Sub Straight Daddy Travis

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jan 10, 2022


Jason and travis both did a fair amount of thinking after that first massages. Unquestionably, Jason's thinking was much more of the carnal type. He remembered the light dusting of fur all over travis' torso, and those well formed, pointed nipples. "I bet he does self play," he thought, because the nips were TOO full and TOO, well, luscious, to be on a straight guy who didn't know about nipple torture. Travis had clearly done his homework too: his body was not body builder standard, but it was solid, muscular, and HOT. Jason imagined that if -no - when - he got his cock up travis' ass, his powerful glutes would be able to give him a really hot fuck. DAMN he had to go and jerk off again. Travis was waking up parts of him that had been dormant for a while. Jason had a "type:" he liked muscular, grey haired or bald daddies: a minimum of 50 years old. A strong looking blond haired, blue eyed guy like Jason would not have had much trouble finding that type, except Jason didn't bottom: he wanted to top. And not only top: he wanted to dominate. The daddy types who wanted to be dominated just didn't fit his fantasy. Very few of them did. Wayne - AH, WAYNE! That closeted TV newscaster whom he saw for about a year and a half, before he took a job in a bigger city. Now, he would see Wayne on an occasional "special report," and he'd remember how he'd pull out the handcuffs, the clamps, the vibrators, and work Wayne over until he was BEGGING to get fucked. He was , and still was, a good looking man. Travis was hotter. Jason knew that Travis was married because he had worn his wedding ring to the first massage session. Jason knew enough people at the gym to do some sneaking around for him, and he learned that Travis' wife, as Eddy, the receptionist said "essentially keeps a grip on Travis' short hairs." She paid the membership fees, and occasionally when she came by to remind Travis that they had a "function" to attend, in Eddy's words "battle axe isn't sufficient." He wanted Travis. Badly. He had to figure out what to do to get him.

The battle axe was speaking to travis at the dinner table. "Something wrong with the roast, travis?" Her husband was day dreaming. He had "done laundry" that day and had imagined Jason putting the clothes pins on his nipples. The mess he made took more time to clean up than usual, but ALL of the messes he made thinking about Jason were bigger than his usual ones. Those beautiful blue eyes, and that skin. "He's a top, Trav" he told himself. "He wants your mouth, not your cock." That was a problem for Travis. It was a bigger problem at first, but now, it was turning into a smaller, but different one. Travis had not called Jason again. He had tried other masseurs: masseurs who were willing to go down on him. They were good: REALLY good, and they were worth the extra money. He told Helen that the strain in his back required 2 or 3 massages a week. Every time he got blown, though, he felt like something was missing. "Could it hurt to try it once?" He thought to himself. He decided it wouldn't, but he couldn't pull the trigger.

"Mmmmm. Hot Daddy," followed by a chuckle. Travis had his back turned this time, and he didn't see Jason walk by, but he heard it, again. "DAMN. Someone's stalking me! Or at least cruising me!" He wished he knew who it was: what was the worst thing that could happen? He got up from the bench where he had been changing to go and start his workout. He almost bumped into Jason coming back from the showers, with just a towel wrapped around his middle. "TRAVIS!" Jason smiled. "I didn't know you worked out here," he lied. Travis felt himself getting hot and embarrassed. "Uh, yeah. Every day. At least an hour, but usually two." He chortled. "Not much to do in this town besides... you know, working out and..." "Self abuse" Jason nodded. "It's true. You could die of boredom around here. Anyway, don't let me interrupt your workout. It was good to see you." "Hey, uh, Jason. I was wondering. I... Could I come in for another massage?" "Of course you can Travis! You know my website. Just poke in an appointment in the calendar. It's actually a little slow this week, so.. plenty of slots." Travis looked down. "Can I ask you for a favor, please?" "You can ask. No harm there." "Uh, can I book you for a day where you can do full release?" Jason had to turn a little because his cock was pointing in the towel, and he didn't want Travis to see. "Well, sure. I'll tell you what, Travis. I'll wait for you to make the appointment and then I'll just arrange the rest of my schedule around that. "Uh, yeah. About that. I wanna pay you for it but... I may not use it. " Jason smiled. "Tell you what big guy. We'll do it that way. If you don't wanna do it, don't worry about paying. And when you come by, I'll do whatever I can to make it less stressful." He smiled his big smile. "Travis, you're not my first rookie." "He's only 29" Travis thought. "I was such a wreck when I was that age." "Ok, then... I'll make the appointment when I'm back home. " Jason patted his arm. "It'll be good to see you daddy." Then he walked off. As he did, Travis thought about that "daddy." It sounded like. Was it? He didn't know. Jason saw that Travis booked an appointment for Friday at four. He smiled, but he also sighed. "A married man who has early Friday night free. This man needs some taking care of. I can do that." He began to formulate what he'd want to have ready for when Travis came over: no restraints... yet. But clamps.. have them ready just in case. Those velcro gloves Wayne's friend had given him. Yeah, that should be all he needed for Friday.

