Sub Hunting Season

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jul 12, 2021


Bentz began planning how he was going to go about bringing in his quarry. A week wasn't a long time, so he began his planning as soon as he received the notice that he had the government's permission. What did it mean to take the men as slaves? The particulars varied, but the general rule which applied to all situations was simple: for one year, the captive had to wear a mark of his position. It was a very simple one: easy to miss if you weren't looking: a small, red band around the right wrist. It could not come off for a year after capture. For one year, the captured was subject to the will of his captor: there were no arguments permitted: to disobey was to get the pain collar. Since the society went on, regardless of the relationships, everyone would know if a man were (i)now a slave and (ii) he had disobeyed, because the collar, unlike the bracelet, was VERY obvious. Sometimes , indeed usually, the relationship was completely sexual, and only sexual. Other times, which was Brian's plan, it involved more.

After a year, the captor would decide if he wished to retain his ownership rights.

Brian didn't need to, but he decided that it might simplify things immensely if he just called his two targets and told them he was coming after them. It would give them a chance to surrender, without unnecessary struggling. He had a feeling the calls would go differently , and he was right. He called Billy Whalen first.

"Hello, Professor Whelan. Brian Bentz from military history here. May I call you Billy?" "Well... why? " was Billy's answer "Can I ask what this call is about?" "SURE . See, I'm going to call you Billy a lot in the near future. " Billy was silent for a minute. "You got a notice that you had been targeted for capture. That notice is from me." Bentz began to smile. "So, you COULD treat this as a courtesy call: I'll be coming for you. Unless, of course, you'd just like to surrender, and give up what will probably be a useless attempt to escape me."

Billy gave it some very quick thought. While he HAD fantasized about what it would be like to be taken as a slave, the thought of being Bentz' slave had not crossed his mind: he wasn't Billy's type at all. He had only received the one notice, and he was hoping the guy would be some big body builder type. He had seen Bentz around campus but didn't know much about him. He knew his reputation as a teacher, and there were some few rumors of his reputation in bed. He paused for a minute.

"If I surrender... can you cart me off, over your shoulder, like laundry or potatoes or something, as if I had struggled hard? " Bentz laughed. "MMMMM. Sounds hot. Might be a good start to your first day as my property." Billy's voice dropped as he realized what he was about to do. "yes sir. " "Tomorrow at 3pm. I'll meet you at your house. Your classes end at 1 that day so you should have no problem." "Yes sir. You're right. I'll be ready." Brian's plan for billy was to "celebrate" that first night with a grand fuck, and then to let him go back to his usual teaching life, and then return to Brian's home for his new life. Brian had plans for what that new life would be like, and he smiled. He new McTine was not going to be that easy.

"McTine here" Kevin picked up the phone. "Professor McTine, Brian Bentz here." "Yup. I know you. History. What's up?" "You got a notice that you're a target this year?" "Well, I guess if you knew that, one of them is from you. I got five." "FIVE. Well, that means the competition's stiff. I AM one of them." Kevin laughed. "Well, I don't know who the others are, but yeah, I think you're right. It'll be a good fight." "It doesn't have to be you know. If you'd care to just surrender." McTine laughed. "Brian, they don't let you know this. I've gotten at least a couple every year I've been here. Never worn the red band. Don't plan to now. So, no, I'm not surrendering. I look forward to the challenge." Bentz felt his adrenaline levels begin to rise. "So do I. Now you know. I don't know who the others are, or I'd tell you. Sounds like it'll be a good struggle. "May the best man win, Bentz." And with that, their call was over. Bentz smiled. A chance to strategize. His mouth watered, and he felt the adrenaline buzz get louder.

