Subic Surrender

By RimPig (RimPigFL, Bobby Michaels) (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on May 31, 2003


DISCLAIMER: I don't fucking care how old you are. If you like the idea of two hunky young Marine's getting it on with each other then read on!

By the way, no Marine's were injured or killed in the writing of this story but that's not true of what's going on in the Middle East or other foreign places. I would ask your prayers, good thoughts or whatever for all the Marines serving our country (that's us guys!) around the world.

This is dedicated to every one who has ever served in the USMC - Semper Fi!

SUBIC SURRENDER - Part 10 by RimPig (c) 2003

When I woke up, it was dark outside. I could see through the open sliding glass doors leading to the balcony that there were lights floating out on the Gulf of Mexico. 'Must be boats out there.' I thought to myself. I could feel the breeze and smell the salt of the Gulf. Then I suddenly realized that I was alone on the big bed. I got up and walked over to the open sliding glass door. I could see the outline of my naked husband leaning against the railing of the deck. I walked out and slid my arms around him as he stood there.

"I wondered when you were going to wake up. I've been standing out here for an hour." Mike said.

"Sorry, babe. I think all of the excitement today must have worn me out. That...and cumming twice in such a short time." I laughed.

He turned in my arms and wrapped his strong arms around me. His mouth found mine and we kissed deeply.

"Do you feel like getting something to eat?" he asked.

"I'm starved! I really haven't had anything since breakfast but wedding cake." I said.

"Let's throw on some clothes and find someplace to eat." he said.

"What time is it?" I asked.

"It's about 8:30. Why?" he asked.

"Well, I knew this great place down on Duval Street if it's still there." I said.

We put on t-shirts, shorts and sandals. Nobody wears anything else in Key West. It's the only city in Florida that really understands it's in Florida! No jackets, ties - any of that 'northern' crap! You dress cooly and comfortably because it's fucking Florida where it get HOT!

Mike and I left the hotel heading up Duval Street. We passed what had to be half the 10,000 t- shirt shops on the street! I swear, every other store is selling t-shirts. As we walked, I reach over and took his hand. He looked at me funny for a second and then I said to him, "It's Key West. Trust me, nobody's going to care!". We both laughed. We finally came to the restaurant that I remembered from when I'd been here the last time. That last time had been right before I left for boot camp and my life changed forever. The restaurant is called Antonia's. It is the best Italian restaurant I've ever eaten at. All the pasta is home-made and it was there, at Antonia's that I had Tiaramisu for the first time in my life.

I remember the waiter asking me if I wanted dessert and he started to name off some that were available. About the third one he mentioned was Tiaramisu. I asked him what that was and he described it. He said it was "Lady fingers soaked in coffee with chocolate."

It didn't sound all that wonderful, but I was adventurous! I told him I'd never heard of it but "What the hell! I'll have some."

He brought me a small glass bowl of it and I dug in. From the first bite, I was hooked! It was incredible! When I quickly finished the bowl, the waiter came over and said, "Well, did you like it?"

I looked him straight in the eye and said. "I'm not sure. I think you should bring me another bowl so I can make up my mind."

He looked at me funny but he went away and quickly re-appeared with another bowl. I quickly dispatched this one as well. The waiter re-appeared again and, again, asked if I liked it.

"I've almost made up my mind." I said. "One more bowl should do it."

He grinned and brought me another bowl which I finished but not so quickly as the last two. I wanted to savor it. When the waiter came back this time, he didn't get a chance to say anything before I said, "It was the best dessert I think I've ever eaten! Thank you for suggesting it."

The waiter bowed and went and got me the bill.

Mike and I had a wonderful dinner. He had Penne ala Vodka and I had Fettuccine Alfredo. We both had Tiaramisu for dessert - two bowls a piece! It seems my husband's sweet-tooth loved the dessert as much as I did. After eating, we strolled back down Duval to the hotel, but rather than going in, I took him over to Mallory Square, which is beside the hotel. It is in Mallory Square, every night before sundown, that one of the most unique customs of any city in America happens. It is like a street fair with performers of every type. I remember the last time I'd been there I met this guy who, looking back, was extremely good looking, who played bag-pipes. He styled himself the 'Southern-most Piper'. Everything is Key West is 'Southern-most' because it is the southern- most city in the US. I told Mike about what went on here and promised that we would explore it the next day. I told him how, at sundown, as the sun lowers below the western horizon, everyone breaks into applause for God, for the great 'light show'!

