Subcontractor Connections

By moc.liamtoh@56srellese

Published on Jul 23, 2013


Subject: Subcontractor Connections - 10

Usual disclaimers apply.

Please do not copy my work or use it without my permission.

This is not a true story, just something from my imagination. If you have any constructive criticism for me I welcome it because I think I can only get better by learning from my mistakes.

The weekend came and went very quickly, and Gray came out for breakfast. I could tell he had something on his mind. "What's up, stud?" I asked.

"Ah, just thinking about what Mr. Girard said on Friday, and I am a little nervous about going to PE today," Gray said.

"I know, stud. But I think it'll ultimately be fine. Just remind the guys who hoot over your PA, that they have ears pierced and even nipples pierced. You just chose a PA," I said.

"Yeah....yeah!!" Gray said. "They need to fucking mind their own bees wax!" Gray said.

Jase came out to the kitchen where Gray and I were talking, and said, "Sup, studs?"

"Ah, Gray and I were just talking about today's school activities," I said.

"Nervous, son?" Jase asked.

"Yeah, but I'll be fine," Gray said.

"Make sure Mr. Girard is around before you get in the shower, son," Jase reminded.

"Yeah, I will," Gray said.

Gray then grabbed his backpack, kissed me on the cheek, and kissed Jase good bye for the day, and out the door he went.

"Jase, he really is a good boy....a damn fine looking, nice boy," I said.

"Thanks, Evan," Jase said.

Then, out walked Matt. He had just gotten out of the shower and was looking for clean jeans. His graying hair was standing straight up and his pierced tits and his PA were dripping with water.

"Shit man, fucking stud in the house!" I said.

Matt blushed. I love blindsiding him with compliments. I don't know if he is ever going to get used to my infatuation with him.

"Do I have any clean jeans?" Matt asked.

"Yeah, stud, they're in the laundry room on the folding table. Just hadn't gotten them to our room yet," I said.

"Thanks, Evan. You're the best!" Matt responded.

Matt walked bare-assed into the laundry room and came out with clothes.

Matt and Jase finished getting ready for work and were out the door. I too took off for work and went to the site.

The day perked along, and about 10:30, Matt walked up to the trailer. He came in and said, "How's it going?"

"Good stud," I responded. "Hey, got a question for you."

"Shoot," Matt said.

"Have any of the other iron workers commented on your piercings or have they seen your PA when you were pissing?" I asked.

"Yeah, sure," Matt said.

"Have any given you any shit about it?" I asked.

"Only one, Alan. And I just told the mother fucker to back off or I beat the shit out of him. He knew I could and would, and it has been kinda quiet," Matt said, "But a couple of the guys have sure as hell been staring at me, especially Fitz and Jake."

"If Jake is at the urinal when I'm in there, he'll stand there and stare straight ahead while I piss. Even if he was in the can before me, he will always comes out after. I always step back a bit from the urinal and shake the piss off the PA and slowly put my tool back in its pouch. I expect one of these times I expect Jake to ask some questions," Matt said.

"Jake is cute, for sure," I said.

Matt leaned over the desk and gave me kiss. I returned the kiss and reached down and grabbed his cock through his jeans.

"Nice fucking cock," I said. I then reached around to grab Matt's ass, and open flung the office door. This scene had to be tell-tale, as it was Jake. "

"Oh...excuse me," Jake said.

"No, problem, Matt just asked me to dust him off before he went back," I said.

I slapped Matt's ass of his jeans a couple times and said, "There you go, all done."

"Oh....oh, okay," Jake said.

Jake asked me a couple questions for clarification on the project and dismissed himself.

Matt and Jake then returned to the area they were working together. I couldn't wait for the follow up from Matt on this one.

Lunch hour came and went, as did the rest of the afternoon. "No phone calls from Gray, must have been an okay afternoon,"

I went home and went to put my key in the door to open up and the door flung open. I was met by Gray. He was standing there shirtless and obviously commando. I could see the clear outline of his PA against his shorts.

"Well, how did it go, stud?" I asked.

"Actually, it went fucking ok," he said.

"So tell me what happened...curiosity is killing me," I said.

"Well, I went to PE, and kinda waited to change into my jock until everyone was out, so no one saw it when I changed, but as we all returned to the locker room, I nodded at Mr. Girard. He walked into the locker room and just stood there. I shucked my shorts and headed into the shower. I think the guys were more speechless than anything. A couple of the guys just stood back and stared. A couple walked up and said, 'Flich, what the fuck is that?' And a couple started to heckle me, but Mr. Girard put a stop to it. He did what you said. He taunted them about their fag earrings, and said, 'At least Flich keeps it in his shorts,' and backed them down. Overall, not too bad," Gray concluded.