"Professor Billy" had a restive night that night. He was about to live out a fantasy: another man's slave. NOT the man he dreamed of, but a slave nonetheless. He had studied the campaigns that Bentz' grandfather had waged. There were occasional references to his ruthlessness, and to his cruelty, but not many, and there wasn't anything about sexual behavior. Nor of Bentz' father. He spent part of the night, before he went to bed, looking up the man who would be his new owner: not bad looking. Not the huge "hulk" he dreamed of, but solid enough. Worked out with the advanced students, and almost always proved he was healthier than they were. Wrestler. Undefeated. THAT got him excited. Billy thought of being in a wrestling pin, forced to submit before getting fucked. He wondered: how much did Bentz know about rope? When he went to sleep, he dreamed that he was hogtied in Bentz' bed, with a big gag over his mouth. Naked. Bentz came in, holding a dildo. "Gonna get you ready for your first REAL slave fucking billy boy." Whelan woke up in a sweat and a pool of his own semen. FUCK that was a great dream. Was it really gonna happen that way, or close to that way? He looked at the alarm clock. He had to hurry. Morning classes and then his... date.

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Bentz was busy with formulating a plan. He had an agent who had reported back to him on McTine's movements, and where he spent his time. "If he's not in the lab, where he's surrounded by people Sir, he heads to the private chemistry laboratory. There's only about 12 seats in there, and only one entrance. He keeps that entrance in front of him when he works. Bentz laughed. "only one entrance. We'll see about that." His knowledge of the underground tunnel system came into play: that library sat directly on a section of the tunnel system with an exit. There was a channel that went up and terminated in a storage closet in the library. There WERE floorboards under it, and it would have caused a racket had Bentz or his "associates" tried to break through during regular business hours. That's why they went after the library closed: 2 a.m. was the hour they chose. It didn't take long. It was a university, and the construction materials that the school had used, were the least expensive. One 'push' and they'd be through the floor, and out the closet into the library. If they kept the entrance way blocked.... " Bentz grinned as he thought about how McTine would react. Bentz would probably need to have a sedation needle ready. They were permitted for the week of sub hunting - no more than two per target. Bentz knew he wouldn't need any with Whelan, so he had extras. Now, justto set the date: he was picking up Whalen the next day, so maybe two days for McTine, since word would get around that Whelan had been taken and McTine would be especially alert that day and the next. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

billy was looking out the window when he saw Bentz come up. He was surprised: he assumed there would be a few guys, maybe even as many as half a dozen. "Guess he thinks he can take me on his own," he huffed. Then he added "Who am I kidding? He can." He checked himself in the mirror one last time: his jeans fit tightly as did his button down shirt. He heard the knock on the door, and he felt the blood drain from his face. "billy. I'm glad you're making this easy on all of us." Bentz was standing in front of the door, smiling. "yes sir. I know about your abilities. I didn't stand a chance." Bentz smiled. "That's flattering. Now, would you put out your right wrist please, so I can put this on you?" He had the red wrist band that indicated capture. "Yes sir." billy held out his wrist. As Bentz tightened it, he felt his cock get harder. He had never discussed it with anyone, but billy had a fantasy about being kidnapped. Now, it was happening... sort of. "Now please put your wrists behind your back billy" Bentz had pulled a cord of black rope out of his bag. billy sighed as his cock got harder. He felt the work of an expert at knots as his wrists were bound. "Now sit. It's going to make things MUCH easier to do this if your ankles are tied." As he moved to sit down, what was happening hit billy: he was about to become a man's slave. He had actually LET him take him. He kicked, but Bentz had already tightened a loop around his ankles and was tightening it. "LET ME GO! I CHANGED MY MIND... LET.. ME. GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!"

