Sub Student

By Bamaboi2serve

Published on Jan 17, 2023


The Sub-Student Part Five By

I put him in a corner facing away from me, with his hands tied behind him, and interrogated him about his life. I slapped his ass with a paddle if he was slow in responding.

As it turns out, the boi was free for the Summer. He was an only child and his parents were off touring Europe. He'd been left at home alone with an allowance and a cell phone that he was to keep with him at all times. He had just a few chores to take care of, not even a days worth each week...and the next three months spread out before me like a surprise birthday party. He was taking care of only one neighbor's yard, and his parents didn't care about that at all.

Throughout my home I have eyebolts in the ceilings, usually disguising their true purpose by hanging a plant or something from them. I untied bois hands and reattached them to a rope leading to once such hook in the ceiling at the corner. Similar eyebolts allowed me to tie him spread eagle in the corner, with his legs pulled out from the wall. I grabbed my favorite horse riding whip and used the end of it to play with his well-shaved balls. Boi was already hard, but I could see his cock twitching. A small pool of pre-cum started gathering on the wood floor below him.

I pushed the whip end forcefully into his hole...the shape wouldn't let it actually enter him, but I could feel him push back against it. Boi was ready for a fucking. I remembered him telling me had been fucked three times before, and it was time for his fourth.

I dropped the whip and lubed the fingers on my right hand. He shivered as I brushed them I his crack, but again he pushed back. My index finger went in first and he moaned softly...the moans increased as I added a second and then a third finger. He was tight, again three fuckings is almost virgin. I removed the fingers and aimed my missile at his now pulsing hole. He knew immediately what was up and I could sense him offering his fuckhole to me.

"Good boi!" I told him, reaching around and grabbing his tits as I slid into him with my cock. I didn't jam it in, but I didn't slow down either...just a beautiful steady plunge that had me fully in him in seconds. He was startled by the suddenness of it, and I knew he had stopped breathing...there was a tremor in his legs and he was sweating despite the air-conditioning. I increased my work on his tits and soon he was more than moaning, making real sex noise like everyone getting a good fucking makes...I grabbed a gag from a nearby shelf and stuffed it in his mouth. "I don't need to hear you blabbing bitch! Just take the cock and be grateful!"

With that I commenced to show him how I took an ass when it was mine to take. Long strokes that all but exited his hole, a tiny pause at the top, then a fast return to bottom...repeated over and over as I heaped verbal abuse on him, giving him the live version of what was on the tapes he had heard before. While he couldn't talk anymore, that didn't stop him from crying out and he did, but not protesting, asking for more! I obliged, and way too early I found myself pumping my seed into him, collapsing on his wet back when the last spurt sprayed inside him.

I pulled out without saying anything, left the room and got a drink. When I returned I could hear him sobbing. Concerned (I don't hate my slaves, you know!) I went to his side and removed the gag. He was crying! I untied his hands from above and removed him from the leg restraints too. He turned to me and dropped to his knees, pulling me to him, surrounding me with his arms, his face in my crotch as he spoke through his tears.

"Thank you SIR! Thank you for accepting me, for letting me be your toy, for making me look the way you want, for giving me a purpose!" I don't remember if those were his exact words, but certainly that was the thrust of his message!

I repayed his comments by forcing his mouth open, placing my cock inside, and emptying my bladder in his mouth. He drank every drop, keeping his eyes lowered. He was, of course, still very hard. I ordered him to lick up the drippings on the hardwood floor.

That first night he stayed in the cage, his rubber wrist and leg restraints attached to the corners, with a water bottle on the side with a straw sticking out. I stayed in the darkened room long enough to hear him fall into an apparently deep sleep.

My new property was properly cared for...I went upstairs to my own room and quickly drifted off.

The next morning I got him out of the cage and put a penis gag in his mouth. I didn't want him talking right away. I led him to the shower and pushed him to his knees. I was wearing just a pair of white underwear, so I pulled out my cock and emptied it on him. Good boi that he was, he held his face up into the stream, even though the gag kept him from drinking any. I left him soaked in my piss and went to get coffee. I returned and used the hose in the shower to power wash him down, telling him to use soap and wash himself off. I sat watching, every now and then rinsing him off.

Finished, I grabbed a towel and used a hair drying on his head. He had this long mop of gorgeous hair, and although I loved the look, it had to go. He was a slave now, and no slave of mine woud have long hair.

"I'm going to cut your hair, bitch, an I don't want to hear you complaining about it!" Of course he was still gagged, so the complaints would be mostly silent anyway.

I used a clippers to get his hair down to a quarter of an inch or so and hen almost decided to shave his head completely. I decided to wait...that might be a nice part of a future punishment scene.

With all of his body hair gone and his head hair cut so short he immediately looked even younger than he was...almost prepubescent, except of course for the dick sticking out and the sack with heavy balls below it.

"OK boi, listen carefully to these rules," I told him as I un-strapped the gag, handing him a water bottle.

"First is my name. I'm Sir. And nothing else. Understand?"

"Yes Sir", he said quietly, looking down at his feet.

"As I told you are a slave, not a Real Man, so there's none of this jerking off and cumming. If you cum, it will be because I want you to cum and other than that not at all! Understand?"

Again, a soft agreement, but this time there was a slight delay. He was learning what he had gotten himself into and knew if would be hard not to cum, jerking off twice a day as he had been doing all year.

"Next, when you are in this house you are nude except for the collar I gave you. You will never use furniture. NO chairs, no couch, no bed...unless I specifically tell you to do so. Understand?"

This time he raised his eyes just a bit, a tiny glance to see me, as if he needed to confirm that I was somehow worth all of this. I let that infraction pass when I head him say firmly "Yes Sir!".

"Some more language don't have a cock. Only real men like me have cocks. You have a piss tube. It is good for only two things: removing piss from your body and providing a body part for your Master to play with. You don't even have an asshole like real men. You have a fuck-hole. Do you know what it is good for bitch?"

He paused a moment, and I jumped into the vacuum.

"It is to remove shit from your body and to provide a hole for your Master to play with. He may put anything he wants in that fuck hole."

"You also don't have nipples...those are what Real Men have. You have titties, like a girl. When you have to piss you will tell me...even if there is someone else present...that you have to pee-pee. And when you come into a room in this house where I am, you will come over to me, bend down, and kiss my feet...or my shoes if Im wearing any. Again, it doesn't matter whos in the room."

He didn't respond, and I let it pass. I knew I was handing him a lot to absorb, with even more to come:

"I'm going to do some body modification on you...nothing too extreme, but I want you marked. Will that cause trouble for you?"

His answer was quick: "No, Sir, I can do pretty much whatever I want.." then he amended it..."pretty much anything You want, Sir."

His eyes were on the floor, so he couldn't see my slight smile. This boi was coming along!


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Next: Chapter 6

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