"Good for you, son," I said. I tried to encourage him knowing that today was just the first day and the homophobes would be back another day.

Gray came over, threw his arms around my neck, and said, "Thanks, Dad. I love you!"

"Love you, too, stud," I said. I gave Gray a kiss on his forehead and a slap on his ass. Gray went out of the kitchen and down the hall. I heard his stereo come on.

The clock now said 5:30, and in came Jase. Then, 15 minutes later, Matt came through the door. Both Matt and Jase walked toward our bedroom, and then I heard the shower kick on. They both went in and showered together and came out to the living room bare assed. Both were sitting on the couch when out came Gray. He had only his shorts on still, and he dropped his shorts. Then, he walked over and sat next to Matt. Gray then reached over and started playing with Matt's cock and PA. Matt got hard very quickly.

"Dad," he said to Jase. Jase was sitting on a chair bare-assed. The hair on his pubes was finally just barely growing in and was coming in curly. He looked like he was tightly shaven.

"Yeah, son," Jase said.

"I wanna fuck Matt with my PA in his ass just like Mr. Girard did," Gray said.

"Go for the gusto," Jase encouraged.

I heard the conversation, but I stayed back to watch the action.

Gray grabbed Matt's cock and tugged it slightly. Matt stood. Gray then sat down on the couch where Matt was and spread his asscheeks. Gray then pushed his face between Matt's ass cheeks. Gray started rimming Matt. He pushed his tongue into his asshole, licked, and nipped at his ass. Matt got rock hard.

Gray then backed Matt onto his cock very carefully. He pushed his uncut cock head into Matt asshole and through the sphincter.

"Easy son, easy," Matt pleaded. Gray finally got all the way in and started fucking Matt.

Jase was watching this action to see what was going to happen. He then stood and straddled between Matt and Gray and slid his cock into Gray's mouth. Jase was so turned on by Gray fucking Matt that his cock was huge. He pushed his cock down Gray's throat and proceeded to face-fuck Gray. Gray hummed like a finely tuned motor. As he thrust his cock in and out of Matt's ass, Jase sunk his cock into Gray's throat. Gray had opened his throat and was taking Jase's cock like a champion. Jase plunged his cock into Gray's throat, and Gray fucked Matt relentlessly.

This site was hot, to put it mildly. This exhibition went on for about ten more minutes, and Matt was the first to start moaning. Matt groaned, "Oooooohh hooooooo....oooohh...aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh......mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm......ooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHH!!!"

When Matt started cumming, Jase started slamming Gray's face. "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuhhh...Uuuuuuuuuuuuhhhh....NNNNNNNNNNGgggg...." Jase started pumping rope after rope of cum down Gray's throat.

As Jase cut loose, and he pumped stream after stream of cum into Matt's ass. "Daaaaaadddddyyy....AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH........ OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!"

Gray slammed his cock into Matt's ass, and Gray arched his hips into Matt's asshole. Gray carefully pulled his 10 1/2 inches out of Matt's hole. His PA popped out, and Matt's ass started dripping fresh cum. Gray then pushed Matt's torso forward and started licking the cum off of Matt's asshole.

"MMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!" Gray said.

Gray then stuck his index finger in Matt's ass and nursed out some of his own cum.

Gray was so excited by fucking Matt and then cleaning his cum out of Matt's hole. Matt collapsed back on the couch, and Jase sat down again. All three of the guys were shot.

While this sexy scene was going, I had my cock out and was stroking it with their sexy fun. I managed to stroke off and shoot my load of cum down the front of my work pants.

I tried to re-gain my composure and went out and lit the charcoal grill. I had laid out steaks for supper. I worked to season steaks, grilled baked potatoes, and prepare green salad.

Forty-five minutes later, I pulled the potatoes and steaks off the grill after they cooked about 2 minutes on each side. Gray and I liked our meat medium, and Matt and Jase liked their meat rare -- go figure!

We all sat down to eat and the doorbell rang.

Cum-stain on my pants and all, I went to the door. I opened the door, and there stood Mike Girard.

Matt, Jase, and Gray all yelled, "MIKE!!"

"Come in," I said. "You ate yet?"

"Yeah, I'm good, thanks," Mike said.

"So what do we owe the pleasure?" I asked.

"I was out for a walk and wanted to check on Gray. He handled the locker room like a champ!" Mike said.

"Thanks, Mr. Girard. I came home and fucked Dad just like you did the other night," Gray said.

"Did you leave in your PA?" he asked.

"Hell yeah! Slid my cock in his ass and took Dad in my mouth. Matt shot all over. Dad shot in my mouth, and I shot in Matt's ass. I then ate my spunk out of Matt's ass," Gray said.

