Sub Student

By Bamaboi2serve

Published on Dec 27, 2023


The Sub-Student PART TWO By

I edged myself forward on the chair and moved my cock gently across his lips...his mouth started to open but he stopped, correctly remembering I had not asked him to do anything. My juice left a trail on his plump red lips and I could see him straining not to use his tongue. Discipline! Good! I like that in a boi!

"I want some quick answers, boi, yes or no...tell the truth cause if you lie I'll find out! Have you been fucked in the ass?

"Yes, Sir!" he immediately replied.

"More than once"?

He hesitated just a second. "Three times, SIR!"

I reached down and took the tit clamp chain in my hand, pulling gently from side to side, stretching his nips and sending great waves of pain and pleasure through him.

"Have you ever had a Master?"

"No SIR!"

"Do you want one?"

The very slightest of pauses and a softer "Only You Sir".

Fuck! new bitch boi...has been out to me for about a half hour and I was already developing an attachment! I decided not to punish him for his three-word answer.

I got up and left him kneeling, unlocked the basement door and went downstairs, turning on the spotlights. From a cabinet I pulled out an old black dog collar, then put it back, choosing a worn brown one instead. Upstairs I sat back down in the chair facing him and put it on him. He shivered as my hands brushed against his still sweating neck.

"This is a real dog collar. Maybe you can smell the dog on it. You don't deserve much more, and maybe not even this!", I explained. "But we'll start here and see how you do."

I took the clamps in both hands and quickly unhooked them from his now stretched tits. I knew what that felt like, and was not at all surprised when he sharply inhaled and moaned, feeling the pain as blood filled the flattened nubs. I used my hands to manipulate them, easing the blood flow, but hurting him too. He liked it was clear this was a boi made for pain!

I grabbed a leash I had brought up from downstairs and attached it to his collar, ordering him to follow on all fours. He followed like a puppy, stumbling a little as he tried to keep up with me in the unusual position.

I led him to the master bathroom and ordered him to stay next to the large open shower.

As I gathered the materials I would need for him, I wondered to myself if I was moving too fast...should I send him home now? Make him return another day? Make the suspense last a few days to keep him on edge? One part of me said yes, but I was incredibly turned on and decided to proceed, at least until I had finished my initial body modification on him, symbolically at least making him my own.

I reached down and removed the collar and leash, took his hands and attached rubber wrist restraints. Similar bands went around his feet. Without asking or saying anything, I slipped a rubber hood over his head, blocking out all of his light. It was a tight fit, but two small holes allowed for breathing and a mouth opening. Two larger holes were at ear level, and I put tiny earphones into his ears, plugging them into the wall and turning on the i-pod behind the plastic shield I had built in the wall a foot or two above the shower faucet.

The system starting playing some electronica music, heavy stuff that somehow sounded like it belonged in a dungeon. I'd found it online and had added my own voice commentary, though that part wouldn't start for about fifteen minutes.

I manipulated him into the shower, tied his hands to a chain hanging from an exposed beam up in the open ceiling, and attached his legs to bolts I had added to the floor, Tightening the heavy rubber straps, I stretched him out so his body was taut. He hadn't lost any of his hard-on, which stuck out at an angle that pointed skyward towards his belly button.

I left him there and went to get a beer. I had to think some more and he wasn't going anywhere. I flipped a switch in the living room and a speaker came on, repeating what the boy was hearing in the bathroom.

After a while, the music lowered and my voice started speaking to him as a slave, a sub, a less-than-real-man being there for my pleasure: your fuckin" tits belong to me..should I have them pierced? Put some big fuckin' thick slave rings through `em so everybody who sees you will know what you are? Hmm...should I pierce the slut's little-boi prick too? Nice black metal PA to lead him around at his favorite bar...displaying his new status for his old friends so they can laugh and mock him? Or maybe a nose ring would be better?

It was an old tape, something from a boi I had played with. I would have ot make one more specific for Jimmy the bitch-boi if whatever this was we had started continued.

I was still hard, horny from being around the young pup, though because of the blindfold he didn't know that. I was determined to hold off till I could plant my seed inside him...exactly how I would determine later! I idly brushed my own sensitive nipples, sending nice chills through my naked body as I anticipated pushing my hard cock into his boi fuck-hole. It was time for shaping the boi a bit.

In the shower stall, boi was shaking slightly, listening to my voice and the music, beads of sweat dripping from his pits and forehead. I had re-entered the bathroom quietly, so he bolted a bit and shouted when I grabbed his tits and twisted them. I stopped, removed his headphones and gave him some "live" verbal abusive instructions.

"Shut up bitch! Those little boi titties aren't much, slave...the slave I played with last night had at least worked his up to a pencil-eraser size. What are we going to do about that boi? Think you can do what it will take to make them big enough for my pleasure?"

Boi moaned, but didn't respond.

