Sub Straight Daddy Travis

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jan 13, 2022


When travis arrived for his massage appointment, he saw his money sitting at the edge of the counter. "Jason. Is this the money I left last week?" "It is. I don't feel like I can take it." Jason smiled. "I'm enjoying myself too much." That made travis blush. "Aww, you shouldn't say that or do that young man. You're in business." "I know. I do well. And I can choose to take it or not, so... put your money away trav. Buy Helen something. Or buy yourself some better toys. Or T shirts. Or something." Travis winced a bit. He DID buy the t shirts on sale: he couldn't spend what some of the boutiques charged and he was too intimidated to go in by himself. "You wanna go shopping some time travis? I'll go with you the first trip." travis smiled big time. "I'd really like that Jason. I'm so new to this." "Part of my duty to the tribe." "Uh, Jason, I'm not a member of the tribe. I'm married. I'm not gay" Jason shrugged his shoulders. "Maybe I was just talking about guys who insist on getting their pleasure where they can." "Were you Jason? Or do you think I'm gay?" "What I think doesn't matter travis. Now, look. You wanna talk or you wanna get release? By the way, how's the plug?" "Uh, I didn't use it." "You didn't use it? Why not?" "I... I got nervous." "About what?" "About how I'd feel. I mean, I've never had anything up my ass except, well, my mother used to give me enemas." Jason laughed. "This is gonna be much more pleasant. Trust me. And if you don't use it now, we're not going forward, so... DROP THOSE PANTS SOLDIER." travis gulped but said "yes sir" and Jason laughed. "No need for Sir," he said, as he thought "yet." "Now gimme that plug." A big sigh came out of travis and he handed it over to Jason, right before he dropped his pants. "Now, bend over the massage table, just like you're doing a plank, stud." "Please don't hurt me Jason." "I'm not gonna hurt you travis. " Jason responded, thinking again, "yet." He poured some lube on it, and pushed it in as if he had done it a thousand times. "Tell me when you're doing it, so I'm prepped." Jason laughed. "Stud, it's done. Wait for the sensation to start." "It's done? Really? Doesn't feel like much." "Well, maybe we need to go to the big boy sizes. Because today, we're gonna go to the big boy clamps." Jason took out a set that had a longer chain between them. "Remember how I told you if I slip the chain over your head, the sensation is gonna be MUCH greater." "I DO remember that. " "Well, ok, you're gonna take off your shirt, and then, I'm gonna put them on you. Unless you'd rather do it yourself. " "Please Jason. Would you do it?" "I will. And then we're gonna do one more thing before we get to 'massage.' travis peeled off his shirt, and Jason smiled. "MMMM. Looks like you HAVE been working these babies. Nice and perky." He tweeked them and laughed when travis moaned. "The more you play with them, the more sensitive they're gonna get, trav. Eventually, if I breathe on them, you'll moan." "REALLY? " "Well, I don't know about the breathing, but they WILL get more sensitive. To a point. You ready?" travis gulped and "yes sir" came out of his mouth, and Jason's dick jumped. "Ok. Nice and steady." He attached the clamps and travis howled. When Jason picked up the chain and put it over his head, travis thought he would faint. That's when he noticed that his ass was extremely stimulated, and he shifted back and forth on the plug, enjoying the feeling. "Here's the last thing trav. If you want your nips to feel even more sensitive, either you should play with them, or I should. Which would you prefer?" "Would you do it Jason? Please?" "I will, but first, I want you to do something for me. I want you to put your wrists behind your back, and let me tie them up. That way, you can't interfere with my work." Jason didn't even finish before travis had his hands behind his back. He had fantasized about being tied up when he "did laundry and now... it was happening. Jason tied a solid knot . "Pull at the ropes, stud. See if you can get out of them." travis did. MAYBE he would have been able to if he didn't have the clamps on his nips, and the plug up his ass, but now, he couldn't. "Helpless Jason. At your mercy." "Music to my ears, travis. Music to my ears. Now, let's see if you remember your lessons. travis thought that Jason's dick was longer and harder than the first time, and that he fucked his face harder. But he enjoyed it. And as Jason pumped, and he toyed with travis' clamped nips, moans came out of travis' mouth: first soft ones, then louder ones. "OH, I think my stud daddy is getting close to the edge isn't he? Just like Mr. Jason." Jason couldn't push travis' head forward because his fingers were on his stud's nipples, but he pushed his cock harder and harder. When he bumped up against travis' cock, he could feel the man's dick through his briefs. He was rock hard. Jason lowered his voice. "Who's gonna cum first? You or me? The one who cums first... cleans up." "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMPPHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" Jason twisted a clamp and travis lost it. He sprayed jizz all over his briefs. Jason smiled. "Gonna taste it a little today boy. Just a bit." He stopped playing with travis' nipples and pushed his head forward. The first lash of his cum went down travis' throat. Travis tasted salt, and a combination of gritty and creamy liquid. He didn't want Jason to pull out his cock, but then, he was shooting the rest all over the floor. When he was done, and breathing hard, Jason smiled. "You know travis, if you wanted to do it professionally, you'd be a DAMN good cocksucker. " travis felt like he had just gotten an A+ on a composition. "Thank you. I'm flattered." "BUT, stud, you lost. So, let me get those clamps off you and get something for you to clean up." "Jason, could I leave them on while I clean?" Jason smiled. "Maybe I'll even pull them occasionally. Now let's have you bend your head so the chain will hang. It's gonna feel very different. " It did. travis loved it. He wanted more. He told himself "bring blue pills next time. " As he mopped up the mess, Jason checked his ass. "So fucking superb. Probably virgin too. When was the last time I had one of those?"