"Like a champ," Matt said.

"And that explains the cum stain on your jeans, Evan," Mike said.

"You bet...couldn't control that one," I said.

"Come in...have a seat?" I asked.

"Nah, I just thought I'd drop by and give a follow-up report on Gray. Fucking stud!" Mike said.

"Thanks, Mr. G. I need to get going. I noticed Mike scoping out Jase, Gray, and Matt, but he was particularly interested in Gray.

"See you later," Mike said, and he left.

"You know what he wants, right Gray?" Jase asked.

"What?" Gray asked innocently.

"He wants to fuck you. Did you see the way he stared at you?" Jase asked.

"Yeah, he's a fucking stud!" Gray said.

"Be careful, Gray. You don't want him to get in trouble. You hear about students and teachers having relations, and the teacher gets busted and their life is ruined," Jase carefully warned.

"Ok, I'll be careful," Gray said.

I quickly turned my conversation to Jake's horny glances at Matt. "So, Matt, what did Jake want today?" I asked.

"His curiosity was getting the best of him. He asked to see my piercings and my PA. I said, 'Sure,'"

"And??" I asked.

"So I took him to the restroom and raised my shirt and unzipped," Matt continued.

"AND?!" I pleaded.

"AND....he asked if he could touch my PA. I said, 'Yeah,' and he rubbed my cock and got me hard. Then he asked if he could stroke me off," Matt said.

"ANNNNDDD??!!" I said.

"And the fucker jacked me off. I got to cumming, and he stuck my cock in his mouth. I shot my load in his mouth. He then licked all my cum of my cock and off the PA. He's a fucking good suck!" Matt declared.

"Damn," I said, "he did that on the jobsite?"

"Yeah, and no one walked in," Matt said.

"So both of you went back to work satisfied and with a smile on your face, huh?" Jase interjected with a wry smile.

"Fuck yeah!!" Matt said.

We all sat around and enjoyed each others' company for the rest of the night. Gray sat down next to me, and he said, Dad..."

"Yeah," Jase and I both answered, and smiled at each other.

"Can I get my nipples pierced like Dad?" he asked.

Jase said, "Yeah, you can, but you will be drawing attention to yourself moreso in the showers."

"Yeah, I know. Dad did it, and he isn't afraid, and neither am I," Gray said.

"Tell you what, stud. You think about it 'til Friday, and if you still want to..." Jase said.

Matt interrupted and said, "We'll download the consent form, and I'll take you and pay for it!"

Jase leaned over and kissed Matt squarely on the lips. "Fucking studs!" he said.

"Why don't you talk to Mr. Girard and see what he thinks?" I suggested.

"Ok...good idea," Gray said with some level of satisfaction.

The rest of the night went on without much incident, and we all adjourned to bed.

We all dozed off, and I awoke at 5:15 just before the alarm went off. I got up, went to the can, and heard noise on the other end of the house. The sun was just starting to peak through, and I went to check on Gray. I slowly cracked the door, and there was Gray, jacking off. I could see the shadows of him rubbing his cock. I focused a little more, and I noticed he had our dildo in his ass. He had sneaked it out of our room and had plugged himself. He was pinching his nipples and rolled up in a ball with the dildo sticking out. His cock was rock hard and his PA was shining in the sunlight.

I knocked lightly and said, "You need some help, stud?"

I was standing there with my cock dripping pre-cum.

"Awww, Dad, fuck me, please," Gray pleaded.

I walked over to him on the bed and pulled out the dildo from his ass. I then climbed up on top of him and slammed my rock hard cock in his ass. I pushed Gray's legs back to the mattress and relentlessly fucked his ass. I drilled him hard, then slowly, the as deeply as I could plunge, and then kept pulling my cock from his asshole and just inserting into the sphincter.

"Awwww, Daddy, fuck me....Fuuuuuuuuuuuucccccccckkkkk me!!" he demanded. I then stuck my cock all the way in his ass and stayed there. I wrapped one hand around the base of his cock and jacked his big cock off slowly, I squoze my hand tightly around his cock and spat on his cock. I kept his cock well lubed so I could keep playing with his cock. I was intentionally edging him. I would jack him until he almost came and then would stop. Then, I'd pump my cock in his ass a couple quick, hard plunges, and then start jacking him again.

"Oh, Daddy, let me cum!!" he begged.

"Later, you need to be a good boy and let me seed your ass. Then I'll let you spill your cum," I said.

"I love seeing you ramp up....your cock gets so hard, your nipples harden, and your calf muscles tighten like you have a charlie horse. Fucking hot!" I said.

I kept this whole process up for about 15 minutes. My cock was quickly grabbing control of my body, and was also on the edge of shooting.