Bentz laughed. "No backsies handsome. Except for that sweet backside of yours. " "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" billy began to squirm and then, Bentz smacked him across the face. HARD. That stopped the squirming. He grabbed billy's chin. "LISTEN UP LITTLE BITCH. IT'S OVER. YOU'RE ENSLAVED NOW. CAPTURED. AND YOU'RE COMING WITH ME. I CAN GAG YOU OR YOU CAN KEEP QUIET, BUT YOU'RE GOING OVER MY SHOULDER AND THEN TO MY HOUSE. UNDERSTAND?" Professor Whelan squirmed again, and answered. "yes sir. Yes Brian." THAT got him another slap across his face. "FROM NOW ON, MY NAME IS EITHER MASTER BRIAN OR SIR BENTZ. YOU DO NOT USE MY FIRST NAME AS IF I WERE YOUR EQUAL. I AM NOT. " "yes sir. Yes Master Bentz." "Excellent. You'll learn. Now, let's get this fireman's carry going." He leaned over, and draped billy over his shoulder. When Master Bentz placed his hand on billy's ass, billy's cock got harder again. "You're lighter than I thought. Piece of cake to get you back." Brian laughed to himself, because he knew Kevin would NOT be this easy. The carriage across campus drew some attention. No one had any doubt that billy was gay, and there were rumors about Bentz for years. No one had ever put the two of them together before, because to the extent anyone knew, Bentz was not billy's "type," and no one knew anything about Bentz' "type." Now, as Bentz made his way across campus and up the street to his home, billy kept quiet, and still. He still remembered those slaps. He didn't want more.

One of the people who saw the trip, was Professor Kevin McTine as he headed from one class to another. He ran a lab at 3, and he was on his way there. Watched by three of Bentz' "associates." "He works fast, that's for sure," McTine thought to himself. "And he wants MORE THAN ONE MAN? GEEZ."