Travis obsessed about the appointment for the rest of the week. He knew he couldn't show too much of anything odd, because Helen would pick at him until she found out. "A massage on FRIDAY? AT FOUR?" Travis shrugged his shoulders. "Sorry. It was the only time I could get. He books early." "Well he better be good. What's his name?" Travis couldn't really lie to her. "His name is Jason Smith. I met him through a gym buddy." "Well, I'm gonna have to have a look at this Jason Smith. I need to see what's so darn special about him."

Travis went to the gym the afternoon he was meeting Jason. It was his second workout of the day. He didn't know why, but he wanted his muscles, especially his biceps and pecs to "pop" for his massage. He still hadn't made up his mind about Jason's style of "full release," although he had visited the laundry room in between gym visits so he did NOT feel a need for jerking off. He had dreamed about Jason straddling his chest, shoving his cock into travis' mouth, and he had woken up in a cold sweat, and with a hard cock. "JESUS TRAVIS. WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU THINKING ABOUT?" The hard on had woken up Helen. She and Travis hadn't had sex in over ten years, and that was fine with her. But now.... especially since he seemed to be interested in, as she put it "her back door," THAT was NOT happening. "Sorry Hell. I just need to pee." "Well be done with it and turn the other way so I can sleep." Travis stayed in the bathroom a while, stroking his cock. First he thought he was gonna do it, and then he thought not. But now, hours later as he showered, put on his t shirt (the best fitting one he had), closed the button on his jeans and picked up his bag, he had to make up his mind.