I then pulled my cock almost out of Gray's asshole and plunged into his ass half a dozen more times, and I shot a huge load in his ass. I had seeded so much cum that his ass was hyper-lubed. My cock was covered in Gray's juices and my own.

Then, Gray couldn't stand it any more. His cock stiffened, his vein thickened, his foreskin stretched, and he was about to cum. I grabbed the head of his cock and spat on his cock. I then rubbed his cockhead. His cock was purple from stored cum and friction.

"Let me cum!!" he shouted.

"I then lowered my mouth around his cock head and PA. He shot load after load of cum ropes into my mouth. I did not initially swallow any of the cum. I kept it in my mouth.

"AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" he screamed.

Jase came roaring down the hall naked with his morning wood, and said, "Is everything all..."

"Fine," I said around a mouthful of cum, "Fucking fine."

I then opened my mouth over Gray's mouth and gave him back his cum.

"Oh, Daddy, my juices are sweet and salty!" Gray said.

"Fuck yeah!" I said.

Jase pushed me aside a bit and rolled Gray back up into his ball shape. He then slid in between Gray and myself, and started fucking Gray.

"Ooooooooohhhh, damn, man, lots of juices," he said.

"Oh, Daddy, fuck me!!" Gray said.

Jase saw the dildo laying on the bed and turned it on and slid it into Gray's ass. Then he proceeded fucking Gray. He slammed Gray's ass vigorously for about 10 minutes, and then his asscheeks tightened. When I saw this, I stuck my index finger into his asshole. Jase then proceeded to seed Gray's ass as deeply as I did. ay

Jase regained his strength and knelt on the bed.

"Stand up, son," Jase said.

"Dad, my ass...." Gray said.

"Yeah, son, let's see it!" Jase said.

Gray stood and our cum came rushing out of his hole. Gray's asshole looked like the rosebud that Matt's did when we all fucked him.

"Fucking sweet," Jase said.

He grabbed the dildo and stuck it back in Gray's ass. "Leave that in until you're ready to go to school," Jase said.

"Ohhhh, Dad. I'll be bow-legged walking around today," Gray said.

"Go show it to Mr. Girard when you get to school. See what his diagnosis is," I said.

"Evan!" Matt said.

"Let Mike start of his day with a boner he can't hide," I said, "then, Gray can talk to him about the nipple piercings."

"Ok," Gray said, "I'll go see Mr. Girard."

Gray got dressed and managed to keep the dildo in his ass while he put on bikini briefs. Then, he put on a pair of loose shorts. He walked like he had something stuck in his ass....because he did.

Matt, Jase, and I all took off for work, and Gray walked to school. Thirty minutes later, my cell phone rang. It was the high school main number.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hello, Evan?" the voice said.

"Yeah, this is Mike."

"Hey, Mike. How's it hanging?" I asked.

"Fucking hard and high," he said with a slight laugh.

"Gray is here and was talking to me about getting his nipples pierced like Matt's. I told him that he was raising the risk of being teased for being gay. All he could say was, 'Fuck 'em all!'" Mike said.

"But he is complaining about his asshole hurting. He said it was like something was stuck in it." Mike said.

"So did you check him out?" I asked.

"No, that's when I called you," Mike said.

"Well, while I have you on the phone, may I talk to Gray just for a bit?" I asked.

"Sure," and he handed Gray the phone. "Hello....oh, hey dad," Gray said.

"You want Mike to check out your ass, or do you want me or your Dad to come down and help?" I asked.

"I'm okay if Mike will do it," Gray said, and he handed the phone back to Mike.

"Mike, he's okay if you will help. Get him out of his underwear, and I'll stay on the line in case there is anything can't handle," I said.

"Oh...oh...Oh...fucking kay!" I heard Mike say.

"What is it, Mike?" I asked.

"I got it," Mike said. "I'll take care of it."

Mike sat the phone down, and I heard him say, "Oh, Gray, look at all the cum coming out of your ass!!"

"Yeah, Mr. G., can you plug it up?" Gray said coyly.

"Evan, I got it. I'll plug it up," Mike said.

"It'll probably need a big, deep, PA sized plug," I said.

"Fuck yeah," Mike concurred, "Fuck yeah!"

"Just make sure you aren't seen, and clean him up before sending him on to class," I said.

"Bye, Sellers, sure thing!" Mike said.

The phone hung up.

"Gray's gonna be looking like he rode 3 horses today..." I thought and smiled.

Let me know what you think about this segment of the story. Any positive or negative feedback would be great. Please remember that Nifty needs your donations to provide these wonderful stories. Hit me up. Would love to hear from you.


Next: Chapter 11

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