Sub Hunting Season

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jan 28, 2022


The van had pulled up in front of Bentz' manse. "You can untie his ankles. But leave the gag on." Bentz smiled. "He's going to learn to hold his tongue, but he also will learn that he can walk, but he can't run." Two of the members of the recovery force nodded, and then, with them standing at kevin's sides, cut the ankle restraints. "GET UP AND OUT SLAVE" kevin struggled, fighting as best he could against the two larger, stronger men. His shirt was opened: Bentz had been toying with his torso and nipples all the way back, leaving kevin with a moderate hard on. "Oh, McTine... if you only knew what I'm gonna do to you. You might have fought harder. " Bentz smiled as kevin's eyes widened. He was scared: REALLY scared. Bentz attached a collar and a leash. Gagged, wrists bound behind him, and now, led like a captured animal, kevin was grateful there weren't people on the streets. "BILLY! STOP WHATEVER YOU'RE DOING AND GET YOUR SWEET ASS OUT HERE." kevin heard footsteps running and then he saw billy: covered with sweat , wearing nothing but gym shorts, socks and sneakers. "I apologize Sir. I was getting in an extra workout." "Yes, I can see.." Bentz left kevin with the soldiers for a minute. He approached billy, who put his hands behind his back. "And you are toning up VERY well. VERY well indeed. " billy was completely smooth, and the bulge in his shorts resulted from Bentz' manipulations, and the cage he was wearing: Bentz had put it back on three days previously. "You DO remember your buddy kevin" "mmmmmmmmmph" kevin's eyes said "help me." billy was thinking "GEEZ. If they could recapture kevin, then.. it's all over. ALL of it. " "billy, I will need you to clean up and then come down to the basement. " He looked at kevin gleefully. "It's time to recondition kevin, and you'll be helping me." "STRIP. EVERYTHING." Bentz was standing to the right of kevin, arms folded. He had a tazer in one hand, and had used it once already. "yes sir," kevin mumbled through the gag, and got his shirt off, then his shoes, then his jeans. "THE JOCK TOO" kevin gulped. He saw Bentz pointing the tazer to his crotch. "Ok sir. Yes sir. I will." As soon as it fell away, kevin's own erection shot out. Bentz grinned maliciously, and he turned to one of the recovery troops. "Tell billy to bring a bowl of ice with him. Better yet, have him fill a bag with it." Then he turned to kevin. "YOU. Arms above your head. " kevin stretched to the ceiling and he felt the leather cuffs lock around his wrists. His entire body was exposed. "Sir... here I am. With the ice... OOOOOOOOOOOOH" billy saw kevin stretched out and hard. It brought back ... memories, and his cock strained against his lock. "Before we get kevin under control, he needs... to be shaved. " He paused and his grin turned even more evil. "You will do it billy. ALL of it. His torso. His pits. His... pubes. I want him as smooth as you are, but keep in mind.... any nick, any cut and YOU will be punished, pretty boy. Not by kevin... but by me." billy gulped. He had been shaved many times, but he had never shaved anyone. "Ok Sir. I'll try." Bentz saw the look on kevin's face. He fully expected to be shaved, but by ... his conqueror. Not this skinny little bottom.