travis didn't take the butt plug out when he left. He wore it at home. He found that if he "skittled" on his butt a little, he got more stimulation. Helen noticed him doing it and asked if he were "having problems." "I'll take care of it dear. Sorry that it's noticeable," he answered her. "Well, damn right take care of it. See the doctor. That's why we've got insurance." travis had to cover his mouth with a napkin: Jason had said there were bigger ones. If this one felt THIS good, what did the bigger ones feel like? "I wonder how many of these have expired? I guess I'll find out" travis thought as he pulled out his stash of "blue pills." He had bought a bunch of them when they had first moved to Florida, before Helen had completely lost interest in sex. Now, he kept them for his fantasies. Those fantasies had never included being the passive partner, let alone having something in his ass, but now... what was Jason doing to him?

What Jason DID do to him was leave something at his locker the next day. travis was in the sauna, so he didn't see who left it. It was a sealed card, with a "Tom of Finland" model drawing on it. Two guys, both muscle bound, one bound with ropes as well, his legs in the air. There WAS a message. "To the hottest daddy in the gym. My dream is to have you on your back, just like in this card. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo" Three weeks before, travis would have thrown it out. Now, he put it in his gym bag and made up his mind to find a place to keep it safe at home. He got dressed, puffed out his chest a little, smiling. As he was leaving, he bumped into Jason. "JASON. I didn't know you worked out here?" For the first time since they had met, Jason seemed discombobulated. "Oh. yeah. Sorry travis. We shoulda talked about where we work out. I've been a member here since I moved to Florida." "Well, maybe we could work out together sometime?" "Yeah, sure . I'd like that trav. You have to excuse me now, though. I gotta hurry because... " he smiled and lowered his voice. "You're not my only client." "Speaking of that, can I..." "Yeah, text me. Give me the day and time. If it's still free, it's yours. " "Jason, you gotta let me pay you though." "We'll discuss that next time. " He lowered his voice again. "You wearing the plug?" travis blushed. "I am. I'm getting used to it." "I'll give you a bigger one next time, if you're interested. " "Bring it on."

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx travis set up an appointment for Jason on the next Tuesday (Jason told him that he was busy on Monday which wasn't true, but he wanted to keep travis on the hook). "Hey, Jason, I was wondering. You have any time next week to maybe help me shop for those t shirts?" Jason giggled a little. "You sure the ball and chain will let you out?" "Yeah, I think I can skip the gym one day and shop if that works." Jason knew a LOT of people who hung out in the area he'd be taking travis for shopping. He thought about how being with a hot daddy like travis would enhance his reputation, and the questions he'd be asked. He thought about how he'd handle this, because of course he was going to go. "Sure. When you come over on Tuesday, we'll set up a time. Saturday after." travis dreamed about that Tuesday every night. He wondered if Jason would have anything new for him. He had told travis he'd be giving him a bigger butt plug. travis wondered if it would stimulate him more than the little one did, because the combination of the butt plug, and either the clamps or the clothes pins (he alternated them when he wasn't with Jason), was beginning to act like a narcotic: he wanted it all the time. At one point he looked at the butt plug and he wondered: it doesn't REALLY look like a cock but... " He tried to push the thought out of his mind, but... he had tasted Jason's cock. He wondered. He just wondered.