I grabbed the jock he had been wearing to do the yard earlier and stuffed it through the mask hole and into his mouth, gagging him. I was sure his own ripe scent would fill his nose for a while. "You obviously don't have anything worthwhile to say, shitface slave, so chew on your own sweat for a while..." He was still blindfolded by the hood, which also was making him sweat. I could see beads dripping from beneath it onto his shoulders.

I grabbed a little three-step kitchen ladder and set it just outside the shower, climbed on top, and aimed. He jumped as if he had been scalded when my hot piss hit his shoulders and dripped down, but as soon as he realized what it was, he moaned, once again, his cock surprised me as it seemed to get even harder. Amazing how a 21 year old body responds! I directed my stream upward and hit the jock in his mouth, soaking it and making sure he would not be thirsty for a while! He was unable to talk, but his moaning made it clear he was loving my abuse.

Again I left him alone, postponing my shaving operation. Back in the kitchen I grabbed another beer and considered how quickly I was becoming attached to this slave boi! He was SO trainable, so malleable, a natural sub. How could I NOT have spotted it earlier when he a student in my class?

I remembered the first time he walked in to my classroom...he would have been seventeen or eighteen, skinny but not offensively so, his hair longer than now, wearing tight jeans so worn there were holes in some very nice places. He didn't seem to pay any attention to me and was shy with other students, answering questions when called on but not volunteering much. So although I noticed him, spotted him as a cute boy, that's about it. How did he go from that to the subservient slave I now had tied up in my shower stall, waiting for his Master to fuck him and more???? I knew at some point I would get him to tell me. Right not, it was shaving time!

Back in the bathroom I turned on the shower water, which struck his back...cold water at first, chilling him but making him more attentive too. As it started to warm I adjusted it to keep it soft warm showers for MY slave boi!

As I started smearing shaving cream over his pits, I told him about my plans for him.

"I think you will make good slave material, boi...perhaps. But first you have to look more like one! And no slave I know of has man-hair. You are NOT a man, slut. You are property. MY property!" I started using the razor to remove his pit hair and again there was that moaning...he didn't have a lot of hair to shave, and what was there came off fairly quickly. I worked my way to his other pit and made quick work of removing that hair too.

"The boys at the gym are gonna wonder about this, you know... Boys in Europe apparently shave their pits all the time, but this is America, and you may have some explaining to do. Perhaps you can join a swim team!" I laughed at my own joke as he continued to moan and shiver. I slathered more cream on his and worked on his chest.

"Swimmers sometimes shave their pits and their chests...cause you only had a few chest hairs anyway, not much of a man, so nobody would notice them gone..." I grabbed my wet/dry shaver and took two quick swipes at this already trimmed bush...

"Now the bush is another question...swimmers don't swim you'll have to come up with something to explain the fact that you look like a pre-pube twelve year old!" I continued to use the clippers to get rid of the longer hairs, hen used the razor to remove the stubble. Through all of this his hard-on never wilted even a little. And as I grabbed his cock to get the hairs around it, I could feel it pulsing in my hand...a bead of pre-cum appeared at the tip and I just couldn't help myself. I bent down and retrieved it with my tongue...not even touching him...just expertly grabbing the drop and savoring it on my tongue. Yum! I didn't want him knowing I had taken it...not very "Masterly" you might say.

Finished with his pubes I considered doing his legs but I was ready for a change of pace and would make him do them himself later on.

"OK bitch boi...that's it for shaving right now..." I used the shower hose to wash him down and pulled the piss soaked jock out of his mouth. Soon I had him rinsed off well enough, so I removed the hood that had kept him blinded during the process...directly across from him was a full length mirror, and I had adjusted the room lighting so he was in a spotlight...his eyes blinked a little as he adjusted to the brightness, but then he stared at his image...the act of shaving has an amazing psychological impact on a boy...all of those symbols of his manhood, his sexual maturity, had washed down the shower drain. Except for his legs and a few arm hairs, he was as smooth as he'd been in elementary school. He had been enjoying himself a little with the hood on, but now he saw the price he had paid and he was ashamed. He blushed and looked down at his feet. I swear his moaning was replaced by a sob.

I wasn't buying it. I needed to set a much higher benchmark for any tears from my bitch boi! I untied his hands, and pushed him back so he sat on a wooden bench in the shower stall. The rubber restraints around his legs were still attached to the bolts.

"Take that razor and get rid of that hair on your legs, bitch. You don't deserve them! And get them all, cause if I find any I'll rip `em out with a tweezers!"

I turned up the light a little...I didn't want him cutting my property...and left the room. I liked the idea of him having a direct hand in his final man-denuding.

None of my sex partners knew it, but I had installed a monitoring cam in the bathroom for occasions just like this one. Back in the living room I selected the monitoring channel on my 46 inch Plasma and sat back to watch, idly playing with myself. Would he shave his legs for me?



Next: Chapter 3

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