Sub Hunting Season

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Aug 29, 2021


kevin checked his watch as he walked across the campus to Bentz' manse: 3:40. He had enough time to get there without fear of a punishment for being late. He grinned, because even though he was trying, the thought of being punished was, well, somewhat exciting. There was no question:

Bentz was getting to him, and he couldn't help it.

As a very young man, kevin had watched all the adventure shows: the ones where the hero was captured, tied up, and eventually escaped, sometimes after being tortured. He had always wanted to be that hero: he wanted to test himself against the torture: could he resist? Could he avoid submitting? Later, those television shows were replaced by Dolph Lundgren movies: when he was younger, and had shorter hair, some of his friends thought he could have been related to Lundgren. kevin used to wonder "why is he tied up in every movie? why am I disappointed if he's not?" The bondage in those movies was very intricate - stuff that kevin couldn't do himself, so he'd just watch them, every chance he could. Then there was another movie, not with Lundgren but it became important to him: a handsome, beefy spy had been captured, and he was tied down to a platform. His captor was talking about "the pain of metal on bone," and a stocky woman was carefully inserting long, skinny needles into his chest, and each one elicited another scream of pain. kevin wanted to test himself against those too. He wondered if he could last longer than the spy did. As he thought about those past memories now, he shook his head: Bentz had broken him so easily. He didn't understand that: he was fit, he had spent his time in the provincial army, and he was trained: at least, he THOUGHT he was trained. Up against a Master like Bentz: there was no contest. Those thoughts had gone through his head the night before, as he tried to sleep. He knew that he'd be put through his paces with Bentz: that was exciting him and scaring him. The beating he had taken from Bentz for going to rugby practice had been very convincing: Bentz took this seriously. kevin belonged to him now. And again, for reasons he couldn't explain, that thought was getting him very, very aroused.

"HEY KEVIN. WAIT UP" he heard billy's high voice from behind. He stopped and turned around. billy was on his way too. His typical uniform: a white oxford shirt, his khakis. He had mixed feelings about being "red wristed" with billy: on the one hand, he wasn't suffering alone. On the other hand, there was less time with Bentz for him. He truly didn't understand these mixed feelings. "Hey, kev. Did you get called over during the week?" "Yup. Got the crap beaten out of me too. " "REALLY? What happened?" kevin sighed. "Bentz texted me. Told me 4pm. I had rugby practice and I told him I'd be there when it was over." "YOU DIDN"T!!!!" billy looked shocked. He had been a sub before, so he knew the rules. "You NEVER challenge the DOM's orders." kevin laughed. "I didn't know. This was the first time for me. Well, Bentz showed up at rugby practice. Coach, it turns out, is a DOM too. " billy laughed a little. "I'm sorry, but I'm thinking 'oh shit. ' "Yeah, I got reamed out in front of the team, then I got leashed and led across campus. "FUCK. In DAYLIGHT?" "Yeah." "Damn. I'm sorry stud. But I got some news for you. I THINK Bentz was a sub at some point." kevin looked at him "No way." "I'm serious. There's an emeritus on the faculty: Professor Jacobs. I think his first name is Ron. I interviewed with him when I got my position. " He blushed when he said that. "Anyway, I play tennis with him from time to time. Bentz came to get me during the week: he wanted to see me in sweaty tennis whites. He and Jacobs talked like an old couple." kevin spoke. "I don't think I know Jacobs." "He's a good guy. Teaches a very popular class, probably because he's a generous grader, but from what I understand, he gave up being a DOM about 10 years ago: he felt he couldn't keep up with the responsibilities so he now sits on council, does research, and all that stuff. Doesn't have a boy, though." kevin laughed. "Do they call us boys?" "Some of them do. It all depends. " He looked up. "OH, there's Professor Jacobs now. He's heading toward Bentz' manse. I wonder what's up. "

