Sub Hunting Season

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jan 22, 2022


It is 8 months after the failed sub insurrection. No one could ever determine what led the subs to think that they would be able to escape, and to find lives free of their conquering DOMS, but that is not our concern. There is ONE theory: Oktopolis had many enemies, and while none were as technologically sophisticated as Oktopolis was, their technology WAS becoming more and more advanced. Some of the DOMS and Masters of Oktopolis used tracking devices on their subs, especially those whom they thought had never been completely broken. Bentz used them on kevin and on billy: he felt it was necessary to use one on kevin, and he used one on billy for appearance sake. kevin, he felt, could escape and avoid recapture , but not billy. Informant slaves reported that there came a time when they felt a buzz at the tracking device, and then the cessation of the very low level vibration the devices gave off. One particularly adept sub had deduced that the devices had become inactivated, and soon the word spread through one of the various underground sub networks. With no surveillance hundreds, no thousands of subs did not return to their DOMS.

In retrospect, the attempted insurrection should never have happened. There was no plan; rather, it was a frenzied "every sub for himself" type of free for all that could only have ended poorly for the subs. And it did. Most of them were recaptured within two days. The Oktopolan "recovery force" was deployed for any DOM who asked for it. When the subs were recaptured, the DOMS had the option of taking their subs back, or of releasing them to state "rehabilitation," i.e., work in construction, mining, and other forms of heavy labor usually undertaken by prisoners of war. Most chose that option: a new season would be starting shortly, and any DOM whose sub had attempted escape, was given a free option to compete.

Both billy and kevin were part of the insurrection. At first, Bentz did not request the recovery force. He assumed that he was sophisticated enough at these matters to recover his subs himself. He was half right. They had NOT tried to escape together. Tracking down billy was easy: Bentz knew that billy didn't have a sense of strategy or of defense. He would flee immediately to someplace he felt safe. He would have recognized that his own former dwelling would be under surveillance, so he'd go to the other places he felt safest: his office, the department, or... as Bentz surmised correctly, Jacobs' abandoned home.

Jacobs had become so old, and so feeble, that he now resided in the luxurious state sponsored homes for "heroes to Oktopolis," and his home was empty. billy and five or six subs he met along the way were hiding there. That is, they were hiding until they heard Bentz' stentorian voice at the door, accompanied by loud banging. "BILLY! IF I COME IN THERE, THINGS WILL NOT GO WELL FOR YOU. GET OUT OF THAT HOUSE NOW!" billy had seen Bentz angry, especially at kevin when he was defiant, and he had certainly experienced his dominance. He had never heard that tone in Master Bentz' voice. "OH SHIT. What am I gonna do?" He turned to his friends. Foolishly, as subs can be, they agreed to protect him. The sound of the door crashing open from Bentz' weapon let them know: he was in. "YOU WILL BE PUNISHED FOR THIS BILLY." They heard his steps approaching. "LEAVE HIM ALONE!" one red haired, blue eyed sub ordered Bentz before Bentz, laughing, knocked him out of the way with one swat. "BE THANKFUL I DON'T KNOW WHO YOUR MASTER IS SUB, ELSE YOU'D BE GOING BACK TO HIM RIGHT NOW!" Ginger man got up and ran from the house, and after the other subs saw how strong Bentz was, they forgot their decision to protect billy. He was alone, facing Bentz. "It's your choice billy. Fists up, or on your knees." billy was terrified. He got to his knees and whispered "I'm sorry Sir," which got him a SWAT across his face that was so hard, he was knocked back about three feet. "SORRY? YOU BETTER BE MORE THAN SORRY WORTHLESS BITCH." Bentz rolled him over with his foot, and pressed his heel down into billy's crotch. "Harder, billy? You won't need these anymore. Maybe I'll have them removed." billy wasn't a fighter, but he knew what to say: "If my Master wishes, then so be it, Sir." Bentz was so angry, he just spat on the man. "ON YOUR BELLY, HANDS BEHIND YOUR BACK." Within minutes he had billy tied at the wrists and ankles, and just as he did when he captured him the first time, carried him out over his shoulder, his hand firmly on billy's ass. billy couldn't help but feel aroused: Bentz hadn't shaved, and that scruffle as he thought of it, rubbed against the exposed part of his arm. He recalled all the time he had felt Bentz' scruff, and Bentz laughed, because he could feel billy's growing erection . "Enjoy it while you can, sub. It may be a while before you have another one. If at all." It wasn't a long trip back to Bentz' manse, and in less than an hour, billy found himself with his arms chained overhead, his shirt opened and a nastier set of nipple clamps than Bentz had ever used before, attached to his nipples. They hurt. So did the paddle Bentz was using to smack billy's torso, and the ball spreader loaded with a 3 ounce lead weight that hung from billy's crotch. Things only got worse when Bentz moved to behind him, and billy felt the harder WHACK of the spanking paddle. "According to my notes, you were up to 50 of these at a time." "yes sir, that's correct," billy got out through his groans. "You're about to advance to 75." The whacks were not gentle. billy began crying after 30 of them. "Please sir, please. I repent. I do. I did the wrong thing. " "You certainly did. I should have you sent to a manual labor camp. HA HA. You would die in 2 weeks." "Yes sir. I would. I would. And I can be so much more valuable to you here. Please don't send me to work camp. PLEASE." Bentz continued with the spanking. He had no intention of sending billy to work camp. It wasn't that long ago that billy was servicing his cock with his soft mouth and his tight ass. The tight ass that was gonna hurt outside and inside that night. When the beating finished, billy was totally spent. Bentz took him, not gently, up to the bedroom. He thought about taking billy from behind, which would mean that his sore ass would not be rubbing against a surface. Of course, taking him on his back would remind him.. Bentz flipped billy onto his back. He lifted his legs. Just before he plunged in, he grinned and said "welcome home, MANCUNT." The council had set up a system for when subs were recaptured: there was a processing to take place. Bentz brought billy to the council the next day and reclaimed him. The administrator asked "Are you sure, Doctor Bentz? This sub has disobeyed you grievously. You certainly would be within your rights to dispense with him." He looked billy over. "Work camp would not be for him, but... I'm sure that he could be trained for SOMETHING useful." Bentz smiled. "He already is. That's why I re-claim him." The administrator smiled. "Very well. But he still has to show his repentance: sub billy, do you renounce your actions?" billy stood with his hands bound behind his back, and one of Bentz' collars around his neck. "Yes Sir. I do. I insulted my Master immeasurably, and I agree: I have to make amends in the way he sees fit." Bentz saw it fit for billy to take cock at least twice a day. He was the only sub in residence at the manse, and he was responsible for all of his old chores, as well as for kevin's.

