Subic Surrender

By RimPig (RimPigFL, Bobby Michaels) (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on May 17, 2003


DISCLAIMER: I don't fucking care how old you are. If you like the idea of two hunky young Marine's getting it on with each other then read on!

By the way, no Marine's were injured or killed in the writing of this story but that's not true of what's going on in the Middle East or other foreign places. I would ask your prayers, good thoughts or whatever for all the Marines serving our country (that's us guys!) around the world.

This is dedicated to every one who has ever served in the USMC - Semper Fi!

SUBIC SURRENDER - Part 1 by RimPig (c) 2003

Marine boot camp is a total bitch. Anyone ever tries to tell you different, they either haven't been there or they're full of shit! It was the roughest time I had ever been through in my life. Nothing had prepared me for the draining, exhaustive physical demands. I thought that being an athlete all through high school (football, wrestling and baseball) would have made me strong enough and give me enough stamina that whatever the Marines threw at me would be, well...if not a breeze, at least not all that difficult. I was wrong!

When I looked at my body at the end of boot camp, I hardly recognized myself. I'd always had a good body, I had worked out and considered myself pretty buff. I guess I was, for high school. But what I saw in the mirror now was the body of a man, not a boy. I had gained thirty pounds and none of it fat. In fact, my percentage of body fat was now less than 3%. What I saw in that mirror was six foot two inches of "rompin', stompin' death and destruction"! Every part of my body was huge and cut. Where in highschool I had six-pack abs, now they were an eight-pack. My thighs, calves, chest and arms were enormous compared to what I was. And it was not the pumped look of some body-builder. It was all from heavy fucking work! Humpin' a fifty pound pack on a forty mile trek across rough terrain will definitely make a man of you.

The only muscle on my body that hadn't grown was my cock. But that didn't matter. At ten thick inches it looked right at home with my new body. In fact, lookin' in the mirror, it was the only muscle that was really tense. And I mean tense! I have to admit that even though I'm a big guy, I'm also a little shy. I mean, growin' up an only child doesn't prepare you for the kind of rough, intimate living conditions in the Corps. I'd showered with guys playin' sports so that was no big deal. But I wasn't about to jack off in a barracks with forty other guys! No way! I mean, I know some of the guys did it, the sounds late at night were unmistakable, but most of the time, horny or not, I was just too fuckin' exhausted by the end of the day to do anything but crawl in my rack and pass out.

But that was all behind me now. I was out on a carrier in the Pacific and about to make port at Subic Bay in the Philippines. I heard all about the exotic things that went on in this most notorious of liberty ports and I was rarin' to get into the action. And I wouldn't be alone.

You know they say you make very deep friendships in the Corps - the mutual training and facing the rigors of military life give you a depth of commonality that just doesn't exist in the civilian world. Knowing that you may well have to depend on a buddy to save your life in combat - or save his - makes for a very unique comradery.

My best friend was Lance Corporal Mike Riley. Mike was what you call "Black Irish" having black hair and the deepest green eyes you've ever seen. He stood six foot-four and was even bigger and more muscled than I was. We had become friends the very first day of boot camp and over the last year, our friendship had never wavered. It had only grown deeper. I had a lot of respect for Mike. He was about the most 'squared away' Marine I ever knew. Mike took to the Corps like a duck to water and planned to make a career of it.

I could understand that. Mike had no home or family. He'd grown up in foster homes after he was taken away from his mother who was evidently unfit. Mike never learned anything about her. For some reason, nobody ever adopted him. Maybe it was the 'chip' he carried on his shoulder until he joined the Marine Corps. He'd told me about all the fights he'd had growing up and how he carried around this 'bad-ass' attitude until he got to boot camp - and ran into Gunnery Sergeant Jesus Rodriguez.

Rodriguez was Puerto Rican and the spitting image of everyone's nightmare of a Drill Instructor. He wasn't all that all, maybe 5'8" or 10" and he wasn't huge. He had a slender, what you might call 'wiry' frame. But he had a voice which could send fear curling up the spine of every recruit in the barracks. Rodriguez quickly became apprized of the leadership potential in Mike, if he could eliminate his attitude and channel all of Mike's anger into a more productive path. He used the Marine Corps way to do this. He beat the fucking shit out of Mike one afternoon.

