with his amazing blue eyes, then you can ask that question!" I said.

"Are you happy about this, Rick?" Mom asked.

"I'm delirious, Mom! I've been praying for this!" I said.

"You have? You never said anything!" Mom said.

"Why would I? What chance did we have living in Florida. I really considered moving to another state so we could adopt. Mike is going to make a wonderful father and I so wanted him to have the chance to be one!" I said.

"You'll make a wonderful one, too, son." Mom said.

"Yes! You will, son!" Dad affirmed it.

"I hope so, I've had some wonderful parents to model for me!" I said.

"So when do you bring him home?" Mom asked.

"Well, we've got to try and get a seat on our flight or change bookings but we take custody of him tomorrow." I said.

"That soon?!" Mom asked.

"Yeah, Marc will be moving to the hospice. He's not expected to live another week. They almost took Mikey away from him yesterday he got so bad but the lawyer intervened because he knew we were on the way." I said.

"What would have happened if you and Mike had said 'no' to this?" Dad asked.

"The boy would have ended up in the foster care system just like his Dad and Mike did. Neither Mike or I could allow that to happen to him." I said.

"You made the right decision, son. I'm proud of both of you." Dad said.

"There's just one thing, Dad." I said.

"What's that, son?" Dad asked.

"I think Copeland and Son is going to have to add another bedroom onto the cottage." I said.

"I'll get with the architects and get things moving tomorrow morning! My grandson has to have his own room!" Dad said.

"How about you, Grandma? You doing okay with this?" I asked Mom.

"I'm already pulling out the bowls and cookie sheets. I hope Mikey liked Toll-House cookies!" Mom said.

"Oh, I'm sure he will!" I laughed.

We talked for a few minutes more and then Mike got on the phone and they talked for a while. Finally Mike said good-bye and hung up. He walked over to the bed where I was and sat down.

"Well, I told you so." he said. "They're thrilled."

"Yeah, I know. I think Dad had some misgivings for a moment. He still thinks of us as his 'boys'." I said.

"Yeah? Well, your Mom does, too, you know. And I guess we'll end up being the same way. I guess in some ways we'll always think of Mikey as our little boy." Mike said.

I reached up and put my arms around him.

"Doesn't that have a wonderful sound to it? Our little boy!" I said.

Mike grinned at me.

"Yeah, it does!" he said, and then his face fell into sadness. "I just wish it could have been some other way."

Mike started crying and I held him while he did. I couldn't begin to imagine what he was going through losing someone he loved at one time like that. I thought then that there would always be some sadness for Mike surrounding Mikey. Suddenly the phone rang. I answered it and it was Mr. Hirsch.

"Mr. Copeland, something came up and I need a decision from both of you. What last name do you want Michael to have?" he asked.

"You mean he doesn't keep 'Thomas'?" I asked.

"No, it would make things far too confusing for things like registering for schools, taking him to the doctor. Trust me, he needs to have one of your last names." he said.

I told Mike to take the phone. He talked to Mr. Hirsch for a few minutes and then asked if he could call him back in ten minutes.

"Mike, he should have your name! It was you Marc wanted to be his father." I said.

"Rick, we need to call your Mom and Dad. I've been thinking about this ever since the wedding. I want to know if they'd have any objections to my changing my name to yours. We'd have Mikey named Copeland as well. I don't care about my last name. I never knew my parents, never had any family but yours. Do you think they'd mind?" Mike asked.

"I'm sure they'd be thrilled. Let me call them right now."

As I suspected, Mom and Dad were thrilled with the idea. More importantly, they thought it was a very good one, considering the situation. When I got off the phone with them, Mike was excited about something.

"I think I know a way that Mikey can keep his last name. Some people have two middle names and Thomas sounds more like a first name rather than a last name, so why couldn't he be named Michael Mark Thomas Copeland?" Mike said.

"Hey! That does sound like a good idea! Call Mr. Hirsch back and see." I said.

