Subcontractor Connections

By moc.liamtoh@56srellese

Published on Jul 21, 2013


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This is not a true story, just something from my imagination. If you have any constructive criticism for me I welcome it because I think I can only get better by learning from my mistakes.

Andy and Gray rose the next morning, and the conversation around the table was quite interesting. We learned quite a bit about Andy. He was obviously a closeted gay man, but because of the conservative upbringing of his family, he was very apprehensive to come out of the closet. When he left the house, Jase gingerly entered conversation with Gray to ease into the idea that he may not hear from Andy again.

Gray left for school, and Matt, Jase, and I finished pulling ourselves together to leave for the day.

Jase's work had been finished at the construction site where Matt and I were working, but he called us each during the day. I could expect his call about 10:30 when he took his morning break, and Matt expected his call about 2:30 when they were both on afternoon break. Matt and I would usually have lunch together on the site.

Today, however, was a little different. Matt came hot-footing it to my office about 2:45 and said, "Something's up at school with Gray....Jase got a call from his PE teacher. He has asked to meet with Jase to discuss whatever the fuck the issue is.

"Ok, calm down, Matt. It's probably not that big of a deal. I'll call Jase," I said.

I thought it was almost cute how protective Matt had become of Gray. He was definitely settling into this concept of helping raise Gray.

Matt went back to work, and I called Jase.

"Hey, man. What's going on?" I asked.

"Aahhh, it's no big deal. Mr. Girard is concerned about Gray not playing at full steam in PE, and he noticed that he had quit showering. He's just concerned there is something more serious than recovering from a groin pull," Jase explained.

"So, how did the call end?" I asked.

"I told him I was fully aware of the situation, and I was on a jobsite. I asked if I could call him back in two hours at the end of the day. If he wanted, I told him I could come by the school to talk further about Gray," Jase said.

My mind started spinning quickly, and I said, "Hey!, why don't you invite him over to discuss this issue further. We can order in pizza tonight, and we can get to the bottom of this."

"Sounds like a good idea," Jase concurred.

The rest of the day went by, and Jase called me on the way home. "Girard is going to come over about 6. I told him we'd be glad to sit down with him, and answer his concerns," Jase explained.

"Great," I said, "then we can get this issue put to bed and Gray can resume normal PE class."

Jase could tell by the tone of my voice that I had something up my sleeve, and he knew it involved Matt, but he let me lead the process.

I got home at 5:00, and Gray was already home. He heard me come in, and said, "Hey, Dad, how was your day?"

"Pretty good, you?" I asked.

I almost started talking to Gray about Mr. Girard, and that he was coming over tonight, but I wanted Jase to communicate with Gray and let him know what's going on

"Why don't you go hop in the shower and clean your PA. I'll come in in a few minutes to check it out to make sure it is healing well. You don't need any infection there," I said with a wink.

"Thanks, Dad, you're the best," Gray said.

Gray stripped off his shirt and pulled off his shorts. He was standing in the living room in just his boxers, and he bent over and picked up his clothes. "That boy is fucking sweet!" I thought.

I heard him go down the hall to the bathroom, and the shower came on. I gave him 5 minutes, and I went to the bathroom to check on him.

I knocked and entered. Gray was standing in the shower letting the water run over his shoulders and down his back. I stood there and watched just a bit as the water was running down his torso and there was a stream of water dripping from his PA.

"Hey, Gray, I'm here," I said.

"Oh, hey," Gray said.

"Let me see your PA, son," I said.

"Sure, dad," Gray said, and he opened the shower door and turned toward me. I gently grabbed his cock and looked at both the holes in his PA.

"Pink and healthy," I said. I gently caressed the bottom of his cock and said, "Any tenderness?"

"Mmmmmmmmmm, only a little," Gray said.

I then started rubbing around the hood of his cock, and asked "How does this feel? Any pain?"

"Mmmmmmm, no sir," Gray said, as his cock was starting to harden.

Gray's massive man meat started growing right in front of my eyes. The sight of his 10 1/2" cock was like an object of art. I pulled the skin back over the hood of his cock and said, "Wash it good and finish up."