I was there when it happened. In fact, I was the only witness to the incident. We'd been in boot camp maybe a week and Mike was having what was evidently a very bad day and was looking for someone to take it out on. Because I was his friend, actually his only friend at that point, I was exempt from being the target of his displeasure. However, any and everyone was a potential target for him. Rodriguez noticed Mike's fowl mood and told him to straighten up or go on report. Mike's reply was something to the effect of Sgt. Rodriguez taking the report and inserting it into his (the Sergeant's) lowest body cavity. Or words to that effect.

Sgt. Rodriguez stopped, turned and silently walked back to Mike. That should have been his first warning. Sgt. Rodriguez was anything but a quiet man. I had expected an explosion of expletives which could well flay the skin right off a boot's body. Instead, there was this deadly, menacing silence as he walked back to face Mike. That walk should have been a warning as well - not fast, not slow, almost as if he were out of an evening stroll. Not the first inkling of tension or anger in it. But that caused chills to go up and down my spine and I wasn't even the object of the sergeant's attention!

"You've got quite a mouth on you, pussyboy. And quite an attitude as well. You think you're better than me? You think you can take me, scumbag? You want to see how 'bad' you really are, BOY!?" This last word bursting out like a command across the regimental parade field.

"SIR! YES, SIR!" Mike shouted in the approved Marine boot response but there was obvious sarcasm in the reply.

"Then come on, girl! Let's take this where we can settle this once and for all. YOU! Copeland! You come too! I want a witness that this little girl asked for everything she got!" Rodriguez said to me.

"SIR, YES SIR!" I responded with no sarcasm at all. More like abject fear of being drawn into this skirmish.

I didn't know what the fuck was going to happen. No...that's not true. I did know what was going to happen. Mike was going up against a real Marine! A fully trained fighting machine who knew ways to kill a man without a weapon which neither me or Mike could dream of yet! What had ever made Mike think that his height or his weight were any advantage against Sgt. Rodriguez? After all, I was sure that Rodriguez would never had offered this fight if he thought he had any chance of not walking out of it the victor. No, Mike was gonna get the beating of his life and I knew it. I just hoped that, number one - he survived it and, number two - he wasn't thrown out of the Corps when it was over. Like I said, I was Mike's only friend but he was my only friend as well.

Rodriguez led us down to the deserted rifle range, out away from the prying eyes of any other Marines or boots. Rodriguez's plan was to try and knock some sense into that thick Irish head of Mike's, not humiliate him in front of our platoon. Rodriguez calmly removed his green fatigue shirt and hat and then turned to Mike. Mike did the same and then they squared off.

The two men circled each other, sizing up their opponent's strengths and weaknesses. I figured that this might take a while. Mike, after all, was a pretty large guy and he had lots of experience in fighting so I figured it would take a while for Rodriguez to teach him the lesson that he intended. I figured that I was going to at least be treated to a stunning example of hand to hand combat.

Well...if I'd paid to see that fight, I would've demanded my money back!

Mike made a lunge at Sgt. Rodriguez. What he was hoping for, I never found out because the next thing I knew, Mike was crumpled on the ground - completely out of it! I never saw Rodriguez move. Well...I saw him move, but it was so fucking fast I couldn't tell what the fuck it was exactly that he did! All I knew is that Mike was out cold and, as he started to come around, he was groaning in a lot of pain and Rodriguez was standing over him, calmly looking down.

Mike looked around in a daze - I'm sure wondering just what the fuck happened and how he ended up on the ground in so much pain. He finally looked up at Rodriguez who stood over him and I guess he noticed that the sergeant wasn't even breathing hard. Mike shook his head to clear it and then tried to get up. He couldn't though. I started to go to help him but Rodriguez waved me back. Instead, the sergeant reached down his own hand and offered it to Mike. Mike looked up at him and sheepishly took the offered hand. Once he had Mike back on his feet, Rodriguez started to talk to him in a quiet, calm voice.

"If you want to know what happened to you, boy, you just stick out boot camp and I'll teach you that maneuver." Rodriguez said.

"Sir, yes sir!" Mike answered quietly.