billy went over to the shelf where toys were laid out and picked up the barber shearer. "No, not that. The straight edge. With the shaving cream." Bentz grabbed kevin's chin and held his face steady as he stared into his eyes. "You'll be nervous, but not as nervous as this BITCH will be." kevin WAS nervous. He saw the look on billy's face: eager, but nervous. He remembered it from the days when he was teaching and his students did their first experiment. He recoiled when the first shot of cold gel hit his chest. "Smear it on good. All over him. It'll make things easier. " Bentz brought over a metal ball. "Then put the stuff in here." He smiled at kevin. "I still have the hair from your prior shavings. We'll add this to it." billy's hand was trembling, and kevin saw the shaking. He tried to remain as still as possible, to help billy and to avoid being injured. Unlike the strong, secure strokes he remembered from Master Bentz, billy's strokes were short, and tentative. Bentz seemed to love it. "GOOD. I doubt we'll make a top outta you, but this'll help you both understand: there's an alpha sub and a beta sub." kevin winced. He remembered when he and billy would switch those roles. He HATED being a double sub. And now... "I'm finished Sir," billy called out to Sir Bentz, who examined his work. "Hmmm. " He grabbed kevin's nips and squeezed them, and kevin moaned some more. "A pretty good job for a beginner. You've been studying what I do to you." billy began to smile. "Yes sir. I have." kevin began to think that billy was a sub brown noser, in between the sensations going through his body. His cock got harder, and he may have even been dripping, but when he was overstimulated, kevin looked up and he couldn't see what was going on at his crotch. "Now the pits billy. It'll take less time, but use the same technique." "I understand Sir." Now, kevin had to be really, really steady. He had discovered, when Bentz did, that his pits were ticklish. Bentz had the skill to shave him with, or without tickling. Could billy? He soon found out the answer was NO. "I suspect you haven't had a good shower in a while kevin. That'll change. Starting with your pits. billy, you're going to wash them when you're done. With your tongue." billy smiled. He LOVED it when Bentz made him wash HIS pits, and kevin.. big studly kevin. big studly kevin who was struggling not to laugh, and not completely succeeding. "I see 'freedom' hasn't eliminated your ticklishness kevin. So good to know." He examined billy's work. "Very good. Now, you're going to wash them but... before we get there, we need to do something else. Get the ice bag. Fold it around his dick. And don't take it off until it goes soft. Bentz had never used ice on billy's dick, and the way he saw kevin wince, and the moans he heard, made him hope he never did. "I'll get you hard again. billy'll help, McTine. CLEAN EM billy boy." kevin felt billy's tongue work over one, then the other pit. He DID smell. There was no question about it. Nor was there a question about billy enjoying the sweaty, musky "mountain man" flavor of those rank pits. "We'll get them cleaned up REAL good in the shower kevin, but for now... billy's work on you is done." He turned to billy. "Go and get the BIG dildo from the table." "But Sir, I thought you said." "I KNOW WHAT I SAID. You're gonna use it on yourself while I finish up with this sexy bitch." He grabbed kevin's cock and pulled it out. "I saved the best for myself." kevin gave him a pleading look, even though he knew better. Bentz's experienced hands had kevin just hard enough so that he could shave his whole pubic area with fluid, strong strokes. kevin began to feel hard. Bentz smacked his cock, HARD, and the erection went down. "Time to wear your cage slave boy. You know sub slaves get caged. Just like billy. STRIP and show him." Indeed, billy was wearing a cage like kevin remembered they both wore. He felt Bentz's secure hands locking one on his own penis. "Now... I thought I'd treat you to a prostate massage, kevin, but... " Bentz went over to the table and picked up a zapper. He brought it back with a chair. "Put the dildo on the chair, billy. Make sure the suction works. Then, slide onto it. Up and down. " billy gulped. If he had known this was what Bentz wanted to do, he would have taken a smaller toy. He had never had one this big up his ass. Bentz began using the zapper up and down kevin's locked dick, and his balls. kevin could do nothing but moan. billy was moaning himself, as he took the large dildo. Not only was it long, it was thick. He THOUGHT he'd be fucking kevin with it. Bentz pulled two clothespins out of his pocket. "Country boy clamps kevin. For my former country boy." He attached one to each nipple, then he stepped behind kevin. billy could barely see Bentz, and kevin couldn't see him at all, He DID hear Bentz' zipper go down and then he felt the cockhead teasing his ass. kevin didn't even think about it, he just arched his ass toward Bentz' cock and Bentz laughed. "Once a sub, ALWAYS a sub." He began to push into McTine. "billy, get off the damn dildo. Take off his gag." "yes sir. billy got off as quickly as he could and ripped the gag from kevin's mouth. "OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" came out right away. "Tweak the clothespins." Now, billy began to have an expression like Bentz' and kevin's agony grew. He could feel all of Bentz inside of him. The memories flashed back: to his first capture, to his first bottoming, to everything. And now he'd be beta to billy's alpha. "OH SHIT. OH FUCK... AGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGH" He wanted to cum so badly. So did billy. Not that night. The only one who came, was Bentz, and it was after a half hour of thorough fucking of kevin. The gush of cum that filled kevin was evidence that Bentz was glad kevin had been recaptured. "Take him down billy. I'm done for a while. " "Yes sir." "Both of you wash up. Then you'll dress. It's time that the community knew: you're both back where you belong." "He's more dominant than before," kevin gasped as they were washing. "I know. Isn't it great?" billy smiled. "GOD, I'm not sure I'm glad you're here. I was getting his cock every night. Sometimes twice a day." "Believe me. If I could get away from here." kevin answered. billy looked at him. "Think about what you just said, kevin. See if you believe it. " They found clothes in the common room: of course, a blue buttondown and khakis for billy. A dark blue corduroy shirt and jeans for kevin. There were leashes and collars too. "I think we better put these on," billy remarked and kevin shook his head. "I don't want to but... I can't take any more today." "AH. My boys are ready. Or should I say my curs? It's time for your walk. Hands behind your backs." They each felt the clink of handcuffs locking on them. Then Bentz took a leash in each hand and in five minutes they were on the street. "HEY BRIAN. You got them BOTH back. Good for you." Another DOM was out with his sub: a former student of billy's. He wasn't on a leash, but he WAS collared, and cuffed. billy couldn't remember if he had been part of the rebellion. kevin did. He had been one of the last ten left. He remembered when anthony had been recaptured. After the ambush, there were only five of them left. anthony gave him a secret eye signal: something they had all developed when on the run. kevin saw it. So did Bentz....

Next: Chapter 15

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