Sub Hunting Season

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Aug 12, 2021


Both billy and kevin went back to teaching that week. They had to wear the red band indicating that they were now subservient. That band did not say who had mastered them. In kevin's case, of course, it was all over the university community: the untouchable Professor McTine, was now a sub. For billy, the reaction was one of mild surprise, but not terribly so.

There was a difference in the students for each man. billy, as a beginning professor, was only assigned to undergraduate classes, and all of his students were too young to be official "targets" in the hunting season. (What they did on their own was up to them, of course, but there was no possibility of any of them "officially" wearing "the red band."). When he walked into his first class after being broken in by Bentz, of course there was tittering and tweeting. Professor Whelan, as one of the new breed of professors, did not ban the use of cell phones in his classroom, but when it became clear that very few students were paying attention, he stopped lecturing.

"Ok kids, enough. I can make out enough of what you're saying: you want to know about the band. Yes, I was taken during sub hunting season. I'll answer any questions you have, but I will NOT answer questions about what happens in the bedroom. Have at it." There was silence at first, and then a timid question "Who took you, Professor?" "It was Professor Brian Bentz. In military history." There was some serious whispering going on. Professor Whelan was a known pacifist, and had spoken, proudly, of his arrests during anti war protests. "But... Professor. Military History? Bentz? He was... wasn't he a general?" "He was. And let's talk about this." billy was determined to use this as a teaching moment. "First of all, the law is the law. If you're captured, as I was, you don't get to refuse on the grounds of political incompatibility. Second, I have no idea what Professor Bentz' political views are." THAT comment got a laugh. "We haven't discussed it. And in any event, it's irrelevant. If any of you bright young men and women think the law on sub hunting is outdated and wrong, do something about it once you get out of here." "Do you believe it's outdated and wrong Professor?" Now that was one billy wasn't ready for. "I have mixed feelings about it. On the one hand, I feel that treating people like objects is wrong. " As he said it, the thought of Bentz objectifying him sent a buzz through his cock. "But on the other hand," and he smiled. "I don't have to worry about dates anymore." There was laughter after that, and a bunch of other questions, but billy was able to get back to lecturing about early American literature. At the end, he said "Next class, we talk about one of my favorite characters. Billy Budd. If any of you have read it, then think about the two billys: Budd and Whelan, and let us all know what similarities and differences you see." As he gathered up his papers, he said "Oh, and did I mention there will be extra credit for anyone who prepares something coherent and intelligent about this point?" He then realized: he had to call Bentz because... he had been asked to play tennis with someone in the department who had been a "hunter" for years.