"You got a lot of potential, boy, but that bad attitude of yours is gonna get you nowhere in the Corps and that would be a fuckin' shame! I know about you, Riley. I know your history. I know you got no fuckin' family - nobody out in that civilian world. What you ain't fuckin' realized yet is you got a family right here. The best fuckin' family that any man could ever ask for! The United States Marine Corps! In the Corps, all Marines are your brother. They will fight by your side, and even die trying to save your ass in combat. And you'll do the same for them! You do well in the Corps and you'll get rewarded. Not like out in civilian life where you can do good your whole life and only get shafted. Here you'll earn respect and advancement. But you can't earn respect, boy, until you learn to give it. You hear me?!" Rodriguez's voiced raised at this question.

"Sir, yes sir!" Mike answered sharply and I could see that all the attitude and anger was flowing out of him like a river.

I guess you could say that Mike finally found a home that day because from that day forward, there was no more Gung Ho, squared away Marine in the entire Corps! Well, at least in that boot camp. Nothing was ever said about what happened at the rifle range that day. Sgt. Rodriguez never spoke of it and neither did Mike. Nor me. No one in the platoon ever learned what it was that turned Mike Riley from a bad ass punk into a hard-driving, can-do Jarhead that day.

True to his word, as Mike made tremendous strides in changing - giving respect and earning it, Rodriguez placed more and more responsibility on him. He quickly rose to the rank of Lance Corporal and there was even talk of Mike being considered for OCS (Officer's Candidate School). I was really proud to call Mike my friend and he never forgot that I was there for him before anyone else was.

Our friendship had a marked effect on me as well. Mike and I both strove to be the best Marine's we could be. (Well, I couldn't let him show me up, now could I?) We ended up making Lance Corporal together and talked about both of us applying for OCS. We were buddies, we were comrades-in-arms and we were about to become so much more, but neither one of us had any inkling of that. At least, I didn't.

Standing on the deck of the carrier as we steamed into Subic, Mike and I were silent as we saw the beauty of these islands. Not that it was necessarily nature we were looking for. Well...not that kind of nature, anyway. Here we were, two horny 19 year olds, far away from home and about to embark on what we thought was going to be the adventure of our lives. It was in exhilarating feeling and I had butterflies in the pit of my stomach.

"Now, we've got to watch out for each other, Rick." Mike was saying to me. "From what I've heard, you can't be too careful in some of these liberty ports. There are pick-pockets ready to take your wallet and cash and then some of the hookers work with accomplices who bash in your skull and you end up with no money and no pussy either! We stick together at all times and watch out for each other, agreed?" he said.

"Sure! But Mike, we gotta split up sometime! What we gonna do, fuck the same pussy?" I laughed.

"That might not be such a bad idea, buddy." Mike said.

I looked at him. He couldn't be serious! But from the look on his face he sure was.

"That way, she don't make off with all your money as you lay there passed out from fuckin'. Plus, it's cheaper than two cunts anyway." he said and his logic seemed impeccable.

But I was somewhat uncomfortable about this. I'd never seen another guy fuck and I'd never fucked a pussy in front of anybody. That was worse than jacking off in the barracks during boot camp! Still, what Mike said did sound pretty reasonable. I decided to just play it by ear when the time came.

Liberty call sounded and Mike and I quickly moved down the ship to where the launches were ready to take us to Mainside where the Marine Corps barracks were located along with the EM (Enlisted Men's club). The real heart of Subic was actually in Oolangapo, where the bars and whorehouses were located. Mike and I decided that we would take one of the buses that were taking sailors and Marines into the city.

Now there's something that needs to be understood here. While the Pentagon and the Department of the Navy will tell you that the Navy and the Marines are "sister services", this is only an apt description if you think of the worst "sibling rivalry" you could ever imagine. To put it bluntly, swabbies have no use for Jarheads and Jarheads hate all swabbies - well...except for Corpsmen. The medical Corpsmen who save Marine lives in battle are all Navy personnel, technically. Why this is, I don't know. What I do know, is those Corpsmen are some of the bravest men I have ever known. Without weapons, they crawl out on the battlefield to retrieve and treat wounded Marines. They are considered to be, by Marines, part of our companies and platoons and their technical attachment to our "sister service" is studiously ignored - both by the Marines and by the Corpsmen. They become as much a part of us as any Jarhead.