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"I'm glad you're both getting better at being on time," Bentz smiled. billy and kevin were standing, their hands behind their backs. Bentz did not require them to bow their heads. He thought standing like this showed off their bodies better, and he was happy to see that both had clearly spent some time in the gym this week. "We are going to do something new tonight. I'm very excited about it. Professor Jacobs is spending the evening with us, and he brought something new from the council. It's not ready for general release yet, but we're going to try it." Jacobs walked in from another room. "Good evening kevin... billy." He smiled when he looked at billy and billy blushed. "I'm sure by now that my best pupil, Professor Bentz, has demonstrated to you, his ability to find the most sensitive spots on your bodies, and how to exploit them." Both men shifted uncomfortably. "And I'm sure he's also exhibited his amazing abilities in getting you to confess the ones he did not find." There was more squirming. "Well, you can only tell your DOM what you know about. The council has commissioned a device that will allow the user to determine WHERE the sensitive spots are on a target. It involves very little work: the subject is restrained, and stimulated. Then, this device" he pulled out what looked like a small control box "is passed over the subject. It projects an image on a screen, in different colors. The closer to the red spectrum, the more sensitive the area. " Bentz smiled. "I'm very excited to be one of the first to try this, as you should be. " kevin began to sweat. He really didn't know ANY of his sensitive spots. Bentz had found many, like his nipples, his pits, his neck. He hadn't known about them before his capture. billy, on the other hand, thought he knew all of his, and had confessed them all to Bentz. "So who will go first?" Bentz had a coin. "Call it kevin. Heads or tails?" "Tails Sir." the coin fell. It was tails. "Will you go first, or last." "I'll go last Sir." "Very well. billy, strip down." It didn't take much encouragement for billy to get naked. "Yes sir." Then he took his place on the platform. Bentz spread his legs a little further so that his whole body could be scanned. Jacobs got to work. "Hmmm. Now isn't this interesting. " billy was able to see his body map. He was surprised by some of the red areas: places he didn't know about. For example, he had ticklish feet, that he knew; however, on the red surface of his soles, there was also a deeper - MUCH deeper - red line that extended horizontally across each sole. Bentz smiled. "Well, THAT will be an easy one to test, won't it billy?" The scanner had the capacity to send a wave through the body, so there was a second scan, of billy's back too. A bright red spot showed up, just above billy's ass. "AH. Classic, " Professor Jacobs smiled. "This is very primitive. You know how when you pet a dog or a cat on its rear and it comes up? That's what this is. It's unfortunately beginning to disappear from humans, but some..." he smiled at billy "retain it." "OH. Look at this. I suspect THIS is a largely unexplored area." The underside of each of billy's forearms showed bright, bright red. billy saw the look on Bentz' face. "THIS is going to be fun." He grabbed one of billy's feet. "NO SIR. PLEASE. PLEASE. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHA. OH SHIT THAT'S AWFUL. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHA." Bentz was just slowly moving his finger across that horizontal line. Jacobs came over and whispered something to him. "And I didn't shave today." He ran his chin over one of the spots on billy's arm. ' "OH NO. OH NO. OH NO. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAAHA. AGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGH. PLEASE SIR. PLEASE . STOP IT. PLEASE. PLEASE. " kevin could see the bulge forming in Bentz' pants. And he was next. Bentz let billy up from the platform. "Get dressed billy. We still have dinner to go to, before we do some further exploring. kevin. It's your turn. " Bentz laughed. "No rugby practice tonight" "No Sir. No rugby practice." kevin got his clothes off. Bentz was pleased that he had ditched his regular underwear for speedo type shorts. "Your hair grows quickly kevin. I did not anticipate a need for a shave this weekend, but we'll have to plan one. "yes sir. Thank you Sir," kevin said as he took his place on the platform. He shivered: billy's internal body temperature was lower than his, and it was cold on the platform. Professor Jacobs went to work. "Well this is interesting, Brian. He held the device over kevin's crotch. "Do you see that bright, BRIGHT red right around his cock?" "I do. Very interesting. " "Now, here's some more. This is one I'm surprised you missed. It's a big one." A large red band ran across kevin's body, where his pants would meet his torso. "OH. We can have fun with that , can't we kevin?" Bentz ran his finger along that line and kevin jumped, trying very hard not to giggle. "Now THIS one... This one right here. This is very interesting Brian" Jacobs pointed to a blackish red spot, right between kevin's shoulder blades. "This is a nerve knot. Lots of stimulation but... it's a combination of pain and pleasure. It's a very convenient way... to make your man compliant." Bentz folded his arms. "Good to know, but I believe kevin has realized: resisting me is not in his best interest. "No Sir, it's not." "Ryan, THANK YOU for demonstrating this. It's been illuminating. May I take you to dinner with these gentlemen? " He grinned because he knew what Jacobs liked. "You can sit next to billy." Jacobs smiled. "I would be delighted. Perhaps billy and I can plan another tennis match. billy was thinking "RYAN. Not RON"