Professor McTine had a similar situation in his big lecture class. He taught a pre-med class on biochemistry to undergraduates, and there were at least 350 students in it, all of them too young to participate in the hunt. Since his class was so much bigger than Professor Whelan's, he asked the students, who were all tittering about the hunk's new status, to put the questions on the class wall, and he'd answer them. He also taught a graduate level seminar, however, and in that class of 25, there WERE students old enough to have participated. In fact, now that it was "real" for him, he noticed that three of them also wore red bands. "They're so young" he thought. "And that part of their lives. It's set. " It was graduate school, so there was almost no questioning of the hunt: they were all so much more earnest than the undergrads. At the end of the semester, one student who wore the band went up to him, smiling. "None of us thought you'd ever be one of us Professor." McTine grinned wanly. "Well, truth to be told, neither did I. The law is the law though, and Professor Bentz had the better of me. " "He's supposed to be awesome in bed, Professor. At least that's the rumor." McTine was experienced enough to know when he was being "baited," and he passed. Even so, he blushed. "I'm afraid that crosses the line Mr. Charles. I won't answer those questions. By the way, don't forget the three late assignments you have." He looked at his wrist. Ironically, he wore his watch on the wrist with the red band. He had to go get ready: his rugby team was playing today.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Back at his manse, Bentz was sitting in his study, just thinking. He had taught his two classes: he always taught in the mornings, and he was finished by 11. No office hours today either, so he could give some thought to what he wanted to do with his two new subs that weekend. He planned to have them both over. He began jotting down some ideas, and then he stopped and smiled. "McTine. Who would have thought he'd be taken down? And by me." He ran his fingers back and forth over the pencil. There was a lecture here: what was it? It was gnawing at the back of his head, and he had to let it out. "THAT'S IT. TOO MUCH CONFIDENCE. OF COURSE!!!!" He began to take down notes: McTine had avoided capture for so long, he thought he was invincible. Whether Bentz could have taken him without the overconfidence was debatable: Bentz thought he would have, but we'd never know. In any event, he could base a lecture on military heroes brought down by overconfidence through history. He could start with one of his favorite stories. He chuckled as he thought of "Glaucus and Marcellus." "Brought down because he insisted on riding that horse through that little pass. He never thought something as simple as olive oil, would turn him into a Roman sex slave." He shook his head. Theoretically, HE could be someone's target too. It had never happened, and if it did, and he lost, his slaves would become his captor's slaves. Then... it was an interesting situation. There WAS a market for hunters unsatisfied with their slaves, or unable to provide for them. Slaves COULD petition for release if they were mistreated, but that bar was a high one. WERE he taken, were there any potential Masters out there who could handle three slaves? He didn't know. What he DID know was that this weekend, McTine was going to be introduced to the joys of ball stretchers. The thought was getting him more excited than billy had been that morning. McTine.... he was such a fine contrast to the compliant, eager, billy, who seemed to live for cock. McTine had surrendered gracefully: he knew he was beaten, and he came along. Still, one of the things Bentz liked about kevin, was that there WAS a streak of defiance, and rebellion in him, that would have to be broken every time. "Like Marcellus," he thought. "I'll have to be Glaucus."

His thoughts were interrupted by the phone buzzing. He looked down. billy. He had warned the slaves that they were only to use the phone to call him if it were an emergency, or if they could not keep an appointment with him. He had no appointment with billy. This had better be good. "Yes, slave billy?" He said as he picked up the phone. "Sir. I apologize. I really do. I needed to call you because... a hunter has invited me to play tennis and.. well, he's fairly senior in my department otherwise I would have said no. I don't think he asked you because.." "He did not. " Hunters were supposed to seek permission before doing anything with an owned sub. "Who is it?" "It's Professor Jacobs, Sir." Bentz had to fight not to laugh. Jacobs. Jacobs had been HIS Professor. Yes, he was still a hunter, and he still attended meetings. He also hadn't had a sub slave in 15 years. "I believe that will be ok billy. Professor Jacobs probably missed the fact that you're taken." "I will explain it to him, Sir. Thank you." "I expect you here on Friday evening billy. No later than 7pm." "Yes sir. I'll be on time." "You'll receive further instructions from me between now and then. Enjoy your match." When he put down the phone, Bentz had a rare belly laugh. Jacobs playing tennis: now THAT was funny. Could he still move? Hmmm. He recalled a rumor: when billy had been hired, there was a story that went around faculty that billy had gotten the job because the last part of the interview was "tending to" Professor Jacobs, and billy had been the only one who had been able to get an erection out of the old fart. "I hope I'm that horny at his age," Bentz thought, and as he continued to ponder the situation, the vision of billy in tennis whites, bent over to receive a serve, as if bent over to receive a cock in his ass, was compelling. "Perhaps I'll go and watch the match. And perhaps billy will be showering here. Or not. Ha ha ha."

