Sub Hunting Season

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Aug 18, 2021


billy wasn't an early riser. One of his friends referred to him as a "nightcrawler" and more than one had said that he was nocturnal. He was going to have to adjust, now that he belonged to Bentz. Sleeping with Bentz was sort of like being awake with Bentz: you knew who was in control: he was. His strong, muscular leg thrown over billy, one arm firmly, but not dangerously around billy's neck, so he could flip him over easily if he wanted to (not that there would have been any trouble with billy. Even if he resisted, he was no match for Bentz). And it meant having to adjust to Bentz' early morning routine.

Bentz taught his classes at 8 a.m. Regardless of the level: his undergraduate lectures met three times a week, from 8-9, and his graduate classes, once a week from 8-10. He held office hours BEFORE class. So, he was usually awake no later than 5 a.m. As billy learned that night, while Bentz AWOKE at 5, he could be UP before that. At about 4a.m., billy began to feel Bentz' hard cock pressing up against his ass. There were a few bumps, and pushes, until Bentz pulled his head back and whispered: "roll on your belly, boy" A yawning, sleepy billy, got out a "yes sir," before Bentz "helped" him roll over. In less than 5 minutes, a very horny Bentz was inside billy's ass to the point where billy felt Bentz' balls hitting. Now, billy had been fucked at 4 in the morning before, but it was usually after a night out, before he had gone to bed. And he had never gotten fucked at 4, less than 12 hours before he had last been fucked. billy felt Bentz' teeth grazing his ear, and he heard him whispering "you're such a pretty boy. You make such a good sub. TAKE IT" As Bentz was pounding billy, he began to think of what he might do to him that weekend. He already had some ideas. He had also been dreaming about billy's punishment for jerking off in the bathroom.

After Bentz had taken billy, depositing a good load into his ass, he rolled off and kissed the young man on his neck. "Sleep some more. I gotta get moving. There's coffee . Fruit too. Good luck on finding sugar." He got up and went back, whispering into billy's ear. "That is to say, any more sugar than you've already gotten."

"yes sir," billy whispered "thank you sir" and dozed off. Bentz looked down at him and smiled. He didn't expect this: he thought billy was going to be a fun diversion, sort of a breather for the challenge that was McTine, and nothing more. He had been wrong: he was developing a fondness for billy that was much stronger than he had expected it to be. He still looked forward to the challenge that was McTine, but...

Maybe billy reminded him a little of himself. The coincidence of billy meeting and playing tennis with Bentz' Master and teacher, Professor Jacobs, was what had woken it in Bentz. He hadn't seen Jacobs in a while, but when he was a young man, and Jacobs had taken him, he was with him every day. Jacobs had recognized that there was a DOM streak in Bentz, and rather than try to break it, when Bentz began to get older, Jacobs started encouraging it. He took him out on "hunts:" if Bentz found someone he wanted to bring home, he had absolute liberty to do so, and he would sleep in Jacobs' second bedroom, with his "date." If he came back empty handed, he went to Jacobs bed and took whatever Jacobs had in mind to give him. One day, a very bittersweet day, Jacobs came to Bentz and told him. "You're too old for me, boy. Time for you to go out on your own. Gimme your wrist." Shocked, Bentz held the wrist out, and Jacobs cut the red band. "You're free now stud. Let me know if you need advice." Later, Bentz found out that no, he had NOT been too old for Jacobs, but Jacobs had concluded that Bentz couldn't be his OWN Master and SERVE a Master at the same time. He needed to develop, and then make a choice. Bentz made his share of mistakes, and Jacobs was always there to assist him. He smiled as he walked toward his office. It was Jacobs who had taught him what he was about to do to billy: billy's punishment. Jacobs had caught Bentz masturbating without permission once, and he had done what Bentz was about to do.

The soreness that billy felt from Bentz penetrating him didn't go away for a while. He had a cushion in his office "just in case" that he had never used until that day. It helped a little, but ... he thought about asking Bentz if he could go easier on him, but realized: this would backfire. He'd have to get used to it. A strand of thought went through his head: "if he spends some of that horniness on kevin" but then he thought "NO. I want it all."