So here Mike and I are, sitting on this bus filled equally with Marines and swabbies. Of course the usually comments start to fly about the two services and there is almost a fight between a Boatswain's mate and one of the young Marines until a Naval officer, a Lieutenant from the look of his rank, ordered quiet on the bus and then informed all of us in no uncertain terms of how much time we would spend in the brig prior to an Article 31 court martial being convened should there be any fighting on the bus. The Lieutenant proceeded to tell us that if we wanted to beat the crap out of each other once we were off base, that was our own affair but while we were on the bus, there would be order. Not another sound was heard out of anybody until the bus got to the main district where the bars and whorehouses were.

Mike and I had been in the back of the bus which had been commandeered by a bunch of our fellow Marines so we were not involved in any of the subsequent fighting that broke out. We ducked away and went to find someplace to get a drink and someplace to get laid.

Mike saw, down an alleyway, a sign for what purported to be a 'hotel'. Up a flight of rickety stairs we found a room which had a counter and an old 'mama-san' behind it who looked up and smiled at us as we walked in.

"Ahh! Marines!" she said in heavily accented English. "I have nice room for you!"

Mike dickered with her and we got a room for actually very little money. It was on the next floor up and consisted of a large bed, a dresser, a small refrigerator and a night table. The bathroom was down the hall but there was hot running water and a surprisingly large shower. That would come in handy later.

Mike and I didn't really have any gear to stow so we locked the room and headed back out. Mike decided that, since it was early, we should grab some beer and some booze and stash it in the room for later, before we spent all our money. We were able to get it almost as cheap as we could at the PX. We bought a case of beer and a bottle of Jack Daniels. Stashing the booze and beer in the refrigerator in our room, we headed back out to reconnoiter for a place to find girls of easy, purchasable virtue.

Not that this was hard to find. There were kids on the street offering us their sisters...and even their brothers!... for our sexual pleasure. This was certainly different from anyplace that I'd ever been and I don't think that Mike was any less shocked at some of the things we were offered. Frankly, as horny as I was, I probably would have fucked a goat at that point but Mike insisted that we find a bar where there were actual prostitutes who would at least be pretty and, hopefully, clean. We had each brought a dozen condoms with us for the weekend because the Marine Corps frowns on getting diseases - especially with your dick. They didn't seem to care much what you fucked, just so long as you didn't bring back anything that required treatment. Remember, medical treatment would be dispensed by Navy personnel on a large ship like ours and the Marine Corps didn't want us to appear to be syphilitic-lepers in front of Navy personnel.

Mike finally found a bar which he thought had the looks of the type of place where we could find entertaining companionship for the evening. The price of drinks, however, quickly informed us that there was no way that we could probably afford any of the women there and so we headed out, looking for something a lot cheaper. Unfortunately, cheaper also means lesser 'quality'. Even as horny as we were, the appearance of most of the women in the bars we could afford to drink in was enough to keep us celibate the rest of our leave! That is, until we met Miranda. least that's what she told us her name was.

She was beautiful! I had no way of knowing how old she was. She could have been as young as 15 or as old as 30. With her soft Asian features, olive skin and jet black hair, she was just stunningly beautiful. She seemed to take pity on two young, horny Marines when she found out it was our first time in Subic. She agreed, for a price we could afford, to take us both on so we headed back to our 'hotel' with her and to our room.

When we got to the room, I noticed for the first time that there were no chairs - no place to sit but on the bed. And it was hot. This was no Hilton, with air conditioning. Mike and I immediately took off our shirts. Miranda sat on the bed and we sat on either side of her. We were drinking beer and shots of vodka and laughing and talking. Before we got too drunk, Miranda started running her hand down each of our thighs and we took last pulls of our beer and started running our hands all over Miranda.

I kissed her and it was nice. It had been a long time since I'd kissed anybody and I liked to kiss. She was sucking on my tongue and I was sucking on hers and really getting into it when I felt this big hand on her chin and her mouth being pulled away from me. It was Mike, getting his turn at sucking face with her. I sat there watching them kiss and began to notice things I'd never noticed before, like how beautiful Mike's green eyes were when they were open and how long the lashes were when they were closed. Sitting close like this, I could smell the scent of some perfume Miranda was wearing, and it was nice - rich and exotic. But I could also smell the scent of my buddy Mike. Now, I knew that scent from being around him for the last year, but all of a sudden, his scent started to really smell good to me! So good that it was making my cock even harder than it was already.

