Sub Student

By Bamaboi2serve

Published on Jun 1, 2023



After reader feedback, decided to do an addition to this story. The first Part is here, and attached of course.


(Author's Note: After a number of reader comment that no real Master would give up his power to a sub like Jimmy, I decided to make an addendum to Sub-student, to change the ending. It will be in two parts. Here's the first:)

I stayed down under the rimming chair during the few minutes that boi was upstairs, but I was very, very angry with him. How could he possibly go along with those guys and mistreat me?

I though about all of the time I spent training him, trying to make him something worthy of a Master`s attention, and he had been coming along, becoming a better and better slave each week. Then suddenly, Jeff turns on me, Jai and Randy show up, and the next thing you know boi is acting like a top!

Everyone was gone from my house except the bitch upstairs, and me, supposedly waiting patiently for the "master" to return.

In reality I was shaking with anger and had crawled under the seat to prevent me from striking out at him!

I heard the basement door open and close and then the slut-fuck climbed down the stairs.

Boi had helped himself to my beer and walked over to the rim-chair as he finished the can, and without saying a word, turned his ass towards me to sit down...planning to sit on my face!

It took me only a second to slide the seat above me back and away. Then I was on my feet, grabbing the slut's arms and twisting them behind him. I'm much larger and better developed than boi, and I had taken him completely by surprise. I was easily able to secure his hands with the handcuffs I had placed nearby. The beer he'd been carrying went rolling along the floor, leaving a beer trail in its wake. I grabbed a rope already attached to the ceiling and then pulled his cuffed arms upward, securing him in place.

Other than some guttural "ooffs" and "awww" sounds as I bound him, the bitch hadn't said a word, probably knowing he was in a very bad position. But once he was bent over, his arms bent above and behind him as far as they would go, he started to protest and apologize at the same time.

"I didn't mean anything...hey these things are hurting! We were just playin'...come on, Sir,...let me loose..." he wailed, sounding like...

"...a little girl! That's what you sound like bitch boi! A fricking pussy! Did you really think I was going to just let you take over as Master? Were you going to keep me in a fucking cage or something? Was I supposed to go to work each day and support you???"

He didn't respond, hearing the anger in my voice and knowing what was going on was more than a scene like the ones we used to have. Boi knew he had crossed some very wrong lines.

I grabbed one of the cum and piss and sweat stained hand cloths that Jeff and them had used to clean up after the sex earlier in the evening. I stuffed it in boi's mouth, securing it with a heavy stretchable rubber ring around his head. Breathing through his nose, his eyes bulged out toward me.

Boi was balancing on his toes, with his arms pulled way back up behind and above him. That left him open to what he had earned by daring to mistreat me.

I made a big show of opening one of the large cabinets on the wall in front of him, I could see his eyes straining to follow my movements. He already knew what was in the cabinet. I had made him clean each and every toy in it multiple times over the past months. Sometimes with his tongue.

I pulled out a five-inch long, seven-inch around heavy metal butt plug and walked behind him, casually spitting on his hole and forcing the plug in. I noticed some hair growing back as I worked it past his slave sphincter, finding myself disgusted with how much he had fallen back from the obedient slave cunt I had made him. Hair on the bitch?

Despite the gag, his loud moaning let me know how much the plug hurt going in. I knew it would and ignored him, of course. He had earned all of this and more.

From the cabinet I grabbed one of my favorite punishment paddles, fifteen- inches long, painted black, with holes in it to allow more powerful smacks. I had nicknamed it my "bitch board". I made sure he saw it, and he cringed, knowing what was coming, closing his cheeks tightly around the plug, as if it would somehow protect him.

You are getting a specific punishment FAG BOI! This punishment paddle is going to make contact with each of your worthless ass cheeks SIX TIMES! And then one final strike in the middle as a reminder. This is going to hurt boi! This is PUNISHMENT for a slut who thought he would top his Master!! Think about that. YOU! A TOP??? Think about that during the next few minutes slut!

