Sub Hunting Season

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Feb 3, 2022


Bentz had tied kevin face down on the platform - not the bed. His wrists were bound with an extra layer of rope and his legs were spread wide. The positioning was a little odd, but nothing totally out of the normal. kevin expected that Bentz was going to fuck him doggie style, maybe with the fucking machine. He was partially right, but far from completely. "Back in the day," as Bentz would say, when he was just starting in intelligence and had been assigned to prisoner interrogation, he learned about "blinking code." Prisoners at the time were subject to very vigorous rules, one of which was no talking when they were outside unless a guard were present. It was Bentz who had observed that there seemed to be "something in the air," that was aggravating vision at a particular part of the exercise yard. "Everyone seems to have a problem with his eyes, Sir. It's as if there's something in the air." His commanding officer had indicated a chair for him to sit down. "And it's only that section of the exercise yard?" "Yes sir" "Hmmm. And it doesn't bother you, or any of the other interrogators or guards?" The young Bentz was silent, and he began to feel embarrassed. His supervisor was about to teach him something he should have recognized. "No Sir. I've been out there at least a half dozen times, and I've never had a problem. "Brian, if we're all breathing the same air, and not one, but a group of people seem to be bothered by it, what does that tell you?" "Uh... it's not the air Sir. It's...." Bentz' mouth dropped. "IT'S CODE. THEY'RE TALKING WITH THE BLINKING." His commanding officer smiled. "Good pick up Brian. That type of communication was developed when prisoners realized that there was a guard, or a spy, who understood their language. In order to keep secrets from that informant, they developed somewhat elaborate 'blinking codes.' Four months of watching and eventually, Bentz and two others cracked the code. They cracked it just before a group of about 100 prisoners was planning a breakout. They had worked together with two other "physical interrogators:" young men, very strong, who were specially trained in "pressure points" and other techniques for putting a man in so much pain he couldn't help but talk. "Who's Anthony's DOM.... Yeah, it's .. Clemens. " Bentz smiled. He admired Clemens' work and what Jacobs hadn't taught him about physical torture, he had learned from Clemens. It was time to pay him a call. He did and, about two weeks later, while Bentz was having his way with billy, Clemens called. Anthony had cracked. He told him everything. "How interesting" Bentz had replied. Now, I'll get collaboration and then ... we'll see what those two need to pay." Then he turned to billy, tied, gagged, lying on his side. "I just had a VERY stimulating phone call billy. I think you will be the 'beneficiary.' " billy wasn't sure if 'beneficiary' was the right word, but he knew that when he was locked up that night, it hurt to sit. And it hurt to sit the next day.

billy thought that the thorough fucking was the reason Bentz had switched to kevin. What he didn't understand was why Bentz didn't bring him in to watch: that was his practice these days: he'd fuck kevin and make billy watch. It humiliated kevin, and got billy even more excited about taking Master Bentz' cock. That wasn't happening today.