Finally, they stopped sucking face and Miranda took off her top and unhooked her bra, revealing two small, pert breasts with large nipples. Mike grabbed for one and I grabbed for the other. Miranda giggled as we both moved our heads down to suck her nipples into our mouths. The nipple in my mouth quickly became erect and I supposed the same thing happened to Mike because I opened my eyes only to find his staring into mine and a grin on his face as he watched me suck tit. I grinned back and, like twins, we each reached down and started running our hands up her thighs until we came to the junction of her legs. Our fingers touched over the soft puff of hair above her slit and we both began to stroke a finger into her wetness. Miranda, for her part, was using her hands to massage our boners within our uniforms.

"Why don't we get naked?" she asked.

Neither Mike or I had ever heard a more delightful and intelligent suggestion in our lives! We stood up and quickly stripped out of our boots, socks, uniforms and underwear. We stood there naked, proudly displaying our muscular bodies and our rock-hard cocks to Miranda - and each other. Now I'd seen plenty of guys naked in my life and I'd even seen guys with a rail-on in the morning when most of us had them but there was something different about this. Never had I seen a guy's hard, throbbing, pre-cum leaking cock as he prepared to shove it in a tight hole. Nor had anybody seen me in that condition. I was awed by the masculine power of Mike's body and especially in awe of the weapon between his legs! Just as he was taller than me, he had me beat in the cock department as well. Not by much, only about an inch in length but he was also quite a bit thicker than I was. Now his scent was more powerful with his clothes off and I sniffed deeply of it and almost moaned with desire over it! I didn't know what the fuck was happening to me! Maybe too much booze. I was definitely having things happen which had never happened to me before.

"Ohh! Such big boys!" Miranda cooed as she looked at our hardons.

Mike saw me looking at him and when he looked into my eyes, he winked at me. I didn't have the faintest fucking idea what that meant, but for some strange reason it sent a shiver of desire down my spine. What the fuck was going on here? As much as I wanted to fuck Miranda, there was a part of me that couldn't wait to see Mike fuck her. In fact, that same part of me wanted to do something with Mike, but I couldn't figure out what.

Miranda now slipped out of her skirt and dropped her spike heels to the floor and there she lay, naked on our bed. He slender body was like that of a very young girl except that she had a sparse sprinkling of pubic hair above her dark slit. She slowly spread her legs for us and displayed her deep, coral-colored pussy lips. Like male dogs in heat, both Mike and I were moving toward her pussy and I could hear him taking deep breaths of the hot scent of her pussy, just as I was. We bumped heads getting to it and both backed off at the same time, smiling sheepishly at each other.

"You go first." Mike said, being the really good buddy he was.

"No, you first." I said which only added to the confusion.

"Tell you what. I'll go first and you fuck her first. I'm a bit bigger than you are and you can get her ready for me. Okay?" he grinned.

"Fine with me!" I said.

Mike then pushed his face between her legs and I watched a guy eat pussy live for the first time in my life. It was one of the most erotic things I'd ever seen! My cock was dribbling pre-cum all over the place watching my best friend licking and sucking on Miranda's cunt-lips and running his tongue into her vagina. Miranda evidently liked it because she was moaning and wiggling her ass all over the place. After about 10 minutes of about the hottest oral sex I'd ever seen (okay, except for porn movies the ONLY oral sex I'd ever seen!) Mike pulled his face out of her snatch and grinned at me. Her juices were all over his face and, for a moment, I had this undeniable urge to lick them from his face! I repressed it strongly and again wondered what the fuck was going on with me!

Instead, I leaned down and started licking out Miranda's pussy. It was sweet and tangy and the scent really started to get to me. I knew I couldn't do this for long or I would nut all over the bed! Then, all of a sudden, I heard Mike's voice.

"Yeah, buddy. Do it! Eat that pussy. Shove your tongue way up that hole! Eat her out! Make her love it!" he said quietly in his deep, sexy voice.

I just about lost my load right there! I moaned into her pussy and did exactly what he told me to do. I began to shove my tongue into her hole and to pull out and suck on her clit. She was moaning loudly now and evidently getting close to cumming herself. I pulled my face back and Mike's was right there next to mine, watching everything I was doing up close. I rose up and he rose with me. He had a foil condom pack in his hand and he tore it open and pulled out the rubber sheath. I thought he was going to hand it to me but, instead, he reached over and grabbed my hard on and began rubbering me up for the fuck to come. At the touch of his hand, I just about creamed. No male had ever touched my cock before! Damned few females ever had! Most girls didn't like touching guy's cocks, saying they were 'dirty'. Mike seemed to have no problems and the touch of his hand was so nice as he slid the rubber down my shaft. I groaned as he pulled away and he gave me another wink!

