Sub Hunting Season

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Sep 4, 2021


Bentz sat at one of the local cafes with Jacobs. The Professor of Strategy was completely flummoxed by this coupling request. "I mean, I know I had said that mctine was broken, but I meant that really as..." Jacobs smiled. He was enjoying, ever so slightly, Bentz' discomfort with this. "I know what you meant Brian, and it was the right thing to say. You're right: he was calling you Sir, but.. there seemed to be that obstinate streak. Something you don't see in billy." "That's exactly it. I didn't think that streak was ever going to disappear." Jacobs smiled. "It usually doesn't. Sometimes it's even there in a place you don't see it." "I don't understand." Jacobs took a deep breath. "Remember, Brian, billy is in my department. And sometimes, to paraphrase, 'sub waters run not so deep.' " "You mean..." Jacobs smiled again. "I think that, to add to your concerns, you may have to pay more attention to your compliant little bunny." "BILLY! You think...." "Didn't you tell me he seemed to enjoy it when you had him dominate kevin?" "YEAH! He did. No discomfort at all." Jacobs shifted position. "The way billy tells it, he got his position in the department because he gave me a blow job." "Well, that's true isn't it?" "BRIAN! Now that would be academic malfeasance wouldn't it?" The two tenured professors looked at each other for a minute, and began to laugh. Each knew of at least five cases where "academic malfeasance" had been involved in a promotion or hire. "If we just assume that 'academic malefeasance' is rampant, Brian, then we ask about the tale being told. billy will tell you that I conditioned his employment on sucking my cock." "Well, if you did, good for you. He's good at it." "He is. However; the story is not quite as he tells it. The fact is, Brian, I went out to get some documents from the department secretary. When I came back, I didn't see billy. " He paused. "He was under my desk. "Can you open your zipper, Sir?" He asked. "Now, the fact is, his credentials were superb. He was going to get the job anyway. But ...who's going to turn down a blowjob from a cute young man like that?" "Well, you never did," Bentz answered, and they both laughed again. "My point, Professor Bentz, is that you should not assume things about your little Mr. Whelan. Just keep that in mind. Now, to the matter at hand, Mr. mctine." He smiled. "Who apparently aspires to be Mrs. Bentz. " "What should I do, Jacobs? I'm sort of caught off guard by this. Should I discuss it with him?" "Are you interested in coupling? I'm sure you've considered it." "Well, NO. Not at this point." "Then you should leave it alone. Let him bring it up. What I think you SHOULD do, is make him think that you're displeased. See how he reacts. He may become even more subservient from that approach." "How should I do that?" "Well, as I just said, you need to spend more time focusing on billy. Perhaps your next couple of weekends should involve billy only." "Hmmmm. I WILL miss that hunky body." "OH BRIAN. THINK OUTSIDE OF THE BOX. DID TENURE KILL YOUR INTELLECT?

I'm not saying do NOTHING with him . You're his MASTER. Who says you have to do everything at YOUR home? Visit his. Fuck the shit out of him in his OWN bed. " Jacobs sat back. "Trust me, Brian. It's one thing to take a man in YOUR bed. It's a much other thing to fuck him in his own home. " "You sound as if you have experience, Jacobs." Another big, BIG smile. "What's the song line: 'I'm almost through my memoirs'. Even you will have to wait for those, Brian." Jacobs signaled the server. "This young man is paying today."

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx The lunch with Jacobs gave Bentz much to think about. It was Tuesday. He hadn't given much planning to what the weekend would be like. Nonetheless, that evening, he received a text from kevin. "Good evening Sir. Sorry to disturb you. i just wanted to know what time i should come over on Friday, Sir. i don't have classes " Bentz smiled at the message. He knew it took an extra keystroke or two to change the automatic "I" to an "i", which was a good sign. He thought about what Jacobs had said. The man was rarely wrong. "Thank you for writing kevin. I am giving you the weekend off this week. Maybe you can get some more rugby practice in. You should also practice some self control in the chastity department. " Bentz had been trying to get his subs to practice chastity WITHOUT the cages. It wasn't going well, and he was going to have to step up the punishments. And given the way his plan was unfolding. ... "i understand Sir. i hope you enjoy your weekend."