kevin thought it might be a reward for ... something. Not being embarrassed in front of that wimp billy. He settled in to the frame. He heard Bentz moving in a side room, and then he saw him. He was holding... something. "kevin. kevin the recaptured BITCH. " kevin felt Bentz' leathery hand stroking his ass cheek. He had been locked up for a week so he was hypersensitive to touch. He arched his ass. "Yes Sir. Recaptured. Back where I belong." Bentz chuckled. "I'm glad you feel that way kevin because... whatever you might think, you're not going anywhere." "Of course not Sir." Bentz laughed. "Of course not. Of course not. " He paused. "So... we passed my old buddy Clem today, kevin." Bentz began stroking kevin's ass with his hand. It was cool, and rough, and kevin felt his body responding, arching slightly. "His sub is named anthony. Dark skinned beauty. Muscular. Smooth except for the moustache. You know him?" Bentz' hand moved and now his finger was probing kevin's ass, not too gently. kevin gasped. "I... I may have met him when we were playing rugby Sir. He sort of looked familar. NNNNNNNNNNG" He felt Bentz' finger move around just inside his chute. "kevin you've never been a good liar, you know?" kevin began to sweat. He pulled at the ankle restraints. "Sir, I... we may have met, I don't know." Bentz moved to a point where he was opposite kevin's head. It's a position he would have taken if he wanted a blow job. kevin saw his Master undo his belt buckle, and saw him slowly pull it out of his pants. kevin saw him fold it in half: the way his father used to do when kevin was in trouble. Bentz smiled. "You know kevin... for all the interrogation techniques I know, for all of the sophisticated technology we have for finding out what we want, the old school is sometimes better." kevin gulped. "Sir did I... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAG" He felt the doubled belt come down on his ass. No buckle just strap. It was enough. Then again. Three more times before he saw Bentz move back into his sight lines. "It hurt kevin?" kevin winced and answered "Yes sir." He saw Bentz was sweating. "That was five. There COULD be 45 more. Or... you could tell me about what's going on between you and anthony. I know you lied about not knowing him. I know he was in the resistance. " He looked directly at kevin. "Understand, bitch, your punishment is NOT going to end with the strapping. How you cooperate will determine how the rest of it goes." "Sir, there's nothing to tell you." Another lash came down. Then four more. kevin began to bite his lip. This was NOT something he expected. "What if I told you that, as this is happening, anthony is getting the same punishment. " "HE WON"T TALK" kevin blurted out. "AH. Then there's something to talk about. Good to know." kevin tried to look away . "Please Sir. There's nothing to tell you." Bentz moved back into kevin's sight lines. He had taken off his shirt because he was sweating. He was sweating a lot. kevin licked his lips. How many times had that hairy chest pressed on him, up against him before it took him HARD. How much had he liked it. He imagined Bentz was hard under his pants. He knew that, in spite of the whipping, he was as hard as the cage allowed. "One last time, kevin. This next set will be ten." "SIR. There's nothing to tell." "As you will kevin." The belt came down. kevin's screams resonated through the manse. bill was terrified: he could NEVER take what kevin was taking, and there was more. kevin's ass was already more than red: it was scarlet. At the 8th lash, he passed out from the pain. Bentz smiled, turning to billy. "Go get the ammonia salts. I am FAR from finished." Bentz put the vial in front of kevin and when he woke up, he smoothed kevin's hair back from his face. "You know what's awaiting you kevin? My BIG HARD COCK. Just waiting to find its way back home again. But you can't have it until. "PLEASE SIR. PLEASE. JUST LEAVE ANTHONY ALONE. " "I'm afraid you're both guilty kevin. You both need punishment. " kevin heard the whoosh of the whip before it came down again. "OK. OK. I'LL TELL I'LL TELL . JUST STOP. PLEASE... " He broke into sobs. Bentz smiled. "EXCELLENT choice kevin. Now, let's have a chat with anthony and Master Clem. I think that can be arranged. BILLY. Bring the screen over." "Yes sir." billy was scared. If he had any thoughts of escaping again, they were now gone: the beating Bentz had just given kevin was not something he wanted. "You should be watching billy. It will do you good. The screen turned on. anthony was sitting in a chair, naked, his hands behind his back, chained, two clips on his nipples, and a small cage on his cock. Clem had electroshaved him, so he was , as one person put it "A smooth chunk of milk chocolate." "Clem, anthony. As you can see, kevin is in what I'd call..." he laughed. "A compromising position. And I know those clamps well, anthony. Clem, show kevin how they work, please." Clem laughed and he pushed a button. anthony tried to recoil from the electroshock that went through him. kevin noticed that his nipples were much larger than when they were on the run: they were being worked: his achille's heel. The way to control anthony's amazing strength. "You bitches are going to explain the blinking code to us, and then.. you're going to give us the names of the rest of your little band of brothers. Or else... torture starts again." It took about an hour to get all the information. kevin and anthony both felt totally defeated. For kevin, he began to wonder what the point of resisting was: he knew that, at this point, all he wanted was cock. He was about to get it. "Now, for the REAL reason for stretching you out, my handsome blond stud." He heard Bentz' open his pants and then, for the first time in a long time, he felt a cock head at the base of his ass. He quivered. How much did he miss this? On the run, the guys rarely felt any sexual drive and.. when they did, they wanted kevin on top. How often had it happened? Three times? Five times? "No more," he thought, and gritted his teeth as Bentz' engorged cock retook his ass. "Back where you belong, fucktoi. billy, you watching?" billy was. He was jealous. He wanted what kevin was getting. He knew Bentz wasn't being very gentle because he saw the pain etched on kevin's face. "You've seen the toys, BITCH. You know it could get much worse for you. AND IT WILL if you don't start showing some proper behavior." "I understand Sir. I .............oh..... oh yes. SIR I MISSED YOUR COCK." "Heh heh. You may rethink that kevin. " Bentz pulled out and then SLAMMED in, all at once. "My favorite thing," billy thought. He wondered if this meant it would be a while before he got what he regarded as HIS share of Master cock. He saw Bentz speed up. The beating kevin had gotten made his ass even more sensitive. The cock cage was having an impact, as was billy watching: kevin liked it when billy saw that he was getting something he wasn't. "If you knew what this ass is gonna go through kevin.. OH, is this gonna be a great punishment. BUT IT BELONGS TO ME." Bentz yelled as he shot his wad into kevin. kevin screamed a different kind of scream after the climax. He was exhausted. "billy, help your brother . Get him untied, and lead him to the larger cell. He'll be there tonight. YOU, on the other hand, will report to my bedroom . billy's face brightened. "YES SIR. May I..." Bentz smiled. "Yes, yes, you may try your recovery techniques. " These included a teasing blow job. It worked. billy got a face full of cum before Bentz woke up in the middle of the night, horny, and rolled him on his back and deposited his second load of the night in him.