When travis got to Jason's on that tuesday afternoon, Jason greeted him with a smile. "You always look so good trav. Too bad you went straight. You'd make a great piece of arm candy." "Arm candy? You mean the ..." Jason smiled. "I mean whatever you want it to mean. I'm just saying that many guys would die if they had you as a boyfriend or a lover, or even just a date." "How about you?" ran through travis' mind. He suppressed it. He knew that Jason identified as a complete top, and... well, the thought running through his mind wasn't UNpleasant. He looked at the massage table. Jason had set it up differently: it looked like there was something like handcuffs on each side, and he saw this want like thing at the middle. "Something different today, Jason?" he asked. Jason nodded. "If you're game. If you're not, that's cool." "Well, what is it?" "How did you like being tied up last time." travis thought it was very hot. Knowing that he couldn't do anything: that he was helpless got him excited in a way he hadn't felt before. "It was ok," he told Jason, who knew, from travis' face, that he was lying (travis stunk at poker. Helen beat him every time). "Well, I thought we might try something a little different. So far, you've been sitting during release, and I was wondering how you'd like it if you were lying down. I'd straddle your chest, and then feed you my cock. I'd chain you down, so that you couldn't buck me off." He squeezed travis' bicep. "You're so strong, I thought if you WEREN'T treated like Hercules as a prisoner, I could get hurt. "He thinks of me as Hercules." travis beamed. "I could imagine being Hercules, being his prisoner and being...." He began to feel his hormones run. "Yeah, let's try it. And what's that thing?" "Something you might want to put on your shopping list when we go get shirts. It's a bigger version of something I'm sure your wife has. Many women do. " "Looks like a vibrator. Trust me. Helen doesn't have one." "That doesn't mean you can't have one." travis shook his head. "I don't know how to use one." "That's why your teacher is here, stud," Jason smiled. He locked eyes with travis. "Once you're tied down, I can do it whenever I want. Keep that in mind." "Bring it on," travis' trademark phrase, was how he answered. He felt each restraint lock on his wrists, and the sound of each one closing sent a thrill through his body. Jason hadn't climbed on top of travis yet, so he saw the movement in travis' cock. "I've got him where I want him," he thought. "I hooked the fish, now reel him in." When Jason dropped his pants, travis knew he was excited too. He saw the clamps. "Yeah, gonna use these too, stud. Can't go back, can we." Jason had climbed on top of travis, and was running his thumbs over travis' nipples. Jason was right: they WERE getting more sensitive. "OH GOD NO. We can't. AAAAAAHHHHH" Each clamp locked on. "Now, sweet stuff, how about we get your head up, and I'll move forward. Try to get as much of your mouth around my dick as you can. " travis had been working on flexibility exercises, but not with a weight like Jason on top of him. It was work: he had never done this before. Jason laced his hands behind travis' head and encouraged him. "You're doing great, Hercustud. Just great." travis was a sucker for flattery. His dick got harder and he pushed up to get more. "No swallowing today stud. You're not ready for that, given the position, but don't worry. " Jason grinned. I have something in mind today. " travis was making slurping noises because, well, now that he knew what Jason's cock was like: how it felt, how it tasted, he wanted more of it. He wanted ALL of it. "I wonder how it would feel if he fucked me," he thought, very quickly as Jason shoved more dick in his mouth. "STUD. You just keep on getting better. That's right. work that tongue. Work it for me." Jason moved one hand from behind travis' head, and alternated playing with travis' nipples. His moans got very high and were almost a whine. This time, though, Jason wasn't pumping faster and faster. Indeed, he pulled his cock out and let travis' head rest back on the table. "Jason, is something wrong?" "Not at all. Everything is great. I just thought that... we'd jerk together today. See if we can do it simultaneously." He picked up the vibrator. "This is gonna help." "How? You're not gonna use it on me