Mike did so and Mr. Hirsch said it would be perfectly acceptable for Mikey to have two middle names, preserving his original last name. Mike then told him to go ahead and give Mikey the last name Copeland, explaining that when we got home, Mike would have his name changed to match his son's. When Mike got off the phone he was grinning with pride for his marvelous idea.

"Speaking of names..." I said to Mike.


"What's he going to call us?" I asked.

"I was thinking about that. It wouldn't be right to ask him to call us 'Dad'. That's Marc. And besides, there are two of us? What would he call us? Dad #1 and Dad#2? I think he should just call us by our given names." Mike said.

I thought about this a minute and it did make sense. It would also make things a lot simpler. So Mikey would call us Mike and Rick. I didn't know how my Mom and Dad were going to react to this but I got the feeling they were not going to be the kind of grandparents who did a lot of interfering in our relationship with the boy. Actually, I figured that the only problem would be keeping Dad from buying him ever toy on the market! And we'd probably have to keep Dad from buying him a Ferrari for his sixteenth birthday! I don't think that Dad was going to make the same mistake of letting any walls grow between him and his grandson like what happened between us before I went off to the Marine Corps.

"Mike, how about calling the airlines and seeing what we can do about a seat for Mikey?" I asked.

Mike did so. Luckily, the airline had a cancellation and they were able to book us three seats together. Mike told me the reservation agent was especially helpful when Mike told her the reason for the changes, that he was bringing his son home with him. When he got off the phone, I smiled at him.

"What?" he asked, looking at me.

"You said 'my son' so easily." I grinned.

Mike smiled sheepishly at me.

"I can't help it. I've wanted this, too. For a very long time. I didn't think there was any way it could happen. Are you sorry you married me now?" he asked.

"Are you crazy! I told Mom the truth! I've been praying for this. If you could pray for me to love you and that worked, I figured it was worth a shot!" I said.

"Well, it looks like your prayers were answered." Mike said and then he kissed me. "It's about three-thirty, what do you want to do?" Mike asked.

"I think that we should go down and see if Shawn is there and take another ride around Central Park and then have tea in the Palm Court and then come back here and make love all night long. Something you may not have thought about. We're still here for two more days. Mikey is going to have to sleep with us so we aren't going to get to just roll over and fuck each other every morning. Not with a five year old in bed with us!" I said.

"Oh, fuck!" Mike said. "It's worse than that! When we get home, until they get the new bedroom built for him, he's going to have to sleep with us there, too!" Mike groaned.

"I think we are about to find out how the heterosexuals live!" I laughed.

"Well, not for long. Maybe we can get him to stay in your old room over in the main house! I know Mom and Dad would love to have him!" Mike said.

"I bet they won't! I bet you that they tell us that Mikey needs to be with his Dads so that we can 'bond'. Besides, remember what it was like at 5? He's going to need us around him all the time. I'm sure we can work something out with Mom and Dad to keep him busy for a couple of hours so that we can make love. I'm sure they'll understand that." I said.

"You'd better tell your Dad to get that room built fast!" Mike said.

"He's calling the architect tomorrow. They'll probably be started before we even get home." I said.

"Okay...well...yeah. I guess your plan sounds pretty good." Mike said.

We went downstairs and Shawn was there. We crossed the street to where he had the hansom and Buttercup parked.

"Well, are you gentlemen ready for another ride?" he asked opening the door for us.

We climbed in and Shawn guided Buttercup into the park.

"This will be the last one that we'll be taking, just the two of us." I said as we rode.

"What are you talking about? You two aren't breaking up, are you?" Shawn asked, his voice and face filled with shock as he turned back to us.

Mike and I laughed.

"No! But tomorrow when we come to have a ride, there will be one more person with us. A little person. Our new son." Mike said.

"You're kidding! Aren't you?" Shawn asked.

Mike explained the situation to him.

"Oh, God! The poor little kid! Oh, but he's so lucky to have you both to take care of him!" Shawn said.

"Yes. At least he won't end up in a group home like I did." Mike said.

"Or me." Shawn said quietly.