We wandered around for a while, just looking at the people and the sights. We held hands the whole time, both of us loving the freedom to so openly express our love for each other. There are very few places where two males can walk down the street holding hands without causing a stir. Greenwich Village, The Castro in San Francisco, P-Town. Not many at all. We were enjoying just being together and sharing our love.

We finally went back to our suite and Mike called room service and ordered a bottle of champagne. We sat out on the deck of our suite, watching the lights of the boats out on the Gulf and talking.

"I wish we could stay here forever." Mike said.

"I don't know, maybe it would get boring after a while. And we'd miss Mom and Dad. And you'd miss all those kids in the hospital." I said.

"Yeah. You're probably right. But it wouldn't matter. I'd have you. That's all I ever really need." Mike said, putting his arm around me and pulling me closer on the wicker love seat that we were sitting on. I rested my head against his shoulder and sighed.

"What was that about?" Mike asked.

"I don't know when I've ever been so content and relaxed." I said.

"Probably all that Tiaramisu you ate." he chuckled.

"You ate just as much as I did." I countered.

"Yeah. I'm feeling really contented and relaxed, too." he said.

"I guess it has nothing to do with getting married today." I said.

"Nah! Couldn't be that. That's something we do everyday." he chuckled again.

"Mike, maybe we could retire here?" I asked.

"Nah! Place is filled with tourists and all those sappy, in-love honeymooners would drive us crazy!" he laughed and I laughed with him.

"Where would you like to retire?" I asked.

"We're 24 years old, for God's sake! Why are you worried about retiring! We've got about 40 years to think about it!" Mike said.

"Well...they say you're never too young to plan." I said.

"Okay, tell you what. When we retire, let's do it in San Diego. It's really beautiful there and we could oogle all the hot, hunky Marines and remember when we used to be them." he said.

"That's not really such a bad idea! Yeah! I like that!" I said.

"What, San Diego or the hot, hunky Marines?" Mike chuckled.

"Both. You know I have this thing for hot, hunky Marines - even hot, hunky former Marines." I said leaning up and beginning to lick at his neck.

"Careful! You don't want to start anything you can't finish!" he said softly.

"When did I ever not finish what I started?" I murmured.

"Never, come to think of it." he murmured back.

I took his hand and led him to the bedroom. When we got there, I let go of his hand and sat down on the bed. He walked over to me and I looked up at him.

"Strip for me. Just for me." I said softly.

He looked at me questioningly for a moment and then got a very horny grin on his face. He stepped back and slowly began to run his hands over his clothing, caressing his body through them. I leaned back with both my hands behind me holding me up as I watched him begin to perform. His hips began to sway back and forth in a slow, sensuous dance. It was obvious that my hunky husband was really getting into this! I knew I was!

He continued moving his hips very sensuously with occasional thrusting motions that left nothing to the imagination in terms of what he was simulating. He crossed his arms in front of his waist and grabbed the bottom of his t-shirt and began to take it off. He slowly pulled it from his shorts and began to slowly pull it up his body, gradually revealing first his hard, ribbed abs and then his muscular chest. As the t-shirt covered his face, his hairy pits were exposed. I was practically drooling as I watched his half naked body sway to the unheard music in his head.

Mike took the t-shirt completely off and tossed it to me. I took it, wadded the damp fabric in my hand and put it to my nose, inhaling the scent of his sweat and musk, all the time keeping eye contact with him. "Oh, fuck..." I moaned just loud enough for him to hear. He grinned that same horny grin at me and his hand went to the buckled of his belt. He unbuckled the belt and slowly slid it from the loops in his shorts. Then he took the belt and with a one hand in front of him and one behind, he ran it back and forth between his legs, seeming to massage his crotch and ass-crack with it. I groaned again and he walked toward me. He looped the belt around the back of my neck and pulled me forward until my face was pressed against the crotch of his shorts. I breathed in the musk through his shorts and then he let go of the belt and stepped back from me once again.