I kissed his cock and then left the bathroom. My cock was straining at my fly, but I knew I had to get a few things pulled together, get pizza ordered, and get ready for the guys to come home.

5:20. And, like clockwork, through the door came Jase. I met him at the door, kissed him, and he said, "Gray home, yet?"

"Yeah, he's in the shower," I answered.

"Ok, Girard will be here about 6," Jase said.

"You got time for a shower, if you'd like," I said.

"Yeah, a quick one, I guess," Jase acknowledged.

He pulled off his t-shirt, and I looked at his nipple. His piercing looked great, and seeing the bar through his nipple was fucking hot too. I thought I was gonna overload before Mr. Girard arrived. Jase dropped his pants and underwear, and bent over to pick them up. As he bent over, I caught a glance of his gaping asshole. Tonight was going to be an interesting night.

I proceeded to wolf-whistle at Jase when he bent over, and he popped up and said, "Fuck you, man."

"Later, man, later," I said with a wink and a smile.

Jase proceeded to the our bathroom. I heard the sink running, and presumed he was shaving. Then, I could hear him brushing his teeth. I looked at the clock -- 5:40. The shower came on and in the door came Matt.

Just as with Jase, I met Matt at the door and gave him a kiss.

"Gray ok?" Matt asked.

"Yeah, fine, his teacher is just concerned bpcause he hasn't seemed his usual self over the last few weeks. He thought this groin pull has gone on plenty long," I explained.

" problem then, huh?" Matt asked.

"No problem," I said.

"Where are Jase and Gray?" Matt asked.

"Jase is in our shower, and I think Gray is out and in his room," I said.

"I'll go say hi to Gray," Matt said.

Matt walked down the hall and all of a sudden stopped. Gray was in his room, but he was obviously providing a distraction for Matt. I walked down the hall toward Matt, and I too came to a screaching halt. There Gray was, lying on his bed, but he had his head at the Gray's head was hanging over the foot of his head. Gray was rubbing the hood of his cock, and since I had already had my few moments with Gray, I just stood there. Matt started carefully rubbing his cock through his jeans and was getting hard. Gray did not know that we were there, but we certainly enjoyed the peep show. Gray slowly rubbed up and down the top of his cock with one hand and was pinching his nipple with the other. Honestly, this whole show was fucking hot. All of a sudden, Gray tensed up and his cock head thickened. He rubbed more quickly and with a little more force. His back arched and he let loose a load of cum. He shot cum on his chest and his PA was dripping with cum. Gray just collapsed there, and Matt and I backed away.

We walked down the hall and both went into our bathroom. Jase was out of the shower and drying himself off. He had his foot up on the stool, and Matt walked up behind Jase. His cock was still hard, and the sight of Jase's ass was as attractive to Matt as it is to me.

"Matt, you have time for a quick shower too," I said.

I walked out of the bathroom and walked to the phone. I dialed the pizzaria that we all liked and ordered two pizzas. One four-meat with olives and mushrooms and one four-meat. I also ordered two 2-liters of cola for delivery. "Twenty minutes and it'll be here," I said.

I walked into the bathroom and there were Matt and Jase. Jase had decided to take some liberty with Matt and hopped back in the shower. Jase was washing Matt's ass and letting the water run over him to rinse. Jase was getting aroused and Matt already was. Jase decided it was time to take Matt's ass out for a test drive. Jase worked some conditioner into Matt's asshole and sunk his fingers deep in ass. He was obviously being very careful in case Matt was still tender.

It became quickly evident that Matt had no pain, and Jase plunged his cock into Matt's hole. Matt groaned loudly, "OOOOOOOOOHhhhh..."

Jase plunged his cock in and out of Matt's asshole and fucked Matt like he hadn't done in weeks.

"MMmmmm......aaaaaaaaaaaaahhh.........oooooooooooohhhhh.........mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...," Matt sang in their moment of sensual bliss.

"AAAAARrrrrrrrrrggggggggg............" Jase growled.

