Sub Hunting Season

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Feb 6, 2022


Bentz tied billy into a chair and gagged him before he left to go and collect kevin. "You'll have time to spend with him tomorrow, and he'll need you. He's gonna be in some messy shape." billy shook his head. Bentz had given him a hair cut that afternoon and his closely cropped blond hair made him look even sexier. Bentz rubbed his hand over it. "It looks very sweet. Part of new plans for you." billy's eyes got wide. They questioned and Bentz smiled. "Rest assured billy, you're staying here. But thanks to kevin, you and he are going to have to undergo a little surgery and ... since your teaching credentials were revoked because of the insurrection, I've found you new employment. " "mmmph?" billy knew he was going to have to work again sometime, but Bentz wasn't telling him what that job would be. "I'd REALLY like to leave clamps on your pretty titties, billy, but... again, kevin is going to be sort of useless as a sex sub for a few days so.... " That was the best thing billy had heard since Bentz had tied him. Earlier that day, he had instructed the personal trainer to step up billy's program, and since billy's idea of exercising was bending to expose his ass, the thought of being in "Master Brian's" (a phrase he would NEVER use around Bentz, who disapproved of subs using Master's first name in any circumstance) bed for a few days, or even a week, made him smile under the tape.

The supervisor of the public humiliation square met Bentz and Clem, whom Bentz had picked up on his way there. "Gents. I daresay, you've made the community very happy today. BRING THEM OUT." both kevin and anthony were, in a word, trashed. Their hair was filthy, they were bruised, and they both had to struggle to walk. It LOOKED like there was a burn on anthony's left pec. Clem was livid. "DO WE KNOW WHO DID THAT?" The supervisor nodded. "We do Sir, and... it was your sub himself." "HUH? WHAT THE...." It happened when they had a water break. It looks like he found someone's cigarette butt and thought that.. if he made himself look less attractive, well..." "Did it work?" The supervisor laughed. "What do you think? I don't know which one of them took more cock, but they were both, shall we say... rather busy." "GOOD" said Bentz. "They need to learn their place. " He grabbed a matt of kevin's dirty, greasy hair and pulled up his head. "You learn yours, kevin?" A very, VERY faint voice answered "yes sir. " "WHAT ARE YOU?" "I'm a slave Sir. Your slave. " "WHAT IS YOUR PLACE?" "Wherever you say it is Sir, but usually it's in your bed, with your cock in me." Bentz smiled. "He's a very good actor. Let's make sure that he learned. " He pulled a collar and leash out of his jacket. "You're gonna have to walk, kevin. Yeah, I COULD throw you over my shoulder but... think of this as part of the punishment. " Clem was doing essentially the same thing to anthony. He sneered. "If you like flesh burning, maybe you need branding. We'll have to see."

kevin had stopped counting after the 10th man had taken his ass that day. His hair had been pulled back, his nipples had been savaged, he had been bitten, scratched, spat on, cursed, and called every name you could imagine. After that day, he didn't want to leave Bentz again. Unless he got to spend time with anthony which... well, you'll see. The walk back to the manse was agony. He was barefoot. His shirt was gone and his trousers were shredded. Anyone who didn't know what had happened, did know now. kevin hung his head. He looked around for anthony. He didn't see him. "I think Clem and I are going to talk. Perhaps at some point we'll sell tickets for people to see you and anthony doing.... something. Or maybe we'll just invite them over to watch. " "yes sir," kevin was very weak. "You'll get a few days to get yourself together kevin. Then.. there's much to do." "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH!!!!!" billy smelled kevin before he saw him and when he saw him, he was shocked. The big, hunky, stud whom he had fantasized about screwing HIM when Bentz wasn't doing so, looked like a wreck. "We're going to get kevin into a hot tub, billy. Then, some nutritious food and then.. you can sleep as long as you like kevin. We'll begin discussions of what's next when you're feeling somewhat better." He untied and ungagged billy. "KEVIN. ARE YOU..." "He's not billy. You may dream about taking more than twelve cocks in a day. kevin just did. He's probably going to advise against it in the future. Now you, get to my bedroom. Pull out the BIG nipple clamps, and put them on yourself. Be ready for when I get there. It'll be about an hour before I get this handsome man ready."

Bentz took kevin to the deep hot tub himself. He helped him in, and poured water over his hair. He dug his hands in. "This is gonna have to go stud. God knows what's in there. I feel some gum and there's probably dirt so clumped we'll never get it out.