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx The manse was one the university provided for its most respected professors. Brian had taken some of the family money and had modernized it with many conveniences, including some which would enhance his "hobby." billy was stretched out on one of those now: a St. Andrew's cross, that was made not of wood, but of metal. billy had never been tied to one before. He couldn't move very much because the cross was equipped with a collar, and Bentz had tightened it on billy's neck. He could breathe, but talking would have been difficult if he hadn't had the tape gag over his mouth. He was naked. His cock, hard as a rock, stood out in front of him, as Bentz attached a cock ring, with a chain extending from it. "I really like using this cross billy. " Bentz approached, and began running fingers over billy's nipples. "mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmph" billy got out of his mouth, and Bentz laughed. He took the small metal ball at the end of the weight on billy's testicles, and moved it back and forth. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH" billy couldn't look down and see what was happening because of the collar. All he knew was that Freud was right about the thin line between pleasure and pain. Then he wondered why he was thinking about his graduate school courses while this man tortured him. "If I tie you to this face down, billy, know you're going to get a whipping. Or something VERY large put up your ass. Something MUCH bigger than what I have naturally. " He smiled. "Hopefully, we won't need to use anything like that often. Right billy?" "mmmmmmmmmmmmmmph." billy tried to say "yes sir." Bentz seemed to know, and he smiled. "Let me check on something. I'll be away from you for about twenty minutes. You can handle it. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH" billy tried to say he couldn't, and Bentz turned around. "What was that: 'is that all I've got? Actually not... " He pulled out a pair of nipple clamps. "I won't use weights on them, so..." "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH" billy had used clamps before, both on his own and with "dates." He had never used them with a ball torture toy like this one, or a pair that pinched so hard. He felt his mind begin to float, after Bentz left the room to check on what McTine was doing. The report was: he wasn't doing anything any different than he normally did. Bentz laughed. "Arrogant bastard. Thinks he's going to be immune. OH, this capture is going to be SWEET." In fact, McTine HAD done something different. He had been developing a "gas gun" for a contractor: something that contained a small pellet filled with a powerful knock out gas. It was in "proto phase," but he thought he should carry it with him. It couldn't hurt, and it could help. Bentz went back into the room where billy was chained up. He seemed to be unconscious. Bentz slapped him briefly. "Wake up, slave boy billy. Time to fulfill your duties." Bentz untied the restraints and took off the cock ring, but left on the clamps and the gag. He led his new prize to his bedroom. billy saw the display of war "toys," all over the wall, hanging there, as if ready for use. The four poster bed, of a quality that was not seen anymore, had a series of three different restraints at each corner. "Medium strength for you billy boy. You play tennis, so you've got some wrist strength." He smiled. "I'll use the heavy weights once I get McTine here. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH" billy couldn't help himself. The thought that Bentz was after McTine, too, had just given him another hard on. Bentz noticed "AH. So I'm not the only one with a thing for Kevin, huh?" billy turned his head away and got a slap. Then he felt Bentz' hand around his balls squeezing. "To be clear, if you come onto him once he's here, I'll make sure you never have to worry about an orgasm again. UNDERSTAND ME BITCH? Once he's here, the only organs he's gonna be using sexually are his ass and his mouth. " He paused and smiled. "And speaking of asses that need to be used..." He strapped billy into the restraints at his wrists, and then ran his hands, up and down billy's naked body. "You shave , don't you billy?" billy shook his head yes. "Well, once it grows back, I'll be mowing THAT long." Then he leered. "I'm sure you know that McTine doesn't shave, hairy fucker. He will BE shaved - passive voice for you English types - and I'm gonna make you watch." He leered more. "Maybe I'll even make you shave him. Right before the two of you get tit pierced. " "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH" billy was good with a lot of things, sexually, but piercings freaked him out. He had had one boyfriend who wanted him to get a Prince Albert, and billy couldn't get away fast enough. Tit piercing was better than getting it in his cock, but still. Now though, he was feeling something in his ass. It wasn't cock it was.... OH SHIT. Bentz had his tongue up billy's ass: the thing billy liked most. If he liked getting fucked, he LOVED having his ass eaten, and Bentz was GOOD. He didn't seem to be ashamed to make loud noises, and to "mmmmmmmmmmmmm" . When he found a spot that made billy moan, he went back to it. He licked under billy's balls, and up and down his shaft, then back in, deep. "Digging for clams" was how one boyfriend had described it. Bentz had found a good dozen by the time he was finished. "Now, cutie pie.... I sure can't claim to be the FIRST person to take your ass, but I may very well be the LAST one..." Bentz began easing his sizeable cock into billy's ass. "nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnggggg... nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnggggg" OH GOD IT FELT SO GOOD, billy was thinking. It had been a LONG while since he had had a cock in his ass, and Bentz knew what he was doing - how come no one on campus knew that he fucked guys? billy was thinking: if he knew, maybe, but... OH SHIT. Bentz had just shoved DEEP into him, going deeper than he had with the "clam digging." billy was moist from that, and Bentz was taking him hard. Over and over. The man had stamina. (Brian had studied tantric techniques for holding in his jizz and he was using them now. ). But... As Bentz' mind drifted while he fucked the more than willing billy, he began to think how sweet it was gonna be to PROBABLY be the first man to take McTine's ass. He couldn't wait. And thoughts of that drove him as he shoved his cock up billy, culminating in a HUGE orgasm. Every drop of it went into billy. Bentz smiled as he pulled out. "Tonight you're staying here, and tomorrow, you'll cancel your class. It's traditional for a newly captured slave to have a day off from work as he acclimates. We'll go and get your stuff and move it in here. You live here now. " Bentz got up and put on a robe. Then he released billy, who remained naked. "I'm taking you to your cell. That's where you live. Unless I invite you to my bed." He dragged billy by his left forearm down to a large cell. It had a bathroom and a shower. "Nothing but the best for my bitches." billy saw that there was at least another one in the basement. Bentz pulled out a thick chain and attached it to billy's ankle. "Probably won't need it for you, mancunt, but you better get used to it. "Sir... Please Sir.. One question... may I cum? may I jerk off?" Bentz grinned. "That's two. NO. Keep your hands off your cock because... if I have to, it'll get locked up. " "Yes sir. I understand." Bentz pointed to the bed. "It'll be comfortable enough, and the chain is long enough. You'll be fine. Lights on for me at 4:30, but I'll let you sleep a little later, unless I'm horny." He laughed. "Which is possible. " billy looked around. What had he done? Should he have fought ? What good would it had been done. And that had been one of the best fucks of his life. He went to the bed. He was tired and he wanted to dream about... Kevin. And Bentz. Would Bentz ever let them share a cell?

Next: Chapter 3

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