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Professor Jacobs had been on leave the year before: half medical, and half academic, and Bentz was right: he had not known of billy being taken. billy had played tennis with him before he had gone on leave, and he just assumed things were the way they were. "Hi Professor Jacobs" billy looked up in the locker room when his "opponent" came in. "Can I help you with the combination lock?" That's when Jacobs saw the band. "billy! Oh, heavens, I've breached protocol. Shall we cancel our match until I contact your Master?" billy smiled as he helped with the lock regardless of Jacobs' protestations. "It's fine Sir. I checked with him, and he permitted it." Jacobs smiled. "Ah. How time dismantles us. A hunter trusting his pet with another hunter. That didn't happen in my youth. Tell me, young billy, who is he?" "Professor Bentz, Sir." "AH. Bentz. Yes. He was so excited to finally be approved. If you move in with him, you'll be in the lap of luxury, as well as HIS lap I would think." billy sighed. "I have competition Professor. Bentz also captured Kevin McTine in the chemistry department." Jacobs' eyes got wide. "Well, well, well. Yes, you do. McTine was the subject of many a discussion at the Hunter Club: so many tried to bring him down, and so many failed. " He sighed some more. "We'd best begin play, billy. Otherwise, my thoughts will run to the clearly impure. The three of you." billy didn't think it would be wise to tell Jacobs that Bentz had forced McTine to blow him.

billy didn't see Bentz sit down on one of the benches behind him. Jacobs did and cracked a smile. He knew EXACTLY why Bentz was here: hadn't he sat on those same benches, watching his subs play tennis in the past? He saw Bentz adjust himself every time billy crouched low to receive one of Jacobs' weak serves. (billy didn't make things easier by wearing tennis shorts as tight as he could find. How they didn't split, no one knew).

When they had finished their set, Jacobs waved to the stands. "BRIAN! Were you worried that the lion with no teeth was going to gum your boy to death?" billy turned around and blushed. "SIR! I'm so sorry. I didn't know you were here." "Of course you didn't billy. Stealth is one of my hallmarks. Just ask your sub brother. Or Harold Jacobs. Goodness, you still look as fierce as they come, Sir. I think that if your teeth got into billy, you'd be doing more than gumming him." Jacobs laughed. "Ah, no. The days for my bite, for my sting are gone.

"Where is thy sting?" as that old song goes." He looked down at his crotch. "I'm afraid I am like a honey bee who has lost her sting." "No one would ever confuse you with the feminine Harold." Bentz had come out to the court now, and put his hand on billy's shoulder. billy immediately put his hands behind his back, and pointed out his chest. "You already have him trained. I taught you well Brian." "You did Sir. " He squeezed billy's shoulder. "You are fond of my young man?" "I AM, Brian. I am not unaware of the laughter that follows me in the department. Young Professor Whelan is the only one whom I've never heard to be amused by me." billy blushed. "Sir, I don't find you funny. I find you, interesting, and amazing." Jacobs smiled. "You haven't taught him yet that false flattery serves no one, Brian." Bentz smiled. "I suspect that it's not false flattery, Sir. billy is many things and there are many things he is not. He IS sincere. " He paused. "Were I to invite you to stay at the manse some weekend, would you accept Sir?"

Jacobs smiled. "I have no one to bring with me." Again, Bentz squeezed billy's shoulder. "You need not worry about that Sir. I could lend you billy for a weekend. " billy broke protocol. He didn't know enough yet, but he said "I would enjoy that Professor Jacobs. I would love to learn more about your history." Jacobs smiled. "You'll have to excuse me, you young men. Brian, I will await your invitation eagerly. Your father would be proud of you - no, let me change that. He is watching and he IS proud of you." He leaned in, not asking, but Bentz would never have said no, as he kissed billy on the cheeks with his dry lips. "Be well billy. Take care of my old student." As he walked off, billy felt Bentz' hand on the back of his neck. "You were Jacobs student, Sir?" "I was. I had Shakespeare with him." He chucked. "Even then, we would joke that he was the proofreader on Macbeth." "He's a very sweet man Sir. The school will lose a piece of itself when he's gone." "You're right about that young man. " He dropped his hand to billy's ass. "Do you have everything secreted in a locker?" "yes sir." "GOOD. I have been thinking about you all morning, and you can go back to retrieve your stuff when we're done. Now.... let's go."