kevin remained at large. Bentz was enjoying billy's company so much that he finally relented and agreed to use the recovery force to find McTine. "Keep in mind, Dr. Bentz, that we cannot guarantee recapture, nor can we guarantee recapture without injury." "I understand completely," Bentz answered the head of the recovery force "And I appreciate your work." He had given the force all of the information he had on kevin, and had cautioned them: "he is a chemist by training, and a very good one. You should expect he has fashioned weapons, and that he has continued the physical training he started with me. Your force should be extremely capable, and extremely strong.

Bentz' admonitions were accurate. kevin eluded recapture for months. He had joined a group of subs who had played on the various teams in his former rugby league, and they were big enough and there were enough of them to provide substantial opposition and to avoid recapture. That was until the recovery force changed their strategy: when the engaged with "The Ruggers" as they had named them, instead of attempting to recapture the entire group, they would focus ALL of their energy and resources on ONE member. It worked. When The Ruggers disbanded, the group had shrunk in size from 25 to 6: the others all recaptured and either returned to DOMS, or reassigned to manual labor. At 6, the group decided that they didn't have the "muscle" to fight as a group anymore, and they went their separate ways. Much later, kevin would see some of them again, but not for months. Bitterly, he thanks Bentz for all of the workouts and all of the physical training: that and his size got him deep into the Oktopolan countryside, where he found an abandoned house. When he shouldered his way in, and looked around, he laughed. "A DOM's country home. It would figure." There were rusty handcuffs, collars, and piles of rotting rope , as well as other "toys" that he knew from his time with Bentz. kevin knew enough about living off the land to survive. He also was able to gather enough material from plants and from inedible parts of animals he hunted, to create a small arsenal of defensive weapons, should he need them. He kept his guard up all the time.