His hands went to the button at the top of his shorts. He unbuttoned it but held the waistband together with one hand while the other hand began to slide the zipper slowly up and down in an almost masturbatory motion. Then he turned around and began to let his shorts slip slowly down. His swaying, hot, bubble butt began to appear about half an inch at a time. I sucked in my breath at the first sight of the top of his crack. He slowly teased me, letting the shorts drop slowly and then rapidly pulling them back up. Each time, they got lower and lower before being pulled back up until, finally, he let go and they dropped to his ankles. He stepped out of them and went back to moving his hips back and forth. I watched the mounds of his glutes bouncing as he danced. Then he stopped and bent over, putting his hands on the floor with his knees straight. His cheeks spread and I was staring at the soft, hair-lined trench of my husbands butt and the round, puckered dusky-rose of his asshole. Without even thinking, my tongue came out and I licked my lips in anticipation of licking out that hole.

Mike was looking over his shoulder when I did this and simply moved back until he had backed his butt right onto my face. I moaned at the deep, dark scent of his ass. I raised my hands to the cheeks of his butt and spread it farther open. I ran my nose up and down his trench, drinking in the scent. Then my tongue came out and I did begin to lick up and down his tasty ass. The musk, sweat and ass juice combined to create a tangy, tasty mixture that I loved. I flicked my tongue at his hole and began to lick it. I pushed my tongue against his pucker and felt it give way and my tongue began to slip into his hole. I grabbed his hips to hold him tighter to my face and my tongue went deeper inside him. I began to lick out the smooth walls of the inside of his ass, tasting him and moaning into his butt.

Mike reached down and removed my hands from his hips as he stood up and moved away from my sucking mouth. I moaned in frustration and he gave me another leer before moving behind me and getting on the bed and laying face down with his legs spread as far as he could spread them. He looked back at me over his shoulder and growled, "Come and get it, Marine!"

I stood up and quickly stripped out of my clothes. My cock was so hard it was hitting my abs and leaking cock-honey all over them. I crawled onto the bed between his legs and lay face down with my face in his spread trench. I reached up, spreading his cheeks farther and again began to feast at his hole, spearing it with my tongue and licking deep inside his body. Mike moaned and pressed his ass back, trying to get more and more of my tongue into his opening.

I don't know how long I ate his ass. I know it was a very long time. In fact, quite the longest time that I ever did. I knew I was going to fuck him, there was no question of that so I didn't feel pressed by time. We had all night if we wanted and, as far as I was concerned, I could easily eat his ass that long. After a while, however, I decided I wanted to do more.

I rose to my knees and he looked back at me. I reached down and pulled his hips up, letting him know I wanted him up on his knees. He eagerly responded to my unspoken request. He knelt there and now I could see not only his ass but his nut sack and his hard cock hanging below. I leaned down and reached my hand out, pulling his cock back. I began to lick and suck at the head of it, making Mike moan. I continued to lick and suck at his cock for a while and then began to lick higher and sucked and nibbled at his scrotum. The scent of his balls rose in my nose and I relished it as I continued to lick at his wrinkly sack.

Finally, I moved up dragging my tongue past his perineum and back into his ass trench until I was again burrowing my tongue into his sweet hole. I licked out his ass, driving my tongue deep into his hole and then back down across his balls and finally down the shaft of his cock until I was once again sucking and licking at the head of his cock, licking the dripping cock-honey and tasting its salty sweetness.

Mike was moaning incoherently and I continued to move back and forth from his cock to his asshole, building his desire and my own at the same time. Finally, his body was dripping with my saliva and I had reached the point that I had to fuck him or I would explode! I gently pushed against his ass with my hands and he slid back down on the bed, laying flat and waiting for me to begin to fuck him.

I moved between his spread legs and began to milk my cock to make more pre-cum drip onto his hole and then I used the head of my cock to spread it around his hole. Leaning forward on my hands, I placed my cockhead at the opening to his body and began to push gently, feeling his hole open and my cock slide slowly into his opening. He moaned at the feeling of my cock spreading his ass tissues and sliding slowly inward, meeting no resistance until my cock was buried to my pubic bone in his ass.