Even though he had seen the board, and had seen me walk behind him, the first strike to his right cheek caused him to shriek so loudly through the gag that I was slightly worried someone outside might hear him...or hear the sound of the paddle striking his suddenly red cheeks.

I had paddled boi before, but never like I was working his ass now! As promised I alternated from one cheek to the other, each of the six strikes hitting home, the loud smacking sound echoing through the dungeon. I paused in between, just enough time for the apprehension to build up for him.

Each time I hit a cheek he cried out from behind his cum-rag gag. When the last single cheek strike came, he was sobbing. His cheeks were bright red and there were marks showing the impressions of the holes in the big paddle.

Finally I took aim, wound up and swung a final punishment slam across both cheeks, pushing the plug even deeper into him. By then he had used all of his energy in muffled yells, and I heard only an "ooooofffffff" from him.

I stopped, pulled a stool over and sat in front of him at eye level. I needed a rest. He kept his crying eyes down, but he could not miss the fact that my face was inches from his. I spit in his face and he flinched. His sobbing continued.

"We've just begun, slut. Just begun. I want you to think back to the moment that you decided you would work with Jai and Jeff and what the fuck his name was. Go back to that moment so you can remember where you took the detour that you are paying for now!!"

I retrieved a punishment cane from the cabinet, walked back behind him and used it to sharply strike the bottoms of his feet a few times. He cried out more, struggling to get away, though there was no escape, of course. If he pushed his feet flat on the floor, it forced his arms into an ever more painful position. It was hopeless. He could do only one thing: endure...and hope I would eventually stop!

"OK bitch-boi, I want you to know exactly what this is are being punished on your little girly feet for daring to WALK in my presence when you should have CRAWLED. NO fucking girly slave deserves to walk in my presence! But I;m going to give you a chance here...if you nod yes to this question, I'll untie you and let you go. You can end the punishment and stop the hurt. All you have to do is nod yes, telling me you are ready to walk out the door and never return. Do you want that Bitch????

Through his teary eyes the boi looked at me and moved his head right and left. Good.

I used the cane to strike each of his feet, starting at the heel and working my way up to the toes, three times on each foot...I knew how painful this was, and made sure the pain was tied into the lesson he was learning.

"There is only ONE Master is THIS house you fucking SLUT!" Every third or fourth word was shouted in time with a swipe at his feet. "And THAT is only ME you pig pussy! ONLY me!" You AWAYS crawl in my presence!!!!

The slut was sweating now and shaking, racked with pain all over his body because of his bound position. Without warning I struck his opened handcuffed hands lightly with the cane, causing him instantly to close them into fists.

"You will leave them OPEN! NOW! OPEN those hands...!!!"

He reluctantly did as ordered.

"This is in punishment for daring...for having the fuckin' GAUL to use those hands to touch me in a way a slave may NEVER touch his Master! Three times I struck each hand, leaving red welts.


Without any warning I pulled the plug out of him, forcing his hole open so fast that it remained open for a moment, a gaping black opening into his innards. He cried out from behind his gag, mostly because of what I had said---that he was no longer going to be my slave---but also because his body was trying to adjust to the missing toy. I inserted an even larger plug, rubber this time. Despite the previous stretching, it took some effort to get the new one in and seated in his ass. Once it found it's place, I slapped the bitch a few times on all of his cheeks and went upstairs for a beer.

I relaxed in the living room, watching the playroom video monitor of the slave boi struggling in his bondage. I think I dozed off for a few minutes, and I felt much better when I went back downstairs. The bitch was still sobbing, his body in such a state that he would have collapsed on the ground had he not been tied to the ceiling.

He certainly perked up as I suddenly pulled out the rubber plug, leaving an even larger gaping hole begging to be filled.

I untied the rope, allowing his hands to drop down behind him, still handcuffed, and attached a leash to his collar. He managed to stand, but only barely. I removed the gag, leading him over to the bondage table. But instead of putting him up on it, I hopped up myself. He looked at me briefly with an odd glance.

"No fuck-face, you are not and will never again be my slave, and you CERTAINLY will never be the master here." I lay down, giving him his new orders: "I still have piss on my body...SLAVE PISS!...Get that tongue working, start at the toes...I want every molecule of it off. Get moving!!"