The silent drones recently developed by the group that Bentz had once overseen, were not truly silent, but you could not hear them until they were very close. "FUCK" kevin thought as he heard one. It couldn't have been more than 100 feet overhead, and it was hovering right over where he was fishing. He dropped his line and dove for cover, hoping that the drone hadn't gotten photos. It had. They were transmitted back to the recovery force headquarters. The leader contacted Bentz immediately. "We've found him. Should we bring him back to you, or directly to incarceration?" "EXCELLENT! " Bentz exclaimed. "Bring him back to me. Unless...." "Yes Dr Bentz?" "Unless you might give me the pleasure of joining the force for your mission." The commander sucked in his teeth. "It's dangerous Dr. Bentz. " Bentz' voice dropped. "I'm aware of that. But if there is someone who knows McTine's strengths and weaknesses better than I do, it would shock me." "A fair point Sir. Can you be at headquarters in ten minutes? Bentz was there in five.

kevin didn't know what to do. Every bit of him said that he should take off: the drone had clearly been able to see him, the information technology had clearly sent the information back to the authorities by now. Where could he go? He thought about taking refuge in the forest, but he remembered how Bentz had captured him at the staged "hunts" so easily. Of course, that assumed Bentz would be coming, and kevin laughed to himself: OF COURSE he'd be coming. The bastard was vain enough to probably want to be the one to recapture kevin himself. (When kevin thought about the times that Bentz had captured him on hunts, and going back to the first time he was captured, he felt his formerly straight dick get hard. He liked a good challenge, and he didn't mind losing if the man were better than he. Bentz had been the better man: every single time. He had outfought, outstrategized, and outsmarted kevin time and time again. Should he just give up?). "Not without a fight," he thought. He prepared himself and when he heard the rumblings of the recovery force transport coming down the road, he barricaded the house, and got ready for the struggle. The first smoke bomb hit the house, but didn't get in through the reinforced window. Bentz laughed. "Probably the first thing he did. During free time, I let him read my texts on defensive warfare. He learned." When they rushed the house, with the rammer, one of the force members took an arrow to his shoulder from the hidden weapon, set off when he stepped on the concealed trap line. "He's very good" the commander said to Bentz, before adding "he learned from the best." "But he didn't learn everything commander. As you will see." Bentz checked the cabin and studied the walls carefully. kevin had a peephole from which he could barely see Bentz walking around the house. He was scruffy, he needed a haircut, and kevin began imagining himself underneath his former Master and rubbed his crotch. He heard his chest hair rub against his shirt: hair he didn't have for months with Bentz, who shaved him weekly. "I'm taking that hair first," kevin thought he heard. Was it Bentz whispering through the wall, or was it his mind? He'd never know. "We're going to need TWO smoke bombs, commander. And two long narrow tubes. Attach them to the smoke bombs. There is a narrow opening in the wall... it can barely be seen.. here." He pointed out what he had found. "One here, and one under the door. He'll work to inactivate the door bomb, and won't have time to do anything before the second one does its work. " As they got into position, Bentz stood outside the cabin. "MCTINE. LISTEN UP. I'VE COME BACK FOR YOU, AND I'M NOT LEAVING WITHOUT YOU. HOW MUCH PAIN YOU EXPERIENCE BEFORE THAT HAPPENS, IS UP TO YOU. THERE WILL BE MINIMAL PAIN IF YOU SIMPLY WALK OUT THE DOOR AND SURRENDER. " Inside the cabin, kevin weighed his options. He knew there were more smoke bombs, and the force could call for reinforcements without any trouble. He also knew how determined Bentz could be. And then the memories of Bentz shoving his cock up kevin's ass came back to him: the chastity cage, the nipple clamps, the leash as Bentz walked him across campus. He'd take his chance with the pain. Of course, he saw the tube slide under the door. "He's got something else going on. Bentz is too smart to rely on something that crude " kevin thought, as he pushed a lit match back up the tube and stood back. The bomb would blow up. He just hoped the recoil didn't take down the door. It didn't, and he heard Bentz clapping outside. "You've learned well, kevin. Not well enough though. Have a good nap." "FUCK. What was that smell? SHIT. " There was gas in the house: from where? kevin had sharp hearing and he listened until he heard it. "THE WALL? WHAT THE..." He began to cough. There was enough of the knockout gas to begin having ane effect. "YOU FUCK BENTZ. YOU FUCK..." was the last thing he said before he passed out. He didn't hear the force break down the door. He woke up in time to feel Bentz finishing the binding of his ankles. "Just like old times, kevin. I hope you enjoyed your vacation. You're going home. "I'LL NEVER BREAK, NEVER." Bentz laughed. "You don't have to. You were broken. Once a sub, always a sub." He rolled kevin over, and opened his shirt. "Yes, it was me. This goes first." He ran his hand over kevin's fur, and smiled. "billy will be very glad to see you. His ass is quite sore." They loaded kevin into the van. Bentz asked to sit in the back with his recovered sub. "If you thought you had severe discipline before kevin, just you wait. "

Next: Chapter 14

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