At that point, rather then pull my cock back, beginning to fuck him, I lay my body totally on his and rested with my cock buried in my husbands body. I moved my hands up and began to stroke his arms which were folded in front of him with his head resting on them. I licked at the back of his neck and nibbled across his shoulders, making him tremble and his ass sheath clutch at my cock inside his ass. His hole surrounded my cock with heat and wetness, the like of which I knew no where else but when my cock was buried in his hole.

"Fuck! I love your cock in me!" Mike murmured.

"My cock loves to be in your ass. I love the heat and wetness of you." I murmured in return.

"Fuck me. Please, Rick! Fuck my ass!" he moaned.

I began to slowly withdraw my cock a few inches and then shoved it slowly back in. I was determined to give him what he had given me earlier - an exquisitely long, slow fuck. I slowly pulled my cock back out, further this time and, again, pushed slowly back in, listening to Mike moan again.

I went on and on, finally drawing my cock almost all the way out of his ass, only the flange of my cockhead catching on the ring of his ass muscle, leaving just the head of my cock, before slowly sliding it all the way inside of him. I heard Mike's moans rise to a fever pitch and then I felt his love-tunnel clutch at my cock as he spewed his load out on the bed beneath him. I was a long way from cumming and just continued my slow assault of his ass, never stopping, never breaking the rhythm of my fucking.

For the next half an hour or more, I fucked his ass slowly until I could feel the tingle in my balls that told me that I was about to nut. I wanted him to get off again and so I sped up my pummeling of his ass, reaching my maximum speed and power quickly. I could feel Mike's hard butt-nut rubbing against the bottom of my cock. I knew he was close to cumming again but so was I. I just wanted to hold out long enough to get him off first.

I was power-fucking his butt and finally I felt his chute clutch my cock and his moans rose to almost shouting as he unloaded his nuts onto the bed again.

"FUCK!! I'M CUMMING!!" Mike screamed out as he orgasmed.

My own orgasm was triggered by his ass clutching my cock. I drove into his butt as hard as I could, trying to reach the farthest depths of his butt and unloaded my cum deep inside him.

We were both moaning incoherently as I finally collapsed on his back, my cock still deeply buried in his hole. Our sweat bound our bodies together as I lay on his back, alternating between licking and sucking at his shoulders and trying to regain my breath. I finally relaxed and I could feel the muscles inside his ass pushing my cock out. I slowly slid down his back and again buried my face in his butt, beginning to suck my cum from his just fucked ass. I sucked at his hole for a long time, gently licking up inside him, coaxing more and more of my jizz out of his ass and into my mouth. When I knew there was no more that was going to come out, I moved up the bed. Mike rolled over because he knew what was coming. My mouth locked to him and we shared my load between us while we kissed deeply.

His arms wrapped around me and I lay my head on his chest and we slipped into an exhausted but deeply satisfied sleep. Sometime, in the middle of the night, I awoke with Mike gently eating out my butt. I moaned and pushed my ass back at his face, wanting his tongue deeper in me. He continued getting me ready and then moved up the bed until he was beside me. He pulled me to him so that we were spooned together and he began to slowly slide his cock into me. We fucked like that, slowly for a long time until we both shot our loads and again, went back to sleep - this time with his cock still buried in my butt.

When I awoke again, the sun was streaming in the widows of the suite and Mike cock was still buried in my ass and still (or again) hard. I moved my ass back, pushing more of it inside me and then withdrew, fucking myself on his dick. After a few minutes of this, he woke up, realized what was happening and pushed me over onto my stomach and began to ream my ass hard! No gentle morning screw! This was an all out, rough, hard-slamming butt-fuck! And I was loving every second of it.

Of course it didn't take long for us to cum and then Mike collapsed on me to gather his breath. Once he had, he slid his cock out of my hole. He moved down between my legs, parted my ass- cheeks with his hands and began sucking and licking at my hole, drawing out as much of his load as he could. Finishing this, he moved back up the bed, pulled me into his arms and crushed his mouth to mine, sharing his load from my ass with me.

We finally got out of bed and Mike ordered room service. The deck outside our room was big enough for a table and chairs and we had breakfast overlooking the Gulf of Mexico. We went sight seeing, swam in the hotel pool and walked along some of the beaches before going out to dinner to another great restaurant.