I turned to Miranda who grabbed my hard, rubbered up cock and pulled it towards her hole. I slid in with no problem. She probably could have handled Mike just fine. The warmth of her vagina surrounded me and I had to stop a moment to keep from cumming, I was so close. I felt Miranda tighten her vaginal muscles around me and I started humping her for all I was worth. I knew I wasn't going to last long at this rate but I didn't care! My balls ached I needed to get off so bad. I probably could have lasted longer but all of a sudden, I felt Mike's hand running down my back and his voice crooning in my ear.

"Yeah, buddy, fuck her! Fuck her good! Fuck her hard!" he murmured in my ear and then he did something that blew my mind completely!

He hand trailed down my back, across my ass cheeks and under my butt where he grabbed hold of my balls and began massaging them! That's all it took! I came screaming, filling that rubber until I figured it would burst from all the cum. Mike didn't stop though! He continued to massage my nuts until I finished cumming and collapsed on top of Miranda before withdrawing his hand. I looked back and I know he didn't see me looking at him because what he did next was even freakier! He took the hand that he used to massage my balls and brought it to his face. Then I heard him taking deep whiffs of what must have been the scent of my balls on his hand. This not only blew my mind, it made my cock suddenly stiffen again inside of Miranda who cooed at the renewed hardness in her hole.

I pulled out finally and watched Mike as he got down between her legs and began eating the pussy I just fucked. It went through my mind that, had I not been wearing a condom, Mike would now have a face full of my jizz! And for some reason that made me even hotter!

As Mike continued to eat her pussy and Miranda continued to moan out her pleasure, I remembered what Mike had done with my cock and the condom. I don't know why, but I felt that 'turn-about was fair play' and reached for one of the foil packets. I ripped it open and removed the condom, tossing the torn packet to the floor beside the bed. Mike continued to feast at Miranda's hole for a few more minutes and then knelt back up on the bed. He saw the condom in my hand and grinned at me. He thrust his pelvis forward, causing his hard cock to be pushed directly at me.

The first thought that went through me was how beautiful and powerful it looked! So much like Mike himself. I reached out my hand and noticed I was trembling. That made sense. Here I was in a tiny hotel room in Subic Bay, Philippines, and about to touch another guy's cock for the first time in my life. And not just any guy, but my best friend, a fellow Marine, a guy I knew that I would give my life to save under enemy fire! I touched his cock and immediately this thrill shot up my arm and into my brain! 'So soft!' my brain was saying to me 'The skin is so soft and yet it is so strong and hard.'. I was amazed at how natural it felt in my hand, almost like my own but bigger. It felt so damned good that I just couldn't resist running my hand up and down it once to feel the length of it. Mike moaned and grinned at me. My own cock was so hard again that I knew I could pound nails with it. Never had I felt so fucking turned on - so fucking drunk with sex - as I did at that moment! Something was happening here and I decided that - fuck it! - I was going to go with it and see where it went.

I managed to roll the condom down over Mike's cock with my hand, again feeling the strength of his organ. His face still grinned at me as he softly said, "Thanks, buddy."

He looked down at Miranda laying on the bed and asked her to get up on her hands and knees, that he really liked to fuck doggy-style. Miranda quickly rose up between us and deeply kissed us both before turning around and presenting her ass to Mike. He then looked at me.

"Hey, buddy! I've got an idea. You don't have to be left out of this. Why don't you slide under her and let her suck your cock. You can lick her clit while I fuck her. She should really get off on that!" he husked, intense sexual desire in his voice.

I knew that what he was suggesting would actually put my mouth right where his cock was but for some reason it seemed like a really hot idea to me. I slid under Miranda and she began licking all over the head of my cock. I raised my mouth and began to lick at her pussy, now really wet and musky from all of the fucking. I could see the lower half of Mike and watched, up close and personal, while his huge cock began to slide into her hole. I suddenly had a deep whiff of his crotch and balls as he slid forward, all the way home. His balls, in fact, were bumping up against my nose. I took a deep snort and was filled with the scent of him. It went straight to my cock and it hardened even more as Miranda continued to lick it.