mcTine heard the knock on his door on Wednesday night. He had finished his last class, and he was at home, not working. He was wondering if Bentz knew about the application for coupling. He was also wondering why he had filed it. And he was wondering if he had done something wrong to lose the weekend with Bentz. "COMING. Right there." He opened the door and... Professor Bentz was standing there, all in black, carrying what he referred to as his "portable play bag." "SIR. This is a surprise. I didn't expect you to..." "Am I not your Master kevin?" "Uh, yes sir, you are?" "Then you should ALWAYS expect that I may show up." He looked over kevin: gorgeous as usual, in his short sleeve blue shirt, his rugby shorts, his sneakers. "Sit in that chair. It's not as good as the one we use at the manse, but it will do." kevin blushed. "Yes sir." He had planned to masturbate in the next hour, notwithstanding Bentz' text. THANK GOD he had waited." kevin's chair had two arms on the side. "Perfect for tape binding," Bentz said, as he pulled two large rolls of duct tape out of his bag: classic silver. He signaled for kevin to stretch out an arm on each of the chair arms, and then he taped down his wrists, and the middle portion of kevin's forearm on each side of the chair. Bentz had never shaved kevin's arms, and kevin knew.. when the tape came off, it would take some fur with it. He didn't tape kevin's ankles to the chair, but he did pull out a pair of ankle shackles and applied them. "OPEN BIG" Bentz ordered, and when kevin opened his mouth, Bentz shoved a rolled up, athletic sock in his mouth and sealed it in with more tape. kevin's shirt was untucked, and he had left two buttons opened. Bentz stood behind the chair and began massaging kevin's shoulders. "You seem very tense, sub boy. Something bothering you?" There was, but kevin wasn't going to talk about the coupling application. He shook his head no." "You sure, you big stud?" Bentz opened a third button, and now, kevin's nipples were exposed. Bentz began rolling a thumb over one of them, and kevin's moans started escaping through the tape. "You ever been fucked in that bed, kevin? " Bentz knew the answer: he had taken kevin's cherry, and he knew that the man wouldn't DARE cheat on him, but he asked it so that kevin could shake his head no. "Well, there is a time and place for everything, bottom. " Bentz positioned his mouth over kevin's ear and whispered "Don't you think?" "mmmmmmmmmmmmmph" kevin shook his head. "But I think... yes, I do think... we need to check compliance first. That's why I didn't tape your ankles to the chair. It give me enough space to do this..." He slid his finger into the band of kevin's shorts, and slipped them down. "No thong kevin. I told you.... " Bentz smiled. "Your punishment will be... DELICIOUS. To repeat. You wear a thong EVERY day, not just when you're with me." kevin nodded his head weakly. "But let's pull that periscope out of the sub...." Bentz hadn't intended to pun, but he realized what he had said, after he did . kevin's cock was rigid. And dry. "AH. So you may not be obeying ALL the rules, but you DID obey this one. " "mphps sir" kevin tried to squeak out. He hadn't been CAUGHT, and he didn't want the belt, so he played along with this, as Bentz began sliding his hand back and forth. "mmmmmmmmmmmph" the moans got higher. Bentz pushed mctine's head to the side, and began rubbing his scruff over his neck. "Like that big man? Like it when I take TOTAL CONTROL of your sub body?" kevin was moaning and wanted to shake his head yes... for Bentz to hear him say "yes sir." For a minute, his mind went off to thinking about having this EVERY night... without that billy... but then... his body took over. Bentz had his second had over the tape gag, and his first hand on mctine's cock as his cock began shooting into the air. "Heh heh. My boy can be milked here, there or anywhere." Bentz laughed as he whispered into kevin's ear "Just like anyplace, anytime, my boy can get FUCKED. And you're gonna get fucked RIGHT NOW." kevin didn't really like getting fucked after he had been milked, but.. this is what Master wanted. He heard the small scissor cut the tape bonds, and then ... no, the shackles did not come off. It seemed that Bentz had something else in mind. "ON THE BED BITCHBOY." kevin was still gagged, so he couldn't say anything. He felt Bentz grab his wrists, and he felt them tied together, above his head. Bentz tied them to the top bar of mctine's bed frame, and then he ran another chain from the ankle shackles up to the wrist restraints. Now, kevin couldn't drop his legs at all. His hole was exposed, and he felt Bentz' finger tracing the outline of it, drving him more than a little crazy. "You wanna get FUCKED boy? You wanna get FUCKED in your own damn bed, BITCH." kevin knew he had no choice, and he wanted it too . He shook his head yes, and saw Bentz lower his pants. Bentz' cock was red, and rigid, and it found its way home. "mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm" came out of kevin. "OH, it feels so good," he thought, as the pounding started. Even with his nerve endings deadened from the ejaculation, he felt it. He felt more than enough of it. He felt the SMACKS against his ass, as Bentz' hand took one, then the other cheek. The slaps came faster, as the thrusts came faster. Then.... Bentz pulled out. And shot his wad all over kevin's face, chest, and body. Bentz got up, untied kevin, and packed his gear away. "Thongs EVERYDAY kevin. And don't make me lock you up between visits. You'll regret it." "Yes sir." "Clean yourself up. And from now on, you're home EVERY night in case I want you. Unless you have permission from me. REQUEST IT. EVERY TIME YOU WISH TO GO OUT" "Yes sir. I understand Sir." As Bentz closed the door, kevin sat down, his head dropping. "He never mentioned the petition. Not even a kiss goodnight. What will it take?"