That pretty well set the pattern of the week. We made love often and just did what we felt like doing the rest of the time. All too soon, the week was over and it was time to go home. We made love one last time in the suite and then early the next morning, checked out and got in the car for the drive home. It was very early Sunday morning and we were hoping to avoid the weekend traffic on US 1, the only road in the Keys. I let Mike drive the whole way home while I just looked at the water and the scenery as we headed north to Fort Lauderdale.

Mom and Dad were glad to see us home, safe and sound though what they expected to happen in Key West, I just wasn't sure. We had gotten a few wedding presents other than the Jag from Mom and Dad. We sat in the cottage that evening, opening them up while I wrote thank-you cards for each gift and Mike and I signed them.

Life pretty well went back to normal for a while. Mike working at the hospital and me working with Dad. There was one night, however, that things were different. Mike had been called into the hospital on an emergency with one of his kids and Mom was out playing bridge with some of her friends. Dad and I were home alone and we had gone for a swim in the pool and were sitting next to it, just talking and having a few beers. I guess the beers loosened both of our tongues because I finally got up the nerve to ask him something I had wanted to know for a long time.

"Dad, can I ask you something personal without you getting mad at me?" I said.

"Whoa! This must be some doozie of a question with that kind of intro! Okay, shoot." he said.

"Why won't you talk about what happened in Nam - especially about your medal?" I asked.

He was quiet for a long time. Then he finally spoke.

"Whatever I tell you is just between us, understand? Your mother is never to know this. Do I have your word on that?" Dad said.

"Dad, I promise. I will not breathe a word of anything you tell me." I said.

"Except to Mike." he gave me a small smile.

"Well, yeah. I guess, except to Mike." I grinned sheepishly.

"I know you two don't have secrets from each other and this is not something that I would keep from Mike. You'll understand once I tell you." Dad said.

"Okay, so tell me." I said.

"You know I told you about Subic and about Mack and Jake and all the fun we had together." He started.

"Yeah." I said.

"And I told you that they became lovers and I ended up the odd man out, you might say. Oh, they never said anything but I just felt really uncomfortable about coming between them or some such nonsense. Anyway, it was my second tour to Nam. This new guy got put in our platoon. God! He was one good-looking son-of-a-bitch! I thought almost immediately how fun it might be to play with him!" Dad laughed.

"So did you?" I asked.

"Not right away. We became really good friends though and one time we went on liberty to Saigon and we ended up in this hotel room together and it was just like on Subic. We went at each other like two rutting bucks! But something happened and it was different than Subic." Dad's voice got quiet and he didn't say anything else for quite a while.

"You fell in love with him." I said

Dad looked at me, fear and shock written on his face.

"How did you know?" he asked, his voice hoarse.

"I had some suspicions and then I saw how you looked at Mike and me when he kissed me in front of you. You looked kind of wistful and yearning." I said.

Dad hung his head and was quiet again for a long while.

"Dad, it's nothing to be ashamed of." I said.

"Yes it is. I was engaged to your Mom. I loved her. I couldn't understand loving him as well." He said. "But I loved him. I loved him so much! What made it worse is that he really loved me. He didn't like girls at all. He was gay. I didn't know what the fuck I was going to do. I was scheduled to marry your Mom after that tour ended. I really considered just re-upping and going or a third tour right there and then. Then came the ambush. In less time that it takes to wipe the sweat off your brow, every guy in that platoon, all my friends, were dead. Most of them, their bodies almost cut in two by all the rounds from the VC machine gun that cut them down. The only thing that saved me is that I had stupidly tripped on a tree root and was down on the ground, below the killing level of the machine gun fire. He was bending over to help me up when he was hit. I threw a grenade and blew up the VC gunner and the machine gun, but they'd already done their work. I tried to get him back to base in time to save him but I was too late. By the time I got him back, there was nothing they could do but give him morphine to stop the pain while he died. He died in my arms. We kissed each other one last time before he died. I didn't give a fuck who saw us, I didn't give a fuck if they threw me out with a dishonorable discharge! Instead, the fuckers gave me a medal. What for?! I didn't save anybody! Especially not the guy I loved."

