Sub Hunting Season

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jul 20, 2021


Bentz rose from bed and checked the alarm: 4:33. Close enough. He didn't need much sleep at night- a remnant of his days in the military, and he rose, horny. His cock stood out in front of him like a flagpole, and he thought about billy down in the basement. He should check on him, regardless of what else he did, and then... tonight was the night. He was going to bring in McTine. Bentz slipped into a black tank top, and a pair of camouflage shorts. Might as well look the part for the first newbie. As he headed down the stairs, he could hear that billy snored, and he laughed. billy didn't LOOK like a snorer, but you never know. He thought back to the one who woke him up every night with the snores. Gagging your sub while he slept wasn't a good idea, but he had fancied it.

It looked like billy wasn't having any trouble sleeping at all. Yes, he did have the ankle chain on: Bentz was thinking it probably wasn't necessary, but as "orientation" it was a good thing for this pretty one. He saw the deep, deep sleep billy was in and decided: not yet. He wasn't going to wake the man to bring him to his bed. The sensors would let him know when he was fully awake. Then... He thought about the first fuck: it was a good one. billy clearly enjoyed cock. Today he'd probably realize the full extent of his position now, and fight it more. "Just the way I like it" he thought. He went back upstairs, and got ready for the day: he'd be planning Professor McTine's capture. The rules of the hunting season were that you could use however many assistants you wanted, but YOU had to make the final capture. Bentz had a team of five. He also had a bottle of a tranquilizer they had used in maneuvers to bring back "difficult" prisoners. He hoped that he wouldn't need to use it: the tranquilizer left the prisoner "out of it" for 1-2 days, and Bentz' big weakness was that he did not like delayed gratification: if he took McTine that night, he was going to want his ass THAT NIGHT. He began to map out his strategy: he knew McTine's last class ended at 7. He'd take a quick dinner, and then head off to that private library to do research until 11 or so. It was a pattern that he had repeated every night for the last two weeks. "Arrogant," thought Bentz. He did the SAME thing he had done before Bentz told him about the target on his "back." "Must have been incompetent hunters" he thought to himself. Bentz wasn't modest, and he had no reason to be: he was fully confident that by that night, McTine would be tied up, underneath him, his legs spread...... "DAMN IS THAT BILLY AWAKE?" He checked. He was. Another walk to the basement. "Good morning billy. I trust you slept well." "Yes sir. Good morning. You didn't drug me, did you Sir? I don't remember ever sleeping that well" Bentz laughed: natural subs, once they found that they had been recognized as such, generally relaxed into their new roles. That was clearly what was happening. "I'm glad to hear that. I'm glad to hear you're rested because..." he pulled down the shorts. "I have work to do Sir?" "Yes, you do." He tossed billy a key. "Unlock your ankle chain. When it's off, I'll open the cell." billy fumbled with the easy catch and Bentz was amused. He assumed McTine would be a better athlete. "I'm ready Sir." billy didn't have to be told to assume the slave position in the cell. Bentz opened it, took billy's wrists and tied them with a strand of rope he had in his pocket. He sneered as he put his hand around billy's cock to lead him to the bedroom. billy whined at the contact. "Sir.... I'm..." "You'll learn to be patient billy." "yes sir." Bentz enjoyed hearing the moans as he led the man up to his bedroom. "No need to do anything but lay face down, billy bitch" He ordered. "Yes sir." "Every drip of pre-cum is gonna mean a smack across your ass when I'm done." "I.... I understand Sir." billy closed his eyes when he heard the bottle of lube get opened, and he gritted his teeth. He remembered, of course, how Bentz' cock penetrated him. "Crouch up. I want your ass in the air, bitch." "Yes sir." billy adjusted his position so his butt was arched like an animal in heat. That crouch gave Bentz a chance to reach underneath and easily take his cock. "OH SHIT." billy thought. "I'm gonna shoot in his hand and... UNNNNNNNNNNNNG" he felt Bentz' cockhead start entering him. "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH" "Your ass feels good billy. Were you waiting for me?" "Yes sir. Yes. I was. " Bentz pulled back, leaving very little of his cock in billy's ass. "Who gets access to this ass, billy?" "You do Sir. UNNNNNNNNNNNNNG" Bentz pushed in and pulled back. "Anyone else?" "No Sir." He felt a SMACK across his cheeks. "Wrong answer. If I say they get access, they get access. Understand?" "Yes sir. You're in control. OOOOOOOOOOOOOH SHIT." Bentz pushed in hard. billy felt Bentz sliding his hand up and down his cock. "Sir... Sir... you're gonna make me shoot. " Bentz was pumping faster now. "You dream of me last night?" "Yes sir. I did. " Bentz knew billy was lying. He had been dreaming of McTine. Who wouldn't be? That was ok.. he was far enough along that he... he sped up. He started thinking of McTine too. He took it out on billy who got a thorough reaming. Bentz was controlled enough that he didn't scream when he poured jizz into billy. And he caught most of billy's jizz when he lost it. "Sir... I'm sorry. I couldn't... "LICK IT OUT OF MY HAND SLAVE. EVERY DROP OF IT. " Then Bentz dropped the line. "PRETEND IT'S KEVIN MCTINE'S CUM." billy was embarrassed, but he drank it all down . Every drop. Bentz yanked him up from the bed by the neck, and untied his wrists. "Today, you can use my shower. Then dress. I'll let you get to your office. When is your last class today?" "Seminar 4-6 Sir." "office hours today?" "No Sir." Bentz smiled. "Discipline is important, but I'll give you an hour to get back here, and that's generous. For every minute you're late, ten lashes on the cross. " billy gulped. Punctuality was NOT his strong suit. "Yes sir. I understand. Thank you Sir." Bentz was in his office as billy left, but he saw the cute butt, the close fitting button down shirt, the khakis. Yes, a good pick. The red wrist band flashed. It wouldn't surprise anyone. Not the way it would when McTine was taken.

