Sub Hunting Season

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jul 30, 2021


McTine regretted, with good reason, defying Bentz that morning. He stood in the middle of an empty room. His hands were cuffed behind his back, and he was gagged. Bentz had made him gag himself, and cuff himself, after he had to strip. Then, Bentz had tied a simple cord around the base of McTine's balls, and pulled it toward the door of the room. He also attached a collar with a chain that was in turn joined to a winch at the back wall. If the door were opened, there was slack in the rope, but if it were closed, or slammed..... The neck collar kept him still. There was no slack in that.

Bentz had let kevin sleep a bit later that morning, after he got billy up and out to teach his classes. He told billy that he would need to come back that night, for the final "orientation" of what was expected of him and of kevin. kevin was allowed to sleep because of his introduction to Bentz' sexual appetite the night before, and the tradition of the first day of submission being left to getting acquainted.

kevin was awake when Bentz came down the stairs, and dressed in the clothes he was wearing when he was captured. It had been late when Bentz brought him back to his cell, and his new clothes, including the thong, hadn't been given to him yet. Bentz stood in front of the cell, arms folded, smiling.

"Good morning McTine. I know it's not the most comfortable sleeping arrangement, but I hope you were able to make the best of it." "It was ok Sir. billy snores though." Bentz laughed. He had thought that if either of them were a snorer, it would've been kevin. "Well, for the most part, you'll be able to stay at your own home in the future, kevin. Today, though, there will be more orientation, more instruction on what I expect. After that, we'll be playing it by ear. McTine looked Bentz over. He didn't SEEM to be all that formidable. Yes, he had been a military man, but that had been more than a few years ago. kevin was younger, and he did his best to keep fit. The rugby shirt wasn't for show. He did play rugby, at least once a week, and also lifted seriously when he wasn't teaching or doing research. He knew that he had lost - he had eluded capture for all those years, but still...

"I'm going to bring you upstairs, to get you registered with the state kevin, and then... well, we'll see how we're spending the day. Please step back from the door, so I can unlock it. When I do, turn around and place your hands behind your back. "yes sir. " kevin answered. He began to tense his muscles, getting ready for the escape he had planned. When Bentz opened the door.... did he see a slight smile on his face? He charged with an animal yell... and caught an elbow to his throat. As he gagged from the blow, Bentz got one of his wrists and twisted it behind kevin's back. He was merciless in pushing it higher up toward kevin's head. "PUT YOUR OTHER ARM BEHIND YOUR BACK NOW, MCTINE, OR YOU'LL BE HOLDING YOUR CLASSROOM CHALK WITH YOUR TEETH.' "AGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGH." kevin resisted doing what he was told, but the pain in his one arm was too strong. "Ok, ok. I give. I give. " "Did you REALLY think I wasn't ready for that, McTine? Do you think I REALLY didn't expect you to try something, you big stud?" kevin heard the handcuffs clink shut on his wrists. "I thought I could take you Sir." "You thought wrong. Now, let's go." Bentz brought kevin to an office room in the basement. "Cuffs are coming off. Don't make me bring out the tazer." "I won't Sir. I know when I'm licked." "Ha ha. You have not been licked yet kevin. You will be. Just wait."