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx billy was dressed perfectly well for dinner. kevin... not so much. Bentz was going to have to spend some time what constituted "casual dressy" to him. He had a closet of clothing for each of them, and soon, kevin was out in a pair of gray khakis and a blue oxford shirt. "Now, we old men can be seen with our beautiful young men at dinner, Ryan. Is life any better?"

Dinner turned out to be a much more interesting evening than any of them imagined. Jacobs became very talkative when he had more than one glass of wine, and he had several more than that. They learned that, indeed, many years ago, Bentz had been taken by Jacobs, and had been his sub for about ten years. "All the while, I knew I was going to lose him eventually. I could see the DOM growing in him." "Did you try to stop it Sir?" billy asked, and Jacobs laughed. He patted billy on the thigh, and billy, under the table, covered Jacobs hand with his. "Young man, you may feel like you are SURROUNDED by DOMS, but the fact is, we gather at specific points, and there are parts of our great country where a DOM could very easily have a harem of 50 subs - IF THERE WERE A DOM AROUND." He sighed. "The committee is trying to convince DOMS to move to those underserved areas, but..." he paused and smiled. "When the selection of subs is so good and such beautiful boys like the two of you are available, who would want to move." He teased Bentz. "Have you given thought to establishing that branch of the University in the hill lands.' Bentz shook his head. "That is not going to happen, Ryan. It took too long for me to be in THIS position, and no, I'm not giving it up. " He sighed. "Brian, do you think that either of these two boys has potential to become a DOM?" Bentz was thoughtful for a minute. "No. " He looked at kevin. "Now that kevin has been broken, I think you're going to find that he was BORN to be a sub. Be it with me, or someone else, he will ALWAYS sub hereafter. That's less likely for billy: he kind of LEARNED to be a sub, but this is where he belongs. Whoever has him in the future may have to deal with a renegade streak of DOM in him, but no, these boys are subs forever. " kevin thought about what Bentz had just said. He hadn't spent too much time thinking about it, but he realized: Bentz was right. His sexuality had been undeveloped for so long, and now, serving as Bentz' sub... it fit. It felt so right. That moment of defiance over the rugby practice: that had been a key event. Bentz came after him, and kevin broke... again. "Ryan, this has been lovely, but I do think I need to get these boys home. Would you care to stay? I'd be more than happy to share one of them with you?" Jacobs sighed, and smiled. "It's a very generous offer, Brian, but I will pass. It will only frustrate me if I can't perform, which is likely, and it will disappoint the boys, given that they have a chance to experience your care, and ..." he grinned. "The new toy I brought over." "AH YES. It will be fun. and I will film it for you.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Bentz had billy sit in front with him as they drove back to the manse. His plan had started. He had watched kevin's face when he was talking to Jacobs about future DOMS and subs, and he saw the response: "EXCELLENT" he thought. "It is coming along very, very well. " Putting billy up front, appearing to make him the favorite, would either elicit resentment, or further compliance. "We shall see," Bentz thought. "I bet on compliance." Back at the manse, he led everyone down to the playroom. He handed kevin a ball gag. "Gag billy, kevin. Then, get him undressed." "Yes sir. " There was no problem. kevin wondered: is he choosing billy? "billy. Return the favor." "mmmmmph." Now, both of them were gagged, and naked. "On the mat. On your backs. About four feet apart, your holes facing each other." When they were in position, Bentz took out what looked like the stick on a long mop, with what appeared to be two equally sized dildos on the ends. "Professor Jacobs provided this to me tonight. Again, an ingenious device from the council, for DOMS like me who have two subs, and wish to treat them equally. I will point the action ends at each of your holes. Then, it is YOUR job to take up as much as you can. Whoever takes more... will share my bed tonight. Ten minutes, or whomever takes it all, first." Bentz stood back, folded his arms and waited. He had placed the pointed end of each dildo at their holes, so they had a head start. Not surprisingly, billy started moving quickly, and had a not insubstantial lead on kevin after the first few minutes. Then he stopped sucking up the dildo: kevin had started getting to work, and the action of ONE of them taking the dildo, would pull the device from the other, ever so slightly. Soon, kevin had made up the difference and was taking the lead. billy, who had had a nickname in college: "the abyss" because of what his ass could take, was frantic, while kevin was calm. kevin didn't know if it was his competitive nature, or the desire to be in Bentz' bed, or what, but he played hard. At 8:45, Bentz smiled. "We have a winner. kevin has it completely in him. "FUCK!" billy tried to spit out through his gag. "it will be okay billy. I'm an equal opportunity Dom. Tomorrow, it will be your turn, but tonight, kevin... " Bentz smiled. "We're going to be exploring some of those spots I did not know about."