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx The next day was one of those unseasonably warm days: the type of day that always made Bentz even more horny than he usually was. The warm weather meant: less clothing, and more men out on the campus. Ahead of him, he saw what he thought was an exceptionally handsome specimen: pale hair, thinning. He had on a pair of slacks that were somewhere between jeans and chinos, that looked like they had been painted on him. He had on a blue shirt, with the sleeves rolled back in a tight roll - the kind of roll that made Bentz hot on a good looking man, and one he didn't seem to be able to teach his subs to do. "If I didn't have billy, I'd hunt that one," he thought. The man was talking to another man and a woman, and as he got closer, Bentz realized. "It's billy. I've never seen him look that sexy." billy's back was turned to him so he didn't see Bentz approaching. He felt his hand on his shoulder and recognized it. He turned around quickly. "Oh, Hi Sir Bentz. I didn't know it was you." billy immediately put his hands behind his back and turned to the people he was talking to. "I'm being rude. I apologize. Lena, Mark, this is my Master, Sir Brian Bentz. Sir Bentz, colleagues from the English Department." Mark smiled. "AH. Professor Bentz. " He held out his hand. "I've heard so much about you, from billy, and from Professor Jacobs. " Bentz shook it. "The pleasure is all mine. Lena, nice to meet you." "Lena is my fiancee. We'll be getting married in about four months." "Well congratulations. I'm sure you'll have a wonderful life together " Bentz turned to billy. "billy, please don't let me interrupt, but when you're finished, please meet me at Cafe X for some coffee." "Oh, Sir. We were just finishing. Excuse me Lena, Mark, I'll talk to you tomorrow. " Again, Bentz was pleased with billy's attitude. He kept his hands behind him as he walked with Bentz. "You look very handsome billy. I don't think I've ever seen that outfit before." "You haven't Sir. i was planning to wear it the next time i saw you, but i wanted to make sure that it fit appropriately. " "It does. It fits very appropriately. Plan on wearing it this weekend. And pack an overnight bag. We're going to spending it... well, you'll find out. " "YES SIR. kevin too?" Bentz smiled "Nope. Just the two of us. We're going hunting. Or rather, I'M going hunting." "i'm afraid I don't understand Sir." Bentz continued. "Did kevin tell you the story of how I took him?" billy paused for a minute "OH. YES SIR. The hunt on campus." "YES. Well, now it's your turn. I'll be hunting you." billy gulped. "Maybe you don't want to be hunted, but that's too bad. We'll be going slightly out of the city, and then the games will begin. And speaking of games... " "Yes sir?" "Your classes are over for today?" "Yes sir. " "We'll get coffee later."