In less than half an hour, billy was shirtless, gagged, with a pair of nipple clamps hanging down from his tits. He was moaning, half out of pleasure and half out of pain, as Bentz took the fly swatter paddle and stroked it back and forth over his cock and balls, still locked in those tight shorts. He had already received ten fairly direct shots, and now, Bentz was allowing the pain to subside, but not without letting him know it could resume at any minute. "I'm still amused at the vision of you being blown by that big hunk McTine. Who would have ever thought billy whelan would have a hunky rugby player sucking him. "mmmmmmmmph." billy struggled in the bondage. What was WRONG with the idea of him getting blown? Yes, it hadn't happened often, but... "WHACK." The paddling continued. This time, Bentz was tugging the central point of the chain clamp as he administered the paddle. "I wonder if I'll ever have to decide between you and McTine. " He smacked again. "It would be a very difficult choice, billy. You are so much easier to break, but so... so sweet." "mmmmmmmmmmph." billy felt another tug on the nipple clamp chain. "I wonder if I should keep you locked in chastity for longer periods of time young man. " He stroked billy's cock with the paddle. "Any intention of using your cock for anything but peeing" "mmmmmmmmmmmmph nmmmmmmmmmph" billy shook his head no. "You're not lying to me are you?" Bentz had picked up a larger paddle, and billy shook his head NO vigorously. "I wonder if Jacobs..... " He smiled. "Such a good man. But let me stop thinking. I'd like to spend more time thinking about that hot sweaty ass of yours. Lubricated already. MMMMMM" He yanked billy out of the chair by the clamps. billy thought his tits were going to be ripped off. Bentz brought him to a saw horse in the middle of his playroom. He bent billy over it, and then he untied his wrists, so that he could bring them around to the front of the horse. He manacled one wrist to billy's ankle, and then the other. billy was almost immobile, but the pain of the nipple clamps was getting to him. Was Bentz going to..." He was. billy heard the shorts rip down the middle, and then he felt Bentz' thumb pushing up against his ass. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH" his protestation turned to a soft whine, as Bentz continued to work with his thumb, twisting it, pushing it in, then out. "I want to hear my precious billy SCREAM when he gets taken." Bentz released the gag and billy gasped for breath. "Yes sir. THANk YOU SIR. THANK YOU. TAKE YOUR SUB'S ASS. PLEASE. FUCK ME. FUCK ME SO HARD I CAN'T SIT AT MY DESK. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOF" It felt like that was Bentz' intention. He RAMMED into billy, filling him all at once. "OH. MY. OH SIR. OH SIR." billy didn't say anything but he wondered: had Bentz once been in this position for Jacobs and he was remembering it? Bentz said nothing. He just continued to ream his slave. "I was thinking of cocky military figures who lost today, bitch boy." He pushed harder. "Now, I'm thinking of the cases where a country, a city, a tribe, surrendered hoping to avoid the worst. HA HA. You see what it got you." "Yes sir. UGH. EXACTLY WHAT I WANTED." "Is that right. You are such a pig billy. SUCH A FUCKING DICK PIG AND YOU'RE MY DICK PIG. " "Yes sir. Yes I am. FUCK ME... PLEASE SIR." The final push nearly put billy over the edge too, but he didn't have permission and he worked as hard as he could to not even drip. He tried to focus on how he was going to get back to the gym with his torn shorts. Could he walk across the campus in only a jock?" Bentz had the same thoughts. Had it been McTine, he might have made him do it. But billy was so malleable already, the humiliation wasn't necessary. When he had finished shooting into billy's ass, he untied him and led him to his cell. "I'm going to go and get your things. What is the combination?" billy gave him the numbers. "Now, what is your course schedule tomorrow? I have it upstairs in my office, but I'd rather not waste time." "I teach from 2:30-4 tomorrow Sir. Then an office hour from 4-5. " "Then there is absolutely no reason why you cannot stay here tonight." billy smiled. "None Sir. May I have that pleasure?" He did. And when Bentz had recovered from the vigorous fuck he had given billy, he had the pleasure of billy's mouth drain him again. The next morning, when billy was washing up, and he thought Bentz had gone up to his office to get ready for HIS graduate level course, billy released his load, thinking Bentz wouldn't know. It was still early in his servitude. billy didn't know about the camera in the bathroom. He learned that weekend.

Next: Chapter 6

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