Bentz had a computer screen opened on his desk top computer. There was a small box with room for a thumb. It was the standard way of identifying yourself these days. "Press your right thumb to the space please, kevin." "yes sir." kevin complied and his name flashed across the screen. Then there was a question: "Captured?" Bentz smiled as he pressed the 'yes' key. "Acknowledged. Signature line please," came up, and Bentz electronically signed the document. "Now it's your turn, kevin." He hesitated, but kevin signed. "EXCELLENT! Now it is official. You are my property. " kevin felt McTine's hand on his shoulder. When Bentz squeezed, kevin felt an inexplicable warmth flood his body. "I had something else planned, but unfortunately, your little escape attempt has changed that. Let's go." Bentz had his hand on the back of kevin's neck. Again, being touched by the man who had defeated him was... well, it reminded kevin of the time that skinny kid - Mirth was his last name - had upset him in a wrist wrestling competition. That night, kevin had a dream that Mirth had come back and screwed him in bed. He had woken in a pool of semen. The feeling he had now, was akin to how he had felt just before his climax. Bentz led kevin to a small room that was bare, except for the neck collar and chain coming out of the wall , and a small window. "STRIP" Bentz ordered. kevin gulped, and he took his shirt off. He stood there, with his hands crossed across his penis. "I SAID STRIP, NOT TAKE OFF YOUR SHIRT. JEANS FIRST." " yes sir," kevin sighed, as he slipped out of his jeans. Bentz hadn't provided shoes, and he was barefoot. Again he folded his hands over his privates. "Ha ha. You're a shy boy. The shorts too. " kevin gulped. "Do I have to Sir?" Bentz said nothing, just grinned. "yes sir." He slid the underwear off, and then Bentz saw why kevin had been so "shy:" he had a raging hard on. He smiled. "I guess you're enjoying this more than you wanted me to know, kevin. SPLENDID. TOSS ME THAT UNDERWEAR." " yes sir," kevin reached down and tossed the pair to Bentz, who ripped them into strips with practiced hands. He tossed kevin one of the socks he had been wearing when he had been captured. It was balled up. "Put this in your mouth. As far as it will go." kevin didn't see a way around it. He pushed the sock in. "GOOD. Now, I'll toss you these shorts, one strip at a time. Each one: tie it around your mouth, knot it behind you." Fear began to show in kevin's eyes, but he did what he was told. "EXCELLENT. You'll be easier to handle than I thought. Now...." Bentz tossed kevin the cuffs. "Lock one wrist, and then reach behind and lock the other one, so your wrists are behind your back." Bentz smiled. In the army he had learned how humiliated prisoners were when they had to tie themselves up. It was the first step to breaking them. In the case of kevin, it also seemed to be the first step to... arousing him. Once the cuffs were locked, Bentz came into the room. "Now, my sweet, handsome chemist." kevin heard Bentz lift the collar and then felt it shackle around his neck. The next thing he felt, was Bentz' hands moving over his chest, up and down, centering on his nipples. "mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm" escaped kevin's mouth. "I was so HOPEFUL you had sensitive tits kevin. Oh, the fun we're going to have. Unfortunately, I have to teach today, so... Let me just finish off." Bentz produced the length of rope, and began looping one end of it around the back of kevin's balls. "mmmphhh?" kevin's eyes got big. Bentz let out the rope, and then he tied the end of it to the doorknob. "So you see how this will work, kevin.... I'm going to leave the door ajar. IF you try to pull back, the chain will make sure you don't. " Bentz opened the window. "We DO get a draught here, and of course, well, if it's strong enough to push the door closed.... " "mmmmmmmmmmph." kevin's eyes looked fearful and then Bentz grinned. "Of course, if someone comes back from his class and begins swinging the door like this..." He took the doorknob and pulled the door opened, and then pushed it closed. When the rope tightened, kevin felt it all the way down his hardening penis. "THIS, kevin, is one of my favorite ways of teaching subordinates their place. My class is two hours. I would stay as rigid and straight as I could if I were you. Should you tire, the neck chain will convince you that you shouldn't, and ..." he looked at the weather report on his wrist phone. "Not as much wind expected today as I would've liked, but... I'll be back." As he left, he slipped his thumb and forefinger on kevin's glans, and a drop flew out. "Interesting. I thought billy would be the easier one to break. I may have been wrong."

The first hour wasn't too difficult. kevin's lecture classes were usually not more than 90 minutes, but he would move back and forth and around the classrooms. Seminars were longer, but he was sitting. Standing as still as he could, was turning out to be very difficult. And a breeze WAS coming up. kevin saw the door move before he felt the pool in his cock. "mmmmmmmmmmmph." It was just painful enough for him to notice, and just painful enough for him to get even harder. "Please don't let the door slam... PLEASE." he found himself begging SOMEONE. He moved just slightly in the collar and found how rigid it was. He wondered if Bentz had done this to billy, and what he had planned for him today. He began to doze off. He was awakened by the slam of a door, and he fully expected to feel his balls yanked off. It was Bentz coming in the front door of the house. "mmmmmmmmmmmph. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmph." Bentz walked to the room. "Well, well, well. Look at my handsome new Greek god. " He looked at the line of precum that ran from kevin's cock, almost down to the floor. "Aren't there insects that catch their prey with something like that."