"Professor Whelan?" the department secretary was at his office door. "A hand delivered package just came to you." "Oh, thank you Wendy," billy took the package. He opened it. It was a cock cage, with a note from Bentz. "You jerked off without permission. Time you learned to control yourself. I want this locked on you, TODAY, and I want a photo sent to me, no later than 1pm. Throw the key in the trash. I have the other key." billy gulped. He didn't know that Bentz had known about the jerk off. He looked at the cage. He had thought about them: training himself. Now, he was being trained. He looked at the clock: it was just about noon. He got up, went to the men's room and walked in a stall. He pulled down his chinos, and, with difficulty, secured the tight cage on himself. Then he put the key in the toilet and flushed. He took a photo, and texted it to Bentz. He got a phone call immediately. "Well done billy. You know what this is for, don't you?" "Yes sir. I understand. I'm sorry I disobeyed." "Punishment could have been much more severe you realize." "I do realize that Sir. I thank you for your leniency. " "We'll discuss this more this weekend. For now, take care of your kids, and understand: my orders are not to be disobeyed." "Yes sir. I'll do better." As they got off the phone, Bentz smiled, and began thinking about his plans for McTine. He knew McTine's schedule, so it was time to start fucking with his head: make sure he knew, psychologically, who was in control. Bentz was too professional to interfere with kevin's teaching schedule, but... He texted McTine: "I want you over here at 4pm. No later." An answer came back an unacceptable 10 minutes later. "Sir, that's right in the middle of my rugby match. I'll come by as soon as it's over." Bentz didn't answer. "For a smart man, kevin is playing right into my hands." He laughed, as he put the new ball extender in his pocket. He'd need it this afternoon. He had thought things through: unlike billy, kevin was not a man for whom sex was an important part of his life. Bentz had guessed, correctly, that while kevin DID masturbate, he did so infrequently: he was so wrapped up in his research. A cage would have very little impact on him. "He responds to pain. And humilitation. The pain part is very primitive, but humiliation... ha ha. If I don't know something about that, I've forgotten everything Jacobs and the military taught me (one of the positions Bentz had held in the military, was head of the interrogation unit. He learned very quickly that prisoners didn't always respond to pain. On the other hand, a prisoner forced to jerk off in front of his fellow captives, over and over, broke pretty easily). He checked the other equipment, and then he gave a call to Coach Gross, his old buddy from the military.

kevin knew that Coach Gross was s a really good team leader. He didn't know that he was a DOM, with a sub who worked at a law office downtown. He also didn't know that Gross and Bentz were good friends. kevin was in the middle of a scrum when he heard Gross call him. "McTINE. OUT. Flanagan, go in as substitute." kevin looked up and saw Bentz standing next to Gross. "SHIT. This isn't good." kevin thought, as he ran off the field. "Yes coach?" He asked. Gross turned to one of the forwards - a man even bigger than kevin - and nodded. Flanagan moved behind kevin, and kevin felt his arms being pinned behind his back by the stronger man. "MCTINE" Coach Gross began. "YOU HAD INSTRUCTIONS FROM YOUR DOM AND YOU DIDN'T FOLLOW THEM!" "I'm sorry Coach. I thought that being here for the team was...." "More important? WHAT THE FUCK IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN SERVING YOUR DOM? YOU BELONG TO HIM MCTINE." kevin saw Bentz standing there, smiling. He had stopped struggling in Flanagan's grip. "It's hard figuring out how to get across your new situation, kevin." Bentz walked up to him. "I think... well, we're going to have to do some serious work you and I. Bow your head so I can put this on." A meek "yes sir" came out of kevin, as Bentz dropped a collar over his neck. There was a leash attached to it. kevin began to redden: Bentz was going to lead him across campus, in broad daylight, showing everyone that he was Bentz' "pet." After Bentz tightened the collar, he replaced Flanagan behind kevin, and seured a set of restraints on his wrists. "Let's go studbitch." He turned to Coach Gross. "Thank you for being so understanding Coach. I'm sure we'll see you at the presentation party." "Can't wait, Brian. Not many have two. Love to see how you've trained them." Bentz said nothing as he led kevin across campus. kevin kept his head down, the way a "perp" would. Still, he could "feel" the eyes on them, and the photos being taken with phones all along the way.

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Bentz took off the collar, and the wrist restraints when they got to his manse. "We're going back down to the room you were in last time you needed rehabilitation, kevin. This one is more serious and it calls for WAY more serious rehab. STRIP." kevin saw a table top covered with various items, none of which he recognized: except for the barber's shearer. He wanted to ask "PLEASE NO SHAVING" but he knew better. Instead he stood there, naked. Bentz was lowering the ceiling chains that he had used on kevin before. "Lock each one on a wrist, muscle sub." kevin sighed. "yes sir. " When he was done, Bentz turned the winch that pulled the chains taut. He kicked kevin's legs apart, and locked them into two floor restraints. Then, he took the spreader gag he had made kevin wear to blow billy and tightened it in kevin's mouth. "What a beautiful sight... My handsome blonde studbottom, all ready for ... training." kevin could feel saliva beginning to spill out of his mouth. "Now, you know what these are." He held up the shearer. "I didn't think I was gonna need to do this, but you need to know: EVERY DAY, what you are... slave." While Bentz said that, he was running the shearer over kevin's torso, but he hadn't turned it on. Now, he did. kevin tried not to squirm, and he made very few sounds as the cold blades went back and forth over his chest. He saw his fur: the "lion's mane" was what one person had called it - fall to the floor. kevin's hair was so thick that Bentz had to stop once, and change the blades. "I thought about trying to shave a pattern into it, kevin, but nothing says 'bottom' like a smooth blond." "NNGGGGGGGGG" came out of kevin. He saw his cock beginning to stiffen.