billy found himself locked in a cage, his hands cuffed in front of him, and the device. He had an opportunity to practice that night, and he used it. That was the first time he noticed that one end of the device had a "b" on it, and the other, a "k." In Bentz' bedroom, he tied down kevin's wrists, and shoved his legs apart. He began stroking kevin's torso. "Such a handsome man... with such a vulnerable spot. " Bentz began running his finger along the streak revealed during the examination, and kevin began laughing his deep, deep laugh, until it got to be too much and he was shrieking. "PLEASE SIR. PLEASE. NO MORE NO MORE. I'LL SUBMIT AGAIN. I'LL SUCK YOU. I'LL DO ANYTHING YOU WANT. " "Yes, kevin, yes you will. " Bentz took a breath as he pushed up kevin's legs. "I've never had a boy who's legs are this heavy and strong. I'm going to have to put in a winch to hold your legs up. Then he slid his dick into the opened cavity of kevin's ass. kevin's moans made it all the way downstairs to a very jealous billy. He knew the roles would be reversed on Saturday night, but... he was horny NOW.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx We're jumping ahead of the story for just a minute here, because it's important to know this. We WILL get back to the weekend, but about a week and a half after that weekend, Bentz was summoned to the council. That concerned him. They wished to talk about his relationship with his subs. He sat down, nervously. "Have billy or kevin complained, gentlemen? Is there a basis?" The head of the council, Lord Bram, smiled. "Hardly Brian, hardly. We received a letter last week, from your sub, kevin mctine." "Yes? Is there..." Lord Bram interrupted. "mctine put in a request. He asked if we would consider coupling him to you." Bentz' mouth dropped. He knew that kevin was breaking, but he didn't know he was breaking that quickly, or in that way. For a sub to couple to a DOM had serious consequences. It meant a PERMANENT cock cage, and a lifetime commitment to servitude. "We will be interviewing mctine next week to see if there is reason to treat this seriously. It does not happen often. We will let you know after we have." Bentz left the council deep in thought. The petition kevin had filed, was to be considered what was called, colloquially, a "subsand." There HAD been marriages of equals in the past, but as the province had developed, it became clear that equality was a fiction. Marriage had been abolished; however, there were situations when the DOM was so enamored of his sub, that he would file such a petition. When those were filed, they were almost always granted. For a sub to file one, was unusual. And now, Bentz was thinking: he didn't know all the rules. If he took mctine as his subsand, for example, would he have to release billy? If he said no, how would that impact the relationship with kevin? All of this was unknown. What he DID know, was that he shouldn't say anything to kevin until the decisions had been rendered.

Next: Chapter 8

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