During their fuck-harmony, the doorbell rang. I went to the door. It was Mr. Girard. "Come in," I invited. Gray's dad is in the shower. He should be out shortly. Mr. Girard -- Mike -- and I talked a bit, and he expressed his concern about Gray and not being himself for a couple weeks. I reassured him that there really was nothing to be concerned about. With that, out came Jase. He had obviously seen the clock and knew that Mike would be here soon, and appeared. He had on his shorts and was barechested. His curly hair was wet, and his cock was still partially erect in the shorts. Fucking sexy.

I introduced Jase to Mike Girard, and they both sat down. We talked for a couple minutes and out came Matt. He was talking as he came down the hall and said, "Is Girard coming over tonight?" Matt appeared in the living room with nothing on but his PA and nipple bars.

"He's here," I said.

Matt stood there and was obviously embarassed. His face was a little red, but he certainly had Mike's attention.

"Uuuuhh, how do you do??" Mike asked.

"Just fucking fine," Matt said. Matt then proceeded to sit down on the couch next to Mike and was still partially aroused from showering with Jase. I noticed Mike was taking quick glances at Matt and his PA. Honestly, since getting Matt's nipples pierced and his PA, he was fucking hot. I would have asked Matt to cover up, but he is a full grown man and a fucking show piece.

"So, Mike, you came over to discuss Gray," Jase said. "It may be better to just show you."

"Gray! Can you come out here a minute?" Jase said loudly.

"Sure dad!" Gray responded.

Gray came out of his bedroom and into the living room and came to an immediate halt. "Mr....Mr....Mr. Girard?" he said.

Gray was standing there with a limp cock with his PA hanging down.

"It's ok, son. Mr. Girard was just concerned that you had not been yourself over the past few weeks," Jase said.

"Oh," Gray said.

"Mr. Flicher, you have a piercing in your left nipple, right?" Mike asked.

"Yes, sir." Jase said.

"And Matt has nipples and a PA?" Mike continued.

"Fuck yeah," Matt responded.

"And you?" he asked me.

"Right nipple only," I said.

"And Gray has a PA?" Mike added.

"Yup!" he said.

"This is fucking weird, but so fucking horny!" Mike said.

"Can I show you something?" he asked.

"Yeah," we all acknowledged.

Mike stood up, kicked off both his shoes, pealed off his shirt and dropped his shorts and jock strap. Before us all stood a man with both nipples pierced and a PA. Mike had a thick, muscular chest, dark curled hair on his chest, and a pair of barbells in his nipples.

He was sexy!

"Mr. Girard, you have a..." Gray gasped.

"A PA and piercings," he said.

"Yeah!!" Gray said with joy in his voice. It was almost like Gray was going to swoon.

"Mr. Girard, are you g...., you like gu....?" Gray was trying to get it out.

"Yes, Gray, I am gay. I am queer, a fag, a homo, a cocksucker," Mike said.

"How long have you had your PA?" Gray said.

"Ok, Gray, this not any of your business," Jase chimed in.

"Jase, it's ok. You care if I shuck these clothes, and I will be glad to answer your questions?" Mike asked.

Then, all of a sudden, the doorbell rang. It was the pizza delivery person. I peeked out the window to see what we had. Looked like another college aged kid. I went out to the landing. The charge was $33 and some change. I handed him two $20s, and went back in the house.

"Join us for supper, Mike?" I asked.

"Sure, that would be great," Mike said.

We ate in the living room, and talked quite a bit. Gray asked Mike quite a few questions about when he knew he was gay, when did he come out of the closet, and what seemed to be a litany of other questions. Mike was very patient with Gray.

Mike then asked, "Have you told any of your friends about your PA, so that when you get in the shower they won't be shocked?"

"No, I haven't," Gray said.

"Ok, well, how about we plan on you showering next week, and I'll be in the locker room when you go in. I would not take out your barbells yet, 'cause you don't want the holes to seal yet. I'll keep the guys under control, but understand there will be questions and hooting....there was with me. But, they'll get used to it, and it'll be fine. May just take a bit, ok?" Mike said.

"Thanks, Mr. G," Gray said.