Dad bent over and put his face in his hands. I saw his shoulders begin to shake and I knew that he was crying. I knelt by his side and took him in my arms. I held him while he cried. I'd never seen my Dad like this. He must have been carrying this pain around, locked inside him for a very long time. I just let him cry while I stroked his hair and rubbed his back with my hand. Finally he pulled himself together and looked up at me.

"I'm sorry, Son. I didn't mean to do that." he said hoarsely.

"Dad! It's okay. You needed it." I said.

"Yeah, I guess I did. I haven't cried for him since they shipped me stateside. He's buried in Arlington. I've always wanted to go there and see his grave but I could never get up the nerve. I guess I'm afraid that I'd fall apart like this and I could never explain it to your Mom." he said.

"Dad, I think you're wrong. I think you could explain it to Mom and she would understand." I said.

"Oh, no! She could never understand! How could she understand that I loved somebody else - and a guy at that!" he said.

"You never stopped loving her, did you?" I asked.

"No, I never did. It was different somehow. I loved them both, totally and completely, but the love felt different with each one. Before he died, I didn't know what I was going to do! Which one I would choose to be with. I even thought of killing myself, rather than having to make that decision!" Dad said. "After he died, there was never anyone else. I never fell in love with another guy. I came home, married your Mom and we had you. My life has been so happy and so fulfilling but...I always wonder what it would have been like with him. Then I look at you and Mike and I see what it could have been like. Don't get me wrong. I wouldn't change having married your Mom and having you. It's just sometimes, I really envy what you guys have."

"I understand, Dad. I really do. You don't say his name. Is that because his name was 'Rick'?" I asked him.

He looked at me in shock.

"How did you know?!" he exclaimed.

"I didn't until now. I just had this feeling. Rick isn't your name, or any of our relatives names. I'm the only 'Rick' in the family. I always wondered why. Then I started to figure things out." I said.

"Yeah. I named you after him. You aren't mad, are you?" he asked.

I pulled him close and kissed him on his stubbly cheek.

"No, Dad. I'm honored to bare the name of the guy you loved." I said.

He reached his arms around me and hugged me.

"He would have really loved you." Dad said.

We talked some more and then Mom came home. The next night, I told Mike the story as we lay in bed. Mike choked up when I told him the whole story. We were both sorry for my Dad losing Rick - the first Rick, my namesake. We decided there was nothing we could do to help except go right on doing for him what we'd always done - loving him.

And that's what we did. We loved him. And my Mom. Our lives were perfect, or so we thought. We couldn't imagine anything that would make us happier. And, I guess, that was the height of arrogance on our part but we were still young and we didn't really know any better. We had our friends, we had our family, what more could we want.

Then out of the blue, one day when Mike and I got home from work, Mom came knocking at the door of the cottage.

"Mike, sweetie, this came for you today, certified mail. I had to sign for it." she said, handing Mike a white, business size envelop.

"I wonder what this is?" Mike said looking at it.

"It's from a group of attorneys in New York City, from the return address." I said, looking over his shoulder at the envelop.

"Well, you two deal with it, I've got to go finished getting dinner ready for your Dad." Mom said, leaving us alone.

"But I don't know anybody in New York City." Mike said.

"And you won't know what it's about unless you open it." I said.

"I don't know. I've got a bad feeling about this." Mike said. "I don't think it can be good news."

"Good, bad or indifferent you still won't know what unless you open it." I said, becoming impatient.

"Okay, okay." Mike said and tore open the envelop.

Inside was a letter from a lawyer by the name of Carl Hirsch. He claimed to represent someone named Marc Allen Thomas. The letter was a bunch of legal mish-mash but what it summed up was that Mr. Thomas was dying and wanted to see Mike on an matter of great urgency. No indication, however of what the matter was.

"So who's Marc Allen Thomas?" I asked Mike and then I looked at his face. It was ashen white. "Mike, what's the matter? Who is he?"

"I think we'd better sit down." Mike said, his voice sounding like it was far away. "Could you get me a drink?"

"What do you want?" I asked.

"Scotch." he said.

Now Mike almost never drank booze. An occasional beer but not hard liquor. We had a small table that we used as a bar for when friends came over. I walked over and poured about two fingers of Scotch in a glass and brought it to him. He drank a hefty bit of it and then his color started to come back. I sat down next to him and took his hand.