We both looked at him with surprise.

"My mother died when I was 5. My Dad was such an awful drunk that the state took me away from him after he beat me so bad he cracked three of my ribs. I was raised in foster and group homes. Never knew what love was until I met Dave." he said.

"How did you meet?" Mike asked.

"He was a complete rube!" Shawn laughed. "Fresh out of the Marine Corps and heading to college on a scholarship at NYU. He took a ride in my cab one day. It was only the second day he'd been in the city. We got talking and one thing led to another - you know how it goes. Anyway, he went home with me that night and we've been together ever since! I helped him through school so that he didn't have to work and could concentrate on his studies. He got out with a Masters degree in Economics 2 years earlier than is usual!" Shawn said, with evident pride in his voice.

"You said he works on Wall Street." Mike said. "So why are you still driving cab?"

"And what else would I be doin', I ask 'ya now?!" The Irish brogue was back. "I love doing this! I get to meet the most interesting people, such as yourselves. And besides, I have to work! I couldn't stand sitting around the apartment all day! I might take to the demon drink, otherwise! You now how we Irish are!" he laughed.

"Doesn't he worry about you out here?" I asked.

"No. He knows I can take care of myself. You grow up in this city - you learn how! Besides, I only work because I want to. We don't really need the money on Dave's salary. We put mine away so that we can buy a place out in the Hamptons one day." Shawn said.

"A hansom cab driver with a place in the Hamptons! Now I've heard everything!" I laughed.

"Nah, that ain't near as different as two former Marines with a kid!" Shawn laughed but then he got quiet. "I shouldn't laugh, really. Dave and I have talked about doing it - adopting a kid. I feel like you do, Mike. I hate to think of kids growing up like I did - no love, no one to care about them. Maybe that weekend place in the Hamptons will turn into a college fund for our son. Who knows?" Shawn said.

"I think it would be wonderful." Mike said.

We continued to talk as we completed the circuit around the park and then returned to across from the hotel. As we got out, Mike again paid Shawn and gave him a nice tip, saying he could put it in the college fund for his and Dave's son.

"And when you come to ride with your little one tomorrow, there will be no charge! It's my gift to you!" Shawn said, making his dramatic bow.

"Thank you, Shawn." I said. "You've been one of the best things we've found about New York!"

Shawn grinned, and blushed at the same time.

We again had tea at the Palm Court and were as delighted with it as the day before. We then went back up to the room and we made love for the rest of the night - except for when we called room service for a couple of steaks done rare with salads, bake potatoes and chocolate mousse for dessert! We were starving after all the exertion. However, an hour after the meal we were at it again! Then, Mike woke me the next morning with his hard cock sliding in and out of my ass and we still gave each other 'head' in the shower! It was like we were having our 'last fling'!

We hopped a cab over to Marc's apartment and were met by Molly at the door.

"Oh, hello, Mike and Rick! The nurses are with him now. Why don't you come in the kitchen and I'll make you a cup of coffee?" Molly asked.

"Thanks, Molly. That would be great." Mike said.

We sat at the small kitchen table and Molly brought us coffee.

"He's ever so much worse today. They said he had about a week, but I don't think he's going to make even that. I think he was just hanging on until things got settled with little Mikey." Molly said.

"Yes, I've seen patients do that. They seem to hang onto life until something they want to have happen, happens. Then they seem to let go and they pass very quickly." Mike said.

"Patients? Are you a doctor?" Molly asked.

"No, I'm a nurse. I work mostly in Pediatrics but I've handled my share of dying patients during my training." Mike said. "It must be very hard on you, knowing that someone you've worked so closely with will be gone soon."

"Well, it is hard but I hold onto the fact that I can give them comfort while they're still here and there will always be someone who needs my help when they're gone. I will admit that I haven't worked many cases where there were children involved. I'm going to miss Mikey the most, I think." she said.

I pulled out one of our construction company cards and gave it to her.

"Molly, if you ever come down to Fort Lauderdale, just give me a call. I'm sure Mikey would be glad to see you." I said.