Mike began to fuck her, drawing slowly in and out. I watched in fascination while my tongue continued to lick at Miranda's well-stuffed pussy. I watched as Mike's cock drove in and out of her, my own sexual heat rising as I watched. Suddenly I began to wonder what it would be like to be fucked by a cock like Mike's. I wondered what Miranda was feeling. This lead to a very disturbing picture in my mind of Mike's cock going in and out of my asshole! 'Fuck! Something the size of his cock would tear me the fuck apart!' I thought to myself.

Miranda was pretty good at giving head. She had the head and maybe and inch of my cock in her mouth now and I could feel her gently scraping my balls with her fingernails. The taste of her pussy and the feel of it on my tongue along with watching Mike fuck her was rapidly getting me to the brink again. I got a little crazy with my tongue and the next thing I knew, I was licking on Mike's cock where it was slamming in and out of Miranda. Mike slowed down, evidently feeling the additional stimulation and just gently went in and out only a few inches for a while. I was smelling his nuts again and, I don't know why I did it, but I reached out and swabbed them with my tongue. The taste of his sweaty, musky nuts washed over my tongue and sent a bolt of intense pleasure into my brain! I loved the taste as much as I loved the smell! How was it that I had never done this before? Maybe because I wasn't into guys? But from what I was doing, I had to be into them - at least into Mike! Mike was feeling what I was doing to him and moaning his delight in my assistance.

"Fuck, yeah! Yeah, buddy! Lick my nuts! God! That feels so fuckin' good!" he moaned.

Then he began fucking Miranda hard again. I just let my tongue move back and forth between her pussy and his cock and balls, licking like a starving man. My own cock was ready to pump out my load and when Mike suddenly groaned and slammed his cock deep into Miranda, I knew he'd made his nut. I quickly lapped at his balls and felt them unload into the condom while Miranda was jacking my cock and my sperm was spraying everywhere!

"Oh, Fuck! Oh, God! Yeah!" Mike practically screamed as he unloaded while I continued to lick his balls, moaning out my own orgasm as I did so.

Then the strangest thing happened. Mike must have shot a huge load because it began to leak out of the base of the condom and suddenly my tongue was tasting his cum. I'd never even tasted mine before, and here I was licking up Mike's cum dripping out of the condom like some damned horny cocksucker! I must have been completely out of my mind!

The worst part was, I liked the taste! It wasn't gross like I'd always thought it would be. It was kind of salty and sweet at the same time. I didn't know what the fuck to do! I'd just licked up my buddy's cum! I just prayed to God that he didn't realize what the fuck I was doing.

I pulled out from under Miranda as Mike pulled his cock out of her. She was all business now, getting off the bed, getting dressed and collecting her money from Mike, who showed her out the door to the hotel room. I continued to sit on the bed, my mind in a whirl over what had just happened. Mike sat down on the bed next to me without getting dressed either. I guess it would be pretty silly to put on clothes now, considering what we'd both seen each other do.

"Didja have fun, Rick?" Mike asked, giving me a beautiful smile.

"Yeah! It was great!" I tried to sound enthusiastic and not let him know how bothered I was by what happened.

"How'd I taste?" he asked quietly, still smiling at me.

Oh, fuck! He knew! What the fuck was I going to do now?! I tried lamely to lie my way out of it!

"What do you mean?" I croaked.

"How did my cum taste? I could feel you lickin' it up. I already know you liked the taste of my balls the way your were lickin' at them." he grinned.

"Look! Mike! You got this all wrong..." I tried to interject but he stopped me.

"Hey, buddy! It's okay! I'm just sorry I didn't get to taste yours." he said quietly.

I looked at him in shock! Mike wanted to taste my cum? I couldn't believe it! But just then, he reached over and found a pool of my cum still stuck in my pubic hair. He dipped his finger in it and brought it to his mouth. He closed his eyes and sucked the drop of my cum from his finger and smiled. He opened his eyes and looked into mine.

"Sweet. Just like I thought it would be." he smiled at me.

My mouth dropped open in shock! Mike was sucking on my cum! But that wasn't all. As my mouth dropped open, he moved forward and put his mouth over mine, kissing me deeply, exploring my mouth with his tongue! I didn't know what to do, what to think. My eyes closed by reflex and my tongue began to rub up against Mike's. I could taste him and I could feel the strength of his kiss. So different than Miranda's. I moaned into Mike's mouth as his arms went around me and mine answered by wrapping them around his muscular body.