Tomorrow. " He helped kevin wash up and then got him into some clean white shorts. "I'm putting you in the guest room tonight, McTine, but I'm locking the door from the outside. There will be NO more escaping. "No Sir. None." Bentz chuckled. The thought of hunting kevin down was appealing and a part of him wished kevin was lying. He locked the door and went to the bedroom. "There's my sweet boy. My sweet sweet billy." billy had put on the clamps and they were beginning to hurt when Bentz got there. When Bentz began twisting the clips, they hurt even more. "You don't like that billy, do you?" "No Sir." Bentz twisted them harder. "WELL I DON'T LIKE MY SUBS TRYING TO GET AWAY. THAT WILL NOT HAPPEN AGAIN." "UGGGGGGGHHHH. NO SIR. NO. NEVER." Bentz' hands dropped from the clamps to billy's ass. "Those sweet, sweet cheeks. DAMN you make me horny billy. " He shoved his tongue down billy's mouth as he pulled off the clamps. billy yelled, and that just let Bentz' tongue dive deeper. He got billy out of his shorts and onto his stomach. "Such a sweet ass" was the last thing billy heard before he felt Bentz' completely rigid cock pierce him. "OH YES SIR. THANK YOU SIR. " Bentz was especially vigorous that night as he fucked billy. He wanted to just SCREW the pretty boy so hard. He knew, though, that his mind was clouded with thinking about what kevin had done. That studly bitch was going to pay - so was billy, but kevin reacted less well to domination and punishment. He'd "hurt" more. Especially when...." the thought that played across Bentz' mind swelled his cock to the point that billy moaned "it hurts Sir." Bentz came back to his senses and drove harder. "IT'S SUPPOSED TO HURT BITCH BOY. YOU'RE BEING PUNISHED." "Yes sir. Sorry Sir..." He felt Bentz piledrive him. Before his capture in sub hunting season, billy had taken more than a few cocks up his ass. Some were bigger than Bentz' cock - in fact, most of them were. "Size queen" was a nickname billy was proud of. Yet, the way Bentz fucked - it was a little hard to explain but billy had thought about it. He thought about how his other tricks were demanding but he always had the sense that he could just get up and walk out. Not with Bentz. Bentz controlled him. Completely. That was very erotic for billy. His cock would have been much harder if it weren't locked up. Feeling Bentz' balls hit his ass would have driven him even crazier. Caged, there was only so much he could do. He wished Bentz would let him use the prostate toys more often but... once Bentz knew how much billy liked them, he limited their use. "TAKE IT YOU SEXY BOTTOM" billy knew that Bentz liked it when he pushed his ass up after one of his climax yells , and he did that now. He felt his Master's jizz spilling into him. Then he felt Bentz fall on top of him. "DAMN billy. I should rent you to one of the brothels. I'd make a fucking fortune." "yes sir," billy said, thinking "PLEASE don't do that. PLEASE. " The next morning, when Bentz woke up, he turned billy onto his back. He was horny again. "See what you do to me, precious? " He rubbed scruff on billy's neck. He knew how much it drove billy crazy and it did. The cage had been on since kevin had been recaptured, and billy's balls were so full, he thought he'd burst. Bentz saw it as he lifted the man's legs and plowed in again. "Just a few more days, boy. Just a few more days." He chuckled. He needed billy overcharged for what was to follow.

kevin slept until about 2pm. When he woke up, a sensor went off, and Bentz went to the door. He was shirtless, wearing black sweat pants. "How did you sleep, slave kevin?" "I slept... well Sir. " "You should have. A REAL bed for the first time in a long time. Get some clothes on. We have something to do, and then somewhere to go." "yes sir. Anything in particular?" "For now, just shorts. You'll dress later. " After kevin was dressed, Bentz took him down to the basement. "SIT. If I have to, I'll tie you, but I think you know enough to just keep your hands behind your back. " "Yes sir." kevin was nervous that Bentz was going to do something to aggravate his oversensitive body. Instead, he had something else planned. He brought out the barber's shears. "You look too much like a wild man kevin. And for your future, that simply will not be acceptable. Time for a haircut. " He laughed. "Sit still, Sampson." kevin gulped. While they were on the run, anthony had told him that his hair was 'sexy' and was probably the reason Bentz had hunted him. Now it was going. And it was. Bentz took kevin's hair in one hand very firmly and got to work. Soon, kevin's hair looked not unlike a Marine buzz cut of many years before. Bentz smiled. "I will give you this, kevin. I thought your hair made you look attractive but... I think you're even more adorable with that haircut than you were with your goldy locks. And it will suit you well when you come work for me." "Sir?" "That's right. You're not gonna be allowed to go back to teaching, and I'm going to have to keep an eye on you for a while - maybe for good. So, you and billy are going to start working at the institute where I'm working. I can keep an eye on you and... when I'm ready for sex during the day, I know where to look. But that's for later. For now, let's get you into some clothes suitable for the budding young executive. You and billy both. Only we're not going to work. Another facet of your punishment happens now. "

Bentz had expanded billy's workshop to more than blue and white shirts, and he was wearing a pale pink one with light blue pants, cut snugly. Being on the lam for so long had changed kevin's body, and Bentz approved somewhat. His shirts were tighter. The short sleeved white one he had kevin wear with tan pants suited his new haircut beautifully. "Let's go. We're off to the medical institute." billy and kevin looked at each other. "Not a physical. You have yourselves to thank for what's about to happen to you. "

In an hour, they were each under anesthesia. Before they went under, Bentz explained. "I'm installing a tracking device on each of you. I will be able to find you within a 100 mile radius. " He looked at kevin. "I have no doubt that you would do what you had to in order to get rid of it kevin, regardless of what you needed to do, so to make it especially difficult to remove." His eyes gleamed. "They're being installed in your ball sacks. It's a LOT harder for even a desperate man to cut into that. The procedure will be quick and recovery will be fast. " An hour later, the procedures were over. They could each feel something move around in their sacs, but it was unobtrusive. "We're marked men," billy whispered to kevin. "It's better than branding." Bentz heard him. "For your information, I DID talk Master Clem out of branding anthony. He's getting his chip this afternoon. Each of you will have the afternoon for recovery. " Bentz gave kevin more time for recovery than the afternoon, even though he was itching for the opportunity to continue his punishment. He brought billy to his room again that night, after locking kevin in an extra bedoom, and then he fucked billy as brutally as he did the night before.