"Matt couldn't take just sitting there quietly any more. "How do you fuck with that thing in, though?" Matt asked.

"Just be careful when you insert and let your partners enjoy the ride. It is fucking great!" Mike exclaimed.

'Hrmmm," Matt pondered. He then went over and knelt before Mike and put Mike's cock straight in his mouth. Then he started licking around the head of Mike's cock and licked at his PA."

"Oooooooooohhh...." Mike groaned.

Mike's cock jumped in Matt's mouth, and Mike tipped his head back. He then caught eyeshot of Gray. Gray's excitement was also quite obvious. He was excited to be in the presence of his PE teacher who was getting blown by his dad. Gray went over to Jase, looked at Jase with his beautiful eyes, and said, "Daddy, fuck me again, just like the other night."

Jase's cock sprang up again, and Jase slid Gray over to him and eased him down on his cock. Jase penetrated Gray, and Gray moaned. "Oooooohhh, Daddy, fuck me. Fuck me hard."

Jase slid Gray up and down on his cock while Matt was sucking off Mike.

My cock was once again straining at my fly, and I was getting really fucking horny. I pulled off my t-shirt and revealed my right nipple piercing. I then lowered my pants, kicked of my shoes, and underwear, and moved over and stood Mike up. Matt adjusted and was continuing to give Mike head over his PA. I knelt behind Mike and spread his asscheeks. I then started darting my tongue in and out of his asshole.

"MMMmmmmmmmmmmmrrrrrrrrrrrmmmmmmmmmmmmmm..." he growled.

"Eat my asshole," he demanded.

I pushed my face deeper into his hole and pushed my tongue as far inside as I could.

" me!!" Mike demanded.

Jase and Gray were getting well ramped up, and Jase stood up and picked up Gray. Jase transitioned from seated to standing while Gray's feet never hit the floor. Gray wrapped his arms around Jase's neck and started nibbling on the nape of his neck. Jase groaned in excitement, "MMMMMMMMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm........oooooooooooooohhhh....nnnnnnnnnggggggggggg..."

"Oh, Daddy, fuck me. Love me. Fuck my ass, Dad," Gray said.

Jase lowered Gray onto his fuckstick and slid him up and down on his cock. The slapping sound from their fucking was musically rhythmic.

Then, Mike said to Matt, "Yeah, let's saddle you up like that, stud."

Mike grabbed Matt and wrapped his hands around his waist. Then, Mike lifted Matt up. I proceeded to spit into Matt's asscrack. I worked spit into his ass, as I didn't want him to get fucked dry with a PA going in. Mike patiently held him while I lubed him up. Then, Mike said, "You ready, stud?"

Matt said, "Fuck yeah, farmer, plow me!"

"Mike carefully eased his cock into Matt's hole. He slowly inserted his cock into Matt's ass, going pass the sphincter, and waited for Matt's ass to relax. About two more minutes elapse and Matt had PA in his ass. Matt's ass was totally exposed, and the sight of Mike's cock poking and prodding Matt's ass was enticing. I had always had a fantasy of double-penetration, and I decided to follow through tonight.

I walked up behind Matt and stuck two fingers in his ass while Mike was fucking him. I smiled at Mike and drew closer. Matt moaned, "Oooooohhhhhhhhhhhh, ffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuccccccccckkkkkkk me!!"

After a bit, I then pushed my rock hard cock in under Mike's cock. I could feel Mike's PA on my cock. His warm, wet cock inside Matt's ass and the flopping motion of the ring was fucking great. Mike and I pushed into Matt simultaneously fucked his hole. Matt's asshole was going to be gaping after this one was done.

This whole escapade was too hot for me. My cock started throbbing and cum started boiling to the surface of my cock. I shot load after load into Matt's hole. My cock slid out, and With the extra cum in Matt's ass, Mike's juices were starting to boil. Matt was kissing Mike passionately with every plunge of Mike's cock into his ass. The friction of Matt's cock against Mike's chest and belly was raising his juices to the surface.

"Fuck me....fucccccccccccckkk me..........fuck my hole!!" Matt demanded.