"Oh, Fort Lauderdale! That's my dream! I was there once, maybe twenty years ago! I want to retire there. These winters are getting to me. And I really have nothing holding me here." she said.

"Don't you have family?" Mike asked.

"No, I took care of my parents until they died. I never married. I have a brother who lives over in New Jersey but that's all." Molly said.

This gave me an idea, but I wanted the chance to talk it over with Mike and with Mom and Dad first.

"Molly, do you have some way that we could reach you if we need to?" I asked.

"Well, sure." she said and gave me her phone number at home. I wrote it down and put it in my wallet.

About that time, the two nurses came in the kitchen. Molly introduced us and Mike explained who he was and that he was a nurse also. He asked about Marc's condition and he and the two nurses jabbered at each other in 'medical terminology' for several minutes. I didn't understand a word of it except that it seemed that Molly's fears about how bad Marc was doing seemed to be well grounded. When they left, I asked Mike what all they had said.

"They basically said the same thing Molly did. They don't think he's going to last a week either. And they've both seen plenty of cases like this one. They feel he should be in the hospice as soon as possible." Mike said, his face and voice grave.

"Mike, why don't you go in and spend some time alone with Marc? I'll stay here with Molly." I said.

"You sure you don't mind?" he asked.

"No, I don't mind. You need it and so does he." I said.

"Thanks, babe." And with that he leaned over and kissed me gently before going to Marc's room.

"Have you two been together long?" Molly asked.

"A little over 5 years. We just got married a few months ago." I said.

"You can marry in Florida? I hadn't heard about that!" Molly said.

I started laughing!

"No! Not a 'legal' marriage! Heaven forbid in that bigoted state! Why, we wouldn't be allowed to adopt Mikey in Florida! They have a law against it there! The only state that does. No, we had a religious ceremony with just family and friends. We wanted to publically pledge ourselves to one another." I said.

"I think it's a terrible shame! When two people love each other, they should be allowed to get married, no matter if they are the same sex! And if they want to open their love to a child that no one wants anyway, the state should thank them!" she said.

"Well, obviously we feel the same way, Molly. I wish there were more people who thought like you do. It would end a lot of the discrimination and bigotry that masquerades as politics and religion." I said.

Molly and I talked for another hour and then we heard a knock at the door. When Molly went to answer it, it was Mr. Hirsch. He was all smiles so I knew he had been successful.

"You are now a parent, Mr. Copeland. Your son is now named Michael Marc Thomas Copeland as Mr. Riley suggested." he said.

"The adoption went through!" I exclaimed.

"Without a hitch. I came straight from the courthouse to tell you and to deliver copies of the adoption papers to all of you. Where is Mr. Riley?" he asked.

"Mike's in with Marc. I felt they needed some time alone together." I said.

"Probably a very good idea. He wasn't looking very well yesterday." Mr. Hirsch said.

"He's evidently even worse today. The nurse were here a while ago and they said that he needs to be moved to the hospice as soon as possible." I said.

"Well, Mikey should be home from kindergarten shortly. Can it wait until then?" Molly asked.

"I'm sure it can." I said.

"Well, we need to all meet so I can deliver the custody documents to Mr. Riley and Mr. Thomas." Mr. Hirsch said.

We went down the hall and entered Marc's room. Mike was on the bed with him, holding him in his arms. Marc's head was resting against Mike's shoulder. It was strange for a moment to see someone else in Mike's arms but I quickly realized how very appropriate this was. Marc had been Mike's sometime lover long before we met. Now that he was dying, it was only to be expected that he would need the comfort of the one person who still cared about him.

"I have the custody documents. The adoption was completed this morning, as you requested, Mr. Thomas." Mr. Hirsch said.

"Thank you." Marc said, but I could barely hear his voice.

Mr. Hirsch gave copies of the custody documents to Marc and to Mike. Marc handed his copy to Mike.

"I don't think I'll be needing this where I'm going." Marc said.