While this was happening at Bentz' manse, anthony's life was getting much more complicated. His Master had chained anthony to a wall in his own house, arms and legs spread in typical torture position. anthony was caged just like kevin and billy. His Master approached as he adjusted the last of his metal nail extenders to his fingers. "I will use these, bitch anthony, until I learn ALL the details of your relationship with kevin." "There is nothing to tell Sir. We were simply co-fugitives . AAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGH" Master Clem began running his extended nails down anthony's sides. "We can go on for a while anthony. And of course, I'm sure that Master Bentz would be delighted to get this information from slave kevin. He does not favor this tool but... as I'm sure kevin has told you, he has... other means." "We didn't talk about our training Sir. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGH" The extensions raked anthony's sides again. "Shall we continue?" "NO SIR. NO..." anthony knew that his Master could control the nails well, and torment him without drawing a drop of blood. They were sharp. He had surrendered during the season when he was captured, when Master Clem held a longer, sharper nail to his throat. "No one will ever know you were slain, anthony. They will think you killed yourself rather than be taken prisoner." In addition to the nail at his throat, anthony had Master Clem's second, extended hand around his balls. The former star athlete had no options. He gave up and became Master Clem's slave. Now, as the nails raked his body, he gave in . "Yes. Yes. We weren't lovers but.. yes, we had sex. We had no other outlets. " "Ha ha. Who did what to whom?" "It was situational Sir. I took him, he took me. " "Was there romance?" "There was... romantic activity Sir. Were we in love? No." "All very useful anthony. How do you think you'd react if you saw Master Bentz fucking your precious kevin?" "Sir, that is his right. kevin is a slave, just like me. His Master has the right to take him. I have no feelings about that." "I see. I see. " Master Clem was thinking: "Bentz is certainly the most evil Master I have ever known. kevin is enhancing it. I cannot wait for the evening. "

The evening came two days later. None of kevin, billy and anthony knew what was going to happen, but Sir Clem and anthony had been invited to the manse. Bentz had his subs dress well that night too, and Clem had done the same with anthony. His white shirt strained against his shaved, smooth, dark skinned body, and his collar - platinum and gold intermingled, made him yet more attractive. "So glad you could come Clem. I'm sure your slave will enjoy the evening. " "Indeed." anthony had been uncaged that afternoon, and he thought that it meant that he'd be milked for entertainment. Instead, Master Clem instructed him to sit in a chair, where he bound him, and then opened his zipper so that his hard cock pointed out. kevin looked at it wistfully and billy looked at it with waves of desire. He wanted to at least suck it. "kevin... up against the St Andrew's. Get in proper position, but face down." kevin gulped. "yes sir." Was anthony going to be tortured into fucking him? He remembered those times on the run and his cock banged against his cage. When he was secure, Bentz turned to billy. "STRIP. NOW." "YES SIR!" billy responded, wondering if he were going to be told to sit on anthony's cock. Bentz threw him the key to his cage and laughed at his reaction. "bitch still catches like a girl" he laughed. "OPEN IT." "yes sir." You could almost hear billy's cock sigh in relief. Now the only man in the room who's cock was locked up was kevin. "FUCK HIM billy. FUCK HIM NOW." "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" escaped from anthony, before a firm hand came over his mouth. "Heh heh heh. So, you just revealed something you shouldn't have anthony." Bentz went up to kevin. "Would you rather have anthony's cock in your ass than billy's?" There was no hesitation as kevin answered "yes sir." Bentz' sneer was frightening. "Well, if subs got to choose, maybe you'd get it tonight. You get billy's tonight. " "mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmph." anthony was still hand gagged and his cock was being edged as Bentz turned to him. "IF billy performs well enough tonight, he will earn your cock for the evening since.... " He grinned. "Even with a fucking from this cute young man, kevin will be ready for the cock that owns him tonight, WON'T YOU, bitch stud? " kevin gulped. "yes sir." "BILLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLY. If you want anthony's cock, you're going to have to do a good job. Get to it." "Yes sir. Yes. " Gingerly, he approached kevin. His thin cock was stretched out in front of him. He was shaking as he aimed his cockhead at kevin's ass. "OH GOD HELP ME" he prayed , as he began to try to enter kevin's hole. He could hear Bentz and Clem laughing. Then he heard anthony moan. "TAKE IT BITCH" he growled in a voice that surprised everyone in the playroom, and his cock entered kevin....

Next: Chapter 17

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