Sub Hunting Season

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Feb 16, 2022


Bentz and Clem were grinning like kids with a secret as they watched billy try to fuck kevin. "It's a chihuahua after a great dane," Clem laughed, and Bentz joined him. "WOULD YOU JUST GET IT THE FUCK OVER WITH BILLY?" kevin whispered under his breath, just loud enough for billy to hear. "I'M TRYING. ...." and he was. billy just wasn't used to this. He couldn't keep the erection. Then, Clem and Bentz had an idea. They whispered together, and then Bentz came up to billy and whispered: "He's gonna get fucked tonight and so are you. If you can't do it, anthony will. If you CAN.... you'll get that sweet man's dick up YOUR ass. One of you will. Up to you." "yes sir" billy responded, as his cock began to get rigid. He'd get fucked by anthony if he could pull this off! He got harder, and then he was in, as deep as his small cock could get. He was smiling. kevin wasn't. Meanwhile, Clem had pulled anthony's arms behind him and, as he held them, he began stroking his sub's dick. "Start getting nice and hard, anthony. Think about your man's ass being taken because... you're gonna get your revenge on the man who took him." Clem and Bentz had assumed - correctly - that while they were on the run, if anthony and kevin needed, "relief", anthony topped. He had had much more experience sexually than kevin did, and kevin was really only experienced with taking Bentz' dick. anthony was more affectionate: he used to ask kevin if he wanted to go belly up or belly down, for instance - something Bentz never did. And he didn't tie kevin up. He couldn't, even though kevin asked for it occasionally. Sometimes, when they were exhausted after evading capture for a day, and the "screaming purple hornies" as anthony called them flared up, they would fall asleep while anthony was still inside kevin. It never hurt him. Neither did billy's insignificant dick. Still, it was hard as a rock and billy, more excited about what was to follow than what was happening, did his best. "He gets an A for effort, that's for sure, " Clem spoke to Bentz. "I know. He's much more tractable than McTighe is, but... I have to make sure he doesn't get too full of himself. He's really the alpha sub right now, and he acts it." "YES! YES YES YES YES YES!" billy was screaming and the two DOMS and anthony could see his jizz dripping down kevin's ass. It hadn't taken much: Bentz had kept billy from cumming for a week and now.... "EXCELLENT billy boy," Bentz walked over and grabbed kevin's chin. "How'd it feel, bitch? Now you've had more cocks in you than anyone else in this room... except for billy." "It... It wasn't as good as you, Sir." Bentz smiled, because he saw kevin's line of sight: he was looking at anthony when he said it. "Heh heh. You're right. Few things are. " He turned to billy. "GET ON YOUR BACK. ON THE FLOOR. GRAB YOUR KNEES." "YES SIR!" Clem let go of his sub. "bitch anthony, do pretend he's kevin. FUCK that skinny boy. Make him hurt." When anthony threw a look at kevin, he got a smack across the face. Not from Clem, but from Bentz "DON'T YOU DARE EYE MY BITCH, MANCUNT. " Clem laughed. "He's right anthony. Those days are GONE. Now do what I told you to do or... Cage for a month." anthony sighed. "yes sir," and pushed billy's legs in the air. "YES DADDY TAKE YOUR BOY" billy pleaded. "Did you teach him that," Clem asked and Bentz laughed "PLEASE. I'd teach him something much more interesting." anthony's cock, rigid from watching kevin take the minuscule dick billy had, began to enter the smaller man. billy gasped: it was the only cock he had taken since Bentz captured him. It was... thick. And hard. And anthony smiled as he fucked him. He never said billy's name, but for billy, it was ok. It was ok if he were telling him things that he wanted KEVIN to hear because... kevin wasn't feeling his cock: billy was. kevin WAS, however, feeling bentz's hand on his own dick. The man knew how to edge, he was getting kevin ready for when he came off the cross. When he did, Bentz was going to have him suck off his guest. "You do a good job on my bud, I'll let you finish off. " "Thank you Sir," kevin answered, as Bentz took him down, in the middle of the sound of billy moaning as anthony plowed him hard, and deep. "You are nothing but a BITCH, fuck" anthony whispered. "True. Very true... I LOVE COCK..." billy moaned. At the side, Bentz was pushing kevin down on his knees. Clem's slacks were down. "What're you waiting for, dog? WALK OVER. ON ALL FOURS. SUCK HIM." Clem laughed because, each time kevin got close enough to take his cock, he pulled back. "GOTTA MOVE FASTER KEVIN. PRETEND I'M ANTHONY." "Pretend I'm Anthony." THAT got kevin to move, and it got anthony to climax. Now, it was billy's ass that was dripping jizz and kevin who was slurping on Clem's cock: he was turning into as big a bottom as billy had been. Clem had gotten very excited during the sex play, and he was close to jizzing already. It didn't take long. Soon, kevin was swallowing what tasted like "angry" cum. "For the man who convinced my bitch he was a top again. You deserve worse." "He'll get it, Clem. Worry not." Bentz was the only one in the room who hadn't cum that night. That concerned kevin, with good reason. He wondered what he was saving it for, as the two DOMS recaged their bitch subs. "We gotta do something like this again soon, Brian. It was GREAT seeing you." anthony was staring at kevin . "Don't worry boys. The two of you will have a chance... soon. " Bentz mused "I wonder who'd win a wrestling match?" "We'll have to find out. Ha ha."