His hands came up and held my face as he continued to kiss me. Our moans mixed together as my tongue finally entered Mike's mouth to explore. This was the most sensual, most thrilling kiss I'd ever known. Never before, when making out with girls, had I ever felt so loved, or so protected as I did with Mike's body pressed against me. It was as if something had always been missing before but I never knew what until Mike touched me.

My hands began to stroke his strong back and moved to the front of him to feel the musculature of his chest and abdomen. It was as if my hands moved by themselves, sliding down his body until I once more had his hard cock in my hand. The softness, the strength, the warmth of it filled my hand and I felt the same tingle shoot into my head and I moaned as Mike moaned as well at my touch.

The next thing that I felt was Mike's hand moving down and grasping my hard cock. The thrill that went through me at his touch caused me to shiver in anticipation as he gently stroked up and down my cock.

"Are you cold?" he asked softly, pulling his mouth from mine.

"No. Just scared. I've never done this before." I murmured.

"You seem to like it." he smiled, stroking my hardness.

"I can't believe this. I had no idea..." my voice died away.

"No idea of what? That I was queer?" Mike said, looking at me.

"No! That it would be like this. That it would be so incredible." I said.

Mike smiled at this and gently kissed me again. He pulled out of my arms and moved down the bed until he was laying there, his hard cock slapping against his abs. His hand patted the bed beside him, calling me to lay beside him. I moved down the bed, laying beside him and turning towards him. His arm reached out and went around my shoulder and pulled me closer as he turned towards me.

"Rick, I don't want to have sex with you." he said softly.

"You don't?"

My heart fell! What had this all been about then?

"No, Rick. I can't." he said.

"Why not?" I asked.

I was so confused. Here I was in the arms of my best friend, feeling things I had never felt in my life and now he was saying that we couldn't have sex. I never wanted to have sex with Mike until tonight! Now I felt totally rejected.

"Because I love you...I don't want to just have sex, I want to make love to you." He murmured.

" me?" I was totally confused now.

"I've been in love with you for a long time. Until tonight I didn't know if there was any chance that you would accept my loving you." he said and leaned forward and kissed me gently.

I put my hand behind his head and pulled his mouth back to mine. My kiss wasn't gentle! I devoured his mouth. I wanted him. I wanted him badly. Whatever it was he wanted to do, I would let him. I would give myself to him.

"Mike, I don't know how I feel. I know I've never felt about somebody the way I feel about you. I don't know if it's love or not. But I know that I want you. I want you to make love to me. I want whatever it is you want." I said, pulling myself from his and looking deep into his green eyes.

"Are you sure?" he asked gently.

"As sure as I can be of anything after what's happened tonight. Your scent is driving me crazy, it's turning me on so much! And the taste of your balls and your cum was way beyond anything I expected. More than that, watching you fuck Miranda, I suddenly wanted you to fuck me! I mean, I think I'm losing my mind!" I told him.

"No, you're not losing your mind. You're making some discoveries about yourself that you never knew. I can't believe I'm the first guy you've ever been with, the first guy that's tried to have sex with you." he said.

"Well...when I was 12 or 13, I had a couple of friends and we used to jack off together, but we never touched each other." I said.

"Didn't you want to?" Mike asked.

"Yeah...I did. But I just figured it was curiosity and horniness. That's what I thought tonight. But you turned me on in a way I'd never felt before. It was different." I explained.

"I've known for a long time that you wanted me but I figured you didn't know it." Mike said.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"The way you always looked at me. You weren't even aware of it. I would glance over and see you looking at me. It was just the way you did it that I got the feeling that you wanted me." Mike said.

"I didn't know I was doing it. I guess I always did like looking at you. You're not exactly ugly, you know." I smiled at him and he grinned at me. "I also always felt like I wanted to be around you. I wanted you near me. I just thought it was because you were my friend."

"I am your friend and you're mine. Being in love with you doesn't change that. It just makes it deeper." he said.

"Then maybe I am in love with you." I told him.

"What would it take to make you sure?" Mike murmured to me.

"Make love to me like you wanted to." I said softly and Mike's mouth covered mine so that there was no more talking.


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Next: Chapter 2

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