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billy had gotten back, in time, before Bentz and his men were heading out to try to bring in McTine. "You'll eat here from now on billy. Martin is the house chef. Check with him. I've given him some guidelines for what you're to eat to keep your... slim good looks, but you can work out your meal with him. "Thank you Sir.' "billy you play tennis. When is your next scheduled game?" "Uh, the club plays on the weekend Sir, but otherwise, I just try to get pick up games." Bentz smiled. "I think those are off limits at least for this week while I figure out what I'm going to do about those. You can use the gym. Don't let me hear you're at the courts." "yes sir." That was the first time billy was disappointed since this started. "You'll get them back. You just are going to need to learn: I don't need a reason for my orders. You just follow them." billy dropped his head. "I understand Sir."

One of Bentz' men came to the room and whispered something in his ear. "SPLENDID" Bentz replied. "Let's gear up and get moving." He turned to billy. "With any kind of luck, you'll have company in the basement tonight."

One of Bentz' sentries had reported that Kevin had gone off to the library to do his research. A creature of habit, he took the same seat, at the back of the library, not far from the exit, that led to a courtyard joined to an academic building. Kevin could see anyone who entered the small library. There weren't many: fear of the sub hunting week had caused most to stay home to avoid possibly being taken. Kevin had avoided it before, he was sure he could do so again.

As noted, Kevin could see anyone entering the front door. He couldn't see behind the storage closet door, however, and now, three of Bentz' associates were making their way up the tunnel under that closet, and waiting for the signal from Bentz. He, and three other associates, were making their way up the tunnel that was positioned right next to the exit door. They didn't come out of the tunnels: yet. They were waiting.

Kevin heard the storage closet door open, and he saw the three men, smiling, walking toward him. "OH SHIT." he thought. "How did they get in? " He thought about it, and figured that while he could probably take one, they were also probably armed. Bentz. He knew what he was doing. He put down his pen, closed his computer, left it, and moved, quickly, to the back door. As he got out the door, he saw Bentz and two others. The three guys from the front had joined them. He was surrounded, and he felt one of them grab him from behind. The guy was strong, and he pinned Kevin's arms as Bentz, smiling, walked closer. He had a needle in his hand. "Kevin.. this was TOO easy. WAY too easy. See what arrogance gets you? " Kevin began to squirm in the man's grip. "I'd rather not tranquilize you, and I'd bet you'd rather not be tranquilized. Surrender?" Kevin squirmed one more time and then... he brought his size 13 shoe down on the man's foot. "FUCK! " his captor yelled and Kevin broke out of the grip and started running. The courtyard was almost funnel shaped, and the only place to go, was the academic building ahead. "PLEASE LET THE DOOR BE OPENED. PLEASE." Kevin ran and pulled at the door. He could hear them getting closer and tried to figure out what to do. "Now, you're making this interesting, kevin." He saw Bentz in front of him, with two guys. "What the fuck?" he groaned, and Bentz laughed. "Knowing the tunnels is a real plus in hunting." Kevin took off. He heard the three sets of footsteps. He was about to take a right turn, when he saw someone else. He veered. Then about 40 yards forward, another guy stepped out from a side door, and Kevin had to turn again. Little by little, they were trapping him in a cul de sac. After a few more "zigs" and a "zag" or two, Kevin found himself in a dead end of a hallway. There was nowhere to go, and he heard the six sets of footsteps coming. He was backed against a wall. Bentz smiled and took out the tranquilizer. "Shall I, Professor McTine?" Kevin sighed. "No need. I know when I'm beaten." He put his hands up along side him. "EXCELLENT. EXCELLENT. Nice hunt Sir. VERY nice hunt." Bentz came forward with a red wrist band. "I'm sure you know what happens now." "I do. Sir." Kevin held out his right wrist and Bentz locked it on. "If you would just turn around and put your hands behind you. " "Are you... are you going to parade me across campus Sir?" "Indeed I am. People need to know... the elusive Kevin McTine, has been taken." Kevin looked around. Yes, he could try to escape, but it would be a useless attempt, and now that he was "banded," to try to escape had serious consequences. He turned. As Bentz locked cuffs on him, he teased. "MY, that's a FINE ass. I wonder if it's been tapped." He didn't wait for an answer. Instead, he put a collar on McTine, and then put a leash through that collar. "Let's go gentlemen. Kevin and I need to get acquainted." xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