Within the next half hour, billy was tied to a chair in Bentz' home. There was a penis gag in his mouth and Bentz was slowly unbuttoning his shirt. "Hmmm. Peach fuzz forming. Looks like someone needs a little bit of shaving , doesn't it?" Now, it was billy's turn to try to get out words. He was trying to say "yes sir," as Bentz pulled his hair, yanking his head back. "You're my mother fucking stud sub, aren't you billy?" "mmmmmmmmmmmph." "You jerk off this week?" Bentz knew the answer to that. Unlike kevin, billy LIKED being caged. He liked the challenge of dealing with control. Like not moaning when the nipple clamps got put on his tits - the way Bentz had just done. "You give such superb blow jobs, billy. It's almost a shame to waste a pretty mouth when a man has a hard cock. But your ass. Your ass is so supreme." He pulled on the clamps. "I can't wait to hunt you down. It's going to work like this. You'll have six hours to evade capture. For every half hour less than that before I bring you down, you'll spend an equal amount of time in the humbler." "mmmmmmmph" billy hadn't been in the humbler yet, but he had seen kevin suffer in it. "OH YES. And you'll have a butt plug in your ass. One of the ones that vibrate." "mmmmmmmmmph." Then Bentz played a trump card. "Unless of course, you'd like to trade places with kevin. And I'll hunt him. You can have the weekend off, but in a cock cage. "NNNG NNNNG" billy shook his head no, even though he could feel pain course through his nipples. Bentz was pleased. He planned to hunt them individually, and perhaps at the same time. But he was delighted that billy wanted this. The same way he clearly wanted the cock that Bentz was displaying in front of him. "Ass? Or mouth? Or both.... I vote for both." He pulled the gag out of billy's mouth. "SUCK IT COCKSUCKER.' "Yes simmmmmmmmmmmmmph." billy didn't get to finish as Bentz' eager cock filled his mouth. As his tongue swirled around it, Bentz thought, as he had in the past, that he wished he had a man who was a combination of kevin and billy: the challenge of kevin, the willingness - or at least the apparent wilingness of billy. And the experience but, the naivete also. He considered himself lucky. "DAMN LAWS" he thought. If he could couple to two people, it would have been done. Coupling to kevin meant that he'd have to give up billy, and he was not willing to do that. As his cock got harder, and wetter, he pulled billy out of the chair. billy got up with a yelp. "Bedroom. NOW cuntboy." "YES SIR. " billy moved as fast as he could as Bentz pulled the chain on his nipples. "I'll take these off. You know what that means." "Yes sir. On my belly. "This time, on all fours. Like a dog. Like the CUR you are." "Yes sir. " billy got out of his clothes, and Bentz pulled his ass cheeks apart. He knew what eating ass did to billy and he wanted that to happen now. He knew that billy would, almost automatically reach for his cock, but... being on all fours, he didn't dare. If he did, he'd break the tableau and fall, leading to a good whipping. Bentz could see billy's cock growing in front of him as he probed with his tongue, and he heard billy's moans grow louder, and shriller. "OH GOD SIR. THANK YOU SIR. THANK YOU. MY WORTHLESS ASS GETS YOUR TONGUE. AND YOUR COCK. FUCK ME SIR. FUCK ME PLEASE." Bentz didn't even think of kevin as he plowed billy, and he plowed him hard. All he thought about was whether he should keep billy overnight. In the middle of fucking him, he decided he would. And he wouldn't let billy cum. Not until much later. "YES SIR. YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS" billy screamed as he felt the waves of Bentz' orgasm fill his ass. He didn't dare ask if he could shoot. Bentz would let him know if he could. When he was done, Bentz looked at him. "You're too pretty today to tie you up naked. Get dressed. You'll sit quietly while I prepare my lectures for tomorrow. If you behave, I'll let you exercise that cock." "Yes sir. Thank you Sir." Bentz worked for about two hours. While he worked, he'd check on billy's posture, ordering him to sit up straighter, or to point out his chest.

When he finished working and before they had dinner, he put billy back on the bed. "Open your shirt. Time to shave the peach. " "Yes sir." Bentz tied billy's wrists to the bed, and got to work. It didn't take long: billy was not the hairy man kevin was, but there was almost a fine "mist" of short hair all over him when Bentz finished. With an evil grin, he took billy's cock in his hand. "Pubes too billy. If you can keep control, you'll get to jerk yourself. " "YES SIR. THANK YOU SIR." billy moaned, and squirmed, but he did it. And just like he had done for kevin, Bentz put the tiny amount of hair into a keepsake box. "I think when there's enough, we'll attach a locket to your collar billy boy." He looked down at the young man. "GOD you are so sweet." He forced his tongue down billy's mouth. While he frenched him, billy was thinking "I always liked darker men. Young ones. Smooth ones. But... I hope he doesn't get tired of me." He began to look forward to the weekend away: he didn't know whether he looked forward to the humbler, or not. After everything was over, he never wanted to be in the humbler again, but you'll have to come back to learn about that.


Next: Chapter 9

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