Any recaptured escapees were barred from working at the University any longer; however, since Bentz had some "clout" within the institution, he found work for both billy and kevin, but not in their former academic departments. Oktopolis' ruling counsel had determined that there wasn't enough manpower to rebuild the city, and in the tradition of powerful states that needed labor, went to war. The city was full of prisoners again, many of whom did not speak the home language of Oktopolis. Bentz had gotten billy a position teaching the FEMALE captives - yes, they kept the genders separate. For kevin? Bentz thought it was ingenious and especially diabolical: he found kevin an administrative position within his own department: he could keep an eye on his prize all day. Bentz felt secure that he could leave billy on his own because of the implant, and also because, well, billy did not have the survival wiles of kevin. "He could have been another me," Bentz thought about kevin, many times, "if he hadn't been subjugated in time." For example, he saw kevin in thought one day and knew EXACTLY what he was thinking. It was just after the implanted trackers. "Incidentally, kevin. If the tracker is contacted directly, in any way, it WILL send an alarm. So SHOULD you think of something like, oh, I don't know, trying to get anthony or someone else to remove it, keep in mind you'll have all of about 90 seconds before you are tracked." When he saw kevin's stare, and the look of fear, hate, and frustration, he knew he was right. Now, when he looked at kevin in the office complex, in his snug, short sleeve button down shirt and tie (short sleeve: the better so everyone could see the band that indicated kevin was "taken" if they didn't see the slave collar), he thought "lunch time blow jobs" or "private meetings in my office with that bitch on his back and my cock in him... DEEP". Having discovered the "link" between kevin and anthony gave both he AND Clem another way to keep their subs in line. But Bentz was beginning to see an arrogance in billy. "Maybe I gave him too much" he thought. Making billy the alpha sub, having him top someone, trusting him to a position where he wasn't watched all the time... he had to make sure that billy's sense of submission was not waning.

"Sir! I didn't expect to see you here," billy began smiling when he saw Bentz come into his classroom just as a class was dispersing. "I came by because there's something I need." He looked at billy who began to redden. "Sir... there's another class coming in here in less than ten minutes." "Then I guess you'll have to get on your knees right away won't you." "But... but... I don't understand Sir. Isn't kevin IN your office? And isn't he beta?" "I said get on your knees billy. But first let's review. You're alpha.... what?" "sub Sir." "And what am I?" "Alpha DOM, Sir." "Do I have to explain it in more detail?" billy sighed as he got to his knees. "No Sir." Bentz leered as he pulled billy's tie to hold his head in place. "Make sure your hands are behind your back while you suck." "Yes sir." billy didn't know what to do. If he tried to bring off Bentz too quickly, he'd be in trouble. If he did things correctly, his class was going to see. He leaned forward, and put his mouth around Bentz' hard cock. As he got to work, he heard the sound of a class being marched toward him. He sucked faster. Bentz pulled out, taking billy's necktie with him. The sub fell forward. "Clearly, you need more training, bitch. SO WHAT if people saw what you were doing? You think they don't know?" "no sir, I don't" billy answered quietly. "And they're SLAVES. Human capital. You could be one of them. Maybe you should be." "You're right Sir. I don't appreciate my position enough." "Heh heh. Damn right about that. We'll discuss this further tonight. Maybe I'll go get sucked by someone who DOESN'T have a false sense of his place in this world." He left as billy was dusting off his clothes and trying to get his equilibrium back. He had pissed off Bentz: NEVER a good thing.

By the time billy was ten minutes into his lecture, Bentz had kevin under his desk, finishing off what billy started. "DAMN you learned to suck even better with that bitch anthony, kevin." kevin slurped out a thank you. "You may need to get a reward tonight. Maybe another part of billy's anatomy will go up your ass. Perhaps a tongue, getting you ready for some toys."