There WERE people on campus who saw Professor McTine, captured, and led across the grounds. Some took photos, and the campus newspaper carried the story the next day. For now, however, Bentz had McTine in his bedroom. The collar and leash were gone, but they had been replaced by a hogtie. McTine was still dressed, but his shoes were gone. "Welcome to your new life kevin. I see you already know the protocol of Sir. I will expect you to use it. Always. " "Yes sir. I understand." "Shortly, you will meet your fellow sub, Professor billy whalen. He is downstairs in the sub quarters, where you will live when I am not using you. For now, though.... you will need to learn a few things. Such as this." Bentz moved his thumb and index finger to a place right below kevin's armpit. He pressed in. "OUCH!!!!!!!!!!!OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!" Bentz was doing this to kevin on both sides. "You're a very strong, very big man, kevin; however, you need to understand that even the biggest man can be taken down, once you know how. And I do. " Bentz saw the wince. "Do we understand each other." "AGGGGGGH. Yes sir." "Good." Bentz stopped. "Now, how big are your feet, size 14? " "Thirteen Sir." "Hmmmm. You did a number on one of my men. You don't need to be punished for that, you were defending yourself, but.... these feet give SUCH a good canvas for letting you know that...." In the hogtie, kevin could squirm, but he couldn't get away from Bentz' fingers. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAAHAHAHA." "We'll explore later if Professor McTine has more ticklish spots. For now, however....." Bentz released the hogtie, and rolled kevin to his back. "Interesting. No bulge. I guess the reports of you being Asexual are true. " He moved his hands up to kevin's nipples. He was wearing one of his rugby shirts that night, and it fit his chest snugly. It was easy for Bentz to get the nipples, and when he squeezed them, a long, low moan came out of kevin... and a lump began to grow at his crotch. "WELL WELL. I guess that our asexual stud is NOT so asexual. You just have to know what to do." "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMNNNN. Yes sir." "I wonder what kind of reaction we'll get when those little guys are clamped. We'll save that for tomorrow. For now, however." kevin whimpered as he felt his jeans being unbuttoned. He wanted to beg for mercy, but he knew better. When Bentz got his jeans off, and saw that kevin was wearing standard boxers, he laughed. "I think you'll be in thongs from now on. They'll remind you, always, what you are." kevin didn't say anything, as Bentz pushed his thumb to kevin's ass. kevin's cock jumped. "Ha ha. So we have another spot. EXCELLENT. " He began pushing kevin's meaty legs apart. He smiled when he saw the look cross kevin's face. "There will be games where trying to resist me will be appropriate. On capture night, those games are not. Rather, you need to be marked by the man who owns you." kevin had been butt fucked once in his life: as an undergraduate. He had liked it, but had avoided it since then because... it wasn't part of his "image." Now, he realized, he was probably going to get butt fucked at least once a day... for the rest of his life. His cock jumped again, and now, he felt Bentz penetrating him. "Not a cherry, but close enough kevin. " Bentz pushed in. "You feel very good. Nice, strong glutes. Resisting involuntarily. Such fun." kevin began to grunt. His body was trying to push Bentz out, and Bentz was winning. He pushed in further. "OH, this is SUCH a wonderful ass. You are going to make billy SO jealous, kevin." Bentz stopped. "billy would LOVE to have YOUR cock in him. We shall have to see. I have something more interesting in mind. Have you ever had a blow job from a man?" "No Sir." That made Bentz smile, and he pushed in harder. "Well, every man should get one, and I think billy will inaugurate you." He stopped again. "I presume you've never given one to a man?" "No Sir." "Well... I shall inaugurate you. But in time. For now..." He shoved again and this one hurt. " "OH SHIT. " slipped out of kevin's mouth, and that just encouraged Bentz to push harder. "This ass. GOD this ass. It was worth waiting for.. Now... It's... MINE!!!!!" That first time, the guy hadn't cum in kevin, so he wasn't used to the feeling of jizz filling him. It was... weird. And his cock was getting harder and harder. "No relief for your cock tonight, kevin. I'm going to trust you to keep your hands off it." "yes sir." Bentz stood kevin up and pulled his jeans back on, but not the boxers. "These are a thing of the past. GEEZ, they look like a ship's sails. Let's go." Bentz led him downstairs. billy saw them and gasped. "OOOH. OOOH. OH MY. Can we room together?" Bentz laughed. "Perhaps as a reward." He brought kevin to the other cell - a straight line down from billy. Bentz laughed. "No jerking off boys. No competitions." He locked a chain around kevin's ankles, the way billy's was locked, and untied his hands. "Your colleague will explain as much as he knows to you. You'll spend the day with me tomorrow kevin, and I'll have you registered just like billy is registered." He smiled. "Welcome to your new life." Bentz turned and walked up the stairs, feeling like a victorious general. "It's not that bad. Trust me." billy said to him. "Try to get some sleep. When he's horny, he's relentless.

Next: Chapter 4

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