"Uuuuuuhhhhh.....ooooooooohhhhhhh...............aaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh.......aaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrgggggghhhhhhhh...." Matt roared.

He shot load after load of cum on Mikes stomach.

Then, both Jase and Gray were moaning in unison. Jase was trying to control his cock from cumming so that he and Gray could cum together.

"UUUuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhh........uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.......uuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh,' they groaned in tandem.

Then, all of a sudden, Gray shot three big loads of cum -- one going up over Jase's head and landing on the wall, one hitting Jase in the right side of his nose, and the third landing on his chest. Jase hot hard. He emptied his seed into Gray's ass. I could see the cum dripping out Gray's ass as he was slowly being fucked by Jase.

Finally, Mike's spine arched, and he stood on his tip toes. Mike groaned, "Oooooohhhhhhhhh, nnnnnnnnnnggggggaaaaaaaaarrrrggg, mmmmmmmmmmmm, and Mike started slamming Matt's ass down hard on his cock. Mike pushed in load after load of cum into Matt's ass.

When Mike was done, he carefully lifted Matt off his cock, smiled, and said, "And that is how you get fucked by a man with a PA..."

"Bend over and show us," I said to Matt.

Matt spread his cheeks and stood there. His asshole was dripping cum.

"Hold it, I have something to help you," I said.

I ran into the bedroom and grabbed the buttplug from a little over a month ago. I walked up behind Matt and gently pushed the pushed the buttplug into Matt's hole. I made sure to slowly work the plug and Mike's cum into Matt's hole.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..." Matt groaned.

"Have a seat, Matt," I teased.

Matt decided to one-up me, and laid on his hip on the couch.

Mike stood and said, "Hey, gents, I had a great time tonight, and I was not expecting this, but it was truly great. Thanks for the pizza."

"No problem," I said.

"Gray, next week, remember. I'll be there," Mike said.

"Yes....yes sir...." Gray said, as he was still winded from being fucked by Jase.

Mike stepped into his shorts, but then he really surprised all of us. He went around the room and gave each of us a kiss. He first kissed Jase, then he ran his hands through Gray's hair and gave him a kiss. Then, he kissed me, and last but not least he tustled Matt's hair and gave him a nice kiss. He then bent down picked up his t-shirt, socks, and shoes. He then tossed his jockstrap over to Matt and said, "A souvenir from the ride -- I took your PA virgin ass cherry. This will give you something to remember me by."

And, out the door he went.

I looked at the clock, and we had effectively killed 3 1/2 hours. It was almost 10 PM. Jase said, "Gray, you have had a full night. You probably need to call it a night soon."

"Yes, sir," Gray said.

"I'm gonna call it a night," I said. "I'm fucking shot."

"Yeah, I'm drained," Jase said.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuhhh," Matt groaned as he was playing with the buttplug in his ass.

Jase said, "This is getting to be a habit of yours, Yager. You need a ride?"

Jase wrapped his arm around Matt's waist and slid another under Matt's ham. Jase then lifted Matt and walked him bare-assed back down the hall. I pulled the covers back on the bed, and Jase carefully set Matt down on his hip.

"You want us to take out that plug, Matt?" I asked.

"Fuck no! I am still enjoying the feeling of Mike's cum in my ass and the stretch of both your cocks," Matt said.

Matt scooted up in the center of the bed and rolled on his side facing Jase. I slid into bed and turned off the light. Jase fumbled around the side of the bed and slid in. Jase started gently kissing the top of Matt's ear. Matt lightly moaned, and then Jase kissed Matt and said, "Night, Matt, you queer fuck!"

"Fuck you," Matt said.

I then reached down and adjusted the plug in Matt's ass. I spun the plug in his ass and checked to see if Matt's ass wouold release it. His asshole clamped, and he said, "Leave it..."

I kissed Matt on the back of his neck, and started to doze off.

Let me know what you think about this segment of the story. Any positive or negative feedback would be great. Please remember that Nifty needs your donations to provide these wonderful stories. Hit me up. Would love to hear from you.


Next: Chapter 10

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