Bentz continued to shave kevin's chest. Then he stood behind him, and yanked his hair back. kevin yelped at the pain from that. "Don't worry sexy boy," Bentz whispered in kevin's ear. "THAT hair is safe. THIS hair... is not..." The clippers moved to kevin's arm pits. He was ticklish: he knew it. His father had always tickled him to keep him under control, and his pits were a favorite target. As soon as he reacted to the cold metal, now Bentz knew. "OOOOOOOOOOH. We may have to pull those chains tighter stud. Don't wanna cut you..." He turned the winch and kevin began to feel the tension in his shoulders. He now couldn't move his arms, period, and the shearer went to work. When Bentz was done, he looked at his boy. "This is too crude for cocks, and I've got more work to do with that part of you stud. " Instead , a straight edge, and a can of creme came out. "Don't move too much kevin. You won't be using this much anymore, but... It IS pretty, and billy may need to suck it soon." Bentz handling his cock made kevin feel even more excited. The spreader gag turned all of his sounds into strange noises, but they were coming out of him, hot and heavy. "GOOD. So we're finished with part one... Part two..." kevin recalled when Bentz had tied his dick to the moving door when he saw the cord come out. This time, though, Bentz had attached what looked like a fishing sinker to it. As Bentz tied it off at the base of kevin's cock, kevin yelped: the heavy weight was something he wasn't used to. "That's only gonna be for a little while, big man. I've got something for everyday when I'm done. But now... the piece de resistance" . kevin turned to see what Bentz was getting, and the sinker moved. The weight convinced kevin NOT to follow Bentz. It was too painful. Bentz came back with a vibrator, attached to what was a retractable pole. He was lubricating it. kevin knew what a vibrator was, and he knew where it was going. What he didn't know was... "This pole lets me position it at precisely the height I want it. First, though, we have to find something..." Bentz was sweating now, and he saw the evil smile on Bentz' face. He felt the dildo going into his ass, slowly. Then... his cock TRIED to jump forward, as the vibrator rested against his prostate. "EXCELLENT. We found the spot. " Bentz manipulated the pole, so that it rested on the floor behind kevin. He was essentially impaled. He could feel the vibrations, but he couldn't get away from them, because of the sinker weight on his balls. He looked at Bentz desperately, pleadingly. Bentz just laughed. "Be grateful I didn't add tit clamps, bitch. THAT would complete the picture." He stood back and took a photo. "Coach Gross is gonna LOVE this photo. And if you ever give HIM trouble... he may just share it." kevin felt his cock getting harder and harder, even with the weight of the sinker. "The vibrator will function for about thirty minutes. Then... it'll be time for ... my cock to get some exercise." Bentz left kevin in the room. The sinker bobbed back and forth and he moaned, helplessly, while his cock, stimulated by the vibrator, got harder and harder. He wouldn't disobey Bentz again. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Bentz came down to the room after about 25 minutes. He came up to kevin and began manhandling his nipples. "Had enough, stud? Ready to accept that you're MY property now?" kevin winced, and shook his head yes. "GOOD. If we have that understanding.." Bentz took out the gag. kevin took a deep breath and moaned "Thank you Sir." "GOOD. That was not a necessary one, but you said it anyway. You ARE learning." The next thing Bentz did was to take the cord off kevin's cock. He couldn't help himself from stroking kevin's cock when he did. "I have some LONG TERM training for that cock kevin. It'll be ready in just a minute." Then he took the vibrator pole out of kevin's ass. He was still chained up, as Bentz took out the circular ball extender. He locked it in place where the cord had been. "Weight six ounces, stud muffin. Not the heaviest one in the world, but not the lightest one. Pure chromium steel. I'm sure you know how to dissolve it but... heh heh. I'm sure you won't. Now, let's move you." Bentz unlocked kevin's ankles, then his wrists. To say kevin was exhausted would be an understatement. He put up NO resistance whatsoever as Bentz bound his wrists behind his back. kevin felt Bentz' hands press on his shoulders. "My boots need a washing. Get your tongue on them. " "yes sir." kevin tried to not think about what he was doing, as he passed his tongue over one, then the other boot. As he did, Bentz was thinking about a scene he could perform at the up and coming event, where each of his boys did one boot. The thought was getting him even harder than he was when he came downstairs and saw his beaten captive. "Time to finish off, bottom," Bentz pulled kevin to his feet, and moved him to one of the platforms in the dungeon room. He helped kevin climb up to it, and then, with his ass sticking out, Bentz shoved his cock in . After the vibrator, it almost seemed easy to kevin. He was so exhausted, and felt so... beaten, that he just tried to enjoy the feeling of another hard object pressing up to his prostate and pulling back: over and over again. It was a relief to him when he heard Bentz yell, and felt the jizz filling his ass. "DAMN THAT IS A HOT ASS" He heard Bentz yell. "Thank you sir," kevin whispered. His own cock had gone down from the pressure of the ball extender. Bentz untied his captive. "GET DRESSED. I probably won't want you until the weekend, but you damn well be here at 4 on Friday. This was a first offense. Better worry about what the punishment is for a second one. " People who saw the big, handsome blond man stagger out of Bentz' manse wondered what was wrong: he looked exhausted, beaten, as he weakly got back to his own apartment. Meanwhile, in the manse, Bentz was congratulating himself on a job well done. "He may have been made as malleable as billy. PERFECT. We shall see what happens this weekend."

Next: Chapter 7

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