"TRAVIS! I'm glad you kept the appointment. Come on in." Jason was all smiles as travis walked sheepishly through the door. "I... I hope I'm not late, Jason." "Right on time travis. I have a feeling you've never been late in your life." travis smiled. THAT was true. Jason took a quick look to the side. He had a few things ready "just in case." As travis sat down on the massage table, Jason pulled up a chair, and sat opposite him. "So, travis, what are you interested in today?" Jason saw that travis was stressed "I... I don't know. I mean... I mean I don't know. Sorry. I should go." He began to get up and Jason put his hand on travis' shoulder, gently but firmly putting him back on the table. Travis was a little surprised at how strong the young man's hand felt. "Travis, I tell you what. We're gonna do some exercises first. Maybe you'll decide, maybe you won't. But I think they'll help. You up for that?" travis shrugged his shoulders. "Sure. What could it hurt?" Jason smiled. "Ok, fine. Now, to begin, let me get behind you. I just want to get some of the tension out of your shoulders." travis melted into Jason's strong, but secure grip. He sighed. "DAMN that feels good Jason." "Good. You should feel good while you're here, and when you leave." He stopped massaging travis and came around in front. He smiled. "You look good travis. Look at those arms. Great development. Great muscles. " Before travis could say anything, Jason had moved a finger up to his lips and was gently, gently tracing them. His voice dropped. "So soft. So big, full and soft. I bet you're a gentle kisser. Can I see?" "I. I ..." Jason didn't wait for an answer. He pressed his lips to travis' and just left them there, murmuring "mmmmm". It scarcely needs saying that travis was rigid during this. Jason pulled away. "You're an exciting man, travis. See?" He stepped back and with a practiced air, he opened his jeans. His own hard cock popped out. It would have been hard to say who was harder, but they were both like steel rods. "See what you do to me, daddy? " Jason smiled. "You see? Your lips are so soft, it seems unfair to not let my pecker experience them. " He smiled, and said nothing for a minute, and then "Open your mouth, daddy." Mesmerized, travis did. "I'll be gentle. " Jason smiled. "No deep throating. But before we start... " He smiled. "Take off your t shirt travis. There's a couple of reasons for that." "OK." For all of his working out, travis was self conscious about other guys seeing his body, but... "oh well," he thought. "Jason's already seen it and... why the hell did I pump today if..." He began pulling the shirt up over his head. When Jason helped him, and his fingers grazed travis' forearm, he thought he'd explode. "Your chest is so perfect travis. Anyone ever tell you that?" travis blushed. "No. But... thank you." "I'm gonna do something that may make this easier, ok. " He got closer. "Is it alright if I do... this..." He smiled and began gently touching travis' nipples. "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH FUCK" travis bellowed and Jason smiled more broadly. "I guess it's ok. It'll help you focus on something other than... my cock. Now open your mouth, daddy." "Ok Sir... MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM" Jason was rubbing travis' nipples gently. It wasn't the same as the clothes pins but... it felt good. He opened his mouth, and Jason slowly began putting his cock in. "Don't keep it open like the dentist, travis. Close on it. YEAH. YEAH. There we go. You're a natural." travis automatically slid his tongue over Jason's dick, and Jason moaned. "YES. See that trav? You're a natural. Usually takes people three or four times to engage their tongue." He looked at travis. "I'm only half way in. You want more?" He winked at travis and squeezed his nipples tighter. travis nodded, and he felt his whole mouth fill with Jason's cock. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM" Jason began a slow movement back and forth, and travis loved it. He closed his eyes and... he imagined Jason's cock in his ass. Would it feel that good? And GOD. Where did he learn about nipple work? This was SO much better than the clothes pins. He moved to reach down and rub his crotch, and Jason stopped, and pulled out his cock. "Now travis. There'll be time for that, but not right now. I CAN tie your wrists if you want me to. It's up to you." travis DID want his wrists tied, especially by this hunk, but he was too embarrassed to say so. "I understand. I'll keep them away. " "Just put them behind your back and you'll be fine. Now let's get back to work." Jason was still really, REALLY hard and this time, he moved in FAST. travis worked not to choke, and his mouth was filled with Jason again. Jason began to slide, faster and faster. His grip on travis' nipples was tighter. Then he took his hands off travis' nipples, and pushed his head forward, before rearing back. The look on Jason's face was like a madman. "NO SWALLOWING FIRST TIME, DADDY." Then he shot. He caught travis in the face, and got most of it on his chest. Some went to the floor. "OH DAMN YOU'RE GOOD HOT DADDY." travis saw that Jason was shaking . "You ok, Jason? Everything good?" Jason didn't want to say he couldn't believe he had just gotten something he wanted badly. "Everything's great travis. Everything's great. How about you? I bet you need.."' "Yeah, I do. " "One second, travis. I got something for you." Jason reached for where he had the "toys," and brought back a pair of "beginner" nipple clamps. "What are those?" travis asked. "You ARE a rookie, stud. These are for your nipples. I could tell from how they feel... you play with them, probably with something like clothes pins, huh? " travis blushed. "Yeah, I do." "Well, let's try these. Stand still. I'll put them on." When he attached one, travis howled. "Easy does it stud. You'll get used to them. Remember the first clothes pin." The chain hang between travis' nipples. He began to adjust. "Now, this chain isn't long enough, but if you want one, I can get you one that's long enough for you to put it behind your head. It'll pull more but... I don't think you're ready for that. A "hsssssssssssssssssssssssssss" was coming out of travis' mouth. "Jason. I need to. I need to now...." "Ok. Let's get your pants opened. We don't want your wife wondering where the stain came from." He got travis' pants down just in time for the man to blow a load all over the studio floor. As Jason watched he thought "This is SO FUCKING HOT. HE'S so fucking hot. I gotta have him." travis started laughing when he was finished. "Can I take these off?" "If you want to." "Ha ha. Yeah, I better. I like it too much." "Take em home. Think of them as an initiation gift, travis." "Oh, I couldn't do that." Jason grinned. "Sure you can. They fit in your pocket. She'll never know you have them." travis looked at him. "Thank you. Can I kiss you?" "How about you take a shower, and brush using one of the toothbrushes in the shower room? Then we'll say goodbye." travis went to the bathroom. He thought he'd feel guilty after this but he felt... clean. He looked at his watch: 5:30. Not too bad. Helen couldn't complain but she would. In the studio, Jason was pulling out a small butt plug. He had a feeling travis was gonna want to come back, and. "GOD. He's like a FUCKING GOD" travis came out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel. "I guess I should get dressed." "Or just stay here naked, you fucking stud," Jason thought. "Yeah. It might be too cold to drive home nude." He pulled on his t shirt and Jason licked his lips at the arms. "I could see him as a top, but... I want him underneath me," he thought and continued "And I will." travis shimmied into his jeans. "You still gonna kiss me?" He sounded like a shy teenager. "You bet I am stud." It was a "chaste" kiss: no tongue. There was time to teach travis about that. "Could I... could I maybe... set up another appointment Jason?" "SURE. You wanna do it now?" "Yeah. Let me make sure that you have time." "Oh, I'm gonna have time for you travis." Jason stopped. NO. You NEVER do that, Jason. EVER. travis was so new to this he didn't know that Jason had just shown his hand. He said, sheepishly: "Monday? I wish I could come on Sunday but..." "I know. I know. Church." He sighed. "I just close up shop on Sunday. No one shows up. But Monday, for sure. And hey, travis..." He handed travis a small butt plug. "If you're at all curious, try using this when you play with your nipples. It goes in your butt. Stimulates the nerve endings. May make you more excited. " travis, rookie that he was, said something Jason never would: "I could get excited just thinking about what happened today, but thank you." "No problem stud. See you Monday." As he walked out, travis left massage money on the counter. When he came back on Monday, it was still there.

Next: Chapter 3

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