A few hours later, Bentz led kevin to the building where billy worked. They were picking him up to take him home. Bentz had tied kevin's hands behind him . He hadn't used a leash to walk him because... he wanted the stress put on billy. billy came out of the building in his teacher clothes: khakis, a loosened tie, his oxford, a sports jacket. It was no surprise to see the two of them waiting for him. It WAS a surprise when Bentz took out the leash. "kevin, cuff him. Lean your head forward. Step lively. " "yes sir." billy felt a shot of excitement go through his locked cock as Bentz pulled the leash. "EYES DOWN CUR" he yelled, and billy just answered "yes sir." Bentz had the leash in one hand, and his second arm was on kevin's bicep. "Good work at the gym, studbitch. Making you even hotter. Don't you think billy?" He pulled the leash and billy lurched forward. "Yes sir. Very nice work." Bentz snorted. "Damned if I can get some muscle on you." Back at the manse, he ordered them both to strip naked before they went down to the play room. He tied kevin to one of the slanting boards that could go from a vertical to horizontal position, and then he tied billy to the second one. kevin's cock stood up at attention. He had been caged longer than billy. He was desperate for relief but it wasn't going to come for a while. "Let me give you the bad news, boys. anthony is NOT coming over tonight." He smiled when he saw them both try to show poker faces. "But we're gonna have some good fun starting with...." he came over and inspected billy's chest. "Hmmm. You haven't reported you need a shave." He grabbed billy's balls and twisted "WHY THE HELL NOT." billy winced. "Sir, I didn't think there was enough. OUCH! Thank you Sir." Bentz had just smacked his balls. "YOU DON'T THINK BITCH. NOT ON THESE MATTERS. YOU JUST REPORT." billy was thinking "maybe if you paid more attention to me in bed..." but just said "Yes sir. Sorry sir." He went over to the counter and picked up shaving apparatus. "I ought to have kevin do this, but blond boy, you're gonna have your hands filled - or at least your nipples." He attached a set of clamps and then added four sinker weights to it as he turned and shaved billy even smoother than he was. billy's little whines made him thing: yeah, this is gonna be good. When he was done, he flipped the switch that moved kevin from vertical to horizontal. Then he attached the clamps that pulled kevin's legs up in the air. His hole was exposed. kevin thought he was gonna get fucked and he was... soon. For now.. Bentz returned to billy. "You're coming down from that post and you're gonna get that bitch nice and moist for me. HE'S getting my cock tonight because HE put out. Not like a certain cute slaveboi." "Sir I...." billy got a whack that sent him sailing. "GET UP, GET YOUR TONGUE IN HIS ASS AND GET TO WORK." "yes sir..." billy was confused. He had tried everything he knew to get into Bentz' good graces but.... and he HATED eating ass, especially kevin's. He hated it even though getting HIS ass eaten was one of his favorite things. "anthony used to eat me out," kevin thought, as he felt billy's tongue snake in and he realized: billy was doing a better job. His tongue was longer, and he had better training. He had kevin moaning in just a few minutes. (Bentz had taken off the clamps so kevin would focus totally on the tongue). When kevin's moans turned into whines, Bentz grabbed billy by the neck and pulled him off. "Now KEEP that savory taste in your mouth, billy bitch." He shoved a cloth in billy's mouth and sealed it with tape. "You did such a good job today, kevin, your reward is... MASTER's cock." His pants came down and with kevin's legs still in the air, he was an easy targed for impaling . Bentz took every advantage of it. He slid in- billy's saliva made it even easier - and he slid back and forth like the expert he was. If kevin had moaned while billy ate his ass, now he practically screamed. And thinking about anthony forced him to realize: Bentz was better at fucking. There wasn't the affection anthony showed, but... OH THAT COCK. And anthony had never figured out where his prostate was - there wasn't time . Bentz on the other hand, zeroed in on it and worked it. "PLEASE SIR. PLEASE IT'S SO INTENSE. PLEASE..." "Please what, big boy?" "I need to cum. BADLY sir." Bentz laughed. "No." "PLEASE SIR. PLEASE. I NEED IT." "Ha ha. Neither one of you is gonna cum for a while, I got bad news for ya. Too much interest for that slut anthony. " He began to shove because he recalled what he had discussed on the phone with Clem that day. He'd tell them when he finished. The excitement of "things to come" pushed Bentz to the edge and... jizz started flying into kevin. He winced. anthony had said once "so you're Bentz' cum dump" and he was. "So boys, I have some news for you. Next week, we're going to be having some fun with Clem and anthony." He flicked kevin's nipple. "You big boy, will be nude wrestling with him. And understand: it's the WINNER who gets fucked." His eyes glistened. kevin in the meanwhile was thinking that no one had fucked anthony since Clem and he resented anyone looking at his ass. Now, though, maybe. "What about me, Sir?" billy asked. "Worry not young stud. I will have things planned for you. Just as, for tonight, you'll take the extra room. I think I'm not done with kevin's ass. Bentz was not. kevin had trouble sitting when he got to work the next morning.

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