He went to my feet, stretching his leash as far as it would go, bent over and started licking. I'll have to admit he did a good job, getting in between each toe, not forgetting the heel, licking his way up my ankles and hairy legs, working his increasingly yellow-stained tongue over my thighs, pleasing me into an erection as he bathed my hairy balls and cock. He was all business, but I could see his own mast rising too. Despite the pain he had endured, boi was back in the position he belonged...serving his Master, and being turned on by his service!

I lifted my legs up to make sure he did a good job on my ass, kinda like rimming while laying down. He used his tongue to slip in and out of my hole, and I sighed with pleasure from the licking and cleaning.

Soon he was working on my tits, being very careful not to let me feel any teeth. All of the licking was giving his tongue a rough surface, and that felt especially good on my tits. I was fully hard as he moved to my sides.

"Get those pits good cunt, clean every hair," I encouraged him as I stretched my arms out behind me, using his leash to pull him this way and that.

It took him about forty-five minutes to do the job, finally reaching my neck. I ordered him to stop. Remembering his standing orders, the bitch assumed the slave "presentation position", though the handcuffs forced him to adapt a bit.

"Open your mouth!" I ordered as I climbed down off the table.

His tongue was raw and stained.

I pushed him to his knees, grabbed some tit clamps, "endurance clamps" they`re called cause it takes some tough tits to endure them for long, and attached them. He inhaled sharply but, of course, said nothing.

I forced his mouth open and emptied my bladder. I was pleased to see he had not forgotten how to take what I offered without spilling any. Then I fucked his mouth for fifteen minutes, starting slowly, but working up to a good forceful deep throat. I held his head by his ears, pulling him on and off my rigid spear, reminding him who he was: "You are a WORTHLESS CUNT, boi, a bitch worthy of nothing! Did you actually think for even a second that you could top ME??? There are prepubescent 8th graders who are more tops than you! YOU are just a worthless little slave punk, a hairless piece of meat for me to fuck!"

I slapped his face with my tool over and over, then repeated it with my right hand. Soon his face was as red as his ass, but there were no complaints. He was accepting the punishment he knew he was due.

Reinserting my cock into his mouth, I kept up the pounding in and out, over and over, repeating my verbal message. The Real Master was back, and the slut was to forget everything that had happened downstairs.

While boi had cum in the dungeon earlier in the evening, I had not, so when I did shoot it was with a series of huge spurts that struck the back of his throat. After my last blast I held my cock deep in him, watching him struggle a bit to breath around my pole.

I pulled out and ordered him NOT to swallow and to hold his mouth open. A nice healthy deposit, I thought to myself, looking at the pool of white at the bottom, spitting into the open hole of his mouth a few times as a kind of interest on my original deposit. His face glistened with my spit too.

For extra measure, I squirted the rest of my piss into him. The combined fluids filled his mouth cavity almost entirely, and if he wasn't careful, it would spill over the edge. I knew he would be careful, breathing only though his nose to preserve the pond I had created in his mouth.

I left him kneeling there while I went up to my bathroom, brushed my teeth and turned on the water for the shower. When I was finished truly cleaning my body, I dried off, and returned to the dungeon. The slut was still holding the liquids in his wide open mouth, his hands behind him in slave boi position, his pointy tits still gripped tightly by the clamps, his cock hard.

I ordered him to swallow, and he gulped down the combination of cum and piss and spit in a second, correctly leaving his mouth open and maintaining his kneeling head-back position.

"Go upstairs and shower bitch, you stink. And brush your teeth and shave that fucking hair off too slut! I told you, you don`t deserve to have man-hair! Come back down to the dungeon when you're done," I ordered the boi who had oh so briefly been ordering me around. I removed his cuffs to allow him to do what I had ordered.

I started cleaning up a bit as he slowly climbed the stairs, but hot red ass glowing. I rearranging the toys in anticipation of the very, very long night ahead.

The world was right again.

========= Last chapter coming in one week!

Next: Chapter 16: Sub Student Addendum 2

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