are you?" Jason laughed. "You're all tied up. What're you gonna do?" travis laughed. "OH, you FUCKER. You set me up. AAAAAAAAAANNNANANANANANANAAN" Jason turned on the vibrator to low and ran it over travis' balls. "How's that feel stud?" "FUCKING UNREAL. OH.. " Then he stopped talking. He was moaning too much. Jason had one hand on his own cock lubricated from travis' mouth, and now he ran the vibrator over travis' cock. travis pitched his hips up. "JAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASON. This is WONNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNDERFUL. AGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGH" He let loose a stream of cum that shot into the air. Jason stopped jerking for a minute so he could catch some. He grinned as he rubbed it onto travis' lips. "Lick em if you want, but leave some for me, stud." He turned off the vibrator, and went back to jerking himself. It wasn't long. He let out an "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH," and forgot himself. "What a hot daddy" he moaned and travis recognized the voice. "FUCK. Jason was his secret admirer. But... not the way travis thought. " Jason's cum spilled all over travis. He smiled as he rubbed it into travis' skin. "Now, let's see.... I got this big daddy stud tied up on my table and he can't escape. " travis pulled at the cuffs and realized Jason was right. "Soooooooooooooo..... should I leave him here until I'm ready to shoot and then... have my way with him, or... I know something better." He moved up to Travis' head and then squatted down. "Kiss me travis. Kiss me the way men kiss men. Open your mouth. " "No, I don't think I can. AAAAAAAAAAAAAA" Jason still had the clamps on travis and he pulled the chain. When travis screamed, his mouth opened, and Jason's tongue dove in. "MMMMM. This feels fucking GOOD," travis was thinking as Jason moved around in his mouth. Then he pulled out. He kissed travis' lips. "You have good tasting cum, stud. " He smiled at travis. "You want another REAL kiss before I untie you, or you want to get untied now?" There was some turmoil in travis' head. The kiss was GREAT but.. "I'M STRAIGHT. I'M FUCKING STRAIGHT. I came to get a blowjob and this guy.. he's making me GAY." "Kiss me again. Please. Before you let me go." Jason dove in. This time, travis began to fantasize about what it would be like for Jason to be kissing him while he lay on top of him, travis' arms wrapped around him, before... he wondered what it would feel like for Jason to nibble his tits instead of using the clamps. " Jason pulled his tongue out of travis' mouth. "If I keep you here any longer, your wife is gonna wonder so, let's call this a day, big guy. You were GREAT today. Absolutely great. Good sport for the vibrator." travis blushed. "Jason, you don't happen to have an extra one of those do you?" "I do, but..." he grinned wickedly. "You can't have it. You're gonna have to buy your own this weekend. After we get some t shirts that make you look even sexier than you are." Jason looked at travis as he dressed. Yeah. FUCKING SEXY. There was something about the way he carried off the cheaper, standard t shirts and jeans: he really SHOULD be modeling for some ads. Not for men: straight guys would turn away. But the women.. " "I'll see you on Saturday, stud. right?" "You bet." travis was smiling. "Can I have one more kiss. A real one?" "Sounds like a good idea big man." It was hard for Jason to push travis off. "Hey big guy. We haven't moved in with each other. "Yet" he thought. "I'm.. I'm sorry. I don't know how to act. It's so new," travis looked down and travis reached out and rubbed his ear. "Baby steps stud. Baby steps. Hercules killed the serpents when he was a baby but you just look like him. No, you look better. " He smiled. "We can make a day of it on Saturday if you'd like." "I would like that Jason. I'll tell Helen I'm doing guy shit. She'll be fine. She'll go shopping or visiting, and complain about me." "I think she has reason to, travis. You're a bad boy." travis grinned and then tried something. "Don't bad boys get spanked?" Jason didn't miss a beat. "They can be." He smiled and folded his arms. "See you Saturday." "Yes sir." travis smiled as he walked out. "Yes sir." Jason muttered. "I like that. "

Next: Chapter 4

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