"Mike, whatever it is, we'll handle this." I said.

"You know I told you how everyone who ever loved me that I loved left. They either got adopted or ran away. Marc was the last guy that I let myself love before I met you. I was 15 at the time and Marc was, too. I really loved him. Loved him with all my heart. He said he loved me, too, but he couldn't stand living in the group home. He wanted to run away and he wanted me to run away with him. I wanted to, I really did! But I chickened out. I knew from too many kids what life outside on the streets was like. I didn't want to end up that way. I begged Marc to stay. I told him what he was getting into but he wouldn't believe me. One night he ran away and that was the last I saw of him." Mike said.

"So you've had no contact with him for ten years?" I asked.

"Well...that's not exactly true. For a while, he wrote letters. Glowing letters about how well he was doing and how as soon as he got the money together to get an apartment, he'd let me know and I could run away and we'd live together. Finally, the letters stopped coming. Then I never heard from him again. I signed up for the Marine Corps and met you. I'd sworn that I would never fall in love with anybody again. And I hadn't. I thought my armor was pretty good. Nobody got to me. I didn't care about anybody! I'd fuck and suck and never let them get close to me. Then I took one look at you and I knew what a fucking fool I had been. I hadn't been pushing away love. I'd just been waiting for the right love to come along. I knew within five minutes of meeting you that I was going to fall head-over-heels in love with you. I knew that I would never, ever be able to stop myself and I would love you forever. I couldn't understand, at first, why you didn't feel exactly the same way! I knew we were made for each other. But evidently it took some time for that to sink in with you." he smiled.

"So, this Marc. He kind of broke your heart." I asked.

"Tore it to fucking pieces and then stomped all over them is more like it." Mike said. "Oh, he didn't mean to. He wasn't that way. If I'd gone with him, maybe things would have worked out. I don't know. I don't think so. I didn't know it, but God intended me for you. I just had to wait for you to come along." he said, leaning over and kissing me gently.

"But the letter says he's dying. What are you going to do?" I asked.

"The only thing I can do. I'm going to have to go to New York and see him." Mike said. "But I don't want to go alone. I want you to come with me."

"As chaperone?" I asked trying to make a joke of it.

"No!" said Mike, taking me far more seriously than I intended. "Because I don't want to be that far from you. Ever. And because I have a feeling that I'm going to need your support. Seeing him again, especially under these circumstances is likely to tear me apart again. Can you understand?" he asked.

"Of course I understand. I'm sorry, I tried to make a very bad joke to lighten things up. Bad timing." I apologized.

"No, that's your way of dealing with things that you can't deal with emotionally. I know that about you." he smiled.

"Really? I didn't even know that about me!" I said in wonder.

"Remember? I watch you all the time." he smiled.

"Still?" I asked.

"Still. I love you too much to ever stop." and saying this he leaned over and kissed me gently.

"I could make one suggestion." I told him.

"What?" he asked.

"Why don't you call the attorney tomorrow and find out what this is all about. What the 'matter of great urgency' is." I said.

"That sounds like a good idea. I guess we had also better let your Mom and Dad know what's going on." he said.

"Yeah, especially if I'm going to go up there with you." I said.

After dinner that night, we went over to the main house and sat down with Mom and Dad over coffee and let them know what was up. They were as curious as we were what the 'matter of great urgency' was. Dad said, however, that it was unlikely that we would get anything out of the lawyer - especially over the phone.

"Lawyers have this great attachment to attorney/client privilege. I don't think you'll get anything out of him." Dad said.

"You're probably right, but it won't hurt to try." I said.

"So when do you plan to go up there?" Dad asked.

"Well, I have to arrange to get a couple of days off from the hospital. Today is Monday, I figure we can fly up on Wednesday. Maybe come back Friday." Mike said.

"I think you'll find that for the lowest airfares, you'll have to stay over Saturday so why don't you just figure to get back on Sunday and at least enjoy the city. Take in a couple of shows on Broadway. Neither of you have ever been to New York before. I'll bet you enjoy that." Mom said.

"That's a good idea!" I said. "Where do you think that we should stay?"

"Oh, darling, there is only one place to stay in New York - the Plaza!" Mom declared.


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Next: Chapter 11

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