He walked over to kevin, draped one arm around his shoulders and moved his second hand to a nipple. He squeezed gently and whispered "How does it feel to be prey big man?" "mmmmmmmmmmmmph," kevin tried to squirm. When he did, the door moved. Bentz gently began pushing it closed. "You know, I'd like to hear you react to this, kevin." He pulled the gag out of kevin's mouth. Without thinking about it, kevin spoke. "Thank you Sir." Bentz smiled. His own cock was getting harder and harder. He couldn't wait to take this man again, and to train him to suck cock. He pulled the back of kevin's longish blond hair, and then moved his mouth over kevin's nipple. "OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHGOD. OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH." "You know what these nipples need, kevin? They need clamps. Because then... I can manipulate the door more easily." kevin had never seen nipple clamps, let alone worn them. "OWWWWWWWWWWW" He tried to jump back as one went on his left nipple, and the collar held him fast. He whimpered as he second one went on his right nipple. "Open your mouth, stud." Bentz lifted the chain of the clamps. "OPEN YOUR MOUTH OR I'LL SLAM THE DOOR. " kevin silently opened his mouth as Bentz put the chain in. "CLOSE IT. AND PULL." "NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGG" "Now, let's close that door a little. As if we were lovers, looking for some privacy." Bentz pushed the door, and the strain on McTine's balls made him yelp, and the chain dropped "FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!!!!!" He felt Bentz' hand around his balls. "I didn't tell you you could let go of the chain kevin. Open your mouth. PULL. And this time, push your head back. " kevin was finding it hard to endure the pain, as Bentz closed the door further. This time, though, kevin didn't drop the chain. "GOOD. Now, perhaps we can move to the next step. " He moved behind kevin. "Spread your legs. " "nnngsir," was the best kevin could do, as he felt Bentz' thumb begin probing his ass. "How many fingers can I get up there before you drop that chain, stud? Any idea?" kevin was smarter than what he then did. He shook his head no, and the chain went with him. "NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGG" and then he dropped it, while Bentz laughed, wickedly. "You have been outwitted McTine. You may be a brilliant chemist. But you are going to have to admit defeat." Bentz wound the chain around his fingers. "YES SIR. YES SIR. YOU WON. YOU WON. I CONCEDE. " "Such a shame. If you hadn't, I'd have to slam the door shut on you." He leaned into kevin's ear and whispered "I have no doubt you'll give me good reason to." kevin heard the lock on the neck collar being released. Then he felt the nipple clamps come off. "I'm only doing that because I want you to FEEL what happens next. Get on the floor. Lie on your belly." "yes sir," kevin answered, expecting what was to come: Bentz' cock, a second time. He couldn't see, but he heard the clank of Bentz' belt. There was a pause. "Next time... we'll do some ass whipping. I'm too horny to wait now." kevin heard the zipper open, and he felt his legs being separated. He didn't dare fight. Underneath him, he felt precum beginning to pool. Bentz pulled kevin's hips up slightly, and then... his long, expert penis began to take kevin's ass. "I think you want to cum very badly, don't you kevin?" Bentz whispered into kevin's ear as he pushed in further. "Yes sir. Badly. Please Sir. May I cum?" "Perhaps." Bentz began to get into a rhythm, and kevin found it hard to keep position with his hands cuffed behind him and his ass in the air. "Perhaps. Do you submit? Do you surrender to me as your Master?" "YES SIR. YES. " "You've NEEDED a MASTER. You've WANTED ONE badly. Haven't you kevin?" The ass pounding continued. "YES SIR. YES SIR. I WAS JUST AN UNCLAIMED BOTTOM. NOW... NOW.... I'M YOURS. BREED ME SIR. BREEEEEEEEEEEEEED ME." As Bentz shot into kevin, he squeezed kevin's cock, and a load even bigger than Bentz' formed on the floor. "What a shame billy isn't here . I could make him lick it up. But he will be. He will be here tonight. I've already instructed him. And you, slave boy, kevin, will be giving your first blow job. " Bentz laughed. "If billy knew, he'd cancel his classes for the rest of the day. "

billy arrived at Bentz' manse five minutes late. Bentz couldn't tell if it were deliberate, with billy looking for a spanking or something, or if it hadn't been planned. "I'm going to let this slip billy, because you look so handsome." billy had put on a white oxford button down when he got home, and a pair of medium blue chinos. They set off his eyes: blue like kevin's but also not. "Thank you Sir." "You wear two buttons opened from now on." "I will Sir. Sorry." billy felt his hands pulled behind him and cuffed. "Come with me. I have plenty of plans for you tonight. For now though....." billy saw kevin sitting in the middle of that room, still naked. He was on his knees, and his cock was still attached to the doorknob. Now, though, he had a spreader gag in his mouth. "billy, kevin has never given a blow job before. You shall be his first." billy smiled. Bentz did too as he saw the protuberance in billy's pants. After they were done, he planned to take that pretty boy's ass the way he had taken the stud's ass earlier in the day. For now though, it was worth looking at the mix of helplessness, frustration, and anger in kevin's eyes, as well as the glee and bliss in billy's, as billy dropped his pants, aimed his cock at kevin's mouth and then... took it.

It was kevin's first blow job, and his first taste of cum. It was only the third time billy had been blown, the first two times when he was trying to convince himself he was straight, and had gone to the public brothels. Even though kevin was a rookie, of the three, billy concluded, kevin's blowjob was the best he had ever had.

Next: Chapter 5

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