"We've decided to get Marc to the hospice as soon as Mikey gets home and they have a chance to say good-bye." Mike said quietly.

"Now you remember what we agreed on." Marc said.

"I won't forget." Mike said and leaned down and gently kissed Marc's cheek.

Then Mike got up and helped Marc to rest against some pillows.

"I need to talk to Mr. Thomas privately again, if you don't mind?" Mr. Hirsch said.

"No problem." Mike said and we left the room, closing the door behind us.

"What did you agree to?" I asked Mike.

"Marc wants us to get Mikey out of here before the ambulance arrives to take him to the hospice. He doesn't want Mikey to see that." he said.

"Oh, I agree." I said.

"Yeah, so do I." Mike said.

As we were standing there talking, there was another knock at the door. This one very quiet. We figured correctly that it was Mikey, now our son - even if he didn't know it yet. Molly answered the door and Mikey burst in. He stopped when he saw us in the hall and walked toward us.

"Are you here to take me away?" Mikey asked.

Mike squatted down so that he was at eye level with the boy.

"Mikey, we're here to take you to live with us. It's what your Dad wants. He's talked to you about it." I said.

"Dad has to go away now?" Mikey asked, his big eyes filling up with tears.

"Yes, Mikey, your Dad has to go away now." Mike said.

I saw the boy's chin start to tremble and so did Mike. Mike gathered the boy into his arms and Mikey burst into sobs against Mike's shoulder as he held him. I walked over and began stroking the boy's hair and back as Mike looked at me. I could see the pain in his eyes of wanting to comfort the little boy and both of us knowing that we couldn't. Mikey's sobs finally subsided and Mr. Hirsch came out of Marc's room. Mike put Mikey down and Mikey ran to his Dad's room to be with his Dad one last time.

"This is always the hardest part." Mr. Hirsch said. "Mostly it comes after the death of the parent. This is the first time that we've had to move the child before the parent died. Is there some way I can help you with this?"

"Well...yes. I take it you have your car with you?" Mike asked.

"Yes, of course." Mr. Hirsch said.

"Marc wants us to take Mikey from here before the ambulance comes to take Marc away. He doesn't want Mikey to see that." Mike said.

"I agree. It's not a memory the boy should have to live with." Mr. Hirsch said.

"Let me check with Molly about getting his things together." I said.

"That's a good idea. I don't want to have to come back here again." Mike said and I understood what he meant. The pain here of losing his childhood friend was tearing him apart.

"Molly, can you help me get Mikey's things together?" I asked.

"Oh, they already are. I did that yesterday. They're all packed and waiting in his room." she said.

We walked down the hall past Mike and Mr. Hirsch and entered Mikey's room. Anything that spoke to anyone occupying the space had been stripped away. On the small bed was a suitcase and a cardboard box.

"That's all his stuff?" I asked.

"Mr. Thomas was living on just SSI. The boy really doesn't have much in the way of material possessions. But he had a lot of love from his father." she said.

"That's certainly more important. Well, I hate to say this, but the fact that he does have so little will make the move a lot easier." I said.

Molly and I carried the little suitcase and cardboard box into the hall.

"Is that all his stuff?" Mike asked.

"Yeah. Not very much is it?" I said.

"When I moved from one group home to another, I didn't even need the cardboard box." Mike said quietly.

I looked at him and I could see the pain of memory in his eyes. I reached up with my hand and stroked his cheek. He looked at me and then kissed me.

"The driver should be waiting downstairs, if you want to take those down." Mr. Hirsch said.

"Thank you." I said and Molly and I went downstairs and the driver put the suitcase and box in the trunk of the limo.

Arriving back upstairs, Mike had Mikey in his arms ready to leave.

"Let me hold him." I said and Mike handed the boy to me who wrapped his arms tightly around my neck.

"I'll take him down to the car. Why don't you say your good-byes?" I said quietly to Mike.

He just looked at me and then kissed both me and Mikey before heading back down the hall to Marc's room.


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Next: Chapter 13

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