kevin spent the night locked in the cage, wondering what was next. Bentz had spoken of more punishment. kevin heard him come down the stairs, standing in front of the cage. "I'm glad you're awake kevin. It will save us some time. You're washed and cleaned out?" "Yes sir." "Put these on. And your regular sneakers. " kevin knew when Bentz handed him the clothes that they weren't his: they were... billy's. "GET INTO THEM. ONE WAY OR THE OTHER YOU'RE WEARING THESE TODAY." kevin gulped. Bentz already dressed him in ways that he found... slutty. Now, he was squeezing into clothes way too small. "Hands behind you. " Cuffs locked around kevin's wrists, and then, a collar went around his neck: a spiked one. Walking through the streets on one of Bentz' leashes was embarrassing enough. In billy's shorts, and a belly shirt, it was worse. And the embarrassment got even worse, as Bentz led him to the... "public use" square.

The public use square. "To be used only when the need for discipline is very strong." Clem and anthony were already there, and so were the three other men who had been in the group of five. In the "public use " square, as you may imagine, subs were open to use by any passerby who felt a need. Each of the five was stripped, and chained by an ankle to the pillory column. "Your Masters have decided that twelve hours will be sufficient punishment. The weather is satisfactory for naked display. Perhaps this will dissuade you from doing anything in the manner you've done in the future because after the public use square, the options are the brothels, or the mines." Bentz had his arms folded when he said it. "I WILL COLLECT YOU AT NINE THIS EVENING, SLAVE KEVIN." "yes sir," he murmured. He could see at least one man already ogling him . Back at home, billy was fantasizing about being on the public use square, when Bentz walked in. "BILLY! CLEAN YOURSELF UP. WE SHALL SPEND THE DAY TOGETHER." "YES SIR" billy responded and went off to the shower. Bentz had a busy day in front of him, but it would be fun. It was time to spend more time showing off his "baby bitch" as he called him.

Next: Chapter 16

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